View Full Version : Plaxico given two year sentence

August 20th, 2009, 12:11 PM
Just saw it on ESPN, he plead guilty and received a potential two year sentence. Probably will serve two thirds of it at least, maybe gets out early. He did break the law, but I think in this case he is being made an example of. Maybe that is what the justice system is trying to do in an effort to clean up the NFL, I don't know.

August 20th, 2009, 12:14 PM
What is the typical sentence for someone caught carrying a gun illegally in NYC? That's how I'd judge the severity of the sentence.

August 20th, 2009, 12:19 PM
Bet it's not 2 years. xlolx
They would have a prison the size of vermont if New york sent everybody away for 2 years on this charge.

I don't GAF about crimminals, but what is going to happen to the store owner that killed 2 robbers with an unregistered 12 guage shotgun last weekend in New York.
I mean this showboat DA say's the law is the law no exceptions.
possession of an unregistered gun is posssesion of an unregistered gun.
Just asking.

Plax deserves time but 2 years?
Come on.

He should get 6 months and some damm shooting lessons so he won't put bullet's in his own arse next time.xlolx

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 20th, 2009, 01:59 PM
He's not the sharpest tool in the shed but i don't agree with the sentence. He screwed up and did something wrong but he shouldn't lose 2 years of his life for it. People do a lot worse and get away easier. Ultimately, all he did was hurt himself in every way possible. Obviously laws are laws but some common sense needs to be applied.

August 20th, 2009, 02:15 PM
He's not the sharpest tool in the shed but i don't agree with the sentence. He screwed up and did something wrong but he shouldn't lose 2 years of his life for it. People do a lot worse and get away easier. Ultimately, all he did was hurt himself in every way possible. Obviously laws are laws but some common sense needs to be applied.

Exactly, the laws are their as a guideline but there needs to be a reasonable thought process to occur based on individual situation and actions when it comes to handing out punishments. Had he shot someone else then alright, but hell he just shot his own dumb self. Had it been registered he would have just been shot...not jailed.

Then again I am surprised he hasn't sued himself yet for shooting himself...sounds like something he would do.

The Giants should sue him for ruining their offense ;)

Gil Dobie
August 20th, 2009, 03:09 PM
If Burress had gone to trial, the minimum sentence is 3.5 years. Looks like 20 months with good behavior. Seems like a steep sentence, but it's NY.

Link (http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/32490225/ns/sports-nfl/)

The ex-football star was indicted earlier this month on two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and one count of reckless endangerment. He faced a minimum sentence of 3 1/2 years if convicted at a trial.

“This was not an intentional criminal act,” Brafman said. “In my judgment, a two-year prison sentence is a very severe punishment.”

With time off for good behavior, Burress will likely serve 20 months. He will be monitored during an additional two years of supervised release.

August 20th, 2009, 03:56 PM
I think this DA needs to be kicked in the groin. What he is doing is wrong. I don't even like Plax, in fact I think he is another cancer akin to T.O. But what has happened to him is WRONG, simply because this DA wants to put his name in the media. Being famous isn't something I'll ever be interested in.

But then again, I'm not going to by carrying a gun around with me that has a bullet in the chamber unless I am holding it in my hand, WITH the safety on.

August 20th, 2009, 04:17 PM
If I'm right, this actually started with Bloomberg saying the city would punish him to the full extent of the law (my words, not his).

Not saying I believe this, but playing devil's advocate, if the DA lets this one go, where does he draw the line since the law is 100% against Plax in this case?

August 20th, 2009, 04:41 PM
Burress discharged a weapon in a crowded nightclub. That is a situation- whether accidental or not- that could have caused multiple injuries, havoc, and possibly multiple deaths. It was fortunate that in an environment like that where there is alcohol being served that the situation didn't escalate. This crime is VERY SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He deserves whatever punishment the law stipulates. Part of responsible gun ownership is knowing the laws, OBEYING the laws, and most of all knowing how to secure and handle the weapon without endangering yourself and more importantly others.

August 20th, 2009, 06:06 PM
I think this DA needs to be kicked in the groin. What he is doing is wrong. I don't even like Plax, in fact I think he is another cancer akin to T.O. But what has happened to him is WRONG, simply because this DA wants to put his name in the media. Being famous isn't something I'll ever be interested in.

But then again, I'm not going to by carrying a gun around with me that has a bullet in the chamber unless I am holding it in my hand, WITH the safety on.

Come on...T.O. is a much better talent then Plax. Owens has more TD's then any other WR in the league and is only behind Rice.

August 20th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Come on...T.O. is a much better talent then Plax. Owens has more TD's then any other WR in the league and is only behind Rice.

Plax also has the game-winning TD in a Super Bowl, and the ring to go with it, something TO doesn't

As for the man himself, it's hard to feel too sorry given the circumstances. It's not as if he didn't know the law, and if anything should at least have been bright enough to get a fricking holster rather than his sweatpants xoopsx

Still not a fan of the way Bloomberg and the DA grandstanded on this case. Plenty of high profile people (athletes and various other celebrities) have been arrested in the City for various crimes and they managed not to warrent decrees from on high xrolleyesx

August 20th, 2009, 07:16 PM
It's a bad law and there's no way somebody should be going to jail at all....much less going to jail for two years...for what Plaxico did. This country is whacked. It really is. And New York is one of the top 10% or so States in "whackedness."

August 20th, 2009, 07:42 PM
Come on...T.O. is a much better talent then Plax. Owens has more TD's then any other WR in the league and is only behind Rice.

But he tears a team apart, because he is a selfish immature little boy. Plax went out and played football, and that was it. Yes, he does have a super bowl ring, T.O. does not. So maybe T.O. is the "sexier" player, but Plax is a better teammate and he came through for his team when it counted the most.

August 20th, 2009, 09:02 PM
Bet it's not 2 years. xlolx
They would have a prison the size of vermont if New york sent everybody away for 2 years on this charge.

I don't GAF about crimminals, but what is going to happen to the store owner that killed 2 robbers with an unregistered 12 guage shotgun last weekend in New York.
I mean this showboat DA say's the law is the law no exceptions.
possession of an unregistered gun is posssesion of an unregistered gun.
Just asking.

Plax deserves time but 2 years?
Come on.

He should get 6 months and some damm shooting lessons so he won't put bullet's in his own arse next time.xlolx

Unregistered onyour own private property is one thing. Carrying unregistered with no CCW permit in public is another.

August 20th, 2009, 09:03 PM
Exactly, the laws are their as a guideline but there needs to be a reasonable thought process to occur based on individual situation and actions when it comes to handing out punishments. Had he shot someone else then alright, but hell he just shot his own dumb self. Had it been registered he would have just been shot...not jailed.

Then again I am surprised he hasn't sued himself yet for shooting himself...sounds like something he would do.

The Giants should sue him for ruining their offense ;)

Still would have been charged with concealed carry without a CCW.

August 20th, 2009, 09:06 PM
Final curtain for the 'diva' receiver?

August 20th, 2009, 09:19 PM
I may have just missed it... but, has the NRA said anything or done anything about the Plaxico Burress thing?

Seems like a perfect opportunity to them to speak out about gun laws gone too far.

Does Plaxico come off as an "urban gunowner" while their organization would prefer the image of "rural gunowner"?

SU Jag
August 20th, 2009, 09:52 PM
I may have just missed it... but, has the NRA said anything or done anything about the Plaxico Burress thing?

Seems like a perfect opportunity to them to speak out about gun laws gone too far.

Does Plaxico come off as an "urban gunowner" while their organization would prefer the image of "rural gunowner"?

You hit it right on the head!xthumbsupx

August 21st, 2009, 12:29 AM
I may have just missed it... but, has the NRA said anything or done anything about the Plaxico Burress thing?

Seems like a perfect opportunity to them to speak out about gun laws gone too far.

Does Plaxico come off as an "urban gunowner" while their organization would prefer the image of "rural gunowner"?

The use of the term urban and rural sounds close to a smear of the NRA as a racist organization. Surely you did not mean it that way.

I am sure the NRA is getting all the facts first before commenting. As a member I consider the New York laws totally whacky. However once one knows the laws it is the responsibility of any gun owner to obey the laws. While getting a CCW in NY is difficult, it is not impossible. Burress certainly has the money to take the appropriate training that would satisfy the New York authorities. I am sure the training would teach Plaxico how to keep the safety on when carryong his handgun so as not to shoot himself in a crowded nightclub.

August 21st, 2009, 12:35 AM
I may have just missed it... but, has the NRA said anything or done anything about the Plaxico Burress thing?

Seems like a perfect opportunity to them to speak out about gun laws gone too far.

Does Plaxico come off as an "urban gunowner" while their organization would prefer the image of "rural gunowner"?

Most loaded statement of the year. Be better than that sk.

Having said that, I am NOT a member of the NRA, but I do own a few firearms. The NRA needs to keeps its mouth shut, which would serve it well in this case.

Big Al
August 21st, 2009, 07:49 AM
I am not a proponent of concealed carry and think most people who carry guns for self-protection really don't understand the difference between possibility and probability.

That said, Plaxico Burress getting two years is friggin' crazy.

August 21st, 2009, 09:54 AM
Burress discharged a weapon in a crowded nightclub. That is a situation- whether accidental or not- that could have caused multiple injuries, havoc, and possibly multiple deaths. It was fortunate that in an environment like that where there is alcohol being served that the situation didn't escalate. This crime is VERY SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He deserves whatever punishment the law stipulates. Part of responsible gun ownership is knowing the laws, OBEYING the laws, and most of all knowing how to secure and handle the weapon without endangering yourself and more importantly others.

Really really good post!xthumbsupx

August 21st, 2009, 06:53 PM
I may have just missed it... but, has the NRA said anything or done anything about the Plaxico Burress thing?

Seems like a perfect opportunity to them to speak out about gun laws gone too far.

Does Plaxico come off as an "urban gunowner" while their organization would prefer the image of "rural gunowner"?

NRA doesn't advocate violating existing laws. He was carrying an unregistered weapon AND had no CCW permit. On top of that he was carrying it in his sweatpants which goes to show how much of a dumba** Burress is, as that is totally unsafe and no gun owner with a lick of sense about firearms would carry in a pair of sweatpants with no holster. And you expect the NRA to defend this idiot xeekx

Seahawks Fan
August 22nd, 2009, 11:51 AM
What is the typical sentence for someone caught carrying a gun illegally in NYC? That's how I'd judge the severity of the sentence.

If convicted, 3 1/2 to 15 years. The cases are being plea bargained to 2 years. Plaxico got the typical plea deal. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

August 22nd, 2009, 01:46 PM
What is the typical sentence for someone caught carrying a gun illegally in NYC? That's how I'd judge the severity of the sentence.

three years minimun
while posters are stating that he got a raw deal
this is the deal both sides signed on to
so how is the ACA at fault?
- he could have taken his chances and went to trial

August 25th, 2009, 02:06 PM
I'm watching Plax's interview on ESPN right now. Pretty interesting that nobody heard the gunshot in a club where there were lots of people.