View Full Version : Rhody coaching candidates-let's get the list together
February 22nd, 2009, 07:57 AM
Priore-Stony Brook
who else?
February 22nd, 2009, 08:02 AM
Adrian from Norfolk State? He was a final four candidate last year.
February 22nd, 2009, 08:24 AM
Ugh ... hope to not see Masella's name on this list.
Good luck Rhody. Doing this so late in the game is a screwing to his school imo (and possibly to mine if the above happens).
February 22nd, 2009, 08:27 AM
Priore-Stony Brook
The minute I saw the subject line on this post, I wondered to myself, "How long before Mainjeff adds Jack Cosgove to the list?"
Damn. You guys are way ahead of the curve.
Let me predict here that hell will freeze over before Cosgrove leaves UMaine. He is the Bobby Bownden and JoePa of FCS football ... without as many wins.
On another note ... I feel horrible for URI. There was so much enthusiasm starting to come out of that program. I was looking forward to the Rams strengthening the cache of the CAA North.
Here's hoping you guys find a Career Rhody to take the job, instead of a Career Climber. They're rare but they're out there.
February 22nd, 2009, 08:42 AM
Let's add Masella and Adrian.
February 22nd, 2009, 09:00 AM
Bush league Rizzi & Trainer too. BC had it right with Jags...these guys are either with you or not. Don't take the job if you are not going to see it thru at least 5 years. Too bad URI. But there are BETTER coaches out there.
Uncle Buck
February 22nd, 2009, 09:28 AM
Bush league Rizzi & Trainer too. BC had it right with Jags...these guys are either with you or not. Don't take the job if you are not going to see it thru at least 5 years. Too bad URI. But there are BETTER coaches out there.
I feel the same way, but then you look at the fact that the guy has 5 mouths to feed and that costs money. My question is this, did they come to him or was he actively looking?
If the Dolphins came to him it's like something thrown in your lap and it's tough to say not to a shot in the big leagues. If he went looking after year one, then that's pretty crappy in that the university is investing in you and the fact that you will stay for while. This is one of those cases you could argue so many ways since we don't have all the facts. One thing is for certain, i feel bad for URI, the athletes and the fans.
As for the list, i'm not sure if Priore would leave SBU right now and i agree, Cosgrove probably wouldn't go either.
February 22nd, 2009, 10:32 AM
Priore-Stony Brook
who else?
Sorry for URI fans, but those guys aren't moving to Kingston.
Talley - This is probably your guy, right now.
Cosgrove - Is not moving between conference teams this close to the season.
Coach Mac - A Conn. guy is very happy at CCSU and is making great progress. Has full support of AD and boosters. Can't imagine URI pays much more $$$.
Piore - He's got a fully scholly team and has a few years invested in building the program. He's got a better chance at the playoffs with an AQ in the Big South, than rebuilding URI in the CAA.
Masella - He is a real NYC guy and I don't know if he's ready to move yet again. Made the playoffs already and has a shot to build a top PL program.
February 22nd, 2009, 10:56 AM
I think our coach stays put. He has a young and upcoming team that he is building and he is a native Long Islander. I dont think he would move and start over.
What about the BC coach that thought he was going to the NFL -got fired by BC? Is still looking for job?
February 22nd, 2009, 11:08 AM
Sorry for URI fans, but those guys aren't moving to Kingston.
Talley - This is probably your guy, right now.
Cosgrove - Is not moving between conference teams this close to the season.
Coach Mac - A Conn. guy is very happy at CCSU and is making great progress. Has full support of AD and boosters. Can't imagine URI pays much more $$$.
Piore - He's got a fully scholly team and has a few years invested in building the program. He's got a better chance at the playoffs with an AQ in the Big South, than rebuilding URI in the CAA.
Masella - He is a real NYC guy and I don't know if he's ready to move yet again. Made the playoffs already and has a shot to build a top PL program.
I think Talley and Adrian are the two frontrunners. Talley not a tough decision for him to make and Adrian a masters graduate from URI has connect to the school. Also, URI is probably a better school than Norfolk State.
February 22nd, 2009, 11:28 AM
Besides Priore will be in Albany when Ford calls it a day. Just kidding. if Priore leaves it will be for FBS.
February 22nd, 2009, 11:34 AM
Besides Priore will be in Albany when Ford calls it a day. Just kidding. if Priore leaves it will be for FBS.
Unless StonyBrook goes FBS!
February 22nd, 2009, 11:53 AM
I'd be SHOCKEd of Priore left Stony Brook! He is building a program, has a terrific new stadium, has Admin support, now has all 63 schollies....does URI have these?? I wish we had the SB stadium in Durham.....maybe one day.
February 22nd, 2009, 11:58 AM
SBU will be out of $ soon and WILL NEVER BE FBS. He better win NOW!
February 22nd, 2009, 12:10 PM
SBU will be out of $ soon and WILL NEVER BE FBS. He better win NOW!
Maybe not FBS but with a 300 million dollar endowment and growing I seriously doubt SBU will be out of money. There have been cutbacks due the mess New York State got themselves into but the Univeristy is sound and growing in student body 24,000 plus and facilities. We are doing fine. Many of the Alums have still got deep pockets and local business loves us.
February 22nd, 2009, 12:42 PM
What about the BC coach that thought he was going to the NFL -got fired by BC? Is still looking for job?
Jagodzinski did go to the NFL. He's now the offensive coordinator for Tampa Bay.
February 22nd, 2009, 01:32 PM
Cosgrove has got it going on right now at Maine. I know that he has "explored" opportunities in the past......but I think he is at Maine for the foreseeable future. Honestly, I think that the Maine program is on more solid footing than a few of the other programs in the CAA-North with URI being one of them.
Monarch History
February 22nd, 2009, 01:36 PM
Adrian has done a nice job at Norfolk State revitalizing that program from its days as a power in D-II to a hapless FCS program. RI would do its self a favor by taking another look at him. xnodx
February 22nd, 2009, 01:36 PM
Isn't Jon Gruden looking for a job? :)
But seriously, good luck to URI in finding a solid coach.
February 22nd, 2009, 01:39 PM
Cosgrove has got it going on right now at Maine. I know that he has "explored" opportunities in the past......but I think he is at Maine for the foreseeable future. Honestly, I think that the Maine program is on more solid footing than a few of the other programs in the CAA-North with URI being one of them.
Couldnt agree more!
February 22nd, 2009, 01:55 PM
Let me predict here that hell will freeze over before Cosgrove leaves UMaine. He is the Bobby Bownden and JoePa of FCS football ... without as many wins.
Jack's a great guy, and a fine coach, but if you want to make those comparisons you should look within the conference at these two guys.
For Rhody, the other thread was right, this does indeed suck. Just when things were looking up, they get chaos thrown in their face.
February 22nd, 2009, 02:41 PM
Jack's a great guy, and a fine coach, but if you want to make those comparisons you should look within the conference at these two guys.
For Rhody, the other thread was right, this does indeed suck. Just when things were looking up, they get chaos thrown in their face.
OK. We're splitting hairs a bit. But technically you're right. Talley and Jimmyeeeee do fit the analogy better. Their nearly three decades heading their respective programs trumps Coz's 16 years as the head guy at Maine.xbowx
February 22nd, 2009, 02:55 PM
As unfortunate this is for Rhode Island fans.. if you get offered a job in the NFL.. you have to take it. It's a big step from rhody to being a coach in the NFL.
February 22nd, 2009, 03:15 PM
OK. We're splitting hairs a bit. But technically you're right. Talley and Jimmyeeeee do fit the analogy better. Their nearly three decades heading their respective programs trumps Coz's 16 years as the head guy at Maine.xbowx
And......they are all still waiting to win the BIG ONE!! It must kill w&m fans that richmond did it first--and likely will get another before they do. I hope we get one before the bears do. I'd say Moore at ASU is a better reference--he at least won THREE!
February 22nd, 2009, 05:38 PM
I know that this is a thread about URI coaching possibilities, but what happens to all of those signees that URI got on signing day. The 4 transfers from Rutgers might be up for grabs depending on who URI brings in.
February 22nd, 2009, 06:10 PM
I know that this is a thread about URI coaching possibilities, but what happens to all of those signees that URI got on signing day. The 4 transfers from Rutgers might be up for grabs depending on who URI brings in.
What is the exact rule?
I would imagine they all are URI players for a year???
Model Citizen
February 22nd, 2009, 07:30 PM
URI should hire the entire Dayton coaching staff.
Package deal. Do it now.
February 22nd, 2009, 07:34 PM
The transfers signed on the dotted line, along with the high school recruits. Any that desire to go elsewhere will need to get a release from URI, or sit out a year.
Husky Alum
February 22nd, 2009, 07:59 PM
Maybe not FBS but with a 300 million dollar endowment and growing I seriously doubt SBU will be out of money. There have been cutbacks due the mess New York State got themselves into but the Univeristy is sound and growing in student body 24,000 plus and facilities. We are doing fine. Many of the Alums have still got deep pockets and local business loves us.
Your endowment is growing?
Is there another Bernie Madoff out there that we don't know about?
Your alumni have deep pockets in this economy? Wow.
Bull Fan
February 22nd, 2009, 08:13 PM
Cosgrove leaving Maine to go to URI? That's laughable at best, almost like that bogus poll put up here showing all those teams ahead of Montana.
Priore should just stay where he is, and consider himself lucky he's even at SBU.
My front-runner is Roy Istvan, a current assistant on their squad. With 5 or 6 months before the fall camps, they'd have to be on crack to try to bring in a new HC or potentially a new staff. Spring ball is just around the corner, no? You're not going to put the entire team in position to fail miserably this year, despite their historical lack of success.
The coaching carousel is just about over for any proven head coach.
Husky Alum
February 22nd, 2009, 09:03 PM
I actually played against Roy Istvan in high school - if it's the same guy who is from Stratford, Connecticut.
Small world.
February 22nd, 2009, 09:27 PM
Jerome Souers....please?!
February 23rd, 2009, 07:43 AM
Priore-Stony Brook
who else?
Cosgrove-Maine <<-- Looking to see me jump off the Jamestown-Verrazono bridge??
Macinerney-CCSU <<-- WHAT? Someone from the Stowers regime? No thanks.
Priore-Stony Brook <<-- Can't really comment since I don't know anything about him.
Talley-Stonehill <<-- Good choice. He was the first runner-up to Rizzi and I would not have had a problem seeing him get the job. I still wouldn't mind BUT...I think at this point being this close to spring practice that there is no way we'll get someone from another program. The way I see it we have two choices right now.
A. We get someone who is currently floating around right now.
B. We promote Chris Pincince from OC to HC.
Since no names jump out at me right now, I'll take a pass on option A. I think option B is all we have left and since I pretty much liked what I saw from our offense last season, I think this is a prudent choice.
February 23rd, 2009, 08:26 AM
The Rutgers kids aren't jumping ship. Players got together and for the most part plan to stick together. They are hoping the balance of the staff stays in place and have expressed that to Thorr.
February 23rd, 2009, 08:37 AM
but will this cheap fix for a year turn into a 3 or 4 year lull for the team? Will Thorr and URI BoD be lackadascial about the whole thing and they fall backwards instead of moving forward?
Bull Fan
February 23rd, 2009, 09:10 AM
I believe Istvan hails from CT, Husky Alum. Could be the same guy.
As a Hofstra fan, have seen the trials and tribulations of URI over the years. It's a damn shame this team can't get any traction.... I hope you land on your feet with this coaching change. I wouldn't expect miracles, and to me the most logical step considering the time of year would be to promote from within. It would give some sense of stability to the players and any future recruits. The alums and fan base are probably sick over this and for good reason. Resigning at season's end rather than in late Feb is one thing, regardless of the reasons.
February 23rd, 2009, 11:14 AM
but will this cheap fix for a year turn into a 3 or 4 year lull for the team? Will Thorr and URI BoD be lackadascial about the whole thing and they fall backwards instead of moving forward?
If Pincince does a good job it won't be a cheap fix, rather it'd be an economical deal. Here again, I'm not saying this is a dream deal but I see no other alternative at this point. What I AM saying is I'd like to see the most prudent decision made at this time. To run out and get someone who is drifting around just for the sake of going to the outside is probably not a good idea. Besides it seems to me if someone is still available right now then there is probably a reason for it. The Jim Harrick situation comes to mind.
I highly doubt we could get someone from another FCS or even D-II program at this point. If Pincince gets the job but doesn't show much then I think that the end of the 2009 season would be the time to do a full blown search. Bottom line, URI needs to do what it has to right now. Regardless of how popular it may be or not.
February 23rd, 2009, 11:40 AM
Well, I'm biased and you can guess what I'd like to see happen. In my opinion, the URI OC is more than ready to be a HC. That said, I have no inside info on anything, and will say no more until this is resolved.
February 23rd, 2009, 08:51 PM
I can't see Talley being interested in the job. He has VU on the cusp of challenging for a national title this coming year. He's basically the 'father' of the current VU program and I would suspect will retire from that position. The only caveat would be if he's truly 'tired or bored' with his situation and needs a 'challenge'--which URI certainly is.
February 23rd, 2009, 09:04 PM
I can't see Talley being interested in the job. He has VU on the cusp of challenging for a national title this coming year. He's basically the 'father' of the current VU program and I would suspect will retire from that position. The only caveat would be if he's truly 'tired or bored' with his situation and needs a 'challenge'--which URI certainly is.
Robert Talley of Stonehill College, not Andy of VU.
February 24th, 2009, 09:36 AM
Robert Talley of Stonehill College, not Andy of VU.
I do agree that URI should try to get a young D-II coach who is looking to make his way up. Talley would be a good choice but I've always been impressed with Chuck Martin from D-II Grand Valley State. But here again, it'd be difficult to get anybody from another program at this particular time.
February 24th, 2009, 10:09 AM
I do agree that URI should try to get a young D-II coach who is looking to make his way up. Talley would be a good choice but I've always been impressed with Chuck Martin from D-II Grand Valley State. But here again, it'd be difficult to get anybody from another program at this particular time.
With the way Brian Kelly, Assumption College graduate, rose from GVSU in DII I think it might be hard to pull Chuck Martin out of GVSU. I have a feeling the coaches there think there jump will be a little bigger now. Brian Kelly paved the way for credibility. I like the idea of Chuck Martin though.
February 24th, 2009, 10:23 AM
With the way Brian Kelly, Assumption College graduate, rose from GVSU in DII I think it might be hard to pull Chuck Martin out of GVSU. I have a feeling the coaches there think there jump will be a little bigger now. Brian Kelly paved the way for credibility. I like the idea of Chuck Martin though.
I agree but anything is worth a try. If you look at GVSU's facilities it becomes even more difficult. I'm afraid Martin would laugh at our facilities. However, he might be looking to make a jump and could possibly grab the URI job as a stepping stone. I wouldn't expect him to stay long but for a couple of winning seasons and a playoff appearance or two, I'd be willing to roll the dice.
February 24th, 2009, 10:45 AM
I agree but anything is worth a try. If you look at GVSU's facilities it becomes even more difficult. I'm afraid Martin would laugh at our facilities. However, he might be looking to make a jump and could possibly grab the URI job as a stepping stone. I wouldn't expect him to stay long but for a couple of winning seasons and a playoff appearance or two, I'd be willing to roll the dice.
If anything, he will open up midwest recruiting. Which could be a blessing for URI. With no DI FCS programs in Michigan he might be able to round up those kids. Also, GVSU is famous for FBS transfers and having that type of network might allow for that to happen at URI. Like you said it might not be a long stay, but it might be a good stay.
February 24th, 2009, 12:36 PM
Any word on a possible short list as well as timeline for decision?
Nervous in the Bronx
February 24th, 2009, 04:50 PM
I heard by Friday.
Bet they stay in-house.
February 24th, 2009, 06:48 PM
If the announcement is coming that quickly then in-house is a sure bet. Congrats (in advance) to new HC Pincince.
Ram Ball
February 24th, 2009, 06:57 PM
Thanks for the scoop, fellas
PS: I was in full blown panic-mode until I saw this:
URI AD Thorr Bjorn Interview (
Thorr is the real deal.
February 24th, 2009, 08:13 PM
Sounds like he is going outside. I hope not, but it doesn't sound good accoring to the interview.
Monarch History
February 24th, 2009, 08:41 PM
After listening to the interview I got the same feeling.
February 24th, 2009, 09:44 PM
3rd the last two comments. He seemed enthusiastic about football though so that was a plus.
February 25th, 2009, 06:19 AM
I still think with an announcement coming out before the end of the week that Thorr will stay in-house.
February 25th, 2009, 08:17 AM
My guess - Joe Trainer
February 25th, 2009, 08:36 AM
My guess - Joe Trainer
He just left to take a job at Bowling Green. In fact he left shortly before Rizzi did.
February 25th, 2009, 10:17 AM
yep, that is correct. My bet is still Joe Trainer
February 25th, 2009, 10:56 AM
yep, that is correct. My bet is still Joe Trainer
i see what you are doing here. I like it.
February 25th, 2009, 10:57 AM
yep, that is correct. My bet is still Joe Trainer
Really? So you think he'd accept a DC position at an FBS program, then turn right back around and come back to the FCS program he left just a few months ago? This would be an unusual move to say the least. Can I ask if you are basing this on anything? Just curious.
BTW, he wouldn't be a bad choice.
February 25th, 2009, 12:11 PM
Well, I am fairly certain he accepted the interview. Players will likely know on Thurs.
Bull Fan
February 25th, 2009, 12:16 PM
Is Istvan HC material?
February 25th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Is Istvan HC material?
good possibility.
Bull Fan
February 25th, 2009, 01:27 PM
good possibility.
My money has been on him since reading about this. Whether it's feasible or not that he would be the internal candidate to get the nod, and whether your AD, Bjorn Borg, will go for it is another story. Staying internal would ensure (to a certain degree) the system stays intact and any traction gained over the last 13 months does not go to waste. Also, any recruits not signed would still think URI a viable school for them.
So many reasons at this juncture of the year for the hire to be a current staff member.
February 25th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Bull Fan-I agree.
here is another name-Phil Estes.
February 25th, 2009, 06:09 PM
Estes makes alot more money at Brown than he would make in the CAA at Rhody. would never even take the interview.
February 25th, 2009, 06:18 PM
I like Joe Trainer alot, however he just left 4 weeks ago. I dont think they would bring him back after leaving recently.I would think they would be worried he would split if a better opportunity came along.
Bull Fan
February 25th, 2009, 10:03 PM
According to, John Gutekunst is interested in the job.
February 25th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Just saw this. Sorry to hear what happened up there. Somebody should give Steve Tosches (former Princeton coach - most successful since Charlie Caldwell/Dick Colman and it got him fired) a call. He lives right outside of Princeton with his wife Carole and family in West Windsor, NJ.
IMO, Tosches would do a great job.
February 26th, 2009, 08:24 AM
Decision will be announced soon Gutekunst or Trainer. Both were in Kingston this week for interview.
Bull Fan
February 26th, 2009, 08:34 AM
Interesting choice with Gutekunst if that were the case.... I'd figure they'd go for someone younger. Despite his good, lenghty background.
February 26th, 2009, 08:35 AM
My money has been on him since reading about this. Whether it's feasible or not that he would be the internal candidate to get the nod, and whether your AD, Bjorn Borg, will go for it is another story. Staying internal would ensure (to a certain degree) the system stays intact and any traction gained over the last 13 months does not go to waste. Also, any recruits not signed would still think URI a viable school for them.
So many reasons at this juncture of the year for the hire to be a current staff member.
Agree 100%.
February 26th, 2009, 08:38 AM
Just saw this. Sorry to hear what happened up there. Somebody should give Steve Tosches (former Princeton coach - most successful since Charlie Caldwell/Dick Colman and it got him fired) a call. He lives right outside of Princeton with his wife Carole and family in West Windsor, NJ.
IMO, Tosches would do a great job.
He did do a good job at Princeton and it'd be great to have another URI alumnus as HC. To the best of my knowledge Tosches has been out of coaching for a while and has not expressed any interest in returning to it.
February 26th, 2009, 08:41 AM
According to, John Gutekunst is interested in the job.
I'd rather see someone younger. This guy sounds like a retread. His record is not very impressive.
I like what Bull had to say about staying in-house. It would show confidence in the current staff that they can turn the program around and point it in the right direction.
Bull Fan
February 26th, 2009, 08:47 AM
I'd rather see someone younger. This guy sounds like a retread. His record is not very impressive.
I like what Bull had to say about staying in-house. It would show confidence in the current staff that they can turn the program around and point it in the right direction.
Just did some reading up on Gutekunst; Outside of his age, he's really been a career assistant. Dunno about that....
If the AD likes what he saw last year with Rizzi and his staff, he should leverage that for continuity. This way you're not starting over again, and any of the current assistants who may land the job already have a year under their belt with the players. Certainly a unique situation, especially in the CAA.
February 26th, 2009, 12:11 PM
From Football scoop ...I hope they are right! Rhode Island: We hear Bowling Green assistant Joe Trainer could become the next head coach at Rhode Island.
February 26th, 2009, 01:13 PM
Presser will be held at 11:00 am on Friday
Monarch History
February 26th, 2009, 01:51 PM
From the Bowling Green Football website, here is a bio of Joe Trainer.
February 26th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Presser will be held at 11:00 am on Friday
I just got thie-mailed to me from URI. I wish I could attend but a little thing called work is going to get in the way.
You are cordially invited to attend
A press conference introducing our new football coach
Friday, February 27th at 11:00 AM
Ryan Center Alumni Room located on the Concourse Level.
Please Enter the Ryan Center through the North Lobby.
February 26th, 2009, 02:10 PM
From Football scoop ...I hope they are right! Rhode Island: We hear Bowling Green assistant Joe Trainer could become the next head coach at Rhode Island.
Well I hope for Trainer's sake that website is right. I don't imagine the people at Bowling Green will be too happy with him either way. They hire this guy and then a month or two later he wants to go back to the school they hired him from? I wouldn't say that is a good career move given the fact that he hasn't even coached a practice yet.
I'm not saying he's a bad coach or would even be a bad choice, but I have concerns if he is the choice. He bolted from URI after one season (OK fine, he went to an FBS school) but now wants to bolt back before spring practice begins in his brand new job? How long until he bolts again?
This guy doesn't sound like the best of decision makers to me.
February 26th, 2009, 02:17 PM
He has certainly had a few xoopsx over the last few weeks! I just hope the players will buy into him after all of this!
Bull Fan
February 26th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I'm not saying he's a bad coach or would even be a bad choice, but I have concerns if he is the choice. He bolted from URI after one season (OK fine, he went to an FBS school) but now wants to bolt back before spring practice begins in his brand new job? How long until he bolts again?
Unfortunately, that's the nature of the beast with college coaching. It's very nomadic, and quite frankly the assistants aren't necessarily cemented to their posts. Most of them are trying to get the best and most experience they can, hopefully setting themselves up for head coaching jobs down the line.
No knock on URI, but would you rather be a Ram assistant, or ply your trade at the I-A level? It's also a matter of economics.... you can't blame him for leaving after the one year.
Now, whether he's the right fit or not, that's your AD's decision given all the weird dynamics of this situation.
VT Wildcat Fan53
February 26th, 2009, 04:34 PM
Peter Vaas -- New England guy (Westwood, MA, Played at HC). Resume includes UNH, HC at Allegheney, Notre Dame QB's under Holtz, HC at Holy Cross, Off Coord for Montreal Alouettes, OC for Barcelona Dragons, HC for Berlin Thunder and another team in NFL-Europe, Notre Dame QB's under Chubby, OC at Duke, now at Miami of Ohio. Just started at Miami, so probably has too much class to leave right now. However, he knows New England, he knows the Yankee Conf (oops, the CAA), he can recruit, he's coached at all levels, .... he would be great! xthumbsupx
February 26th, 2009, 04:43 PM
I don't understand the Trainer hire.
Particularly his bailing on Rhody-two mos. before Rizzi?
February 26th, 2009, 06:30 PM
Unfortunately, that's the nature of the beast with college coaching. It's very nomadic, and quite frankly the assistants aren't necessarily cemented to their posts. Most of them are trying to get the best and most experience they can, hopefully setting themselves up for head coaching jobs down the line.
No knock on URI, but would you rather be a Ram assistant, or ply your trade at the I-A level? It's also a matter of economics.... you can't blame him for leaving after the one year.
Now, whether he's the right fit or not, that's your AD's decision given all the weird dynamics of this situation.
But that's just the point. He DIDN'T ply his trade at the I-A level. He gets a job at a I-A school then leaves a month or two later to come back to URI. I'm sorry but that is senseless. I don't fault him for leaving URI after one year but I do question his judgment in leaving Bowling Green before his first season even starts.
Anyway, they announced on the local news tonight that he is indeed the new URI football coach. I will say that I'm glad we have a defensive oriented coach for a head coach. I personally can't recall that ever being the case.
I don't agree with Thorr on this one but best wishes to Coach Trainer.
Bull Fan
February 26th, 2009, 07:11 PM
I see your point.
Leaving URI to go to BGSU, only to leave the Falcons before the season... he comes back to be a head coach. If he had aspirations of being a head coach one day, he achieves that now. I can fully understand this move, and while BGSU may be disappointed, they probably understand as well given the opportunity.
This was awkward for all involved, no doubt. For URI's sake, I hope you don't have a fall-off from your progress last season. At the end of the day, your next head coach has a year's head start on any external candidate.
February 26th, 2009, 07:30 PM
what a journey!
February 26th, 2009, 08:11 PM
hopefully it works out
February 26th, 2009, 08:16 PM
I will say that I'm glad we have a defensive oriented coach for a head coach. I personally can't recall that ever being the case.
How about last year?
This is a good hire, though of course I would have been pleased to see last year's other coordinator hired. The staff can stay in place and continue what they've started. Recruits and transfers will be happy with it. Trainer's a good coach. And, I agree with this:
At the end of the day, your next head coach has a year's head start on any external candidate.
Bull Fan
February 26th, 2009, 09:18 PM
I'm a Hofstra fan, but I wish you guys the best. Rhody needs to turn the corner, and hopefully this gyration doesn't hinder that.
Monarch History
February 26th, 2009, 09:32 PM
I follow URI football and I hope you can get some continuity with this hire. The Rams have had some bad luck the last few years and I hope it comes to an end with the selection of Trainer.
Ram Ball
February 26th, 2009, 09:45 PM
ABC6 Sports learns that Joe Trainer will be named URI football coach Friday (
February 27th, 2009, 08:05 AM
How about last year?
Rizzi was an offense guy.
I don't recall him ever being a DC @ anyplace in his past.
February 27th, 2009, 08:08 AM
I do like the sounds of this:
he spent five seasons as the defensive coordinator at Villanova, where the Wildcats had the best defense in the A-10 in 2003 and 2004, which ranked 14th nationally each year.
Hopefully Trainer has some good recruiting connections. I hope to see a much stronger defense than in past years.
Bull Fan
February 27th, 2009, 08:28 AM
I wandered over the the gorhody site this morning, and you can catch the news conference on all-access... I signed up for the free access, but do you need to be a paid subscriber to see the "All-Access" show?
February 27th, 2009, 08:34 AM
Rizzi was an offense guy.
I don't recall him ever being a DC @ anyplace in his past.
Rizzi may have played on the offensive side of the ball, but he has mostly coached on the defensive side and special teams. He was the DC at New Haven under Tony Sparano. Check out any Rizzi bio for the rest.
February 27th, 2009, 08:36 AM
I wandered over the the gorhody site this morning, and you can catch the news conference on all-access... I signed up for the free access, but do you need to be a paid subscriber to see the "All-Access" show?
I think it's free. Here's the link (
Bull Fan
February 27th, 2009, 08:39 AM
I accessed the registration through that site and through All-Access link, jpincince... but not too clear if this specific press conference is for the free subscribers (as opposed to the monthly or annual paid subscribers). Thanks for the help, though ;)
February 27th, 2009, 08:42 AM
Rizzi may have played on the offensive side of the ball, but he has mostly coached on the defensive side and special teams. He was the DC at New Haven under Tony Sparano. Check out any Rizzi bio for the rest.
All that is correct but I still believe that Trainer is the first guy at URI to go directly from a DC position to HC.
February 27th, 2009, 12:01 PM
Well, it's now official. It's not a decision that I'm happy with but he's got my support.
GO COACH TRAINER! xthumbsupx
February 27th, 2009, 12:47 PM
Well, it's now official. It's not a decision that I'm happy with but he's got my support.
GO COACH TRAINER! xthumbsupx
Who would you have preferred? And why?
February 27th, 2009, 12:56 PM
Really? So you think he'd accept a DC position at an FBS program, then turn right back around and come back to the FCS program he left just a few months ago? This would be an unusual move to say the least. Can I ask if you are basing this on anything? Just curious.
BTW, he wouldn't be a bad choice.
Not to point out that you've been a little inconsistent Cobblestone, but . . .
February 27th, 2009, 01:16 PM
Interesting couple of weeks at uri!!??
February 27th, 2009, 02:11 PM
Not to point out that you've been a little inconsistent Cobblestone, but . . .
Perhaps if you read my previous posts in this thread you'd be a little more enlightened than you are. I clearly stated who my first choice was. I'll let you go back and look it up. The problem is the circumstances in which URI had to make this hire given the timing. Therefore my first choice, which I'll let you look up, wouldn't have been a reality at this time.
As for Trainer, no I'm not happy with the choice. Do I think he's a bad coach? No. Is his resume impressive? It's not bad. Do I think he's HC material? Yes, he's been around long enough and has been a DC. Do I think he's a good decision maker? Not really since he seems to shoot from the hip. His decision to move to Bowling Green then come running back to URI after a month or two seems to qualify him as somewhat indecisive. I cannot say I am all that comfortable with that. Do I feel he is a GOOD choice? Not the best IMO and one that I'm not all that happy about, BUT given the situation, not bad either. My hope is that he's willing to stay put and not go running back to Bowling Green after a season or two.
Unlike you, I have been around URI football for a good many years; a few decades actually. I may not agree with this decision but I will support my AD, my team and Coach Trainer. Is all this consistent enough for you?
I strongly suggest you read all that I have posted in this thread before calling me out.
February 27th, 2009, 05:29 PM
Perhaps if you read my previous posts in this thread you'd be a little more enlightened than you are. I clearly stated who my first choice was. I'll let you go back and look it up. The problem is the circumstances in which URI had to make this hire given the timing. Therefore my first choice, which I'll let you look up, wouldn't have been a reality at this time.
As for Trainer, no I'm not happy with the choice. Do I think he's a bad coach? No. Is his resume impressive? It's not bad. Do I think he's HC material? Yes, he's been around long enough and has been a DC. Do I think he's a good decision maker? Not really since he seems to shoot from the hip. His decision to move to Bowling Green then come running back to URI after a month or two seems to qualify him as somewhat indecisive. I cannot say I am all that comfortable with that. Do I feel he is a GOOD choice? Not the best IMO and one that I'm not all that happy about, BUT given the situation, not bad either. My hope is that he's willing to stay put and not go running back to Bowling Green after a season or two.
Unlike you, I have been around URI football for a good many years; a few decades actually. I may not agree with this decision but I will support my AD, my team and Coach Trainer. Is all this consistent enough for you?
I strongly suggest you read all that I have posted in this thread before calling me out.
First - You said that Trainer "wouldn't be a bad choice." Now you say you're "not happy with the choice." Sounds inconsistent to me.
Next - I have read the entire thread, and while you certainly do not say it clearly, it seems that Talley was your first choice. That's fine; it's a supportable opinion. But above you admit that "my first choice . . . wouldn't have been a reality at this time." So that's all I'm asking you - at this time (i.e. in reality, and not in some imaginary world) who would you have preferred to Trainer, and why would that person be a better choice? You seem to have wanted someone who was at URI last season, and you seemed to say that you'd settle for Istvan or Pincince. Your only problem with Trainer seems to be that he left and came back in short order. Get over it, that's what coaches do, particularly assistants who are at the mercy of the head coach staying or going.
As for how long you've "been around URI football": Congratulations, would you like a medal? What is it you think you know about me? I happen to be a lifelong Rhode Islander who has followed Rhode Island college football closely for about 15 years. Gee, maybe I deserve a medal, too!
February 27th, 2009, 06:33 PM
All, I am very happy to see coach Trainer become the head coach. Go Rams!
February 27th, 2009, 06:36 PM
First - You said that Trainer "wouldn't be a bad choice." Now you say you're "not happy with the choice." Sounds inconsistent to me.
Next - I have read the entire thread, and while you certainly do not say it clearly, it seems that Talley was your first choice. That's fine; it's a supportable opinion. But above you admit that "my first choice . . . wouldn't have been a reality at this time." So that's all I'm asking you - at this time (i.e. in reality, and not in some imaginary world) who would you have preferred to Trainer, and why would that person be a better choice? You seem to have wanted someone who was at URI last season, and you seemed to say that you'd settle for Istvan or Pincince. Your only problem with Trainer seems to be that he left and came back in short order. Get over it, that's what coaches do, particularly assistants who are at the mercy of the head coach staying or going.
As for how long you've "been around URI football": Congratulations, would you like a medal? What is it you think you know about me? I happen to be a lifelong Rhode Islander who has followed Rhode Island college football closely for about 15 years. Gee, maybe I deserve a medal, too!
I guess your having a bad day since your brother didn't get the job. Maybe you ought to "get over it".
As for my loyalty to URI football I do not appreciate you questioning it or belittling it.
My choices? I'd have liked Talley but really wanted Chuck Martin. If you don't know who he is then look him up. I've stated many times that what I'd like to see URI hire is a D-II HC with playoff experience; check Martin's record.
Wouldn't be a bad choice and not being happy with a choice show no inconsistency to me. What I was trying to say is that Trainer is a competent coach therefore he certainly would not be a bad choice. But a guy who left after one season then wants to come back after not even performing his duties in his new job is not someone who would be my first choice.
Here again I'd have liked Martin or Talley. I was not too keen on URI staying in-house but I realized they had no choice given the time of Rizzi's departure. Therefore, either your brother or Istvan would have been acceptable to me.
I think I've explained my position on this issue clearly enough and don't need to go any further with you on this.
I will settle this by asking you to check your PM.
Bull Fan
February 27th, 2009, 07:08 PM
Rhode Island is a wee bit small to have such a civil war, no? ;)
February 27th, 2009, 07:13 PM
Rhode Island is a wee bit small to have such a civil war, no? ;)
You are correct Sir. URI also has too few football supporters for them to be battling over a moot point. I would hope after he reads my PM that he and I would not have any further issues.
Bull Fan
February 27th, 2009, 07:21 PM
Hey, it's good to see some fire out of you guys, whatever the case may be! It shows some life out of the Ocean State!
February 27th, 2009, 07:21 PM
Go Rhody!!! Let us shock the world next Fall!!
February 27th, 2009, 07:24 PM
Go Rhody!!! Let us shock the world next Fall!!
Best post in the entire thread. xbowx
February 27th, 2009, 09:25 PM
I guess your having a bad day since your brother didn't get the job. Maybe you ought to "get over it".
As for my loyalty to URI football I do not appreciate you questioning it or belittling it.
My choices? I'd have liked Talley but really wanted Chuck Martin. If you don't know who he is then look him up. I've stated many times that what I'd like to see URI hire is a D-II HC with playoff experience; check Martin's record.
Wouldn't be a bad choice and not being happy with a choice show no inconsistency to me. What I was trying to say is that Trainer is a competent coach therefore he certainly would not be a bad choice. But a guy who left after one season then wants to come back after not even performing his duties in his new job is not someone who would be my first choice.
Here again I'd have liked Martin or Talley. I was not too keen on URI staying in-house but I realized they had no choice given the time of Rizzi's departure. Therefore, either your brother or Istvan would have been acceptable to me.
I think I've explained my position on this issue clearly enough and don't need to go any further with you on this.
I will settle this by asking you to check your PM.
Cobb - I have been defending the hire of Joe Trainer, and questioning your questioning of it. So how is it you think I'm having a bad day because my brother didn't get the job? That makes no sense. As I said earlier in this thread, I think it was a good hire. I would have thought the same if it had been my brother. I thought continuity was important with the way this all went down.
You need to lighten up. To me, it's OK to have an argument over something we both care about. It doesn't make either of us less of a supporter of URI football. What I want is fact-based argument, and when factually incorrect statements are made (such as Rizzi never having been a DC), or when what I think are poorly supported or reasoned opinions are asserted (such as Trainer having bad judgment because he left then returned), then I will correct or question those statements.
Last, I don't know about shocking the world next season, but looking at the schedule I do think there's actually a possibility of a winning season. Been several years since Rhody had one of those. Go Rhody!
February 28th, 2009, 07:23 AM
Pincine-what makes Trainer a good choice?
What do you hear?
Bull Fan
February 28th, 2009, 07:33 AM
Pincine-what makes Trainer a good choice?
What do you hear?
I'm part of the camp that thinks having an assistant from last year gives you a chance to continue what Rizzi started. Two recruiting classes under the Rizzi regime; now those players, and their strengths and styles, won't necessarily be out of place.
It doesn't necessarily mean that Trainer is the best coach available to them, but hopefully that works out for them and you.
February 28th, 2009, 08:18 AM
I have not read many of the posts on this or other threads having to do with Rizzi's departure but I was wondering what you Rhody fans' attitude toward Rizzi is. I think his leaving like he did was disgusting. To me it shows a total lack of character, and to me it makes no sense for his future. He's the head coach of a Div I football program he can really make his mark on and continue to build a great coaching resume, but gives it up after 1 year to coach special teams??? I don't care if its the NFL or not, he's coaching special teams!
It must be the $$$ and the sun.
February 28th, 2009, 09:06 AM
I have not read many of the posts on this or other threads having to do with Rizzi's departure but I was wondering what you Rhody fans' attitude toward Rizzi is. I think his leaving like he did was disgusting. To me it shows a total lack of character, and to me it makes no sense for his future. He's the head coach of a Div I football program he can really make his mark on and continue to build a great coaching resume, but gives it up after 1 year to coach special teams??? I don't care if its the NFL or not, he's coaching special teams!
It must be the $$$ and the sun.
As a Rhody parent I hated to see him leave. The improvements he made in the program in one season had everyone excited about the future. That being said I can not blame him for doing what he felt best for his family. A young coach with a large family, just hard to be upset with him for looking out for them. I wish him the best.
As for Coach Trainer, he steps into a situation late in the game, but he has the luxury of knowing the players, coaches and admin. I think he will leave much of what Rizzi had in place. My concern is recruiting going forward. How does this affect the kids that signed a few weeks back?
February 28th, 2009, 09:09 AM
I agree with Bull Fan. In my eyes, both Trainer and Pincince were great candidates. More importantly, I like the fact that Coach Rizzi and his assistants really held the student athletes accountable and given the fact the teams GPA's were the highest they have had in recent years is proof. I think Coach Trainer has the same philosophy. Lets look forward to the spring game and a winning 2009 season.
Go Rhody!
February 28th, 2009, 09:15 AM
Pincine-what makes Trainer a good choice?
What do you hear?
He left millersville complaining they did not have enough schollies. he did not win there. he left uri for bowling green now he's back. i guess i understand uri's thinking on this but it has a very strange feel to it. is he really committed? personally i'd have gone with a quality guy on staff. was there one?
WildCat In The Hat
February 28th, 2009, 09:32 AM
Good Luck to the Rams-from an outsiders point of view, it seems like a smart move. The guy knows the program and the team. They are trying to show a little stability to the players, who have gone through some recent coaching changes. Trainer is coming back to be a head coach-a major goal for most of these guys-you can't really question the guy for that. Just seems odd, because of he timing of everything-but that's just when the opportunity presented itself. All in all, I think it's a fairly smart move.
Again-don't really know anything about Trainer-hopefully he's a good coach.
February 28th, 2009, 03:17 PM
Trainer did good job @ Nova.
Rhody's defense some what improved last year.
It certainly appears though that he could not get out of Rhody quick enough after season.
Point being-who ever is HC there better be drinking the Koolade.
Uncle Buck
February 28th, 2009, 05:20 PM
I think promoting from within is a good move. Beyond the coach knowing the program and what Rizzi was trying to do, the players know the coach. I'm sure the guy is qualified, but this seems to provide the most stability to the players that are there. Going outside to find someone, you never know what you could end up with.
February 28th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Cobb - I have been defending the hire of Joe Trainer, and questioning your questioning of it. So how is it you think I'm having a bad day because my brother didn't get the job? That makes no sense. As I said earlier in this thread, I think it was a good hire. I would have thought the same if it had been my brother. I thought continuity was important with the way this all went down.
You need to lighten up. To me, it's OK to have an argument over something we both care about. It doesn't make either of us less of a supporter of URI football. What I want is fact-based argument, and when factually incorrect statements are made (such as Rizzi never having been a DC), or when what I think are poorly supported or reasoned opinions are asserted (such as Trainer having bad judgment because he left then returned), then I will correct or question those statements.
Last, I don't know about shocking the world next season, but looking at the schedule I do think there's actually a possibility of a winning season. Been several years since Rhody had one of those. Go Rhody!
1. I did not realize that Rizzi had been a DC. I remember him mostly from his being a player on the offensive side on the ball and of course his special teams work at Rutgers. My bad on that one.
2. Opinions are something each of us are entitled to. I stated my opinion on Trainer. You stated yours. We disagree. There are no "corrections here". What you consider inconsistencies, I consider weighing the options and looking at the positives and negatives of each candidate. Nobody is perfect my friend, just because I may not like a particular choice doesn't make it a bad choice. I never questioned Trainer's ability as a coach. Here again, I don't agree with running from job to job the way he did but it's his career. I also think this point has been made more than a few times on this board.
3. If Trainer leads us to a winning season, which would be the first since 2001, I'll be on this board going like this xbowx next to his name. IF (note the uppercase) he can get us to the playoffs (first time since 1985) then I'll elevate him to God mode.
February 28th, 2009, 09:03 PM
I have not read many of the posts on this or other threads having to do with Rizzi's departure but I was wondering what you Rhody fans' attitude toward Rizzi is. I think his leaving like he did was disgusting. To me it shows a total lack of character, and to me it makes no sense for his future. He's the head coach of a Div I football program he can really make his mark on and continue to build a great coaching resume, but gives it up after 1 year to coach special teams??? I don't care if its the NFL or not, he's coaching special teams!
It must be the $$$ and the sun.
Two good enough reasons.
Bottom line up front. Rizzi has 5 kids, which I stated earlier. I'm not going to pass judgment on a guy who has that many kids to support and is making approx. $150,000/year. That may sound like a good salary but when you've got 5 kids to feed and clothe I don't think even that kind of money goes too far. Also, the cost of living here in RI is quite high.
I'm sure another factor playing into this is the future of URI football. There is a ton of negativity in this state over it and I might add that most RIers are pretty much down on URI when it comes to just about anything. Over the years there has been plenty of screaming about dropping URI football. President Carothers has been a good supporter and friend to the program but he is retiring in June. After he goes it's anyones guess as to what happens to football.
The NFL called! I don't think any coach would say no to that. I'm also willing to say that the Dolphins are probably going to double Rizzi's salary. If he had said no to this offer I doubt he'd ever hear from the NFL again. Yes, it is a special teams job but every coach has to start somewhere. Eventually he could find himself as a position coach and eventually an OC or DC. If he does a good enough job his potential could be unlimited.
All of this equates to justifiable reasons for him leaving. I'm sad as heck to see him leave because I feel he had instilled a sense of discipline in the team that was never seen during the Stowers era. I also saw big improvements on the offensive side of the ball. I very much liked the spread offense he ran, as opposed to the d!cked up triple option that Stowers ran. The defense could have been better but even that side of the ball showed a little more improvement than it did during the years when we seemed to have a different DC every season.
My attitude towards Rizzi? I still think he was sincere in his love for URI and coming back to his alma mater to coach. I still think he was being honest with his players when he spoke to them about having pride in wearing a URI uniform. Lastly I believe him when he says it (leaving URI) was a difficult thing for him to do. I personally do not fault him for leaving given the offer he received. I have no resentment towards the guy and I wish him the best.
February 28th, 2009, 09:42 PM
As a Rhody parent I hated to see him leave. The improvements he made in the program in one season had everyone excited about the future. That being said I can not blame him for doing what he felt best for his family. A young coach with a large family, just hard to be upset with him for looking out for them. I wish him the best.
As for Coach Trainer, he steps into a situation late in the game, but he has the luxury of knowing the players, coaches and admin. I think he will leave much of what Rizzi had in place. My concern is recruiting going forward. How does this affect the kids that signed a few weeks back?
I heard Thorr state in an interview that he spoke to the recent transfers from Rutgers and they have agreed to stay.
As for future recruiting I'd be interested in knowing what recruiting connections Trainer has. It appeared to me that this was a Rizzi strong point. Since Trainer coached at D-II Millersville, I'm wondering if he still has any ties to HS coaches in central PA.
Perhaps Trainer's disciple might know. Any ideas Pincine?
;) just keeping it light dude.
Bull Fan
March 1st, 2009, 07:39 AM
To further my stability issue, and to go back to my point about two Rizzi recruiting classes....
Hypothetically, you bring in an outside coach. You now have a coach from the outside who is working with a staff that's probably unknown to him, and working with players from two separate coaching regimes.... not a good situation for the entire program. And next year, he'd be recruiting his own kids. So hypothetically, his second year in charge he has a roster of kids brought in by THREE DIFFERENT HEAD COACHES... You'd have lost a LOT of momentum.
I know I've beaten the continuity thing to death, but this is just something I was thinking about as I was reading up on the latest posts here.
UNI Pike
March 1st, 2009, 07:32 PM
Rhode Island introduces Trainer as football coach
March 2nd, 2009, 06:37 PM
Sorry, but Im not sure what you mean?
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