View Full Version : HS Team loses 100-0
January 22nd, 2009, 03:24 PM
Props to the coach for teaching lessons:
"My girls never quit," he said. "They played as hard as they could to the very end. They played with all their hearts at 70-nothing, 80-nothing and 100-nothing. I was really proud of them. That's what I told them after the game."
Later on the 100-0 night, Civello told his girls the life lesson they could take from their loss: "I told them someday they will be on top in a similar situation and they should remember how they felt when some people were cheering for a team to score a hundred points and shut us out. Hopefully, my girls all learned a lesson in sportsmanship that will last them a lifetime."
Big thumbs down to the other coach:
Against Covenant, Dallas Academy was surprised to see an obviously superior team keep the pressure on until it scored its 100th point in the fourth quarter. "I'm sure they could have won by 30 points and still had just as good a time," Civello said.
January 22nd, 2009, 03:47 PM
Wow. I don't feel so bad now. My old HS' girls team won a game 94-1 last week, luckily the other team made a free throw in the third quarter.
January 22nd, 2009, 04:26 PM
they didn't even get to the free throw line?
January 22nd, 2009, 04:44 PM
they didn't even get to the free throw line?
Did it say that? I just figured they missed the free throws they had (probably not that many).
January 22nd, 2009, 04:55 PM
Texas Girls Hoops Team Seeks Forfeit of 100-0 Win (
Apparently there is some backpedaling going on as we speak.
January 22nd, 2009, 04:56 PM
Did it say that? I just figured they missed the free throws they had (probably not that many).
I was just asking didn't click the link.
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January 22nd, 2009, 05:14 PM
Texas Girls Hoops Team Seeks Forfeit of 100-0 Win (
"I think the bad judgment was in the full-court press and the 3-point shots," said Renee Peloza, whose daughter plays for Dallas Academy. "At some point, they should have backed off."
Dallas Academy coach Jeremy Civello told The Dallas Morning News that the game turned into a "layup drill," with the opposing team's guards waiting to steal the ball and drive to the basket. Covenant scored 12 points in the fourth quarter and "finally eased up when they got to 100 with about four minutes left," he said.
Dallas Academy has eight girls on its varsity team and about 20 girls in its high school. It is winless over the last four seasons. The academy boasts of its small class sizes and specializes in teaching students struggling with "learning differences," such as short attention spans or dyslexia.xsmhx
Reign of Terrier
January 22nd, 2009, 05:22 PM
This is worse than my little brother's middle school winning 80-10. I'm sorry but if my team is winning 40-0 I tell them to back off and let the other team get some points. There is no reason for teams to lose by this much.
January 22nd, 2009, 05:46 PM
I'm glad the Eagles were good enough to back off the Cowboys at 44-3 and let them get a field goal a few weeks back to make it 44-6.:D
January 22nd, 2009, 05:53 PM
I'm somewhat mixed on this. Why would a school of 20 people with only 8 players (described as special needs) even be playing the team they did? Or why even be in a league? It just doesn't seem like it's fair competition for the players on the losing team nor the opposing teams.
January 22nd, 2009, 06:21 PM
This is worse than my little brother's middle school winning 80-10. I'm sorry but if my team is winning 40-0 I tell them to back off and let the other team get some points. There is no reason for teams to lose by this much.
im on the record for being against amateurs running up the score, but in no competitve league should a team purposely allow another team to score just to make themselves feel good about themselves. This school is for learning disability students and they shouldnt be competing against regular schools, its the losing schools fault for fielding the team in a regular league.
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January 22nd, 2009, 06:30 PM
im on the record for being against amateurs running up the score, but in no competitve league should a team purposely allow another team to score just to make themselves feel good about themselves. This school is for learning disability students and they shouldnt be competing against regular schools, its the losing schools fault for fielding the team in a regular league.Guess the winning team falling all over itself apologizing publicly agrees that full court presses and raining threes when ahead by 90 points is faulting the losing team too Travis... NOT!
January 22nd, 2009, 07:53 PM
I don't like how it was 100-0. 100 is too round of a number, as if they were trying to get to triple digits. I know they will never admit that but seems a little odd to me...
Reign of Terrier
January 22nd, 2009, 08:39 PM
im on the record for being against amateurs running up the score, but in no competitve league should a team purposely allow another team to score just to make themselves feel good about themselves. This school is for learning disability students and they shouldnt be competing against regular schools, its the losing schools fault for fielding the team in a regular league.
Not like that...I mean slowing down your efforts. Like 65-14 as oppose to 100-0. As in once you get up 40 you put the subs in and if you hit 60 go to the benchwarmers and go deeper and deeper into the bench until you can't anymore. IMO if your up 50 and somehow lose you deserve to.
In Church league if you go up 25 you can't go outside the 3 point line and if you go up 50 you stay in the paintxlolx
January 22nd, 2009, 08:48 PM
Not like that...I mean slowing down your efforts. Like 65-14 as oppose to 100-0. As in once you get up 40 you put the subs in and if you hit 60 go to the benchwarmers and go deeper and deeper into the bench until you can't anymore. IMO if your up 50 and somehow lose you deserve to.
In Church league if you go up 25 you can't go outside the 3 point line and if you go up 50 you stay in the paintxlolx
what grade is that? any league I've been a part of institutes a running clock. all that other stuff makes no sense to me.. that's pretty bad when you can't score in bball. maybe it's time to reevaluate their program.
Reign of Terrier
January 22nd, 2009, 08:55 PM
what grade is that? any league I've been a part of institutes a running clock. all that other stuff makes no sense to me.. that's pretty bad when you can't score in bball. maybe it's time to reevaluate their program.
The running clock is probably issued on the 50 point thing I guess. I really don't know about the paint thing, all I know is that my church was beating a team so badly that the Refs forced them to stay in the paint (it's like 4th-5th grade league) and it was a one time deal.
One of the reasons they force them back is to (you guessed it) avoid the full court press.
One of the teams I played a couple years ago had an offense of basically scoop and score and beat teams like mine 30-0. Then as soon as I stop playing for other sports, the team drops of the face of the earth in to an average team!
January 22nd, 2009, 09:15 PM
The running clock is probably issued on the 50 point thing I guess. I really don't know about the paint thing, all I know is that my church was beating a team so badly that the Refs forced them to stay in the paint (it's like 4th-5th grade league) and it was a one time deal.
One of the reasons they force them back is to (you guessed it) avoid the full court press.
One of the teams I played a couple years ago had an offense of basically scoop and score and beat teams like mine 30-0. Then as soon as I stop playing for other sports, the team drops of the face of the earth in to an average team!
when I coached 8 & 9 year olds you couldn't zone or play a full court d when you had a big lead.
As player I loved to put a running clock on the other team. Hitting that 3 right before the end of the 3rd was always fun. xlolx
January 22nd, 2009, 10:11 PM
I was on the losing end of a 76-3 game once, in a fast-paced game with 2 8-minute halfs. This was in middle school. We got 3 points because dunking was a technical foul, and the other team (of middle-schoolers, mind you) dunked twice. We went 3-for-4 from the line. The other team's coach chewed his players out after the game for not hanging 100 on us.
This was in a tournament of church teams.
I had forgotten about that until this thread came up, but it's a true story.
January 25th, 2009, 08:35 PM
The coach of the team that laid 100 was just fired:
In part, the school's statement was:
"It is shameful and an embarrassment that this happened. This clearly does not reflect a Christlike and honorable approach to competition."
Good for them.
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January 25th, 2009, 08:58 PM
The coach of the team that laid 100 was just fired:
In part, the school's statement was:
Good for them.
xthumbsupx I hope lessons were learned.
January 25th, 2009, 08:58 PM
Christ-like approach to competition? So Jesus would run around the court instead of floating once the score got out of hand in pickup games? :D
January 25th, 2009, 11:10 PM
Christ-like approach to competition? So Jesus would run around the court instead of floating once the score got out of hand in pickup games? :D
I imagine he could skywalk and be a new "Dr. J"...:D
January 26th, 2009, 08:40 AM
The coach of the team that laid 100 was just fired:
In part, the school's statement was:
Good for them.
I'm sure Belichick has room on his staff for him, those two would get along well I'd think.
January 26th, 2009, 12:39 PM
The world has lost their whinning P.C. minds.
These loser's are getting rewarded with Dallas Maverick's ticket's while a coach that won lost his income.
This school that fired this guy don't have one adult with a spine in it.
If I was that coach, I would sue everyone involved with my termination.
I would not care if I closed the door's to that school.
It may be cold and hard, but these girl's had no business on the same court with a real basketball team.
These whinner's want to blame someone, blame the idiot's at the school that served these loser's up for slaughter knowing they could not play worth a damm.xsmhx
They want a gold star for just putting on a uniform then they need to join a "Joke" league instead of playing competitive basketball.
And the adult's interviewed defending this joke team and the coaches firing made me want to throw up.xsmhx
I guess it's official now.
American sport's are now pussified.
What's the point of doing your best when being the worst get's you rewarded. xsmhx
January 26th, 2009, 01:31 PM
The world has lost their whinning P.C. minds.
These loser's are getting rewarded with Dallas Maverick's ticket's while a coach that won lost his income.
This school that fired this guy don't have one adult with a spine in it.
If I was that coach, I would sue everyone involved with my termination.
I would not care if I closed the door's to that school.
It may be cold and hard, but these girl's had no business on the same court with a real basketball team.
These whinner's want to blame someone, blame the idiot's at the school that served these loser's up for slaughter knowing they could not play worth a damm.xsmhx
They want a gold star for just putting on a uniform then they need to join a "Joke" league instead of playing competitive basketball.
And the adult's interviewed defending this joke team and the coaches firing made me want to throw up.xsmhx
I guess it's official now.
American sport's are now pussified.
What's the point of doing your best when being the worst get's you rewarded. xsmhx
I doubt the school would have fired the coach if he hadn't spoken out against the school for apologizing. The coach needed to keep his mouth shut, which he wasn't able to do, so the school, faced with a very bad PR situation, cut him off.
He was not fired because his team won 100-0.
January 26th, 2009, 01:35 PM
He said
Huh, huh, huh.
January 26th, 2009, 01:48 PM
The coach of the team that laid 100 was just fired:
In part, the school's statement was:
Good for them.
"My values and my beliefs would not allow me to run up the score on any opponent."
Well, OK coach. Good to know you're above running it up. Otherwise we would have believed our lying eyes.
January 26th, 2009, 02:51 PM
I doubt the school would have fired the coach if he hadn't spoken out against the school for apologizing. The coach needed to keep his mouth shut, which he wasn't able to do, so the school, faced with a very bad PR situation, cut him off.
He was not fired because his team won 100-0.
So in other words, he should have kept his mouth shut while everybody made him out to be a monster or something.
This was not a PR situation.
Just another P.C. situation in what is now a never ending list of P.C. soultions.
I hope he sue's this school to the point they close their door's.
ya'll want to blame someone, blame the adult's at the school that LOST for even putting these kid's on the same floor as a competitive team.
And just why in heck is someone apologizing for winning.
It's not these kid's fault that the other team was not worth a crap.
But this is just more whinny, "everybody get's rewarded for nothing" mentality.
The coach lost his job, income, everything, and the team that lost won Dallas maverick's ticket's from Mark Cuban.
This world has lost their P.C. mind.
Firing a man for nothing.
'I would not have kept my mouth shut either while everybody was making me out to be some kind of monster.
January 26th, 2009, 02:55 PM
He said
Huh, huh, huh.
Teach them to whine, cry, byotch and moan until they get what they want.
Actual talent mean's nothing today.
I just don't know why people will put up with the garbage from coward's like the one's at these 2 school's that hung this guy out to dry just like that football coach was hung out to dry because some idiot ADULT put their sorry team on a schedule they had no business playing.
January 26th, 2009, 03:22 PM
So in other words, he should have kept his mouth shut while everybody made him out to be a monster or something.
This was not a PR situation.
Just another P.C. situation in what is now a never ending list of P.C. soultions.
I hope he sue's this school to the point they close their door's.
ya'll want to blame someone, blame the adult's at the school that LOST for even putting these kid's on the same floor as a competitive team.
And just why in heck is someone apologizing for winning.
It's not these kid's fault that the other team was not worth a crap.
But this is just more whinny, "everybody get's rewarded for nothing" mentality.
The coach lost his job, income, everything, and the team that lost won Dallas maverick's ticket's from Mark Cuban.
This world has lost their P.C. mind.
Firing a man for nothing.
'I would not have kept my mouth shut either while everybody was making me out to be some kind of monster.
The media would have eventually stopped, and the school was trying to diffuse the situation on their own until the coach decides to send an angry email to the Dallas newspaper bashing his employer.
I am not condoning the "witch hunt" that is going on, but people need to learn that continuing to sling crap at the media will only attract attention, not stop it.
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