View Full Version : Where will Willy Corn Land?

November 18th, 2009, 08:04 AM
In the upstate of SC it is a forgone conclusion that Willy Corn will be transfering to and FCS school... Where?

Rumors have it that he is looking at Appy and Gardner-Webb... I even heard a ridiculous one that said Woffy was looking at him... I call BS on that one!

So where do you think the Willster will land?

November 18th, 2009, 08:09 AM
EKU loves FBS transfers.

November 18th, 2009, 08:12 AM
Given the fact that Georgia Southern has had subpar QB play this year coupled with Hatcher's record of taking and winning with transfer QB's at Valdosta State and Henton in 2008 at GSU, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if GSU didn't go after him. Where he'll land is anybody's guess...

November 18th, 2009, 08:14 AM
......Delaware :p

The Moody1
November 18th, 2009, 08:25 AM
If he comes to App, he will most likely land back on the bench.

catamount man
November 18th, 2009, 08:57 AM
xwhistlex xwhistlex xwhistlex xwhistlex xthumbsupx

November 18th, 2009, 09:42 AM
I guess PC is out of the questionxconfusedx

November 18th, 2009, 10:12 AM
I guess PC is out of the questionxconfusedx

haha yea I'd say you are right......but we haven't had success with FBS transfers at all in the past....most have either thought they were to good to be at PC and so rode the bench or just quit.....the exception would be a current WR we have from Vandy....he's been a good player.

regarding Korn. why is he waiting till now to transfer....he'll only have 2 years left right? I thought he would have transferred last year....

November 18th, 2009, 11:27 AM
Korn is a rdshirt soph i believe which would leave him with three years.

If he stays at Clemson he will be on the bench behind Kyle Parker the rest of his career...

His daddy thinks he is better than he really is and I think is the one pushing Willy to transfer.

November 18th, 2009, 11:28 AM
Bye the way Korn has fallen prey to the same thing as Forcier now at Furman... Big time High School Hype created by the Media!

I can just hear the chants OVERRATED, OVERRATED!

November 18th, 2009, 01:09 PM
Well he sure could not end up at SCSU if he wants immediate PT. Long embarised him while he was a SR at Burnes and would embaris him again.

November 18th, 2009, 01:13 PM
Well he sure could not end up at SCSU if he wants immediate PT. Long embarised him while he was a SR at Burnes and would embaris him again.

I hate being a grammar nazi here, but that's not even close.

November 18th, 2009, 01:38 PM
And it's Byrnes High School...

November 18th, 2009, 03:22 PM
It will have to be a school with an offense that he is familiar with if he wants to play. He doesnt have time to learn a new offense. Spread is what he ran in high school.

UNI Pike
November 18th, 2009, 05:32 PM
With a name like Korn - (northern) iowa xoopsx

November 18th, 2009, 05:50 PM
Bye the way Korn has fallen prey to the same thing as Forcier now at Furman... Big time High School Hype created by the Media!

I can just hear the chants OVERRATED, OVERRATED!


November 19th, 2009, 08:52 AM
Korn is a rdshirt soph i believe which would leave him with three years.

If he stays at Clemson he will be on the bench behind Kyle Parker the rest of his career...

His daddy thinks he is better than he really is and I think is the one pushing Willy to transfer.

if he's a RS soph. now, he'd have 2 years right?

November 19th, 2009, 09:04 AM
if he's a RS soph. now, he'd have 2 years right?

I think this is correct.

November 20th, 2009, 07:35 AM
I guess we'll take him, but he'll have to go through his Senior academic year as a knob. We like gimpy former FBS spread offense QBs.

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 07:40 AM
OK, I'll bite. I'm from the northeast. Who the **** is Willy Corn, and why do so many of you care?

November 20th, 2009, 07:51 AM
OK, I'll bite. I'm from the northeast. Who the **** is Willy Corn, and why do so many of you care?

Superstar QB at Byrnes high school. Not sure how many state championships they won. Typically Byrnes is rated in the top 10 (or at least rated) nationwide. Their coach ended up at PC (PC Grad I believe) for three years now back at Byrnes as an assistant. Recruited by Clemson with high expectations and now it appears he will never start there.

November 20th, 2009, 07:53 AM
Lots of different comments from different people. My guess is with all the gnashing of teeth about how good he is or isn't, that he could be a very good pick up for some team. He may not be the stud everyone thought he was but my guess is that he is still a very good QB.

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 08:01 AM
Is he legitimate, or does he just have a $$$$ hype machine behind him? I just did a quick Google on him. Looks like the kid might have Eli Manning Disease. If so, stay away. Go find the next Armanti Edwards instead.

November 20th, 2009, 08:03 AM
Is he legitimate, or does he just have a $$$$ hype machine behind him? I just did a quick Google on him. Looks like the kid might have Eli Manning Disease. If so, stay away. Go find the next Armanti Edwards instead.

Beats me. I don't keep up with high school. From the sounds of many posters here they think he was over hyped. My guess is that he could still do the right team some good. Of the teams mentioned, my guess is not ASU (who had another Byrnes QB lined up to start before Edwards took his job). Maybe GWU, but honestly don't know much about GWU QB situation.

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 08:14 AM
I hope the young man and his supporters understand how competitive SoCon actually is.

November 20th, 2009, 08:39 AM
He might do really well at Appalachian State. Especially since he is a spread option type QB. Almost sounds like a perfect fit.
Makes you wonder how hard he wants to work though. He would have to work hard at App State. Most FBS transfers do not do that great in the FCS. They sometimes do have a "big head" and think that it would not be that tough, when it seems that it is as tough as any place to play. Appalachian doesn't take many FBS transfers normally, so if he gets in, it would be because the coaching staff believes that he would have a shot.

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 08:49 AM
He might do really well at Appalachian State. Especially since he is a spread option type QB. Almost sounds like a perfect fit.
Makes you wonder how hard he wants to work though. He would have to work hard at App State. Most FBS transfers do not do that great in the FCS. They sometimes do have a "big head" and think that it would not be that tough, when it seems that it is as tough as any place to play. Appalachian doesn't take many FBS transfers normally, so if he gets in, it would be because the coaching staff believes that he would have a shot.

Any kid who transfers into Appalachian State with a "history" will be compared to Edwards, and no one can really follow that act. App is a great "team" - how much do you want to mess with that? Much of this is because of what you pointed out - it's a home-grown team and does not rely heavily on "free agent" BCS and Juco transfers. Why mess with a good thing?

November 20th, 2009, 10:01 AM
OK, I'll bite. I'm from the northeast. Who the **** is Willy Corn, and why do so many of you care?

Because he is "home grown" that Willy Korn! With a name like that would be a perfect fit when they battled it out for the "Mountain Jug"

November 20th, 2009, 11:29 AM
Count me as one of thoes guys who thought Korn was pretty overrated out of high school. I was at the Shrine Bowl game he played in and Scott Riddle clearly outplayed him. I know it's hard to make judgements based on these all-star games, but I didn't see anything that made me think, "ok...maybe this guy really is as good as some people say he is."

With that said, I still think he'd probably do pretty well at the FCS level if he found the right fit.

November 20th, 2009, 11:56 AM
Nobody wants to go to the Citadel.

November 21st, 2009, 01:06 AM
The anti-transfer venom on here is not only senseless but unjustifiable.

All these posters keep insisting that Korn is washed up or was overrated. Countless great talents haven't managed to take the reins at big schools in their first couple years.
That is what happened to Joe Flacco for instance. Pat Devlin seems to being doing fine. Perriloux had a rough start at Jville St but has put plenty of points on the board this year, Christensen is having a good year for EIU.

In Korn we have a former 4-star QB who has completed 46 of 66 for 406 yards, 3 TDs, 2 picks and has rushed for 49 yards on 40 carries (good rushing #s for a QB considering sacks are "negative rushes").
This isn't a guy who failed at Clemson, and showed he can't play QB. He is just stuck behind someone.

Also, some people are whining about how bringing in a transfer would "disrupt chemistry". Hogwash. Transfers are new players just like any other. Yes, new players can sometime disrupt chemistry but that isn't because they are evil transfers, it is because they are new. A freshman or JUCO recruit can bring the same baggage. Korn isn't a transfer who (if he leaves) left Clemson because he was lazy, a malcontent, a criminal or a failing student. He just got stuck in a jam.
As a coach you bring in the best talents you can get. There is no question Korn is easily talented enough to play at this level.

As an App fan I would be overjoyed to welcome Korn, a "dual threat" QB who ran a 4.6 40 in HS, to the team to compete for the QB job next year. Cadet has tons of athleticism but hasn't won the job for next year yet, and has looked downright scared to throw lately.
There is no risk of disrupting chemistry by bringing in a guy to compete for an open job. Any players whose feathers that would ruffle you probably don't want starting for you anyway. Fighting for jobs is the standard at every camp, especially after a starter has moved on. Players know jobs are won, not handed out.

Someone please make me a logical, factual case why bringing Korn onto your typical FCS team would be a negative.

BTW-I don't know why everyone thinks he wont start at Clemson next year. Kyle Parker is Kyle Parker, not Drew Brees. He has played ok but has hardly gotten that job set in stone. Furthermore, though Parker is only a r-FR in football he will be a junior in baseball. Junior year in baseball, for a draftable talent, is basically the senior year. Drafted college juniors (esp in the top 10 rounds) come back for their seniors years only a small minority of the time. Parker is, right now, probably a top 5 rounds pick (unless he tells teams he won't sign and will return to play FB) and thus looking at a 150k bonus and would be very likely to sign

November 21st, 2009, 01:11 AM
"Is he legitimate, or does he just have a $$$$ hype machine behind him? I just did a quick Google on him. Looks like the kid might have Eli Manning Disease. If so, stay away. Go find the next Armanti Edwards instead."

You say he has "Eli Manning Disease" (whatever that is) based on "a quick Google search"??
Why bother saying ANYTHING then when you clearly don't know more than a "quick Google search" about the guy?
Furthermore, what did your Google even show? His numbers have been fine, in limited time, and his HS scouting reports were glowing. What could you have even seen? Silly Klempsun msg board gossip?

You say, "go find the next Armanti instead" like it is just something you go out and do. While I'm at it I hope the Braves go draft a new Chipper Jones or Tom Glavine.
Bringing in talented QBs is your best solution for finding "the next Armanti", and Korn is a talented QB who could help most teams. Attracting all the talent you can is how you get great players and Korn is a talent. You don't turn that away for no reason.

November 21st, 2009, 01:12 AM
I hope the young man and his supporters understand how competitive SoCon actually is.

You know, as big of a SoCon fan and ACC hater as I am you're pretty silly if you think an ACC QB doesn't know about "competitive football". The ACC has spades of guys drafted each year, these guys know how to compete.
Just a pointless comment

November 21st, 2009, 01:22 AM
If he comes to App, he will most likely land back on the bench.

Why would you say that? Cadet has thrown a grand total of 20 passes in his career and people weren't sure if he was QB or WR out of HS and while he has shown definite QB talent (and has worked hard, played every position he could and has stayed late at practice to work on throwing) at App he has hardly proven that he is a total QB. Frankly, though Cadet is almost untouchable running he has looked pretty deer-in-headlights as a QB in SoCon play. He has been afraid to throw the football even to open receivers.

Cadet's TWENTY career passes have really convinced you he "most likely" would beat out Korn?
Nonsense. It would be a great 50/50 battle.

We're raggin on this dude because he isn't "one of us" yet and Cadet is. Remember, Cadet is a transfer too... one from lowly Toledo by way of Pearl River MS CC. All things being equal anyone would rather take the Clemson transfer over the Toledo transfer and anyone would also take the 4-star HS QB (Korn) over the 3-star HS WR (Cadet) to play QB. One would also rather have the 46 of 66 ACC passer vs a guy 12-20 in the SoCon. So if relatively unheralded Cadet can show all the explosiveness he has so far, why not see what Korn could bring?

November 21st, 2009, 02:42 AM
If he comes to App, he will most likely land back on the bench.

Why would you say that? Cadet has thrown a grand total of 20 passes in his career and people weren't sure if he was QB or WR out of HS and while he has shown definite QB talent (and has worked hard, played every position he could and has stayed late at practice to work on throwing) at App he has hardly proven that he is a total QB. Frankly, though Cadet is almost untouchable running he has looked pretty deer-in-headlights as a QB in SoCon play. He has been afraid to throw the football even to open receivers.

Cadet's TWENTY career passes have really convinced you he "most likely" would beat out Korn?
Nonsense. It would be a great 50/50 battle.

We're raggin on this dude because he isn't "one of us" yet and Cadet is. Remember, Cadet is a transfer too... one from lowly Toledo by way of Pearl River MS CC. All things being equal anyone would rather take the Clemson transfer over the Toledo transfer and anyone would also take the 4-star HS QB (Korn) over the 3-star HS WR (Cadet) to play QB. One would also rather have the 46 of 66 ACC passer vs a guy 12-20 in the SoCon. So if relatively unheralded Cadet can show all the explosiveness he has so far, why not see what Korn could bring?

I agree 100% Folks seem to forget that the QB that beat out Korn (Kyle Parker) was an Elite 11 QB, so it's not like Korn simply gave the job away for lack of effort, etc. As an ASU fan, and CU fan, I would welcome Korn to the team whole heartedly. I believe Korn can show the same leadership abilities that Trey Elder showed, as Korn was the protege at Byrnes HS under Trey. I believe if any fan in the App nation asked Trey Elder if he would like to have Willy as a Mountaineer he would say Hell Yes!

November 22nd, 2009, 05:14 PM
I would think Liberty could put him to good use. I have to wonder where they would have been this year without Tommy Beecher. Mike Brown could have played QB, but he's a better WR. In any event, it will be interesting to see what happens to him.

Go Runnin' Bulldogs!

http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs031.snc3/11858_1191277936104_1053041569_30507692_393181_n.j pg

November 22nd, 2009, 10:05 PM
It won't be GSU. Triple option is back.

It wont be Northeastern.......

too soon? xbangxxcoolx

November 23rd, 2009, 10:12 AM
It won't be GSU. Triple option is back.

December 9th, 2009, 10:30 AM

Saw this on the uffp. Apparently the announcement will be today.

The Moody1
December 9th, 2009, 10:46 AM
If he comes to App, he will most likely land back on the bench.

Why would you say that? Cadet has thrown a grand total of 20 passes in his career and people weren't sure if he was QB or WR out of HS and while he has shown definite QB talent (and has worked hard, played every position he could and has stayed late at practice to work on throwing) at App he has hardly proven that he is a total QB. Frankly, though Cadet is almost untouchable running he has looked pretty deer-in-headlights as a QB in SoCon play. He has been afraid to throw the football even to open receivers.

Cadet's TWENTY career passes have really convinced you he "most likely" would beat out Korn?
Nonsense. It would be a great 50/50 battle.

We're raggin on this dude because he isn't "one of us" yet and Cadet is. Remember, Cadet is a transfer too... one from lowly Toledo by way of Pearl River MS CC. All things being equal anyone would rather take the Clemson transfer over the Toledo transfer and anyone would also take the 4-star HS QB (Korn) over the 3-star HS WR (Cadet) to play QB. One would also rather have the 46 of 66 ACC passer vs a guy 12-20 in the SoCon. So if relatively unheralded Cadet can show all the explosiveness he has so far, why not see what Korn could bring?

Who said anything about Cadet beating him out? I think Jamal Jackson will most likely be the starter next year.

December 9th, 2009, 10:58 AM
Who said anything about Cadet beating him out? I think Jamal Jackson will most likely be the starter next year.

I agree. I would be very surprised if Korn picked ASU.

December 9th, 2009, 11:01 AM
Anyone know how much his highschool injuries slowed him down? Don't keep up with Clemson much so what I hear is third hand at best.

December 9th, 2009, 11:17 AM
Does anyone remember earlier in 2009 the Michigan WR/QB who was dismissed and wanted to transfer to App? Justin Feagin wanted to come here as a sophomore to compete for a QB spot, and almost transferred until he was tied down to a drug deal and academic problems.

December 9th, 2009, 01:25 PM

Apparently no decision on where he might transfer.

December 9th, 2009, 01:29 PM
Apparently he is going to graduate from Clemson so he would be looking at grad school. Eliminates some possibilities.

December 9th, 2009, 01:46 PM
Apparently he is going to graduate from Clemson so he would be looking at grad school. Eliminates some possibilities.

From what I've seen around here, a Clempsun undergrad necessitates graduate work. xlolx

December 9th, 2009, 01:49 PM
From what I've seen around here, a Clempsun undergrad necessitates graduate work. xlolx

unless you are getting a job milkin' and plowin'xsmiley_wix

December 9th, 2009, 01:54 PM
Apparently he is going to graduate from Clemson so he would be looking at grad school. Eliminates some possibilities.

What are his choices then for the area for FCS?

December 9th, 2009, 01:57 PM
What are his choices then for the area for FCS?

While he could go to grad school at a Furman or Wofford, I would doubt it.

I would look to the bigger state schools. Hell even Ga St is a possibility I would think.

Gardner Webb was mentioned earlier. I know nothing about their frad programs.

December 9th, 2009, 02:03 PM
Jamal Jackson will be the starter barring Cadet gets much much better at throwing the ball.

December 9th, 2009, 02:09 PM
Doesn't he get to transfer to a FBS school and be eligible imediately if he graduates.

December 9th, 2009, 02:10 PM
You can never have too many good athletes in your program and Korn appears to be that. If he doesn't bring any "negative baggage" with him I'm sure he would be welcomed at ASU if he wants to go there and compete. He might decide to go somewhere where he is almost assured playing time or parish the thought....he might go to the school who's acedemic program best fit his needs and they just happen to have a football team.xcoffeex

December 9th, 2009, 02:14 PM
Anyone have any idea on what Korn's pro prospects are? (This may have been discussed already - just don't feel like re-reading the entire thread.)

December 9th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Doesn't he get to transfer to a FBS school and be eligible imediately if he graduates.

That would certainly change the list of possible schools

December 9th, 2009, 02:18 PM
Anyone have any idea on what Korn's pro prospects are? (This may have been discussed already - just don't feel like re-reading the entire thread.)

I don't think we discussed it but I feel certain that is one of the reasons he wants to play somewhere. Hard to get drafted if you don't get College playing time.

December 9th, 2009, 02:22 PM
I don't think we discussed it but I feel certain that is one of the reasons he wants to play somewhere. Hard to get drafted if you don't get College playing time.

Right - if he has a shot at the NFL, I would assume he wants to play at a school that will get him a little national attention.

December 9th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Right - if he has a shot at the NFL, I would assume he wants to play at a school that will get him a little national attention.

I enjoyed watching the kid play in High School [except when he whipped up on my Aiken Hornets]. Unfortunately, I don't think he has done anything at the college level to give anyone any reason to think he would be successful in the NFL. Maybe he just hasn't gotten the right opportunity to show his stuff and I hope that happens for him. He always seemed to be a pretty solid young man.

Go Runnin' Bulldogs!

December 9th, 2009, 02:57 PM
Is he legitimate, or does he just have a $$$$ hype machine behind him? I just did a quick Google on him. Looks like the kid might have Eli Manning Disease. If so, stay away. Go find the next Armanti Edwards instead.

Ah, so he'll be a super bowl MVP?

December 9th, 2009, 03:24 PM
I don't think we discussed it but I feel certain that is one of the reasons he wants to play somewhere. Hard to get drafted if you don't get College playing time.

Matt Cassell begs to differ xsmiley_wix

December 9th, 2009, 03:27 PM
I hope he comes to App..he can atleast throw a pass unlike Cadet.

December 9th, 2009, 03:29 PM
Matt Cassell begs to differ xsmiley_wix

There are exceptions to every rule I am sure. xrolleyesx:)

December 9th, 2009, 03:29 PM
He is a young man of great character. Had a shoulder injury that lingered for 2 years. He is a talented and smart QB. The starter at Clemson was a highly recruited Elite 8 QB. Willy is not a back up to a 3rd or 4th string QB. Parker is a talented athlete and so is Willy.

December 9th, 2009, 03:31 PM
I thought he was supposed to announce where he was going this afternoon? Was that not accurate or anyone know where he's going?

December 9th, 2009, 03:32 PM
I thought he was supposed to announce where he was going this afternoon? Was that not accurate or anyone know where he's going?

He simply said he will graduate from Clemson and will transfer elsewhere with two years eligibility.

December 9th, 2009, 03:38 PM
Ah, ok. Thanks.

December 9th, 2009, 03:50 PM
Ah, ok. Thanks.

I assumed he would announce. That's why I put it in the thread. If I had known what the announcement actually was I would have thought big whoop. xsmiley_wix

December 9th, 2009, 04:01 PM
I assumed he would announce. That's why I put it in the thread. If I had known what the announcement actually was I would have thought big whoop. xsmiley_wix

One of my roommates at App who transferred up from Clemson said that Korn hasn't really considered which schools he wants to transfer to. This comes from several Clemson message boards but not sure how reliable they are.

December 9th, 2009, 05:24 PM

December 9th, 2009, 05:53 PM
If he comes to App, he will most likely land back on the bench.

Why would you say that? Cadet has thrown a grand total of 20 passes in his career and people weren't sure if he was QB or WR out of HS and while he has shown definite QB talent (and has worked hard, played every position he could and has stayed late at practice to work on throwing) at App he has hardly proven that he is a total QB. Frankly, though Cadet is almost untouchable running he has looked pretty deer-in-headlights as a QB in SoCon play. He has been afraid to throw the football even to open receivers.

Cadet's TWENTY career passes have really convinced you he "most likely" would beat out Korn?
Nonsense. It would be a great 50/50 battle.

We're raggin on this dude because he isn't "one of us" yet and Cadet is. Remember, Cadet is a transfer too... one from lowly Toledo by way of Pearl River MS CC. All things being equal anyone would rather take the Clemson transfer over the Toledo transfer and anyone would also take the 4-star HS QB (Korn) over the 3-star HS WR (Cadet) to play QB. One would also rather have the 46 of 66 ACC passer vs a guy 12-20 in the SoCon. So if relatively unheralded Cadet can show all the explosiveness he has so far, why not see what Korn could bring?

Jamal Jackson is his name. Cadet will be back at WR.

Korn can certainly be a competitor for the job, but he will have to do just that, compete.

December 9th, 2009, 06:02 PM
David Coulson has a private workout set up for later next week with him to make sure is ASU material and all..........

xsmiley_wix xlolxxlolx

December 9th, 2009, 06:08 PM
Jamal Jackson is his name. Cadet will be back at WR.

Korn can certainly be a competitor for the job, but he will have to do just that, compete.

Jamal Jackson has never thrown a college pass.
All the Jackson hype comes from word-of-mouth and maybe some practice or HS video clips.
I hope Jackson is great, but lets be honest. None of us have any real idea right now.

No one has any significant leg-up in the App QB 2010 sweepstakes and no one will until spring practice.
In the meantime I can't understand how any App fan could talk bad about a mobile, former 4-star QB with a career 46-of-66 for 406 yards passing mark in the ACC. I certainly can't see how any App fan could strongly say that individual could not beat out Jamal Jackson

December 9th, 2009, 06:20 PM
Jamal Jackson is his name. Cadet will be back at WR.

Korn can certainly be a competitor for the job, but he will have to do just that, compete.

Jamal Jackson has never thrown a college pass.
All the Jackson hype comes from word-of-mouth and maybe some practice or HS video clips.
I hope Jackson is great, but lets be honest. None of us have any real idea right now.

No one has any significant leg-up in the App QB 2010 sweepstakes and no one will until spring practice.
In the meantime I can't understand how any App fan could talk bad about a mobile, former 4-star QB with a career 46-of-66 for 406 yards passing mark in the ACC. I certainly can't see how any App fan could strongly say that individual could not beat out Jamal Jackson

Maybe because some people pay attention to his warm-ups. Or because the insight that the MMB gives in with a perspective on things from people who witness the practices.

This guy is the real deal and according to the coaches and others around the program Jamal Jackson is already better throwing than Deandre and Travaris Cadet.

Corn would be good but the upside to having a quarterback potentially get to play all four years is huge. Especially watching his clips you can see that there is a lot of potential in him throwing and running.

After watching the Corn clips and Jackson clips I don't see that much of a talent gap between the two. The four stars mean nothing and Corns already been out of the spread option system for three years now as while Jackson has had the chance to watch and practice with Armanti who is like a wizard of the offense.

Either way, Jackson will be the man next year.

December 9th, 2009, 06:25 PM
I also think his 4.5 fourty time is wrong it looks more 4.7 ish.

December 9th, 2009, 06:42 PM
Maybe because some people pay attention to his warm-ups. Or because the insight that the MMB gives in with a perspective on things from people who witness the practices.
This guy is the real deal and according to the coaches and others around the program Jamal Jackson is already better throwing than Deandre and Travaris Cadet.

Forgive me but fan accounts like that don't really bear much meaning. It is nice to hear and all, and it bears remembering, but warmup throws don't win jobs and neither do the opinions of MMB. It is fun scuttlebutt, but it is mostly meaningless. If I had a dollar for everything someone swore to be true on the internet I'd own Dubai.
I've seen App practices. I could go get on MMB and say "Player X > Player Y," it still wouldn't mean anything. It certainly wouldn't be an argument with any persuasive value, or one that I could back up with any assertion beyond "I said so", and thus it really wouldn't be worth more than a grain of salt. And you can't really rely on someones track record with opinion by virtue of the way anonymous message boards work.
And JJ may be currently throwing better than DP or TC, that praise doesn't set the bar too high.

After watching the Corn clips and Jackson clips I don't see that much of a talent gap between the two. The four stars mean nothing and Corns already been out of the spread option system for three years now as while Jackson has had the chance to watch and practice with Armanti who is like a wizard of the offense.
Either way, Jackson will be the man next year.

The four stars might mean nothing, but if they mean nothing you can't really argue that someone posting on the MMB about Jackson's warmup throws means anything or your amateur evaluation of film clips means anything either.
We're not coaches, we're not scouts. Some of us may know the game, but the opinions of anonymous individuals on the internet aren't worth a whole lot.

My point is that it is better to keep an open mind rather than to convince ourselves of something that no one knows at this point.
Jackson may in fact win the job next year but that isn't anything more than a guess. I'm fairly certain not even Jerry Moore knows who will start at QB next year.

December 9th, 2009, 07:13 PM
I think the kudos being thrown Jamal Jackson's way are due to his performace as scout team QB lining up against ASU's starting D. He has a big upside but it's way to early to say he's the guy next year. Spring practice will tell us a lot.

December 9th, 2009, 07:14 PM
I also think his 4.5 fourty time is wrong it looks more 4.7 ish.

What are you, Jackson's brother?

December 9th, 2009, 07:17 PM
David Coulson has a private workout set up for later next week with him to make sure is ASU material and all..........

xsmiley_wix xlolxxlolx

I am sure a blog editor will "work him out" to see how good he is.

December 9th, 2009, 07:39 PM
I also think his 4.5 fourty time is wrong it looks more 4.7 ish.

It LOOKS?! Not only is .2 seconds EASILY a normal range for 40 yard times to vary but the human eye can not tell the difference between a 4.5 40 and a 4.7 40.
What a time "looks" like to you could not possibly be less relevant. There is a reason these things are timed (and even then there is much variation) instead of looked at and guessed

December 9th, 2009, 07:47 PM
Haven't read all the posts but I have to wonder why it's bad to be like Eli Manning. The guy is a starting quarterback in the NFL and has a Super Bowl win under his belt. I mean, you could do a lot worse than being good enough to start in the NFL and play as quarterback for your professional football team during a Super Bowl win.

Believe me, if a guy is as good as Eli Manning he's plenty good enough to play somewhere in FCS. Maybe he might not fit every system but he'd be way good enough to play somewhere and be a dominant player at the FCS level.

December 9th, 2009, 08:33 PM
The Citadel is certainly a possibility. I believe the last former Clemson QB to transfer went to The Citadel, Willie Simmons. As a graduate student he would not be a cadet. We run the spread, but we do have several QBs, he would not be given the starting job.

I saw Corn play against AE in 2005 when he was a jr and AE was a sr. Armanti had nearly 500 yds total offense and Corn had over 500. Quite a display by two talented QBs.

Reign of Terrier
December 9th, 2009, 08:38 PM

from GoUpstate

December 9th, 2009, 08:38 PM
There are a lot of Willie Korn's out there--why so much attention to Willie. There are many FBS QB.s out there looking to play somewhere--thinking they will transfer down and get immediate playing time at the FCS level...maybe they should have been at the FCS level all along. Any coach that will "Guarantee" a starting position I don't think I would give much respect...but for some coaches having a FBS level QB at their program is only "puffing up" their own chest. In the "real world" Willie should have to "complete" for the position...but we all know life is not always like that. Good luck to Willie whereever he lands...he is just like evey other young man that is holding own to his dream of playing college ball....

December 9th, 2009, 09:15 PM
From what I hear JSU said they were not interested.

December 9th, 2009, 09:54 PM
Jamal Jackson is his name. Cadet will be back at WR.

Korn can certainly be a competitor for the job, but he will have to do just that, compete.

Jamal Jackson has never thrown a college pass.
All the Jackson hype comes from word-of-mouth and maybe some practice or HS video clips.
I hope Jackson is great, but lets be honest. None of us have any real idea right now.

No one has any significant leg-up in the App QB 2010 sweepstakes and no one will until spring practice.
In the meantime I can't understand how any App fan could talk bad about a mobile, former 4-star QB with a career 46-of-66 for 406 yards passing mark in the ACC. I certainly can't see how any App fan could strongly say that individual could not beat out Jamal Jackson

actually, jamal jackson does have a leg up in the App QB 2010 sweepstakes, from a number of sources. im just sayin...

take it for what its worth, but ill place a 96.8% guarantee that Jamal Jackson starts the first game next fall, barring injury

December 9th, 2009, 11:56 PM
actually, jamal jackson does have a leg up in the App QB 2010 sweepstakes, from a number of sources. im just sayin...

take it for what its worth, but ill place a 96.8% guarantee that Jamal Jackson starts the first game next fall, barring injury

Heard that such and such is a lock so many times that it really gets old. Maybe, maybe not. May look good in warm ups, but be completely incapable of handling college game situations.
Presley has all the attributes of being a good college QB, but a lot of fans that were 100% for him, didn't like how he handled the ECU game.
Cadet, after the first game at ECU, was proclaimed to be the 2nd coming of AE, wasn't really that effective in passing many thought later on.
So who really knows.
Maybe Jackson, maybe someone else.

December 10th, 2009, 05:16 AM
ASU has transfers, just not usually FBS. And AE didn't have the starting job as a freshman (but you just can't keep the cream at the bottom). Coach Moore has been at it a little while, so if he thinks it's worth giving Korn a look, who's to argue with the man with 3 titles? He'll take care of the team, either way.