View Full Version : ranking the Socon teams now...
Reign of Terrier
November 4th, 2008, 02:40 PM
I saw the old one and figured "crap things have changed'
My new rankings
1.Appalachian state
6.Georgia Southern
7.The Citadel
8.Western Carolina
Georgia Southern sticks with everyone but it's going to kill them against Samford who is pretty similar to Wofford and a pretty good team. If the top five teams win this week the rankings stay the same. Wofford and Elon can only drop. Elon could do anything depending on what they do against App. Georgia Southern can only climb higher. Samford can't go much higher unless they beat Wofford. Furman can't go much higher than third but only if they beat Wofford.
November 4th, 2008, 02:43 PM
I truly believe that only 2 spots on that list cannot be debated today... and the is app at number one and utc at number 9... all the others can be debated... obviously tc and wcu are not as good as woff and elon but they can all be debated...
November 4th, 2008, 02:44 PM
I saw the old one and figured "crap things have changed'
My new rankings
1.Appalachian state
6.Georgia Southern
7.The Citadel
8.Western Carolina
That right there might be the shocker of the year!! Got no problem with the ranking, just the fact that you can say that is impressive for the Bulldogs.
Reign of Terrier
November 4th, 2008, 02:46 PM
I truly believe that only 2 spots on that list cannot be debated today... and the is app at number one and utc at number 9... all the others can be debated... obviously tc and wcu are not as good as woff and elon but they can all be debated...
I think the only way the top four aren't the top four is if they screw up, and the bottom three are the bottom three unless the exceed expectations. Samford vs Georgia southern will decide the middle of the road team.
November 4th, 2008, 02:51 PM
I think the only way the top four aren't the top four is if they screw up, and the bottom three are the bottom three unless the exceed expectations. Samford vs Georgia southern will decide the middle of the road team.
i am just shocked samford is not in the bottom or bottom 2 or bottom 3 or bottom 4!!!! xeyebrowx but it is true they are actually that good...
Reign of Terrier
November 4th, 2008, 02:55 PM
1.Appalachian state 5-0
2.Wofford 4-1
3.Elon 5-1
4.Furman 4-2
5.Samford 3-3
6.Georgia Southern 3-3
7.The Citadel 1-5
8.Western Carolina 1-5
9.Chattanooga 0-5
the middle three have a real chance of screwing things up, Furman and Samford being the most likely considering they haven't played Wofford. Elon could help make Wofford look good again. Wofford needs to win out to make the playoffs. App shouldn't lose.
November 4th, 2008, 03:32 PM
1.Appalachian state 5-0
2.Wofford 4-1
3.Elon 5-1
4.Furman 4-2
5.Samford 3-3
6.Georgia Southern 3-3
7.The Citadel 1-5
8.Western Carolina 1-5
9.Chattanooga 0-5
the middle three have a real chance of screwing things up, Furman and Samford being the most likely considering they haven't played Wofford. Elon could help make Wofford look good again. Wofford needs to win out to make the playoffs. App shouldn't lose.
Based solely on confernece record, Elon is actually the #2 team right now 1/2 game ABOVE Wofford.
I'm not sure how things are going to turn out, but Elon's had some starters banged up over the past 3 games. It's probably nice for them to get some rest and regain focus after being beaten so badly by Wofford.
November 4th, 2008, 03:39 PM
I'd swap 5 and 6, but I think you have the rest right. GSU's margins of defeat have been so close this season that they could have (and arguably should have) beaten the upper eschelon of the SoCon. No offense to the Samford guys, because (present company included) very few of us game the 'Dogs much of a chance in your rookie Socon year.
November 4th, 2008, 03:54 PM
I would wait to put Samford above GSU until this weekend. That would set up fourth and fifth the next weekend if GSU wins against Samford.
November 4th, 2008, 04:00 PM
By seasons end it will be
4. GSU
5. FU
6. Samford
November 4th, 2008, 04:01 PM
By seasons end it will be
4. GSU
5. FU
6. Samford
Although Elon may be a fraud and someone from the 4-6 range should be #3.
November 4th, 2008, 04:18 PM
Although Elon may be a fraud and someone from the 4-6 range should be #3.
so your defining fraud as Wilcox being 10 for 10 on field goals in our last 2 meetings. I call that scoreboard. that's all I'm saying
November 4th, 2008, 07:54 PM
GSU just can't play defense.
Reign of Terrier
November 4th, 2008, 07:56 PM
GSU just can't play defense.
According to Friday night neither can Woffordxoopsx xoopsx
November 4th, 2008, 08:38 PM
According to Friday night neither can Woffordxoopsx xoopsx
It's called 5'8 vs. 6'5
November 4th, 2008, 09:07 PM
I easily see Samford beating GSU considering it took GSU OT to beat The Citadel and Western. They may have played some games close in the beginning of the year, but they have only gotten worse.
November 4th, 2008, 09:26 PM
I don't think Samford has a shot at beating GSU. It is H-Coming in the 'Boro and GSU will not lose to Sammy in the 'Boro.
Samford has played some teams close and beaten a couple that I didn't hink they would, but GSU is not UTC. I pick GSU by at least 17 pts.
WCU LawCat
November 4th, 2008, 09:37 PM
Samford can beat GSU
Western can beat Elon
The Citadel can beat Wofford
UTC CAN NOT beat way
November 4th, 2008, 09:41 PM
I don't think Samford has a shot at beating GSU. It is H-Coming in the 'Boro and GSU will not lose to Sammy in the 'Boro.
Samford has played some teams close and beaten a couple that I didn't hink they would, but GSU is not UTC. I pick GSU by at least 17 pts.
No shot? Seriously?
Who has GSU beaten that makes you think they are going to beat a good team by 17 or ANY team by 17?
SU 82
November 4th, 2008, 11:46 PM
I think "no shot" is a little much.
You can say GSU will beat us, and maybe they will. But Samford certainly has a shot in that game. Samford is capable of beating anyone in the SoCon and Samford is capable of losing to anyone in the SoCon.
I think it's fair to say Samford has proven itself a middle-of-the-pack club that can cause anyone problems.
November 5th, 2008, 06:58 AM
Although Elon may be a fraud and someone from the 4-6 range should be #3.
How can they be a fraud when they defeated all three that you mentioned? They even came into the "boro" and won and didn't have to go into overtime to do it. They also beat up on, that's right beat up on Furman pretty good at home. I don't know your meaning of fraud, but if they are a fraud every team that they have defeated must be, what? No one has taken them lightly this year, I think they have gotten everyones best shot, alot better shot from Wofford.xthumbsupx
November 5th, 2008, 07:24 AM
By seasons end it will be
4. GSU
5. FU
6. Samford
I just wish we were playing you in Paulson this yearxeyebrowx xeekx xlolx xsmiley_wix
November 5th, 2008, 07:48 AM
Samford can beat GSU
Western can beat Elon
The Citadel can beat Wofford
UTC CAN NOT beat way
I like your thinking :D
I certainly wouldn't want to be the team Wofford plays this week, though. Being a Birmingham native and none too fond of anything in Statesboro, I'll be pulling for Samford in a major sort of way this weekend. The race isn't over yet.
November 5th, 2008, 10:08 AM
Based solely on confernece record, Elon is actually the #2 team right now 1/2 game ABOVE Wofford.
"Denial" is more than just a river in Egypt xrolleyesx ...but if it makes you feel better, keep on drinking the flaming flamingo Kool Aid xwhistlex
November 5th, 2008, 11:06 AM
"Denial" is more than just a river in Egypt xrolleyesx ...but if it makes you feel better, keep on drinking the flaming flamingo Kool Aid xwhistlex
Was actually meant as sarcasm.........
But as of right now, Elon really is the #2 team in the conference. must own waterfront property!!xsmiley_wix
November 5th, 2008, 11:14 AM
I like your thinking :D
I certainly wouldn't want to be the team Wofford plays this week, though. Being a Birmingham native and none too fond of anything in Statesboro, I'll be pulling for Samford in a major sort of way this weekend. The race isn't over yet.
Sorry you'll be disappointed!
November 5th, 2008, 11:17 AM
Was actually meant as sarcasm.........
But as of right now, Elon really is the #2 team in the conference. must own waterfront property!!xsmiley_wix
Yep the nautical bearings are 55-20 xasswhipx xthumbsupx
November 5th, 2008, 11:24 AM
Yep the nautical bearings are 55-20 xasswhipx xthumbsupx
Thought they were 70-24 xthumbsupx
November 5th, 2008, 11:33 AM
Thought they were 70-24 xthumbsupx
I'd be careful ridiculing the team that put 55 on you when you still have yet to play the team that put 70 on them.
November 5th, 2008, 11:43 AM
Thought they were 70-24 xthumbsupx
Careful there "ElonPride cometh before the fall". You have not been to Appy yet, they might just make you eat that "piece of #2" you seem to want so badly. I know we need to pull for your flamin flamingos, but some of you guys are making it difficult. xshhhxxwhistlex
November 5th, 2008, 12:15 PM
Careful there "ElonPride cometh before the fall". You have not been to Appy yet, they might just make you eat that "piece of #2" you seem to want so badly. I know we need to pull for your flamin flamingos, but some of you guys are making it difficult. xshhhxxwhistlex
Just simple jibber jabber, don't read into it!xpeacex
November 5th, 2008, 12:16 PM
I'd be careful ridiculing the team that put 55 on you when you still have yet to play the team that put 70 on them.
Do I have to pull a citdog on you?
Couldn't resist! xsmiley_wix Where's that guy been anyway?
November 5th, 2008, 01:39 PM
I think "no shot" is a little much.
You can say GSU will beat us, and maybe they will. But Samford certainly has a shot in that game. Samford is capable of beating anyone in the SoCon and Samford is capable of losing to anyone in the SoCon.
I think it's fair to say Samford has proven itself a middle-of-the-pack club that can cause anyone problems.
I'm as big a GSU "homer" as they come, but nothing I've seen from my Eagles so far this season to give me any indication that our team is 17 points better than ANYONE in the SOCON.
I honestly believe we "could" beat any team in our conference, witness the final scores of the App State, Elon & Wofford games, and I honestly believe we could lose to any of the teams in the SOCON, with perhaps the Chatt Moc's being the only exception.
Lord willing, my wife and I will be in our usual seats in Paulson popping "nitro" pills all night long as we have had to do so many times this year already.. Never a dull moment with our 2008 Eagles.. :D
But, on the other hand, so far, this season our guys don't quit, and being behind (even wayyyy behind) in the 4th quarter isn't as spooky as it has been in times past.. Nice to know that your team doesn't have any "quit" in 'em...
We have skilled players, we just have not jelled overall.. Sometimes our skilled players can get it done, and sometimes it's just too much to ask.
Do I have supreme confidence in that our GSU Eagles will whip the upstarts in the SOCON come Saturday, no sir'ee... But do I think we have a very good chance to whip Samford in our house come Saturday, yes indeedy I do. xthumbsupx
Basically ya "pays ya money" and crosses your fingers.. xwhistlex
My hope is that the Samford fans have a safe trip down, our fans treat them well (altho expecting 100% goodness from some of our "fans" simply isn't going to happen), and they get back home safe and sound. Also hope no player on either team gets a serious injury.
Oh yeah, if they went back with frowns I'd be ok with that.. :D
I do want to congratulate the Samford team and faithful for showing the SOCON that they DO belong in our conference.. Great showing already for their first season in the SOCON..
Now excuse me while I go and "light a candle" for my Eagles... :o
Best Wishes,
November 5th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Do I have to pull a citdog on you?
Couldn't resist! xsmiley_wix Where's that guy been anyway?
The Citadel can at least do that to us once every 5 years or so. xnodx If the math holds, you have another 9 to waitxsmiley_wix
citdog is in the pound, so to speakxeyebrowx
November 5th, 2008, 01:56 PM
The Citadel can at least do that to us once every 5 years or so. xnodx If the math holds, you have another 9 to waitxsmiley_wix
HAHAH! Nice.....xthumbsupx
November 5th, 2008, 01:56 PM
The Citadel can at least do that to us once every 5 years or so. xnodx If the math holds, you have another 9 to waitxsmiley_wix
citdog is in the pound, so to speakxeyebrowx
I am a little baffled.
We are 2-8 against Furman since being D-I. How's that not the same?
November 5th, 2008, 02:10 PM
I am a little baffled.
We are 2-8 against Furman since being D-I. How's that not the same?
Nine years since the last win:p xrotatehx :) xsmiley_wix
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