View Full Version : Top Mississippi recruits "suicide"

December 16th, 2008, 11:07 AM
Not sure if anyone saw this last week. I just read about it. Pretty sad story.


the NAACP says they have privately investigated the situation and say his death wasn't suicide. More investigations to follow.


December 16th, 2008, 11:15 AM
There goes the NAACP trying to make a revisionist history.

December 16th, 2008, 12:20 PM
Did the Sheriff's cruiser have a camera? That would point to rather or not the kid was responsible for the shot (intentional or not) or if it was somebody else.

December 16th, 2008, 03:21 PM
There goes the NAACP trying to make a revisionist history.

You really need to stop.xsmhx
Bet you stopped reading at NAACP. xsmhx

The NAACP, The DA, Family, and the Police is working together on this to find out what happened.
Nobody has came to a conclusion on anything.

"The NAACP, along with the family, have determined that Billey Joe Johnson did not commit suicide," Clark said.

The NAACP's conclusion does not rule out the possibility that Johnson accidentally shot himself, Clark said

As in "We don't think it was sucide."
It look like he accidentally shot himself"

The story as written in the Clarion Ledger. (http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20081216/NEWS/812160350/1001/newsfrnt)

December 16th, 2008, 03:42 PM
A tragic end to a young life.

December 16th, 2008, 05:09 PM
Did the Sheriff's cruiser have a camera? That would point to rather or not the kid was responsible for the shot (intentional or not) or if it was somebody else.

Didn't mention whether the cruiser was equipped with a camera or not. If it was, I bet it wasn't on.

I'm thinking there is more to this story.

nwFL Griz
December 16th, 2008, 06:37 PM
As in "We don't think it was sucide."
It look like he accidentally shot himself"

When I first heard about this, that is exactly what I thought.

Then I thought why the heck was he handling a shotgun?

Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see what the investigation turns up.

December 16th, 2008, 07:12 PM
You really need to stop.xsmhx
Bet you stopped reading at NAACP. xsmhx

The NAACP, The DA, Family, and the Police is working together on this to find out what happened.
Nobody has came to a conclusion on anything.

As in "We don't think it was sucide."
It look like he accidentally shot himself"

The story as written in the Clarion Ledger. (http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20081216/NEWS/812160350/1001/newsfrnt)

I read the article.. i'm just saying doesn't this seem like a tailor made suicide situation, he was being pulled over by the police. Maybe there's stuff that the police aren't releasing until they finish their investigation. I have enormous respect for the NAACP, and they've done quite a bit to shape this country into what it is now, but i feel that its getting to the point where they're sticking their noses into a lot of things they shouldn't like the guy from the Philadelphia chapter calling Donovan McNabb "mediocre at best". I just have a weird feeling that they're gonna try to railroad this cop.

December 16th, 2008, 08:54 PM
Lot's of unanswered questions: Was there a camera in the police cruiser? Why would this kid have a shotgun in the truck? Was it hanging on a gun rack? Is he a hunter? How could he accidently shoot himself without grabbing the gun as the cop was going back to his vehicle?

And why would the NAACP even be involved with this? Because a high profile black football recruits tragic death made national news. Ergo their in the national media too, sad.

December 17th, 2008, 10:40 AM
When I first heard about this, that is exactly what I thought.

Then I thought why the heck was he handling a shotgun?

Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see what the investigation turns up.

Who know's.
People ride with gun's of all kind's in their cars.

I DON'T KNOW but he COULD have had the gun in the car and when the cop, who probably didn't see it, went to run his liscense, he may have tried to move it and it went off.
Not against the law to have it but kid's will panic.
Cop probably paid no attention to this kid cause there is no way he didn't know who he was being the star running back on that BIG TIME small town team.
George County went 15-1 in 2007 with the only loss comming in the State 5A Championship against S. Panola.

The gun could have been left in the car by someone else and it is not unsual at all for a person to have a gun or shotgun in their car around here.

nwFL Griz
December 17th, 2008, 12:38 PM
Who know's.
People ride with gun's of all kind's in their cars.

I DON'T KNOW but he COULD have had the gun in the car and when the cop, who probably didn't see it, went to run his liscense, he may have tried to move it and it went off.
Not against the law to have it but kid's will panic.
Cop probably paid no attention to this kid cause there is no way he didn't know who he was being the star running back on that BIG TIME small town team.
George County went 15-1 in 2007 with the only loss comming in the State 5A Championship against S. Panola.

The gun could have been left in the car by someone else and it is not unsual at all for a person to have a gun or shotgun in their car around here.

Oh no, I understand why he may have had the gun in the car, I was just wondering why he was handling it. It was probably like you said, he got nervous and tried to move it and it went off.

Bottom line, hate to see any loss of life, especially when that life was so young.