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November 19th, 2009, 06:47 PM
Looking through my old posts... found this on 5-30-07 1:12pm ... "Sports Network Announces Top QBs"... delusional Lehigh fans as usual...

"Sedale Threatt 11?? I'd rank Randolph higher than Threatt...

Threatt is no threat as they say in Pard land."

November 19th, 2009, 06:52 PM
Unrealted, but I also said this on 5-30-07, in a Yankees thread.. sign me up ESPN!!

"I agree; Pard Joe Maddon is at the helm... if the D'Rays had better middle relief and a starter or two, they would be really dangerous."

November 19th, 2009, 07:24 PM
I can name you a half dozen off the top who suggested the series was 'out of hand' and should close. Several were my partners in a now defunct law firm! Another was a judge. I never heard such sniveling in my life back then, as I took their money every third weekend in November..

Well I would suggest they're not Lafayette football supporters. Perhaps you know a half dozen so called Lafayette supporters who felt this way but none of them posted such rubbish here or on any of the Voy boards. Whereas you cocky bastards were sreaming from the mountain tops about how Villanova should be your new rival. Nevermind that Nova wanted nothing to do with you guys.

Incidentially I know about a half a dozen Lehigh grads 3 of whom mow my lawn and one shovels my driveway...they all think Lehigh ought to drop to Div II and go for another national championship.

November 19th, 2009, 07:27 PM
No question your new field house is classy. Most new buildings are if done right. But as for the stadiums, I'll still take Goodman with natural grass and a beautiful setting. That is just a matter of taste and pure subjectivity, but to each their own.

You can have it. I've got natural grasss in a beautiful setting in my backyard. For football give me lights, firld turf and all of the amenities.

Bogus Megapardus
November 19th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Well I would suggest they're not Lafayette football supporters. Perhaps you know a half dozen so called Lafayette supporters who felt this way but none of them posted such rubbish here or on any of the Voy boards. Whereas you cocky bastards were sreaming from the mountain tops about how Villanova should be your new rival. Nevermind that Nova wanted nothing to do with you guys.

Incidentially I know about a half a dozen Lehigh grads 3 of whom mow my lawn and one shovels my driveway...they all think Lehigh ought to drop to Div II and go for another national championship.

My barber has a Master's Degree from Lehigh. He thinks they should drop to NAIA and seek World Domination.

November 19th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Closing in on 1000 posts Pard. Let's see it today. How many of those came from this thread?xbowx

Yeah I noticed that. December marks my 5 year anniversary on this board. I've been on this board longer than I attended Lafayette! It has taken me a LONG time to get to 1,000 posts. I don't generally have much to say but I would wager a good 60% of my posts came during Lafayette vs. Lehigh week. Don't think I will get there tonight but I certainly will tomorrow.

November 19th, 2009, 07:37 PM
My barber has a Master's Degree from Lehigh. He thinks they should drop to NAIA and seek World Domination.

Actually I think that falls under Lehigh's pre-med program.

November 19th, 2009, 08:32 PM
You can have it. I've got natural grasss in a beautiful setting in my backyard. For football give me lights, firld turf and all of the amenities.

Don't forget the funnel cake truck. And we actually sell REAL programs... wait until you see Lehigh's... like a Playbill.

November 19th, 2009, 08:38 PM
I can name you a half dozen off the top who suggested the series was 'out of hand' and should close. Several were my partners in a now defunct law firm! Another was a judge. I never heard such sniveling in my life back then, as I took their money every third weekend in November..

Defunct law firm? You should have dropped down to Division II, where the Lehigh mind can fairly compete.

November 19th, 2009, 11:05 PM
Since half the judges in Northampton County are Lafayette Grads you must have encountered them a lot.

Also swings happen in rivalries. Alabama lost to Auburn 6 times in a row from 02 to 07 and Army has lost to Navy about 10 times in a row. Does anyone state that those rivalries should be suspended...please. Many of those 7 in a row included miracle comebacks by Lehigh as well.

Absolutely. My response was to Pard's comment that he didn't believe any Lafayette people were calling for an end to the series, when a number of them were. Maybe they were in the "Rothkopf Camp" and were looking to downsize, as I'm sure we have some similar idiots in Bethlehem that see sports the same way. Hell, I imagine when you guys won 26 of 30 games from 1919-49 there were more than a few who wanted to quit. I doubt any of those I speak of from either schools ever strapped it up like us. I could give a rats ass what the past record has been, I expect to win everytime we go on the field. Otherwise, you have no business being there.

PS--I don't think there are hardly any Lafayette grads left on our bench, maybe 2 of 8. Years ago there were a number, but some have died and another is now on an appellate court.

November 19th, 2009, 11:14 PM
Well I would suggest they're not Lafayette football supporters. Perhaps you know a half dozen so called Lafayette supporters who felt this way but none of them posted such rubbish here or on any of the Voy boards. Whereas you cocky bastards were sreaming from the mountain tops about how Villanova should be your new rival. Nevermind that Nova wanted nothing to do with you guys.

Incidentially I know about a half a dozen Lehigh grads 3 of whom mow my lawn and one shovels my driveway...they all think Lehigh ought to drop to Div II and go for another national championship.

Fully agree with your first view as I replied to FranksTanks. We all have fair-weather fans who are ready to cut bait at the first sign of adversity. BTW, back when you guys were in your 'dark ages' there was no internet as we know today or voy boards, so their 'posting' was done done in the bars in Center Square, and Oscar's on Fourth Street and the Pomfet Club.

I would suggest, however, that if Lafayette ever wants to win a national championship, that they drop down. How many NCAA playoff wins have the Leopards won since the playoffs were instituted in 1971? Hell, we've won more playoff games than Lafayette has ever appeared.xsmhx

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 07:54 AM
I suggest we follow Lehigh's recommendation and parse out snippets of time for the purpose of comparing records and success. "We won more games by four nor more points in non-leap years ending in even numbers between 1956 and 1982, so we should be declared World Champions." You know, that kind of crap that permeates Lehigh's discussion.

Oh, by the way - not only does Lafayette lead the all-time football series against Lehigh, it leads the basketball and baseball series by huge margins. These are sports real people play. I don't want to listen to that wrestling drivel again (unless we're talking WWE SmackDown, of course - which is where it belongs).

November 20th, 2009, 08:43 AM
I suggest we follow Lehigh's recommendation and parse out snippets of time for the purpose of comparing records and success. "We won more games by four nor more points in non-leap years ending in even numbers between 1956 and 1982, so we should be declared World Champions." You know, that kind of crap that permeates Lehigh's discussion.


Just because they don't teach analytic skills at Lafayette, doesn't mean you need to be afraid when others use them

Pards Rule
November 20th, 2009, 08:51 AM
Now, that, is true. But my there are more than a few Leopard alums who are now embarrassed that they were jumping ship when the S.S. 'Pard was listing badly. Too many 'frontrunners'...

Off to the pep rally. I'll put in a good word for you guys..

NEVER did I or would I consider jumping ship. I put my money and my feet where my mouth is (did that come out right?) and attended every Game even during the dark years. My stuffed leopard and I will be attending our 30th together tomorrow!! GO PARDS!!!

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 08:57 AM
Just because they don't teach analytic skills at Lafayette, doesn't mean you need to be afraid when others use them

I developed my analytic skills in high school - that's how I got into Lafayette. Were I an uneducated, hapless dunderhead, I could have gone to Lehigh. Sheeh, do I have to explain everything?

Franks Tanks
November 20th, 2009, 08:59 AM
NEVER did I or would I consider jumping ship. I put my money and my feet where my mouth is (did that come out right?) and attended every Game even during the dark years. My stuffed leopard and I will be attending our 30th together tomorrow!! GO PARDS!!!

You're the guy with the giant stuffed Leopard?

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 09:02 AM
You're the guy with the giant stuffed Leopard?

I have a mini stuffed leopard that I caught when they were tossing them in the stands at a basketball game. It sits on my desk as a constant reminder to be thankful I didn't go to Lehigh.

Breathtaking, actually. I call him Mini-Bogus.

Pards Rule
November 20th, 2009, 09:25 AM
You're the guy with the giant stuffed Leopard?

If you call 2 feet including tail "giant" that be me

Pards Rule
November 20th, 2009, 09:28 AM
I have the minipard too which a friend got me for Xmas or birthday. He is 2-0 at games (Yale, Colgate) and 1-0 watching games on the web (Harvard). Ironically, I couldn't find him for the Holy Cross game that I web-watched. It turns out he was under my front seat (missing the loss on his record) so should I bring him tomorrow too??

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 09:33 AM
I have the minipard too which a friend got me for Xmas or birthday. He is 2-0 at games (Yale, Colgate) and 1-0 watching games on the web (Harvard). Ironically, I couldn't find him for the Holy Cross game that I web-watched. It turns out he was under my front seat (missing the loss on his record) so should I bring him tomorrow too??

Yes, and he should have his own seat as well. Does he have a white jersey?

Lehigh Football Nation
November 20th, 2009, 09:47 AM
NEVER did I or would I consider jumping ship. I put my money and my feet where my mouth is (did that come out right?) and attended every Game even during the dark years. My stuffed leopard and I will be attending our 30th together tomorrow!! GO PARDS!!!

You're the guy with the giant stuffed Leopard?

If you call 2 feet including tail "giant" that be me

I have the minipard too which a friend got me for Xmas or birthday. He is 2-0 at games (Yale, Colgate) and 1-0 watching games on the web (Harvard). Ironically, I couldn't find him for the Holy Cross game that I web-watched. It turns out he was under my front seat (missing the loss on his record) so should I bring him tomorrow too??

Yes, and he should have his own seat as well. Does he have a white jersey?

I really don't think I need to expound on this at all, but since "The Rivalry" is tomorrow I will. First, the Boys from Easton bring up the fact that Clutch's shoes don't match his jersey - now, a conversation discussing stuffed animals they own. What next - perhaps a conversation about which Jonas brother is the cutest, or the Miley/Britney debate? xlolx

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 09:50 AM
a conversation about which Jonas brother is the cutest

Word is that LFN has a Nick Jonas fathead in his bedroom.

Franks Tanks
November 20th, 2009, 09:55 AM
I really don't think I need to expound on this at all, but since "The Rivalry" is tomorrow I will. First, the Boys from Easton bring up the fact that Clutch's shoes don't match his jersey - now, a conversation discussing stuffed animals they own. What next - perhaps a conversation about which Jonas brother is the cutest, or the Miley/Britney debate? xlolx

Miley all the way...Brit is fat and used up

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 09:59 AM
Miley all the way...Brit is fat and used up

You could get 3 to 5 for that, FT.

Pards Rule
November 20th, 2009, 10:54 AM
Yes, and he should have his own seat as well. Does he have a white jersey?

Indeed he does! And Carney supplied the pard with a ticket. After that he is going to a Miley concert with me xlolx

November 20th, 2009, 11:38 AM
Just because they don't teach analytic skills at Lafayette, doesn't mean you need to be afraid when others use them

Yes. Lehigh absolutely makes it's living on advanced analytics. Sure Lafayette leads the series but there was no better football team in the Lehigh Valley from 1996-2001 and those are the years that really count. All of those other years repesent "down years" for the league, the region, the country, the world...whatever it takes to mitigate the fact that Lehigh is the big loser in this affair we call "Lafayette vs. Lehigh". To this day, we have three PL teams ranked in the Top 20, 2 professional prospects at QB, numerous others at other positions but Lehigh sucks so let's stoke up the statistics that support the "down year" theory.

November 20th, 2009, 11:40 AM
I really don't think I need to expound on this at all, but since "The Rivalry" is tomorrow I will. First, the Boys from Easton bring up the fact that Clutch's shoes don't match his jersey - now, a conversation discussing stuffed animals they own. What next - perhaps a conversation about which Jonas brother is the cutest, or the Miley/Britney debate? xlolx

All the more humiliating for you when we crush your team tomorrow.

November 20th, 2009, 11:48 AM
LEHIGH SUCKS! (there...1,000 posts)

Lehigh Football Nation
November 20th, 2009, 12:37 PM
Yes. Lehigh absolutely makes it's living on advanced analytics. Sure Lafayette leads the series but there was no better football team in the Lehigh Valley from 1996-2001 and those are the years that really count. All of those other years repesent "down years" for the league, the region, the country, the world...whatever it takes to mitigate the fact that Lehigh is the big loser in this affair we call "Lafayette vs. Lehigh". To this day, we have three PL teams ranked in the Top 20, 2 professional prospects at QB, numerous others at other positions but Lehigh sucks so let's stoke up the statistics that support the "down year" theory.

There will be plenty of time to discuss this after the first round next weekend. How Holy Cross (and possibly one other team) perform in the playoffs will be the judge as to how competitive they are with the rest of the country.

November 20th, 2009, 01:28 PM
Hey LFN, another quality amatuer "journalism" effort. You seem to be way caught up in last year on your preview. If you could read between the lines, the Pards are angry and ready to roll. That physically overwhelming play you saw last year was the shock factor and Quilling at work. You don't even mention how Curley, the last time he played a full game against you, owned you. He can will the Pards to win. He is the X factor. You will see no resemblance of last year tmrw. 20-17 LU? Haha... my offer on the "brown pie" in your face still stands. You are our AGS celebrity at least...

November 20th, 2009, 01:54 PM
I can't believe the lead article in the Lafayette sports is about frisbee... they offer a few paragraphs and nothing in depth on the game. Terrible.

November 20th, 2009, 01:57 PM
Hey, LFN, I was beginning to worry that a noted journalist like yourself picked the Squawks to win. You are, after all, an objective observer of the game and would never make a homer pick. Then I noticed that your research and fact checking has Marvin Clecidor playing in the Lafayette defensive backfield. Would that it were, but Marvin received his diploma and went on to grab his spot in real life back in June.

Anyway, I am now resting easy since I understand that you are joining the rest of these keyboard cracking muck rakers by spooning out large chunks of crapola in your blog.




Franks Tanks
November 20th, 2009, 02:03 PM
Hey, LFN, I was beginning to worry that a noted journalist like yourself picked the Squawks to win. You are, after all, an objective observer of the game and would never make a homer pick. Then I noticed that your research and fact checking has Marvin Clecidor playing in the Lafayette defensive backfield. Would that it were, but Marvin received his diploma and went on to grab his spot in real life back in June.

Anyway, I am now resting easy since I understand that you are joining the rest of these keyboard cracking muck rakers by spooning out large chunks of crapola in your blog.





November 20th, 2009, 02:41 PM
Some stats: Lafayette is 18-4 when playing Lehigh with 7+ wins. Only losses were 2008, 1968, 1902, 1903. The Lehigh teams we lost to entered with 6, 8, 2, 4 wins (reverse the years).

When both teams enter at 7+ wins, Lafayette is 3-1, only loss is 1903 and wins came in 1981, 2004, 2005.

Our "worst" loss record wise was 1968. LU had two wins.
Lehigh's was in 1949, when a 6 win team lost to a one win Pard squad.

Pards Rule
November 20th, 2009, 02:55 PM
Good facts Pards 4 Life!!!

Lehigh Football Nation
November 20th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Hey, LFN, I was beginning to worry that a noted journalist like yourself picked the Squawks to win. You are, after all, an objective observer of the game and would never make a homer pick. Then I noticed that your research and fact checking has Marvin Clecidor playing in the Lafayette defensive backfield. Would that it were, but Marvin received his diploma and went on to grab his spot in real life back in June.

Fixed - that was a typo issue when I was preparing. If you had Clecidor back there now, you'd not only beat us, you'd be PL champs! :p

Pards Rule
November 20th, 2009, 03:01 PM
Well I'm ready to go outbound & down up to the Lafayette Valley in Bethlehem in half an hour!! Staying at the brand new Hyatt Place! GO PARDS!!

Bogus Megapardus
November 20th, 2009, 03:07 PM

November 20th, 2009, 10:53 PM
Attended a great L-L Luncheon today honoring the seniors and 50 Game members. Tomorrow will be my 39th. The Marching '97 circled the Packer Dining Room and rocked the walls. Captains Benning and Cohen reflected on 'The Game'. Spoke with Cohen and Benning and they're rarin' to go after Curley...and Moe, Larry and whatever other stooges Frank puts out there.

Coen gave a very emotional talk about the seniors and the leadership they brought in keeping the team in focused through the year's adversity. These guys are ready. I'm feeling good about tomorrow.xthumbsupx

Franks Tanks
November 20th, 2009, 11:46 PM
Attended a great L-L Luncheon today honoring the seniors and 50 Game members. Tomorrow will be my 39th. The Marching '97 circled the Packer Dining Room and rocked the walls. Captains Benning and Cohen reflected on 'The Game'. Spoke with Cohen and Benning and they're rarin' to go after Curley...and Moe, Larry and whatever other stooges Frank puts out there.

Coen gave a very emotional talk about the seniors and the leadership they brought in keeping the team in focused through the year's adversity. These guys are ready. I'm feeling good about tomorrow.xthumbsupx

you are 3-7, unless Lafayette craps the bed the Leopards will win by 2 scores

Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 06:00 AM
Remember, everyone, if you cannot make it to the game (which has been sold out since August) DO NOT watch the Yahoo version online. It will be the Lehigh announcers and they will lie to you. Plus, electromagnetic microwaves will emanate from your monitor and make you dumber. Watch only approved Lafayette Sports Network broadcasts and streams, no matter what LFN says.

The approved Lafayette broadcast will be on ESPN360, ESPN GamePlan and CBS Sports All-Access, in addition to Channel 60 in the Lafayette Valley and RCN 4 or 8. Accept no substitutes.

November 21st, 2009, 06:10 AM
Attended a great L-L Luncheon today honoring the seniors and 50 Game members. Tomorrow will be my 39th. The Marching '97 circled the Packer Dining Room and rocked the walls. Captains Benning and Cohen reflected on 'The Game'. Spoke with Cohen and Benning and they're rarin' to go after Curley...and Moe, Larry and whatever other stooges Frank puts out there.

Coen gave a very emotional talk about the seniors and the leadership they brought in keeping the team in focused through the year's adversity. These guys are ready. I'm feeling good about tomorrow.xthumbsupx

You mean all this time all it took to get the Chicken Hawks "ready" was an emotional talk from the coach? You think he would have pulled that out earlier. Jeez...I wonder if Tavani has thought of that little trick. I should send him an email, "coach, remember to give the guys an emotional talk". I'd hate to think the Leopards won't be ready becuase the coach didn't give them an emotional talk.

November 21st, 2009, 06:13 AM
Attended a great L-L Luncheon today honoring the seniors and 50 Game members. Tomorrow will be my 39th. The Marching '97 circled the Packer Dining Room and rocked the walls. Captains Benning and Cohen reflected on 'The Game'. Spoke with Cohen and Benning and they're rarin' to go after Curley...and Moe, Larry and whatever other stooges Frank puts out there.

Coen gave a very emotional talk about the seniors and the leadership they brought in keeping the team in focused through the year's adversity. These guys are ready. I'm feeling good about tomorrow.xthumbsupx

You might want to get a hit or shot of whatever Coen and clowns are snorting/drinking. Lehman Brothers was also confident they would prevail in the face of adversity. Hope you stock up on some liquid courage before the game.

Go Pards!

November 21st, 2009, 06:15 AM
You mean all this time all it took to get the Chicken Hawks "ready" was an emotional talk from the coach? You think he would have pulled that out earlier. Jeez...I wonder if Tavani has thought of that little trick. I should send him an email, "coach, remember to give the guys an emotional talk". I'd hate to think the Leopards won't be ready becuase the coach didn't give them an emotional talk.

Coen? Emotional? Does that mean he raised his eyebrows when talking? Mold is more exciting...

Pards Rule
November 21st, 2009, 07:26 AM
Ready to go! I'm up here in Lafayette Valley ready for #145!! GO PARDS!! Lots of Lehigh people (ugh!) here at new Hyatt Place in downtown Bethlehem (I guess that figures)..

Pard 82
November 21st, 2009, 07:51 AM
Heading out to B'hem for the tailgate... then to watch the Pards destroy the Lehighs.


(and add to our soon to become insurmountable lead in the series)

November 21st, 2009, 08:27 AM
Where is everyone? There not many people here yet at goodman. More Lafayetters so far. Did the Squawks run and hide and jump the bandwagon? Tailgate fields are still empty.

Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 08:34 AM
Ready to go! I'm up here in Lafayette Valley ready for #145!! GO PARDS!! Lots of Lehigh people (ugh!) here at new Hyatt Place in downtown Bethlehem (I guess that figures)..

There was a Lehigh person here in Princeton yesterday, but it's OK now. They caught him.

November 21st, 2009, 08:34 AM
Where is everyone? There not many people here yet at goodman. More Lafayetters so far. Did the Squawks run and hide and jump the bandwagon? Tailgate fields are still empty.

Wouldn't surprise me.


Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 08:34 AM
Where is everyone? There not many people here yet at goodman. More Lafayetters so far. Did the Squawks run and hide and jump the bandwagon? Tailgate fields are still empty.

I'm not even leaving for another hour or so!

November 21st, 2009, 02:57 PM
Game's over Where the hell are all the Lafayette BLOWHARDS< YOU PUSSIES! WAITING FOR A 3 PEAT!!!!!!!!LOL

November 21st, 2009, 06:44 PM
Game's over Where the hell are all the Lafayette BLOWHARDS< YOU PUSSIES! WAITING FOR A 3 PEAT!!!!!!!!LOL

Well well, guess I was right... here come the worms from the wood work... just look how their fans handle winning. They just don't know how to handle it.. tsk tsk.

Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 06:56 PM
I gotta hand it to Bucknell today, though. I saw with my own (rather blurred) eyes what happened to the Pards today. But what on earth happened to the Crusaders?

November 21st, 2009, 07:01 PM
I gotta hand it to Bucknell today, though. I saw with my own (rather blurred) eyes what happened to the Pards today. But what on earth happened to the Crusaders?

Bucknell ran the ball down their throat... their HB had 186 yrds and almost 300 as a team, if I remember. Then again who was even there to tell us? It's a Bucknell home game! I question HC's motivation though. Randolph had 270 and 60 percent completions, so...

November 21st, 2009, 07:16 PM
Well well, guess I was right... here come the worms from the wood work... just look how their fans handle winning. They just don't know how to handle it.. tsk tsk.

Just one fan. There's no s on that.

Every school has rude fans. PM me if you want to know what I saw your students do today pre-game (trying not to create unnecessary noise out here on the interwebs)...

I must admit I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't get on here more pregame as I would love to come back here and hand out some real crow, but I haven't earned that right.

The only thing I will say is that in the is Lehigh back thread from last week (or whatever it was called), I noted that Lehigh had so many close losses that they were only a play or two each game from a much better record (even if it was soft). Today they made those plays.

Final note: the 1:45 ride home felt waaaaay faster this year than the last two rides home from Goodman. And that feels good.

November 21st, 2009, 07:26 PM
Just one fan. There's no s on that.

Every school has rude fans. PM me if you want to know what I saw your students do today pre-game (trying not to create unnecessary noise out here on the interwebs)...

I must admit I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't get on here more pregame as I would love to come back here and hand out some real crow, but I haven't earned that right.

The only thing I will say is that in the is Lehigh back thread from last week (or whatever it was called), I noted that Lehigh had so many close losses that they were only a play or two each game from a much better record (even if it was soft). Today they made those plays.

Final note: the 1:45 ride home felt waaaaay faster this year than the last two rides home from Goodman. And that feels good.

Ha yeah... just one fan... many more Lehigh fans were acting that way too. I saw plenty of misbehavior myself today... I'll PM some other time.. curious.. then I'll tell you what I observed.

At least you are curteous about the crow... I hope LFN, ngineer and RichH get their computers stolen in the next few hours...

Definetely not the same squad of Princeton and CCSU games I saw.

November 21st, 2009, 07:50 PM
What a great game just watched the replay... Can I ask why announcers where talking about the Holy Cross score? Am I right that it had zero meaning? I mean this as a question not opinion did Laff fans think they had a chance for the playoffs?

November 21st, 2009, 07:54 PM
Figured it out they would have both had 1 lose I get it

Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 07:56 PM
What a great game just watched the replay... Can I ask why announcers where talking about the Holy Cross score? Am I right that it had zero meaning? I mean this as a question not opinion did Laff fans think they had a chance for the playoffs?

No. They probably were concerned with whether Lafayette had a chance to have a share of the Patriot League title, which would be the case if Lafayette won and Holy Cross lost. That would not have an effect on the League AQ, though.

Pard 82
November 21st, 2009, 07:59 PM
What a great game just watched the replay... Can I ask why announcers where talking about the Holy Cross score? Am I right that it had zero meaning? I mean this as a question not opinion did Laff fans think they had a chance for the playoffs?

If LC wins and HC loses, they are co-champs of the PL. HC still gets the PL auto-bid. Probably being PL co-champs means nothing to whatever committee decides the post-season bid, but it would be a nice consolation prize (although obviously moot now).

LU played a good game today, but no doubt LC wasted many opportunities to win the game. Unfortunate end to a good season. xsplatx xsplatx xsplatx

Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 08:01 PM
LC wasted many opportunities to win the game.

Ummmm . . . ya think?

November 21st, 2009, 08:04 PM
Well both teams should be proud of the game and the level of excitment of the fans... wow that 15K Plus fans sounded like 50K

Franks Tanks
November 21st, 2009, 08:07 PM
What a great game just watched the replay... Can I ask why announcers where talking about the Holy Cross score? Am I right that it had zero meaning? I mean this as a question not opinion did Laff fans think they had a chance for the playoffs?

Yes we had a chance at the playoffs dude.

Lehigh still sucks.. freaking 4-7 and 3 losing seasons in a row. Pards gave this away..stupid fumble on a punt and didnt kick the FG when we had a chance.

We dominated today stastically and somehow lost. Bottom line is that we gave Lehigh a gift today but we still finished 8-3 to their 4-7. I guess 4-7 passes for a good season these days on the South Mountain.

Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 08:09 PM
Well both teams should be proud of the game and the level of excitment of the fans... wow that 15K Plus fans sounded like 50K

It was 50K. I was seeing double by halftime. :D

Bogus Megapardus
November 21st, 2009, 08:12 PM
I will humble myself and give credit where credit is due . . . . .

Nice win today, Bison!!!!

November 21st, 2009, 08:19 PM
Regardless of today, what Hurt did in 2005 was much worse than the way we lost today :)

November 21st, 2009, 08:23 PM
The majority of AGS would disagree, but with HC, Liberty, and UNI losing, Lafayette would have been in the playoffs.

Just saw the replay of our going for it on 4th... no chance, bad formation, it screamed run... and had Coon followed 38 he would have been in.

November 21st, 2009, 09:58 PM
Yes we had a chance at the playoffs dude.

Lehigh still sucks.. freaking 4-7 and 3 losing seasons in a row. Pards gave this away..stupid fumble on a punt and didnt kick the FG when we had a chance.

We dominated today stastically and somehow lost. Bottom line is that we gave Lehigh a gift today but we still finished 8-3 to their 4-7. I guess 4-7 passes for a good season these days on the South Mountain.

You can not be serious. You lose to your archrival, get knocked from playoff contention and now you're crowing about what a great 8-3 season you had. Come on now.

So when does all the talk about Frankie T making the terrible call to go for it on 4th and 1 instead of taking the 3 pts. That is the kind of stuff that you'd be all over Coen for! Going to give Frankie T the pass?

Lafayette has finished weak two years in a row - looks like Frank's boys can't close the deal when you're favored. Oh but I'm sure you feel real satisfied with an 8-3 season with a loss to Lehigh to cap it off. 4-7 sure isn't great, but I feel pretty jazzed right now.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 21st, 2009, 10:08 PM
You can not be serious. You lose to your archrival, get knocked from playoff contention and now you're crowing about what a great 8-3 season you had. Come on now.

So when does all the talk about Frankie T making the terrible call to go for it on 4th and 1 instead of taking the 3 pts. That is the kind of stuff that you'd be all over Coen for! Going to give Frankie T the pass?

Lafayette has finished weak two years in a row - looks like Frank's boys can't close the deal when you're favored. Oh but I'm sure you feel real satisfied with an 8-3 season with a loss to Lehigh to cap it off. 4-7 sure isn't great, but I feel pretty jazzed right now.

I think the fact remains that for all Lafayette has done and they've been good, they haven't done "it". They haven't been able to put together a complete season. They're stuck on 8 wins. Tavani is good coach but i don't know if he is a coach that can get Lafayette over a hump. They're basically where Lehigh was from '02-'05 if you think you about it.

November 21st, 2009, 10:51 PM
you are 3-7, unless Lafayette craps the bed the Leopards will win by 2 scores

Lots of laundry being done tonight...;)

November 21st, 2009, 10:53 PM
You might want to get a hit or shot of whatever Coen and clowns are snorting/drinking. Lehman Brothers was also confident they would prevail in the face of adversity. Hope you stock up on some liquid courage before the game.

Go Pards!

We fortified ourselves quite well, thank you...Nice warm and fuzzy feeling.xnodx

November 21st, 2009, 11:07 PM
Looks like Coen might not be the greatest coach, but he knows how to beat Lafayette. That goes a long way.

What a damned rivalry you guys have! xrotatehx

November 21st, 2009, 11:11 PM
Good look Lehigh. BTW: My High School FB Coach played for Lehigh back in the 90's (Seka Edwards)

Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 21st, 2009, 11:26 PM
Looks like Coen might not be the greatest coach, but he knows how to beat Lafayette. That goes a long way.

What a damned rivalry you guys have! xrotatehx

He'll get one more year and all things considered probably deserves it. I think the fact his players have stood by him and played their hearts out makes that decision. However, i fully expect to see some staff changes on the offensive side of the ball. The lack of a running game, inconsistent QB play and lack of big play on offense are the things that really need to be fixed. Coen needs to get a QB coach or a new OC coordinator that has a proven track record developing the position. He also needs to find someone that can improve the oline and rb play. The defensive side of the ball is fine and i would expect if they want, all will return. My guess is Lehigh will be one of the favorites heading in to next year. They were this year as well. IMO, he's got one more year i believe to get to 7-4/8-3 and make a legit title run.

The one promising thing from the last 2 weeks is the ability to win close games. He doubled up his wins in games decided by 10 or less the previous two games.

November 21st, 2009, 11:40 PM
Well, I'm finally sober enough to get online. Spent a couple minutes perusing the jabbering that went on the past few hours.

Had a great post game repaste with our great team of 1973-74, that was Lehigh's first team to make the post season, and a few others from that era. This definitely makes the winter warmer.

As for my Leopard bretheran, ahem, all the bluster of this past week was alot like Lafayette's performance today. A lot of bluster and noise moving down the field, but making critical mistakes and not being able to back it up when needed. Yes, we were opportunists to some degree, but then, you only seize the opportunity if you're ready. The kids weathered the storm and fought. The late Lafayette score, the missed extra point in OT, earlier this year might have doomed us, but there was no quit.

Critical point, the great Frank T., again, is always good for some curious or questionable calls. As I have said before, I think Tavani, overall, is a very good coach. He's obviously a good motivator, recruiter, and organizer; but the decision to go for it on fourth and goal was unbelieveable. To bad for LC his assistants didn't call timeout to talk him out of it, like they did with the planned FG in 2005.
To many of us in the stands, it spoke of arrogance..that the 'pards had no respect for our D front, and I think the kids took it that way, too. BJ Benning leading the charge up front was magnificent. He's such a great kid and for him, and Matt Cohen, to leading that effort was amazing. BUT, to top it off, we then take the ball 98 yards to paydirt. What a statement! We are Lehigh, dammit, and we will make you pay! We have been missing that attitude, and maybe we're getting it back.

Kudos for Curley for bringing his team back. The Leopard OL did a good job of protecting him and giving him openings to run, although some of those were misplays by our guys running themselves out of position. Without our run game being effective, I was surprised our pass game was as successful as it was. Despite a couple drops, the young WRs came up big time at critical times with key third down catches..not seen earlier this year.

I did not agree with the MVP award. Clark certainly had some great moments, but he was also erratic and made bad decisions that compounded problems early in the game. His 'moxie' in not getting down on himself and coming back to lead the offense in an amazing two play strike on OT was tremendous as was engineering the 98 yd. drive.

However, an unsung hero was our punter, Alex Smith. Averaging 43 yd/punt he made LC have to go long distance, and we all know that long-distance drives usually do not result in TDs. Field postion was critical. Of course, the vaseline he put on the ball that Padilla muffed didn't hurt.;) Ironic, that last week, Lehigh made the same, almost fatal mistake at Fordham. I thought these PL kids were smart?

I don't know if a punter should get an MVP, so I'd be inclined to give it to the defensive unit, though giving up yards, made the big plays when needed, and winning the turnover battle, 4-2.

Let me know if you guys need any Pepto-bismal or Tums or maybe something stronger...From what I hear, from a few spotted friends from last year, Crow is very greasy and does not go down easy. I'm not sure what you do with the black feathers...maybe use them to add some trim to those black unis that have the burn holes from last year.

It's been a fun week taking all the *****. I can't tell you, living in Easton, how much fun I'll be having this coming week. I may even close the office...no, let's not get carried away. I was going to close by saying that maybe you'll get some solace from your wrestling or basketball teams 'getting even' with us later this winter, but then, again....

Oh yes, and at this current pace, we'll have the series tied up by 2021, my 51st Game. Yes, Virginia, Lehigh shows it can play.

November 21st, 2009, 11:46 PM
He'll get one more year and all things considered probably deserves it. I think the fact his players have stood by him and played their hearts out makes that decision. However, i fully expect to see some staff changes on the offensive side of the ball. The lack of a running game, inconsistent QB play and lack of big play on offense are the things that really need to be fixed. Coen needs to get a QB coach or a new OC coordinator that has a proven track record developing the position. He also needs to find someone that can improve the oline and rb play. The defensive side of the ball is fine and i would expect if they want, all will return. My guess is Lehigh will be one of the favorites heading in to next year. They were this year as well. IMO, he's got one more year i believe to get to 7-4/8-3 and make a legit title run.

The one promising thing from the last 2 weeks is the ability to win close games. He doubled up his wins in games decided by 10 or less the previous two games.

Up until today, the run game has shown signs of being good. Today's rushing of only 55 yards was a combination of Lafayette having avery good front 7 and us having two starting OL working on bad wheels. Both Clerge and Rackley went down early, and although they got back in, the clearly were hobbled. All but one of the OL starters return next year, and others had time, so the future is bright in terms of talent.

Yes, we do need a REAL QB coach. Clark and Lum have tools, but they're not improving in their decision making or mechanics.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 22nd, 2009, 12:01 AM
I'd encourage any Lehigh fan to check out the archived broadcast on yahoo.com If you go to the 15 minute mark of the broadcast there's about 6 minutes of video that was shot in the lockeroom before the game. Very cool watch. If you weren't a Ricky Clerge fan before, you will be after watching this! Also you get to see Coen address the team before the game.

Lehigh Football Nation
November 22nd, 2009, 02:28 AM
Well, I'm finally sober enough to get online. Spent a couple minutes perusing the jabbering that went on the past few hours.

I stopped by your tailgate ng, I had some remnants of deep-fried turkey and stuffing - delicious! - and a nice beer to wash it down. But I didn't see you there - I think maybe you went into the stadium before then.

Critical point, the great Frank T., again, is always good for some curious or questionable calls. As I have said before, I think Tavani, overall, is a very good coach. He's obviously a good motivator, recruiter, and organizer; but the decision to go for it on fourth and goal was unbelieveable. To bad for LC his assistants didn't call timeout to talk him out of it, like they did with the planned FG in 2005.
To many of us in the stands, it spoke of arrogance..that the 'pards had no respect for our D front, and I think the kids took it that way, too. BJ Benning leading the charge up front was magnificent. He's such a great kid and for him, and Matt Cohen, to leading that effort was amazing. BUT, to top it off, we then take the ball 98 yards to paydirt. What a statement! We are Lehigh, dammit, and we will make you pay! We have been missing that attitude, and maybe we're getting it back.


Kudos for Curley for bringing his team back. The Leopard OL did a good job of protecting him and giving him openings to run, although some of those were misplays by our guys running themselves out of position. Without our run game being effective, I was surprised our pass game was as successful as it was. Despite a couple drops, the young WRs came up big time at critical times with key third down catches..not seen earlier this year.

I mentioned Curley a lot in my own (very long) recap:


I did not agree with the MVP award. Clark certainly had some great moments, but he was also erratic and made bad decisions that compounded problems early in the game. His 'moxie' in not getting down on himself and coming back to lead the offense in an amazing two play strike on OT was tremendous as was engineering the 98 yd. drive.

However, an unsung hero was our punter, Alex Smith. Averaging 43 yd/punt he made LC have to go long distance, and we all know that long-distance drives usually do not result in TDs. Field postion was critical. Of course, the vaseline he put on the ball that Padilla muffed didn't hurt.;) Ironic, that last week, Lehigh made the same, almost fatal mistake at Fordham. I thought these PL kids were smart?

I don't know if a punter should get an MVP, so I'd be inclined to give it to the defensive unit, though giving up yards, made the big plays when needed, and winning the turnover battle, 4-2.

I immediately wrote Al Pierce on my ballot, as did a bunch of other media members, but Clark ended up winning. It wasn't just the interception: he was huge on the goal-line stand and a bunch of other places. But Clark just refused to die or give up. He just battled and battled and battled - and won.

Alex Smith was great. He was inconsistent all year - it was great to see him really bring it together and become a real weapon for us.

Yes, Virginia, Lehigh shows it can play.


Franks Tanks
November 22nd, 2009, 06:29 AM
You can not be serious. You lose to your archrival, get knocked from playoff contention and now you're crowing about what a great 8-3 season you had. Come on now.

So when does all the talk about Frankie T making the terrible call to go for it on 4th and 1 instead of taking the 3 pts. That is the kind of stuff that you'd be all over Coen for! Going to give Frankie T the pass?

Lafayette has finished weak two years in a row - looks like Frank's boys can't close the deal when you're favored. Oh but I'm sure you feel real satisfied with an 8-3 season with a loss to Lehigh to cap it off. 4-7 sure isn't great, but I feel pretty jazzed right now.

I didnt say 8-3 was a great season numbnuts, but it is lighyears better than 4-7.

Frankie T made a terrible call not kicking the FG and it cost him the game.. he will rightfully be skewered for that call. Also we gave you a TD on that punt...congrats on that present.

Watching Lehigh celebrate a 4-7 season like they did was humerous. The Leopards finished a disappointing 8-3 season today, just as we finished disappointing 7-4 seasons the two prior years. On the other hand Lehigh has finished up their 3rd losing season in a row, and considers 4-7 a reason to celebrate. Good luck with that losing program and enjoy your gift today.

November 22nd, 2009, 08:48 AM

Your post reminds me painfully of all our posts during the Lembo years about disappointing 8-3 years. Trustme that is better than the Coen years. That said we won and next year we'llkick some serious *ss.xrolleyesx

November 22nd, 2009, 08:57 AM
Just saw video, very nice lockerroom footage. Clerge is a great kid.

Seems some are waiting for me and others to gloat. Not going to happen. I am enjoying the win still and will for a while. An even game between teams that are about even. We won because we made less mistakes . LC and FU are only games we can say that about. We have 5 other games to live with where we shot ourselves in the foot. Recruiting season now here. Our 1st objective will be a new OCxlolx

November 22nd, 2009, 09:06 AM
I didnt say 8-3 was a great season numbnuts, but it is lighyears better than 4-7.

Frankie T made a terrible call not kicking the FG and it cost him the game.. he will rightfully be skewered for that call. Also we gave you a TD on that punt...congrats on that present.

Watching Lehigh celebrate a 4-7 season like they did was humerous. The Leopards finished a disappointing 8-3 season today, just as we finished disappointing 7-4 seasons the two prior years. On the other hand Lehigh has finished up their 3rd losing season in a row, and considers 4-7 a reason to celebrate. Good luck with that losing program and enjoy your gift today.

Completely wrong. The celebration you witnessed was jubilation over kicking Lafayette's ass for the second year in a row, and to knock your post season hopes to smithereens. With HC going down, an LC win could have given the 'pards an at-large bid. No one I know celebrated this season. It was pure agony. The final chapter, though, was a pure delight!

November 22nd, 2009, 09:38 AM
I'd encourage any Lehigh fan to check out the archived broadcast on yahoo.com If you go to the 15 minute mark of the broadcast there's about 6 minutes of video that was shot in the lockeroom before the game. Very cool watch. If you weren't a Ricky Clerge fan before, you will be after watching this! Also you get to see Coen address the team before the game.

Thanks! I stayed up until 2:30 a.m. watching a good portion of the game, again, including the pre and post game clips. Clerge certainly appears to be real leader. Likely a captain next year. His talking about the teams' "brothers out there in the stands" who have played before them and "who will there until they die" really struck me as he was talking about us 'old farts' who have shown what Lehigh football means to us, and has meant to our lives. Great stuff.

November 22nd, 2009, 09:52 AM
Yes we had a chance at xlolx
Lehigh still sucks.. freaking 4-7 and 3 losing seasons in a row. Pards gave this away..stupid fumble on a punt and didnt kick the FG when we had a chance.

We dominated today stastically and somehow lost. Bottom line is that we gave Lehigh a gift today but we still finished 8-3 to their 4-7. I guess 4-7 passes for a good season these days on the South Mountain.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah! xbawlingxxbawlingx

4-7 seasons don't cut it on South Mountain but beating Laughingatit two years in a row make Lehigh's next 9 months much more enjoyable than yours, dude!

Two weeks in a row with a chance to win a league title, dude! Two weeks in a row: Failure was THE Option! xlolxxlolxxlolx

November 22nd, 2009, 09:53 AM
With the win yesterday, I've tempered my thoughts about insisting Coen and the whole coaching staff leaving. Being a grad of both LU and Notre Dame, this has been a season of frustration on the sidelines with the prospect of losing both HC's. But the LU offense is still uninspiring with unimaginative play calling, inconsistent play at the QB position, slowly improving running game but still well short of what's required to be at the top of the PL and a defense that plays with a lot of heart but is on the field too much. I agree with many of the posts: new OC and QB coach, a commitment to a balanced offense - running and passing, strengthen the secondary, particularly at corner, which is beaten by the big play and better tackling.

The balance of power in PL changes next year and should come down to the L-L game for the league championship and NCAA auto bid. To expect anything less is a failure of the coaching staff and this program.

Franks Tanks
November 22nd, 2009, 09:54 AM
Completely wrong. The celebration you witnessed was jubilation over kicking Lafayette's ass for the second year in a row, and to knock your post season hopes to smithereens. With HC going down, an LC win could have given the 'pards an at-large bid. No one I know celebrated this season. It was pure agony. The final chapter, though, was a pure delight!

Nice taunting of Curley by your players after the game. They got right in his face..it shows what character Curley has to walk away after that and not retaliate. On the Lafayette board a parents mom posted that a Lehigh student was going after the players and taunting the parents.

Lack of class by Lehigh players and students, but that is to be expected at this point I guess.

Enjoy your 3rd losing season in a row.

Franks Tanks
November 22nd, 2009, 09:55 AM
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah! xbawlingxxbawlingx

4-7 seasons don't cut it on South Mountain but beating Laughingatit two years in a row make Lehigh's next 9 months much more enjoyable than yours, dude!

Two weeks in a row with a chance to win a league title, dude! Two weeks in a row: Failure was THE Option! xlolxxlolxxlolx

HAHA--keep celebrating your third losing season in a row.

All Lehigh can be proud of is being a spoiler as you have nothing to play for yourselves.

November 22nd, 2009, 10:19 AM
Nice taunting of Curley by your players after the game. They got right in his face..it shows what character Curley has to walk away after that and not retaliate. On the Lafayette board a parents mom posted that a Lehigh student was going after the players and taunting the parents.

Lack of class by Lehigh players and students, but that is to be expected at this point I guess.

Enjoy your 3rd losing season in a row.

Well that's what happens when drinking massive quantites of alcohol... a celebrated fact at Lehigh. Really though there should be no tolerance of that from both sides.

Franks Tanks
November 22nd, 2009, 10:22 AM
Well that's what happens when drinking massive quantites of alcohol... a celebrated fact at Lehigh. Really though there should be no tolerance of that from both sides.

Lafayette players and students dont act in that manner after victories. #48 on Lehigh is a piece of trash for coming to the Lafayette sideline and taunting Curley after the game. This was reported by several people.

November 22nd, 2009, 10:35 AM
Lafayette players and students dont act in that manner after victories. #48 on Lehigh is a piece of trash for coming to the Lafayette sideline and taunting Curley after the game. This was reported by several people.

That's baloney.

4 buses of Lafayette students piled out in front of my tailgate, and a couple of the students got into the face of a 9 year old wearing a Lehigh sweatshirt and screamed "Lehigh S*cks" at him until he cried.

There's bad eggs everywhere - please take your sour grapes and move on.

November 22nd, 2009, 10:37 AM
Oh yeah, and off the same bus came a kid holding a gallon jug of spiked apple cider, so its not like Lafayette students aren't drinking before the game.

Those goalposts didn't tear themselves down for all those years, and it wasn't just Lehigh fans on the field.

In fact, I'm a little disappointed that the Lehigh students didn't try and tear them down yesterday - that's the kind of win where they would come down at other schools.

Bogus Megapardus
November 22nd, 2009, 10:54 AM
Nice taunting of Curley by your players after the game. They got right in his face..it shows what character Curley has to walk away after that and not retaliate. On the Lafayette board a parents mom posted that a Lehigh student was going after the players and taunting the parents.

Lack of class by Lehigh players and students, but that is to be expected at this point I guess.

Enjoy your 3rd losing season in a row.

I saw this too. It's been the Lehigh Way for generations. Oh, I forgot. Lehigh is a "Major University" and a "National Athletic Power" so it's OK. Well, I'd rather be just a humble little college with a winning football season. You can keep your cadre of self-congratulatory wingnuts. And those Lehigh "parents?" Someone really ought to take them out behind the woodshed (maybe near App State somewhere) and beat the living ***** out of them.

Franks Tanks
November 22nd, 2009, 11:40 AM
Oh yeah, and off the same bus came a kid holding a gallon jug of spiked apple cider, so its not like Lafayette students aren't drinking before the game.

Those goalposts didn't tear themselves down for all those years, and it wasn't just Lehigh fans on the field.

In fact, I'm a little disappointed that the Lehigh students didn't try and tear them down yesterday - that's the kind of win where they would come down at other schools.

Lafayette students weer drinking before the game???? No way I dont believe it!!!

It is unfortunate that a Lafayette student yelled at a child, certainly uncalled for. However, when the Lehigh football team cannot even keep composure that is a different story...classy guy that number 48 by Lehigh.

Lehigh Football Nation
November 22nd, 2009, 12:32 PM
Lafayette players and students dont act in that manner after victories. #48 on Lehigh is a piece of trash for coming to the Lafayette sideline and taunting Curley after the game. This was reported by several people.

This is really rich, after the 144th when your LB delivered a late hit on Clark that required the teams to be separated after the game. So you're saying that it's only in defeat you act this way?

I'm not condoning the taunting, but this fiction that it's all one-sided has to be called out.

Franks Tanks
November 22nd, 2009, 12:50 PM
This is really rich, after the 144th when your LB delivered a late hit on Clark that required the teams to be separated after the game. So you're saying that it's only in defeat you act this way?

I'm not condoning the taunting, but this fiction that it's all one-sided has to be called out.

Romans late hit on Clark was bad and stupid.

Keep apologizing for terrible behavior by the Lehigh team. That reflects on your loser coach Coen

Bogus Megapardus
November 22nd, 2009, 12:54 PM
This is really rich, after the 144th when your LB delivered a late hit on Clark that required the teams to be separated after the game. So you're saying that it's only in defeat you act this way?

I'm not condoning the taunting, but this fiction that it's all one-sided has to be called out.

I was so disgusted by the behavior of the Lehigh players, fans, alumni and students that I could not care less if the series ended yesterday. You can keep your "National University" and "World Athletic Power." I want nothing to do with Lehigh University. I will never again allow my family to step foot in South Bethlehem. I'm done.

Lehigh Football Nation
November 22nd, 2009, 01:04 PM
In fact, I'm a little disappointed that the Lehigh students didn't try and tear them down yesterday - that's the kind of win where they would come down at other schools.

I do know there were a lot of "yellow jackets" on the field surrounding one of the goalposts in case anyone tried anything, so there was at least a thought that this might happen.

November 22nd, 2009, 05:07 PM
Lafayette students weer drinking before the game???? No way I dont believe it!!!

It is unfortunate that a Lafayette student yelled at a child, certainly uncalled for. However, when the Lehigh football team cannot even keep composure that is a different story...classy guy that number 48 by Lehigh.

Number 48 was the brother of the kid that was hit by a member of the Pard posse. The kid is mentally challenged BTW it is quite obvious to anyone . So it was understandible why number 48 would look to protect his little brother.
Laugh-a-yet has no class.

November 22nd, 2009, 05:23 PM
Number 48 was the brother of the kid that was hit by a member of the Pard posse. The kid is mentally challenged BTW it is quite obvious to anyone . So it was understandible why number 48 would look to protect his little brother.
Laugh-a-yet has no class.

xconfusedx Judging by this post, the only person mentally challenged is this guy.

November 22nd, 2009, 05:31 PM
This is really rich, after the 144th when your LB delivered a late hit on Clark that required the teams to be separated after the game. So you're saying that it's only in defeat you act this way?

I'm not condoning the taunting, but this fiction that it's all one-sided has to be called out.

Romans is one player and it was during the game. The schenanigans yesterday involved the entire team after the game.

I know Tavani would never let this happen. I do not remember the game (maybe a Penn game), but some of our players started getting cocky and taunting after a close win and Tavani ripped into them. Also, during one on field celebration vs. Lehigh, the crowd started hurling boos and profanity towards when the name "Lehigh" was mentioned, and Tavani motioned to the crowd to 'stop it.'

I also believe alcohol fuels alot of the non-sense, particularly on the Lehigh side since it is a larger school with many fraternities (hence organization). Also, the Playboy party school designation probably fuels the mentality of needing to act crazy.

I remember, LFN, you said at one point "it's good to see this rivalry is about football today rather than raids etc. (the bad stuff)." We still have a long way to go...

Lehigh Football Nation
November 23rd, 2009, 11:06 AM
I also believe alcohol fuels alot of the non-sense, particularly on the Lehigh side since it is a larger school with many fraternities (hence organization). Also, the Playboy party school designation probably fuels the mentality of needing to act crazy.

I remember, LFN, you said at one point "it's good to see this rivalry is about football today rather than raids etc. (the bad stuff)." We still have a long way to go...

So agree P4L. Really, I don't like hearing about the taunting, etc. either. I want the games to be well-fought and classy, too, trust me.

November 23rd, 2009, 11:13 AM
Nice taunting of Curley by your players after the game. They got right in his face..it shows what character Curley has to walk away after that and not retaliate. On the Lafayette board a parents mom posted that a Lehigh student was going after the players and taunting the parents.

Lack of class by Lehigh players and students, but that is to be expected at this point I guess.

Enjoy your 3rd losing season in a row.

I didn't see the players taunting Curley, but I agree that is not right if it occured. Likely a result of last year's shot to Clark when he took a knee, which got a lot of people pissed off. As for the students, there will be assholes from both schools, and horror stories that can be mixed and matched. That stuff has happened for 125 years and will likely, unfortunately, continue.
Have fun stewing in your own piss and vinegar over the winter.

November 23rd, 2009, 11:17 AM
Lafayette players and students dont act in that manner after victories. #48 on Lehigh is a piece of trash for coming to the Lafayette sideline and taunting Curley after the game. This was reported by several people.

How quickly they forget. Your 'Big Hurt' win resulted in a ton of complaints about taunting by a great portion of the Leopard team while hopping up and down on the mid-field logo. The emotions are so high in this game, and with all the PREGAME trash talk that obviously occurs here and elsewhere, some people are going to mouth back.

November 23rd, 2009, 10:37 PM
How quickly they forget. Your 'Big Hurt' win resulted in a ton of complaints about taunting by a great portion of the Leopard team while hopping up and down on the mid-field logo. The emotions are so high in this game, and with all the PREGAME trash talk that obviously occurs here and elsewhere, some people are going to mouth back.

But we didn't go after anybody, if this in fact happened. As for partying on the logo, it's the middle of the field... where do you expect a party to happen? Did a postgame handshake even happen on Saturday?

I'd hardly consider what happens on here trash talking... more like teasing.

November 23rd, 2009, 10:41 PM
So agree P4L. Really, I don't like hearing about the taunting, etc. either. I want the games to be well-fought and classy, too, trust me.

And you know what really burns me up? The people doing the taunting and acting idiotic probably don't know Laf/Lehigh have a football team for 51 weeks and don't care or go to any other game. I garuntee you!

Bogus Megapardus
November 23rd, 2009, 11:49 PM
And you know what really burns me up? The people doing the taunting and acting idiotic probably don't know Laf/Lehigh have a football team for 51 weeks and don't care or go to any other game. I garuntee you!

This. I even go to road games. At a typical game, the atmosphere is extraordinarily pleasant.

November 24th, 2009, 12:28 AM
And you know what really burns me up? The people doing the taunting and acting idiotic probably don't know Laf/Lehigh have a football team for 51 weeks and don't care or go to any other game. I garuntee you!

Bingo. It is a social event for them rather than a special football rivalry.

November 24th, 2009, 12:56 AM
And you know what really burns me up? The people doing the taunting and acting idiotic probably don't know Laf/Lehigh have a football team for 51 weeks and don't care or go to any other game. I garuntee you!

That we can agree on 100% . Typical of most situations, the people who haven't worn a jock or ever supported the team want to be in the 'in crowd'..I"ve posted about the 'rushing the field mentality' of students at these games. It does interfere with the post game handshakes which, to me, has always been very important.