View Full Version : Detroit Marathon

October 18th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Rough day for them:


Strange, having 3 people die during one race, much less within 20 minutes of one another. Cool, overcast day, so there aren't the usually heat-related culprits. Thoughts and prayers to the families :(

Does bring up the point though that marathons are really an awful lot of abuse to put the body through. Gets kind of easy to loose sight of in some circles because it seems like everyone and their brother has done one or two. And I say that having just run a half-marathon this morning (decided around mile 10 that running a full marathon was absolutely no where on my to-do list).

October 18th, 2009, 08:30 PM
The older fellow fell and hit his head. The two younger men likely had ticker issues, if I had to guess without knowing the autopsy results.

I've only ever witnessed one marathon. When I was stationed at Quantico I was obligated to work as a volunteer (pardon the oxymoron) for the 1996 Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC. I worked at the 19 mile mark and it was pretty amazing to see the state of the less than elite runners at that stage of a marathon. There were a lot of people in serious distress. I also got to see Oprah Winfrey run by. She didn't want any of my water, the b... xrolleyesx