View Full Version : Article on JMU's Matthews overseas trip in the Richmond Times Dispatch
July 22nd, 2009, 07:58 PM
Yeah, I know there was a thread on this somewhere last month, but this is a new article. Some pretty neat stuff.
July 23rd, 2009, 08:53 AM
....."Matthews and his fellow coaches ate army meals and slept in barracks, traveled with military transport.
"It definitely was not a USO mission with Bob Hope and all the pretty girls," Matthews said.
Of course, the coaches were close enough to the frontlines that they didn't forget the region is still in conflict. One night while sleeping at Bagrum Airbase, Matthews was awakened by loud cracks. They turned out to be a rocket attack on the base, Matthews said.
"I actually thought it was thunder," Matthews said. "It's not like I've been through a lot of rocket attacks."
Army officials canceled a few of the coaches' scheduled appearances in Kandahar after road side bombings, Matthews said.
"If they were concerned, I was concerned," Matthews said."
July 23rd, 2009, 08:57 AM
Real good read. The diary was very interesting as well. Sounds like a great trip with the fellas.
July 23rd, 2009, 11:46 AM
Real good read. The diary was very interesting as well. Sounds like a great trip with the fellas.
Yeah, from the diary I found this pretty funny:
Matthew's Diary:
"......A humorous side-everyone on the trip is giving me a hard time about my camera. It is Kay’s and it is pink. For some reason they can’t get used to a football coach having a pink camera. So every time we take pictures I listen to harassment about my camera.<
Tuesday night – High was 117 today. Had a good crowd tonight. They are so young. Everyone makes fun of my pink camera still. Bailiff and Hauk are relentless. I wish Kay had given me a black one....."
On that Thur:
".....When we finally did return about 4:00 we visited the Bagrum hospital. Most humbling. Visited with a kid that was injured in IEDs and a youngster who had just gotten shot that morning. It was difficult for all of us. A humorous incident – one nurse (from Montana State) was giving Bobby Hauk a hard time about being a Grizzley. He was very gracious – but she definitely was not a Griz fan. We gave him a hard time about it on the way back to the hut......"
Uncle Buck
July 23rd, 2009, 12:47 PM
Pretty cool trip and an interesting read. Nice effort by all of the coaches who took the time to go over.
July 23rd, 2009, 01:00 PM
You guys think Mickey thought it was hot!!! :p
July 23rd, 2009, 01:10 PM
He's been desensitized to streamers, so you have to figure that rockets, mortars, and RPGs really don't phase him much.
July 23rd, 2009, 01:23 PM
He's been desensitized to streamers, so you have to figure that rockets, mortars, and RPGs really don't phase him much.
How did I know that it would be a UD fan that would come in and ruin the fun...:D
July 23rd, 2009, 02:00 PM
He's been desensitized to streamers, so you have to figure that rockets, mortars, and RPGs really don't phase him much.
JMU Newbill
July 23rd, 2009, 02:18 PM
He's been desensitized to streamers, so you have to figure that rockets, mortars, and RPGs really don't phase him much.
Well played sir
July 23rd, 2009, 03:30 PM
I give you JMU folks credit. The streamers may have been uncomfortable for a bit back in the 80s and 90s, but you guys have made it your own and it's sort of charming now, in the same sort of way that people driving and talking on cell phones is now charming. xsmiley_wix
July 23rd, 2009, 08:18 PM
Way to go Coach, M. What a great way to represent!
State Line Liquors
July 23rd, 2009, 09:00 PM
gained respect for Mathews in what I've read here. Not exactly sure how exciting it would be to meet him if I were a soldier, but I'm glad he was able to convey a very positive message on behalf of us. Good for him.
Now act like a man this Fall and quit throwing temper tantrums (and hats.)
July 24th, 2009, 08:38 AM
I give you JMU folks credit. The streamers may have been uncomfortable for a bit back in the 80s and 90s, but you guys have made it your own and it's sort of charming now, in the same sort of way that people driving and talking on cell phones is now charming. xsmiley_wix
i don't remember the streamer tradition going back nearly that far.... ??? i mean, our school hasn't even had a football program for too very long...
the thing that i love the most about the streamers is how much visiting fans and players hate it. occasionally one or both will get hit with a flying ball of paper, and it's fun to see that person get all mad. especially when it's a fan. players usually just ignore it. maybe they don't feel it hit them in the head because they're wearing helmets. just wait until our stands are right up against the field, it's coming very soon.....
July 24th, 2009, 10:34 AM
i don't remember the streamer tradition going back nearly that far.... ??? i mean, our school hasn't even had a football program for too very long...
the thing that i love the most about the streamers is how much visiting fans and players hate it. occasionally one or both will get hit with a flying ball of paper, and it's fun to see that person get all mad. especially when it's a fan. players usually just ignore it. maybe they don't feel it hit them in the head because they're wearing helmets. just wait until our stands are right up against the field, it's coming very soon.....
I actually cannot wait for that! Although it will be a little longer until the away side (student side) gets redone (depending on time frame and success of selling out the stadium at 24,000. They wouldn't move the students to that side for numerous reasons, but one being to keep the students on the away team side as an intimidation factor.
For those that don't know, JMU used to have a track around the field. It went out of use after the Plecker Athletic Center was built and now just serves as extra sideline space. The new design has the home side (and eventually the away side when we go to 48,000 seats) moved up much closer to the field to eliminate this gap.
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