View Full Version : Cubs Fans

July 6th, 2009, 03:38 PM
Last weekend I had to go to Detroit to pick up a couple of things I purchased off eBay, guy I bought from turned out to be a real nice guy. He was also a huge baseball fan, Tigers of course. Seeing that I am a Cardinals fan, he started asking me about Wrigley field and Cubs fans in general. The conversation started out something like "Are all Cubs fans d-bags." I laughed, and asked him to elaborate.

Him and a couple of buddies recently went to a game at Wrigley. He said they were harassed and called all sorts of names, had beer and food thrown on them, etc etc. They went in the "restroom" and the trough was full, so they waited. A guy with 2 kids yelled at them for not taking their turn. When he asked what he was supposed to do, the other guy butted around them, went to the floor drain in the middle of the room, where he and his 2 kids took care of business. I explained to him that explains the wonderful odor everpresent inside the walls of Wrigley.

They wanted to go to someplace near the stadium to eat after the game, and asked an usher where a good place would be. The usher looked at them and advised them that "dressed like that" they better just find a cab or bus out of the neighborhood. At that point, they became genuinly concerned for their safety.

I realize all MLB teams have good fans and some not so good, but this Tiger fans' Wrigley Field experience pretty much sums it all up for Cub Fans.

July 6th, 2009, 03:47 PM
I don't believe it - national media has brainwashed all of us to believe the only bad fans in America are in Philadelphia - no way are there bad fans elsewhere in the country, let alone the midwest. You must have been mistaken. xrolleyesx

July 6th, 2009, 03:48 PM
Weekday afternoon games at Wrigley aren't too bad. Many of the fans in attendance are businesspeople taking the afternoon off after a three-martini lunch. Night games are a problem, especially on the weekends. That's when "real" Cub fans crawl from underneath their rocks. If you are wearing Cardinal red, you never ever sit in the bleachers regardless of when the game is being played.

July 6th, 2009, 04:51 PM
Weekday afternoon games at Wrigley aren't too bad. Many of the fans in attendance are businesspeople taking the afternoon off after a three-martini lunch. Night games are a problem, especially on the weekends. That's when "real" Cub fans crawl from underneath their rocks. If you are wearing Cardinal red, you never ever sit in the bleachers regardless of when the game is being played.

Wrigley really isnt allowed to host night weekend games...Only occassional Sunday night games, but never friday or saturday night

July 7th, 2009, 09:18 AM
Yea Scrub fans will be like that. They don't care about the game. It's a bunch of frat boys from Northwestern who go there to get drunk and start fights. And yes that is one reason the place reaks of urine, not to mention the nets they have up to catch the falling concrete.

ElCid: I disagree about the crowd during weekday games. It's mostly college students ditching classes, esp in the bleachers.

July 7th, 2009, 09:22 AM
To some extent you will find these sort of fans at all ball parks throughout the country...its not based on one team, it just based on a general level of stupidity. I see it in Boston, have seen it in Philly (esp.) and pretty much everywhere I have been except Baltimore. I don't know if the Orioles fans have much of a fight left in them...

July 7th, 2009, 09:31 AM
To some extent you will find these sort of fans at all ball parks throughout the country...its not based on one team, it just based on a general level of stupidity. I see it in Boston, have seen it in Philly (esp.) and pretty much everywhere I have been except Baltimore. I don't know if the Orioles fans have much of a fight left in them...

True to a point NH. I have been to 4 ro 5 games at wrigley which is 5 or 6 times too many, and I have been to probably 200 games at US Commiscular and a few games at some other places. Granted, everytime I went to the pi**barn I was wearing Sox clothes but people were just outright rude. I have never had an issue personally with fans but I have witnessed people at wrigley shove little kids out of the way at the troughs, throw food at them, swear at them for getting up during a play to leave their seats etc. I have never, and will never sit in the bleachers there, and will never go back there, but I have only heard horror stories out there from friends who are scrub "fans".

July 7th, 2009, 09:46 AM
My best experience at Wrigley was when AJ hit a 3 run homer off Dempster in the 9tyh to give the Sox a 7-5 win...I wasnt obnoxious, just stood up and cheered and I was showered with all kinds of **** from the bleacher bums...Then while walking out, I had at least 5 drunks challenge me to a fight cuz I had my Frank Thomas jersey on...Complete Joke

July 7th, 2009, 10:09 AM
I got showered with a ton of crap too when I was there for that game, but I might have been a little more boisterous to the people behind me who were ragging me all game. xwhistlex

July 7th, 2009, 11:15 AM
Ya'll need to come to a game in St. Louis with me some time. I 100% guarantee you nothing like that happens there. I've been to hundreds of games there and have never seen any visiting fans get anything worse than good natured ribbing.

There is good reason Cardinal fans are oft considered the best in the game.

Matty, you ought to bring bo down sometime and I'll take ya both to baseball heaven on earth.

July 7th, 2009, 12:05 PM
and I'll take ya both to baseball heaven on earth.


July 7th, 2009, 12:54 PM
I've never had a problem with the fans at Wrigley. I guess I've normally been in Cubs gear when I'm there though (I have started to become somewhat of a fan since moving to town, being a Twins fan I guess it's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing).

I was there last month in both Twins gear, and Indians gear (had friends from Cleveland in town so I decided I had to support the AL), and we had no issues for either game. I've also been there for Brewers games with friends from Milwaukee and have never had a problem, even in the bleachers.

I can't say that I've ever had any problems like the rest of you have, and actually other than the fact that the ballpark itself is about ready to fall down, I would say that my experiences haven't been any different than most of the other places I've been. The only exceiption being when I'm at the cell in my Twins gear. That can get.....interesting.

July 7th, 2009, 03:53 PM
I've never had a problem with the fans at Wrigley. I guess I've normally been in Cubs gear when I'm there though (I have started to become somewhat of a fan since moving to town, being a Twins fan I guess it's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing).

I was there last month in both Twins gear, and Indians gear (had friends from Cleveland in town so I decided I had to support the AL), and we had no issues for either game. I've also been there for Brewers games with friends from Milwaukee and have never had a problem, even in the bleachers.

I can't say that I've ever had any problems like the rest of you have, and actually other than the fact that the ballpark itself is about ready to fall down, I would say that my experiences haven't been any different than most of the other places I've been. The only exceiption being when I'm at the cell in my Twins gear. That can get.....interesting.

Well Bison wearing "that team" to the cell is just asking for it!! xwhistlex;)