View Full Version : CAP'N CAT NEW HAMPY TRIP IS A GO!!!!!
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 03:16 PM
Danged right!!
The only obstacle was clearin' it with the boss as this is somewhat a busy season for us, but being an old I-AA guy himself (NDSU), he understands and saw fit to allow Cap'n Cat to engage in this wanderlust odyssey!!!!!!!
Definite passengers include Cap'n Cat and Ralph, both of whom will grace the grounds of UNH for the first time ever. Probable is PantherRob. Possible is D1B.
Expecting to arrive in Durrytown sometime on Friday afternoon. Any hotel recommendations, NH folks? Somthing close to the stadium would be preferable. Also, any good bars to meet NH fans?
We'd love to party with the Wildcat faithful, and tailgate with them on Saturday, but not if you're the azzholes some of you are on here. PM me.
More details as they arise!!!!!!!
"Yo, Cap'n. I think we're lost, dude"
"WTF, Ralph? Why do you say that?"
"Cuz we just passed a 'Welcome to Nova Scotia' sign!"
"*****. We're gonna need more beer, then....."
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
Lehigh Football Nation
November 30th, 2005, 03:41 PM
Danged right!!
"Yo, Cap'n. I think we're lost, dude"
"WTF, Ralph? Why do you say that?"
"Cuz we just passed a 'Welcome to Nova Scotia' sign!"
"*****. We're gonna need more beer, then....."
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
"Oh my god Cap'n, how are we going to do these I-AA press releases tonight, since we're in St. John, New Brunswick?"
"WTF, Ralph? Moosehead!"
November 30th, 2005, 03:44 PM
"Oh my god Cap'n, how are we going to do these I-AA press releases tonight, since we're in St. John, New Brunswick?"
"WTF, Ralph? Moosehead!"
"Mon Dieu, Cap'n, eet eez far past press time! What can we do for fun in St. Marie de Grande Baguette, Quebec?"
"Back off, Ralph, and grab me a Molson!"
November 30th, 2005, 03:44 PM
Danged right!!
The only obstacle was clearin' it with the boss as this is somewhat a busy season for us, but being an old I-AA guy himself (NDSU), he understands and saw fit to allow Cap'n Cat to engage in this wanderlust odyssey!!!!!!!
Definite passengers include Cap'n Cat and Ralph, both of whom will grace the grounds of UNH for the first time ever. Probable is PantherRob. Possible is D1B.
Expecting to arrive in Durrytown sometime on Friday afternoon. Any hotel recommendations, NH folks? Somthing close to the stadium would be preferable. Also, any good bars to meet NH fans?
We'd love to party with the Wildcat faithful, and tailgate with them on Saturday, but not if you're the azzholes some of you are on here. PM me.
More details as they arise!!!!!!!
"Yo, Cap'n. I think we're lost, dude"
"WTF, Ralph? Why do you say that?"
"Cuz we just passed a 'Welcome to Nova Scotia' sign!"
"*****. We're gonna need more beer, then....."
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
Could this become "FEAR AND LOATHING IN NEW HAMPSHIRE" ? xprost2x xprost2x
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 03:49 PM
Could this become "FEAR AND LOATHING IN NEW HAMPSHIRE" ? xprost2x xprost2x
Prob'ly not, 85. I only have one sheet of 'cid, only three doobs and no mushrooms.
:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:
November 30th, 2005, 03:51 PM
Good gawd, have fun guys!!!! Think of me when you're on the NYS Thruway, passing between Syracuse and Utica. You're in '13' land! :nod:
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 03:51 PM
"Mon Dieu, Cap'n, eet eez far past press time! What can we do for fun in St. Marie de Grande Baguette, Quebec?"
"Back off, Ralph, and grab me a Molson. Then, make me a sandwich, fix your lipstick and put on that purple nightie I got you for Easter." xsmoochx
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
November 30th, 2005, 03:53 PM
Break out the coveralls, lock up your daughters, as the cap'n is comin to town...
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 03:54 PM
Good gawd, have fun guys!!!! Think of me when you're on the NYS Thruway, passing between Syracuse and Utica. You're in '13' land! :nod:
PM us your number - we'll call and wake you up passing through!
:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
November 30th, 2005, 03:55 PM
Cap'n just recorded his 6900th post? Think he can do 86?? :D
November 30th, 2005, 03:57 PM
Break out the coveralls, lock up your daughters, as the cap'n is comin to town...
Er, ah, putter, shouldn't it be "break out your daughters and lock up the coveralls"? :D
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 03:59 PM
Break out the coveralls, lock up your daughters, as the cap'n is comin to town...
So you guys can easily recognize me...............
November 30th, 2005, 04:04 PM
Danged right!!
The only obstacle was clearin' it with the boss as this is somewhat a busy season for us, but being an old I-AA guy himself (NDSU), he understands and saw fit to allow Cap'n Cat to engage in this wanderlust odyssey!!!!!!!
Definite passengers include Cap'n Cat and Ralph, both of whom will grace the grounds of UNH for the first time ever. Probable is PantherRob. Possible is D1B.
Expecting to arrive in Durrytown sometime on Friday afternoon. Any hotel recommendations, NH folks? Somthing close to the stadium would be preferable. Also, any good bars to meet NH fans?
We'd love to party with the Wildcat faithful, and tailgate with them on Saturday, but not if you're the azzholes some of you are on here. PM me.
More details as they arise!!!!!!!
"Yo, Cap'n. I think we're lost, dude"
"WTF, Ralph? Why do you say that?"
"Cuz we just passed a 'Welcome to Nova Scotia' sign!"
"*****. We're gonna need more beer, then....."
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
Cappy......swing down here and pick me up :D ........ I'll bring my camera ;)
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 04:10 PM
Wish I could, Miguel!
Anyway, big picture of my trip: 2%26%3dyn%21ft5d67%3a0%2dy500al%264%40w5y2n9%40a0u ybnu6%24n9r7%7c1%4022u6%2a%3al6tl%26%40%24%3a%26wr %26q4yxu6%24%2eha%40ngua2u%40%24%3a9672%3b%40b20a% 24%3a%26%40%245l%2d2xlr72%26%3dt2%21fa0h67%3a%26%4 02s0f%2an%26u8au%2da%7cl4yg%26%40%24ng6%24ng6tgdar %3a9yt%3a%26u85u%2da%7c96a%3aq%40r5q4yx%26%3d1x9y2 x%26r8n%26u70d%40%5fghy%24ndw8%3a%29u25u%4025qa%24 %2e0rb%3a968x%26%3d15d%4022la%24%2e94ax%26y2n%26%3 dz5g%402xuw%24%2e9ra%3alf10%26%3dzw%26arl5%40tx%26 u1lh%40%5fad6%24n9yz%3a1zr%3a9fbn%26arw%260ysq%408 ad%40b01w%24%2e9abn%26az50%40%5fl9zy%3a1fbs%26%3d2 nq4%24l50b%3a%29utw0%40t2u%40%5fl1rz%3a9yt2%26%3d2 59y%24n54t%3a%290a2g%4015q%40%5fl1az%3a1fy%3a%290z xg%40225%40%5fn1rb%3ad0r0%26%3dzw1%40rn5w%24%2e0ab %3a16ba%26%3drlq%40220u%24%2egub%3ag4b%3a%29zzl%26 url%26%3d22ua%24nuz2%3a%29frl%26u220%40%5fn06%24n5 w7%3a%29ut5%26ut55%40ya9%40bn90%24ala%24nhf1%3a%29 ua5%260ynh%40yx%2601s9%40a2q%40bnua%24%2edu%24x1z7 %3a%29u7g%26a82l%40%5fnu4z%3a1ubl%26%3dbg1%40tn1a% 24%2e9a7%3aqw1w%26%3d2s0u%245lwy%3a%29fyx%264829%4 08xq%40b0ur%24l0%40a0lu%245da%24n1zr%3a1uy%3a961n% 26w1n%26z1l%26wba%26w8w%264tn%26ual9%40yw%26zt0%26 u20u%40b2qu%24nuyy%3alz7l%26u2w9%40bagu%24nlft%3al yt0%26ursg%40axd4%24n9ua%3a16ya%26u2sl%40ax0r%24ng y1%3alabn%26uzwu%402gqa%24g9w%24xuw%24aqy%24s1u%24 0g6%2455a7%3a1wy%3adazw%26%3drl0%40aw00%24%2eq0z%3 alf2x%26yts%26a8x9%40151%40r5gr%24%2e10r%3alr2g%26 0tx%26w85g%40%5fwq0%24xd6z%3a%29u2a%260bn0%40%5fnu 6y%3a9f1l%260zw%2602n1%40%5f00z%24xly1%3a%29ua0d%4 02xdy%24%2e9075%26urs9%40%5fn9wz%3a%29zt%3a%29y8s% 2602su%40%5fg9f%24n10y%3a%29y15%26u8nu%40%5fs9f%24 lu48%3a%29zr2%26022h%40%5fn0f%24l148%3a9y2%3a1ur5% 26%3dbs%260zxu%40ts%2608lh%408xd%40asdz%24agw%24nu 42%3a901s%26%3da0g%40251z%24n047%3a0yt%3a16za%26r8 x%26yy2%26yz0%26z1w%26ybx%26utnl%40a2gf%24nu0t%3ad z2%3a%29470%26u1%3a%29rr2%26y%24%2eqw%24nd47%7cu%4 025u6%40l%3b%40zaua%24%3a
This is the part that concerns me: 2%26%3dtn%21a7sq67%3a0%2dy500al%264%40w5y2n9%4022g ftsq%402n56%2al%26u72u%2c%24xuza%3a%26%40%24%3aqw% 405drb2u%40%5fwl%2d209072%26%40%24nu67%7c%26a7al%4 0%24%3a%26%40rx%21ubx567%3a%29z7%26h0zwu6%24%3a%26 u8ah%2c2%3a94t2%210%2axdry%3a%26%4020u%4020uzyslw% 24ngz%24%3a94r2%210%2anua%245%26wa55wa%3a%29zb0h0t %3a%29f%2455f%24%2e96z%3al62%3a%29u2w%260z0%26%3d2 gd%40awh%40%5fld0%24n9r%24%2e167%3aqut%3a%29zy%3a1 wy%3a%29uyx%26u12%26%3d85%260rx%26%3d255%402w0%40% 5fn96%24ld4%24%2e9zz%3al6b%3a%29utg%2607l%26%3dzw% 26yza%26u1%3aqy1%3a%29wz%3aqwt%3a%29utg%26w72%26%3 dasl%40ax5%40%5fag%40rlg%40%5fn9u%24xdz%24xq%40r00 %40%5fxhy%24s0a%24%2e16r%3a168%3a%29zz%3aqyb%3a%29 yy%3alat%3a%29z7%3aqfz%3a%29f8%3aqyy%3a%29y8%3aqzb %3a9wa%3alyt%3a5%40bxl%402sq%40bsq%40%5f0d%40blh%4 08n%26r2g%26ua%3a1ft%3a%29urx%26yyl%26uz0%26ayw%26 %3dbs%26aya%26f8%3aqzr%3a%29u7a%26yyl%26%3dbn5%408 55%40%5fnq%40rgl%40%5fl%2601a%26urg%26w75%260bn%26 zzg%26uzs%264zg%26u2x%26ar5%26zt%3ad67%3a94a%3aq6r %3adw%24s1y%24%2e0%40z05%40b5g%408xh%4025%26u2s%26 a8%3a%290%24lga%24%2e1u%24xl6%24%2egw%24nhw%24%2e1 w%24lu0%24%2e9za%3a1fz%3a%29urs%26aba%26uax%2607x% 26u25%26w8n%26wbg%26wb5%26wr5%26uaa%26u15%26uza%26 wz5%260tg%264t5%26u2s%26a7s%26w7%3a1f2%3a9ya%3alza %3a9wz%3alfa%3a10r%3aq6a%3a9wr%3alz8%3a5y%24nd0%24 n16%24g%26a7l%26a7%3a9a2%3a%290a%3a9zt%3a9ra%3a94b %3aq4%24lq0%24l9y%240d%402sg%40%5fl5%40awq%402sl%4 0b20%402s0%40rnh%4022u%4085l%402su%40bng%402nh%40r l%26022%26r8%3agr8%3a1ay%3agw1%3a1f8%3al4r%3a1yr%3 a9yr%3a908%3a94a%3a%29u82%26u8n%26%3d1g%26u2s%26%3 d2lq%40251%40%5fnlf%24%2e9z%245%26%3dr%3a%29urw%26 a2%3a%29a20%26wb%3a%29uzn%26%3da2%26%3d2n1%40%5flg %40%5fw0%40a0%26%3d8x%26%3da2%26f%24nd47%7cu%4025u 6%40l%3b%40zaua%24%3a
Is that far away enough from BAWston so's Cap'n Cat and clan don't hit any bad traffic? Haven't been to BeanTown since '97.
Also, Hampy people - hotels near the stadium?
Lehigh Football Nation
November 30th, 2005, 04:23 PM
Is that far away enough from BAWston so's Cap'n Cat and clan don't hit any bad traffic? Haven't been to BeanTown since '97.
I'd try to hit 395 to 495 by Worcester instead of taking the Mass Pike to the 495 intersection - my preference. If you do that, I think you should miss the worst of Boston traffic.
November 30th, 2005, 04:34 PM
Cap'n, install GPS positioning system on your vehicle and link it up to AGS. All of us here will be able to track your progress as you trek across the USA!!
If that doesn't work, we can always contact these guys for the info:
I'm sure they'll be watching for the Catmobile. :)
November 30th, 2005, 04:41 PM
Prob'ly not, 85. I only have one sheet of 'cid, only three doobs and no mushrooms.
:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:
Let me know if ya need some other stuff. The stuff Michael Irvin is fond of. LOL
November 30th, 2005, 05:22 PM
Maybe I'll see you there Cat. <Insert pic of Brad Pitt here>
Go UNI! :D
November 30th, 2005, 05:36 PM
bring us home a victory!!!
November 30th, 2005, 05:47 PM
Hell, Cap'n get your main squeeze Hillary to get you a motorcade to accompany across that desolate stretch of the NY Thruway. I'm sure she'd be 'honored'. :D
November 30th, 2005, 07:05 PM
Hey Cap'n going through Ontario will save you time, assuming you don't hit the niagra area during rush hour.
Then again not sure if they would let you back in the States the Niagra border guards can get Jealous of babe magnets.
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 09:15 PM
Hey Cap'n going through Ontario will save you time, assuming you don't hit the niagra area during rush hour.
Then again not sure if they would let you back in the States the Niagra border guards can get Jealous of babe magnets.
I know, turfy, I thought about going through Canuckia, but many of my Michigan friends told me not to even bother. Getting across at the International Friendship bridge in Detroit/Windsor, they say, is a royal pain-in-the ass nowadays, thanks to them terrorist bastages.
Plus, we'll likely be carrying enough beer to kill all the Budweiser Clydesdales and enough weed to choke Vermont and it would not reflect well on AGS if Ralph gets busted with all those bales in the back of my truck.
:D :D :D :D :D
J/K on the weed ***** far as you guys know.........
:D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D
November 30th, 2005, 09:21 PM
Break out the coveralls, lock up your daughters, as the cap'n is comin to town...
"You better watch out.........."
There's a song in there somewhere. :D
November 30th, 2005, 10:14 PM
Definite passengers include Cap'n Cat and Ralph, both of whom will grace the grounds of UNH for the first time ever. Probable is PantherRob. Possible is D1B.
Make sure Ralph brings some Dylan to listen to, and this is just for you, Cap'n:
"An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it."
You guys have a safe trip! ;) :D
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 10:29 PM
Make sure Ralph brings some Dylan to listen to, and this is just for you, Cap'n:
"An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it."
You guys have a safe trip! ;) :D
Aaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!! I can't HEAR you!!!!!
Thanks, Grizo. Wish you could go with us, man!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
November 30th, 2005, 10:56 PM
I can imagine that you will probably be raising the average IQ of where you leave from as well as where you are headed (at least FB related!!!) Well at least you will be far more fun that the last bunch that came from a far away place and invaded New England!!! At least you will have more beer with you than they did when they landed!!! But the game I would love to see is UNI playing Hahvad in Cambridge, I would pay money to watch you tailgating with that Ivy crowd!!!!
Have a safe trip guys (both ways!!!!)
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 10:59 PM
Have a safe trip guys (both ways!!!!)
Thanks, Mavvy!
:) :) :) :)
November 30th, 2005, 11:03 PM
Also, Hampy people - hotels near the stadium?
If you can, try to see if you can get a room at the New England Center - its on campus. There's also a new hotel in Durham called the Hotel New Hampshire - they might have some availability. Here's a link with some information on accommodations in Durham, tailgating, parking, etc., courtesy of the UNH Athletic Department:
If you want to party after the game, Durham probably isn't the place, unless you want to hang with students. Portsmouth is the place to be - about 10 miles away from campus, near the seacoast. Good bars, good food, and a classic New England seacoast town. If you want to stay in Portsmouth, there are lots of hotel choices there.
Have a good trip - while Cowell Stadium's shortcomings are well documented and beaten to death, the game should be top shelf.
November 30th, 2005, 11:07 PM
I was afraid of this!! Called Mom & both sisters,told them to grab the kids & leave the flatlands for the mountains. I'll give them an "all clear" call Sunday morn. :D
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 11:26 PM
If you can, try to see if you can get a room at the New England Center - its on campus. There's also a new hotel in Durham called the Hotel New Hampshire - they might have some availability. Here's a link with some information on accommodations in Durham, tailgating, parking, etc., courtesy of the UNH Athletic Department:
If you want to party after the game, Durham probably isn't the place, unless you want to hang with students. Portsmouth is the place to be - about 10 miles away from campus, near the seacoast. Good bars, good food, and a classic New England seacoast town. If you want to stay in Portsmouth, there are lots of hotel choices there.
Have a good trip - while Cowell Stadium's shortcomings are well documented and beaten to death, the game should be top shelf.
Thanks, Granny. I've never knocked a school's stadium and I won't start now. As long as there's some place to sit and the playing field is 100 yards long and 53 yards wide, it's fit for a game.
Looking forward to our trip.
Cap'n Cat
November 30th, 2005, 11:27 PM
I was afraid of this!! Called Mom & both sisters,told them to grab the kids & leave the flatlands for the mountains. I'll give them an "all clear" call Sunday morn. :D
The sisters, um, they 18?
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
:eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow:
December 1st, 2005, 12:50 AM
This is the part that concerns me: 2%26%3dtn%21a7sq67%3a0%2dy500al%264%40w5y2n9%4022g ftsq%402n56%2al%26u72u%2c%24xuza%3a%26%40%24%3aqw% 405drb2u%40%5fwl%2d209072%26%40%24nu67%7c%26a7al%4 0%24%3a%26%40rx%21ubx567%3a%29z7%26h0zwu6%24%3a%26 u8ah%2c2%3a94t2%210%2axdry%3a%26%4020u%4020uzyslw% 24ngz%24%3a94r2%210%2anua%245%26wa55wa%3a%29zb0h0t %3a%29f%2455f%24%2e96z%3al62%3a%29u2w%260z0%26%3d2 gd%40awh%40%5fld0%24n9r%24%2e167%3aqut%3a%29zy%3a1 wy%3a%29uyx%26u12%26%3d85%260rx%26%3d255%402w0%40% 5fn96%24ld4%24%2e9zz%3al6b%3a%29utg%2607l%26%3dzw% 26yza%26u1%3aqy1%3a%29wz%3aqwt%3a%29utg%26w72%26%3 dasl%40ax5%40%5fag%40rlg%40%5fn9u%24xdz%24xq%40r00 %40%5fxhy%24s0a%24%2e16r%3a168%3a%29zz%3aqyb%3a%29 yy%3alat%3a%29z7%3aqfz%3a%29f8%3aqyy%3a%29y8%3aqzb %3a9wa%3alyt%3a5%40bxl%402sq%40bsq%40%5f0d%40blh%4 08n%26r2g%26ua%3a1ft%3a%29urx%26yyl%26uz0%26ayw%26 %3dbs%26aya%26f8%3aqzr%3a%29u7a%26yyl%26%3dbn5%408 55%40%5fnq%40rgl%40%5fl%2601a%26urg%26w75%260bn%26 zzg%26uzs%264zg%26u2x%26ar5%26zt%3ad67%3a94a%3aq6r %3adw%24s1y%24%2e0%40z05%40b5g%408xh%4025%26u2s%26 a8%3a%290%24lga%24%2e1u%24xl6%24%2egw%24nhw%24%2e1 w%24lu0%24%2e9za%3a1fz%3a%29urs%26aba%26uax%2607x% 26u25%26w8n%26wbg%26wb5%26wr5%26uaa%26u15%26uza%26 wz5%260tg%264t5%26u2s%26a7s%26w7%3a1f2%3a9ya%3alza %3a9wz%3alfa%3a10r%3aq6a%3a9wr%3alz8%3a5y%24nd0%24 n16%24g%26a7l%26a7%3a9a2%3a%290a%3a9zt%3a9ra%3a94b %3aq4%24lq0%24l9y%240d%402sg%40%5fl5%40awq%402sl%4 0b20%402s0%40rnh%4022u%4085l%402su%40bng%402nh%40r l%26022%26r8%3agr8%3a1ay%3agw1%3a1f8%3al4r%3a1yr%3 a9yr%3a908%3a94a%3a%29u82%26u8n%26%3d1g%26u2s%26%3 d2lq%40251%40%5fnlf%24%2e9z%245%26%3dr%3a%29urw%26 a2%3a%29a20%26wb%3a%29uzn%26%3da2%26%3d2n1%40%5flg %40%5fw0%40a0%26%3d8x%26%3da2%26f%24nd47%7cu%4025u 6%40l%3b%40zaua%24%3a
Is that far away enough from BAWston so's Cap'n Cat and clan don't hit any bad traffic? Haven't been to BeanTown since '97.
Also, Hampy people - hotels near the stadium?
As long as you clear that stretch of I-495 in Lowell by 3:30-4:00 PM on Friday, you should have clear sailing. Boston rush hour traffic will clog 495 from Lowell to Haverhill on most Friday afternoons.
As for LFN's tip, the short cut he was referring to is getting off I-90 (Mass Pike) at exit 10 and taking I-290 around to I-495. I-395 goes south into CT and to the casinos. It's a little shorter on 290 and will take you right by Fitton Field at the College of the Holy Cross if you want to see another I-AA site.
If you go directly to Durham, the exit off I-95 is a left exit! It is for US 4, state route 16 and the Spaulding Turnpike. At exit one off the Spaulding Turnpike has a Motel6, Hampton Inn and Residence Inn. There is also a Red Hook Brewery at this exit (as well as the Mall). A few miles farther and you'll take the exit for US 4 toward Concord and Durham. It's just before the toll booth!
Back in Portsmouth, if you take the exit after that "left one", you'll come to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle. There must be half a dozen hotels in that vicinity.
I'm not a tailgater because I'm usually cruising up the highways on game day morning! Please don't judge everybody by a couple of posters out here. There'll be plenty of friendly folk out there and probably some former Wildcat football players.
I assume you saw the other thread about the UNH area.
December 1st, 2005, 02:40 AM
Durham, NH forecast at
Saturday 12/3
Mostly Sunny
High 37°F
Low 24°F
Precip: 0%
Winds 16 MPH
December 1st, 2005, 03:08 AM
Durham, NH forecast at
Saturday 12/3
Mostly Sunny
High 37°F
Low 24°F
Precip: 0%
Winds 16 MPH
That forecast is a big plus for UNI. 30's, mostly sunny, 0 precipitation. I like it. However, UNH fans, what's your kicker look like? That wind could play a factor in the kicking and passing game. Our kicker, Brian Wingert, has one of the strongest legs...probably in college football, but his accuracy has been so-so this season. xprost2x
December 1st, 2005, 09:16 AM
Tailgating start got pushed up to 8:30. An additional half hour.
December 1st, 2005, 09:54 AM
I can imagine that you will probably be raising the average IQ of where you leave from as well as where you are headed (at least FB related!!!) Well at least you will be far more fun that the last bunch that came from a far away place and invaded New England!!! At least you will have more beer with you than they did when they landed!!! But the game I would love to see is UNI playing Hahvad in Cambridge, I would pay money to watch you tailgating with that Ivy crowd!!!!
Have a safe trip guys (both ways!!!!)
Mav, I offered Cappy the chance to tailgate at the Harvard-Yale game in New Haven this year (what turned out to be a triple-OT classic), but he declined. He claimed to be allergic to raccoon coats and 30-year-old Scotch! :p
December 1st, 2005, 10:20 AM
PM us your number - we'll call and wake you up passing through!
:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
I'm not that dumb! :p:xmas:xprost2x
December 1st, 2005, 10:21 AM
Any hotel recommendations, NH folks?
I kinda figured you for the Hotel Coral Essex...
December 1st, 2005, 10:23 AM
I'm not that dumb! :p:xmas:xprost2xDon't worry Cap'n, I have it already!!
December 1st, 2005, 10:28 AM
Be prepared for's a war zone!!! Driving up to Newburyport after our Northeastern game this year, it ate one of my Tribe flags! :eek:
Be prepared, Ralph. I'll be calling next Tuesday to ask probing questions about the trip. Assuming your back by then. xprost2x
December 1st, 2005, 10:29 AM
Don't worry Cap'n, I have it already!!
You wouldn't sell me out now, would you?????
BTW, when are you guys heading through. This just came through:
Winter Weather Message from the National Weather Service:
That's smack dab right on the NYS Thruway. You best hope you're through there by then... :eek:
December 1st, 2005, 10:35 AM
... BTW, when are you guys heading through. This just came through... That's smack dab right on the NYS Thruway. You best hope you're through there by then... :eek:We should be leaving Chicago by 7 p.m. so we should have some snow driving for a while at least.
December 1st, 2005, 10:43 AM
Ummmmmmmm, hey guys, there's a new invention out there, called..........Airplanes!!!
Cap'n Cat
December 1st, 2005, 10:43 AM
You wouldn't sell me out now, would you?????
BTW, when are you guys heading through. This just came through:
That's smack dab right on the NYS Thruway. You best hope you're through there by then... :eek:
I expected some snow on this trip. Still, I'm a great snow driver. Ralph will be too drunk by then.
Brought the tire chains I bought in Nevada last December. With a gun to his head, Ralph will put them on near Buffalo.
;) ;) ;) ;)
Cap'n Cat
December 1st, 2005, 10:45 AM
Ummmmmmmm, hey guys, there's a new invention out there, called..........Airplanes!!!
Not nearly as fun, Lacer. Besides, I looked into fares from MSP and saw nothing but high $. Some were four digit!
:eek: :nono:
December 1st, 2005, 11:16 AM
Southwest out of Chicago Midway is cheap. Nothing beats a good adventure on a road trip though. :beerchug:
December 1st, 2005, 11:16 AM
I expected some snow on this trip. Still, I'm a great snow driver. Ralph will be too drunk by then.
Brought the tire chains I bought in Nevada last December. With a gun to his head, Ralph will put them on near Buffalo.
;) ;) ;) ;)
If you're anything like me, it's not yourself you're worried about, but the other idiots on the road!!!! Buffalo won't be the problem, or even Rochester. It's Syracuse to Utica...
December 1st, 2005, 11:20 AM
Road trips are the best! or at least they usually are. Guess we'll know come Monday if I still like roadtrips. :cool:
Cap'n Cat
December 1st, 2005, 11:40 AM
Road trips are the best! or at least they usually are. Guess we'll know come Monday if I still like roadtrips. :cool:
BTW, Rob, just for you, I ate three McRibs with extra onions for lunch. When I get to my truck in a few minutes, I'm gonna wash it down with three warm Miller High Lifes!
You MAY not like long road trips after the first half hour!
:nonono2: :nonono2: :nonono2: :nonono2:
December 1st, 2005, 12:19 PM
BTW, Rob, just for you, I ate three McRibs with extra onions for lunch. When I get to my truck in a few minutes, I'm gonna wash it down with three warm Miller High Lifes!
You MAY not like long road trips after the first half hour!
:nonono2: :nonono2: :nonono2: :nonono2:
This roadtrip could be one for the ages. How deep will the guys get into "Cap'n Cat's book of questions"? :D :D :D
December 1st, 2005, 12:49 PM
This roadtrip could be one for the ages. How deep will the guys get into "Cap'n Cat's book of questions"? Oh no, it will be nonstop I-AA talk (you know how much Cappy likes talking football). :rolleyes:
16 hours from Chicago to UNH leaves about an hour per conference plus Sav. State... then there are playoffs, non-schollie, HBCU, media coverage and all other side topics! :eek:
December 1st, 2005, 01:03 PM
What about the return trip? :spank:
December 1st, 2005, 01:16 PM
What about the return trip? :spank:
Hopefully, the game will be one for the ages so they'll have plenty to discuss for 16 hours.
December 1st, 2005, 02:25 PM
and all other side topics! :eek:
Me thinks most of the conversation will revolve around these "side topics" :rotateh: :rotateh: :rotateh: :rotateh:
December 1st, 2005, 02:47 PM
Seriously, if the Lake Effect Snow is bad, then you do have another driving option! After the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame, you can take I-80 instead of I-90. This will take you across the state of PA instead of upstate NY. Yes, you'll have to cross the mountains (not the Rockies mind you) which can also bring snow and fog, but not that prolific snow machine called lake effect snow!
Your route would be I-80 for hundreds of miles across PA skirting near Bucknell along the way. Then you'd take I-81 north toward Scranton where you'd pick up I-84 East (short skip on I-380 to make this change but it's all marked wll). Then I-84 through NYS south of the snow guns and north of NYC and through CT until it ends at I-90. This will put you on the Mass Pike (I-90) at Exit 9. You can stay on 90 for one exit and do the 290 option mentioned earlier or follow your original instructions for the exit with I-495.
From some quick use of Mapquest,the southern route on I-80 is just under 20 miles longer from Cleveland to Sturbridge, MA (Exit 9 on the Mass Pike). Despite the slightly longer route, the biggest drawback to the southern route I can think of is the traffic in CT. During evening rush hour I-84 can be awful from Danbury to 10 miles east of Hartford. Gridlock is an everyday occurrence on I-84 East from West Hartford through the city.
Just food for thought because I know how nasty the snow squalls and lake effect snow can be in Upstate NY. If you come through CT and need to make a stop or grab some shut eye, Ralph has my number.
Blue Hen Nation
December 1st, 2005, 02:53 PM
The NH State Police are already setting up roadblocks. Watch out! xlolx
December 1st, 2005, 03:44 PM
I've got relatives in SW Vermont and MA and am VERY familiar with this drive. If the lake effect becomes an issue I'd take the Southern Tier Expressway I-86 (instead of going as far south as Penn) through downstate NY, Its exit 37 off I-90. Nice drive it takes you past Cooperstown, NY. I-86 turns into SH 17 then you catch I-88 at Binghampton up to Albany then I-90. If you're carrying that much 'special cargo' I'd be very wary of NYSP on I-90.
Going through the southern part of the state saves you; a fair amount of time, fewer cops, you can drive faster (weather permitting), toll charges(!), and the exorborant gas prices of the I-90 service plazas.
I'm from Haverhill, MA and wholeheartedly agree with avoiding 495 between Lowell and Haverhill from 3:30 to around 5:30. It can get UGLY in a hurry.
Any ?'s PM me.
December 1st, 2005, 10:22 PM
I've got relatives in SW Vermont and MA and am VERY familiar with this drive. If the lake effect becomes an issue I'd take the Southern Tier Expressway I-86 (instead of going as far south as Penn) through downstate NY, Its exit 37 off I-90. Nice drive it takes you past Cooperstown, NY. I-86 turns into SH 17 then you catch I-88 at Binghampton up to Albany then I-90. If you're carrying that much 'special cargo' I'd be very wary of NYSP on I-90.
Going through the southern part of the state saves you; a fair amount of time, fewer cops, you can drive faster (weather permitting), toll charges(!), and the exorborant gas prices of the I-90 service plazas.
I'm from Haverhill, MA and wholeheartedly agree with avoiding 495 between Lowell and Haverhill from 3:30 to around 5:30. It can get UGLY in a hurry.
Any ?'s PM me.
I'd tend to agree with you. I'm not familiar with I-86, but I-80 can be hellacious in the mountains--yes, they're not the Rockies,but they don't have to be with the unpredictable weather in the and absolutely crazy 18-wheelers who don't slow down for anything--fog, snow, you name it they go 80 mph. Some mighty fine pile ups the 'rolling hills' of Pennsylvania.
December 1st, 2005, 10:39 PM
I'd tend to agree with you. I'm not familiar with I-86, but I-80 can be hellacious in the mountains--yes, they're not the Rockies,but they don't have to be with the unpredictable weather in the and absolutely crazy 18-wheelers who don't slow down for anything--fog, snow, you name it they go 80 mph. Some mighty fine pile ups the 'rolling hills' of Pennsylvania.
I saw a newspaper article recently that said PA is the #1 state for deer/vehicle collisions.
I hate to meet the deer that runs into the Cap'n!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
December 1st, 2005, 10:47 PM
I saw a newspaper article recently that said PA is the #1 state for deer/vehicle collisions.
I hate to meet the deer that runs into the Cap'n!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Quite correct on our deer problem. As for the Cap'n--if the deer has a nice 'rack', I'd be concerned for the poor 'dear'..... :D
December 1st, 2005, 10:59 PM
Quite correct on our deer problem. As for the Cap'n--if the deer has a nice 'rack', I'd be concerned for the poor 'dear'..... :D
Cap'n is a pro when it comes to nice "racks". He'll be just fine. It's Ralph I'm worried about. :eek:
December 2nd, 2005, 01:26 AM
I'd tend to agree with you. I'm not familiar with I-86, but I-80 can be hellacious in the mountains--yes, they're not the Rockies,but they don't have to be with the unpredictable weather in the and absolutely crazy 18-wheelers who don't slow down for anything--fog, snow, you name it they go 80 mph. Some mighty fine pile ups the 'rolling hills' of Pennsylvania.
I remember going that way once when I was just a young Saluki Pup. It was late spring and there were a ****load of rockslides. We damn near got pummled.
I-86 isn't that bad its mostly rolling terrain - the dairy land or the dale of NY. Nice part of the drive is it gets you about 30 mi from Cooperstown if you want to stray and visit MLB's HOF.
The only thing I worry about them is up past Erie heading to Buffalo. I hate that friggin part of that drive.
December 2nd, 2005, 08:48 AM
The only thing I worry about them is up past Erie heading to Buffalo. I hate that friggin part of that drive.
Based on the weather patterns they are showing, it's more Syracuse and Utica than Buffalo. So far it's pretty calm but there is some snow in the air and on the ground.
The one good thing about this area: we plow really well and a good number of us do get winter tires, instead of further south were they can't justify it for a few snows a year.
December 2nd, 2005, 09:46 AM
Any word on the progress of the guys??
13, did Ralph and Cap'n call you??
December 2nd, 2005, 10:19 AM
Any word on the progress of the guys??
13, did Ralph and Cap'n call you??
If they do, I'll be speaking spanish and pretending not to know who they are!!!!!
December 2nd, 2005, 02:50 PM
I had Cleveland radio on this morning coming in to work. Lake Effect snow warning until 4:00 a.m. Saturday for the area East of Cleveland.
Police roadblocks at the New Hampshire border??? - Why am I thinking of Blues Brothers or Cannonball Run?
Ralph and Cap'n - who is Jake and who is Ellwood?
December 2nd, 2005, 03:55 PM
Just put the Weather Channel on -- they're showing snow all over upstate NY!! Looks like the Erie snow jet is hitting I-90 below Buffalo BIG TIME and the Ontario snow jets are hitting multiple places from Buffalo to beyond Utica. We should be tracking the guys with LOJAX or something similar!!
December 2nd, 2005, 04:05 PM
Yes, north of Route 20 (the US Highway that parallels I-90) is supposedly getting hit hard. North of Syracuse, in places like Fulton, have the potential to get up to 2 feet of snow... in 24 hours....
Godspeed Cap'n, Ralph, D1B, PantherRob... I half expect to see a beaten and battered truck with Minnesota plates roll into town and four grizzly and famished middle aged men roll out kissing the ground in salvation!
December 2nd, 2005, 04:17 PM
Suckers! They ain't heading to NH, they are heading here........
Here they are now!!,-Cancun-Mexico/Swim_up_suite.jpg
December 2nd, 2005, 08:50 PM
I had Cleveland radio on this morning coming in to work. Lake Effect snow warning until 4:00 a.m. Saturday for the area East of Cleveland.
Police roadblocks at the New Hampshire border??? - Why am I thinking of Blues Brothers or Cannonball Run?
Ralph and Cap'n - who is Jake and who is Ellwood?
They're on a Mission from God?
December 2nd, 2005, 08:52 PM
I saw a newspaper article recently that said PA is the #1 state for deer/vehicle collisions.
I hate to meet the deer that runs into the Cap'n!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Nothing like a little roadkill stew, eh?
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