View Full Version : Freestyle motocross racer Jeremy Lusk dies

February 10th, 2009, 02:52 PM
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) -- Jeremy Lusk, an American freestyle motocross racer, died of head injuries Tuesday after crashing while trying to land a backflip in competition. He was 24.

Jorge Ramirez, chief of the intensive care unit at Calderon Hospital where Lusk was taken, said the motocross racer suffered severe brain damage and a possible spinal cord injury.

Lusk won a gold medal at the 2008 X Games. He was injured Saturday night when he failed to complete a full rotation while attempting a Hart Attack backflip and slammed headfirst into the dirt. Lusk crashed in almost identical fashion in the freestyle semifinals at the 2007 X Games but was not hurt.

He had a successful 2008 season, winning Freestyle gold at the X Games and silver in Best Trick when he landed the first double-grab Hart Attack backflip. He won a bronze helmet in Freestyle at the Moto X World Championships in his hometown of San Diego.

Ramirez said Lusk died with his parents and his wife, Lauren, at his side.


February 10th, 2009, 02:55 PM
Of all the news you post on here, this one surely deserves the 'breaking' classification

February 10th, 2009, 03:00 PM
Wasn't there a documentary about him on cable recently?

SideLine Shooter
February 10th, 2009, 03:03 PM
Sad, very sad. He was a great one. RIP Jeremy.