View Full Version : Saints Extend Superdome Lease Through 2025

April 30th, 2009, 05:17 PM
Scratch one team off "the next team to L.A." saga. Deal lasts through 2025 with 5-year option at the end.

Good move by both Jindal and Tom Benson. Superdome to add 3,000 more seats (lower level to be retrofitted, more suites and club seating). Benson buys adjacent Dominion Tower and leases back to the state.

State doesn't have to shell out as many millions (no more than $6 million compared to around $25 in previous deal).

Entertainment district to be set up around Dome (in old New Orleans Centre) will be like Patriot Place and around Staples Center.

Good move on both sides and New Orleans gets back in the Super Bowl rotation (improved layout of Dome should also help in hosting more Final Fours).

xthumbsupxxthumbsupxxthumbsupxxthumbsupxxthumbsupx xthumbsupx

Saints, Louisiana Strike Deal (http://blog.nola.com/saintsbeat/2009/04/gov_bobby_jindal_and_new.html)

April 30th, 2009, 05:48 PM
Not official yet - doesn't it need Legislature approval?

Another big vote as it relates to sports in the Crescent City will hopefully turn out positive tomorrow... fingers crossed!

April 30th, 2009, 09:15 PM
xoopsx Correct. Forgot the legislature has to give its blessing. Time to smooth talk (;)) the folks in North Louisiana again. This should be a slam dunk as the Saints will be paid less money and the money brought in from Super Bowls and Final Fours benefits the entire state xnodx

Hope the UNO vote comes in with positive results as well. xthumbsupx

April 30th, 2009, 09:18 PM
The folks in North Louisiana just got plenty of money to try to develop economic bliss on their end from the state. Throw in the fact the Legislature is going to spare some of those institutions who could probably be served better if they merged...

On the other front - Vote concludes at 12 a.m. Results confirmed in the morning. Presser/department meeting at 2 p.m.