May 6th, 2009, 06:10 PM
05-06-2009 04:37 PM
The CSN Way: FCS and the APR
By Chuck Burton, The CSN Way Columnist
http://www.ferris.edu/sports/d2sites/NCAAenhancedlogo.jpghttp://www.championshipsubdivisionnews.com/skins/andreas_01/img/CSNWay.JPGMyles Brand’s campaign to set academic standards “with teeth” has definitely changed the collegiate athletics landscape, but not in the way that any of its architects may have imagined. Last year, its effect was seen very strongly in the cost-containment world of FCS football - and this year, we see the first FCS victim of the “teeth” given to the APR: UT-Chattanooga.
The Academic Progress Rate (or APR for short) attempts to get a real-time view of the academic progress of colleges at the end of a year. If an athlete is retained – meaning ‘stays in school’ – a school gets two points. If an athlete is eligible – meaning ‘holds above a 2.6 average’ – a school gets two more points. Add all these athletes’ numbers up for a year, divide that by the maximum number of points and multiply that times 1,000, and you have your yearly APR number. Do this for a 4-year period and you have your official NCAA APR number.
Read more ... (http://www.championshipsubdivisionnews.com/index.php/2009/05/06/the-csn-way-fcs-and-the-apr?blog=5#more4922)
The CSN Way: FCS and the APR
By Chuck Burton, The CSN Way Columnist
http://www.ferris.edu/sports/d2sites/NCAAenhancedlogo.jpghttp://www.championshipsubdivisionnews.com/skins/andreas_01/img/CSNWay.JPGMyles Brand’s campaign to set academic standards “with teeth” has definitely changed the collegiate athletics landscape, but not in the way that any of its architects may have imagined. Last year, its effect was seen very strongly in the cost-containment world of FCS football - and this year, we see the first FCS victim of the “teeth” given to the APR: UT-Chattanooga.
The Academic Progress Rate (or APR for short) attempts to get a real-time view of the academic progress of colleges at the end of a year. If an athlete is retained – meaning ‘stays in school’ – a school gets two points. If an athlete is eligible – meaning ‘holds above a 2.6 average’ – a school gets two more points. Add all these athletes’ numbers up for a year, divide that by the maximum number of points and multiply that times 1,000, and you have your yearly APR number. Do this for a 4-year period and you have your official NCAA APR number.
Read more ... (http://www.championshipsubdivisionnews.com/index.php/2009/05/06/the-csn-way-fcs-and-the-apr?blog=5#more4922)