View Full Version : What if Bomar had stayed at Oklahoma?

December 6th, 2008, 07:12 PM
Wasn't sure where to post this. Someone can move if needed.


December 6th, 2008, 09:44 PM
I can't believe pundits are still declaring him as a first day pick. He is *very* much draft-able but heck, I don't agree with first day.

December 7th, 2008, 12:30 AM
If our coaches had let him play like he can he would be draft pretty high. But our coaches screw him over.

December 7th, 2008, 02:11 AM
If Bomar was at Oklahoma he would be battling Stafford for #1 overall.

December 7th, 2008, 07:21 AM
If Bomar was at Oklahoma he would be battling Stafford for #1 overall.

You mean Sam Bradford? I don't know. I think Bomar is probably viewed as an "up side" guy but when he started for OU he was 79th in I-A passing efficiency. I think it'd be pretty tough for him to beat Bradford, who's #1 in passing efficiency right now playing in an offense that is probably going to set a I-A/FBS record for scoring offense, and who also finished ranked #1 in passing efficiency last season.

The only way Bomar would be starting, I think, is if the coaches at OU didn't give Bradford a fair shot.

December 7th, 2008, 07:57 AM
SHSU has a new FBS transfer coming in...

Not as high profile, though the school itself is. ;)

We got no one behind Bomar -- had no other choice. There was no Brett Hicks or Wade Pate waiting in the wings.

Reign of Terrier
December 7th, 2008, 05:49 PM
You mean Sam Bradford? I don't know. I think Bomar is probably viewed as an "up side" guy but when he started for OU he was 79th in I-A passing efficiency. I think it'd be pretty tough for him to beat Bradford, who's #1 in passing efficiency right now playing in an offense that is probably going to set a I-A/FBS record for scoring offense, and who also finished ranked #1 in passing efficiency last season.

The only way Bomar would be starting, I think, is if the coaches at OU didn't give Bradford a fair shot.

Matthew Stafford is projected to be the #1 QB in the draft, he's got good size, a great arm, and can run when he needs to. As a UGA fan I doubt he's leaving after this year because UGA has a shot at being a great offensive team next year (they get healthy on OL, they would have Knowshon, A.J Green, and supposedly him)

Remember the draft is hardly about what your stats are or how good your team is it's about size, speed, strength, and what you can do with the football. (Which in my opinion really sucksxnonono2x )

December 7th, 2008, 09:22 PM
Matthew Stafford is projected to be the #1 QB in the draft, he's got good size, a great arm, and can run when he needs to. As a UGA fan I doubt he's leaving after this year because UGA has a shot at being a great offensive team next year (they get healthy on OL, they would have Knowshon, A.J Green, and supposedly him)

Remember the draft is hardly about what your stats are or how good your team is it's about size, speed, strength, and what you can do with the football. (Which in my opinion really sucksxnonono2x )

Rumors are floating around that Moreno is leaving early along with Stafford. Will be interesting to see preseason projections on Georgia if both do indeed leave early.

December 7th, 2008, 09:38 PM
Stafford and Moreno are both Gone. They would be fools not to. The rookie salary scale chance is just to big of a gamble to take. It would cost them both Millions.

December 7th, 2008, 11:25 PM
If Rhett Bomar was still at Oklahoma the Sooners would not have had a chance to play for the BCS version of the national championship this year.

December 8th, 2008, 11:29 AM
If Rhett Bomar was still at Oklahoma the Sooners would not have had a chance to play for the BCS version of the national championship this year.

how can you say that??

December 8th, 2008, 12:18 PM
I would be suprised if Bomar went before the 4th round

December 11th, 2008, 08:43 PM
He was 8th in the FCS in Passing and 34th in Passing Efficiency. Then you take into account the FBS guys (remember them?)........

It's easy to figure out he won't draft high.....if he is drafted.

Yeah, scouts were at games looking at him but they came away somewhat impressed with others too.

Scouts generally don't look at FCS players much, which is a shame, they miss alot of talent. I'm not saying there is no representation in the NFL, just not enough.

December 12th, 2008, 07:44 AM

Bomar is listed on just about every NFL scouting report as a draftee. He's been invited to not one, but two of the higher profile senior all-star games. I'd have to say that he's pretty certain to end up on an NFL roster in some form or another.

And yes, scouts will look at FCS players if they fit the bill. They do not get overlooked for simply being FCS.

December 14th, 2008, 10:03 AM
If Bomar would have stayed at Oklahoma.....he wouldn't have had a chance to idolize and worship a real QB like Brown...xwhistlex xwhistlex xwhistlex xwhistlex

December 14th, 2008, 01:19 PM
Here's a better question to ask than the one that started this thread:

"What of Bomar had never played at OU? What if he had been at SHSU the whole time? Would he be drawing any attention from por scouts then?"

My guess is that he would not even be on most of their radars.

December 14th, 2008, 01:20 PM
Here's a better question to ask than the one that started this thread:

"What if Bomar had never played at OU? What if he had been at SHSU the whole time? Would he be drawing any attention from NFL scouts then?"

My guess is that he would not even be on most of their radars.

December 14th, 2008, 01:42 PM
Here's a better question to ask than the one that started this thread:

"What if Bomar had never played at OU? What if he had been at SHSU the whole time? Would he be drawing any attention from NFL scouts then?"

My guess is that he would not even be on most of their radars.

You must not be too familiar with FCS football...there's been several QBs including Nathan Brown (top 5 NFL prospect at QB) who played Div II or FCS their entire collegiate career.

If you have pro talent, you will be found. No matter what the position, eh?

Texcap, are you a Longhorn or Aggie? Sure seems like it. xnonox

December 14th, 2008, 04:45 PM
how can you say that??

I do not deny Rhett Bomar's talent and potential, but talent is not the same as skill and maturity. Oklahoma climbed back to #1 in the BCS by the slimmest of margins. Sam Bradford's skill, maturity and consistency has been a huge reason for Oklahoma's success as a team. I am not convinced that Rhett would have been nearly as successful in Bob Stoops' system or in complementing the skills of the other OU players.

Just my two cents. No way to really know.

Syntax Error
December 14th, 2008, 05:16 PM
You must not be too familiar with FCS football...there's been several QBs including Nathan Brown (top 5 NFL prospect at QB) who played Div II or FCS their entire collegiate career.

If you have pro talent, you will be found. No matter what the position, eh?
Scouts do not "miss" players in FCS very often, teams just rather give draft slots to FBSers because they know they can sign the others cheaper as free agents. And FBSers can be blamed by the teams for failure more.

As for QBs from the FCS... just two drafts ago (2006) Tarvaris Jackson was taken in the second round after playing his entire collegiate career with ASU. There are many other examples.

December 14th, 2008, 05:38 PM
You must not be too familiar with FCS football...there's been several QBs including Nathan Brown (top 5 NFL prospect at QB) who played Div II or FCS their entire collegiate career.

If you have pro talent, you will be found. No matter what the position, eh?

Texcap, are you a Longhorn or Aggie? Sure seems like it. xnonox

I am very familiar with FCS football. I know that ther have been many many QB's and other players from FCS that go on to do well in the NFL.

However, what I am saying is that based on Bomar's performance at SHSU I doubt he would have got very many looks at the next level. NFL scouts are looking at him because of his heralded status when he went to OU and the fact that he was a scholarship player there. If they base their evaluation on what he did in Huntsville, there are many QB's in the FCS, along with a few in the Southland that have outperformed him.

Syntax Error
December 14th, 2008, 05:45 PM
... NFL scouts are looking at him because of his heralded status when he went to OU and the fact that he was a scholarship player there...IMO it is because of his physical attributes more than simply attending and getting ejected from Oklahoma. You can be the best FCS/FBS QB in the world but if you do not have the physicals then you don't make it 99% of the time. Look at Flacco, one good year at UD but he had the physicals so he is playing NFL... quick name the team Jayson Foster or Ricky Santos are quarterbacking.

December 14th, 2008, 06:40 PM
IMO it is because of his physical attributes more than simply attending and getting ejected from Oklahoma. You can be the best FCS/FBS QB in the world but if you do not have the physicals then you don't make it 99% of the time. Look at Flacco, one good year at UD but he had the physicals so he is playing NFL... quick name the team Jayson Foster or Ricky Santos are quarterbacking.

I think there's something to that but Flacco also performed. In 2007 he hit on 64% of his passes, had over 4,000 yards, and had 23 touchdowns with only 5 interceptions. Bomar's performance has been a distinct notch below that. But I do agree that they can see his "physicals" and that's a factor.

December 14th, 2008, 06:59 PM
Bomar has one of the strongest arms in America.. at any level. So that will get him miles.

December 14th, 2008, 10:45 PM
IMO it is because of his physical attributes more than simply attending and getting ejected from Oklahoma. You can be the best FCS/FBS QB in the world but if you do not have the physicals then you don't make it 99% of the time. Look at Flacco, one good year at UD but he had the physicals so he is playing NFL... quick name the team Jayson Foster or Ricky Santos are quarterbacking.

You must have the physical attributes to attract their attention, but as JSO said, you have to perform. Look at Bradley George at Texas State. The guy is 6-6, 225, and has a much higher QB rating than Bomar, and led his team to the playoffs this year (albeit through the backdoor, but to the playoffs none the less) but nobody is talking about him.

Nathan Brown at UCA is about Bomar's size and has much better numbers, and while he didn't lead his team to the playoffs due to the NCAA transition rules, he won the most games in the Southland this year. There is some talk about Brown bt nothing like the talk surrounding Bomar. Even Fourroux at McNeese who is also Bomar's size put up better numbers than Bomar.

The point I was trying to make is that Bomar came up on NFL radar's when he was recruited and signed at OU. He stayed on those radar's when he transferred to SHSU. Had he gone straight to SHSU there would probably be a lot less talk about him and he would have a much tougher road to draft day.

December 17th, 2008, 09:00 AM
You must not be too familiar with FCS football...there's been several QBs including Nathan Brown (top 5 NFL prospect at QB) who played Div II or FCS their entire collegiate career.

If you have pro talent, you will be found. No matter what the position, eh?

Texcap, are you a Longhorn or Aggie? Sure seems like it. xnonox

I would think that someone who doesn't recognize Armanti Edwards in the top 5 FCS players must not be familiar with FCS football.