View Full Version : Thinking Of Making The Mad Cap'n Dash To UNH...
Cap'n Cat
November 29th, 2005, 01:39 PM
23.5 Hours. 1458 Miles.
Man, that's a flippin' HAUL! Cap'n Cat's been through all this area before, with the exception of the interior of NY state. Thinking of leaving Thursday afternoon, picking up a passenger or two and gettin' it done!
Gulp! :eek: 2%26%3dta%21w1xd67%3a0%2dy500al%264%40w5y2n9%40a0u ybnu6%24n9r7%7c1%4022u6%2a%3al6tl%26%40%24%3a%26wr %26q4yxu6%24%2eha%40ngua2u%40%24%3a9672%3b%40b20a% 24%3a%26%40%245l%2d2xlr72%26%3dt2%21fa0h67%3a%26%4 02s0f%2an%26u8au%2da%7cl4yg%26%40%24ng6%24ng6tgdar %3a9yt%3a%26u85u%2da%7c96a%3aq%40r5q4yx%26%3d1x9y2 x%26r8n%26u70d%40%5fghy%24ndw8%3a%29u25u%4025qa%24 %2e0rb%3a968x%26%3d15d%4022la%24%2e94ax%26y2n%26%3 dz5g%402xuw%24%2e9ra%3alf10%26%3dzw%26arl5%40tx%26 u1lh%40%5fad6%24n9yz%3a1zr%3a9fbn%26arw%260ysq%408 ad%40b01w%24%2e9abn%26az50%40%5fl9zy%3a1fbs%26%3d2 nq4%24l50b%3a%29utw0%40t2u%40%5fl1rz%3a9yt2%26%3d2 59y%24n54t%3a%290a2g%4015q%40%5fl1az%3a1fy%3a%290z xg%40225%40%5fn1rb%3ad0r0%26%3dzw1%40rn5w%24%2e0ab %3a16ba%26%3drlq%40220u%24%2egub%3ag4b%3a%29zzl%26 url%26%3d22ua%24nuz2%3a%29frl%26u220%40%5fn06%24n5 w7%3a%29ut5%26ut55%40ya9%40bn90%24ala%24nhf1%3a%29 ua5%260ynh%40yx%2601s9%40a2q%40bnua%24%2edu%24x1z7 %3a%29u7g%26a82l%40%5fnu4z%3a1ubl%26%3dbg1%40tn1a% 24%2e9a7%3aqw1w%26%3d2s0u%245lwy%3a%29fyx%264829%4 08xq%40b0ur%24l0%40a0lu%245da%24n1zr%3a1uy%3a961n% 26w1n%26z1l%26wba%26w8w%264tn%26ual9%40yw%26zt0%26 u20u%40b2qu%24nuyy%3alz7l%26u2w9%40bagu%24nlft%3al yt0%26ursg%40axd4%24n9ua%3a16ya%26u2sl%40ax0r%24ng y1%3alabn%26uzwu%402gqa%24g9w%24xuw%24aqy%24s1u%24 0g6%2455a7%3a1wy%3adazw%26%3drl0%40aw00%24%2eq0z%3 alf2x%26yts%26a8x9%40151%40r5gr%24%2e10r%3alr2g%26 0tx%26w85g%40%5fwq0%24xd6z%3a%29u2a%260bn0%40%5fnu 6y%3a9f1l%260zw%2602n1%40%5f00z%24xly1%3a%29ua0d%4 02xdy%24%2e9075%26urs9%40%5fn9wz%3a%29zt%3a%29y8s% 2602su%40%5fg9f%24n10y%3a%29y15%26u8nu%40%5fs9f%24 lu48%3a%29zr2%26022h%40%5fn0f%24l148%3a9y2%3a1ur5% 26%3dbs%260zxu%40ts%2608lh%408xd%40asdz%24agw%24nu 42%3a901s%26%3da0g%40251z%24n047%3a0yt%3a16za%26r8 x%26yy2%26yz0%26z1w%26ybx%26utnl%40a2gf%24nu0t%3ad z2%3a%29470%26u1%3a%29rr2%26y%24%2eqw%24nd47%7cu%4 025u6%40l%3b%40zaua%24%3a
November 29th, 2005, 02:14 PM
Get yourself a snow plow as well Captain. You get all the Lake Erie snow belt on the Thruway and as well as Lake Michigan and Ontario snow belts.
Took the the Thruway out to Cooperstown and Albany this past summer. Crowded, but was able to run 70 most of the time. Of course, no two foot snow drifts either.
Can't you hitch a ride on the Panthers charter?
November 29th, 2005, 02:21 PM
Get yourself a snow plow as well Captain
While I'd hate to deter your trip....
November 29th, 2005, 02:25 PM
23.5 Hours. 1458 Miles.
Man, that's a flippin' HAUL! Cap'n Cat's been through all this area before, with the exception of the interior of NY state. Thinking of leaving Thursday afternoon, picking up a passenger or two and gettin' it done!
Be sure you pack your Vaseline.
November 29th, 2005, 02:31 PM
Cap'n Cat's been through all this area before, with the exception of the interior of NY state.
Good god, it's time to get the hell out of dodge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cap'n Cat
November 29th, 2005, 02:54 PM
Good god, it's time to get the hell out of dodge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cap'n Cat is well-versed in snow driving, but, thanks, anyway guys. Crossing the fingers for a break from lake effect from Clevey on.
13, want us to pick you up along the way? Anyone else? FlyYtown? Paladin? I-AA Fan?
"Ralph, get me another beer."
"Cap'n, you've had 19 already and it's snowing like HELL!"
"Shut up and get me a beer."
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
Cap'n Cat
November 29th, 2005, 03:06 PM
Get yourself a snow plow as well Captain. You get all the Lake Erie snow belt on the Thruway and as well as Lake Michigan and Ontario snow belts.
Took the the Thruway out to Cooperstown and Albany this past summer. Crowded, but was able to run 70 most of the time. Of course, no two foot snow drifts either.
Can't you hitch a ride on the Panthers charter?
I would, but I think seats will go fast and I'm not in Cedar Falls to claim one quickly. Also, it's playoffs - I'd rather have some senior's parent take my seat. I have passengers and like the adventure of a trip. I've been on this drive before and it's all flat until you get to, roughly, Oberlin, OH, where the hills start. Love Pennsylvania, love New York and NE, too.
I just gotta work it out with my boss tomorrow.
November 29th, 2005, 03:17 PM
Go ahead, go to snow, icy, and cold New Hampshire.
I'll be here........
Cap'n Cat
November 29th, 2005, 03:25 PM
Go ahead, go to snow, icy, and cold New Hampshire.
I'll be here........
Where is that? Chicago? Looks like snow on Lake Michigan.
November 29th, 2005, 03:26 PM
Go ahead, go to snow, icy, and cold New Hampshire.
I'll be here........
If it was your Hens in snowy, icy, cold NH, you'd be where??
November 29th, 2005, 03:28 PM
If it was your Hens in snowy, icy, cold NH, you'd be where??
Same place I just posted, on a sunny warm beach. Swear to God, that's where I'd be.
I'm not, by no means, a die hard fan. I think that's obvious in my posts. LOL
Cap'n Cat
November 29th, 2005, 03:32 PM
Same place I just posted, on a sunny warm beach. Swear to God, that's where I'd be.
I'm not, by no means, a die hard fan. I think that's obvious in my posts. LOL
It is. Nothin' wrong wit' dat - I'm no die harder, either.
I always had you pegged, Lacer, as our board's "Spicoli":
"You D*CK!"
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
November 29th, 2005, 03:36 PM
Cap'n - you, Paladin and Fan would make for quite an, uhhh, eventful ride. I think you could sell rights to streaming webcam of that conversation. :smiley_wi
Hope it works out for you.
Cap'n Cat
November 29th, 2005, 03:40 PM
Cap'n - you, Paladin and Fan would make for quite an, uhhh, eventful ride. I think you could sell rights to streaming webcam of that conversation. :smiley_wi
Hope it works out for you.
FlyYtown, too!
Paladin and I would get along. Me and Fan would take a couple hours to warm up.....but we would.
November 29th, 2005, 05:08 PM
Be sure you pack your Vaseline.
Bring some of this along too!!!!!!
November 29th, 2005, 05:30 PM
Bring some of this along too!!!!!!
....or maybe some of this, considering the Cap'n's post in the Lounge about long roadtrips.... :nod:
November 29th, 2005, 06:00 PM
I used to drive back and forth from Northern Vermont to Iowa in around 21 hours of driving time in my Ford Escort (I now have a truck :nod: ). That was all interstate and I when through Canada. the dirve to Dover should be about the same (if you don't run into bad weather :doh: ). Good Luck! :xmas:
November 29th, 2005, 07:29 PM
Do it, road trips are great, made an 1800+ mile trip from Fargo to Atlanta (During a March blizzard) on a spring break trip. A bunch of guys in a car (perhaps with a little sauce) is always a good time.
November 29th, 2005, 07:35 PM
Was it mentioned that I would be in the passenger seat?
November 29th, 2005, 08:08 PM
Was it mentioned that I would be in the passenger seat?
Haha. Looks like you Ralph are the O-fficial Lotion Man. J/K
I wouldn't put it past the Cap'n though. :nod:
November 29th, 2005, 08:25 PM
Cap'n Cat is well-versed in snow driving, but, thanks, anyway guys. Crossing the fingers for a break from lake effect from Clevey on.
13, want us to pick you up along the way? Anyone else? FlyYtown? Paladin? I-AA Fan?
"Ralph, get me another beer."
"Cap'n, you've had 19 already and it's snowing like HELL!"
"Shut up and get me a beer."
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
That your Maxim on the dashboard?? :D
November 29th, 2005, 08:41 PM
Was it mentioned that I would be in the passenger seat?
Now I really got to get out of town!
Actually, I think by the time you pass Central New York, you'll need 13's help:
"Quick! Here comes the Cap'n! Get that water ready!"
Lehigh Football Nation
November 30th, 2005, 09:39 AM
13, you need to photoshop that picture to replace the water with Colt .45's. Then I could believe it...
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