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UNI Pike
December 7th, 2008, 08:31 PM
Have to take your word on that one. I am more of a Selma Hayek man, myself.

December 7th, 2008, 08:37 PM
Have to take your word on that one. I am more of a Selma Hayek man, myself.

Rene Russo. I like that young stuff.xthumbsupx

UNI Pike
December 7th, 2008, 08:39 PM
Nothin wrong with that choice Houndawg

December 7th, 2008, 08:42 PM
no no no, his body is perfect.

Always confused on this one with the avatar. Is UNHWildcats a girl, artist, or guy that likes guys?

December 7th, 2008, 08:43 PM
Always confused on this one with the avatar. Is UNHWildcats a girl, artist, or guy that likes guys?

aledgedly a guy that likes guys. No one has ever met him. :D

December 7th, 2008, 08:55 PM
To say the noise didn't affect UD is crap though.if that's all you got is noise, you're going to be in for a long day...xthumbsupx

December 7th, 2008, 09:01 PM
if that's all you got is noise, you're going to be in for a long day...xthumbsupx

Nobody said that. Bottom line is UNI has one of, if not THE best home field advantages in all of FCS. And there is one hell of a team that plays under that roof every year.

December 7th, 2008, 09:02 PM
Always confused on this one with the avatar. Is UNHWildcats a girl, artist, or guy that likes guys?

December 7th, 2008, 09:02 PM
I think it has more to do with the team than the Dome. The noise effects some teams and players more than others. It's the semis. Don't think we're only hoping the noise beats you.

December 7th, 2008, 09:20 PM

Indigo down?

December 7th, 2008, 09:24 PM
4. You disappear from AGS for the winter on Sunday and forget to write "I had all 3 wrong" before you go. xasswhipx

Come to think of it, I'm wondering where did all the App State posters disappear to??

December 7th, 2008, 09:27 PM
Come to think of it, I'm wondering where did all the App State posters disappear to??

:D Appaholic is cooling his jets at the other site.

December 7th, 2008, 09:50 PM
Have to take your word on that one. I am more of a Selma Hayek man, myself.

Nice edit work to the signature banner, Pike. It's a major improvement!xthumbsupx

December 7th, 2008, 10:21 PM
Go Panthers. Play tough, consistant football and wear them down.
It's not about the CAA, it's just about being the better team on the feild the day you play.

I read this entire thread and no one gives Coach Farley any credit. I think he's one of the best coaches in D1AA/FCS and understands the game pretty darn well. I really like the way he puts his teams together and the way he talks about his game plans.

December 7th, 2008, 10:22 PM
I like Patrick Weldon, Lawrence Sidbury, Sherman Logan, and Justin Rogers, but not like UNHWildcats does.

December 8th, 2008, 07:23 AM
Went with the home team, but I want UR to win.

December 8th, 2008, 07:26 AM
I'd rather see UNI win. But Richmond looked awful tough to beat last weekend.

JMU Newbill
December 8th, 2008, 08:01 AM
Richmond has lost to UVA (fbs), a team that their only losses were to the #1 team in the country, and the #1 team in the country.

Dome.... no dome.... UR has played, and played well, against top notch competition all year. I see them winning by 2 TD's in this game.

Man... that pains me a lot to say. I really don't like UR, and that's coming from a Richmond resident. Oh well. Good luck to both teams.

December 8th, 2008, 08:23 AM
I think that Richmond will be ripe for a let down after the beatdown they put on my Mountaineers.

My thoughts - UNI will go to great lengths this week to protect the ball much much better than App State did and will pull out a win in the dome.

Go UNI - Give 'em Hell!

December 8th, 2008, 08:50 AM
To Eight Legger and all the U of R fans. If you will remember way back to the end of August after you know who beat my favorite team, I predicted that U of R would end up in the finals. I just knew after watching that game the spiders had what it takes to be a contender. There have been a few bumps along the way but you are 1 win away from making me look like a pretty good judge of a championship team.
good luck !xnodx

December 8th, 2008, 08:51 AM
To Eight Legger and all the U of R fans. If you will remember way back to the end of August after you know who beat my favorite team, I predicted that U of R would end up in the finals. I just knew after watching that game the spiders had what it takes to be a contender. There have been a few bumps along the way but you are 1 win away from making me look like a pretty good judge of a championship team.
good luck !xnodx

I hope we can prove you correct! Thanks! xthumbsupx

December 8th, 2008, 09:43 AM
I think that Richmond will be ripe for a let down after the beatdown they put on my Mountaineers.

My thoughts - UNI will go to great lengths this week to protect the ball much much better than App State did and will pull out a win in the dome.

Go UNI - Give 'em Hell!

It is hard to play with emotion like that two-weeks in a row. UNI must score first, and they'll probably need the special teams to win it, a la UNH vs. SIU. As it was said, so shall it be.

Mountain Panther
December 8th, 2008, 10:31 AM

Gonna drop acid and read this post again......so many pretty colors.

xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx xeekx

December 8th, 2008, 11:07 AM
When I posted the Flying Saluki Dog that eats children thread it was deleted immediately because it said the word "gay" ,what gives?


December 8th, 2008, 11:26 AM
as much as some of us Panther fans have for App State for 2005 and their unprecented success thereafter, I must say, I'm almost honored and happy some App. State fans are cheering for us :)

December 8th, 2008, 12:50 PM
OK, I'm gonna' make an attempt at this.

The Dome.

I think the Dome becomes less of a factor as the teams get better.
Weaker less well coached teams will be more affected by the crowd, noise, magic, ect of the dome. After December 1st the chance of weak teams playing in the dome is zero. But home field is home field and at 6 degrees and 35mph wind I'll take the Dome.


Big and powerful up front on both sides of the ball. They were much quicker at LB then I expected (and remembered from last year). This DL keeps the O-Line off the LBs allowing them to make plays.

On O they passed the ball well. In general UNH did not generate much of a pass rush with there front 4 all season and this game was no different. I'm not sure how UNI will pass with more preasure. The run game was different. I would not call it a power run game. While the line is big and powerful they run more of a speed/finess game behind it. I know the QB is big, so don't take this wrong. Its just not the big brusing "second back thru" type run game you think of when you think "power runnung"


I saw Richmond only once on TV this year but live the two years before that.

The D is VERY athletic with 2 stud D ends. They should be able to get after the QB, in fact the OT/DE match up here will be a big part of the game. Richmond's O is more of the power run game in the true sense.

Unless we have a million turn overs again I'm looking for a low scoring game. I'm not willing to predict a winner.

To any Richmond fans heading out you will find the people in the area very nice. Don't plan on tailgating (If clenz is in the parking lot drinking beer he/she is a mental patient.) Trust me on this one...PM some UNI posters and hook up with them when your in town, you'll have fun.

Go to Mulligans before the game there will be plenty on UNI fans there to talk football with. When you are there tell the bartender the UNH guys say hi, and don't get upset when she rides you about your accent.

December 8th, 2008, 01:11 PM
I think UNI has this one no problem...yeah Richmond beat us this weekend but we also had 7 turnovers...I don't care who you are, you are gonna lose with 7 turnovers. That being said, as long as UNI hangs on to the ball I think they have this game in the bag. Not taking away from Richmond but this was not a normal game for the Mountaineers. Congrats on the win and good luck in the semis.

December 8th, 2008, 01:14 PM
I think UNI has this one no problem...yeah Richmond beat us this weekend but we also had 7 turnovers...I don't care who you are, you are gonna lose with 7 turnovers. That being said, as long as UNI hangs on to the ball I think they have this game in the bag. Not taking away from Richmond but this was not a normal game for the Mountaineers. Congrats on the win and good luck in the semis.

and UNH had 6 turnovers.. plus a blocked punt and and only lost by 2 points at UNI.. not by 20 points... ;)

Chi Panther
December 8th, 2008, 01:30 PM
and UNH had 6 turnovers.. plus a blocked punt and and only lost by 2 points at UNI.. not by 20 points... ;)

....and everyone forgets UNI fumbled at the 5 and had a interception returned 100 yards for 6.....maybe that is a 21 point swing....

Richmond and UNI have to be about as close as looking in the mirror as it gets on paper.....

UNH and UNI are polar opposite teams....that happen to be very familiar with each other, but just can't stop/defend each others styles....

Everyone knew that UNH or Weber State would give UNI fits...

Should be interesting this weekend again.

I can only hope going forward UNI and UNH can play during the regular season....that way soo much is NOT at stake...

December 8th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Wow, reading through this thread it seems like UNI has a perception that they are being disrespected by CAA fans. I definitely give the Panthers their deserved props, btw. They are the only non-CAA team to defeat a CAA team in the playoffs so far, and they've taken out two! Believe me, Mike London and the Spiders are not taking UNI lightly.

I think a lot of that angst is misplaced. After all, it's not the CAA homers that have been dissing UNI. It's SoCon homers like Dave Coulson and Chuck Burton, who went on and on about how WEAK the bottom half of the bracket was. (You know, the bracket with the 3 CAA and 2 MVC teams.) They practically said ASU had a bye into the finals! None of those writers gave UNI a seed, btw.

And once the field was announced, UNI was certainly given a good shot to make the final four, while absolutely none of those FCS "reporters" gave the Spiders a chance.

I think this is going to be a lower-scoring, hard-hitting affair, decided by which team can sustain drives. A game, regardless of the result, where the participants will come away with the utmost respect for their opponents.

December 8th, 2008, 01:40 PM
Wow, reading through this thread it seems like UNI has a perception that they are being disrespected by CAA fans. I definitely give the Panthers their deserved props, btw. They are the only non-CAA team to defeat a CAA team in the playoffs so far, and they've taken out two! Believe me, Mike London and the Spiders are not taking UNI lightly.

I think a lot of that angst is misplaced. After all, it's not the CAA homers that have been dissing UNI. It's SoCon homers like Dave Coulson and Chuck Burton, who went on and on about how WEAK the bottom half of the bracket was. (You know, the bracket with the 3 CAA and 2 MVC teams.) They practically said ASU had a bye into the finals! None of those writers gave UNI a seed, btw.

And once the field was announced, UNI was certainly given a good shot to make the final four, while absolutely none of those FCS "reporters" gave the Spiders a chance.

I think this is going to be a lower-scoring, hard-hitting affair, decided by which team can sustain drives. A game, regardless of the result, where the participants will come away with the utmost respect for their opponents.

Good post, Thor! xthumbsupx

Also note, that I really don't see any Richmond fans on this thread saying Richmond will smoke UNI. They are mostly from other schools!

December 8th, 2008, 01:41 PM
and forced 7 turnovers (the second game in the last three that we've done so).

Quit deluding yourselfxeyebrowx

December 8th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Good post, Thor! xthumbsupx

Also note, that I really don't see any Richmond fans on this thread saying Richmond will smoke UNI. They are mostly from other schools!

Except me on Saturday night after I started on Bloody Mary's at noon. I've already leveled the blame for that, though.

Purple For Life
December 8th, 2008, 01:44 PM
You won't be laughing after this weekend.xsmhx xsmhx xsmhx xoopsx xoopsx xoopsx xbowx xbowx This is more like what you will be doing.

Only way I'll be doing that is if I bomb my papers for finals this week. Ain't gonna happen in terms of the pigskin.

Eight Legger
December 8th, 2008, 02:04 PM
Quit deluding yourselfxeyebrowx

Oh right, I forgot Armanti just handed us the ball 5 times and your kick returners did the same thing twice. Funny how it just so happens that a bunch of teams we've beaten this year have had more turnovers against us than they have against anyone else. Hmm, I guess we are just really lucky!

December 8th, 2008, 02:04 PM
How big is Richmonds starting O-Line?

December 8th, 2008, 02:08 PM
How big is Richmonds starting O-Line?
Most of them are in the 290-300 range.

Depth Chart (http://richmondspiders.cstv.com/auto_pdf/p_hotos/s_chools/rich/sports/m-footbl/auto_pdf/depth-chart)

Big Al
December 8th, 2008, 02:10 PM
Wow, reading through this thread it seems like UNI has a perception that they are being disrespected by CAA fans.

I think they're mostly Delewhere fans, who really don't have too much to do this post-season. xsmiley_wix

I think this is going to be a lower-scoring, hard-hitting affair, decided by which team can sustain drives. A game, regardless of the result, where the participants will come away with the utmost respect for their opponents.


December 8th, 2008, 02:33 PM
Most of them are in the 290-300 range.

Depth Chart (http://richmondspiders.cstv.com/auto_pdf/p_hotos/s_chools/rich/sports/m-footbl/auto_pdf/depth-chart)

Thanks for the link

State Line Liquors
December 8th, 2008, 03:51 PM
1. Panthers win by 14
2. Vaughan is held to < 80 yards (probably < 60)
3. Sunday morning CAA fans continue to rationalize that a MVFC team can't possibly be competitive with the East Coast teams despite UNI winning 3 straight.
Memo to CAA myopics...UNI has some big nasty boys on the OL and DL. They're looking forward to meeting more of the CAA on Saturday.

I have very fond memories of some of the photos in Sunday morning's paper last year before the flight out.

Be kind to the kitties UR, if you win they're bound to call you bad sportsmen, classless, accuse your coach of dubious behavior, or even worse....cry until their tears freeze to their cheeks outside the Uni-Dump. xbawlingx

Mountain Panther
December 8th, 2008, 03:58 PM
bad sportsmen, classless

You just summed up 90% of your fan base right there.

December 8th, 2008, 04:03 PM
OK, I'm gonna' make an attempt at this.

The Dome.

I think the Dome becomes less of a factor as the teams get better.
Weaker less well coached teams will be more affected by the crowd, noise, magic, ect of the dome. After December 1st the chance of weak teams playing in the dome is zero. But home field is home field and at 6 degrees and 35mph wind I'll take the Dome.


Big and powerful up front on both sides of the ball. They were much quicker at LB then I expected (and remembered from last year). This DL keeps the O-Line off the LBs allowing them to make plays.

On O they passed the ball well. In general UNH did not generate much of a pass rush with there front 4 all season and this game was no different. I'm not sure how UNI will pass with more preasure. The run game was different. I would not call it a power run game. While the line is big and powerful they run more of a speed/finess game behind it. I know the QB is big, so don't take this wrong. Its just not the big brusing "second back thru" type run game you think of when you think "power runnung"


I saw Richmond only once on TV this year but live the two years before that.

The D is VERY athletic with 2 stud D ends. They should be able to get after the QB, in fact the OT/DE match up here will be a big part of the game. Richmond's O is more of the power run game in the true sense.

Unless we have a million turn overs again I'm looking for a low scoring game. I'm not willing to predict a winner.

To any Richmond fans heading out you will find the people in the area very nice. Don't plan on tailgating (If clenz is in the parking lot drinking beer he/she is a mental patient.) Trust me on this one...PM some UNI posters and hook up with them when your in town, you'll have fun.

Go to Mulligans before the game there will be plenty on UNI fans there to talk football with. When you are there tell the bartender the UNH guys say hi, and don't get upset when she rides you about your accent.This is a great break down of the game.

However, the mental patient thing gets me. I am not a mental patient, and yes I was in the lot at 2:30 to tailgate. I'm not sure about this week however. The turn out was pretty small last week. Chances are I will be at a bar somewhere, possibly. Maybe with Rob, I'm not sure.

State Line Liquors
December 8th, 2008, 04:11 PM
You just summed up 90% of your fan base right there.

I'm pretty sure we actually had to take a highway called the 'Moral High Road' our our way to Cedar Falls from the airport.

Big Al
December 8th, 2008, 04:14 PM
Be kind to the kitties UR, if you win they're bound to call you bad sportsmen, classless, accuse your coach of dubious behavior, or even worse...

Live in the past, much? For the record: Flacco was amazing (and by all reports a nice guy, to boot), Keeler is an ass and Delewhere fans are the epitome of charm and good humor, win or lose.

cry until their tears freeze to their cheeks outside the Uni-Dump. xbawlingx

Whatever makes the sting of your 3-9 season go away, I guess. xrolleyesx

December 8th, 2008, 04:19 PM
This is a great break down of the game.

However, the mental patient thing gets me. I am not a mental patient, and yes I was in the lot at 2:30 to tailgate. I'm not sure about this week however. The turn out was pretty small last week. Chances are I will be at a bar somewhere, possibly. Maybe with Rob, I'm not sure.

Man, I did that tailgate thing last year....

I saw a couple of you guys out there on the way into the Dome.xeekx

I just could get all of my ice fishing gear on the plane home or I may have been right out there with ya.

I'd go with the bar with Rob this week if I were you.
Unless the temps go up to 20 or soxnodx

December 8th, 2008, 04:26 PM
Good post, Thor! xthumbsupx

Also note, that I really don't see any Richmond fans on this thread saying Richmond will smoke UNI. They are mostly from other schools!

agreed. there was only 1. and he said 38-17. Later he said it was alcohol induced.

December 8th, 2008, 04:28 PM
This is a great break down of the game.

However, the mental patient thing gets me. I am not a mental patient, and yes I was in the lot at 2:30 to tailgate. I'm not sure about this week however. The turn out was pretty small last week. Chances are I will be at a bar somewhere, possibly. Maybe with Rob, I'm not sure.

Hey, he answered his phone both days. I hung out with UNH_alum_in_ct 3 days.

December 8th, 2008, 04:31 PM
Man, I did that tailgate thing last year....

I saw a couple of you guys out there on the way into the Dome.xeekx

I just could get all of my ice fishing gear on the plane home or I may have been right out there with ya.

I'd go with the bar with Rob this week if I were you.
Unless the temps go up to 20 or soxnodxThis past week wasn't nearly as bad as the weather for the Delaware game last year. I don't know if there are any UD fans here that tailgated that day but wow. I walked inside and it was hard to move because I because a human ice block...literally.

What lot did you see the people in? There wasn't many out with us. And yes, ice fishing gear is great to have/wear....or hunting clothes.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 04:41 PM
You won't be laughing after this weekend.xsmhx xsmhx xsmhx xoopsx xoopsx xoopsx xbowx xbowx This is more like what you will be doing.

Are you Charlie Brown's teacher because all I hear from you is "wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah."

December 8th, 2008, 04:44 PM
The only thing about the Delaware game that was worse than this week was the freezing rain. It wasn't nearly as cold last year for UD than it was this year for UNH. I mean I like cold weather as much as the next guy, but when it is 10 degrees and a wind chill of 0 I prefer the bar. And you know it will ALWAYS be windy by the dome.

December 8th, 2008, 04:46 PM
Trivia: UR - Latitude 37.6N

SIU- Latitude 37.7N

December 8th, 2008, 04:48 PM
Well, UNI has won the CAA North, so they have a chance to also win the CAA South is JMU makes it to the finals.

December 8th, 2008, 04:51 PM
Well, UNI has won the CAA North, so they have a chance to also win the CAA South is JMU makes it to the finals.

They'd also be the winner of the SoCon in that case...

December 8th, 2008, 05:07 PM
They'd also be the winner of the SoCon in that case...

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xrotatehx

State Line Liquors
December 8th, 2008, 05:46 PM
For those UR fans looking for directions to UNI:

Step 1: Find the epicenter of East Coast Bias, AKA the headquarters of the CAA on Patterson Ave in the City of Richmond

Step 2: Turn around and follow your Moral Compass to magnetic north for several hundred miles

Step 3: Once your Moral Compass starts spinning in a circle xrotatehx , you'll know you are standing outside the UNI-Dome, the home of world's classiest yet trodden upon fan base

Step 4: As you cross the threshold of the UNI-Dome politely curtsey to acknowledge the hospitality of the proud Panther Nation

Appendix: After completing Steps 1-4, enjoy watching your team win when it counts. However, on your way out of town be sure to buy 2 boxes of Kleenex, leave one at the steps of the UNI-Dome for the panthers and give the 2nd to the poor girl behind the counter at the rental car place since she lives in the middle of nowhere and can't stand it.xwhistlex

Mountain Panther
December 8th, 2008, 05:56 PM
For those UR fans looking for directions to UNI:

Step 1: Find the epicenter of East Coast Bias, AKA the headquarters of the CAA on Patterson Ave in the City of Richmond

Step 2: Turn around and follow your Moral Compass to magnetic north for several hundred miles

Step 3: Once your Moral Compass starts spinning in a circle xrotatehx , you'll know you are standing outside the UNI-Dome, the home of world's classiest yet trodden upon fan base

Step 4: As you cross the threshold of the UNI-Dome politely curtsey to acknowledge the hospitality of the proud Panther Nation

Appendix: After completing Steps 1-4, enjoy watching your team win when it counts. However, on your way out of town be sure to buy 2 boxes of Kleenex, leave one at the steps of the UNI-Dome for the panthers and give the 2nd to the poor girl behind the counter at the rental car place since she lives in the middle of nowhere and can't stand it.xwhistlex

Nice post, enjoy the rest of your evening. It will go something like this:

Step 1: Shut down your computer.

Step 2: Ascend the staircase to the kitchen.

Step 3: Thank your mother for making dinner (again).

Step 4: Return to the basement and watch the St. Johns basketball game, or whatever you east coasters do at night.

December 8th, 2008, 06:10 PM
For those UR fans looking for directions to UNI:

Step 1: Find the epicenter of East Coast Bias, AKA the headquarters of the CAA on Patterson Ave in the City of Richmond

Step 2: Turn around and follow your Moral Compass to magnetic north for several hundred miles

Step 3: Once your Moral Compass starts spinning in a circle xrotatehx , you'll know you are standing outside the UNI-Dome, the home of world's classiest yet trodden upon fan base

Step 4: As you cross the threshold of the UNI-Dome politely curtsey to acknowledge the hospitality of the proud Panther Nation

Appendix: After completing Steps 1-4, enjoy watching your team win when it counts. However, on your way out of town be sure to buy 2 boxes of Kleenex, leave one at the steps of the UNI-Dome for the panthers and give the 2nd to the poor girl behind the counter at the rental car place since she lives in the middle of nowhere and can't stand it.xwhistlex

Your 31 posts in a year sure add to the quality of the board. xrolleyesx

December 8th, 2008, 06:30 PM
I have very fond memories of some of the photos in Sunday morning's paper last year before the flight out.

Be kind to the kitties UR, if you win they're bound to call you bad sportsmen, classless, accuse your coach of dubious behavior, or even worse....cry until their tears freeze to their cheeks outside the Uni-Dump. xbawlingx

State Line - You've managed to post a few mildly entertaining nuggets.

But let's not forget that UNI has won as many CAA games this year as Delaware. Of course your's were Hostra and Towson.

Few teams left the opposing fans with more fond memories this year than the Blue Hens. Nice follow-up to that championship appearance.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 06:37 PM
Actual FB note -

An interesting note of the App-UR game is that App's OL averages weighs in at 260-280 per player (without knowing their specific starters). From the accounts, UR's DL was pushing around APP's OL. UNI's OL averages 300+, with the smallest starter being 285. Should be interesting to see the speed vs size thing play out.

How much does UR rotate its front four?

With the way the defense has been performing in the second half, I like our chances if it close at the end of the first half.

December 8th, 2008, 06:43 PM
Actual FB note -

An interesting note of the App-UR game is that App's OL averages weighs in at 260-280 per player (without knowing their specific starters). From the accounts, UR's DL was pushing around APP's OL. UNI's OL averages 300+, with the smallest starter being 285. Should be interesting to see the speed vs size thing play out.

How much does UR rotate its front four?

With the way the defense has been performing in the second half, I like our chances if it close at the end of the first half.

They better be quick.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 06:47 PM
They are pretty quick for 300 pounders, for whatever that is worth.

December 8th, 2008, 06:53 PM
State Line - You've managed to post a few mildly entertaining nuggets.

But let's not forget that UNI has won as many CAA games this year as Delaware. Of course your's were Hostra and Towson.

Few teams left the opposing fans with more fond memories this year than the Blue Hens. Nice follow-up to that championship appearance.

:D Oooooooh! What he said.xnodx

December 8th, 2008, 06:53 PM
Actual FB note -

An interesting note of the App-UR game is that App's OL averages weighs in at 260-280 per player (without knowing their specific starters). From the accounts, UR's DL was pushing around APP's OL. UNI's OL averages 300+, with the smallest starter being 285. Should be interesting to see the speed vs size thing play out.

How much does UR rotate its front four?

With the way the defense has been performing in the second half, I like our chances if it close at the end of the first half.

There is a decent amount of rotation. #93 spells the Ends and #95 spells the tackles. If we get #34 Pierre Turner back this week and D-end, it would be a big addition for us.

December 8th, 2008, 07:00 PM
It's kind of hard to describe the pressure Richmond puts on teams in terms of weight, etc. Siddbury and Logan are both almost prototypical NFL size (
Siddbury is right on, Logan is a little light) so relative weight should not make much of a difference. What they seem able to do is put pressure on the pocket without yielding much on the run if the opposition tries to switch things up and the LBs give very good support.

I dunno, that UNH fans are claiming they got very little pass rush all year and that Saturday was no different makes me somewhat optimistic. Though I guess that's a bit of a null set we are talking about.

December 8th, 2008, 07:13 PM
Few teams have gotten a rush on UNI qb's this year. I believe that UNI qb's have only been sacked 11 or 12 times this year. Part of that is because they are both extremely mobile in getting out of the pocket. They don't always just flip the shoulders, spin and run. A lot of times they see the pocket, step up, and run out all while keeping their eyes mostly down field. It would best serve your DE's not to get too far up the field, as that sets Grace up perfectly for a run/pass option with a deep route and the check down right in front of hime

December 8th, 2008, 07:15 PM
Hmm. We'll see. But I think we just played a team that had a knack for doing that too.

December 8th, 2008, 07:20 PM
Hmm. We'll see. But I think we just played a team that had a knack for doing that too.This isn't the running back scrambling though. This is a legit QB slide to get out of the pocket. There is a large difference. However, Grace doesn't have the speed of Edwards.....but he still runs about a 4.7 40

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 07:36 PM
There is a decent amount of rotation. #93 spells the Ends and #95 spells the tackles. If we get #34 Pierre Turner back this week and D-end, it would be a big addition for us.

Sounds like UR rotates 7 when healthy.

Turner Left End (backup) has what problem?

Crone FB (starter) has a bum ankle, correct?

Anyone else?

December 8th, 2008, 07:37 PM
This isn't the running back scrambling though. This is a legit QB slide to get out of the pocket. There is a large difference. However, Grace doesn't have the speed of Edwards.....but he still runs about a 4.7 40

Sorry Lenz, but I highly doubt that Pat Grace could run a 4.9, let alone a 4.7. He moves well for such a big guy though. And has an absolute cannon for an arm. Some accuracy issues, but has looked decent lately (minus the pick 6xoopsx ).

State Line Liquors
December 8th, 2008, 07:37 PM
:D Oooooooh! What he said.xnodx

The Hens have considered this season an opportunity to 'redistribute' wins to some of the other members of the CAA. ;) Completely intentional. Hofstra is a dramatically improved team this year.xlolx

The Chickens will be back again soon, though. And we certainly won't be venturing too far from the playoff conversations regardless of our season's outcome.

Delaware hasn't been blessed with the 'natural' home field advantage that you panthers have. This year we probably would have struggled against a schedule that was even as soft as what those in valley of the mighty Missouri are up against on a week in week out basis....which is just sad.

Serious question....who in the athletic department at UNI has the connection to Utah?

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 07:38 PM
Hmm. We'll see. But I think we just played a team that had a knack for doing that too.

I guarantee you if we have 23 run attempts (like APP STP), we lose. Nothing else said will be of consequence.

December 8th, 2008, 07:38 PM
Sorry Lenz, but I highly doubt that Pat Grace could run a 4.9, let alone a 4.7. He moves well for such a big guy though. And has an absolute cannon for an arm. Some accuracy issues, but has looked decent lately (minus the pick 6xoopsx ).

I can't say that I have seen him run a 4.7 but he!!, we have 300 lb O Lineman that run 5.1, Grace is easily faster than all of our O-Lineman.

December 8th, 2008, 07:39 PM
The Hens have considered this season an opportunity to 'redistribute' wins to some of the other members of the CAA. ;) Completely intentional. Hofstra is a dramatically improved team this year.xlolx

The Chickens will be back again soon, though. And we certainly won't be venturing too far from the playoff conversations regardless of our season's outcome.

Delaware hasn't been blessed with the 'natural' home field advantage that you panthers have. This year we probably would have struggled against a schedule that was even as soft as what those in valley of the mighty Missouri are up against on a week in week out basis....which is just sad.

Serious question....who in the athletic department at UNI has the connection to Utah?

I hate to keep reminding you Chickens that you are sitting at home and watching UNI this year. We kept our mouths shut and gave you respect last year when you were farther than us, I think it's appropriate for you to recognize, and do the same.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 07:39 PM
Serious question....who in the athletic department at UNI has the connection to Utah?

Utah? xconfusedx

December 8th, 2008, 07:40 PM
Utah? xconfusedx


December 8th, 2008, 07:40 PM
I wouldn't put a 4.7/4.8 past Grace. He may be 230-240, but he moves like he is 205

December 8th, 2008, 07:41 PM
I wouldn't put a 4.7/4.8 past Grace. He may be 230-240, but he moves like he is 205

Maybe. But he looked slow hitting that hole up the middle for his first TD. That's about the only run of his, even though he had 80 something, that I remember.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 07:42 PM
Our connection was $350,000 they paid us.

Other than that, I think they were the only program worth a D*** that had an open date. And that would play us. Coach Farley was not real happy about that matchup.

December 8th, 2008, 07:44 PM
Maybe. But he looked slow hitting that hole up the middle for his first TD. That's about the only run of his, even though he had 80 something, that I remember.He broke a 69 yarder against BYU, and it would have been 75...ish if the game wasn't in Utah and he could actually get oxygen with his breaths.

Grace pre NDSU was probably a step and a half faster than Grace post NDSU.

I love it when people don't actually tackle, they just dive at knees.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 07:45 PM
He broke a 69 yarder against BYU, and it would have been 75...ish if the game wasn't in Utah and he could actually get oxygen with his breaths.

Grace pre NDSU was probably a step and a half faster than Grace post NDSU.

I love it when people don't actually tackle, they just dive at knees.

Would you want to tackle him?

December 8th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Grace pre NDSU was probably a step and a half faster than Grace post NDSU.

I love it when people don't actually tackle, they just dive at knees.

Agree 110% with that.

December 8th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Would you want to tackle him?
Hell no!

December 8th, 2008, 07:47 PM
Would you want to tackle him?

Pat Grace running full steam would make me run screaming like a 12 year old girl up the UNI-Dome steps, down Hudson, and east on 20 before you knew what happened.

December 8th, 2008, 07:49 PM
Seriously guys, man up. He isn't superman.

December 8th, 2008, 07:50 PM
Seriously guys, man up. He isn't superman.

Haha. There's a reason I was the mascot, not a football player.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Hey, I'm 6'4" and 240. No thank you. That would be a repeat of Chuck Bednarik vs Frank Gifford without the positive outcome.

State Line Liquors
December 8th, 2008, 08:34 PM
Our connection was $350,000 they paid us.

Other than that, I think they were the only program worth a D*** that had an open date. And that would play us. Coach Farley was not real happy about that matchup.

You guys did play Southern Utah, right?

Seems odd that you'd play two teams from Utah and nobody from Iowa.

Big Al
December 8th, 2008, 08:37 PM
You guys did play Southern Utah, right?

Yes, that was the second half of a home-and-home deal with them.

Seems odd that you'd play two teams from Utah and nobody from Iowa.

Last 2 years we played Iowa State and Drake -- next year we play Iowa, although they aren't as keen in hosting us as Iowa State is.

December 8th, 2008, 08:41 PM
UNI has a contract with either ISU or Iowa every year until 2017

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 08:41 PM
You guys did play Southern Utah, right?

Seems odd that you'd play two teams from Utah and nobody from Iowa.

We had a home & home with them. It is hard to get games, that why you see us traveling to Cal Poly, SUU, Northern Arizona, etc. Nearest FCS program that is not in our league, and not in transition is Drake (PFL) after that, its probably SEMO or Eastern Illinois.

State Line Liquors
December 8th, 2008, 08:43 PM
I hate to keep reminding you Chickens that you are sitting at home and watching UNI this year. We kept our mouths shut and gave you respect last year when you were farther than us, I think it's appropriate for you to recognize, and do the same.

If this message board was left only to those teams still playing, then we'd probably be sitting here discussing whether or not your QB runs a 4.7 or a 4.9. Oh wait.

It's a public forum, I'm rooting for Richmond, and I'll try and ruffle some feathers if I feel like it. There are more than just spider fans out there aint puffing on the catnip for Saturday.

Mountain Panther
December 8th, 2008, 08:44 PM
Seriously guys, man up. He isn't superman.

Hey, someone has the fill the "Superman" void left by Armanti!

December 8th, 2008, 08:50 PM
If this message board was left only to those teams still playing, then we'd probably be sitting here discussing whether or not your QB runs a 4.7 or a 4.9. Oh wait.

It's a public forum, I'm rooting for Richmond, and I'll try and ruffle some feathers if I feel like it. There are more than just spider fans out there aint puffing on the catnip for Saturday.

Are you also a Michigan fan??

December 8th, 2008, 09:00 PM
Sounds like UR rotates 7 when healthy.

Turner Left End (backup) has what problem?

Crone FB (starter) has a bum ankle, correct?

Anyone else?

We're actually pretty healthy right now outside of those named. One our corners Horton #28 was out last week after a concussion a few weeks back but the talk is he'll be back. One of our linebackers #6 McConaghy has been out the last few weeks but played sparingly against APP. Our other LBs (esp. Shoop and Weldon) have been lights out lately.

December 8th, 2008, 09:01 PM
Nice post, enjoy the rest of your evening. It will go something like this:

Step 1: Shut down your computer.

Step 2: Ascend the staircase to the kitchen.

Step 3: Thank your mother for making dinner (again).

Step 4: Return to the basement and watch the St. Johns basketball game, or whatever you east coasters do at night.

Good work! xnodx

December 8th, 2008, 09:05 PM
It's a public forum, I'm rooting for Richmond, and I'll try and ruffle some feathers if I feel like it. There are more than just spider fans out there aint puffing on the catnip for Saturday.

Well I have no problem with fans from other teams coming and actually discussing a football game. I do have a problem with you coming in here and providing nothing constructive to this thread. If you want to tell us why you think Richmond will win go ahead (that is as long as it isn't just you saying how much better their conference is than ours). I think we all know the CAA is a superior conference.

If you can give me good reasons maybe I won't have a problem with you posting, but considering all you are doing is dissing UNI, our facilities, and our fans. Why don't you learn something about football so you can discuss in an open forum like this intelligently.

December 8th, 2008, 09:10 PM
RE: Dome affect

I will admit that back in August I was scratching my head as a I watched Eric Ward run to the sideline after every play, get the new play from the coach, run to the huddle, break the huddle with about 10 seconds on the play clock, rush to the line and snap with 2 seconds on the play clock. Who knew that the coaches had enough foresight to know that come December they may be playing in the UNI Dome where it's too loud to think?

December 8th, 2008, 09:12 PM
Do you seriously want to talk football all week? Do you frown on things like people stealing each other's mascot or assorted pranks in big rivalries? I think some smack talk adds to the buildup, personally, and yes, it can be done in a game forum, not in some little section halfway across the front page.

Big Al
December 8th, 2008, 10:12 PM
Do you seriously want to talk football all week? Do you frown on things like people stealing each other's mascot or assorted pranks in big rivalries? I think some smack talk adds to the buildup, personally, and yes, it can be done in a game forum, not in some little section halfway across the front page.

I think the objection isn't to smack, per se, but rather to smack from a 3-9 Aqua Chickens fan who doesn't appear to know a thing about football.

PS - We weren't planning on stealing Richmond's mascot, just spraying it with Raid. xpeacex

December 8th, 2008, 10:16 PM
Eh, I hear ya but State Line Liquors made me chuckle a couple times, as did the responses to him.

Please do, while "Spiders" is kind of cool/unique name, coming up with any sort of non-embarassing mascot has proven to be quite difficult in my 20+ years as student and alum.

The worst being an actual "Spiderman".

Big Al
December 8th, 2008, 10:24 PM
That would be rad if he also used a net, thrown from somewhere offscreen like the old Electric Company Spiderman bits.

December 8th, 2008, 10:47 PM
I think the objection isn't to smack, per se, but rather to smack from a 3-9 Aqua Chickens fan who doesn't appear to know a thing about football.

PS - We weren't planning on stealing Richmond's mascot, just spraying it with Raid. xpeacex

That was supposed to be a secret!

December 8th, 2008, 11:14 PM
To go along with that UNI would have been the FBS champion last year. You don't win games just because you beat a team that beat the team you are playing

Actually, I think UNI had a very good shot at being the champion last year. Two of your so called fans posted that they were happy to have not been embarrased in the NC game. Huh? xconfusedx

They don't know football. UNI matched up much better with ASU last year than did UD. By the time the NC game started UD was without 3 starting O-lineman...we were starting a 240lb OT and had no running game. xnodx I think UNI had the O-line to push ASU back, wear them out, and grind out the clock. ASU would not have been able to stop you guys so it would have come down to you guys getting a few stops...and I think your D was good enough to do that. Totally different game if ASU had faced UNI or SIU.

I still have no idea of why your coach didn't just keep jamming the ball down our throats last year. xeyebrowx

Anyway, getting back to this upcoming game, Richmond is a beast. If they settle down and get used to the noise (yes, it impacted UD last year at the start of the game), they will do well. No wind in the Dome, so the Richmond QB should be able to make enough plays to win.

UNI Pike
December 8th, 2008, 11:20 PM
I still have no idea of why your coach didn't just keep jamming the ball down our throats last year. xeyebrowx


December 8th, 2008, 11:25 PM
Somehow, somebody telling me that we had a good chance of beating ASU last year in the title game does not make me feel any better about losing in the quarters. Damn.

Maybe this year.

December 9th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Well I have no problem with fans from other teams coming and actually discussing a football game. I do have a problem with you coming in here and providing nothing constructive to this thread. If you want to tell us why you think Richmond will win go ahead (that is as long as it isn't just you saying how much better their conference is than ours). I think we all know the CAA is a superior conference.

If you can give me good reasons maybe I won't have a problem with you posting, but considering all you are doing is dissing UNI, our facilities, and our fans. Why don't you learn something about football so you can discuss in an open forum like this intelligently.

You have no problem with people coming in here? xeyebrowx How gracious of you. Who knew it was such an exclusive club? xrolleyesx When you get your panties un-bunched you'll have to fire the doorman - I slipped him a twenty and told him to reset the secret football-talk-only password to "Meow, Panther fans look good in pink". xshhhx

Hey, while we're at it, why don't we limit this board to fans of championship teams only? xazzx After all, the only ones who can really talk football...and I mean good, serious football talk xcoachx ...are those knowledgeable football fans who have had the privilege of watching a true championship team in action. UNI fan's are out for at least two weeks; probably much longer. They, like the rest of their loser brethren, will need, as the message board rent-a-cop night watchman indicated, good reasons for the fans of championship teams to maybe not have a problem with them posting. xcoffeex

BTW, I happen to have an intimate relationship with State Line Liquors - they have a great selection and some of the best booze prices anywhere. xlolx A true football fan would appreciate anyone with such a screen name. xthumbsupx

December 9th, 2008, 07:56 AM
Eh, I hear ya but State Line Liquors made me chuckle a couple times, as did the responses to him.

Please do, while "Spiders" is kind of cool/unique name, coming up with any sort of non-embarassing mascot has proven to be quite difficult in my 20+ years as student and alum.

The worst being an actual "Spiderman".

When you do come up with one let an old Who fan suggest you name him Boris.

December 9th, 2008, 08:07 AM
RE: Dome affect

I will admit that back in August I was scratching my head as a I watched Eric Ward run to the sideline after every play, get the new play from the coach, run to the huddle, break the huddle with about 10 seconds on the play clock, rush to the line and snap with 2 seconds on the play clock. Who knew that the coaches had enough foresight to know that come December they may be playing in the UNI Dome where it's too loud to think?
It sounds really corny to say that it is too loud to think, but it can be. It might be what I do before the game that makes it hard to think, you know all the studying........xbeerchugx.......but it gets so loud in there it does get hard to do anything but focus on blocking the noise out.

December 9th, 2008, 08:13 AM
The thing I loved about last week, is that it wasn't just 3rd down when the crowd got loud, it was every down, obviously it got louder when it was third but there was noise every play.

Mountain Panther
December 9th, 2008, 08:57 AM
Actually, I think UNI had a very good shot at being the champion last year. Two of your so called fans posted that they were happy to have not been embarrased in the NC game. Huh? xconfusedx

They don't know football. UNI matched up much better with ASU last year than did UD. By the time the NC game started UD was without 3 starting O-lineman...we were starting a 240lb OT and had no running game. xnodx I think UNI had the O-line to push ASU back, wear them out, and grind out the clock. ASU would not have been able to stop you guys so it would have come down to you guys getting a few stops...and I think your D was good enough to do that. Totally different game if ASU had faced UNI or SIU.

I still have no idea of why your coach didn't just keep jamming the ball down our throats last year. xeyebrowx

Anyway, getting back to this upcoming game, Richmond is a beast. If they settle down and get used to the noise (yes, it impacted UD last year at the start of the game), they will do well. No wind in the Dome, so the Richmond QB should be able to make enough plays to win.

I like you....YOU can stay. xcoolx

Why we abandoned the running game last year is a question that will live in infamy. And beating ASU in the final game last year would have been tough as they were hitting on all cylinders at that time (don't forget that we would have had to get past a solid SIU team the following week).

It's a hard pill to swallow when you get the #1 seed and blow it in the second round. Chances like that don't come around too often.....and then to have the luck of ASU going down this year so we have Richmond in the Dome. I can think of only one word to describe we need to do this weekend.....


December 9th, 2008, 09:09 AM
I like you....YOU can stay. xcoolx

Why we abandoned the running game last year is a question that will live in infamy. And beating ASU in the final game last year would have been tough as they were hitting on all cylinders at that time (don't forget that we would have had to get past a solid SIU team the following week).

It's a hard pill to swallow when you get the #1 seed and blow it in the second round. Chances like that don't come around too often.....and then to have the luck of ASU going down this year so we have Richmond in the Dome. I can think of only one word to describe we need to do this weekend.....


Who themselves missed the NC game by a lineman downfield call (by a MEAC official).

SideLine Shooter
December 9th, 2008, 09:16 AM
Who themselves missed the NC game by a lineman downfield call (by a MEAC official).

That says it all!xlolx

December 9th, 2008, 09:52 AM
That says it all!xlolx

I didn't see it, but coaches weren't arguing too much, so it may have been their token good call for the game.

December 9th, 2008, 10:09 AM
Let's go Spidahs!!

/got nuthin' else....

December 9th, 2008, 10:34 AM
You guys did play Southern Utah, right?

Seems odd that you'd play two teams from Utah and nobody from Iowa.

And you guys play how many teams from Delaware?

Southern Utah was part of a multi-year home and home series.

BYU was added as the FBS money game this year because most other FBS teams were scared to play us (including Miami of Florida who picked up Charleston Southern instead, I believe.) Fortunately, we have locked up deals with either Iowa or Iowa State for the next 10 years, meaning a nice payday without major travel expenses.

December 9th, 2008, 11:39 AM
You have no problem with people coming in here? xeyebrowx How gracious of you. Who knew it was such an exclusive club? xrolleyesx When you get your panties un-bunched you'll have to fire the doorman - I slipped him a twenty and told him to reset the secret football-talk-only password to "Meow, Panther fans look good in pink". xshhhx

Hey, while we're at it, why don't we limit this board to fans of championship teams only? xazzx After all, the only ones who can really talk football...and I mean good, serious football talk xcoachx ...are those knowledgeable football fans who have had the privilege of watching a true championship team in action. UNI fan's are out for at least two weeks; probably much longer. They, like the rest of their loser brethren, will need, as the message board rent-a-cop night watchman indicated, good reasons for the fans of championship teams to maybe not have a problem with them posting. xcoffeex

BTW, I happen to have an intimate relationship with State Line Liquors - they have a great selection and some of the best booze prices anywhere. xlolx A true football fan would appreciate anyone with such a screen name. xthumbsupx

Yes you must not have gotten the memo. This is an exclusive club like Augusta. xwhistlex

December 9th, 2008, 11:44 AM

December 9th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Fortunately, we have locked up deals with either Iowa or Iowa State for the next 10 years, meaning a nice payday without major travel expenses.

plus state champs bragging rights when we beat the "little sister" schools of Iowa and Iowa State.xcoolx

December 9th, 2008, 12:54 PM
Somehow Richmond manages to remain unfazed in hostile environments.

The only visiting team to win at JMU since 2004 is Richmond, and they've done it twice. Plus their win in Boone last weekend was clearly in a hostile environment (at least for 3 quarters ;) ).

December 9th, 2008, 12:59 PM
Somehow Richmond manages to remain unfazed in hostile environments.

The only visiting team to win at JMU since 2004 is Richmond, and they've done it twice. Plus their win in Boone last weekend was clearly in a hostile environment (at least for 3 quarters ;) ).

Richmond also won that wild 62-56 (5 OT) game at Delaware last year.. no doubt that the Spiders are a very good road team.

December 9th, 2008, 01:05 PM
Somehow Richmond manages to remain unfazed in hostile environments.

The only visiting team to win at JMU since 2004 is Richmond, and they've done it twice. Plus their win in Boone last weekend was clearly in a hostile environment (at least for 3 quarters ;) ).

I'm not saying anything about their ability in hostile environments or that the dome will be filled to standingroom only...
But there have been a number of asu fans already saying their crowd wasn't at capacity and seemed a little tame...might not have been as terrifying a place that game...

Ps will someone reserve me a stool at mulligan's saturday am?

December 9th, 2008, 01:10 PM
Ps will someone reserve me a stool at mulligan's saturday am?

I suppose I could xcoffeex

December 9th, 2008, 01:12 PM
Ps will someone reserve me a stool at mulligan's saturday am?

If you don't bring that damned girlfriend of yoursxnonox . I hope you're bringing out the mustache for this weekend too.

December 9th, 2008, 01:17 PM
Somehow Richmond manages to remain unfazed in hostile environments.

The only visiting team to win at JMU since 2004 is Richmond, and they've done it twice. Plus their win in Boone last weekend was clearly in a hostile environment (at least for 3 quarters ;) ).

Wasn't close to the normal KBS.xoopsx

Mountain Panther
December 9th, 2008, 02:10 PM
I'm not saying anything about their ability in hostile environments or that the dome will be filled to standingroom only...
But there have been a number of asu fans already saying their crowd wasn't at capacity and seemed a little tame...might not have been as terrifying a place that game...

Ps will someone reserve me a stool at mulligan's saturday am?

You're driving to CF from Wichita so you can watch the game at a bar?

December 9th, 2008, 02:28 PM
Local Spider Fans....

I just got the mailer for the Black & Blue classic. It's 2 PM this Saturday at the Robins Center. xdohx

Plus.....don't forget! Bank of America Challenge Game vs. Wake Forest is Fri. Dec. 19th @ 7 PM. xdohx

Who knows, maybe they'll play the game on the jumbotron after the classic. When was the last time they upgraded the screen at the Robins Center anyway?

December 9th, 2008, 03:02 PM
Local Spider Fans....

I just got the mailer for the Black & Blue classic. It's 2 PM this Saturday at the Robins Center. xdohx

Plus.....don't forget! Bank of America Challenge Game vs. Wake Forest is Fri. Dec. 19th @ 7 PM. xdohx

Who knows, maybe they'll play the game on the jumbotron after the classic. When was the last time they upgraded the screen at the Robins Center anyway?

It's still football season, Spider b-ball is on my personal backburner right now. The B-ball game is on ESPU at 2PM, the Spider football game is on at 4PM on ESPN. Find a sports bar and settle in for an afternoon of Spider Sports.

Eight Legger
December 9th, 2008, 03:17 PM
It's still football season, Spider b-ball is on my personal backburner right now. The B-ball game is on ESPU at 2PM, the Spider football game is on at 4PM on ESPN. Find a sports bar and settle in for an afternoon of Spider Sports.

They will show the game on big screen at the Robins Center immediately after the basketball game...so I hope people go to watch both.

December 9th, 2008, 03:19 PM
They will show the game on big screen at the Robins Center immediately after the basketball game...so I hope people go to watch both.

xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx
Please send me a picture.

December 9th, 2008, 03:21 PM
You're driving to CF from Wichita so you can watch the game at a bar?

I believe he was going to "tailgate" at the bar as we did last week too. It is supposed to be quite a bit warmer this week so we will have to see what happens.

December 9th, 2008, 03:49 PM
Somehow Richmond manages to remain unfazed in hostile environments.

The only visiting team to win at JMU since 2004 is Richmond, and they've done it twice. Plus their win in Boone last weekend was clearly in a hostile environment (at least for 3 quarters ;) ).


State Line Liquors
December 9th, 2008, 03:58 PM
Well I have no problem with fans from other teams coming and actually discussing a football game. I do have a problem with you coming in here and providing nothing constructive to this thread. If you want to tell us why you think Richmond will win go ahead (that is as long as it isn't just you saying how much better their conference is than ours). I think we all know the CAA is a superior conference.

If you can give me good reasons maybe I won't have a problem with you posting, but considering all you are doing is dissing UNI, our facilities, and our fans. Why don't you learn something about football so you can discuss in an open forum like this intelligently.

To be completely honest, I'm not overly concerned if you have a problem with the content of my posts or not. It doesn't surprise me that you'd be offended by it. It would actually provide further credence to my prior posts.

Richmond's pass rush was the fastest that the Hens saw all yr. They basically could have sent up a urinal in our backfield they were in it so early and so often. Statistically, they held Delaware to the fewest total offensive yards we've ever had in a football game since we started keeping statistics in 1893. Their defense is special, and it's better than any football team that you've played all year.

What I've also learned along the way is that home games are typically advantageous to have in the playoffs. It also doesn't hurt the kitties when their conference is like walking into an animal shelter and picking out which wounded animal you'd like to cremate this week. I'm fine with you guys having the home games, and I'm also fine with you winning. The good news is that at some point or another the panthers may actually have to prove themselves somewhere besides the litterbox. They haven't been able to do it this year. And there's the rub for the house cats...

Chi Panther
December 9th, 2008, 04:14 PM
To be completely honest, I'm not overly concerned if you have a problem with the content of my posts or not. It doesn't surprise me that you'd be offended by it. It would actually provide further credence to my prior posts.

Richmond's pass rush was the fastest that the Hens saw all yr. They basically could have sent up a urinal in our backfield they were in it so early and so often. Statistically, they held Delaware to the fewest total offensive yards we've ever had in a football game since we started keeping statistics in 1893. Their defense is special, and it's better than any football team that you've played all year.

What I've also learned along the way is that home games are typically advantageous to have in the playoffs. It also doesn't hurt the kitties when their conference is like walking into an animal shelter and picking out which wounded animal you'd like to cremate this week. I'm fine with you guys having the home games, and I'm also fine with you winning. The good news is that at some point or another the panthers may actually have to prove themselves somewhere besides the litterbox. They haven't been able to do it this year. And there's the rub for the house cats...

First off it should be just a piss wall.

Second, I'm glad you feel like making the semi's isn't an accomplishment in itself. We are talking about the final 4 teams here. You might be the only person on AGS who thinks UNI still needs to prove something.....xnonono2x xpeacex

December 9th, 2008, 04:14 PM
The good news is that at some point or another the panthers may actually have to prove themselves somewhere besides the litterbox. They haven't been able to do it this year. And there's the rub for the house cats...

Oh, like in 2005 at #1 UNH and band wagon packed Texas State (and really the NC game might as well have been in Boone).

December 9th, 2008, 04:26 PM
I'll take our litterbox over the Hen ***** house any Saturday during the year.

December 9th, 2008, 04:34 PM
To be completely honest, I'm not overly concerned if you have a problem with the content of my posts or not. It doesn't surprise me that you'd be offended by it. It would actually provide further credence to my prior posts.

Richmond's pass rush was the fastest that the Hens saw all yr. They basically could have sent up a urinal in our backfield they were in it so early and so often. Statistically, they held Delaware to the fewest total offensive yards we've ever had in a football game since we started keeping statistics in 1893. Their defense is special, and it's better than any football team that you've played all year.

What I've also learned along the way is that home games are typically advantageous to have in the playoffs. It also doesn't hurt the kitties when their conference is like walking into an animal shelter and picking out which wounded animal you'd like to cremate this week. I'm fine with you guys having the home games, and I'm also fine with you winning. The good news is that at some point or another the panthers may actually have to prove themselves somewhere besides the litterbox. They haven't been able to do it this year. And there's the rub for the house cats...

You usually aren't?

December 9th, 2008, 04:59 PM
Just cracks me up, we are a seeded team, at home, playing an un-seeded third place team from the CAA. Our AGS ranking was number 4 at the end of the year, I think Richmond was somewhere around 6 or 7?

Now, those same people have voted that Richmond will beat UNI by over 50 votes. Keep NOT BELIEVING AGS'ers.

This poll reminds me of how lopsided the poll was for Cal Poly vs Weber. Everyone wanted to suck Poly's richard after the Wisconsin game, look what happened there.

December 9th, 2008, 05:38 PM
Just cracks me up, we are a seeded team, at home, playing an un-seeded third place team from the CAA. Our AGS ranking was number 4 at the end of the year, I think Richmond was somewhere around 6 or 7?

Now, those same people have voted that Richmond will beat UNI by over 50 votes. Keep NOT BELIEVING AGS'ers.

This poll reminds me of how lopsided the poll was for Cal Poly vs Weber. Everyone wanted to suck Poly's richard after the Wisconsin game, look what happened there.

Why in the world would you care? Didn't AGS posters pick 3 of the 4 games incorrectly last weekend?

Tubby Raymond
December 9th, 2008, 05:52 PM
First off it should be just a piss wall.

Second, I'm glad you feel like making the semi's isn't an accomplishment in itself. We are talking about the final 4 teams here. You might be the only person on AGS who thinks UNI still needs to prove something.....xnonono2x xpeacex

Me too, you are in a soft conferance, haven't you figured that out by now?

December 9th, 2008, 05:53 PM
To be completely honest, I'm not overly concerned if you have a problem with the content of my posts or not. It doesn't surprise me that you'd be offended by it. It would actually provide further credence to my prior posts.

Richmond's pass rush was the fastest that the Hens saw all yr. They basically could have sent up a urinal in our backfield they were in it so early and so often. Statistically, they held Delaware to the fewest total offensive yards we've ever had in a football game since we started keeping statistics in 1893. Their defense is special, and it's better than any football team that you've played all year.

What I've also learned along the way is that home games are typically advantageous to have in the playoffs. It also doesn't hurt the kitties when their conference is like walking into an animal shelter and picking out which wounded animal you'd like to cremate this week. I'm fine with you guys having the home games, and I'm also fine with you winning. The good news is that at some point or another the panthers may actually have to prove themselves somewhere besides the litterbox. They haven't been able to do it this year. And there's the rub for the house cats...

Please stop talking. UNI ALWAYS had to travel in the playoffs, untill this year and last year, which were the only two years the Panthers have had a seed. Lets not pretend UNI has gotten anything handed to them.

State Line Liquors
December 9th, 2008, 06:00 PM
You usually aren't?

Yup, and I already more or less indicated as much. It was a post prior to the conversation of whether or not your QB runs a 4.7 or a 4.9 wind aided. You must not understand. I'm not from Cedar Falls, my values and character are far beneath that of yours. xrulesx

State Line Liquors
December 9th, 2008, 06:28 PM
Please stop talking. UNI ALWAYS had to travel in the playoffs, untill this year and last year, which were the only two years the Panthers have had a seed. Lets not pretend UNI has gotten anything handed to them.

They've had a few things handed to them by my hens, but that's really neither here nor there is it? xthumbsupx

Who do you suppose Farley will blame this year after your loss? He can't blame the NCAA since you got the seed you didn't deserve. He can't blame the weather or the plane flight since it's a home game. He should probably start putting a list of excuses together now....If I was him I'd start with UR's Defense, since they're typically mean and unfriendly. Second on my list would be Josh Vaughn refusing to be tackled by UNI's 'battle tested' run defense. If neither of those work, he could always say Mike London refused to shake his hand or something like that. I'm not sure how, but maybe even the East Coast media bias could be part of his repertoire.

December 9th, 2008, 06:48 PM
Are you suggesting Farley has EVER made excuses for losing in the past?

UD's classy coach on the other hand...

Tubby Raymond
December 9th, 2008, 06:52 PM
Are you suggesting Farley has EVER made excuses for losing in the past?

UD's classy coach on the other hand...

Are you under the impression that many or any of us believe he is classyxeekx

December 9th, 2008, 06:54 PM
You know the past two weeks all we've been hearing was how weak we were and how the almighty CAA will take us down. Then I want to come on here and talk crap to all those who were talking crap to us prior to the game. Come to find out after they are served a great big helping of crow they no longer come around. So please please stick around next week when Richmond goes down.

I know if UNI loses I will be here and eat my humility. Something you don't seem to like to do when your team goes 4-8 and now are living vicariously through a team that beat your Blue Hens by 17.

Oh and I noticed you lost to Maine at home by 17 as well sorry, but we could only beat them by 25.

December 9th, 2008, 06:58 PM
To be completely honest, I'm not overly concerned if you have a problem with the content of my posts or not. It doesn't surprise me that you'd be offended by it. It would actually provide further credence to my prior posts.

Richmond's pass rush was the fastest that the Hens saw all yr. They basically could have sent up a urinal in our backfield they were in it so early and so often. Statistically, they held Delaware to the fewest total offensive yards we've ever had in a football game since we started keeping statistics in 1893. Their defense is special, and it's better than any football team that you've played all year.

What I've also learned along the way is that home games are typically advantageous to have in the playoffs. It also doesn't hurt the kitties when their conference is like walking into an animal shelter and picking out which wounded animal you'd like to cremate this week. I'm fine with you guys having the home games, and I'm also fine with you winning. The good news is that at some point or another the panthers may actually have to prove themselves somewhere besides the litterbox. They haven't been able to do it this year. And there's the rub for the house cats...

xeekx Litterbox? xeekx xlolx xlolx

Damn SLL, welcome to the board! xthumbsupx The Hens have yet another sharp claw to bring to the smack forum. xlolx

Now, if we could just win some games. xoopsx :p

December 9th, 2008, 07:04 PM
I wouldn't put a 4.7/4.8 past Grace. He may be 230-240, but he moves like he is 205

I'm 205 and move like I'm 450;)

December 9th, 2008, 07:34 PM
I wonder if Tim Hightower is talking this much smack to Kurt Warner and Brandon Keith this week.

December 9th, 2008, 07:37 PM
The Hens have considered this season an opportunity to 'redistribute' wins to some of the other members of the CAA. ;) Completely intentional. Hofstra is a dramatically improved team this year.xlolx

The Chickens will be back again soon, though. And we certainly won't be venturing too far from the playoff conversations regardless of our season's outcome.

Delaware hasn't been blessed with the 'natural' home field advantage that you panthers have. This year we probably would have struggled against a schedule that was even as soft as what those in valley of the mighty Missouri are up against on a week in week out basis....which is just sad.

Serious question....who in the athletic department at UNI has the connection to Utah?

Chris Ritrivi the former UNI AD was at Utah

Chi Panther
December 9th, 2008, 07:52 PM
I wonder if Tim Hightower is talking this much smack to Kurt Warner and Brandon Keith this week.

Thats pretty good..xthumbsupx

Now only if Warner or Keith played on a better College team...

December 9th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Oh and I noticed you lost to Maine at home by 17 as well sorry, but we could only beat them by 25.

I thought we learned earlier in this thread that results vs. common opponents does not mean anything and that crazy Mr. Sagarin and his computer are wrong for thinking otherwise?

December 9th, 2008, 07:55 PM
I'm not from Cedar Falls, my values and character are far beneath that of yours. xrulesx

I'm not from Cedar Falls either, not that I don't agree with you.

Big Al
December 9th, 2008, 08:17 PM
I thought we learned earlier in this thread that results vs. common opponents does not mean anything and that crazy Mr. Sagarin and his computer are wrong for thinking otherwise?

Shhhh! Don't interrupt the smack!


State Line Liquors
December 9th, 2008, 08:23 PM
xeekx Litterbox? xeekx xlolx xlolx

Damn SLL, welcome to the board! xthumbsupx The Hens have yet another sharp claw to bring to the smack forum. xlolx

Now, if we could just win some games. xoopsx :p

Always pleased to throw my hat in the ring. Particularly if things become too much of a snoozer over on our messageboard.

In terms of the class of KC Keeler... I suppose it would be some kind of exaggeration to think Farley would never dream of letting his own halo slip. He never whimpered about UNI's traveling circumstances in 2003 or withheld videos of SIU last year while we were trapped in Waterloo. xeyebrowx

Keeler didn't ask politely enough, so he needed to be taught a lesson I suppose. xlolx ----Keep that in mind Spider fans. It's important to curtsey, say please and thank you, and be gracious in Mrs. Farley's house. Otherwise you might not be invited back...

December 9th, 2008, 08:29 PM
Always pleased to throw my hat in the ring. Particularly if things become too much of a snoozer over on our messageboard.

In terms of the class of KC Keeler... I suppose it would be some kind of exaggeration to think Farley would never dream of letting his own halo slip. He never whimpered about UNI's traveling circumstances in 2003 or withheld videos of SIU last year while we were trapped in Waterloo. xeyebrowx

Keeler didn't ask politely enough, so he needed to be taught a lesson I suppose. xlolx ----Keep that in mind Spider fans. It's important to curtsey, say please and thank you, and be gracious in Mrs. Farley's house. Otherwise you might not be invited back...

I forgot about the tape debacle. We will heed your advice. xbowx

December 9th, 2008, 08:34 PM
Let's get back to talking about something more interesting...my opinion! :)
Thanks and congrats to Richmond for taking out Appy State. Appy has a crazy but good offense. They recruit effectively for that offense.
Richmond presents a more "traditional" offense. Richmond has a heck of an offensive line! You never see them working as one, they run in packs! The O-line was always running downfield with three big guys. Very impressive. It helps to have a big, quick runningback, although with that O-line, he doesn't have to be that good. But he is. Now the defense. Very good Defensive ends. #39? Undersized with an oversized heart. He could play for anyone. Very stiff Defense.
Ward the QB? Did he have an off game? Good feet, but I didn't see the arm strength I expected. To fellow UNI fans...I thinking another strategy as we have employed with Western illinois in the past ;) UNI has struggled with teams that have made them "pick their poison". I don't see this with Richmond, although if it comes down to a "slobberknocker" game. Richmond will do very well. IMHO, the game is a battle at the line of scrimmage and the play of the two QBs. Should be a great matchup. It's almost too bad it is inside. This would be fun to watch outside in the mud.

Eight Legger
December 9th, 2008, 08:35 PM
I have an idea. Why don't Montana and UNI play each other this week for the National Championship of Mediocre Leagues (Subtitle: Which Results in Guaranteed Seeds and Home Games Every Year for The Same Two Teams).....and JMU and Richmond will play for the actual national championship. Deal?

December 9th, 2008, 08:40 PM
I have an idea. Why don't Montana and UNI play each other this week for the National Championship of Mediocre Leagues (Subtitle: Which Results in Guaranteed Seeds and Home Games Every Year for The Same Two Teams).....and JMU and Richmond will play for the actual national championship. Deal?

Legger, how prophetic were we a few years back when we announced "WEST IS SOFT"?

State Line Liquors
December 9th, 2008, 08:43 PM
You know the past two weeks all we've been hearing was how weak we were and how the almighty CAA will take us down. Then I want to come on here and talk crap to all those who were talking crap to us prior to the game. Come to find out after they are served a great big helping of crow they no longer come around. So please please stick around next week when Richmond goes down.

I know if UNI loses I will be here and eat my humility. Something you don't seem to like to do when your team goes 4-8 and now are living vicariously through a team that beat your Blue Hens by 17.

Oh and I noticed you lost to Maine at home by 17 as well sorry, but we could only beat them by 25.

I'll gladly provide polititudes afterwards. You've probably never rooted against someone before when your team wasn't playing I suppose? The most amusing part is that my only horse in the race is whoever plays against you guys. Something about players weeping publicly after they lose, Farley's humorous axe to grind with Keeler, and the artificial noise requirement for a home field advantage all make it the more fun.

If you guys win though, I think Farley should take a page out of K.W.'s playbook....
First things First (http://thankjesus.ytmnd.com/)

Big Al
December 9th, 2008, 08:46 PM
or withheld videos of SIU last year while we were trapped in Waterloo. xeyebrowx

Keeler didn't ask politely enough, so he needed to be taught a lesson I suppose..

Doesn't matter how nicely Keeler asked -- he knew (or should have known) that he was demanding something that was against the rules. The fact that he behaved like an ass only added to his charm.

December 9th, 2008, 09:06 PM
I'll gladly provide polititudes afterwards. You've probably never rooted against someone before when your team wasn't playing I suppose? The most amusing part is that my only horse in the race is whoever plays against you guys. Something about players weeping publicly after they lose, Farley's humorous axe to grind with Keeler, and the artificial noise requirement for a home field advantage all make it the more fun.

If you guys win though, I think Farley should take a page out of K.W.'s playbook....
First things First (http://thankjesus.ytmnd.com/)

fun fact, UNI is about to win as many games in the playoffs as UD did the entire season.

December 9th, 2008, 09:06 PM
I think it is funny that the CAA loyalty amongst fans runs so deep on this board, yet people are griping because Farley wouldn't sell out SIU to Deleware?

How about the game? Anyone want to talk about that or are we just going to keep letting Deleware fans live in the past because they have no future?

UNI Pike
December 9th, 2008, 09:22 PM
I'll gladly provide polititudes afterwards. You've probably never rooted against someone before when your team wasn't playing I suppose? The most amusing part is that my only horse in the race is whoever plays against you guys. Something about players weeping publicly after they lose, Farley's humorous axe to grind with Keeler, and the artificial noise requirement for a home field advantage all make it the more fun.

If you guys win though, I think Farley should take a page out of K.W.'s playbook....
First things First (http://thankjesus.ytmnd.com/)

With that level of intellectual prowess, I think you are aptly qualified to take over Senator Biden's seat. Thank God he was appointed to the VP slot so he and his Hair Club for Men billboard will stop visiting Iowa.

If you don't get the Senate seat, you still have your swing shift call center job at a credit card company explaining why a 35% interest rate is completely legal. xpeacex

December 9th, 2008, 09:45 PM
Northern Iowa
Richmond played a great game, and got a big upset. We've also seen the Panthers struggle when CAA teams come calling. Still, I picked UNI to advance into Chattanooga, and I'm sticking to my guns. This could be a good one

December 9th, 2008, 10:01 PM
Let's get back to talking about something more interesting...my opinion! :)
Thanks and congrats to Richmond for taking out Appy State. Appy has a crazy but good offense. They recruit effectively for that offense.
Richmond presents a more "traditional" offense. Richmond has a heck of an offensive line! You never see them working as one, they run in packs! The O-line was always running downfield with three big guys. Very impressive. It helps to have a big, quick runningback, although with that O-line, he doesn't have to be that good. But he is. Now the defense. Very good Defensive ends. #39? Undersized with an oversized heart. He could play for anyone. Very stiff Defense.
Ward the QB? Did he have an off game? Good feet, but I didn't see the arm strength I expected. To fellow UNI fans...I thinking another strategy as we have employed with Western illinois in the past ;) UNI has struggled with teams that have made them "pick their poison". I don't see this with Richmond, although if it comes down to a "slobberknocker" game. Richmond will do very well. IMHO, the game is a battle at the line of scrimmage and the play of the two QBs. Should be a great matchup. It's almost too bad it is inside. This would be fun to watch outside in the mud.

How dare you be sensible and try and talk football on this gigantic turd of a thread? xrotatehx

December 9th, 2008, 10:07 PM
I think it is funny that the CAA loyalty amongst fans runs so deep on this board, yet people are griping because Farley wouldn't sell out SIU to Deleware?

Quick reminder, it had nothing to do with loyalty to a conference mate. It had EVERYTHING to do with not blatantly breaking NCAA rules, and even more specifically conference rules.

now I really like this match up of Richmond and UNI. I really think it should be a great contest. Good match up for UNI and if Richmond is going to win they are going to do it against UNI strengths.

As far as going into hostile environments go I would say that the UNIdome I know is not necessarily a "hostile environment". It is a loud environment.

I have been on the field with 108,000 at Beaver stadium and have stated it is fairly comparable to many basketball arenas and the UNidome. That being said, it is at first shocking but not that hard to overcome if you practice for it.

The worst is when you cannot here the play call in the huddle. Once you get used to it you can but that first series can be tough.

I think Richmond will handle it but they will have to change some things.

December 9th, 2008, 10:18 PM
I am going to say Richmond's defense scares me after look through their game by game stats. It looks as if we could be successful against them if we can throw it without turning it over. Their run defense on the other hand looks very impressive. However, their two FCS losses they were shredded on the ground by Villanova and JMU.

Their strength on offense seemingly plays into our defense's hands, but I am not sure if we have seen quite the running team that Richmond is. Now in those two loses they were able to pass the ball pretty well, but the running game is not quite what it had been through the rest of the games.

I feel in the long run it could be a low scoring game with the team that doesn't turn the ball over with the advantage. Both teams have been forcing a lot of turnovers lately so I predict the winner in the turnover battle will be the winner on the field.

(Disclaimer: I only saw Richmond one time this season on TV. So my scouting report is based purely on looking at box scores and recaps. Richmond fans fill me in if you feel something I said about your team was wrong because I have very little exposure to your team, as I am sure you have little exposure to ours.)

December 10th, 2008, 05:53 AM
I am going to say Richmond's defense scares me after look through their game by game stats. It looks as if we could be successful against them if we can throw it without turning it over. Their run defense on the other hand looks very impressive. However, their two FCS losses they were shredded on the ground by Villanova and JMU.

I don't have the stats in front of me, but as I remember it the reason Richmond was able to keep the game so close against JMU was that they defended their running game better than anyone else this season. Their run defense is definitely one of their strengths.

I've had a very hard time deciding who to pick for this game but in the end I picked Richmond because a) their defense is very good b) they just dismantled App St c) the CAA factor (either imagined or real, it influences my decision). I think that the home field advantage for UNI is going to be huge and that they are stiff competition, but in the end I think Richmond is the better team and will pull out the win. If this game were played on neutral territory (or in Richmond, which honestly doesn't present a very huge HFA aside from not having to travel) I'd be less indecisive.

As it is, I pick Richmond for the mostly arbitrary reasons listed above.

December 10th, 2008, 05:59 AM
fun fact, UNI is about to win as many games in the playoffs as UD did the entire season.

You need to win the NC for that to happen. You have won just as many CAA games as Delaware has this season.

December 10th, 2008, 08:26 AM
In terms of the class of KC Keeler... I suppose it would be some kind of exaggeration to think Farley would never dream of letting his own halo slip. He never whimpered about UNI's traveling circumstances in 2003 or withheld videos of SIU last year while we were trapped in Waterloo. xeyebrowx

Keeler didn't ask politely enough, so he needed to be taught a lesson I suppose. xlolx ----Keep that in mind Spider fans. It's important to curtsey, say please and thank you, and be gracious in Mrs. Farley's house. Otherwise you might not be invited back...

I forgot about the tape debacle. We will heed your advice. xbowx

Oh yeah the tape and travel debate, lovely. Let's see:

One team requested some accomodations because of inclement weather THE DAY OF THE GAME. And were denied because, "hey, that's what home field is for."

One team whined about travle problems A WEEK BEFORE THE NEXT GAME, and were given accomodations.

One team's head coach called another team's video tape manager (not the head coach, not the AD) and DEMANDED that he turn over game tape on a conference team (which is against conference rules). When told that he didn't have the authority, said head coach classlessly berated a video tape manager with obscenties and called the NCAA to whine.

Yep, high ground. Of course, Delaware is coastal, so there really isn't any high ground.

December 10th, 2008, 08:34 AM
A couple questions from an unbiased party...

Who are the refs for this game?
What do you think is they key matchup to keep an eye on?

Purple For Life
December 10th, 2008, 08:35 AM
Just cracks me up, we are a seeded team, at home, playing an un-seeded third place team from the CAA. Our AGS ranking was number 4 at the end of the year, I think Richmond was somewhere around 6 or 7?

Now, those same people have voted that Richmond will beat UNI by over 50 votes. Keep NOT BELIEVING AGS'ers.

This poll reminds me of how lopsided the poll was for Cal Poly vs Weber. Everyone wanted to suck Poly's richard after the Wisconsin game, look what happened there.


You know the past two weeks all we've been hearing was how weak we were and how the almighty CAA will take us down. Then I want to come on here and talk crap to all those who were talking crap to us prior to the game. Come to find out after they are served a great big helping of crow they no longer come around. So please please stick around next week when Richmond goes down.

I know if UNI loses I will be here and eat my humility. Something you don't seem to like to do when your team goes 4-8 and now are living vicariously through a team that beat your Blue Hens by 17.

Oh and I noticed you lost to Maine at home by 17 as well sorry, but we could only beat them by 25.


I wonder if Tim Hightower is talking this much smack to Kurt Warner and Brandon Keith this week.

Nah, Kurt's just saying a prayer for Tim. ;)

Hey Richmond, how many MVP caliber quarterback alum do you have in the NFL? Oh what's that? I couldn't hear you...

I have an idea. Why don't Montana and UNI play each other this week for the National Championship of Mediocre Leagues (Subtitle: Which Results in Guaranteed Seeds and Home Games Every Year for The Same Two Teams).....and JMU and Richmond will play for the actual national championship. Deal?

xrolleyesx xrolleyesx xrolleyesx xrolleyesx xrolleyesx xrolleyesx xrolleyesx
Quit drinking the CAA Kool-Aid and look at logic, will ya? Oh wait, you're in the CAA...never mind.

I think it is funny that the CAA loyalty amongst fans runs so deep on this board, yet people are griping because Farley wouldn't sell out SIU to Deleware?

How about the game? Anyone want to talk about that or are we just going to keep letting Deleware fans live in the past because they have no future?

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

Delaware fans would just rather p!ss and moan about what could have been...

With that level of intellectual prowess, I think you are aptly qualified to take over Senator Biden's seat. Thank God he was appointed to the VP slot so he and his Hair Club for Men billboard will stop visiting Iowa.

If you don't get the Senate seat, you still have your swing shift call center job at a credit card company explaining why a 35% interest rate is completely legal. xpeacex


Quick reminder, it had nothing to do with loyalty to a conference mate. It had EVERYTHING to do with not blatantly breaking NCAA rules, and even more specifically conference rules.

now I really like this match up of Richmond and UNI. I really think it should be a great contest. Good match up for UNI and if Richmond is going to win they are going to do it against UNI strengths.

As far as going into hostile environments go I would say that the UNIdome I know is not necessarily a "hostile environment". It is a loud environment.

I have been on the field with 108,000 at Beaver stadium and have stated it is fairly comparable to many basketball arenas and the UNidome. That being said, it is at first shocking but not that hard to overcome if you practice for it.

The worst is when you cannot here the play call in the huddle. Once you get used to it you can but that first series can be tough.

I think Richmond will handle it but they will have to change some things.

It can be quite hostile in the Dome, "loud" is only the half of it. You cannot prepare for the Dome, you can only experience it.

Oh yeah the tape and travel debate, lovely. Let's see:

One team requested some accomodations because of inclement weather THE DAY OF THE GAME. And were denied because, "hey, that's what home field is for."

One team whined about travle problems A WEEK BEFORE THE NEXT GAME, and were given accomodations.

One team's head coach called another team's video tape manager (not the head coach, not the AD) and DEMANDED that he turn over game tape on a conference team (which is against conference rules). When told that he didn't have the authority, said head coach classlessly berated a video tape manager with obscenties and called the NCAA to whine.

Yep, high ground. Of course, Delaware is coastal, so there really isn't any high ground.



C'mon...seriously, the odds are against you. You won't know what hit you when you come on the field. You'll wish you were at home, curled up in bed with your blankies and your thumb in your mouth, calling for your momma.


December 10th, 2008, 08:52 AM
Richmond Baptist College - 34
Iowa State Normal School - 28

December 10th, 2008, 08:56 AM
Okay, my thoughts on the game itself.

Match-up of two VERY similar teams.

Key Factors:

Turnovers: I like how everyone points out the Richmond turnover factor, kind of like how they kept pointing out how far UNH was ahead in turnover margin as well. Whoever wins the TO battle likely wins the game.

Field Position: May well be factored in by turnovers, but I also expect a low-scoring game that will see several punts. I'm not sure about the Spider punter, but UNI's punter (Brook Black) has been VERY good in the using the Dome's characteristics to his advantage (bounces and rolls, sticking the ball with the turf, using the unusual visual backgrounds, etc).

The Dome: The noise is one thing to compensate for, some teams handle it, a lot of teams don't. But there's more: the heat, particularly at field level is unusual and hard to adjust to. A southern team may fare better, I know I watched both Maine and UNH players coming to the sideline and getting sick, its the elements. The turf, it will add speed which may make Richmond faster, provided they choose the right shoes but also, as has been said, it is a different feeling getting tackled on this stuff, takes more out of players. UNI is used to it, how Richmond adapts is to be seen. Also watch out for the zipper monsters, snuck up and bit UNH a few times last week. The size, yep it is close on all sides. The stands don't hang right over the field, but if that gets in the back of players' heads, it could affect out routes by receivers or routes to the back of the end zone. Also, the fans are right over the players. Most fans are generally well-behaved, but we have gotten into some teams' heads in the past-at least we don't put the visitors in front of the students.

Clutch Time: Might be a big factor. Everyone keeps saying how UNI has not played anyone because the MVFC is apparently soft (I disagree), but Richmond has not fared well in games that have been close. They lost one score games to JMU and Villanova, and allowed William & Mary to rally from a 20-point half-time deficit to force OT. UNI has played, and won close games, only losing one to SIU on a late fumble and FG early in the season.

My prediction is a close game with UNI pulling out a 4th quarter victory.

December 10th, 2008, 09:08 AM
Okay, my thoughts on the game itself.

Match-up of two VERY similar teams.

Key Factors:

Turnovers: I like how everyone points out the Richmond turnover factor, kind of like how they kept pointing out how far UNH was ahead in turnover margin as well. Whoever wins the TO battle likely wins the game.

Field Position: May well be factored in by turnovers, but I also expect a low-scoring game that will see several punts. I'm not sure about the Spider punter, but UNI's punter (Brook Black) has been VERY good in the using the Dome's characteristics to his advantage (bounces and rolls, sticking the ball with the turf, using the unusual visual backgrounds, etc).

The Dome: The noise is one thing to compensate for, some teams handle it, a lot of teams don't. But there's more: the heat, particularly at field level is unusual and hard to adjust to. A southern team may fare better, I know I watched both Maine and UNH players coming to the sideline and getting sick, its the elements. The turf, it will add speed which may make Richmond faster, provided they choose the right shoes but also, as has been said, it is a different feeling getting tackled on this stuff, takes more out of players. UNI is used to it, how Richmond adapts is to be seen. Also watch out for the zipper monsters, snuck up and bit UNH a few times last week. The size, yep it is close on all sides. The stands don't hang right over the field, but if that gets in the back of players' heads, it could affect out routes by receivers or routes to the back of the end zone. Also, the fans are right over the players. Most fans are generally well-behaved, but we have gotten into some teams' heads in the past-at least we don't put the visitors in front of the students.

Clutch Time: Might be a big factor. Everyone keeps saying how UNI has not played anyone because the MVFC is apparently soft (I disagree), but Richmond has not fared well in games that have been close. They lost one score games to JMU and Villanova, and allowed William & Mary to rally from a 20-point half-time deficit to force OT. UNI has played, and won close games, only losing one to SIU on a late fumble and FG early in the season.

My prediction is a close game with UNI pulling out a 4th quarter victory.

Fied position and special teams were the difference in UNH@SIU and I think they will be the difference in UR@UNI.

Eight Legger
December 10th, 2008, 09:13 AM
I'm not worried about our physical conditioning. In our first game of the year we played in a muggy environment at Elon, and Elon must have had 25 different players cramping up throughout the game on the field, while we had one. We won by 18.

Turnovers will determine this game, as they do most games.

December 10th, 2008, 09:23 AM
Two things, that was against Elon, not a semi-finalist team, it was also in August, not December.

December 10th, 2008, 10:04 AM
It was an example to demonstrate that UR is a well-conditioned team. Conditioning for a long season starts in the summer. You guys were going on about how hot it gets in the dome, so wouldn't it be more like August than December?

December 10th, 2008, 10:17 AM
Okay, my thoughts on the game itself.

Match-up of two VERY similar teams.

Key Factors:

Turnovers: I like how everyone points out the Richmond turnover factor, kind of like how they kept pointing out how far UNH was ahead in turnover margin as well. Whoever wins the TO battle likely wins the game.

Field Position: May well be factored in by turnovers, but I also expect a low-scoring game that will see several punts. I'm not sure about the Spider punter, but UNI's punter (Brook Black) has been VERY good in the using the Dome's characteristics to his advantage (bounces and rolls, sticking the ball with the turf, using the unusual visual backgrounds, etc).

The Dome: The noise is one thing to compensate for, some teams handle it, a lot of teams don't. But there's more: the heat, particularly at field level is unusual and hard to adjust to. A southern team may fare better, I know I watched both Maine and UNH players coming to the sideline and getting sick, its the elements. The turf, it will add speed which may make Richmond faster, provided they choose the right shoes but also, as has been said, it is a different feeling getting tackled on this stuff, takes more out of players. UNI is used to it, how Richmond adapts is to be seen. Also watch out for the zipper monsters, snuck up and bit UNH a few times last week. The size, yep it is close on all sides. The stands don't hang right over the field, but if that gets in the back of players' heads, it could affect out routes by receivers or routes to the back of the end zone. Also, the fans are right over the players. Most fans are generally well-behaved, but we have gotten into some teams' heads in the past-at least we don't put the visitors in front of the students.

Clutch Time: Might be a big factor. Everyone keeps saying how UNI has not played anyone because the MVFC is apparently soft (I disagree), but Richmond has not fared well in games that have been close. They lost one score games to JMU and Villanova, and allowed William & Mary to rally from a 20-point half-time deficit to force OT. UNI has played, and won close games, only losing one to SIU on a late fumble and FG early in the season.

My prediction is a close game with UNI pulling out a 4th quarter victory.

I think that most of the time if we are able to get into players heads it is in pregame. If we can get them to respond to us we know that we have got into our heads. One example is the North Dakota State quarterback, who we got to respond with a few gestures, and look at the game he had against UNI.

December 10th, 2008, 10:25 AM
The team that protects the ball will win this game. It's a homer pick but here is my thinking.

Richmond is coming off of a huge win at App State. Knocking off the 3 time defending champs is something to hang their hat on. I'm going with the post big game let down and maybe they only bring their B game to the dome.

UNI on the other hand played sloppy on offense and put the defense in bad spots all night long. I look for the offense to clean things up. Farley and staff will have a great game plan in place seeing this as a do-over opportunity for the lost chance last year.

UNI 24 - RU 21

Should be another classic in the dome.

December 10th, 2008, 11:36 AM
It was an example to demonstrate that UR is a well-conditioned team. Conditioning for a long season starts in the summer. You guys were going on about how hot it gets in the dome, so wouldn't it be more like August than December?There is a difference in dome heat and August heat outside though. It may be hotter outside during August, BUT there is air flow in an outdoor stadium. The air in the dome can/does/will become very stagnant...and fast if it is a sell out/close too.

The dome will not win UNI the game, and it will not cost Richmond the game. However, how Richmond adapts to the dome will play a fairly large part to it. Teams like Delaware (circa 2007) struggled with the dome, but still won. It can be done, even while struggling. However, to quote Denny Green on that game "They are who we thought they were! And we let them off the hook!" I don't know how many times Flacco took a blindside shot, stepped away from it and completed a 15 yard pass on 3rd and 14 situations.

From what I can tell about Richmond's passing game, it isn't what Delaware had last year, or BYU this year. If we can get Richmond in to 2nd and 8/3rd and 7 situations, it will not be like the UD game last year.

December 10th, 2008, 11:45 AM
I really like our chances to win the game if we can get Richmond to 3rd and 5+, I don't like our chances of GETTING them to 3rd & 5+ consistently.

God this is going to be a fun game to watch.

December 10th, 2008, 11:51 AM
There is a difference in dome heat and August heat outside though. It may be hotter outside during August, BUT there is air flow in an outdoor stadium. The air in the dome can/does/will become very stagnant...and fast if it is a sell out/close too.

The dome will not win UNI the game, and it will not cost Richmond the game. However, how Richmond adapts to the dome will play a fairly large part to it. Teams like Delaware (circa 2007) struggled with the dome, but still won. It can be done, even while struggling. However, to quote Denny Green on that game "They are who we thought they were! And we let them off the hook!" I don't know how many times Flacco took a blindside shot, stepped away from it and completed a 15 yard pass on 3rd and 14 situations.

From what I can tell about Richmond's passing game, it isn't what Delaware had last year, or BYU this year. If we can get Richmond in to 2nd and 8/3rd and 7 situations, it will not be like the UD game last year.

Ward is certainly not the passer that Flacco was.. but Ward overall has been a better passer than he has shown in UR's two playoff wins. He has not been real sharp.. but Richmond has still been able to win pretty easily in both games. If Ward's passing is on.. UR's offense will be productive. Also Ward can make UNI pay if they don't maintain disciplined rush lanes.. as he is a good runner who can get out of the pocket and make plays.

December 10th, 2008, 12:00 PM
Ward is certainly not the passer that Flacco was.. but Ward overall has been a better passer than he has shown in UR's two playoff wins. He has not been real sharp.. but Richmond has still been able to win pretty easily in both games. If Ward's passing is on.. UR's offense will be productive. Also Ward can make UNI pay if they don't maintain disciplined rush lanes.. as he is a good runner who can get out of the pocket and make plays.That I'm not worried about. Lanes are kept extremely well by the UNI d-line, which is why it has been tought for QB's to escape us. USD did a good job of it, but that was week 2. Typically we "circle" the qb and leave him with one way to go, and that leads right into a LB usually

December 10th, 2008, 01:26 PM
Ward is certainly not the passer that Flacco was.. but Ward overall has been a better passer than he has shown in UR's two playoff wins. He has not been real sharp.. but Richmond has still been able to win pretty easily in both games. If Ward's passing is on.. UR's offense will be productive. Also Ward can make UNI pay if they don't maintain disciplined rush lanes.. as he is a good runner who can get out of the pocket and make plays.

I actually thought Ward was pretty sharp against EKU, after that 1st quarter pick. 17-26, 3 TDs. That first TD was a perfect strike 45 yards to a well-covered Grayson. Gray's 2nd TD was a perfectly placed "jump ball" to the smallest player on the field.

Most importantly, Ward's biggest improvement has been completing the pass that moves the chains on 3rd/4th downs. Early in the season it drove me crazy how many times on 3rd down he'd throw to a receiver short of the stick, hoping the run-after-catch would get the first down. I don't know how much of that was play-calling, poor route running or just checking down too quickly to the short man. But that has VASTLY improved.

December 10th, 2008, 01:32 PM
The team that protects the ball will win this game. It's a homer pick but here is my thinking.

Richmond is coming off of a huge win at App State. Knocking off the 3 time defending champs is something to hang their hat on. I'm going with the post big game let down and maybe they only bring their B game to the dome.

UNI on the other hand played sloppy on offense and put the defense in bad spots all night long. I look for the offense to clean things up. Farley and staff will have a great game plan in place seeing this as a do-over opportunity for the lost chance last year.

UNI 24 - RU 21

Should be another classic in the dome.

What the Heck is "RU"

December 10th, 2008, 01:34 PM
What the Heck is "RU"


Go Highlanders!!

December 10th, 2008, 01:40 PM

Go Highlanders!!

OK, I admit UNI could be beat these guys by 3 points


December 10th, 2008, 02:46 PM
What the Heck is "RU"

Unlike the JMU guys who use it as way to get under our skin by reminding us ESPN thinks we are "Richmond University", I don't think he knows it is an insult like calling them NIU. (see the selection show idiots)

December 10th, 2008, 02:51 PM
I actually thought Ward was pretty sharp against EKU, after that 1st quarter pick. 17-26, 3 TDs. That first TD was a perfect strike 45 yards to a well-covered Grayson. Gray's 2nd TD was a perfectly placed "jump ball" to the smallest player on the field.

Most importantly, Ward's biggest improvement has been completing the pass that moves the chains on 3rd/4th downs. Early in the season it drove me crazy how many times on 3rd down he'd throw to a receiver short of the stick, hoping the run-after-catch would get the first down. I don't know how much of that was play-calling, poor route running or just checking down too quickly to the short man. But that has VASTLY improved.

I agree about EKU, after 2 halfs (2nd W&M, 1st EKU) it seemed like our offensive coaches came up with a gameplan that accounted for Crone's absence.

December 10th, 2008, 03:06 PM
From what I can tell about Richmond's passing game, it isn't what Delaware had last year, or BYU this year. If we can get Richmond in to 2nd and 8/3rd and 7 situations, it will not be like the UD game last year.

Although we are definitely a run first team (and our oc has been critized for running too much and too simple a game plan), our yardage is split almost evenly between pass/run.

Our offense has look mediocre this season because either the pass or the run has been sucessful each game, never none, never both. If the run is working we do just enough pass to keep the D honest. If the run is stopped, we pass until the field is spread so the run can start again. What I haven't seen is somebody stop the run, and refuse to change, thereby forcing us to win solely with the pass. You may be the team most capable of that, but you may have to live with 250+ yds of effective passing.

December 10th, 2008, 03:21 PM
Of the home field advantages, I am most concerned about the turf. Although I think a speedy field is to our advantage, I hope we have the right equipment. (something we didn't do on our trip to an icy WaGriz, right after ending Tressel's FCS career) The other issue with the turf is inuries, including twisted knees and ankles.

On offense, how quick developing are your plays? (maybe UNH can compare to Nova)
And can you consistently put together 3 or 4 play scoring drives? Those are the 2 things our D has the most trouble with.

Oh and I'll make my standard prediction, the same one I made against VMI & ASU - UR 31 opponent 17

We always sputter after reaching the 30s, and only JMU has score more than 2tds against us this yr (3rd came with 59 secs)

December 10th, 2008, 04:26 PM
It was an example to demonstrate that UR is a well-conditioned team. Conditioning for a long season starts in the summer. You guys were going on about how hot it gets in the dome, so wouldn't it be more like August than December?

The key difference is in August you have been conditioning outside all summer in hot weather. Your body adjusts to it. Over the last 3 months temperatures have been getting cooler and your body has been adjusting away from the conditioning to the heat you had in the summer.

To combat this northern coaches used to try to turn up the temperature in indoor facilities before traveling south or to the dome. Studies have shown a week is not enough time for the conditioning adjustments to occur and it is actually more detrimental.

I remember standing in the dome one fall day in high school and the sweat was just pouring off me for no reason. There is no evaporation to cool you. Eventually your body just stops sweating as much and you get more efficient with water.

December 10th, 2008, 04:34 PM
In the UNI-Dome the heat (72 degrees) isn't as bad as the lack of humidity. Having run in there several times your throat dries out and you feel like you can't breathe. Start drinking water now. And if any of you Richmond fans are driving to cedar falls drive safe and take your time. We got some freezing rain and snow the last couple days and even some Iowans have gone off the roads into the ditches. This morning it was -1 before wind chill.

December 10th, 2008, 05:11 PM
The team from the CAA will win this game.

Nice contributionxeyebrowx .

December 10th, 2008, 05:53 PM
In the UNI-Dome the heat (72 degrees) isn't as bad as the lack of humidity. Having run in there several times your throat dries out and you feel like you can't breathe. Start drinking water now. And if any of you Richmond fans are driving to cedar falls drive safe and take your time. We got some freezing rain and snow the last couple days and even some Iowans have gone off the roads into the ditches. This morning it was -1 before wind chill.

That makes sense and is the opposite of the Elon game where it was high humidity (Jungle type heat).

December 10th, 2008, 08:41 PM
I think UNI remembers the beatdown that Delaware put on last year. They won't let that happen I don't think.

Its been a season of turnovers and converting them into points. UNI is pretty darn good at that. If they can get one defensive score to add to anything offensive, they have a great shot at winning.

The Passing game will be the story saturday. whoever can pass more and better will win. The running games will be shut down I think. Run defenses are too good.

December 10th, 2008, 08:50 PM
Unlike the JMU guys who use it as way to get under our skin by reminding us ESPN thinks we are "Richmond University", I don't think he knows it is an insult like calling them NIU. (see the selection show idiots)

Just seeing if you'll ban me from here too... xrolleyesx

j/k - meant no harm. UR of course. xlolx

December 11th, 2008, 03:33 PM
According to a UNI football player Richmond is already in Cedar Falls and is having practice in the Dome tonight at 7. Lets all get together and heckle them! Just kidding, but seriously how did this thread get so low on the list?

Mountain Panther
December 11th, 2008, 03:43 PM
According to a UNI football player Richmond is already in Cedar Falls and is having practice in the Dome tonight at 7. Lets all get together and heckle them! Just kidding, but seriously how did this thread get so low on the list?

Upon seeing them practice Farley will probably forfeit.

December 11th, 2008, 05:33 PM
According to a UNI football player Richmond is already in Cedar Falls and is having practice in the Dome tonight at 7. Lets all get together and heckle them! Just kidding, but seriously how did this thread get so low on the list?Would the practice be open? I wouldn't go anyway, I have a meeting tonight for my job, but that would be interesting to see.

I did hear they were coming in today though to work off some jet lag, and just in case Iowa decided to be Iowa and ***** about a foot of snow on us.

December 11th, 2008, 06:26 PM
Do we have to give them use of our facility today? I know we are required to allow them a pre-game walk through but two of them?

December 11th, 2008, 06:31 PM
It is a bit strange not to be preparing for a trip to Boone this weekend. However, I look forward to watching both games. The final four is composed of a solid bunch of squads.

UR played a solid game on Saturday and certainly has the ability to win it all. Their defense was stout. If UNI is forced to pass as we were on Saturday, then the Spiders will likely be opportunistic. If UNI can be more balanced the defense can't cheat on the pass as much. Without any healthy runners available against one of the best defenses in the FCS, we became one dimensional. While, I believe we only surrendered one sack, Edwards was harassed all day, hence the 5 INTs. UR's defense brings a lot of speed to the table as well.

Offensively, everyone is aware of Vaughn's bruising style running. He was most effective late in our game. Ward is opportunistic with his feet. If he has an opening he will take it, sometimes a killer for a defense on third and long. I was less impressed with his passing as he missed several open receivers. Of course, I'm basing that on one game.

I gained a lot of respect for UNI in 2005 when we played for the NC. Great fans and great program.

Looking forward to watching this one.

December 11th, 2008, 06:35 PM
UR is practicing in the Dome tomorrow, but I do not think they are today. UNI had practice today at 4. UR is in town though.

Mountain Panther
December 11th, 2008, 06:46 PM
Would the practice be open? I wouldn't go anyway, I have a meeting tonight for my job, but that would be interesting to see.

I did hear they were coming in today though to work off some jet lag, and just in case Iowa decided to be Iowa and ***** about a foot of snow on us.

VERY unlikely practice would be open to the public.

December 11th, 2008, 08:12 PM
My Schedule for this weekend:
Friday 6:00am: Wake up go to work
5:00pm: Leave work without going home and drive 6 hours to Des Moines and be forced to go to Miss Kitties for the night
Saturday 9:00am: Get up and drive 2 hours to Mulligans
3:00pm: Watch MY TEAM play
7:00pm: Go out to Main St
(No Recolection what happens from this point on)

December 11th, 2008, 08:19 PM
UR is practicing in the Dome tomorrow, but I do not think they are today. UNI had practice today at 4. UR is in town though.

London said on the radio program this week that UR would be practicing in the Dome Thursday Night.

December 11th, 2008, 08:21 PM
VERY unlikely practice would be open to the public.

Anybody can go watch. They do not close the Dome.

December 11th, 2008, 08:30 PM
newswire cedar falls IA:

University of Richmond football coach Mike London was seen driving the team bus on No Victory Drive Thursday just as the New Hampshire team did a week prior. The Richmond Spiders were in a motor coach after flying into Waterloo. When asked about his chosen route planning, London replied, “I don’t know why we’re on this road. I was given directions to the UNI dome from Sean McDonnell” (fellow CAA member and New Hampshire football coach). “Mac said this is the road you take to the dome” continued London. “I just don’t see how we can turn the bus around on this street”.

Good luck coach. You might just ask Santa for a TomTom.
http://images2c.snapfish.com/232323232%7Ffp53654%3Enu%3D3349%3E%3B45%3E479%3EWS NRCG%3D3239%3A%3B3666%3A%3B%3Bnu0mrj

Chi Panther
December 11th, 2008, 09:42 PM
London said on the radio program this week that UR would be practicing in the Dome Thursday Night.

Very accomodating.

December 11th, 2008, 11:23 PM
from what i have seen UR will be in the NC game. They are a complete team. UNI will need a solid running attack and I dont know if UR allows that.

December 12th, 2008, 01:10 AM
from what i have seen UR will be in the NC game. They are a complete team. UNI will need a solid running attack and I dont know if UR allows that.

The exact same could be said about UNI. This game is going to be tight.

December 12th, 2008, 03:03 AM
While this is going to be completely off topic the question has been bugging me ever since I watched UNI play earlier this season on ESPNU...is the venue in which you are played pronounced U-N-I Dome (like, spelling out the acronym) or the "you-nih" Dome like the ESPNU announcers were calling it?

December 12th, 2008, 04:38 AM
Do we have to give them use of our facility today? I know we are required to allow them a pre-game walk through but two of them?

Why not unless UNI had a practice scheduled for that time. Usually a bad idea to deny a request like this - turns into bulletin-board material very quickly.

December 12th, 2008, 06:57 AM
While this is going to be completely off topic the question has been bugging me ever since I watched UNI play earlier this season on ESPNU...is the venue in which you are played pronounced U-N-I Dome (like, spelling out the acronym) or the "you-nih" Dome like the ESPNU announcers were calling it?

It is commonly referred to as both.

December 12th, 2008, 07:42 AM
Oz, you are so full of *****. I have lived in Iowa my whole life (as opposed to your drunken five years away from Misery) and I have not one time heard it called the U-N-I Dome.

December 12th, 2008, 07:50 AM
Here in Cedar Falls we call it Uni as in UNIversal. I think it was meant to be a play on words because it is a multi purpose facility. I just did my Army physical fitness test in there this morning. It sucks to run in there. My throat is still burning an hour after being done.

December 12th, 2008, 07:52 AM
Yeah, you get pretty strange looks if you call it the U-N-I dome...xeyebrowx

December 12th, 2008, 08:15 AM
I have always referred to it as the you-nee dome, and everyone else that I know who have been around here for a while say the same. The only time I hear it called the U-N-I Dome is when people are not familiar with our place.

As for Richmond practicing in the dome. That is not surprising at all as Delaware practiced in there last year. And so you know you could go to their practice if you wanted to, as I was at Delaware's last year. I was working for the UNI mail center at the time, but the dome I don't think is ever fully locked except maybe late overnight. You may get asked to leave if you were heckling them during practice though.

Mountain Panther
December 12th, 2008, 08:53 AM
I have always referred to it as the you-nee dome, and everyone else that I know who have been around here for a while say the same. The only time I hear it called the U-N-I Dome is when people are not familiar with our place.

As for Richmond practicing in the dome. That is not surprising at all as Delaware practiced in there last year. And so you know you could go to their practice if you wanted to, as I was at Delaware's last year. I was working for the UNI mail center at the time, but the dome I don't think is ever fully locked except maybe late overnight. You may get asked to leave if you were heckling them during practice though.

Safe to say you've hit rock bottom if you're heckling another team's practice.

December 12th, 2008, 09:28 AM
Safe to say you've hit rock bottom if you're heckling another team's practice.

110 or 220 whatever it takes. We are in this to win

December 12th, 2008, 10:05 AM
I just want to add that I'm thrilled the AGS poll came out this way. Carry on.

Mountain Panther
December 12th, 2008, 10:43 AM
110 or 220 whatever it takes.

xconfusedx xconfusedx xconfusedx xconfusedx xconfusedx xconfusedx

December 12th, 2008, 06:44 PM
The ESPN guys had to love the 7 degree morning today when they were running cables. The trucks were pulling in at 7:30 this morning.

Mountain Panther
December 12th, 2008, 06:59 PM
The ESPN guys had to love the 7 degree morning today when they were running cables. The trucks were pulling in at 7:30 this morning.

Speaking of ESPN and 7, they finally got it right!

They just said UNI is making its 7th trip to the Semis.

Purple For Life
December 12th, 2008, 07:16 PM
I have always referred to it as the you-nee dome, and everyone else that I know who have been around here for a while say the same. The only time I hear it called the U-N-I Dome is when people are not familiar with our place.

As for Richmond practicing in the dome. That is not surprising at all as Delaware practiced in there last year. And so you know you could go to their practice if you wanted to, as I was at Delaware's last year. I was working for the UNI mail center at the time, but the dome I don't think is ever fully locked except maybe late overnight. You may get asked to leave if you were heckling them during practice though.

I say you-nee or you-nah. Just depends on how fast I'm talking. :p

December 12th, 2008, 08:18 PM
Oz, you are so full of *****. I have lived in Iowa my whole life (as opposed to your drunken five years away from Misery) and I have not one time heard it called the U-N-I Dome.

Okay I'll stand corrected. However, during those five years when I wasn't drunk I was playing in that damn dome and I swear I heard it called U-N-I-Dome more then once...

December 12th, 2008, 09:01 PM
Okay I'll stand corrected. However, during those five years when I wasn't drunk I was playing in that damn dome and I swear I heard it called U-N-I-Dome more then once...I'm not saying yo are wrong, but I have yet, in my 20 years and 11 months of life, to hear Iowan call it that.

December 12th, 2008, 09:04 PM
Clenz, next month is the big day huh? Buy me a beer?

December 12th, 2008, 09:04 PM
The ESPN guys had to love the 7 degree morning today when they were running cables. The trucks were pulling in at 7:30 this morning.

I bet they're loving the foresight of Stan Sheriff...get that crap in the loading dock and take off your coat.

I know when the BracketBuster game was televised from the Dome, a number of UNI students made some nice money working for ESPN for a day or two. I wonder if they had the same opportunity today.

December 12th, 2008, 09:07 PM
Those are generally UNIDome security employees that get that opportunity. I remember when WWF came and I worked at the dome. We got paid to assemble the ring, we then got to spend about an hour in the ring with the event coordinator as he taught us wrestling moves. It was awesome!

December 12th, 2008, 10:12 PM
Clenz, next month is the big day huh? Buy me a beer?

Mountain Panther
December 12th, 2008, 10:15 PM





December 12th, 2008, 10:22 PM
All I want for Christmas is a national title....

and a new cell phone, but that's a whole different subject

December 13th, 2008, 12:31 AM
All I want for Christmas is a national title....

and a new cell phone, but that's a whole different subject

I hope that you get the phone, the rest is going to be dififcult.

December 13th, 2008, 02:41 AM
Is Grace OK to play? What is his status?

December 13th, 2008, 07:11 AM
So it's finally Saturday.

Good luck to UNI. I think that this game could be a classic as I know both teams are talented and will come ready to play. Wish I could be there, but will have to settle for watching my Spiders in HD.

December 13th, 2008, 07:13 AM





in bed.

You sicko! xlolx

Woody Hayes
December 13th, 2008, 07:48 AM
Speaking of ESPN and 7, they finally got it right!

They just said UNI is making its 7th trip to the Semis.

I heard the same thing, except they said "7th STRAIGHT" trip to the semi's!

December 13th, 2008, 08:05 AM
I heard the same thing, except they said "7th STRAIGHT" trip to the semi's!

Yes, that's what they said. The only team to make the semi's consecutive years is Richmond, and it's only "second straight."

December 13th, 2008, 08:39 AM
OK, it's gameday. Good luck and may the best team win!

December 13th, 2008, 09:25 AM
C'mon Panthers! Let's end the CAA!

December 13th, 2008, 09:33 AM
Didn't you hear they canceled the game, Sports Center said there were no big college football games today. Oh Wait, yeah thats right, we still don't get any respect.

Big Al
December 13th, 2008, 09:33 AM
Is Grace OK to play? What is his status?

Yes. Word is he popped his non-throwing shoulder out, they took him to the lockers, popped it back in and then he finished the game. Farley said on Monday that Grace will play today.

December 13th, 2008, 09:46 AM
Didn't you hear they canceled the game, Sports Center said there were no big college football games today. Oh Wait, yeah thats right, we still don't get any respect.

I heard this too. Apparently a National Semifinal in FCS is not a big game, and neither is a National Championship in DII.

But they present the Heisman tonight xcoffeex

BCS Sucks
December 13th, 2008, 11:15 AM
I heard this too. Apparently a National Semifinal in FCS is not a big game, and neither is a National Championship in DII.

But they present the Heisman tonight xcoffeex

Ya and last night right before the game they barely had any pregame stuff and they also talked about the Heisman xsmhx xsmhx

December 13th, 2008, 11:16 AM
You better hope the game doesn't last up to 2 hours before the Heisman presentation, it'll get pre-empted by that coverage.

December 13th, 2008, 11:23 AM
Enough talk, strap em up, good luck to both teams.

Purple For Life
December 13th, 2008, 12:24 PM


"Ho hum...you telling me I gotta play a bunch of BUGS? I'd rather take a nap!"

December 13th, 2008, 12:42 PM
I'm sure this has been asked before, but will there be a way to catch the game online (preferably for free)?