View Full Version : Mo State at SDSU
November 1st, 2008, 01:07 PM
Game just underway at Brookings.
10 MPH wind out of south about 55
Jacks start from 20 after MSU KO sails out of EZ
Minett for 5 on 1st
Berry throws deep to JaRon Harris who grabs it over the defenders head to 11.
After three downs, Jacks to 3, FG is good
With 11:47 left in 1st Qtr, Jacks 3- Bears 0
November 1st, 2008, 01:10 PM
Minor accomplishment to hold SDSU to a FG there.
November 1st, 2008, 01:10 PM
KO to MSU short kick due to wind MSU field at 23, and take it to 31
1st play is screen to rb, go for a 1st to 44.
Run to 46 with 2nd play
November 1st, 2008, 01:13 PM
Pass complete to 50 but downed short of first.
Punt handled at 5. Downed at 9.
Jacks run Minett up center, stopped at LOS, but 2nd effort out to 13.
Berry to Fox to 22 for a Jacks 1st down.
November 1st, 2008, 01:14 PM
Hi 42!
Right about the success to keep to FG.
November 1st, 2008, 01:17 PM
3rd and long
Offsides by MSU - Jacks complete pass to Harris at SDS47 for 1st.
1st -pass to MSU 47 to Harris.
Minett up gut to MSU 40 for 1st down.
November 1st, 2008, 01:20 PM
Inc pass on first.
2nd -inside screen for 3
3rd - inc pass, but Bears offside, 3rd/2
Minett up gut, the line got 5 yds, and Minett added two.
1st/10 at 27.
November 1st, 2008, 01:21 PM
Berry to Coshart for 9.
Berry under center. Minett goes to 16 for another first down.
November 1st, 2008, 01:23 PM
MSU hasn't had the BALL at all!
down to 3:22 left in 1st qtr.
Mountain Panther
November 1st, 2008, 01:24 PM
November 1st, 2008, 01:26 PM
How long is this freaking drive????
2ish left in the 1st
November 1st, 2008, 01:27 PM
Jacks burn TO to fight a clock issue. Lose the fight.
Minett to right fro 2.
Ill Proceed to 19. 2nd/13.
Out of gun.
Delay hand off to Minett, got 6. 3rd/6.
From gun, Harris can't get shoelace catch.
FG is good.
Jacks 6, Bears 0 1:45 left in 1st qtr.
November 1st, 2008, 01:30 PM
KO line drive to 12, returned to 32 for start for Bears.
Hand off to Washington, gets 5,
No huddle, QB runs for 1st. to MSU 43.
November 1st, 2008, 01:33 PM
MSU completes pass to Sargent, to SDS42, 1st down.
Run up middle, nothing doing.
End of 1st Qtr.
Jacks with a 156 to 45 lead in yards. 10+ min TOP for Jacks.
November 1st, 2008, 01:35 PM
Mo St starts into wind
Short screen to 40 3rd/8
Shotguns caught at 35. 4th/3
Bears going for it.
Dropped pass!
Hurried pass
Jacks take over at SDSU 35.
November 1st, 2008, 01:37 PM
Duffy gets his first carry for 6 yd up middle.
Berry to Gant. to Jacks 49 for 1st/10
November 1st, 2008, 01:39 PM
Berry to Harris bomb to MSU 29.
O Line surges Duffy up to 25.
2nd/6 Duffy runs to 20.
3rd/1 Duffy follows his blockers to 15.
November 1st, 2008, 01:42 PM
Berry to Fox for a JACKS TD!!!!!!
PAT for 2!
option to Duffy fails.
Jacks 12, Bears 0 with 10:20 left in half.
November 1st, 2008, 01:46 PM
KO OB at 5, MSU to start at MSu 40.
Shotguns handoff/shut down for 2.
2nd/8. Kirby flushed out and runs for 2,
3rd/6. Sacked!! ALMOST a fumble
4th/16 Punt.
November 1st, 2008, 01:49 PM
Gant takes punt and dances back to SDS 44 to start.
Minett goes off tackle TO DA HOUSE
PAT good.
Jacks 19/Bears 0
8:12 left in half.
November 1st, 2008, 01:55 PM
Mo State goes 3/out.
Ball died in wind. Jacks start at MSU 36.
Minett for 2.
2nd/8 Goes off fingertips in EZ to Graebing.
3rd/8 Overshoots Harris.
52 yd FG attempt/ partially blocked, no good.
November 1st, 2008, 01:59 PM
MSU starts at MSU 34.
Gains two on quick pass.
1st down (horrible spot),
MSU Washington lost the ball, but fumble goes out . 1st/10 again at SDSu 45.
November 1st, 2008, 02:01 PM
pitch to Warren gets 1.
2nd/9 Quick pass.for 4
3rd/5. Pass to Emery is good to 31 for 1st/10.
November 1st, 2008, 02:02 PM
3min left in half.
2nd/8 at SDS29. Pass to Emery to 21, MSU 1st/10.
November 1st, 2008, 02:04 PM
Hand off to Warren, Batten hauls down at SDS 25.
Kirby gets 10 on play action fake to SDS15.
3rd/4. TO MSU 1:20 left in half.
November 1st, 2008, 02:09 PM
MSU to 5 for 1st/goal.
Kirby keeps to 3. TO Bears.
Kirby Deep to end zone for TD
Jacks 19 Bears 6 with 45 secs left in half.
November 1st, 2008, 02:12 PM
KO into stiff breeze, fielded by Jacks at 37 to start.
Jacks don't take 2nd play after sack.
End of 1st half - Jacks 19. Bears 6
November 1st, 2008, 02:14 PM
You look a little lonely in your thread, RR.
November 1st, 2008, 02:21 PM
So, lets see, our #2 (our #1 Power) RB is out, our RLB is out, our AA TE is out, our Guard just left the game, and I think our MLB is out, at least I haven't heard his name called yet...
This sucks.
November 1st, 2008, 02:44 PM
KO to MSU go OB, MSU starts at 40
3 & out.
Punt into wind.
Gant gets catch and runs a lot of width, but only gets 10 to Jacks 25.
Minett up center for 5.
2nd/5. Minett off right. For 2.
3/3 from shotgun. Slant pass to Steffan, to SDS41
1st/10 pass complete to Harris for 2.
November 1st, 2008, 02:46 PM
On 2nd/8 to Fox sandwiched, but hangs on.
1st/10 at MSU 42.
Minett busts loose to the MSU 20.
1st/10. Minett up center to MSU 15.
November 1st, 2008, 02:48 PM
Jacks 25 - Bears 6 at 9:30 in 3rd.
November 1st, 2008, 02:48 PM
I HATE being a MSU football fan. It's too depressing. I HATE HATE HATE it, we can never be good. So I'm done.
See you in a few years, maybe we'll be halfway decent by then.
November 1st, 2008, 02:51 PM
KO boomed to back of EZ, MSU starts at own 20.
Trotter tripped up after 2.
2nd/8 Short pass to Trotter again. to MSU 28.
3rd/2 Stuffed run!!!!
3 & out.
Punt coming.
November 1st, 2008, 02:53 PM
Punt dies out at SDS 29. Jacks1st/10
November 1st, 2008, 02:58 PM
TOUCHDOWN JACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya
November 1st, 2008, 02:59 PM
40 yard run by Minett to MSU 30!
Two more runs by Minett for 9 yds.
Heavy Package to plow forward.
Minett gets first down with inches.
Minett sprints around corner to 11.
Minett makes it to just inside 9.
Jacks are 1st and goal.
SDSU 33 - MSU 6 with 3:38 in 3rd.
November 1st, 2008, 03:01 PM
KO out of EZ. Bears start from 20.
Congrats Panthers! 30 - 6 over leathernecks.
November 1st, 2008, 03:04 PM
Up to 3rd/10 at 20. MSU doing NOTHING!
Inc pass. 3rd pass no good.
Punt dies at 48, but penalty drives Jacks to 38 of SDS. 1st/10 for Jacks.
November 1st, 2008, 03:05 PM
Berry throws low to Fox at SDS 47
Harris catches next and bounces a couple to MSU 47 for 1st down.
November 1st, 2008, 03:07 PM
Jacks run Duffy twice up middle for 4 yd each time.
Berry to Coshart to 20, runs to 15.
Just misses Harris for TD.
November 1st, 2008, 03:08 PM
Hand off to Duffy, but snared at 11.
END OF 3rd Qtr.
November 1st, 2008, 03:12 PM
Berry hits Steffan in stride, down to 1. 1st/goal
Hand off to Duffy. O-line had shoved in for TD.
PAT good.
Jacks 40, Bears 6 xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
November 1st, 2008, 03:14 PM
Okay, you can stop posting updates now lol
You know, I don't care that we lose, it's showing heart and desire that I care about, and we have showed neither today.
November 1st, 2008, 03:19 PM
KO has high but short. MSU player pounded to ground upon catch.
Kirby scrambles for a 1st down.
Flag on near 1st down, chop block on bears.
2nd/20 at 41. Catch is good for -1.
After 5 sec, Kirby is sacked at 30.
Punt rolls dead at Jacks 6.
November 1st, 2008, 03:21 PM
Ryan Crawford in at QB for the Jacks!!!!
Minett rips off a 12 yd run.
crawford throws an interception, but pass interference by MSU.
So Jacks get 1st/10 at SDS 36.
Chi Panther
November 1st, 2008, 03:22 PM
Good luck at SIU and NDSU....
November 1st, 2008, 03:25 PM
Jacks haven't punted this game! xeekx
Crawford hits Duffy for a 1st down at 50.
Crawford hits Coshart to MSU 25 for a 1st down.
Minett is done for the day for the Jack. 23 carries, 205 yds! xbowx
November 1st, 2008, 03:27 PM
Crawford to Harris at 8. Jacks 1st/goal at 8.
Duffy plows to 5. Confusion in Jacks backfield, TO Jacks with 5;55 left.
November 1st, 2008, 03:30 PM
Duffy stuffed on 2nd.
3rd/5 for TD.
Duffy slides off to inches from TD.
4th/<1, Jacks kick FG.
Jacks 43, Bears 6.
November 1st, 2008, 03:33 PM
This is what happens when you have a young team that lost a heartbreaker previous week that is hurt by the injury bug. Hats off to the Rabbits, they kicked our butt today.
November 1st, 2008, 03:40 PM
MSU has worked down to 1st Goal at 6, but ill Procedure backs up to 11.
Missed Jacks coverage, TD Bears!
PAT good.
Jacks 43, Bears 13 with 2:32 left.
November 1st, 2008, 03:40 PM
Bears get a touchdown.
November 1st, 2008, 03:45 PM
NO PUNTS By Jacks for the GAME!
November 1st, 2008, 05:11 PM
Best the Jackrabbits have looked since week 2. The D is starting to look healthy again.
November 1st, 2008, 06:48 PM
Doesn't SDSU have lots of alumni in the KC area?
November 1st, 2008, 09:07 PM
Doesn't SDSU have lots of alumni in the KC area?
November 2nd, 2008, 07:37 AM
Jackrabbits roll past Missouri St.
Offense tallies 580 yards
Terry Vandrovec •
[email protected] • November 2, 2008
BROOKINGS - The kicking game was again suspect, to the point that coach John Stiegelmeier joked that he had somewhere to be when the topic was brought to his attention Saturday.
But other than that, South Dakota State was pretty solid in a 43-13 victory against Missouri State before a crowd of 6,117 at Coughlin-Alumni Stadium, establishing season-bests in yards gained (580) and allowed (200) and - more importantly - showing improvement for the second week in a row since dropping consecutive home games.
The Jackrabbits (5-4, 4-1) - 40-point winners on the road last week - also kept pace atop the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They are one of three one-loss teams and will be favored again next week in a home game against Illinois State (3-5, 2-3) that will be televised on Fox College Sports.
"Our charge going into this last conference stretch was we need to get better every play," Stiegelmeier said. "We know what our job is, what our goal is and we need to stay the course, and I think our guys did that."
SDSU did not punt, totaled more than 37 minutes in time of possession and scored on its first four possessions of each half, stringing together runs of 19-0 and 24-0 against the Bears (3-5, 2-3), who held No. 11-ranked Southern Illinois to 23 points last week. . . . (read more)
November 2nd, 2008, 07:45 AM
Jackrabbits roll past Missouri St.
Offense tallies 580 yards
Terry Vandrovec •
[email protected] • November 2, 2008
BROOKINGS - The kicking game was again suspect, to the point that coach John Stiegelmeier joked that he had somewhere to be when the topic was brought to his attention Saturday.
But other than that, South Dakota State was pretty solid in a 43-13 victory against Missouri State before a crowd of 6,117 at Coughlin-Alumni Stadium, establishing season-bests in yards gained (580) and allowed (200) and - more importantly - showing improvement for the second week in a row since dropping consecutive home games.
The Jackrabbits (5-4, 4-1) - 40-point winners on the road last week - also kept pace atop the Missouri Valley Football Conference. They are one of three one-loss teams and will be favored again next week in a home game against Illinois State (3-5, 2-3) that will be televised on Fox College Sports.
"Our charge going into this last conference stretch was we need to get better every play," Stiegelmeier said. "We know what our job is, what our goal is and we need to stay the course, and I think our guys did that."
SDSU did not punt, totaled more than 37 minutes in time of possession and scored on its first four possessions of each half, stringing together runs of 19-0 and 24-0 against the Bears (3-5, 2-3), who held No. 11-ranked Southern Illinois to 23 points last week. . . . (read more)
I wouldn't read too much into that.
November 2nd, 2008, 08:48 AM
Congrats on the win.. good luck on the drive to the playoffs. 6,114 - it was a nice day so did everyone stay in the backyard?
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