View Full Version : Name The Three Greatest Appy Players Ever
November 11th, 2008, 03:06 PM
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated xnodx
November 11th, 2008, 03:09 PM
Armanti Edwards
Kevin Richardson
Jamal Sullivan's hands
November 11th, 2008, 03:10 PM
Richie Williams
Armanti Edwards
Dexter Coakley
November 11th, 2008, 03:13 PM
Armanti Edwards
Kevin Richardson
Jamal Sullivan's hands
Speaking of living in the past...
Also, I think most App fans will agree that:
1) this does nothing to dispell the stereotype that most App fans didn't exist before 2005 (BTW, the same stereotype exists about JMU fans and 2004); and
2) the fact that the first ASU poster didn't smack UNHWC around for saying "Appy" is disgraceful
November 11th, 2008, 03:23 PM
2) the fact that the first ASU poster didn't smack UNHWC around for saying "Appy" is disgraceful
xlolx I have noticed that the Appy fans tend to get a tad testy on that subject :D
November 11th, 2008, 03:26 PM
Speaking of living in the past...
Also, I think most App fans will agree that:
1) this does nothing to dispell the stereotype that most App fans didn't exist before 2005 (BTW, the same stereotype exists about JMU fans and 2004); and
2) the fact that the first ASU poster didn't smack UNHWC around for saying "Appy" is disgraceful
Wow. I just realized that. It all makes sense.
November 11th, 2008, 03:27 PM
No list of great APPALACHIAN players is complete without Dino Hackett.
Seven Would Be Nice
November 11th, 2008, 03:30 PM
There is
No great APPALACHIAN players.
xwhistlex xwhistlex
November 11th, 2008, 03:31 PM
Dexter Coakley
Dino Hackett
Larry Hand/ John Settle
A lot of the newer names will probably eventually be on this list:
Richie Williams
Corey Lynch
Josh Jeffries
Armanti Edwards (will ultimately be #1)
Kevin Richardson
Devon Fowlkes
Steve Brown
I'm basing all of this on college, before pros.
Just like Christian Laettner may be the best Dukie of all time, but he clearly wasn't great in the NBA.
November 11th, 2008, 03:32 PM
Yeah, Appy is kinda like saying New Hampy xlolx .
As far as the question at hand, I'd say you can't leave out Armanti from this list. Records already broken and yet to be broken are overwhelming. The kid is a freak of nature. For the other two/three, I'm going to go with John Settle/Dino Hackett and Dexter Coakley. All 3 made Pro Bowls (Settle once, Hacket once, Coakley 3x). It's tough to leave out Richie Williams or Steve Brown, but Armanti's numbers are going to smash those of the other 2 QBs. If I had to rank the 3, I'd go like this:
1. Coakley
2. Edwards
3. Dino Hackett/Settle
November 11th, 2008, 03:36 PM
I'm kind of over people calling us "Appy". I'm not a fan, but i'm not going to get testy over it.
As for the topic.
1. Dexter Coakley
2. Richie Williams
3. Dino Hackett
I'll wait until Armanti graduates before putting him up there if he continues at the pace he's going at.
November 11th, 2008, 03:38 PM
1. Armanti Edwards Sophomore Edition
2. Armanti Edwards Junior Edition
3. Armanti Edwards Freshman Edition
All 3 Editions of Armanti Edwards are collectors items and it can only be assumed that the Best Edition will be the Senior Edition.
November 11th, 2008, 03:42 PM
1. Armanti Edwards Junior Edition
2. Armanti Edwards Sophomore Edition
3. Armanti Edwards Freshman Edition
All 3 Editions of Armanti Edwards are collectors items and it can only be assumed that the Best Edition will be the Senior Edition.
I'd actually rank those like this:
1. Sophomore
2. Junior
3. Freshman
Sophomore year he averaged 321 total YPG (144 rushing). This year he's averaging 279 (79 rushing). xthumbsupx
November 11th, 2008, 03:42 PM
1. Coakley
2. Settle
3. Edwards
3. Hackett
November 11th, 2008, 03:47 PM
anyone have a picture of Coakley from an App game?
November 11th, 2008, 03:57 PM
My first thought was Dexter Coakley, of course.xthumbsupx Then John Settle and Armanti Edwards.
I'd also like to nominate Kidd Brewer's entire 1937 team. They were unscored upon the ENTIRE season until a 7-0 loss to Southern Miss in a bowl game to end the season! And you thought App fans didn't know anything about the team pre-2005?xrulesx
November 11th, 2008, 03:58 PM
My first thought was Dexter Coakley, of course.xthumbsupx Then John Settle and Armanti Edwards.
I'd also like to nominate Kidd Brewer's entire 1937 team. They were unscored upon the ENTIRE season until a 7-0 loss to Southern Miss in a bowl game to end the season! And you thought App fans didn't know anything about the team pre-2005?xrulesx
Oh I'm sure you were around to see it...
November 11th, 2008, 04:09 PM
anyone have a picture of Coakley from an App game?
November 11th, 2008, 04:09 PM
November 11th, 2008, 04:11 PM
anyone have a picture of Coakley from an App game?
Check the online version of the media guide. You will find one or two pics of Coakley there.
Just for the record this App thread was not started by one of us.
November 11th, 2008, 04:23 PM
When App honored Coakley during one of the earlier games, they showed a highlight package that was phenomenal. I wish the ASU video guy would upload it onto You Tube.
November 11th, 2008, 04:24 PM
No mention of Burchette or Hoover? xeyebrowx
Or do I know more history of ASU beyond 3 years than ASU fans xlolx xpeacex
BTW Coakley was a freak of nature.
That Edwards kid is alright.
November 11th, 2008, 04:26 PM
No mention of Burchette or Hoover? xeyebrowx
Or do I know more history of ASU beyond 3 years than ASU fans xlolx xpeacex
BTW Coakley was a freak of nature.
That Edwards kid is alright.
hoover (if your talkin about brad) went to western.
what about Jim Bob Norman???
November 11th, 2008, 04:30 PM
hoover (if your talkin about brad) went to western.
what about Jim Bob Norman???
JOEY Hoover xcoolx
I know he wasn't one of your all-time greats but the dude wouldn't go down
November 11th, 2008, 04:34 PM
Speaking of living in the past...
Also, I think most App fans will agree that:
1) this does nothing to dispell the stereotype that most App fans didn't exist before 2005 (BTW, the same stereotype exists about JMU fans and 2004); and
2) the fact that the first ASU poster didn't smack UNHWC around for saying "Appy" is disgraceful
Whoops...thought the 'ever' said '2007' on first glance.
November 11th, 2008, 04:35 PM
hoover (if your talkin about brad) went to western.
what about Jim Bob Norman???
He definitely wins "Greatest App mullet ever" xnodx
And yes, Brad Hoover went to Western and has the rare distinction of leading Western to one of it's two wins in the last 24 years over us. For us App fans who are Carolina Panthers fans, it's still a bit hard for us to do the "Hooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvv" cheer as it brings back memories of 1996.
EDIT: Oh, Joey Hoover. He was a good one but with competition like Settle and Richardson, you can't call him one of the top three in history.
November 11th, 2008, 04:35 PM
JOEY Hoover xcoolx
I know he wasn't one of your all-time greats but the dude wouldn't go down
You mean Hoover is supposed to be one of our top 3?? What kind of program do you think this is?? xlolx xpeacex
November 11th, 2008, 04:37 PM
1) Dexter Coakley
2) Dino Hackett
3) Richie Williams
.....Armanti shall take over sport number 1 after he graduates, putting Dino and Richie at 3a and 3b.
November 11th, 2008, 04:38 PM
You mean Hoover is supposed to be one of our top 3?? What kind of program do you think this is?? xlolx xpeacex
Nah to be honest with you his mom is good friends with my mom. Small world! Remember - Nothing Runs Like a Hoover!
November 11th, 2008, 05:13 PM
Speaking of living in the past...
Also, I think most App fans will agree that:
1) this does nothing to dispell the stereotype that most App fans didn't exist before 2005 (BTW, the same stereotype exists about JMU fans and 2004); and
2) the fact that the first ASU poster didn't smack UNHWC around for saying "Appy" is disgraceful
I really don't think you can deny Richie being on the list. I know it sounds like its coming from recent fair weather band wagon fans, but the guy broke the NCAA division 1 (both FCS and FBS) record for number of consecutive completions in a game, broke a 20 year old SoCon record for career total yards from scrimmage, still owns the most 400 yard passing games (5 for his career, 4 in 2004 alone!), and is still the only Mountaineer that has had a 500 yard day!
EDIT: I also forgot to mention that he owns the NCAA all-divisions record for completion percentage in a game at .889 (min of 40 attempts: 40-45) as of the begining of this season.
I'm surprised Matt Stevens hasn't come up yet. The guy was scouted as a potential first rounder in the NFL until he had his knee taken out by UTC in 1995. It was a devastating blow our defense to have him out and we eventually let an undefeated season go in the playoffs to SFA.
By the way, you deserve a solid punch in the face if that derogatory version of my university's name is ever spoken
November 11th, 2008, 05:20 PM
I really don't think you can deny Richie being on the list. I know it sounds like its coming from recent fair weather band wagon fans, but the guy broke the NCAA division 1 (both FCS and FBS) record for number of consecutive completions in a game, broke a 20 year old SoCon record for career total yards from scrimmage, still owns the most 400 yard passing games (5 for his career, 4 in 2004 alone!), and is still the only Mountaineer that has had a 500 yard day!
I'm surprised Matt Stevens hasn't come up yet. The guy was scouted as a potential first rounder in the NFL until he had his knee taken out by UTC in 1995. It was a devastating blow our defense to have him out and we eventually let an undefeated season go in the playoffs to SFA.
By the way, you deserve a solid punch in the face if that derogatory version of my university's name is ever spoken
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
OMG! Freakin' read and be on the lookout for a clue.
The post I quoted listed:
Armanti Edwards
Kevin Richardson
Jamal Sullivan's hands (token JMU dig)
I don't have any problems with Richie Williams being on anybody's list, I think there's a legitimate argument for him being in the Top Three.
And, let's work on the reading comp. a little bit buddy. All I pointed out was that the guy that started the thread referred to ASU as Appy and I figured ASU fans would be disappointed that the first poster didn't call him on it.
November 11th, 2008, 05:28 PM
Richie Williams
John Settle
Dino Hackett
Armanti Edwards
Bjorn Nitmo.
November 11th, 2008, 05:28 PM
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
OMG! Freakin' read and be on the lookout for a clue.
The post I quoted listed:
Armanti Edwards
Kevin Richardson
Jamal Sullivan's hands (token JMU dig)
I don't have any problems with Richie Williams being on any body's list, I think there's a legitimate argument for him being in the Top Three.
And, let's work on the reading comp. a little bit buddy. All I pointed out was that the guy that started the thread referred to ASU as Appy and I figured ASU fans would be disappointed that the first poster didn't call him on it.
I reed them letter thingys just fine...
I wasn't saying YOU deserved a punch in the face, just anyone who would use it. You know, all hypothetical and the like.
Relax there, and I appreciate your original attempt in our defense.
But your right, I did do a little post skimming and mixed up who you were referencing. As they say in my neck of the woods: my b yo.
Go Apps
November 11th, 2008, 05:48 PM
John Settle
Dexter Coakley
Armani Edwards/Ritchie Williams
Bjorn Nitmo:))
Dino Hackett
November 11th, 2008, 05:51 PM
1) Chris McFarland
2) DJ Thompson
3) Rufus Leach
...wait... wrong sport...
1) Coakley
2) Richie
3) Settle
Don't forget DaVon Fowlkes, I haven't heard anyone mention him... he's not a top 3, but he's up there. Armanti will be a top 3, but he's still got a lot of ball left to play, so we'll wait on him. Fan favorites over the past few years have to be The Jim Bob Norman, Trey Elder, and Nic Cardwell.
November 11th, 2008, 05:54 PM
No mention of Burchette or Hoover? xeyebrowx
Or do I know more history of ASU beyond 3 years than ASU fans xlolx xpeacex
BTW Coakley was a freak of nature.
That Edwards kid is alright.
Burchette was actually my favorite App QB until Richie and Armanti came along. He was fun to watch.
November 11th, 2008, 06:28 PM
Marques Murrell
November 11th, 2008, 06:31 PM
Jamal Sullivan, JMU running back '07.
November 11th, 2008, 07:03 PM
Burchette was actually my favorite App QB until Richie and Armanti came along. He was fun to watch.
Burchette's biggest drawback (in my mind) is that he only cared on Saturday. The other 6 days of the week, he didn't give one crap about football. Granted, he had a great deal of talent, and could play the game, but the intangibles were not there.
The guy was a chain smoker (I had friends who lived with him) and was rumored to have once sneaked in a cigarette on the sideline (I didn't see this personally, but have heard the story from several who say they did). And he couldn't run away from an oak tree.
November 11th, 2008, 07:16 PM
I'm kind of over people calling us "Appy". I'm not a fan, but i'm not going to get testy over it.
As for the topic.
1. Dexter Coakley
2. Richie Williams
3. Dino Hackett
I'll wait until Armanti graduates before putting him up there if he continues at the pace he's going at.
Armanti is twice the player Richie was in my opinion
Reign of Terrier
November 11th, 2008, 07:16 PM
Moe, Larry, and Curly.
November 11th, 2008, 07:18 PM
greatest app players:
Dino Hacket
Dexter Coakley
Armanti Edwards
November 11th, 2008, 07:23 PM
coakley and armanti have to be on the list...the third could be debated til we are all blue in the face. Considering AE has broke so many records halfway through his junior year and missing countless games his sophmore year and not even starting his freshman year make him and Coakley the best I've ever seen lace it up
November 11th, 2008, 07:40 PM
Marques Murrell
Richie Williams
Steve Brown ... gotta throw that one in there - plus he's a good sidekick for DJ now
November 11th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Armanti Edwards
Dexter Coakley
John Settle
Steve Brown
November 11th, 2008, 07:57 PM
November 11th, 2008, 08:12 PM
Corey Lynch did a decent job blocking field goals. Legree is a hawk in the secondary too!
November 11th, 2008, 08:13 PM
I reed them letter thingys just fine...
I wasn't saying YOU deserved a punch in the face, just anyone who would use it. You know, all hypothetical and the like.
Relax there, and I appreciate your original attempt in our defense.
But your right, I did do a little post skimming and mixed up who you were referencing. As they say in my neck of the woods: my b yo.
My b, too. Little overreaction. Rough day at work. Went home and got some. xpeacex
November 11th, 2008, 09:24 PM
Armanti is twice the player Richie was in my opinion
I'll wait until he graduates before including him where he deserves to be. xnodx
Richie wasn't any slouch himself. He carried the team in his time and was the heart and soul. He had to deal with the change from the Power I to the Spread Option and he didn't have the near the talent level around him Armanti has. Armanti can carry us on his back when he needs to and does every now and then. Richie carried us every week and was the reason we didn't have a losing record in 2004.
And how can you forget him limping down the field at the 05 National Championship, giving us that spark and kick in the pants that we needed to win that game xbowx (Sanders hitting his own lineman and fumbling the ball helped as well :D )
November 11th, 2008, 09:33 PM
Armanti Edwards
Dexter Coakley
Harold Alexander
No love for punters, but Harold Alexander should have shown up by now. Third round draft pick. Two-time NCAA leader in punting average (and one season his average was better than the best in the NFL).
He should, at the very least, be on ASU's top 10 list.
And if Jamal's Sullivan's hands can make the list, Bobby Lamb's bad mojo ought to be on there someplace.
November 11th, 2008, 10:16 PM
Jason Hunter
November 11th, 2008, 11:48 PM
John Settle has to get mention. Held the rushing record for two decades before Richardson broke it last year and only fumbled once in a career.....
November 12th, 2008, 06:38 AM
Armanti Edwards
Kevin Richardson
Jamal Sullivan's hands
I give Mickey Mouth and App's LB's more credit for that fumble than blaming it on Sullivan
Dexter Coakley:
With a lot of credit going to LB Joe DiBernardo, The entire DL ( including current OL coach Elliott) and the DB's including but not limited to Matt Stevens
Richie Williams:
rewrote the QB and offensive record books: as well as the 1st National Championship
Dino Hackett
Number three was tough, went with Dino because he is the first App player that I remember being mentioned on the national scene.
Dino Hackett
November 12th, 2008, 06:48 AM
The greatest ASU players:
--Larry Hand --very long career (13 years) with the Detroit Lions
--Dino Hackett --played 7 years in the NFL--Pro Bowl LB
--John Settle -- NFL Running back and pro bowl appearance--
--Dexter Coakley--NFL pro bowl LB
November 12th, 2008, 06:57 AM
Harold Alexander
No love for punters, but Harold Alexander should have shown up by now. Third round draft pick.
As long as we're talking about punters, I'd give a shout out to Mark Royals. His numbers don't match Alexander's, but he was steady and reliable, and had a pretty decent NFL career.
Plus, when I was a freshman, I accidently stepped on his kicking foot at a party, and he didn't kick my a$$, so that makes him great in my book...xthumbsupx
November 12th, 2008, 07:23 AM
I'll wait until he graduates before including him where he deserves to be. xnodx
Richie wasn't any slouch himself. He carried the team in his time and was the heart and soul. He had to deal with the change from the Power I to the Spread Option and he didn't have the near the talent level around him Armanti has. Armanti can carry us on his back when he needs to and does every now and then. Richie carried us every week and was the reason we didn't have a losing record in 2004.
And how can you forget him limping down the field at the 05 National Championship, giving us that spark and kick in the pants that we needed to win that game xbowx (Sanders hitting his own lineman and fumbling the ball helped as well :D )
Hey, I loved watching Richie play and I was there when he limped onto the field. His perfomance was lousy to be honest, but him just being out there lit up our team and our crowd. Honestly the defense should get all the credit for our first national title.
Not sure I agree with you that Richie had no talent around him. Armanti didn't get Jason Hunter for 4 years and Marques Murrell for 3. You could always count on those guys to come up big if the offense was slow.
Armanti missed four games his sophmore year and still had one of the greatest seasons in football history. I think he made it into some elite company that year :) Would have loved to seen his stats without missing so much time.
Like I said, Richie was great but I just don't think he is in the top 3 and I don't think he is close to the athlete AE is. AE just runs over people. They were both after my college time but I didn't miss many games til this year so I got to see them both in person a lot and thats why I made the statement I did.
I wouldn't say he was the only reason we didn't have a losing season in 04. DaVon Fowlkes did a little to help as well. Plus you could argue Trey Elder kept us from having a losing record. Remember the Texas State game. Had Elder not stepped in and played a good game we would have easily been 5-6 instead of 6-5. And please don't bring up 2004 again....I don't wanna remember getting beat by WCU and Chattanooga in the same season. I still have nightmares from that season.
November 12th, 2008, 07:26 AM
The greatest ASU players:
--Larry Hand --very long career (13 years) with the Detroit Lions
--Dino Hackett --played 7 years in the NFL--Pro Bowl LB
--John Settle -- NFL Running back and pro bowl appearance--
--Dexter Coakley--NFL pro bowl LB
Maybe if he is asking who are the best NFL players that went to App State. Thats like saying Michael Jordan is the greatest UNC player ever.
November 12th, 2008, 07:30 AM
1. Armanti Edwards
2. Dexter Coakley
3. Richie Williams
4. Kevin Richardsorn
5. John Settle
November 12th, 2008, 08:08 AM
Dexter Coakley
Dino Hackett
Larry Hand
November 12th, 2008, 08:11 AM
Burchette was actually my favorite App QB until Richie and Armanti came along. He was fun to watch.
:D I could run a faster 40 than Burchette. I liked his predecessor Daniel Jeremiah.
November 12th, 2008, 08:13 AM
Richie Williams
John Settle
Dino Hackett
Armanti Edwards
Bjorn Nitmo.
I'm glad someone brought him up. xthumbsupx
November 12th, 2008, 08:15 AM
Dexter Coakley
Dino Hackett
Larry Hand/ John Settle
A lot of the newer names will probably eventually be on this list:
Richie Williams
Corey Lynch
Josh Jeffries
Armanti Edwards (will ultimately be #1)
Kevin Richardson
Devon Fowlkes
Steve Brown
I'm basing all of this on college, before pros.
Just like Christian Laettner may be the best Dukie of all time, but he clearly wasn't great in the NBA.
1) Chris McFarland
2) DJ Thompson
3) Rufus Leach
...wait... wrong sport...
1) Coakley
2) Richie
3) Settle
Don't forget DaVon Fowlkes, I haven't heard anyone mention him... he's not a top 3, but he's up there. Armanti will be a top 3, but he's still got a lot of ball left to play, so we'll wait on him. Fan favorites over the past few years have to be The Jim Bob Norman, Trey Elder, and Nic Cardwell.
Beat you to it, page one. xlolx
November 12th, 2008, 08:39 AM
Plus, when I was a freshman, I accidently stepped on his kicking foot at a party, and he didn't kick my a$$, so that makes him great in my book...xthumbsupx
These things brother's roommate/intermural basketball teammate kicked Gary Tharrington in the face last year.
November 12th, 2008, 09:03 AM
Dexter Coakley
Dino Hackett
Larry Hand/ John Settle
A lot of the newer names will probably eventually be on this list:
Richie Williams
Corey Lynch
Josh Jeffries
Armanti Edwards (will ultimately be #1)
Kevin Richardson
Devon Fowlkes
Steve Brown
I'm basing all of this on college, before pros.
Just like Christian Laettner may be the best Dukie of all time, but he clearly wasn't great in the NBA.
I like your thinking... but we need to wait and see about the younger guys... certainly the standouts in our 3peat era deserve some mention, but based on criteria (the Laettner issue) how much do we count life after college?
my list is John Settle, Dexter Coakley, Dino Hacket and I have to expand it to 4 and include Larry Hand (great at ASU and at least 3 of them made the NFL probowl at least once).
Other honorable mention includes:
Rick Beasley at WR in the late 70's Steve Brown era.
Matt Stevens DB, had a good run in the NFL, but now is paralyzed due to motorcycle accident.
Scott Satterfield at QB (fun to watch in the mid 90's and our current defacto Offensive Coordinator).
Trey Elder at QB (true, a perennial backup, but he was the consummate team player and saved our a$$ on numerous occasions in route to three NC's).
Hunter and Murrel must be mentioned, especially for their college effort, but jury is out on the pros (at least they get some PT).
Burchett was fun to watch and almost pulled it off in Montana a few years back.
Harold Alexander was an awesome punter late 80's early 90's, had a good NFL Career.
John Hollar, played way back and did some time with the Redskins.
Others... Rico Mack (had some great intramural and pickup basketball skirmishes with him), Avery Hall and finally Jack Groce (played way back, he was a principal at my HS and my freshman football coach).
Sorry for the long listxscanx , but there are lots of great players who are out of the recent NC footprint and helped lay the foundation...
November 12th, 2008, 09:07 AM
Another name that nobody has mentioned is Jason Hunter. Yes he played just one season but he was instrumental in that first NC. I wouldn't put him in the top 3 but I would name him among some of the others mentioned.
November 12th, 2008, 09:31 AM
I can undestand Richie Williams, but one of the three best...ever?
Williams was a great player for ASU, and I think he's top ten, just not top 3.
November 12th, 2008, 09:40 AM
Marques Murrell
Jason Hunter
Richie Williams
November 12th, 2008, 09:59 AM
I can undestand Richie Williams, but one of the three best...ever?
Williams was a great player for ASU, and I think he's top ten, just not top 3.
For arguements sake, remember Richie was the leader in ASU/Socon for total yds until two weeks ago. He could be up there.
To me its very hard given the differences in the program over the years. Just at few
Mark Royals (shocked he hasn't been mentioned, even a kicker is crazy, and purely on a very long NFL career)
November 12th, 2008, 10:54 AM
I like your thinking... but we need to wait and see about the younger guys... certainly the standouts in our 3peat era deserve some mention, but based on criteria (the Laettner issue) how much do we count life after college?
my list is John Settle, Dexter Coakley, Dino Hacket and I have to expand it to 4 and include Larry Hand (great at ASU and at least 3 of them made the NFL probowl at least once).
Other honorable mention includes:
Rick Beasley at WR in the late 70's Steve Brown era.
Matt Stevens DB, had a good run in the NFL, but now is paralyzed due to motorcycle accident.
Scott Satterfield at QB (fun to watch in the mid 90's and our current defacto Offensive Coordinator).
Trey Elder at QB (true, a perennial backup, but he was the consummate team player and saved our a$$ on numerous occasions in route to three NC's).
Hunter and Murrel must be mentioned, especially for their college effort, but jury is out on the pros (at least they get some PT).
Burchett was fun to watch and almost pulled it off in Montana a few years back.
Harold Alexander was an awesome punter late 80's early 90's, had a good NFL Career.
John Hollar, played way back and did some time with the Redskins.
Others... Rico Mack (had some great intramural and pickup basketball skirmishes with him), Avery Hall and finally Jack Groce (played way back, he was a principal at my HS and my freshman football coach).
Sorry for the long listxscanx , but there are lots of great players who are out of the recent NC footprint and helped lay the foundation...
Yeah, I think AE will eventually be up there, but my list remain Coakley, Hackett, Settle/ Hand. As to weighting NFL into the question. I think you can, I did not. I based it on my understanding of their performances in college. It just so happens those guys did it at the next level too. Time will tell, but I definitely think AE will end up in the top 3. The other new guys I mentioned are more of an honorable mention and would be fun to list the top 10.
November 12th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Marques Murrell
Jason Hunter
Richie Williams
Ahhh yes, you UNI fans know all too well what those DEs could do. xnodx
November 12th, 2008, 11:16 AM
I've seen 38 years of ASU football and sat thru most home games and quite a few away games.
My opinion:
None better than AE
Dex jackson
Mark Royals
Parker (1st All american at ASU punter)
November 12th, 2008, 11:39 AM
I like your thinking... but we need to wait and see about the younger guys... certainly the standouts in our 3peat era deserve some mention, but based on criteria (the Laettner issue) how much do we count life after college?
my list is John Settle, Dexter Coakley, Dino Hacket and I have to expand it to 4 and include Larry Hand (great at ASU and at least 3 of them made the NFL probowl at least once).
Other honorable mention includes:
Rick Beasley at WR in the late 70's Steve Brown era.
Matt Stevens DB, had a good run in the NFL, but now is paralyzed due to motorcycle accident.
Scott Satterfield at QB (fun to watch in the mid 90's and our current defacto Offensive Coordinator).
Trey Elder at QB (true, a perennial backup, but he was the consummate team player and saved our a$$ on numerous occasions in route to three NC's).
Hunter and Murrel must be mentioned, especially for their college effort, but jury is out on the pros (at least they get some PT).
Burchett was fun to watch and almost pulled it off in Montana a few years back.
Harold Alexander was an awesome punter late 80's early 90's, had a good NFL Career.
John Hollar, played way back and did some time with the Redskins.
Others... Rico Mack (had some great intramural and pickup basketball skirmishes with him), Avery Hall and finally Jack Groce (played way back, he was a principal at my HS and my freshman football coach).
Sorry for the long listxscanx , but there are lots of great players who are out of the recent NC footprint and helped lay the foundation...
I work with Jack's nephew, Art.
November 12th, 2008, 11:51 AM
Only 4 retired jerseys; Larry Hand, John Settle, Dexter Coakley and Dino Hackett.
Top 3:
John Settle
Dexter Coakley
Dino Hackett
The Rest:
Larry Hand, Matt Stevens, Jason Hunter, Devon Fowlkes, Rico Mack, Avery Hall, Matt Isenhour, Derrick Graham, Harold Alexander, Bjorn Nittmo, Corey Hall, Josh Jeffries, Corey Lynch, Marques Murrell, Kerry Brown.
AE will be in the top 3 but won't consider him until his career at ASU is complete.
November 12th, 2008, 11:58 AM
Ahhh yes, you UNI fans know all too well what those DEs could do. xnodx
Yes unfortunately we do.
November 12th, 2008, 12:22 PM
1) Chris McFarland
2) DJ Thompson
3) Rufus Leach
...wait... wrong sport...
1) Coakley
2) Richie
3) Settle
Don't forget DaVon Fowlkes, I haven't heard anyone mention him... he's not a top 3, but he's up there. Armanti will be a top 3, but he's still got a lot of ball left to play, so we'll wait on him. Fan favorites over the past few years have to be The Jim Bob Norman, Trey Elder, and Nic Cardwell.
LONG LIVE THE CHIN!!!! Great guy, always got the students going. I remember his last game as a senior, he tried to dunk one the WHOLE game, finally got one and the student section exploded.
My list:
1. Dexter Coakley
2. Richie Williams (I understand the argument against him, but he was the heart and soul of our team that won our schools first national championship in a team sport)
3. Dino Hackett
AE will take over number one after he retires, but he hasn't yet
November 12th, 2008, 03:02 PM
For arguements sake, remember Richie was the leader in ASU/Socon for total yds until two weeks ago. He could be up there.
To me its very hard given the differences in the program over the years. Just at few
Mark Royals (shocked he hasn't been mentioned, even a kicker is crazy, and purely on a very long NFL career)
Yeah, I mean, I think he was also a product of the system. If you are going to have Williams, you HAVE to have Fowlkes. Williams greatly benefited from the quick slant route to Fowlkes who's speed allowed him to beat defenders.
Williams was blessed with quickness but not speed. I was shocked to see that he ran a 4.88 at the NFL pro day, at elevation, on KBS astro turf. He was a wizard at making one guy miss and getting three or four yards.
November 12th, 2008, 03:48 PM
Retire numbers:
I'll go with those.
Best 3 in the last 10 years (graduated):
November 12th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Everyone that is leaving Richie Williams off of their list... just remember whose record AE just broke for career yardage in the SoCon.
November 12th, 2008, 03:56 PM
if you put lynch on the list you have to give NC State's Andre Brown credit for helping Corey learn to fly through the air and block field goals.....
I was at that game and still remember half the crowd saying "oh *****"
November 12th, 2008, 03:59 PM
Clayton Deskins was very good but long forgotten till they resurected him to their HOF thirty years too late.
November 12th, 2008, 07:06 PM
Armanti is twice the player Richie was in my opinion
And half the size xthumbsupx
November 12th, 2008, 07:31 PM
Right now
AE will probably go down as the best collegiate player in the history but
QB--R. Williams, Brown
LB--Coakley, Hackett
DB--Stevens, Lynch
DL--Hunter, Murrell, Hall
WR--Beasley, Dex Jackson, Fowlkes (Honestly....Quick might be the most talented EVER over the next 3+ years.)
Kickers/Punters--French, Parker, Royals
November 12th, 2008, 07:36 PM
Everyone that is leaving Richie Williams off of their list... just remember whose record AE just broke for career yardage in the SoCon.
wouldn't that be a reason to leave him off when AE has already broke his record and still has the rest of this year and his senior year to really stretch the record out.
November 12th, 2008, 07:42 PM
wouldn't that be a reason to leave him off when AE has already broke his record and still has the rest of this year and his senior year to really stretch the record out.
I see what you're saying... and if the question were limited to one player at every position, I would agree. However, to say that the career leader in yardage in the SoCon (before the Wofford game) is not even in the top 5 in school history is a little strange to me. Personally, I'll never forget what Richie did for his team and his school in leading them to their first National Championship.
That being said, I hung out with Richie a little bit before the 2006 NC game and he made fun of me for following him in the CFL and for asking him to sign a football I brought with me. He's exceptionally humble and never considered himself a "star."
November 12th, 2008, 07:56 PM
I still remember my freshman year homecoming 96....
App vs Marshall
Randy Moss went across the middle, DC lit him up...the rest of the game, whenever Moss saw a 3 or 2 he got the gator arms...we still loss the game tho...i think it was 14-6...
November 12th, 2008, 07:59 PM
I still remember my freshman year homecoming 96....
App vs Marshall
Randy Moss went across the middle, DC lit him up...the rest of the game, whenever Moss saw a 3 or 2 he got the gator arms...we still loss the game tho...i think it was 14-6...
14 - 6 sounds more like a score 6 minutes into the game nowadays.
November 12th, 2008, 08:04 PM
I still remember my freshman year homecoming 96....
App vs Marshall
Randy Moss went across the middle, DC lit him up...the rest of the game, whenever Moss saw a 3 or 2 he got the gator arms...we still loss the game tho...i think it was 14-6...
24-10...that was Marshall's championship year and last in I-AA....Most of Marshall's game that year were blowouts....except against App and GSU. App was actually winning that game 10-7 before Moss got hot....not sure but those gator arms of his looked to grow a little in the third quarter when he had a 70 yard plus touchdown reception.
November 12th, 2008, 08:08 PM
24-10...that was Marshall's championship year and last in I-AA
I remember that being the last year...couldnt remember the final score...
I do remember Moss saucer size eyes whenever DC was around him
November 12th, 2008, 08:12 PM
14 - 6 sounds more like a score 6 minutes into the game nowadays.
don't worry Marshall beat Delaware 59-14 in the first round of the playoffs, Furman 54-0 in the second round, UNI 31-14 in the semis and beat Montana 49-29 in the finals...Not much has changed really as far as scoring goes. Let's hope App can have a fourth championship run that looks similar to this :)
November 12th, 2008, 08:12 PM
not sure but those gator arms of his looked to grow a little in the third quarter when he had a 70 yard plus touchdown reception.
DC was not around him and our DBs collided trying to make the tackle...that play came to my endzone (i was a cheerleader)
I have hated marshall since...the marshall fans left our stadium trashedxmadx
November 12th, 2008, 08:22 PM
Coakley's fondest college memory was against marshall 1995
The first time the Mountaineers beat Marshall in its new stadium came on November 21, 1992, in a 37-34 nail-biter. The next win was in 1995, by a 10-3 score. Coakley, of course, was playing for Appalachian State at that time.
"The game was in Huntington, W.Va., and the whole town shuts down when they play at home," Coakley recalls. "Green and white banners are everywhere in that town. The place looks like a ghost town on game day."
Marshall's fans are not known for treating visiting fans kindly, particularly those from their biggest rival. Appalachian State.
"Marshall's rims are only respectful to their own team," Coakley says. "They heckled us the entire game, and when we won, they were stunned. They threw everything at us, including cokes and heated pennies. I saw 80-year-old ladies throwing ice at us."
Coakley and the Mountaineers defense limited future New York Jets quarterback Chad Pennington to 14 completions in 34 attempts and 162 yards. Coakley's 21 tackles had a huge impact on the outcome of the game.
"That game went back and forth," Coakley says. "The stadium was so packed they let the crowd sit on the lawn close to the field. Both offenses could score, so it had to be decided by the defenses. We had [future Houston Texans defensive back] Matt Stevens going against [future Minnesota Vikings wide receiver] Randy Moss. Imagine that battle."
November 12th, 2008, 08:24 PM
DC was not around him and our DBs collided trying to make the tackle...that play came to my endzone (i was a cheerleader)
I have hated marshall since...the marshall fans left our stadium trashedxmadx
They trashed their own stadiums as well. Not sure how their fans are now, but they were some of the lousiest in the 90's.
November 12th, 2008, 08:40 PM
I'm surprised it took as many pages as it did to get Matt Stevens' name mentioned. He was a GREAT college player and would have been a helluva pro had he stayed healthy.
November 12th, 2008, 09:01 PM
I'd say, Johnny Unitas or Jim Brown.
November 12th, 2008, 09:18 PM
Coakley won the 1st two Buchanan Awards in 95 and 96 but Dino Hacket once had 200 tackles in a season in 85
Fear The Beard
November 12th, 2008, 10:22 PM
I know this will age me terribly, but I think I would put Robbie Price. Option Quarterback in the seventies for Jim Brakefield and the enginneer of the first great Appalachian upset at South Carolina. In its day it was as mind blowing as Michigan!
VT Wildcat Fan53
November 12th, 2008, 10:24 PM
Armanti Edwards
Armanti Edwards
Armanti Edwards
xbowx xbowx xbowx
November 13th, 2008, 02:09 AM
I'm surprised it took as many pages as it did to get Matt Stevens' name mentioned. He was a GREAT college player and would have been a helluva pro had he stayed healthy.
He was a great NFL player well before the end of his career.
November 13th, 2008, 02:10 AM
I know this will age me terribly, but I think I would put Robbie Price. Option Quarterback in the seventies for Jim Brakefield and the enginneer of the first great Appalachian upset at South Carolina. In its day it was as mind blowing as Michigan!
And Larry Hand, retired Detroit Lion. Tremendous career.
November 13th, 2008, 08:17 AM
what about rick beasly
November 13th, 2008, 08:49 AM
I have hated marshall since...the marshall fans left our stadium trashedxmadx
Those great App-Marshall games of the mid-90s were from my days in Boone. I still hate Marshall more than any other team in college football. Coakley, Stevens, Satterfield; those years saw some great teams.
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