View Full Version : What was SCSU's coach thinking?
November 29th, 2008, 03:55 PM
SCSU looked very good until their coach started calling TOs when the game was nearly over and ended up embarrasing his players. What was that all about?
November 29th, 2008, 04:18 PM
Yeah, that was dumb. Coach Moore was halfway across the field to shake his hand when he called timeout. Like I said in the other thread, I'm glad App hung another TD on them after that.
November 29th, 2008, 04:23 PM
that frustrated me as well. We were going to be classy and just end the game.......but then i think they ticked Armanti off. Result - Brian Quick's TD!!
November 29th, 2008, 04:24 PM
Cue Syntax Error calling App "classless"....
SideLine Shooter
November 29th, 2008, 04:34 PM
I think the SCSU coach thought that Line Judge would give him enough time to score a couple more TDs. That Line Judge was TERRIBLE. He threw a flag every time a SCSU coach told him to.xrotatehx
November 29th, 2008, 04:35 PM
I was even calling for App to toss one up and see if they could score in the last 18 seconds. I was glad they did.
November 29th, 2008, 04:35 PM
was SCSU subbing and putting different people in the game?
that's the only thing I could think of... he was trying to let some other players be able to say they played in the game in the playoffs?
otherwise there is no reason to be calling timeouts like that.
DX Man
November 29th, 2008, 04:35 PM
I don't think Coach Pough made any friends at ESPN either. They were ready to wrap that game and move to the next one.
DX Man
November 29th, 2008, 04:36 PM
was SCSU subbing and putting different people in the game?
that's the only thing I could think of... he was trying to let some other players be able to say they played in the game in the playoffs?
otherwise there is no reason to be calling timeouts like that.
SideLine Shooter
November 29th, 2008, 04:36 PM
was SCSU subbing and putting different people in the game?
that's the only thing I could think of... he was trying to let some other players be able to say they played in the game in the playoffs?
otherwise there is no reason to be calling timeouts like that.
November 29th, 2008, 04:42 PM
that's messed up then... I hope he explains himself in a press conference sometime soon.
November 29th, 2008, 04:47 PM
OK... I was wondering if I was missing something. Everybody was calling for a long pass and they got it!
November 29th, 2008, 04:58 PM
like i said in another thread, everybody in the stands knew what was coming when they sent Quick back in the of the biggest "F" you moments ive ever witnessed
November 29th, 2008, 05:01 PM
More plays = more opportunity for injury... plain and simple. After that second timeout, everyone in the crowd said "throw it!"
November 29th, 2008, 05:04 PM
There is no logical reason for the TO's called by the SC State coach. I am a diehard dog fan but Moore did and should have punished him for his behavior. I just feel bad for the defensive players who played their hearts out against a very good team to give up a meaningless TD which only affected the games stats.
November 29th, 2008, 05:21 PM
There is no logical reason for the TO's called by the SC State coach. I am a diehard dog fan but Moore did and should have punished him for his behavior. I just feel bad for the defensive players who played their hearts out against a very good team to give up a meaningless TD which only affected the games stats.
I agree. Anyway, thanks for a great game and congrats on a great season.
November 29th, 2008, 05:28 PM
I kept telling my friends we can't overlook SCSU and it could be a close game but they kept saying who is SCSU.
I was disappointed with the referees having such a factor in this game. Although it went both ways so I'm not saying ASU or SCSU was more screwed, but it was some of the worst officiating I've seen in a while. Especially throwing flags 3-4 seconds after the play was dead.
Hats off to all SCSU players, fans and coaches that weren't involved in the last minute. You guys proved you deserved to be here even though everyone was calling for a blowout. You guys fought hard, but I'm glad we pulled it off. I know we were going for the knockout late in the third when we stopped you on 4th down but I was like WHY are we not running the ball. You guys had me scared for the whole game.
Congrats again on a great season xthumbsupx
November 29th, 2008, 05:33 PM
Congrats to App State on your win and good luck for the rest of the playoffs. I was going to start a similar thread but since you beat me to it let me say that what our coach did was senseless unless he comes up with an explanation that for now no one could fathom. Players from both squads were congratulating one another on a hard played game and App's coach was walking across the field to shake hands with Pough. What happened in the last 15 seconds of the game isn't at all repersentative of SCSU. I told the folks around me that App was going to go deep for a TD and likely get it after the 2nd timout call and we had no reason to complain if App scored. Coach should be as embaressed as hell for doing this. If the point was to get other players in just to say that they played in a playoff game you take the 1st defense out and put the replacements in once App got the 1st down with 50 or so seconds left or after we called the 1st timeout. Anyway congrats on the win and good luck the rest of the way.
November 29th, 2008, 05:51 PM
Congrats to App State on your win and good luck for the rest of the playoffs. I was going to start a similar thread but since you beat me to it let me say that what our coach did was senseless unless he comes up with an explanation that for now no one could fathom. Players from both squads were congratulating one another on a hard played game and App's coach was walking across the field to shake hands with Pough. What happened in the last 15 seconds of the game isn't at all repersentative of SCSU. I told the folks around me that App was going to go deep for a TD and likely get it after the 2nd timout call and we had no reason to complain if App scored. Coach should be as embaressed as hell for doing this. If the point was to get other players in just to say that they played in a playoff game you take the 1st defense out and put the replacements in once App got the 1st down with 50 or so seconds left or after we called the 1st timeout. Anyway congrats on the win and good luck the rest of the way.
i really didn't know how the SCSU fans would respond to it on here; whether they understood why we threw it deep or not. I appreciated everything your school threw at us today. Yall are a darn good football team! and classy at that! Throw out the last 15 seconds and it was overall a great day of football! Congrats on a good, no, great season, and best of luck in the future.....looks like yall have a pretty bright one. xthumbsupx
November 29th, 2008, 06:35 PM
Great game. SCState players and fans represented well. Too bad the CAA refs where the worst I have seen since last year's National Championship game. Embarassing. No more complaints about the SoCon refs from me.
November 29th, 2008, 06:47 PM
All I know is that I was calling TOUCHDOWN as soon as Quick ran onto the field and boy am I glad we did that. However, I was waiting for the pass interference call just before the PAT was attempted. (If you watched the game then you know what I am talking about)
SideLine Shooter
November 29th, 2008, 10:01 PM
Great game. SCState players and fans represented well. Too bad the CAA refs where the worst I have seen since last year's National Championship game. Embarassing. No more complaints about the SoCon refs from me.
Amen to that!xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 08:16 AM
From the Winston Salem Journal:
Pough took the blame for the late score.
"It was kind of a bonehead thing on my part," he said, referring to the timeouts. "He taught me a lesson in the end. If a guy is giving you an out, go ahead and take an out. I knew a pass was coming, and it probably made the game a little bit bigger margin than it probably should have been. It serves me right, and I just hate it for my kids."
Moore said he didn't decide to throw for the end zone, affirming that the players did.
"We wanted the game to be over," he said. "There were just a few seconds, and they kept calling timeouts. Our players just took it on themselves…."
Edwards was asked if he wanted to tack on a final touchdown.
"Not really," he said. "They kept calling timeouts."
November 30th, 2008, 08:22 AM
While I agree that the TOs were pointless, I was so happy with the win that it made no difference to me.
Lots of panties wadded up needlessly over what amounts to nothing more than a slight extension of a playoff victory.
November 30th, 2008, 08:36 AM
Two wrongs don't make a right. Still should not have done it regardlessof the TO's.
November 30th, 2008, 09:12 AM
Two wrongs don't make a right. Still should not have done it regardlessof the TO's.
Well obviously SCSU coach didnt think the game was out of hand, so we have to get it there xsmiley_wix
November 30th, 2008, 09:58 AM
I say run up the score if scsu keeps calling timeouts. good job app state!!!
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 10:01 AM
Two wrongs don't make a right. Still should not have done it regardlessof the TO's.
Exactly. Where is it written in the football rule book that a coach has to feel slighted if the team he has beaten calls timeouts? Jerry Moore puts on good show for everybody..............xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 10:06 AM
Jerry didn't make the call, he left it up to the players. One thing Jerry always talks about is letting the kids play a game (which is what football is) and having fun. AE's quote in the Winston Salem Journal was great:
Question: Did you want to score that last TD?
AE: Not really, but they kept calling timeouts.
November 30th, 2008, 10:14 AM
Exactly. Where is it written in the football rule book that a coach has to feel slighted if the team he has beaten calls timeouts? Jerry Moore puts on good show for everybody..............xthumbsupx
Calling the TOs was poor form period. Did you watch the game? We were playing very conservative, ball control offense; SCSU had almost 2 minutes to call TOs. I'd have no problem with it if they were simply swinging until the final bell rang, but to start calling them at 13s?? Gimme a break. They deserved what they got.
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 10:15 AM
8 secs left, you're up by 10, you take a knee. Jerry talks to Jesus. What would he have done in that same situation? xlolx xlolx xlolx xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Did anyone think that the conversations and over abbundance of handshakes between Moore, the ASU staff, and the officials was a little over the top after the game yesterday. Especially after game changing call after game changing call against SCSU? Anyone else notice that after the game?
November 30th, 2008, 10:18 AM
So , what you are saying is that jerry moore has no control over his players.. I guess I am just too old to accept trying to embarrass a team that is beaten. Feel good about this if you must...But I could imagine the screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth if the shoe were on the other foot.
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 10:19 AM
So , what you are saying is that jerry moore has no control over his players.. I guess I am just too old to accept trying to embarrass a team that is beaten. Feel good about this if you must...But I could imagine the screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth if the shoe were on the other foot.
Jesus told Jerry it was okay to do that though so all is forgiven in Heaven, I mean Boone. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 10:22 AM
Did anyone think that the conversations and over abbundance of handshakes between Moore, the ASU staff, and the officials was a little over the top after the game yesterday. Especially after game changing call after game changing call against SCSU? Anyone else notice that after the game?
Against SCSU? Officiating was bad all around, ASU was due a big pass interference call that didn't come, and got one called against them that was BS. You're wearing blinders if you think the officiating was one sided.
November 30th, 2008, 10:24 AM
So , what you are saying is that jerry moore has no control over his players.. I guess I am just too old to accept trying to embarrass a team that is beaten. Feel good about this if you must...But I could imagine the screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth if the shoe were on the other foot.
It wouldn't be, because App wouldn't pull that BS. Moore was 1/2 way across the field to shake hands and all of a sudden TO. Uh ok, maybe that was a fluke. Run another yawn play....TO. Ok now it's obvious their coach has some sour grapes happening. I say again, he had it coming by then. That play (nor the one prior) should have never even happened.
November 30th, 2008, 10:32 AM
UNC did that to MSU this year, 1st down with under 40 seconds left, knee, TO, knee, TO, knee, game over. I thought it was classless on their part but it would be just as classless to throw long in that situation.
November 30th, 2008, 10:52 AM
Sometimes you just have to teach another coach a lesson. The subject was Don't Eff With Us 101 and Coach Pough just graduated. Maybe he will remember that down the road.
True that two wrongs don't make a right. There's also such a thing as paying consequences. And I bet Coach Pough doesn't make his mistake again.
November 30th, 2008, 11:08 AM
Two wrongs don't make a right. Still should not have done it regardlessof the TO's.
xbawlingx Play defense, SCSU was the fourth rated D.
Why do all teams that get blown out at some point whine about not being able to play defense? I actually have yet to see a Bulldog complaining about it--only WoCo and West Carolina fans. Get over yourselves, grow up, and play D. Can't do it, go back to Division II.
November 30th, 2008, 11:12 AM
Two wrongs don't make a right. Still should not have done it regardlessof the TO's.
Exactly. Where is it written in the football rule book that a coach has to feel slighted if the team he has beaten calls timeouts? Jerry Moore puts on good show for everybody..............xthumbsupx
8 secs left, you're up by 10, you take a knee. Jerry talks to Jesus. What would he have done in that same situation? xlolx xlolx xlolx xthumbsupx
So , what you are saying is that jerry moore has no control over his players.. I guess I am just too old to accept trying to embarrass a team that is beaten. Feel good about this if you must...But I could imagine the screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth if the shoe were on the other foot.
Jesus told Jerry it was okay to do that though so all is forgiven in Heaven, I mean Boone. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
Play defense, SCSU was the fourth rated D.
Why do all teams that get blown out at some point whine about not being able to play defense? I actually have yet to see a Bulldog complaining about it--only WoCo and West Carolina fans. Get over yourselves, grow up, and play D. Can't do it, go back to Division II.
Honestly, CM, you know you're my boy, but come on. You're a fan of Jesus, why did West Carolina run up the score on Shorter College? xlolx That's a joke, and so is whining about this. Why aren't you guys taking SCSU's coach to task for being a DB and only calling timeouts with less than 20 seconds left?
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 11:19 AM
Play defense, SCSU was the fourth rated D.
Why do all teams that get blown out at some point whine about not being able to play defense? I actually have yet to see a Bulldog complaining about it--only WoCo and West Carolina fans. Get over yourselves, grow up, and play D. Can't do it, go back to Division II.
Honestly, CM, you know you're my boy, but come on. You're a fan of Jesus, why did West Carolina run up the score on Shorter College? xlolx That's a joke, and so is whining about this. Why aren't you guys taking SCSU's coach to task for being a DB and only calling timeouts with less than 20 seconds left?
I gotta be part of the conversation somehow. HA!!! Hope all is well with you after your surgery.
DX Man
November 30th, 2008, 11:21 AM
8 secs left, you're up by 10, you take a knee. Jerry talks to Jesus. What would he have done in that same situation? xlolx xlolx xlolx xthumbsupx
It doesn't surprise me that a fan of WCU just doesn't get it.xsmhx When a team like Appalachian State gives you a chance to end the game with dignity, you take it. ASU gave SCSU that chance....twice. The ASU players decided enough was enough and ended the game on their own.xpeacex
November 30th, 2008, 11:22 AM
I gotta be part of the conversation somehow. HA!!! Hope all is well with you after your surgery.
I hear ya. Everything is well, thanks for the well wishes before and after. I can tell you, I feel a lot better since having it done. xthumbsupx
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 11:30 AM
It doesn't surprise me that a fan of WCU just doesn't get it.xsmhx When a team like Appalachian State gives you a chance to end the game with dignity, you take it. ASU gave SCSU that chance....twice. The ASU players decided enough was enough and ended the game on their own.xpeacex
Oh, I get it alright. I assure you if it's ever us up by 10 on you guys and you start calling timeouts, Wagner will simply take a knee. He knows that'll crawl you worse than anything. Again, no dog in this fight, just simply voicing MY opinion. xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 11:35 AM
Oh, I get it alright. I assure you if it's ever us up by 10 on you guys and you start calling timeouts, Wagner will simply take a knee. He knows that'll crawl you worse than anything. Again, no dog in this fight, just simply voicing MY opinion. xthumbsupx
What is the point of taking a knee if the other team is calling timeouts after you do it?
November 30th, 2008, 11:36 AM
[QUOTE=catamount man;1236455]Oh, I get it alright. I assure you if it's ever us up by 10 on you guys and you start calling timeouts, Wagner will simply take a knee. He knows that'll crawl you worse than anything. Again, no dog in this fight, just simply voicing MY opinion. xthumbsupx
1. It's not the timeouts that are the issue, it is the amount of time on the clock when the timeouts were taken.
2. Appalachian is not going to start calling timeouts with 18seconds left, down by 10.
3. Western has a very small chance of being in that situation. xthumbsupx (sorry had to throw that one in there, all in good fun)
November 30th, 2008, 11:38 AM
So the App players are allowed to do their own playcalling?
November 30th, 2008, 11:41 AM
So the App players are allowed to do their own playcalling?
They made one call and got a TD on it. Why not? Better than letting fans at Wal-Mart make a play call (like one team I will not name), amirite?
November 30th, 2008, 11:44 AM
Did anyone think that the conversations and over abbundance of handshakes between Moore, the ASU staff, and the officials was a little over the top after the game yesterday. Especially after game changing call after game changing call against SCSU? Anyone else notice that after the game?
Heck yeah.
November 30th, 2008, 11:46 AM
So the App players are allowed to do their own playcalling?
November 30th, 2008, 11:48 AM
Did anyone think that the conversations and over abbundance of handshakes between Moore, the ASU staff, and the officials was a little over the top after the game yesterday. Especially after game changing call after game changing call against SCSU? Anyone else notice that after the game?
I thought that was rather unusual and abnormal...the head coach of a team to immediately grind and grip with the officials after such a badly called game. Most officials run for the locker room, these ran for the head coach.xnonox
Also, did anyone notice the bias commentation from the announcer, not Coker, but the other guy......he got sooo excited everytime ASU made a play & downplayed all ASU bad plays..........didn't quite understand. If you're an ASU fan, you wouldn't have caught it, but if you were a nonbias listner you could have easily seen/heard the difference.
November 30th, 2008, 11:52 AM
It doesn't surprise me that a fan of WCU just doesn't get it.xsmhx When a team like Appalachian State gives you a chance to end the game with dignity, you take it. ASU gave SCSU that chance....twice. The ASU players decided enough was enough and ended the game on their own.xpeacex
I thought it was classless for a 3 time defending champion to run on the field after a late TD with assist. coaches, ect and celebrate............very odd for a a game which was suppose to be a blowout. And for the announcer to condone, was even worst......if this was vice a versa they would still be talking about it.
November 30th, 2008, 11:53 AM
Also, did anyone notice the bias commentation from the announcer, not Coker, but the other guy......he got sooo excited everytime ASU made a play & downplayed all ASU bad plays..........didn't quite understand. If you're an ASU fan, you wouldn't have caught it, but if you were a nonbias listner you could have easily seen/heard the difference.
A TXST fan complained about Montana's crew...but reality is, these crews ARE for the home team, they broadcast to that area. Why should they be unbiased, you as the away vistor are not their target audience.
November 30th, 2008, 11:55 AM
A TXST fan complained about Montana's crew...but reality is, these crews ARE for the home team, they broadcast to that area. Why should they be unbiased, you as the away vistor are not their target audience.
Well, at Appalachian this year we have temporary press boxes on the VISITOR side. So, when the official makes a call... he faces the VISITOR side of the field.
It's not that the home side is usually the referee's "target audience"... it's just whichever side the press box is on.
November 30th, 2008, 11:57 AM
Well, at Appalachian this year we have temporary press boxes on the VISITOR side. So, when the official makes a call... he faces the VISITOR side of the field.
It's not that the home side is usually the referee's "target audience"... it's just whichever side the press box is on.
xconfusedx I'm talking about radio announcers.
November 30th, 2008, 11:58 AM
xconfusedx I'm talking about radio announcers.
Oh, wow. Totally misread that. :o :o
November 30th, 2008, 12:00 PM
I thought it was classless for a 3 time defending champion to run on the field after a late TD with assist. coaches, ect and celebrate............very odd for a a game which was suppose to be a blowout. And for the announcer to condone, was even worst......if this was vice a versa they would still be talking about it.
Of course you do. I guess it was about as classy as SCSU's coach not letting the game end for a reason he couldn't/ didn't give when asked in the press conference. My guess is they were excited that a freshman made a tough catch at the end of the game when the game should have been over (and on 4th down). But, out of ASU's coaches control, it wasn't. Jerry tried to walk across the field and shake hands, SCSU's coach didn't want that, he decided to keep the game going.
BTW, I was at the game, I didn't see those 6,000 fans you were talking about.
November 30th, 2008, 12:03 PM
Calling the TOs was poor form period. Did you watch the game? We were playing very conservative, ball control offense; SCSU had almost 2 minutes to call TOs. I'd have no problem with it if they were simply swinging until the final bell rang, but to start calling them at 13s?? Gimme a break. They deserved what they got.
I didn't see it but after reading the posts I come down on the side of saying that App State should not have done that. If you're saying the game is over and there's no way SCSU could win, there's absolutely no reason to tack on another score. Doesn't matter what the SCSU coach does.
So he calls timeouts when it looks like there's no hope. The game was something like three hours. So if he has three timeouts and calls them all you might have to wait another five minutes tops.
If there were really only 13 seconds left the classy thing to do would've been to do what they could to run out the clock regardless. I don't know what down it was when they threw the TD pass but even if it was fourth down they could've run something like five seconds off the clock just by doing that thing where the quarterback takes the ball and kind of moves around a little until somebody gets close then takes a dive. If it wasn't fourth down they could've done that twice. So they would've had to wait a minute or two between plays. Whoopdie doo.
If Moore let his players decide, he shouldn't have. He should've told them that regardless of how irritating it was for the SCSU coach to call time out the sporting thing to do would be to show respect for the way the SCSU players played and basically take a knee.
November 30th, 2008, 12:07 PM
I didn't see it but after reading the posts I come down on the side of saying that App State should not have done that. If you're saying the game is over and there's no way SCSU could win, there's absolutely no reason to tack on another score. Doesn't matter what the SCSU coach does.
So he calls timeouts when it looks like there's no hope. The game was something like three hours. So if he has three timeouts and calls them all you might have to wait another five minutes tops.
If there were really only 13 seconds left the classy thing to do would've been to do what they could to run out the clock regardless. I don't know what down it was when they threw the TD pass but even if it was fourth down they could've run something like five seconds off the clock just by doing that thing where the quarterback takes the ball and kind of moves around a little until somebody gets close then takes a dive. If it wasn't fourth down they could've done that twice. So they would've had to wait a minute or two between plays. Whoopdie doo.
If Moore let his players decide, he shouldn't have. He should've told them that regardless of how irritating it was for the SCSU coach to call time out the sporting thing to do would be to show respect for the way the SCSU players played and basically take a knee.
How about playing defense JSO? Obviously, SCSU's coach didn't want the game to end and wanted ASU to run it's offense. It was fourth down so we had to go for it, otherwise they get the ball back, why do that? I think you're wrong. Why should we stop playing and hand them the ball if they're not willing to admit the same? We had the ball for at least 2 minutes before he decided to call timeouts. Our coach was halfway across the field to shake hands when he called timeout. So, I say, if he wants to play, let's play. Play defense or don't call timeout.
And they called their first timeout with 18 seconds left and the second with 13, there is no "if" about that.
November 30th, 2008, 12:10 PM
What down/yards to go was it when App scored that final TD and how many TO did SCSU have left?
November 30th, 2008, 12:10 PM
What down/yards to go was it when App scored that final TD and how many TO did SCSU have left?
4th and 4
November 30th, 2008, 12:11 PM
Oh, I get it alright. I assure you if it's ever us up by 10 on you guys and you start calling timeouts, Wagner will simply take a knee. He knows that'll crawl you worse than anything. Again, no dog in this fight, just simply voicing MY opinion. xthumbsupx
Take a knee? I'm not sure about that. Based on what I've seen, WCU doesn't have any reason to have anything in their playbook called "victory formation". :D
Seriously, the team with the fewest points usually decides how the game will end. Some play until the game is unwinnable (WCU), some play until the clock runs out (SCSU). ASU extended both teams the courtesy of allowing them to finish the game on their own terms. xwhistlex
I love it when both teams play as hard as if they don't know the score or how much time is left. No one likes a quitter. xnonox
By the way, your hatred of all things ASU is showing. Maybe one day WCU will become significant enough for us to "hate you back". xlolx
Until then, we still love you, little brother.
November 30th, 2008, 12:11 PM
I didn't see it but after reading the posts I come down on the side of saying that App State should not have done that. If you're saying the game is over and there's no way SCSU could win, there's absolutely no reason to tack on another score. Doesn't matter what the SCSU coach does.
So he calls timeouts when it looks like there's no hope. The game was something like three hours. So if he has three timeouts and calls them all you might have to wait another five minutes tops.
If there were really only 13 seconds left the classy thing to do would've been to do what they could to run out the clock regardless. I don't know what down it was when they threw the TD pass but even if it was fourth down they could've run something like five seconds off the clock just by doing that thing where the quarterback takes the ball and kind of moves around a little until somebody gets close then takes a dive. If it wasn't fourth down they could've done that twice. So they would've had to wait a minute or two between plays. Whoopdie doo.
If Moore let his players decide, he shouldn't have. He should've told them that regardless of how irritating it was for the SCSU coach to call time out the sporting thing to do would be to show respect for the way the SCSU players played and basically take a knee.
It was 4th down.
And, if the SC State coach wanted the game over so badly he could have let us run out the clock.
November 30th, 2008, 12:13 PM
This has probably been said in one form or another... If the SCSU coaches are calling TOs, they obviously still think the game is in reach. If they believed that then ASU needed to play like it was still in reach. Adding a TD at the end of the game was only part of cementing the win.. amirite
November 30th, 2008, 12:19 PM
It was 4th down when they threw it. 12 seconds left on the clock.
ASU was only up by 10 points. I personally don't see anything wrong with them passing it. And I pretty much hate ASU in general, so it's not like I'm bias toward them. haha.
Here is their final drive leading up to it:
APPALACHIAN STATE drive start at 02:20.
down - yardline - play
1-10 ASU 41 Armanti Edwards rush for 3 yards to the ASU44
2-7 ASU 44 Josh Jackson rush for 16 yards to the SCSU40, 1ST DOWN
1-10 SCSU 40 Josh Jackson rush for 2 yards to the SCSU38
2-8 SCSU 38 Josh Jackson rush for 4 yards to the SCSU34
3-4 SCSU 34 Timeout South Carolina State, clock 00:18.
3-4 SCSU 34 Josh Jackson rush for 1 yard to the SCSU33.
4-3 SCSU 33 Timeout South Carolina State, clock 00:12.
4-3 SCSU 33 Armanti Edwards pass complete to Brian Quick for 33 yards to the SCSU0, 1ST DOWN ASU, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:05.
November 30th, 2008, 01:16 PM
It was 4th down.
And, if the SC State coach wanted the game over so badly he could have let us run out the clock.
I didn't say he wanted the game over. Now that I see what the situation was was (4th and 3 for App with 12 seconds left) I think it's pretty clear that for whatever reason he wanted to take one more shot on offense even though there's no way they could win.
But that's the key: There's no way they could win if App just takes a knee. They burn five seconds and there's 7 seconds left. From the 33 it would take that about that long for a 100 meter sprinter to just run to the other end zone. There was absolutely no need for Appalachian State to throw the football. The game was won and to me the thing to do in that situation is show respect for how hard and well the young men on the South Carolina State football team played and do that thing where the quarterback waits until somebody's getting close to him and take a dive.
So what if South Carolina State wants to take one shot to try to make the score look a little better. The objective is to move to the second round. In FCS there are no style points; nothing extra for making the margin 7 points bigger. Appalachian State was moving to the second round. There was no reason to do it other than possibly to say, "we'll show THEM!"
I mean, good grief. One or two more plays. Maybe five minutes tops. I'm just not getting why that would make people think it's necessary to take one more stomp on somebody who's already down and done.
November 30th, 2008, 01:23 PM
I didn't say he wanted the game over. Now that I see what the situation was was (4th and 3 for App with 12 seconds left) I think it's pretty clear that for whatever reason he wanted to take one more shot on offense even though there's no way they could win.
But that's the key: There's no way they could win if App just takes a knee. They burn five seconds and there's 7 seconds left. From the 33 it would take that about that long for a 100 meter sprinter to just run to the other end zone. There was absolutely no need for Appalachian State to throw the football. The game was won and to me the thing to do in that situation is show respect for how hard and well the young men on the South Carolina State football team played and do that thing where the quarterback waits until somebody's getting close to him and take a dive.
So what if South Carolina State wants to take one shot to try to make the score look a little better. The objective is to move to the second round. In FCS there are no style points; nothing extra for making the margin 7 points bigger. Appalachian State was moving to the second round. There was no reason to do it other than possibly to say, "we'll show THEM!"
I mean, good grief. One or two more plays. Maybe five minutes tops. I'm just not getting why that would make people think it's necessary to take one more stomp on somebody who's already down and done.
Please, JSO, answer me this question. If one team isn't going to stop playing why should the other? They weren't going for style points. You try to make ASU out to be classless, but that is exactly what calling the timeouts was. SCSU's coach wanted the game to continue, so that's what ASU did. You sound like ASU should redistribute the wealth. I bet you support giving trophies to everybody because they played too huh?
If they needed mercy to make the score look better, they should have let the game end. I'll never understand the mentality of "the other team should quit playing because we can't win." If the loser team can't win, walk off the field, don't wait for time to expire. What kind of message does that send? It's ok to fail and if you are failing, just quit and someone will have mercy? Give me a break, if your argument is to help the game come to an end to have mercy on the losing team, then the losing team should cooperate. You're wrong on this and you know it.
November 30th, 2008, 01:28 PM
I didn't say he wanted the game over. Now that I see what the situation was was (4th and 3 for App with 12 seconds left) I think it's pretty clear that for whatever reason he wanted to take one more shot on offense even though there's no way they could win.
But that's the key: There's no way they could win if App just takes a knee. They burn five seconds and there's 7 seconds left. From the 33 it would take that about that long for a 100 meter sprinter to just run to the other end zone. There was absolutely no need for Appalachian State to throw the football. The game was won and to me the thing to do in that situation is show respect for how hard and well the young men on the South Carolina State football team played and do that thing where the quarterback waits until somebody's getting close to him and take a dive.
So what if South Carolina State wants to take one shot to try to make the score look a little better. The objective is to move to the second round. In FCS there are no style points; nothing extra for making the margin 7 points bigger. Appalachian State was moving to the second round. There was no reason to do it other than possibly to say, "we'll show THEM!"
I mean, good grief. One or two more plays. Maybe five minutes tops. I'm just not getting why that would make people think it's necessary to take one more stomp on somebody who's already down and done.
If you did not watch the game then you have absolutely NO REASON to comment on this. SCSU wanted App to run a play so we ran a play.
If you don't want the stomp, don't make us put on the boot.
SCSU should have shown some respect for Appalachian and let the time run off the clock. One more defensive play for App could mean a season ending injury, as well as continuing to make us run our offense with 18 seconds left in the game. The TO's were totally as disrespectful towards Appalachian as the one shot the enzone was. SCSU played a great game and was well coached up until the last 20 seconds of the game.
November 30th, 2008, 01:33 PM
You try to make ASU out to be classless, but that is exactly what calling the timeouts was.
This is spot on. This thread proves nothing if not that people will hate ASU no matter what. The SCSU coach was out of line period. Regardless of whether you agree with what App did or not, the classless-ness started on that side of the field. No one seems to care what SCSU did.
November 30th, 2008, 01:44 PM
I thought that was rather unusual and abnormal...the head coach of a team to immediately grind and grip with the officials after such a badly called game. Most officials run for the locker room, these ran for the head coach.xnonox
Also, did anyone notice the bias commentation from the announcer, not Coker, but the other guy......he got sooo excited everytime ASU made a play & downplayed all ASU bad plays..........didn't quite understand. If you're an ASU fan, you wouldn't have caught it, but if you were a nonbias listner you could have easily seen/heard the difference.
Actually I went to the game and recorded the ESPNU broadcast to watch. I absolutely noticed the play by play guy seemed biased. After our scores he always yelled "WOW!"
November 30th, 2008, 02:39 PM
It wouldn't be, because App wouldn't pull that BS. Moore was 1/2 way across the field to shake hands and all of a sudden TO. Uh ok, maybe that was a fluke. Run another yawn play....TO. Ok now it's obvious their coach has some sour grapes happening. I say again, he had it coming by then. That play (nor the one prior) should have never even happened.
My point of debate isn't whether or not the TO's should have been called. No they shouldn't have. The SCST coach is obviously not a veteran of playoff football and probably a few bricks short of a load. The guys was probably just trying to soak up the last few seconds of the playoffs . Who knows if they will ever get back.
The players must have very little respect or fear of J. Moore if they would take it upon themselves to score another meaningless TD. Somebody had to send Quick back into the game so I'm sure the Coach knew what was going on. He's just pulling his usual playing dumb routine.
This kind of stuff is why a lot of people want to see App fail.
November 30th, 2008, 02:48 PM
My point of debate isn't whether or not the TO's should have been called. No they shouldn't have. The SCST coach is obviously not a veteran of playoff football and probably a few bricks short of a load. The guys was probably just trying to soak up the last few seconds of the playoffs . Who knows if they will ever get back.
The players must have very little respect or fear of J. Moore if they would take it upon themselves to score another meaningless TD. Somebody had to send Quick back into the game so I'm sure the Coach knew what was going on. He's just pulling his usual playing dumb routine.
This kind of stuff is why a lot of people want to see App fail.
How can you have a debate without debating the cause of your point. Your point is we shouldn't have gone for it all on 4th down. We did so because they were calling timeouts. How is that cause and effect situation irrelevant? Also, what would you have ASU do on 4th down in that situation? Punt from the 33 yard line? Kick a field goal (sure that's not running up the score...I could hear you crying now)? Take a knee and give the ball back (which is what they wanted)? We did what any self-respecting team should do. xlolx
Right, I'm sure the 3 NCs and the possibility of a 4th has nothing to do with it. You think Ayers wants to see ASU fail? Perhaps everyone should pull for WoCo to fail, seeing as how Ayers is good friends with Moore and you are the company you keep. xsmhx
What a joke. They got what they deserved...I'm not sure what your deal is. Read above, JSO has yet to answer maybe you will. Why should one team quit if the other obviously isn't? Also, what is with the mentality that if the losing team can't win they should expect the other team to just stop? That is a sad mentality to have and not one someone in a competitive sport should have. Your sour grapes are really showing.
Big Dawg
November 30th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Dangit Coach Pough
November 30th, 2008, 02:57 PM
Now that I hear what really happened, It sounds like ASU's coach forgot how many timeouts the other team had, and thought the game was over when it wasnt. Also isnt ia penalty for the coach to be out at midfield during regulation play.
November 30th, 2008, 03:01 PM
My point of debate isn't whether or not the TO's should have been called. No they shouldn't have. The SCST coach is obviously not a veteran of playoff football and probably a few bricks short of a load. The guys was probably just trying to soak up the last few seconds of the playoffs . Who knows if they will ever get back.
The players must have very little respect or fear of J. Moore if they would take it upon themselves to score another meaningless TD. Somebody had to send Quick back into the game so I'm sure the Coach knew what was going on. He's just pulling his usual playing dumb routine.
This kind of stuff is why a lot of people want to see App fail.
Why should they fear Moore? He didn't say he didn't approve it, he said he left the decision to the players. Your anti-App bias is so strong that it really sounds more like jealousy. Come playoff time most people pull together to root for their conference's teams, but obviously you're an exception. At least you're consistent xrolleyesx
November 30th, 2008, 03:04 PM
If you did not watch the game then you have absolutely NO REASON to comment on this. SCSU wanted App to run a play so we ran a play.
If you don't want the stomp, don't make us put on the boot.
It's called sportsmanship.
I watched parts of the game but not the end. I don't have to have watched the end to know what happened. We comment on things that we read and hear about all the time that we don't physically see.
Were there 12 seconds left when SCSU called time out as another poster said or was there not?
Did Appalachian State throw the football in that situation or did it not?
If there 12 seconds left no reason to go for another score by putting the ball in the air but Appalachian State did it. You guys mentioned injury but they took a risk of injury on the pass play, then they took a risk of injury on the conversion after touchdown...on which they went for two... then they took a risk of injury on the following kickoff (presumably, since they scored with five seconds left). How is that risking injury less than just either running the ball or taking a dive? If you run the ball and the guy doesn't make the first down there's maybe 8 or 9 seconds left and South Carolina State can run two plays at most. If you do the thing where the quarterback takes the ball and waits they probably only have time for one play. So you're talking about two or three plays. Score, go for two, kickoff. That's three plays.
So the thing about injury doesn't fly. Especially when they went for two on the conversion attempt.
I mean, it's not like they raped somebody or something. It's not the worst thing anybody ever did. It's just tacking on a score in a football game. But, to me, it wasn't classic good sportsmanship regardless of what SCSU's coach did.
November 30th, 2008, 03:06 PM
To all those that weren't there:
I guarantee that had that bullsh!# gone down on your field you would have begged your coach to do the same thing. What you don't understand is that Pough had three time outs in his pocket when they turned the ball over on downs w/ 2:30 secs left. Down 10, use your timeouts, stop us on 3rd down and get the ball back trying to make something happen. For whatever reason, he chose to keep these and burn them inside of 20 secs when we were trying to throw them a frickin bone. He basically said FU when Coach Moore was trying to walk across and shake his hand. Not once, but twice. Read what Coach Pough had to say to the press.
November 30th, 2008, 03:08 PM
It's called sportsmanship.
Did Appalachian State throw the football in that situation or did it not?
But, to me, it wasn't classic good sportsmanship regardless of what SCSU's coach did.
So you admit you're giving SCSU a free pass, and only calling out App's reaction?
November 30th, 2008, 03:11 PM
Following the second timeout and with five seconds left, the Mountaineers’ Edwards dropped back and fired a 33-yard touchdown pass to Quick.
November 30th, 2008, 03:25 PM
So much App hate in this thread.
Appalachian tried to run the clock out. They ran on every play of their final drive... until the SC State coach started calling timeouts with less than 20 seconds to play. We wanted to run the clock out and he wouldn't let us. It was 4th down, SC State had 1 timeout left. Are we just supposed to kneel and give them the ball back to SC State to be nice?! WTF.
Also, if you didn't watch the game in person or on TV, why the hell are you giving us your opinion on the game? Watch the game and get back to us.....
November 30th, 2008, 03:28 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
Kiss My Apps
November 30th, 2008, 03:31 PM
They made one call and got a TD on it. Why not? Better than letting fans at Wal-Mart make a play call (like one team I will not name), amirite?
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
November 30th, 2008, 03:32 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
...but it's not jealousy. xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
I'm sure if App was the doormat of the SoCon your feelings would be less intense. What a joke.
Kiss My Apps
November 30th, 2008, 03:33 PM
Can anyone explain the rationale behind not calling the timeouts earlier in the driver? Why in the hell would you wait until the final :15 seconds? It was a confusing situation that gave off the impression that the SC State coach was calling the TOs just to be a bastard... and he got donkey punched for it.
November 30th, 2008, 03:37 PM
in my opinion, this is the playoffs not the reg your putting someone away and its still a reasonable game then keep playing hard... if you cant handle the pressure. get out the say the game was a larger lead like 30 or whatnot... take a kneee. but good job here app.....athough that interview made Edwards look a bit cocky. not saying he is
November 30th, 2008, 03:38 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
You clearly have a lot of misconceptions about ASUs program and the university in general. I generally find that most every App fan enjoys the rivalry with Wofford and agrees they're a quality program. Personally, I find it a little bit odd that you criticize App for not being the "bigger man" when SCSU started this garbage, when you clearly have not done so with regard to the abuses you allegedly received during your trip to Boone. Here's a thought: A school that is more than 5 times the size of yours will have roughly 5 times as many "drunken hillbillies". But hey, don't let logic change your opinion. We don't need fans like you at The Rock anyway. xnonono2x
November 30th, 2008, 03:57 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
Do your feelings have more to do with 70 we hung on you or late TD. Many on here give the T-Dogs credit and pull for them when playing OOC especially when it comes to the CAA teams. YOU know nothing of the kind of man Jerry Moore is. Fact is we have good players/students who do things the right way. If we didn't then you would be hearing about our guys getting in trouble and YOU DON'T! So to say that the type of players we have are somehow thugs is just stupid.
Syntax Error
November 30th, 2008, 04:01 PM
From the Winston Salem Journal:
Pough took the blame for the late score.
"It was kind of a bonehead thing on my part," he said, referring to the timeouts. "He taught me a lesson in the end. If a guy is giving you an out, go ahead and take an out. I knew a pass was coming, and it probably made the game a little bit bigger margin than it probably should have been. It serves me right, and I just hate it for my kids."
Moore said he didn't decide to throw for the end zone, affirming that the players did.
"We wanted the game to be over," he said. "There were just a few seconds, and they kept calling timeouts. Our players just took it on themselves…."
Edwards was asked if he wanted to tack on a final touchdown.
"Not really," he said. "They kept calling timeouts."Very classy of Coach Buddy Pough to man up and admit his mistake. Strange that Coach Jerry Moore said the staff didn't call the play, that the players did. And then Armanti kind of affirmed it.
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 04:11 PM
My point of debate isn't whether or not the TO's should have been called. No they shouldn't have. The SCST coach is obviously not a veteran of playoff football and probably a few bricks short of a load. The guys was probably just trying to soak up the last few seconds of the playoffs . Who knows if they will ever get back.
The players must have very little respect or fear of J. Moore if they would take it upon themselves to score another meaningless TD. Somebody had to send Quick back into the game so I'm sure the Coach knew what was going on. He's just pulling his usual playing dumb routine.
This kind of stuff is why a lot of people want to see App fail.
At Jerry's age, it may not be a routine. xthumbsupx xlolx xlolx xwhistlex
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 04:16 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
Your Catamount Club membership application is in the mail. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 04:24 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
Check out the part of your post that I have made bold - it deals with spelling. I suggest that if you are going to call out folks for spelling issues, you at least proofread your post first.
It's painfully obvious that you are still upset about the beating that your school took at the hands of ASU. Perhaps that has clouded your judgement. Personally, I don't care what you think. Your opinion (and that of everyone on this board) means absolutely nothing when it comes to the game on the field. You can "hat" App all you want. It won't stop ASU from playing this weekend, and it alone won't stop them from winning a 4th National Championship (that can only be done by the opposing team).
November 30th, 2008, 04:24 PM
Your Catamount Club membership application is in the mail. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
That'll get you up to, what, 5 members now?
xlolx xsmiley_wix
November 30th, 2008, 04:26 PM
Coach Pough gets it if some of you don't,( refer to the WSJ article mentioned earlier}. How many times have you seen tempers flare late in ballgames when a defensive player takes a shot at the team taking the knee? It happens too often.
Props to Coach Pough for realizing what happened and properly diffusing the incident.xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 04:29 PM
Strange that Coach Jerry Moore said the staff didn't call the play, that the players did. And then Armanti kind of affirmed it.
That's what happened...
Just about everyone in the stadium knew they were going deep to Quick on that 4th down when Quick turned to AE and gave him a hand signal before the snap. They called an audible... simple as that.
And, this play has been beaten to death... but, noone has pointed out yet...
What a catch by Quick! xeekx :D
DX Man
November 30th, 2008, 04:33 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 04:34 PM
That'll get you up to, what, 5 members now?
xlolx xsmiley_wix
9 to be precise. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 04:37 PM
Very classy of Coach Buddy Pough to man up and admit his mistake. Strange that Coach Jerry Moore said the staff didn't call the play, that the players did. And then Armanti kind of affirmed it.
I love how its now classy to admit classlessness/stupidity but not classy to continue playing when forced to for S.Error (or at least thats what S. Error is trying to get at with this comment bashing Moore claiming he made the call)
Armanti just said he didn't want to keep playing, SCSU didn't give them a choice. what are they supposed to do? take a knee on 4th down? trot out our weak kicker?
I know the players called an audible. I was on Quick's side and saw him flash a signal in to Armanti and at that moment knew exactly what they were going to try.
November 30th, 2008, 04:38 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.**http%
November 30th, 2008, 04:40 PM
Syntax Error
November 30th, 2008, 04:48 PM
It was classy for Coach Pough to admit he made a mistake. Period. xnodx
November 30th, 2008, 05:16 PM
It's called sportsmanship.
I watched parts of the game but not the end. I don't have to have watched the end to know what happened. We comment on things that we read and hear about all the time that we don't physically see.
Were there 12 seconds left when SCSU called time out as another poster said or was there not?
Did Appalachian State throw the football in that situation or did it not?
If there 12 seconds left no reason to go for another score by putting the ball in the air but Appalachian State did it. You guys mentioned injury but they took a risk of injury on the pass play, then they took a risk of injury on the conversion after touchdown...on which they went for two... then they took a risk of injury on the following kickoff (presumably, since they scored with five seconds left). How is that risking injury less than just either running the ball or taking a dive? If you run the ball and the guy doesn't make the first down there's maybe 8 or 9 seconds left and South Carolina State can run two plays at most. If you do the thing where the quarterback takes the ball and waits they probably only have time for one play. So you're talking about two or three plays. Score, go for two, kickoff. That's three plays.
So the thing about injury doesn't fly. Especially when they went for two on the conversion attempt.
I mean, it's not like they raped somebody or something. It's not the worst thing anybody ever did. It's just tacking on a score in a football game. But, to me, it wasn't classic good sportsmanship regardless of what SCSU's coach did.
Sorry, didn't happen. xcoffeex Excessive celebration penalty and missed the pat. xrulesx You admitted you didn't watch the game, so don't make assumptions about what happened, and condemn us for your wrong assumptions.
November 30th, 2008, 05:17 PM
It's called sportsmanship.
I watched parts of the game but not the end. I don't have to have watched the end to know what happened. We comment on things that we read and hear about all the time that we don't physically see.
Were there 12 seconds left when SCSU called time out as another poster said or was there not?
Did Appalachian State throw the football in that situation or did it not?
If there 12 seconds left no reason to go for another score by putting the ball in the air but Appalachian State did it. You guys mentioned injury but they took a risk of injury on the pass play, then they took a risk of injury on the conversion after touchdown...on which they went for two... then they took a risk of injury on the following kickoff (presumably, since they scored with five seconds left). How is that risking injury less than just either running the ball or taking a dive? If you run the ball and the guy doesn't make the first down there's maybe 8 or 9 seconds left and South Carolina State can run two plays at most. If you do the thing where the quarterback takes the ball and waits they probably only have time for one play. So you're talking about two or three plays. Score, go for two, kickoff. That's three plays.
So the thing about injury doesn't fly. Especially when they went for two on the conversion attempt.
I mean, it's not like they raped somebody or something. It's not the worst thing anybody ever did. It's just tacking on a score in a football game. But, to me, it wasn't classic good sportsmanship regardless of what SCSU's coach did.
App did NOT go for 2 after the last touchdown. They ended up kicking about a 40 yard extra point attempt that they MISSED. This shows you obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about.
November 30th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Two wrongs don't make a right. Still should not have done it regardlessof the TO's.
well since one "wrong" doesnt make a "right" either.....might as well even up the score huh?xlolx
November 30th, 2008, 05:47 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
People in glass houses Beau. Enjoy home.
November 30th, 2008, 05:48 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
I hat you too. If you calm down, does your spelling get better?
November 30th, 2008, 05:49 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
I have an App hat too! SWEET!
and what kind of players are you referring to that App State recruits? Recently heard any stories of the horrific things App State football players have done off the field? either. Maybe you were referring to GPA? Armanti is an honor student with a 3.4 + GPA. All Conference linebacker Pierre Banks, graduated in three years, will graduate with his masters soon.
There will be vulgar fans if there are enough fans. There are vulgar people in the United States, but I would imagine you dont discredit the nation based on that small group? maybe you do.
Mike Ayers is a great man. Give him a little credit in that he would not be great friends with Jerry Moore if he weren't equally honorable.
Don't pull for the Russians. Communism would restrict your ability to hat App.
November 30th, 2008, 06:47 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
Wow, bitter much?
I have seen a ton of support from App fans on here for Wofford, and I think most of us inbred drunken hillbillies would agree with you that Mike Ayers is a quality coach who makes magic with a limited enrollment. I don't remember a lot of arrests or issues with our players that you mention - maybe goupstate has an inside line on ASU player misconduct that the rest of the civilized world isn't privy to. Personally, I was pulling for WC over JMU and hoped they would have a chance to advance, but then again I was probably under the influence of moonshine hanging out with my wife (sister). We've had a good run recently which I won't belabor, so I think we have a right to be proud of our team (as should WoCo). Personally, I can spell SAT and GMAT.....
November 30th, 2008, 07:57 PM
It's called sportsmanship.
I watched parts of the game but not the end. I don't have to have watched the end to know what happened. We comment on things that we read and hear about all the time that we don't physically see.
Were there 12 seconds left when SCSU called time out as another poster said or was there not?
Did Appalachian State throw the football in that situation or did it not?
If there 12 seconds left no reason to go for another score by putting the ball in the air but Appalachian State did it. You guys mentioned injury but they took a risk of injury on the pass play, then they took a risk of injury on the conversion after touchdown...on which they went for two... then they took a risk of injury on the following kickoff (presumably, since they scored with five seconds left). How is that risking injury less than just either running the ball or taking a dive? If you run the ball and the guy doesn't make the first down there's maybe 8 or 9 seconds left and South Carolina State can run two plays at most. If you do the thing where the quarterback takes the ball and waits they probably only have time for one play. So you're talking about two or three plays. Score, go for two, kickoff. That's three plays.
So the thing about injury doesn't fly. Especially when they went for two on the conversion attempt.
I mean, it's not like they raped somebody or something. It's not the worst thing anybody ever did. It's just tacking on a score in a football game. But, to me, it wasn't classic good sportsmanship regardless of what SCSU's coach did.
Hey John, why do you insist on not answering the questions I posed to you? Like I said before, you're wrong and you know it. Why don't you keep your thoughts to Louisiana where they aren't playing playoff football right now? All you're trying to do is bash Appalachian for settling a classless decision made by SCSU. SCSU caused the entire thing, yet you have nothing bad to say about them. That's just stupefying.
November 30th, 2008, 08:02 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
What a cry baby? xlolx You apparently have issues with the space bar.
Most know App football started before AE enrolled, it started when Richie Williams did :D. Clearly you don't know either, or you'd realize AE only has two rings, while ASU has three. Good try smart one.
Like I said, you are the company you keep and Mike Ayers is good friends with Jerry so I guess that makes Mike Ayers a douchebag too, by your logic of course (or lack thereof). You know, because of you I would hate Wofford, but I'm a bigger man and can see most WoCo fans are not jealous crybabies like you.
BTW, fair sir, what things do you disapprove of that are associated with Appalachian State? Please, I'd like to hear. How many involve the school and how many involve your jealousy of ASU sports? xlolx
November 30th, 2008, 08:08 PM
What a cry baby? xlolx You apparently have issues with the space bar.
Most know App football started before AE enrolled, it started when Richie Williams did :D. Clearly you don't know either, or you'd realize AE only has two rings, while ASU has three. Good try smart one.
Like I said, you are the company you keep and Mike Ayers is good friends with Jerry so I guess that makes Mike Ayers a douchebag too, by your logic of course (or lack thereof). You know, because of you I would hate Wofford, but I'm a bigger man and can see most WoCo fans are not jealous crybabies like you.
BTW, fair sir, what things do you disapprove of that are associated with Appalachian State? Please, I'd like to hear. How many involve the school and how many involve your jealousy of ASU sports? xlolx
I'm sure he can think of 70 reasons he hates App.
November 30th, 2008, 08:10 PM
I'm sure he can think of 70 reasons he hates App.
None of which have anything to do with the institution, just the football team. He's been whining ever since that game.
November 30th, 2008, 08:18 PM
None of which have anything to do with the institution, just the football team. He's been whining ever since that game.
Right the 70 reasons all occurred on Halloween. ;)
November 30th, 2008, 08:22 PM
What a cry baby? xlolx You apparently have issues with the space bar.
Most know App football started before AE enrolled, it started when Richie Williams did :D. Clearly you don't know either, or you'd realize AE only has two rings, while ASU has three. Good try smart one.
Like I said, you are the company you keep and Mike Ayers is good friends with Jerry so I guess that makes Mike Ayers a douchebag too, by your logic of course (or lack thereof). You know, because of you I would hate Wofford, but I'm a bigger man and can see most WoCo fans are not jealous crybabies like you.
BTW, fair sir, what things do you disapprove of that are associated with Appalachian State? Please, I'd like to hear. How many involve the school and how many involve your jealousy of ASU sports? xlolx
Ok , you want a reason why I hate App. It was the treatment that my group received on our trip to Boone. I know that drunken students can get out of hand but for crying out loud, this was over board. I am 73 years old and was with my wife, my daughter and her husband. The vulgarity and blatant disregard for decency was embarrassing. I won't go into details but I did not discuss it after the game because I would have been labeled a cry baby, poor sport etc. You wanted reason's how's that.
Can you not fathom that there is one person in the world that does not worship App St. Is it that hard to think that some people may have an opinion other than that shared by App. St supporters.
November 30th, 2008, 08:23 PM
Not sure if this has been stated or not. All the haters should google the orangeburg sc newspaper and read the article about the game. It is the home city of scsu and the coach called himself a bonehead for calling timeouts and admitted that he deserved. what he got and that he learned when you are given an out you should take it.
I am on a blackberry or i would give the link.
Touchdown Yosef
November 30th, 2008, 08:31 PM
Ok , you want a reason why I hate App. It was the treatment that my group received on our trip to Boone. I know that drunken students can get out of hand but for crying out loud, this was over board. I am 73 years old and was with my wife, my daughter and her husband. The vulgarity and blatant disregard for decency was embarrassing. I won't go into details but I did not discuss it after the game because I would have been labeled a cry baby, poor sport etc. You wanted reason's how's that.
Can you not fathom that there is one person in the world that does not worship App St. Is it that hard to think that some people may have an opinion other than that shared by App. St supporters.
Your treatment was certainly unfortunate but if you make the return trip in two years please feel free to ask around and you will get all the advice you need on places to tailgate to stay away from some of our younger and drunker counterparts. My guess would be that you sit fairly isolated from many of your students at home and would not be prone to see this type of behavior as I am also sheltered from student behavior but I am sure that it could happen just as easily at Wofford or anywhere else for that matter. Next time feel free to stop by our tailgate and get treated as any visiting fan should.
You are welcome to your bitterness after your experience but I would still wish for you to expound a bit on the "type of player App recruits"
November 30th, 2008, 08:31 PM
Ok , you want a reason why I hate App. It was the treatment that my group received on our trip to Boone. I know that drunken students can get out of hand but for crying out loud, this was over board. I am 73 years old and was with my wife, my daughter and her husband. The vulgarity and blatant disregard for decency was embarrassing. I won't go into details but I did not discuss it after the game because I would have been labeled a cry baby, poor sport etc. You wanted reason's how's that.
Can you not fathom that there is one person in the world that does not worship App St. Is it that hard to think that some people may have an opinion other than that shared by App. St supporters.
I very much agree that the world doesn't worship App St. Have you read this thread? And, of course others will share an opinion differently than mine (thank God, otherwise the world would be boring).
Sorry you had a bad experience, but I had the same bad experience at JMU (including a student--around my family which consisted of JMU grads--trying to pick a fight with me, my friend, and my father-in-law because we were tailgating "in Duke territory" [it was open to the public]) and not once have I spoken poorly of their fans, school, or team because of that--especially insulting their intelligence (or "the players they recruit").
In addition, you said there were many reasons, that's one.
Lastly, you said some bad things about Jerry Moore and you've never met the man. I suggest you think before speaking. The work he does with Billy and Franklin Graham, going across the state and region speaking to raise money for charity, and producing stand up players such as Corey Lynch, Trey Elder, Dexter Coakley, Dino Hackett, Daniel Jeremiah, etc. You know nothing about him, but your disdain for ASU. That's a pretty shallow reason to talk crap about someone (and an entire fan base, team, and school). You never did address why your angelic coach would associate with a man so low as JM. I'll be waiting for that one.
Again, every school has bad apples and unfortunately you saw ours. If that's all it takes to make you HATE a school, then you must hate every school, probably WoCo as well.
November 30th, 2008, 08:33 PM
Ok , you want a reason why I hate App. It was the treatment that my group received on our trip to Boone. I know that drunken students can get out of hand but for crying out loud, this was over board. I am 73 years old and was with my wife, my daughter and her husband. The vulgarity and blatant disregard for decency was embarrassing. I won't go into details but I did not discuss it after the game because I would have been labeled a cry baby, poor sport etc. You wanted reason's how's that.
Can you not fathom that there is one person in the world that does not worship App St. Is it that hard to think that some people may have an opinion other than that shared by App. St supporters.
wow, do you think our drunken students are less well behaved than other drunken students from other schools?
November 30th, 2008, 08:36 PM
Ok you know what..I take it all back. App St is the greatest academic institution known to man. App St. has the greatest football team in the history of the game and Jerry Moore should be inducted into the college Football Hall of Fame tomorrow.
All App St. fans are the most likeable people in the world and I feel fortunate that I was able visit the greatest city in America, Boone NC.
There...I am converted. If I left anything out just add it with the understanding that I now feel that way.
November 30th, 2008, 08:39 PM
Ok , you want a reason why I hate App. It was the treatment that my group received on our trip to Boone. I know that drunken students can get out of hand but for crying out loud, this was over board. I am 73 years old and was with my wife, my daughter and her husband. The vulgarity and blatant disregard for decency was embarrassing. I won't go into details but I did not discuss it after the game because I would have been labeled a cry baby, poor sport etc. You wanted reason's how's that.
Can you not fathom that there is one person in the world that does not worship App St. Is it that hard to think that some people may have an opinion other than that shared by App. St supporters.
I understand that given the treatment you describe, you have every right to hate App. That's too bad. I am disappointed in said "drunken students" behavior regardless of their school. Unfortunately, every school has their miscreants. It's also unfortunate that the behavior of the inebriated adolescent can reflect so poorly on a school. I have experienced similar behavior elsewhere. As App's success grows, it seems that said misbehavior also grows. That's unfortunate. Next time you're in Boone for a ballgame and experience any problem, please consider speaking to one of the ushers in the red jackets. They will take care of the problem.
My experience at JMU earlier this season left me wondering how vulgar college students can be. I did meet some fine folks up there too, like McVeryl.
Please allow me to issue an open invitation to come tailgate with us at the next ballgame at Wofford.
November 30th, 2008, 08:39 PM
this is ridiculous. this dude aint gonna sleep a wink tonight because his hatred for asu is going to keep him up. relax man, its just football.
November 30th, 2008, 08:40 PM
Ok you know what..I take it all back. App St is the greatest academic institution known to man. App St. has the greatest football team in the history of the game and Jerry Moore should be inducted into the college Football Hall of Fame tomorrow.
All App St. fans are the most likeable people in the world and I feel fortunate that I was able visit the greatest city in America, Boone NC.
There...I am converted. If I left anything out just add it with the understanding that I now feel that way.
Oh come on, if you're 73 you knows that's no way to act. Of course we're all going to defend our school. We love it. You made some pretty serious claims and have yet to back them up.
- Jerry Moore is classless.
- ASU recruits (I assume bad) people as players--many from SC xeyebrowx
- ASU people are stupid when it comes to football and intelligence
Why would not expect people to call you on that. I'm still waiting for examples of all three. Instead of giving examples you put out this 12 year old "backed in a corner" argument. Come on, step up to the plate and expound upon your claims. We're all here to listen. Obviously, something is keeping you from not backing up your claims...what is it?
November 30th, 2008, 08:40 PM
Ok you know what..I take it all back. App St is the greatest academic institution known to man. App St. has the greatest football team in the history of the game and Jerry Moore should be inducted into the college Football Hall of Fame tomorrow.
All App St. fans are the most likeable people in the world and I feel fortunate that I was able visit the greatest city in America, Boone NC.
There...I am converted. If I left anything out just add it with the understanding that I now feel that way.
I'm glad you think so. Personally, I would have settled for you admitting that you're only beef with ASU is the way you were treated at that game, and that the rest of your drivel regarding our players, coach, school, etc was pulled out of your rear, but have it your way.
November 30th, 2008, 08:42 PM
Ok you know what..I take it all back. App St is the greatest academic institution known to man. App St. has the greatest football team in the history of the game and Jerry Moore should be inducted into the college Football Hall of Fame tomorrow.
All App St. fans are the most likeable people in the world and I feel fortunate that I was able visit the greatest city in America, Boone NC.
There...I am converted. If I left anything out just add it with the understanding that I now feel that way.
Wow! What a turn-around. You Wofford fans are waffling again.
Don't worry though, I still like you.
November 30th, 2008, 08:49 PM
Did anyone think that the conversations and over abbundance of handshakes between Moore, the ASU staff, and the officials was a little over the top after the game yesterday. Especially after game changing call after game changing call against SCSU? Anyone else notice that after the game?
Against SCSU, what about the few calls AGAINST ASU?
1) The punt returner caught the ball then fell out of bounds, and the official called it a penalty.
2) On the opening drive we were down before we dropped it and the called it a fumble
3) And countless bad calls on pass interference.
I don't mean to sound like a homer about this, but if you are going to talk about calls against a team at least notice that the refs were horrible for both sides!
November 30th, 2008, 08:53 PM sure do harbor alot of ill feelings for a man who has lived for 70+ years. I think you should give up watching football and find something new to focus on that will make you happy....not angry and bitter. I'm sure Coach Ayers would disagree with you about JM, since they are good friends. I have met and talked with Coach Moore, he is one of the most humble people I have ever met, sorry you have such a hatred for him.
November 30th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Ok you know what..I take it all back. App St is the greatest academic institution known to man. App St. has the greatest football team in the history of the game and Jerry Moore should be inducted into the college Football Hall of Fame tomorrow.
All App St. fans are the most likeable people in the world and I feel fortunate that I was able visit the greatest city in America, Boone NC.
There...I am converted. If I left anything out just add it with the understanding that I now feel that way.
talk junk about ASU all you want, but expect to hear a bunch of junk talked to you when you refer to Jerry Moore in the manner you have. You know nothing of the man (one of the greatest people I have had the opportunity to meet). The only thing Jerry Moore has given his soul to is the Lord.
November 30th, 2008, 09:02 PM
"The only thing Jerry Moore has given his soul to is the Lord"
A big AMEN to that
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 09:15 PM
xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 09:22 PM
"The only thing Jerry Moore has given his soul to is the Lord"
A big AMEN to that
Would Jesus throw a cheap TD pass just to slight an opposing coach?
Would Jesus get insulted by this same coach just for simply calling 2 timeouts?
Would Jesus not think a 10 point lead with 8 seconds left would be enough to win by?
Does Jesus honestly want Appalachian State to win so much? Jerry must think so.
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx
CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 30th, 2008, 09:23 PM
Sounds like someone forgot to change beau's depends.
Go drink your ensure and calm down you cranky old man. It is one thing to hate a few bad fans but to talk about our players and jerry moore is crazy. Just what type of player does jerry moore recruit? Back up your acqusations or go play bingo or shuffle board at the local senior home. Take your made up smack elsewhere. Mr. Beau
November 30th, 2008, 09:28 PM
Would Jesus throw a cheap TD pass just to slight an opposing coach?
Would Jesus get insulted by this same coach just for simply calling 2 timeouts?
Would Jesus not think a 10 point lead with 8 seconds left would be enough to win by?
Does Jesus honestly want Appalachian State to win so much? Jerry must think so.
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx
CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would Jesus call timeouts for a chance to get a cheap touchdown for no reason?
Would Jesus try to insult an opposing coach by calling timeouts when said coach is walking across the field to shake his hand?
Would Jesus not think a 10 point lead with 8 seconds left is insurmountable?
Does Jesus honestly want Appalachian State to be hated so much? Beau and you must think so.
November 30th, 2008, 09:31 PM
If you saw Brian Quick's catch... you know Jesus wanted us to score that touchdown.
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 09:32 PM
Would Jesus call timeouts for a chance to get a cheap touchdown for no reason?
Would Jesus try to insult an opposing coach by calling timeouts when said coach is walking across the field to shake his hand?
Would Jesus not think a 10 point lead with 8 seconds left is insurmountable?
Does Jesus honestly want Appalachian State to be hated so much? Beau and you must think so.
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
Between you and I, I think Jesu Criste has more important things in the world today to focus on than a football game, but isn't all this just fun?! xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 09:33 PM
If you saw Brian Quick's catch... you know Jesus wanted us to score that touchdown.
I recorded the game but haven't had the chance to watch all of it yet.
November 30th, 2008, 09:36 PM
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
Between you and I, I think Jesu Criste has more important things in the world today to focus on than a football game, but isn't all this just fun?! xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
Yeah, I remember as a kid playing little league (my dad was coaching) we were saying a prayer and a kid told my dad he forgot to pray for us to win. My dad, the Southern Baptist deacon he is, said, "Son, God has many more important things to worry about than us winning this game. Though he wants us to, he can't take time away to make sure it happens. Just play hard and we'll be ok." xlolx
It is fun. I try not to take stuff on AGS seriously, but being at that game, I couldn't believe it was happening and to hear ASU called classless again by a fan whose team was not participating in the game is annoying (not you, I know you're just being funny).
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 09:37 PM
Ok , you want a reason why I hate App. It was the treatment that my group received on our trip to Boone. I know that drunken students can get out of hand but for crying out loud, this was over board. I am 73 years old and was with my wife, my daughter and her husband. The vulgarity and blatant disregard for decency was embarrassing. I won't go into details but I did not discuss it after the game because I would have been labeled a cry baby, poor sport etc. You wanted reason's how's that.
Can you not fathom that there is one person in the world that does not worship App St. Is it that hard to think that some people may have an opinion other than that shared by App. St supporters.
I feel your pain believe me but the best way to handle this is
a)ignore it and chalk it up to ignorance of youth
b)call the person out to a fight the way one of my WCU buddies did one year in Boone and don't back down one inch. Typical App student, the arrogant drunk ass backed down from my buddy's challenge, walked away with his pride wounded, and then proceeded to talk smack again. Again, typical App student.
AND REMEMBER, if you're gonna tailgate in Boone, do so with a BUNCH of your fellow teams fans. Strength lies in numbers.
And lastly, in 100 years, nobody will care. On the other hand, if you want a TRULY good and courteous tailgate, we Catamounts will certainly offer you that next time you're in Cullowhee. We've been raised better. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 09:38 PM
Would Jesus throw a cheap TD pass just to slight an opposing coach?
Would Jesus get insulted by this same coach just for simply calling 2 timeouts?
Would Jesus not think a 10 point lead with 8 seconds left would be enough to win by?
Does Jesus honestly want Appalachian State to win so much? Jerry must think so.
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx
CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pointless argument Catamount Man. If Jesus was on the roster or coaching staff, none of the above would have been an issue because we would have hung 70 on them.xrolleyesx
November 30th, 2008, 09:40 PM
I feel your pain believe me but the best way to handle this is
a)ignore it and chalk it up to ignorance of youth
b)call the person out to a fight the way one of my WCU buddies did one year in Boone and don't back down one inch. Typical App student, the arrogant drunk ass backed down from my buddy's challenge, walked away with his pride wounded, and then proceeded to talk smack again. Again, typical App student.
AND REMEMBER, if you're gonna tailgate in Boone, do so with a BUNCH of your fellow teams fans. Strength lies in numbers.
And lastly, in 100 years, nobody will care. On the other hand, if you want a TRULY good and courteous tailgate, we Catamounts will certainly offer you that next time you're in Cullowhee. We've been raised better. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
Hey, you're not that much older than me. xmadx xlolx
Sounds like a typical day in Cullowhee when the jug remains with the Mountaineers. xwhistlex :D
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 09:42 PM
Yeah, I remember as a kid playing little league (my dad was coaching) we were saying a prayer and a kid told my dad he forgot to pray for us to win. My dad, the Southern Baptist deacon he is, said, "Son, God has many more important things to worry about than us winning this game. Though he wants us to, he can't take time away to make sure it happens. Just play hard and we'll be ok." xlolx
It is fun. I try not to take stuff on AGS seriously, but being at that game, I couldn't believe it was happening and to hear ASU called classless again by a fan whose team was not participating in the game is annoying (not you, I know you're just being funny).
Hey, deep down it is what it is and no two people, well, other than ASU folks, will see eye to eye on what happened. I hope someday Wagner has WCU to the point where we are running the score up on people just to spite them and embarrass them. I want WCU to be a bully and be the scorn of every team they play. Enough of this "good game" crap. I WANT BLOOD!!!!!!!!!
Nah.....I guess at the end of the day, it's just a game. Peace!
catamount man
November 30th, 2008, 09:44 PM
Pointless argument Catamount Man. If Jesus was on the roster or coaching staff, none of the above would have been an issue because we would have hung 70 on them.xrolleyesx
No argument is pointless my friend and quite frankly, I could care less. I saw an opportunity to put my over inflated opinions onto a subject and I took it. Peace.
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
November 30th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Yes...tailgating is lovely in Cullowhee...
They'll take you right out into the woods and teach you how to kill a bear cub and put Barack Obama's face around it.
A truly unique experience!
November 30th, 2008, 10:37 PM
Lastly, you said some bad things about Jerry Moore and you've never met the man. I suggest you think before speaking. The work he does with Billy and Franklin Graham, going across the state and region speaking to raise money for charity, and producing stand up players such as Corey Lynch, Trey Elder, Dexter Coakley, Dino Hackett, Daniel Jeremiah, etc.
Actually Sparkey recruited n coached Dino lol
November 30th, 2008, 10:40 PM
Would Jesus throw a cheap TD pass just to slight an opposing coach?
Would Jesus get insulted by this same coach just for simply calling 2 timeouts?
Would Jesus not think a 10 point lead with 8 seconds left would be enough to win by?
Does Jesus honestly want Appalachian State to win so much? Jerry must think so.
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx
CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Would Jesus Do?
November 30th, 2008, 11:07 PM
I feel your pain believe me but the best way to handle this is
a)ignore it and chalk it up to ignorance of youth
b)call the person out to a fight the way one of my WCU buddies did one year in Boone and don't back down one inch. Typical App student, the arrogant drunk ass backed down from my buddy's challenge, walked away with his pride wounded, and then proceeded to talk smack again. Again, typical App student.
AND REMEMBER, if you're gonna tailgate in Boone, do so with a BUNCH of your fellow teams fans. Strength lies in numbers.
And lastly, in 100 years, nobody will care. On the other hand, if you want a TRULY good and courteous tailgate, we Catamounts will certainly offer you that next time you're in Cullowhee. We've been raised better. xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
xsmhx A student body of 15,000 and your willing to claim that this behavior is Typical. Are you willing to tell me that that has never happpened in Cullowhee?
November 30th, 2008, 11:21 PM
why are Western fans posting? this is a playoff thread? they don't belong in here. Quit pretending you are our rival. As far as i'm concerned, and most of the ASU student body for that matter - you are simply a doormat. JMU is replacing you as our rival. kthxbye
November 30th, 2008, 11:44 PM
This thread has gotten out of hand.
The Cats need to win some games before they can think they have the right to bash an opposing team about anything. App obviously needs to do a better job of putting out the red-carpet for opposing fans
When it comes to stuff like this y'all, leave it on the field.
December 1st, 2008, 04:55 AM
Lastly, you said some bad things about Jerry Moore and you've never met the man. I suggest you think before speaking. The work he does with Billy and Franklin Graham, going across the state and region speaking to raise money for charity, and producing stand up players such as Corey Lynch, Trey Elder, Dexter Coakley, Dino Hackett, Daniel Jeremiah, etc.
Actually Sparkey recruited n coached Dino lol
Actually, I was giving examples of stand up players making a point that Jerry produces such players. If you hit the quote button, you don't have to type as much.
December 1st, 2008, 07:09 AM
Would Jesus throw a cheap TD pass just to slight an opposing coach?
Would Jesus get insulted by this same coach just for simply calling 2 timeouts?
Would Jesus not think a 10 point lead with 8 seconds left would be enough to win by?
Does Jesus honestly want Appalachian State to win so much? Jerry must think so.
xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx xpopcornx
CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have missed the point, there was a Billy Graham special last year on primetime TV and J. Moore gave his testimony, I have also read numerous articles about how JM lives his life and incorporates this in his coaching style. I can assure you JM does not ask Christ for wins, he asks for ways to touch young mens lives and I believe he has touched many. I have listened to many interviews and have never heard him be disrespectful to any coach or player. Football is a game, there is a much bigger picture here. I just don't understand the hate for it jealousy? I really don't know but it pains me as a christian to see a man be talked about with such disrespect. Jesus could care less about who wins a football game, what He cares about is how you live your life off the field and I believe JM knows this.
December 1st, 2008, 07:15 AM
Hey, deep down it is what it is and no two people, well, other than ASU folks, will see eye to eye on what happened. I hope someday Wagner has WCU to the point where we are running the score up on people just to spite them and embarrass them. I want WCU to be a bully and be the scorn of every team they play. Enough of this "good game" crap. I WANT BLOOD!!!!!!!!!
Nah.....I guess at the end of the day, it's just a game. Peace!
And SCSU folks, they agreed (including the coach and posters here) that they got what they deserved by calling timeouts. I find it funny the only people upset about it have no dog in the fight...
catamount man
December 1st, 2008, 07:17 AM
Guys, it all razzing on my part. I could care less, yet since I seemed to have offended everybody, I'll quit posting about anything regarding ASU since I and my team "aren't worthy" to do so.
You guys carry on and knock yourselves out.............Peace. xnonono2x
December 1st, 2008, 07:20 AM
Guys, it all razzing on my part. I could care less, yet since I seemed to have offended everybody, I'll quit posting about anything regarding ASU since I and my team "aren't worthy" to do so.
You guys carry on and knock yourselves out.............Peace. xnonono2x
Ahh, come on CM, you know I love ya and just want to razz back. I'm not knocking WCU because...well, I've done that enough. So, I'm just razzin you...:D xpeacex
catamount man
December 1st, 2008, 07:21 AM
Ahh, come on CM, you know I love ya and just want to razz back. I'm not knocking WCU because...well, I've done that enough. So, I'm just razzin you...:D xpeacex
You're cool. Everyone else can suck it. I'm done with this thread.
December 1st, 2008, 07:37 AM
You're cool. Everyone else can suck it. I'm done with this thread.
This thread should be done. xnodx
December 1st, 2008, 07:37 AM
You're cool. Everyone else can suck it. I'm done with this thread.
Hey, I'm catching you on post count! Be careful. xlolx
December 1st, 2008, 07:40 AM
And SCSU folks, they agreed (including the coach and posters here) that they got what they deserved by calling timeouts. I find it funny the only people upset about it have no dog in the fight...
Earlier this season App was excoriated for "running up the score" on a Top 20 team because a pass was thrown with a few minutes left in a game that App had in hand. Apparently it's not nice to keep playing football, and once App has a 2 score lead Armanti should take a knee on every offensive play (even if it's only the 2nd quarter).
This past weekend, App tries to run the clock down by running nothing but up-the-middle running plays. The SCSU coach doesn't all a TO on 1st down, not on 2nd down, but waits until the game clock has few seconds less than the play clock, and the opposing coach is halfway across the field to shake his hand, and THEN calls TO on 3rd down.
OK, make a fool of me, I'll make a fool of you.
For future reference, if someone could make it absolutely clear exactly what the Official Appalachian State Run Out the Clock protocol is (including the rules for the opposing team accepting the clock rundown), it would make all our lives much easier. xcoffeex
In the end, the only thing that will make the App haters happy is for App to lose in the month of December-- and this will happen, someday. Maybe this week but probably not. But until someone brings it and knocks the Apps out of the playoffs, the potshots will continue (because that's all they have).
December 1st, 2008, 07:44 AM
Guys, it all razzing on my part. I could care less, yet since I seemed to have offended everybody, I'll quit posting about anything regarding ASU since I and my team "aren't worthy" to do so.
You guys carry on and knock yourselves out.............Peace. xnonono2x
You once again miss the point catamount man, you and your team are worthy, I just get a little testy when good people are disrespected. Hate is such a powerful word that is tossed around with such ease in this society. I know there is a huge rivalry between ASU and WCU but I think in the near future WCU will be back on the map, I really like the new coach, hope he can turn things around.
December 1st, 2008, 07:49 AM
what a ridicules thread and stupid timeouts... you know its bad when your own fans thought it was a dumb call and figured we would throw it up like we did
HIU 93
December 1st, 2008, 08:32 AM
The only question I have is this- You won, why are you still b*thcing? They need to call y'all "The generation that won't stop bitching."
Black and Gold Express
December 1st, 2008, 08:34 AM
In the end, the only thing that will make the App haters happy is for App to lose in the month of December-- and this will happen, someday. Maybe this week but probably not. But until someone brings it and knocks the Apps out of the playoffs, the potshots will continue (because that's all they have).
And to date it's been nowhere near enough.
Should ASU win it all this year, next year should be real fun since this year was supposed to be the "down" year in the stretch. Next year's team will easily be the preseason favorite to win it all, and we get to go through the joys of watching seething envy ooze out from the haters from time to time.
At some point the run will end, until it does there's no reason to not enjoy every bit of it, as it may be a while before it happens again, if ever.
You can't please everyone, so don't waste time worrying about it.
December 1st, 2008, 08:38 AM
And to date it's been nowhere near enough.
Should ASU win it all this year, next year should be real fun since this year was supposed to be the "down" year in the stretch. Next year's team will easily be the preseason favorite to win it all, and we get to go through the joys of watching seething envy ooze out from the haters from time to time.
At some point the run will end, until it does there's no reason to not enjoy every bit of it, as it may be a while before it happens again, if ever.
You can't please everyone, so don't waste time worrying about it.
I for one certainly am enjoying every bit of it...
December 1st, 2008, 11:38 AM
Ok , you want a reason why I hate App. It was the treatment that my group received on our trip to Boone. I know that drunken students can get out of hand but for crying out loud, this was over board. I am 73 years old and was with my wife, my daughter and her husband. The vulgarity and blatant disregard for decency was embarrassing. I won't go into details but I did not discuss it after the game because I would have been labeled a cry baby, poor sport etc. You wanted reason's how's that.
Can you not fathom that there is one person in the world that does not worship App St. Is it that hard to think that some people may have an opinion other than that shared by App. St supporters.
Funny, this is one of the only times that I have really heard anything bad about App Fans this season. Relay your message to the countless others that have had a pleasant experience at the Rock and let them know that it was a hoax and we are all a bunch of classless hillbilly's.
If we are so bad, then how come we had quite a few Elon fans at my parent's tailgate and my student tailgate the entire time with no problem whatsoever. clearly you saw the bad apples, but they are everywhere and you have to come to accept it where ever you go.
December 1st, 2008, 01:04 PM
The only question I have is this- You won, why are you still b*thcing? They need to call y'all "The generation that won't stop bitching."
Wow, I feel like I just read this...oh yeah, you just posted in the smack thread (where it belongs). I think there are some now ASU/ SCSU fans who are the ones b!tching...some of us are just trying to respond to the flat out fabrications spouted by said non-fans.
December 1st, 2008, 01:18 PM
why is this not in the smack thread yet?
DX Man
December 1st, 2008, 01:59 PM
I didn't say he wanted the game over. Now that I see what the situation was was (4th and 3 for App with 12 seconds left) I think it's pretty clear that for whatever reason he wanted to take one more shot on offense even though there's no way they could win.
But that's the key: There's no way they could win if App just takes a knee. They burn five seconds and there's 7 seconds left. From the 33 it would take that about that long for a 100 meter sprinter to just run to the other end zone. There was absolutely no need for Appalachian State to throw the football. The game was won and to me the thing to do in that situation is show respect for how hard and well the young men on the South Carolina State football team played and do that thing where the quarterback waits until somebody's getting close to him and take a dive.
So what if South Carolina State wants to take one shot to try to make the score look a little better. The objective is to move to the second round. In FCS there are no style points; nothing extra for making the margin 7 points bigger. Appalachian State was moving to the second round. There was no reason to do it other than possibly to say, "we'll show THEM!"
I mean, good grief. One or two more plays. Maybe five minutes tops. I'm just not getting why that would make people think it's necessary to take one more stomp on somebody who's already down and done.
What if an ASU player got hurt as a result?xnonox
catamount man
December 2nd, 2008, 07:04 PM
I finally sat down today and watched the game. Buddy Pough, WTF were you thinking? I admit I chimed in just to stoke the fires you might say, but yeah, totally uncalled for and I was glad to see Pough admit he messed up. If ANYBODY ever does that against Western Carolina, I would hope Wagner would show them up big time!
THERE. THE END! xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
SU Jag
December 2nd, 2008, 09:51 PM
The only question I have is this- You won, why are you still b*thcing? They need to call y'all "The generation that won't stop bitching."
lolxlolx xlolx
December 3rd, 2008, 12:18 PM
Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
What type of players do you think we recruit? Other than winners that is...
December 3rd, 2008, 02:14 PM
I'm glad my Anti App bias is showing. I do not approve of many things associated with App St. It is not jealously. I can assure you. I guess it's more of the attitude of the young Appsters that think football was invented when AE enrolled.
Its the attitude of the vulgar fans we encountered on our trip to Boone. Mostly young drunken hillbillies who c an't spell SAT if you spot them the S and the A. There is a thing called winning with class and App has not mastered that concept. Jerry Moore is not half the man Mike Ayers is. Mike Ayers will not sell his soul to keep his job by recruiting the type of player that App recruits.
I hat App. You think App gives a flying flip about Wofford. No, they don't. I hope App loses every game they play and I would pull for the Russians before I would root for App.
WOW. Bitter. Sad.
Big Al
December 3rd, 2008, 02:19 PM
On further reflection, I don't think anyone should hold the TOs against the SCSt coach. I think he was probably working on a little too much emotion and the long-shot hope that they could win the game. Yeah, there was no chance it would happen but sometimes good judgement goes out the window in the heat of the moment.
Plus, he did apologize afterward. I think this entire thread is a good example of how to make a mountain out of a molehill.
December 3rd, 2008, 02:45 PM
For the love of god, let this thread die already.
December 3rd, 2008, 02:48 PM
He was probably thinking:
"Did I leave the iron on?"
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