View Full Version : Elon was very competitive but.....

November 16th, 2008, 07:08 PM
It seemed to me that they played pretty dirty football. Late hits, pushing, shoving etc. #10 was one of the worst. Anyone else who saw the game agree?


November 16th, 2008, 07:15 PM
Quit 'yer whinin'. Otherwise, welcome aboard.

They had a darn good game plan. They played hard & dang near won the game. See my post on the App vs. Elon thread.

November 16th, 2008, 07:16 PM
Yeah I saw some cheap shots from #10...I know it happens everywhere probably a little but you know its blatant when you see it several times in one game.

November 16th, 2008, 07:19 PM

November 16th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Welcome new guy!

Read the other threads before you start your own. This is being discussed. Here are the new rules to help get you up to speed...

1. Whenever I smack ASU, they won't tell me to Go to Hell, Just to Go for two
2. The South was Right!
3. Any off the wall or unimformed comments about the SWAC will be met with serious consequences by no less than 3 posters.
4. Don't get too attached to your post count.
5. Citdog occasionaly buys drinks.
6. Don't be too impressed when it looks like Delaware fans always monopolize the top ten of any contest held by or sponsored by AGS. 90% of all AGS members are Delaware Fans. Also as bad as UD has been over the last few years, they have plenty of time to trivialize.
7. VMI is a college burnt by the invading Yankee horde and unfortunately rebuilt afterwards.
8. "Why no Ivies in the playoffs" threads will be met with a collective yawn, but "Ivy recruiting scandal" threads can be entertaining.
9. There is another FCS message board, but nobody remembers its name, and it sucks anyway.
10. Cap'n Cat is your Lord, your AGS God.
Cap’n Cat
11. It's THE Citadel. Unless you're mischievous and like to raise THE Citdog's blood pressure.
12. Montana cannot lose at Wa-Griz, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise, unless it's the first round of the playoffs.
13. Membership in Merdeville is limited to those who can trace their pedigrees back to the American Revolution, unless you're the founder!
14. It's okay to not know where Merdeville is...
15. Allison Stokke is the best pole vaulter ever. And we have an entire section dedicated to her.
16. Inez Sainz is the best womans Mexican Soccer player.
17. App fans may refer to the Military College of South Carolina as Citadel until such time as the Bulldogs defeat the Mountaineers on the field.
18. Cap'n cat is your Russian Teen Porn connection.
19. Yes, we realize our mascot has what appears to be nuts on its chin. This has been widely dicussed, dissected and rehashed, page after page. It's now a novel. Please don't start this topic up.
20. Beware the Crapsville Curse!
21. It is OK to refer to Portland State University and the University of Portland as the same, even though one of those schools plays only the European style of futbol. In the great state of Oregon, its the Ducks and Beavers and nothing else really matters, as evident by our great attendance at all athletic events.

November 16th, 2008, 07:25 PM
The original from the thread welcoming mountain_man.
1. Montana doesn't like Montana State
2. San Diego is overrated
3. NDSU should be #1 and got jobbed not being in the playoffs, in the minds of most posters not from NDSU
4. A player from Cal-Poly will win the Buchanan
spelunker64 (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/member.php?u=507)
5a.You left off the fact that you are considered a Homer is you think your team has a shot at winning a game!
BrevardMountaineer03 (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/member.php?u=3071)
5b. The SoCon "is weak", and if you pick anyone other than App. St., Furman, and Wofford, to finish in the top 3 you are absolutely crazy!
BULLDOG8180 (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/member.php?u=1911)
6. You'll love it when AZGrizFan posts anything since he has the best avatar on the board.
7. Don't get involved in the GSU/BVG debate. No matter what you post, a GSU fan will promptly tell you your an idiot and lack the necessary information.
8. It'll take a while, but you will come to understand every word from Mr. Chicken.
9. San Diego would've beat Ohio State this year.
10. App State is "over-rated"
11. Use the correct terminology when referring to FCS. Ralph knows where you live.
12. Refer all sexual/moral questions to Cap'n Cat in the longue, he's our AGS resident Dear Abby.
13. Don't ever post in Crapsville before the season is officially over for ASU. If you've won the NC, don't post still because you'll jinx it for next year.
14. CatfishCCU is of unknown sexual orientation and very well might also be known as AppGuy.
15. The Furman posters on this board are generally pretty cool, do not confuse them with their purple companions on the UFFP.
16. Don't talk too much smack about WCU...their diehards are already probably contemplating suicide as it is.
17. We'll never live down "hot, hot, hot." Before every big game, expect our opposing team to bring it up like nobody has ever seen if before. Yes, we've explained that it wasn't meant for release or to be a recruitment video. No, they don't listen.
18. Montana cannot lose at Wa-Griz, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
19. Don't get in the middle of a D1B/Cap'n Cat/UNH Wildcats vs. Baldy/AZGrizFan political battle unless you have approximately 36-48 continuous hours available to argue over pointless details.
20. If a team starts unexpectedly having a great season, expect their posters to multiply 1000x over (*ahem* San Diego).
21. Please don't criticize another poster for their lack of spelling. Sometimes you just want to get you point across, not turn in a freakin' spellproofed essay.
22. Cap'n Cat bribes the girls in his pictures to appear with him, don't let him tell you otherwise.
23. Anybody on here with over 3,000 posts officially has no life (I'm getting close, I know).
24. IGO4UNI is ALWAYS drinking, feel no obligation to crack one open just to post on his drinking threads, another opportunity shall come usually within 12-14 hours.
25. Don't tell Cap'n Cat you live near some good fishing spots unless your sure you're cool with a HUGE dude crashing on your couch for a few days/months.
26. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to fellow AGS'ers at a tailgate. Although perhaps somewhat awkward at first, we're all usually hammered anyway.
27. App fans are despicable, vile pieces of trash to all opposing teams' fans following their visit and loss at KBS. Accept this as the price of success.
28. Dave Coulson is a through-and-through App homer. Don't let his extensive knowledge of all FCS teams and usually correct predictions fool you.
29. D1B did NOT in fact play for Liberty University as he is actually the anti-Christ.
30. Thou shalt be liked more around AGS if you change your avatar to a pic of a smokin' hot chick.
31. Prognosticating and arguing about who's gonna win on AGS is to many more fun than the actual game.
32. If thou talketh smack and thou team loseth, taketh not a few weeks off AGS in hopes that we'll forget. Cometh back over and eat thou crow. We have long memories, anyway.
33. Honestly, the east-coast-bias thing is just stupid.
34. Thou shalt not post naked pictures on the bikini thread.
35. Arguing about whether or not is colder in one FCS city versus another and what sort of advantage that gives is stupid, do not partake.
36. If an AGS fans' team is losing, chances are great it's the fault of the playcalling and coaching. If they ran the team, things would be going a lot better.
37)Great West is best.....if only this year.....and if counting only non-play-off wins
Rabit Rabbit
38) Bison95 is married and therefore hasn't had sex in a long time...he requires that he lives vicariously through you.
39) UNHWildCats has a thing for Asians...
40) Mods are your freinds here....respect them
41) Any pictures of hot women that you come across or hilarious videos you are OBLIGATED to post them here...
42) Once again, CatfishCCU's sexual orientation is heterosexual and Sticky Bunz is just a nickname
43) Every FCS conference has the worst referees in the world!
Ohio Hen
44) If you have a teen age daughter, do not take her anywhere near a Northern Iowa game.
45) If have a teenage asian son, don't take him anywhere near a New Hampshire game
46) If you think you know everything, you must be a Delaware fan
47) Don't be too impressed when it looks like Delaware fans always monopolize the top ten of any contest held by or sponsored by AGS. 90% of all AGS members are Delaware Fans. Also as bad as UD has been over the last few years, they have plenty of time to trivialize
48) Contrary to any denials you have heard in this or other threads, Catfish CCU and AppGuy04 are the same person. However, AppGuy is really straight
49) Contrary to any denials you have heard in this or other threads, billk and gannonfan are the same person
50) I am, and you will be too, amazed at all the absolutely useless information known by 89hen
51. The BSC is overrated---especially according to Hens fans.
52. Ralph is your friend and helper.
53. Win or lose, Georgia Southern Sucks
54. citdog is a very well adjusted young man. He is also a stark raving, one might say RABID Secessionist! He and his Cadets are responsible for more dabauchery than the Barbary Pirates! Ralph is also your friend and helper!
55. citdog pokes horses
56. only if they let me buy them dinner first! (refer to #55)

November 16th, 2008, 07:27 PM
Finally AZGrizFan
Since I’m sure most of youse guys never figured me for makin’it this far, as I approach the five figure milestone of 10,000 posts I’d like to take this time to reflect on a few of the things I’ve learned in the time I’ve spent here on AGS:

1) Grizo is The Man. And one day I shall party at his tailgate.
2) No matter what name SyntaxError posts under, any opinion that differs from his is simply ignorant, unreasoned, uneducated smack.
3) Baldy…….is…And one day, I shall party at his house.
4) The GPI is a joke….in fact, I’ve yet to see a computer-based model that comes anywhere near being accurate.
5) Regionalization sucks. Period. The 11/23/07 UD/DSU game is living proof of that.
6) Cap’n Cat is king. Which, I think, is better than being a Cap’n.
7) There are several voices of reason on this board, including but not limited to: 89Hen, Ivytalk, Baldy, Grizo, CSUBUCDAD, HLecter, blukeys, Blueballs, Seattlegriz, aggie6thman, Gil Dobie, Mountaineer#96, bobbythekidd, and moi. The rest of you are questionable. Some of you (Tod, SyntaxError, UNHWildcats to name a few) are downright looney and should just stay OUT of the political forums altogether….
8) GannonFan may be the smartest guy on the planet---except in the trivia game.
9) The playoff committee needs to go back to seeding all 16 teams. Immediately.
10) The MEAC needs to lose their AQ status. Immediately.
11) They need to break up the CAA into two different conferences---or make them play ALL conference mates and eliminate OOC games.
12) The Big Sky and GWFC need to merge---really.
13) Cleets never made a serious post in his life. Even HE doesn’t take himself seriously.
14) The Big Sky Conference is Montana and everybody else.
15) The sucky teams in the Eastern conferences are WAAAY better than the sucky teams in the Western conferences.
16) Western Carolina, URI and and Indiana State would all finish no worse than 2nd in the Big Fluffy Sky.
17) NDSU would finish first in the Big 10.
18) ASU would beat Michigan 9 out of 10 times if they played that many.
19) Fishnet stockings = Porn….apparently….in some circles.
21) Montana’s football team is peopled with criminals and miscreants.
22) OB55 may have the greatest life of anyone on this board.
23) Dbackjon is a gay, extremely liberal Lumberjacks fan. I’m a straight, moderately conservative Grizzlies fan. Other than that, we have a lot in common. I’ve met him. Trust me on this.
24) The Bikini Thread is the greatest thread ever invented. And that is precisely WHY the powers that be will never let it reappear on these pages.
25) Blueballs…….yes.

and for extra credit, I've learned that my wife is the supreme knowledgeable one in "all things Griz related".....I shall never question her again.

And there you have it. 10,000 posts. Most were boring little one-liners, but I've managed to accumulate almost 9,000 rep points, 4 warnings, 5 strikes and 1 10 day ban. Not bad, but I feel I'm slipping. As the official AGS Troublemaker, it's my duty to "stir the pot", so to speak. I shall endeavor in the next 10,000 to to a better job of living up to that lofty moniker.

Peace to all, and a heartfelt thanks to the BOD, Mods, and administration that provides this place for us all to gather and discuss the myriad of things we discuss.....and sometimes football

November 16th, 2008, 07:36 PM
Note: This is not smack.

I think it seems pretty obvious that by the number of posts from people actually at the game that there were some questionable late hits by Elon.

I know everyone wants to defend their team, but you do have to realize that there might be a few bad apples who didn't represent your team or school the way it should be.

It seems that everyone wants to chalk this up to "ASU fans whining about a tough game", but we had tough games against GSU, FU, and JMU, and there wasn't nearly as many complaints. The posts by other teams seem to support this as well.

You can be a "hard fighting team" and "play tough ball games" without the type of stuff I saw first hand last night.

November 16th, 2008, 07:52 PM
you guys are a bunch of whiners, really. I have seen this crap out of every conference team in the past 8 years at one point or another. The fact that App fans have started 2 threads specifically on this is just typical.

Lie about something enough, people will start to believe it.

I watched the game on the net, video feed with audio. Neither the commentators (App's side) said anything about this nor were there anything blatant that happened as many times as you whiners complain about.

The fact is, we got good and got good fast and you people are looking for reasons to take that success and try to taint it.

But hey, it works for politicians, so it'll work for you too. They more you say it, the more people will believe it.

November 16th, 2008, 07:54 PM
Note: This is not smack.

I think it seems pretty obvious that by the number of posts from people actually at the game that there were some questionable late hits by Elon.

I know everyone wants to defend their team, but you do have to realize that there might be a few bad apples who didn't represent your team or school the way it should be.

It seems that everyone wants to chalk this up to "ASU fans whining about a tough game", but we had tough games against GSU, FU, and JMU, and there wasn't nearly as many complaints. The posts by other teams seem to support this as well.

You can be a "hard fighting team" and "play tough ball games" without the type of stuff I saw first hand last night.

blah blah blah. I seem to remember the correct number of refs being on the field. I don't remember any flags being thrown for late hits, unsportsman like conduct, in fact I don't remember very many flags being thrown on either team. I'm sure if the game had been at Elon their fans could have found several things to complain about. Great game on both teams part, although it was probably a little closer than the hillbilly's wanted or EXPECTED.

November 16th, 2008, 07:56 PM
Note: This is not smack.

I think it seems pretty obvious that by the number of posts from people actually at the game that there were some questionable late hits by Elon.

I know everyone wants to defend their team, but you do have to realize that there might be a few bad apples who didn't represent your team or school the way it should be.

It seems that everyone wants to chalk this up to "ASU fans whining about a tough game", but we had tough games against GSU, FU, and JMU, and there wasn't nearly as many complaints. The posts by other teams seem to support this as well.

You can be a "hard fighting team" and "play tough ball games" without the type of stuff I saw first hand last night.

OK, I understand. I was there too. I did not see the same stuff you say you saw. We'll have to agree to disagree.

However, if, by fate, we happen to play Elon again this year, I'll more carefully watch for questionable late hits.

November 16th, 2008, 08:08 PM
blah blah blah. I seem to remember the correct number of refs being on the field. I don't remember any flags being thrown for late hits, unsportsman like conduct, in fact I don't remember very many flags being thrown on either team. I'm sure if the game had been at Elon their fans could have found several things to complain about. Great game on both teams part, although it was probably a little closer than the hillbilly's wanted or EXPECTED.

blah blah blah. There were flags thrown for unsportsmanlike-related penalties. One of them was a blatant roughing the passer 2-3 seconds after the ball was released. It negated what would've been an Elon interception. Get your facts straight.

And as far as Elon getting good...hold on there cowboy! I'm more convinced they stopped being bad. You don't "get good" until you get a quarterback that doesn't slowly collapse into the fetal position when an end comes within 10 feet of him. And that's not just smack...I'm pretty sure you guys could have picked up more than one of the key first downs had Riddle kept the ball and taken a little contact instead of pitching it back 3 yards and letting the back take a hit short of the marker.

November 16th, 2008, 08:15 PM
you guys are a bunch of whiners, really. I have seen this crap out of every conference team in the past 8 years at one point or another. The fact that App fans have started 2 threads specifically on this is just typical.

Lie about something enough, people will start to believe it.

I watched the game on the net, video feed with audio. Neither the commentators (App's side) said anything about this nor were there anything blatant that happened as many times as you whiners complain about.

The fact is, we got good and got good fast and you people are looking for reasons to take that success and try to taint it.

But hey, it works for politicians, so it'll work for you too. They more you say it, the more people will believe it.

blah blah blah. I seem to remember the correct number of refs being on the field. I don't remember any flags being thrown for late hits, unsportsman like conduct, in fact I don't remember very many flags being thrown on either team. I'm sure if the game had been at Elon their fans could have found several things to complain about. Great game on both teams part, although it was probably a little closer than the hillbilly's wanted or EXPECTED.

Way to keep it classy.....

I am more than thrilled that Elon has turned their program around like they have. The Southern Conference only deserves to have the best teams and universities associated it. Elon is nothing but a prime example of how to build a football program to a successful level in FCS play.

It was a very hard fought game, and you could tell how much the Pheonix wanted the W they way they came back to take the lead in the 3rd quarter. I was happy to get to stand out in the rain and the cold for the chance to watch one of the greatest SoCon games of the year.

Emotions can bring a lot of people to do a few things that they would normally not do. And yes there were penalties on the hits in question, when Armanti was hit late on the int., there were two penalties: a personal foul for roughing the passer and pass interference. We declined the roughing call and took the interference call for the field position advantage it gave us.

I haven't whined at all, there should just be some accountability for the way some of the players acted.

November 16th, 2008, 08:25 PM
The radio announcers even were suprised there were no flags thrown on many hits by Elon, but this is old news.

November 16th, 2008, 08:40 PM
The original from the thread welcoming mountain_man.
1. Montana doesn't like Montana State
2. San Diego is overrated
3. NDSU should be #1 and got jobbed not being in the playoffs, in the minds of most posters not from NDSU
4. A player from Cal-Poly will win the Buchanan
spelunker64 (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/member.php?u=507)
5a.You left off the fact that you are considered a Homer is you think your team has a shot at winning a game!
BrevardMountaineer03 (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/member.php?u=3071)
5b. The SoCon "is weak", and if you pick anyone other than App. St., Furman, and Wofford, to finish in the top 3 you are absolutely crazy!
BULLDOG8180 (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/member.php?u=1911)
6. You'll love it when AZGrizFan posts anything since he has the best avatar on the board.
7. Don't get involved in the GSU/BVG debate. No matter what you post, a GSU fan will promptly tell you your an idiot and lack the necessary information.
8. It'll take a while, but you will come to understand every word from Mr. Chicken.
9. San Diego would've beat Ohio State this year.
10. App State is "over-rated"
11. Use the correct terminology when referring to FCS. Ralph knows where you live.
12. Refer all sexual/moral questions to Cap'n Cat in the longue, he's our AGS resident Dear Abby.
13. Don't ever post in Crapsville before the season is officially over for ASU. If you've won the NC, don't post still because you'll jinx it for next year.
14. CatfishCCU is of unknown sexual orientation and very well might also be known as AppGuy.
15. The Furman posters on this board are generally pretty cool, do not confuse them with their purple companions on the UFFP.
16. Don't talk too much smack about WCU...their diehards are already probably contemplating suicide as it is.
17. We'll never live down "hot, hot, hot." Before every big game, expect our opposing team to bring it up like nobody has ever seen if before. Yes, we've explained that it wasn't meant for release or to be a recruitment video. No, they don't listen.
18. Montana cannot lose at Wa-Griz, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
19. Don't get in the middle of a D1B/Cap'n Cat/UNH Wildcats vs. Baldy/AZGrizFan political battle unless you have approximately 36-48 continuous hours available to argue over pointless details.
20. If a team starts unexpectedly having a great season, expect their posters to multiply 1000x over (*ahem* San Diego).
21. Please don't criticize another poster for their lack of spelling. Sometimes you just want to get you point across, not turn in a freakin' spellproofed essay.
22. Cap'n Cat bribes the girls in his pictures to appear with him, don't let him tell you otherwise.
23. Anybody on here with over 3,000 posts officially has no life (I'm getting close, I know).
24. IGO4UNI is ALWAYS drinking, feel no obligation to crack one open just to post on his drinking threads, another opportunity shall come usually within 12-14 hours.
25. Don't tell Cap'n Cat you live near some good fishing spots unless your sure you're cool with a HUGE dude crashing on your couch for a few days/months.
26. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to fellow AGS'ers at a tailgate. Although perhaps somewhat awkward at first, we're all usually hammered anyway.
27. App fans are despicable, vile pieces of trash to all opposing teams' fans following their visit and loss at KBS. Accept this as the price of success.
28. Dave Coulson is a through-and-through App homer. Don't let his extensive knowledge of all FCS teams and usually correct predictions fool you.
29. D1B did NOT in fact play for Liberty University as he is actually the anti-Christ.
30. Thou shalt be liked more around AGS if you change your avatar to a pic of a smokin' hot chick.
31. Prognosticating and arguing about who's gonna win on AGS is to many more fun than the actual game.
32. If thou talketh smack and thou team loseth, taketh not a few weeks off AGS in hopes that we'll forget. Cometh back over and eat thou crow. We have long memories, anyway.
33. Honestly, the east-coast-bias thing is just stupid.
34. Thou shalt not post naked pictures on the bikini thread.
35. Arguing about whether or not is colder in one FCS city versus another and what sort of advantage that gives is stupid, do not partake.
36. If an AGS fans' team is losing, chances are great it's the fault of the playcalling and coaching. If they ran the team, things would be going a lot better.
37)Great West is best.....if only this year.....and if counting only non-play-off wins
Rabit Rabbit
38) Bison95 is married and therefore hasn't had sex in a long time...he requires that he lives vicariously through you.
39) UNHWildCats has a thing for Asians...
40) Mods are your freinds here....respect them
41) Any pictures of hot women that you come across or hilarious videos you are OBLIGATED to post them here...
42) Once again, CatfishCCU's sexual orientation is heterosexual and Sticky Bunz is just a nickname
43) Every FCS conference has the worst referees in the world!
Ohio Hen
44) If you have a teen age daughter, do not take her anywhere near a Northern Iowa game.
45) If have a teenage asian son, don't take him anywhere near a New Hampshire game
46) If you think you know everything, you must be a Delaware fan
47) Don't be too impressed when it looks like Delaware fans always monopolize the top ten of any contest held by or sponsored by AGS. 90% of all AGS members are Delaware Fans. Also as bad as UD has been over the last few years, they have plenty of time to trivialize
48) Contrary to any denials you have heard in this or other threads, Catfish CCU and AppGuy04 are the same person. However, AppGuy is really straight
49) Contrary to any denials you have heard in this or other threads, billk and gannonfan are the same person
50) I am, and you will be too, amazed at all the absolutely useless information known by 89hen
51. The BSC is overrated---especially according to Hens fans.
52. Ralph is your friend and helper.
53. Win or lose, Georgia Southern Sucks
54. citdog is a very well adjusted young man. He is also a stark raving, one might say RABID Secessionist! He and his Cadets are responsible for more dabauchery than the Barbary Pirates! Ralph is also your friend and helper!
55. citdog pokes horses
56. only if they let me buy them dinner first! (refer to #55)

Thanks Bobby I'm new around here as well and cannot stand when i don't know what is going on.

November 16th, 2008, 08:53 PM
Thanks Bobby I'm new around here as well and cannot stand when i don't know what is going on.
Then you should know... It's Bob Dammit!xmadx

November 16th, 2008, 08:55 PM
blah blah blah. There were flags thrown for unsportsmanlike-related penalties. One of them was a blatant roughing the passer 2-3 seconds after the ball was released. It negated what would've been an Elon interception. Get your facts straight.

And as far as Elon getting good...hold on there cowboy! I'm more convinced they stopped being bad. You don't "get good" until you get a quarterback that doesn't slowly collapse into the fetal position when an end comes within 10 feet of him. And that's not just smack...I'm pretty sure you guys could have picked up more than one of the key first downs had Riddle kept the ball and taken a little contact instead of pitching it back 3 yards and letting the back take a hit short of the marker.

Whoa now, I agree that there were flags that could have been thrown for both sides. Overall I thought it was a pretty even game and both teams left it all on the field.

As far as Riddle sliding, if you saw the hit he took at Georgia Southern you would understand why he now slides. One of the worst hits I've ever seen. He used to take defenders straight on, after that game he has learned to slide and take better care of his body.

November 16th, 2008, 08:55 PM
See I'm already slackin. Sorry BOB.

Elon Fightin' Christians
November 16th, 2008, 08:59 PM
Wah. Wah. WAh..... blah ...blah...blah....

The APP fans are just whining because precious little Armanti got knocked out.

Riddle took a couple of questionable hits too, and there were a few times that APP players hit ELON players late out-of-bounds that weren't called either.
For the most part, I think the refs did a great job staying out of the way and letting these two good teams settle it. It was a great game to watch.

November 16th, 2008, 09:08 PM
blah blah blah. There were flags thrown for unsportsmanlike-related penalties. One of them was a blatant roughing the passer 2-3 seconds after the ball was released. It negated what would've been an Elon interception. Get your facts straight.

And as far as Elon getting good...hold on there cowboy! I'm more convinced they stopped being bad. You don't "get good" until you get a quarterback that doesn't slowly collapse into the fetal position when an end comes within 10 feet of him. And that's not just smack...I'm pretty sure you guys could have picked up more than one of the key first downs had Riddle kept the ball and taken a little contact instead of pitching it back 3 yards and letting the back take a hit short of the marker.

I think the interception play penalty was for pass interference, not roughing the passer.

Just because Riddle does not run does not mean Elon is not good. They darn near won the game!

November 16th, 2008, 09:19 PM
I think the interception play penalty was for pass interference, not roughing the passer.

I think there were two penalties on that play. One for PI and one for roughing the passer. I may be wrong... my brain is finally beginning to thaw. xlolx

November 16th, 2008, 09:20 PM
I think there were two penalties on that play. One for PI and one for roughing the passer. I may be wrong... my brain is finally beginning to thaw. xlolx

You are correct, there were two fouls on the play. We took the PI call over the personal foul because it gave us better field position.

November 16th, 2008, 09:36 PM
Why don't the fans from both teams shut the hell up. The only thing that matters from the game is the final score. Its over, move on.

Syntax Error
November 16th, 2008, 09:54 PM
Finally AZGrizFan
No matter what name SyntaxError posts under, any opinion that differs from his is simply ignorant, unreasoned, uneducated smack.That is ignorant, unreasoned, uneducated smack. xnodx

November 16th, 2008, 09:54 PM
Why don't the fans from both teams shut the hell up. The only thing that matters from the game is the final score. Its over, move on.

Last time I checked:

This board is for general Football Championship Subdivision talk about the current FCS and topics, newspaper articles/scuttlebutt/speculation, and published "official" news. No smack. Low noise, reasoned opinions, and linked notices for the entire FCS community.

Relax, if you don't want to hear anyone's opinions on it, move on to the next thread.

November 16th, 2008, 10:44 PM
Last time I checked:

Relax, if you don't want to hear anyone's opinions on it, move on to the next thread.
Because all this thread has turned into is a pissing war between Elon and App fans. Its not going anywhere.

November 16th, 2008, 11:08 PM
I think the interception play penalty was for pass interference, not roughing the passer.

Just because Riddle does not run does not mean Elon is not good. They darn near won the game!

The interception was for pass interference not roughing the passer. The game play by play shows it. The other penalty was for holding on Elon after the interception.

November 16th, 2008, 11:15 PM
I have never heard "winning" fans complain as much as some App fans do.

November 16th, 2008, 11:22 PM
Maybe if precious Armanti didn't dive and show boat for extra yards he wouldn't get knocked around on so many plays

Hm. This is the second time you have said this. How is diving for extra yards showboating?? xrolleyesx

And, I don't believe anyone is talking about that play as a late hit or anything. That was a good stop by Elon. xthumbsupx

November 16th, 2008, 11:58 PM
The interception was for pass interference not roughing the passer. The game play by play shows it. The other penalty was for holding on Elon after the interception.

Don't care what game play by play says. It was PI and a late hit on Armanti we took the PI as it negated the INT the roughing would have been Elon ball backed up 15 yards. Not arguing the late hit BS just getting facts straight. Late hits happen in every game. Elon I am sure was pumped to be playing the #2 team in the nation and may have played past the whistle a couple times but it happens every week.

November 17th, 2008, 08:26 AM
Don't care what game play by play says. It was PI and a late hit on Armanti we took the PI as it negated the INT the roughing would have been Elon ball backed up 15 yards. Not arguing the late hit BS just getting facts straight. Late hits happen in every game. Elon I am sure was pumped to be playing the #2 team in the nation and may have played past the whistle a couple times but it happens every week.

I was sitting in the stands, but still listening on the radio. The Pass Interference happened on the throw. The other penalty was a late hit AFTER the INT occurred. Armanti was just standing there AFTER the INT occurred and one of the Elon guys knocked him to the ground. The PI was accepted because it negated the INT. The late hit would not have negated the INT.

November 17th, 2008, 09:41 AM
Why don't the fans from both teams shut the hell up. The only thing that matters from the game is the final score. Its over, move on.

Whoa, dude. What else is AGS for, if not for fans to continue the game long after it's over?

November 17th, 2008, 10:45 AM
blah blah blah. I seem to remember the correct number of refs being on the field. I don't remember any flags being thrown for late hits, unsportsman like conduct, in fact I don't remember very many flags being thrown on either team. I'm sure if the game had been at Elon their fans could have found several things to complain about. Great game on both teams part, although it was probably a little closer than the hillbilly's wanted or EXPECTED.

On the INT there was a pass interference call that we excepted as well as a personal foul for the hit on Armanti. We turned down the PF because it happened after the INT. Armanti was easily 20 yards away from the play and your DL #50 singled him out and took a shot at him. No big deal... if thats what you have to do to win the game thats fine.

November 17th, 2008, 10:56 AM
Don't care what game play by play says. It was PI and a late hit on Armanti we took the PI as it negated the INT the roughing would have been Elon ball backed up 15 yards. Not arguing the late hit BS just getting facts straight. Late hits happen in every game. Elon I am sure was pumped to be playing the #2 team in the nation and may have played past the whistle a couple times but it happens every week.

If the late hit was AFTER the interception,and I don't know if it was, isn't that called blocking? The D-Lineman in question would not be the first to "block" the quarterback after an interception.

Not picking sides here.....xpeacex

November 17th, 2008, 11:07 AM
If the late hit was AFTER the interception,and I don't know if it was, isn't that called blocking? The D-Lineman in question would not be the first to "block" the quarterback after an interception.

Not picking sides here.....xpeacex

Good to meet you, sir. Heck of a game, too. I was one of the few students freezing for most of the game, though I had to leave a bit before the end. Great to see the win, terrified about next week. Will you be attending?

November 17th, 2008, 11:19 AM
Like I tell the kids I coach in youth leagues... Don't get caught up in the refs shortcomings or other teams holding, fouling, smack, cheating whatever... Keep your head, play your game and hopefully you leave the field with a W and the other team leaves with an L and the comfort of knowing they tried everything in the book to beat you. If the other team is bringing it harder than you, look at yourself first before you blame the other factors and start to make excuses.

As for Elon, they played a great game (as did ASU). Unfortunately for the Phoenix, they left the field with the L. Only the Phoenix know if they did all they could do...

One more behind us, one more ahead...

Give 'em Hell Apps!

November 17th, 2008, 11:37 AM
If the late hit was AFTER the interception,and I don't know if it was, isn't that called blocking? The D-Lineman in question would not be the first to "block" the quarterback after an interception.

Not picking sides here.....xpeacex

Agreed. Regardless of my affiliation. I was puzzled by the call. However, I specifically remember the refs saying "During the return... personal foul..."