View Full Version : ESPN coverage sucks
December 10th, 2005, 02:42 PM
Is it just me, or does ESPN go on and on and on about the home team, even when the visiting team makes a good play. seems like they only research the home team.
This is in all games I've seen, not just a comment about UNI games.
December 10th, 2005, 02:47 PM
No kidding, ESPN blows when it comes to I-AA. All they want to do is spoon I-A teams.
No mention of I-AA coach changes, Peyton Awards, Highlights of other I-AA playoff games...etc.
All they did was talk about how surprised they are that I-AA football was this good. If they ever opened their eyes they would have known this. Simply terrible.
December 10th, 2005, 02:53 PM
it seemed like furman could run for 15 yards and they'd be like :
"great tackle by #97, he's so fast, the NFL wants him, furmans coach said he was scared of the d-ends"
December 10th, 2005, 02:53 PM
No kidding, ESPN blows when it comes to I-AA. All they want to do is spoon I-A teams.
No mention of I-AA coach changes, Peyton Awards, Highlights of other I-AA playoff games...etc.
All they did was talk about how surprised they are that I-AA football was this good. If they ever opened their eyes they would have known this. Simply terrible.
It's always like that when there is a challenge to the established order I-A.... Let's just cover this game and get the heck out of here........we have an Heisman presentation to get to.
December 10th, 2005, 02:54 PM
Yeah I agree that those DE's were good, but if I hear one more generic comment about the "Furman coaches being really scared about their DE's" I was going to put it on mute.
December 10th, 2005, 02:57 PM
seriously. i wanted to listen to our radio feed, but the delay is annoying
December 10th, 2005, 03:00 PM
I kept my TV muted most of the games and listened to Christmas music as I posted to AGS and the TSC board. Forget the ESPN idiots. I wish they would let the teams radio announcers call the games. Just think...someone who actually knows something about I-AA calling the playoff games.
December 10th, 2005, 03:01 PM
No kidding, ESPN blows when it comes to I-AA. All they want to do is spoon I-A teams.
No mention of I-AA coach changes, Peyton Awards, Highlights of other I-AA playoff games...etc.
All they did was talk about how surprised they are that I-AA football was this good. If they ever opened their eyes they would have known this. Simply terrible.
ESPN knows more about little league baseball than about I-AA football. And they show more of it, too.
Really, ESPN is like Walmart- they're huge, they have a little bit of everything, but you're more likely to find exactly what you're looking for at a smaller specialty outlet, say
The second football game ever broadcast by ESPN was an Appalachian State game. How quickly they forgot their roots.
December 10th, 2005, 03:08 PM
Let the ESPN Ombudsman know about it...
It's his job to analyze the network's coverage and to respond to criticism.
December 10th, 2005, 03:37 PM
I guess we all would rather ESPN not televise these games? The more coverage we get the more knowledge they will have. Hopefully the success of this years playoffs will help open the door to more regular season coverage by ESPN.
catamount man
December 10th, 2005, 03:58 PM
[QUOTE=HiHiYikas The second football game ever broadcast by ESPN was an Appalachian State game. How quickly they forgot their roots.[/QUOTE]
Against Western Carolina as well. September 22, 1979. ASU won 35-27 and YES, ESPN whored itself out to the I-A world YEARS AGO! Heck, I've got our 1988 win over ETSU on tape and it was on ESPN. How times have changed in 17 years. Sad. GO CATAMOUNTS!!!
December 10th, 2005, 04:07 PM
Against Western Carolina as well. September 22, 1979. ASU won 35-27 and YES, ESPN whored itself out to the I-A world YEARS AGO! Heck, I've got our 1988 win over ETSU on tape and it was on ESPN. How times have changed in 17 years. Sad. GO CATAMOUNTS!!!
ESPNews just dropped a couple of "App-a-LAY-shun" State's while showing game highlights.
catamount man
December 10th, 2005, 04:10 PM
That Northeast Liberal pronunciation ;) drives me nuts and it should you guys as well. Congrats on playing for the REAL National Championship, damnit. :smiley_wi GO CATAMOUNTS!!!
December 10th, 2005, 04:28 PM
Obviously you didn't see the broadcast of the McNeese / Villanova game a few years ago when ALL they could talk about was Villanova and Gordon the QB with the broken thumb/finger......and this was played in Lake Charles
December 10th, 2005, 04:33 PM
Every time they put our name on the screen we were the "Paladines."
Last night they kept referring to Tx. State as an at-large team. They also said that the reason I-AA gets I-A transfers is because they don't have to sit out a year. While that's true, the example they gave was T. Owens who never went to a I-A school as far as I know?
December 10th, 2005, 05:13 PM
During last night's game, one of the ESPN crew stated that at the Div.- IAA level the players don't have aspirations towards the NFL. One of the other guys came back and said that Texas State had several scouts at their practice. The other guy then said that the scouts were there only because of Texas State's QB.
Too bad they had no one astute enough to mrention all the NFL stars who played D-IAA football. While they'll occasionally mention a D-IAA player who could play 'D-1', they usually debase D-IAA football, intentionally or not. :bang:
December 10th, 2005, 05:15 PM
Is it just me, or does ESPN go on and on and on about the home team, even when the visiting team makes a good play. seems like they only research the home team.
This is in all games I've seen, not just a comment about UNI games.
Not in the Furman-ASU game. It was more like Furman was Harvard in academics and Southern Cal in football.
December 10th, 2005, 05:18 PM
ESPN knows more about little league baseball than about I-AA football. And they show more of it, too.
Really, ESPN is like Walmart- they're huge, they have a little bit of everything, but you're more likely to find exactly what you're looking for at a smaller specialty outlet, say
The second football game ever broadcast by ESPN was an Appalachian State game. How quickly they forgot their roots.
Well said!!!
December 10th, 2005, 05:21 PM
I guess we all would rather ESPN not televise these games? The more coverage we get the more knowledge they will have. Hopefully the success of this years playoffs will help open the door to more regular season coverage by ESPN.That's right, I would rather have Fox or NBC/ABC/CBS televise the games. Alas, ESPN has to cover the games according to their contract with the NCAA so we're stuck with them. I wish they would have allowed other outlets to cover the first two rounds instead of sticking them on PPV.
December 10th, 2005, 07:16 PM
Maybe the most annoying thing during the UNI-TxSt game was the multiple references to Texas Longhorn football. How TxSt's coach spent time with the UT coach, how UT is playing for the title, how TxSt is in UT's shadow, etc etc etc. What the hell difference does that make to this game? Don't we hear about UT enough?
Can't you find something relevant to UNI and Tx St to talk about, other than the fact that UNI's kicker missed an extra point and they went for 2 the next time. They beat that dead horse until the stick snapped in half.
You want to see the difference between 1-AA and 1-A football in living color? Go from the end of the 1st half of a 1-AA playoff game, with great action and players busting their butt competing, to a half-time studio show with talk about the merits of Vince Young vs. Reggie Bush for the Heismann. My god, how can grown men stand to talk about such mundane crap as that year after year? Just play the damn games and get on with it. What's this obsession in 1-A football with trying to annoint one guy and one team as perfect or near-perfect. It just sucks the life out of the sport for me. Football is supposed to be about trading blows, getting knocked down, staggering back to your feet and outlasting the other guy. If you want perfect go the movies.
December 10th, 2005, 07:26 PM
I think ESPN's coverage of the semifinals was very positive. They did talk a lot about the visiting teams. As I said in another thread, they made a big deal about that "UNI" being for "Unity" stuff, how no UNI skill player made the Gateway all conference team. They also spent a whole lot of time talking about how good UNI's quarterback is. And they talked a whole lot about Horne, the UNI transfer from Nebraska.
Then today they spent a whole lot of time talking about Ingle Martin. And they talked about how Furman is the only private school to ever win the national title. A bunch of talk about Furman's fullback too.
I've noticed a whole lot of discussion about the visiting teams. I don't think they've been neglected at all.
Meanwhile there's been a lot of talk about the intensity of these playoff games. Even the ex Alabama coach guy (who's name is escaping me right now) who was on the telecast for the Furman/App game today was complementary and last year he was just awful.
December 10th, 2005, 07:33 PM
Too bad they had no one astute enough to mrention all the NFL stars who played D-IAA football. While they'll occasionally mention a D-IAA player who could play 'D-1', they usually debase D-IAA football, intentionally or not. :bang:
They did talk I-AA players who made the NFL. I remember seeing a thing with pictures of T. Owens, Kurt Warner, Bryan Westbrook, and others.
They repeatedly said today that Furman's fullback could "play anywhere." They also talked about how App's quarterback Williams would've been a I-A recruit but he had a knee injury. They talked about App's two defensive ends being as good a pair as any in the country at any college level...which I think is actually an exaggeration.
I think you guys are being too sensitive. I think this weekend's coverage was very positive for I-AA. Also I think both communities that hosted did a good job of generating good atmospheres that looked good on TV and both games were very entertaining. I think it was a good weekend for I-AA exposure.
December 10th, 2005, 07:38 PM
ESPN should get Ralph and Coulson to do the commentary.
December 10th, 2005, 07:57 PM
It's like I already said in the ASU/Furman game thread. It sounded to me that, according to the commentators, "Codebreakers" was going to beat both ASU and Furman and thrash UNI in the NC. Oh, and it might even be a sleeper candidate to take home the Heisman.
December 10th, 2005, 09:50 PM
That's right, I would rather have Fox or NBC/ABC/CBS televise the games. Alas, ESPN has to cover the games according to their contract with the NCAA so we're stuck with them. I wish they would have allowed other outlets to cover the first two rounds instead of sticking them on PPV.
Why don't these other channels bid on the contract if they are so interested?
ESPNU will make its way to more cable and satellite providers - mine has it. If someone really cares about the I-AA football playoffs what is $20 for the week? I'd rather it be available nationally for $20 than regionally for free. Everyone that doesn't get the U needs to call their providers.
December 11th, 2005, 01:13 AM
All I know is I saw hours of Reggie Bush today. Yes, Bush is a great player but everybody knew that he was going to win the Hiesman. However, I did not see any replays of a great hard fought game between conference rivals. Come on ESPN, I saw a good D-II game, give us some I-AA action. ESPN and Sports Center I leave you with this..... xazzx
December 11th, 2005, 07:04 AM
ESPN does suck, BUT, believe it or not, I was able to see this game on TV here in Holland! We get channels that show one pay-channel for about 3 months, to get you to buy the package, and for the past 2 months that's been NASN, North American Sports Network. They show college hoops & football, NFL, NHL, NBA etc.They select games from different channels such as ESPN, NBC, CBS etc. Needless to say my jaw dropped yesterday when I saw that they were televising ASU vs Furman. I'm checking the schedule to see if they televise the national championship game as well.
December 11th, 2005, 07:45 AM
ESPN does suck, BUT, believe it or not, I was able to see this game on TV here in Holland! We get channels that show one pay-channel for about 3 months, to get you to buy the package, and for the past 2 months that's been NASN, North American Sports Network. They show college hoops & football, NFL, NHL, NBA etc.They select games from different channels such as ESPN, NBC, CBS etc. Needless to say my jaw dropped yesterday when I saw that they were televising ASU vs Furman. I'm checking the schedule to see if they televise the national championship game as well.
With tongue firmly planted in cheek--maybe the two teams involved (ASU and Furman) will receive interest from Dutch football prospects and donors to the respective boosters clubs. :smiley_wi
December 11th, 2005, 07:46 AM
Why don't these other channels bid on the contract if they are so interested?
ESPNU will make its way to more cable and satellite providers - mine has it. If someone really cares about the I-AA football playoffs what is $20 for the week? I'd rather it be available nationally for $20 than regionally for free. Everyone that doesn't get the U needs to call their providers.
ESPNU did not carry the ASU-Furman game today. ESPN2 did.
December 11th, 2005, 09:10 AM
ESPNU did not carry the ASU-Furman game today. ESPN2 did.
The ESPNU copmment was directed towards Ralphs -ESPN put the earlier games on pay per view- comment. They weren't on pay per view if you had ESPNU.
December 11th, 2005, 10:03 AM
Maybe the most annoying thing during the UNI-TxSt game was the multiple references to Texas Longhorn football. How TxSt's coach spent time with the UT coach, how UT is playing for the title, how TxSt is in UT's shadow, etc etc etc. What the hell difference does that make to this game? Don't we hear about UT enough?
Can't you find something relevant to UNI and Tx St to talk about, other than the fact that UNI's kicker missed an extra point and they went for 2 the next time. They beat that dead horse until the stick snapped in half.
You want to see the difference between 1-AA and 1-A football in living color? Go from the end of the 1st half of a 1-AA playoff game, with great action and players busting their butt competing, to a half-time studio show with talk about the merits of Vince Young vs. Reggie Bush for the Heismann. My god, how can grown men stand to talk about such mundane crap as that year after year? Just play the damn games and get on with it. What's this obsession in 1-A football with trying to annoint one guy and one team as perfect or near-perfect. It just sucks the life out of the sport for me. Football is supposed to be about trading blows, getting knocked down, staggering back to your feet and outlasting the other guy. If you want perfect go the movies.
I thought they did a great job with both of the games this weekend. I don't think it matters if it is I-AA, I-A, or NFL games a telecast is going to have a bias towards certain players and aspects. Have you ever watched a game that Michael Vick is playing in? By the time the 3rd Quarter rolls around you would think he was playing both sides of the ball, because they spend so much time talking about him.
ESPNU is going to be a huge outlet for I-AA football. It is really important that everyone calls your local cable provider and requests it. They are going to continue to be an advocate of HBCU and I-AA football for years to come.
Mr. Tiger
December 11th, 2005, 10:52 AM
I have really enjoyed watching the SWAC games on ESPN this year and I watched the Texas State-UNI game this past weekend. That was a great game. What you have to understand is ESPN isn't exactly sending their A-team or even B-team broadcasters to Division I-AA games. And when these broadcasters come to cover a D I-AA game they usually are fed information by the home team's SID's office. So they have more details and inside information on the home team and its players. But the creation of ESPNU may be the best thing to ever happen to I-AA. The channel gives I-AA schools more exposure and the more ESPNU's broadcasters cover I-AA games, they will get to know the teams and players.
December 11th, 2005, 01:01 PM
Despite my earlier rant, I did think the ex-Alabama coach (can't remember his name) did a pretty good job during the Furman/ASU game.
December 11th, 2005, 02:25 PM
That's right, I would rather have Fox or NBC/ABC/CBS televise the games. Alas, ESPN has to cover the games according to their contract with the NCAA so we're stuck with them. I wish they would have allowed other outlets to cover the first two rounds instead of sticking them on PPV.
:eyebrow: You can't possibly be serious. Granted ESPN's coverage of 1-AA could be improved, but there is a finite # of decent commentators and they have to familiarize themselves on relatively short notice. That being said, ESPN is far and away superior to the other networks at producing football telecasts. Fox would be an absolute disaster, just like when they try to do the NFL.
December 11th, 2005, 06:35 PM
:eyebrow: You can't possibly be serious. Granted ESPN's coverage of 1-AA could be improved, but there is a finite # of decent commentators and they have to familiarize themselves on relatively short notice. That being said, ESPN is far and away superior to the other networks at producing football telecasts. Fox would be an absolute disaster, just like when they try to do the NFL.
IMOP, ESPN is better than nothing. That's all. :twocents:
Mr. C
December 11th, 2005, 10:30 PM
Despite my earlier rant, I did think the ex-Alabama coach (can't remember his name) did a pretty good job during the Furman/ASU game.
While ESPN could have done a better job in some areas (particularly with the Friday broadcast), I thought there were more positives than negatives with it.
Some thoughts on Bill Curry (the ex-Green Bay Packer, Baltimore Colt center and Alabama coach who was the color guy on Saturday): Bill was an extremely nice guy and he was in Boone for at least three days. I was real impressed with the way he prepared for the telecast. Bill actually hung out with us at ASU practice on Thursday evening in some nasty weather. It was cold, with sleet and snow pouring down and here was this ESPN guy doing his homework. "This is like a spring day in Green Bay," Curry laughed.
Another interesting story. I was riding down in the elevator on Saturday night with some of the ESPN crew and asked one of the guys who was going to be on the Friday championship telecast. He said it was going to be the guys that did the game on Friday at Texas State. I said "Oh no, not Rod Gilmore. A lot of folks in I-AA circles can't stand Rod Gilmore." The ESPN tech then told me he used to work on Gilmore's crew and said "A lot of us felt that way about Rod too."
Mr. C
December 11th, 2005, 10:35 PM
ESPN should get Ralph and Coulson to do the commentary.
I'm sure Mr. Ralph and Mr. Dave appreciate the thought. Hopefully ESPN knows where they can get our numbers. I think we're both going to be in Chattanooga this week (hint, hint).
December 11th, 2005, 11:58 PM
My biggest problem with the coverage was that everything seemed to somehow come back to I-A.
Compliments to great players were often, "he could play anywhere". They don't exactly say that a lot in I-A coverage.
It just seemed like they made it a point to firmly stick I-AA in their place...second place.
Griz Grunt
December 12th, 2005, 12:42 AM
ESPN has only 1 truely competent I-AA announcer, Pam Ward! :nod:
December 12th, 2005, 12:46 AM
ESPN has only 1 truely competent I-AA announcer, Pam Ward! :nod:
She was the one who did the UNH game, right?
On a positive note, ESPN has links to articles on App/UNI on the main page of it's College Football section.
December 12th, 2005, 02:03 AM
Not in the Furman-ASU game. It was more like Furman was Harvard in academics and Southern Cal in football.
I know. I can't believe they bashed FU that way! :smiley_wi
December 12th, 2005, 03:29 AM
ESPN has only 1 truely competent I-AA announcer, Pam Ward! :nod:
Amen, Grunt...Amen!
(She still hasn't called.)
December 12th, 2005, 03:39 AM
Amen, Grunt...Amen!
(She still hasn't called.)Sorry Grizo, she called me!
"Go melt back into the night, babe"
December 12th, 2005, 03:20 PM
Sorry Grizo, she called me!
"Go melt back into the night, babe"
Until she calls me, Ralph...
"Long-distance operator,
I believe I'm stranglin' on this telephone wire."
December 12th, 2005, 03:40 PM
IMO, The App-Furman broadcast was alot better that the TxSt-UNI game. Bill Curry actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about and seemed to be talking up the playoff system and the benefits of I-AA. On Friday night, however, Rod Gilmore sounded like he didn't have a clue at times. If I heard him say "UNI...Unity" one more time I thought I was going to die. He really sounded clueless when asked about the Division II NC as well. He said he thought Grand Valley State would win, and when asked why, he replied, "because I like them." I'm guessing he said that because he had no idea about the team.
Fun Fact: Furman upset Georgia Tech 17-14 in 1983 when Curry was the head coach at GT and Bobby Lamb was the QB at Furman.
December 12th, 2005, 04:40 PM
Another interesting story. I was riding down in the elevator on Saturday night with some of the ESPN crew and asked one of the guys who was going to be on the Friday championship telecast. He said it was going to be the guys that did the game on Friday at Texas State. I said "Oh no, not Rod Gilmore. A lot of folks in I-AA circles can't stand Rod Gilmore." The ESPN tech then told me he used to work on Gilmore's crew and said "A lot of us felt that way about Rod too."
Rod Gilmore can be looking at a replay showing him one thing and the whole time be saying that it shows just the opposite. My belief in this dates back to a "so called ruled" McNeese fumble in the Villanova game that went into and out of the endzone for a touchback. The whole time of the replay you could see the McNeese runner's knee hit the ground and then the ball coming out while the whole time Gilmore was saying just the opposite.
And did you know that the Nova Qb was playing with a broken thumb? Man, I got tired of hearing that during the broadcast.
December 12th, 2005, 04:47 PM
Last night they kept referring to Tx. State as an at-large team.
I know this is a little late and not to be nit-picky (well maybe so) Texas State was an at-large team. Nicholls St. got the Southland Conference's automatic bid because they beat Texas St. heads up.
Purple Pride
December 13th, 2005, 08:29 AM
At least they covered the game first snap to finish. I watched the DII National Championship game, and they didn't even start the coverage until 10 minutes into the 1st qtr. They couldn't cut away from a School of the Blind Basketball Game. Of course, it was 1A. xidiotx
December 16th, 2005, 10:18 AM
Live in Raleigh - local sports talk radio guy just said....... I do and do not want to see App win tonight. I do because they are a North Carolina team, but I don't because i can't stand the thought of all the ESPN talking heads mispronouncing it as App-a-la-chin State
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