View Full Version : Reply to to ESPN sucks thread
December 11th, 2005, 09:36 AM
waa waa
You ingreats! You guys that look a gift horse in the mouth. It has been said that the rudest thing a person can do is to be ungreatful when something is done for them.
Let's go back to the day when only the Championship game was televised nationally so you'll have something to really whine, bitch, and moan about. Pull up your skirts nancy boys, everthing is pretty good in I-AA land.
If they went back to televising just the Title game on ESPN like Division II it would serve you right.
December 11th, 2005, 10:41 AM
...we have to beat them. There is absolutely no other way.
It's like earning your position on the team. You don't earn it by whining and "demanding" respect from the coach. You have to knock the starter on his ass. Regularly. Not once in a Mississippi State-vs-Maine blue moon.
I-AA football will IMMEDIATELY earn the respect of the ESPNs of the world when more of our teams schedule and beat the proverbial big boys.
Until then, the more we complain, the more we will validate the "little brother" image we have in the eyes of national sports media.
December 11th, 2005, 11:46 AM
You ingreats! You guys that look a gift horse in the mouth...If they went back to televising just the Title game on ESPN like Division II it would serve you right.I still don't understand your constant kiss-up to ESPN Ronbo. ESPN, by contract, has the rights to televise the games. They HAVE TO televise them. There is no "gift horse" involved. If they don't televise the games then others must be allowed the rights. No one is complaining that they televise them anyway, the complaints are about the commentator errors etc. and the constant I-A barrage.
December 11th, 2005, 11:52 AM
100% in agreament with Ralph
December 12th, 2005, 11:56 AM
the point of my thread was, if you're going to televise a game, do it right, instead of looking like morons.
December 12th, 2005, 12:27 PM
the point of my thread was, if you're going to televise a game, do it right, instead of looking like morons.
I felt they did a pretty good job myself.
I did the feeling that they were surprised that football was good at this level. Could they improve? Sure, but it isn't nearly as bad as some of you are making it out to be.
December 12th, 2005, 12:35 PM
I also thought they improved...listing some of the Great 1-AA players in the NFL was an eye opener to the fans and one color man.
ESPN is hoping that by showing 1-AA playoffs that 1-A will get on board in the future.They stand to make big bucks if that happens.
Coverage is much better...before they would always say he's a 1-AA player...lets see how he does against real competition...
I would do a slow burn.
Lehigh Football Nation
December 12th, 2005, 01:56 PM
I still don't understand your constant kiss-up to ESPN Ronbo. ESPN, by contract, has the rights to televise the games. They HAVE TO televise them. There is no "gift horse" involved. If they don't televise the games then others must be allowed the rights. No one is complaining that they televise them anyway, the complaints are about the commentator errors etc. and the constant I-A barrage.
My 2c.
The best part of the coverage was hearing coach Curry in the App/Furman game treat the game as a true, professional game. I was pretty impressed with about 75% of their broadcast. In both games, the announcers were into the game and at least made an attempt to make the games exciting.
A close second was the impressive crowd shots of both Texas St. and App St. They did show a lot of great shots of both schools, and both stands were packed. Anyone surfing through the channels saw a lot of fans who care about I-AA - much better than La-Laf/La Monroe or something like that.
The worst part of the coverage was when they bounced back to the ESPN studios and talked about the biggest non-story in sports in 2005, let alone college sports - the Heisman Trophy. It's as if ESPN2 was running the MLS Soccer semifinals, and they kept on flashing to who they thought the "World Footballer of the Year" was going to be. They also unnecessarily talked a lot about Texas, USC, etc. I don't see how people who want to see Barrick Nealy are going to care about how Vince Young is doing. This goes for "Codebreakers" - "the show that everyone ought to see".
Worse, they did it when the games were incredibly exciting and competitive. It's one thing if there's some dead time, but both games were edge-of-your-seat thrilling. I can accept a few plugs for your other shows, but they droned on and on.
Second, the fact checking. FURMAN PALADINES. Give me a break!
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