View Full Version : UMass Marching Band NEEDS a Home!
October 29th, 2008, 09:54 AM
I'll start by admitting that this may not be in the right place, but it's more relevant to football than not and if it falls off the Earth, oh well.
And, I know a lot of you probably don't really care and that's fine to. It's not your job to care in this case, this is just a plea to anyone who might, or who may have some extra cash they need to unload?
For 12 years now, the UMMB has been without a home on campus. The offices are in condemned old apartments on one end of campus, the large instruments (drums and tubas) are kept in an old converted livestock arena, stacked on top of each other on the far side of campus, and the practice fields are another 20 minute walk from the equipment. The uniforms and stored in a rented storage facility 5 miles away. After every rehearsal/performance/road trip, the members have to schlep everything (uniform, instrument, backpack, etc) back to their dorms, some a 20 minute walk away.
This past Spring, the university pledged $4.5m towards a new building, but told the band they would have to raise the rest. I don't know if other schools make their students raise the money to build the buildings on campus, but it is what it is.
Anyway, to avoid taking up more time, if you think you might be able to, or willing to help you can either PM me, or go to for more information about the project.
Anyone who pledges/donates $1,000 or more will have their named included on the "Wall of Power and Class" in the new building. Pledges can be spread over as much as 5 years ($17/month for 5 years can get you on the Wall).
So yeah...If you read this far into this, thanks. If you think for some reason you might be able to help (or know someone who might?) thanks even more!
October 29th, 2008, 12:59 PM
This is very dire indeed. Sounds like Umass's band program will have trouble sustaining its self if this is kept up.
October 29th, 2008, 01:17 PM
i really care about this...hows 100$ sound?
October 29th, 2008, 02:28 PM
Wow, that is pretty bad. That takes some tough determination of its members to be a part of it. I was a tenor player in the D-Line, so I feel your guys' pain. Unfortunately I'm poor as siht.
October 29th, 2008, 03:20 PM
i really care about this...hows 100$ sound?
If you can help out, something is better than nothing. And if you're from UNH and you help, I think you may get disowned by Wren and a couple others. xlolx
October 29th, 2008, 03:24 PM
This is very dire indeed. Sounds like Umass's band program will have trouble sustaining its self if this is kept up.
I don't know how I missed that post the first time...Whoops!
I don't think the program will ever go under (close to 400 members this year, and consistent (inter)national recognition). And they're definitely building SOMETHING, but the donations will determine whether it will actually be a decent facility, or just enough that the university can say "Okay, we finally gave you a building, get over it."
October 29th, 2008, 05:39 PM
I don't know how I missed that post the first time...Whoops!
I don't think the program will ever go under (close to 400 members this year, and consistent (inter)national recognition). And they're definitely building SOMETHING, but the donations will determine whether it will actually be a decent facility, or just enough that the university can say "Okay, we finally gave you a building, get over it."
Then why in the hell would the school not fund the music program if they have close to 400 members. That is a ridiculous amount of players in one band and they won't fund even a new building. That is really really sad and the part of the people in charge. Maybe their superiors should think about getting someone new or maybe if they have no superiors they should think about firing themselves.
October 29th, 2008, 05:50 PM
So I take it UMass has no music program what-so-ever? That's seems ridiculous to me.
Old Cage
October 29th, 2008, 06:32 PM
No - you missed the point. The UMass marching band is outstanding. The music department is quite large. Band Day at UMass - held this past Saturday - had over 3,000 high school band members on the field with our band. The day is a huge recruiting tool for the band.
The marching band is called the "Power and Class of New England" and won the Sudler Trophy (the Heisman for bands) in 1998 as the best marching band in the country at any level.
Our state has announced budget cuts. The director received a last minute call saying that program would have to help raise the funds. The band kids deserve better.
October 29th, 2008, 07:27 PM
Our state has announced budget cuts. The director received a last minute call saying that program would have to help raise the funds. The band kids deserve better.
Budget cuts don't have anything to do with this. When it was announced they were getting 4.5 million, they were also told they have to raise whatever else they need.
Col Hogan
October 29th, 2008, 07:56 PM
This past weekend was Band Day, as mentioned. 30 High School bands from as far away as PA and NY took part in the annual event, which helps UMass recruit the best band members from the northeast.
At half time, the "Power and Class of New England" marched onto the field and did a short show...then all 30 bands joined them in several songs...
It was powerful...the entire field, from end zone to end zone, was packed with band folks in all different colors of uniforms...but they played in unison...
Now, as a Massachusetts native and UMass grad who moved away a long time ago...I can say this...
Massachusetts, as a state government, is CHEAP...especially when it comes to the University...period...
The new artificial field...paid for with private funds...
The brand new lights debuted this season...paid for with private funds...
The band, at least, is getting some tax dollars for their new building...and they deserve the best...
I'll send in a members worked the stands during the second half handing out a flyer...because I love UMass...
EDIT: Before someone makes a comment about the empty stands...that's mostly the space where the 30 bands were sitting during the game...what you see remaining are the folks Bryant brought...
October 29th, 2008, 09:10 PM
I guess what I should have said is, UMass doesn't have a music specific building on campus? You know, rehearsal space, the like. Usually those things have storage. Weird.
October 29th, 2008, 09:44 PM
UMass does have a music department, and they do have a wing in our Fine Arts Center. It just isn't big enough to hold the marching band. Whenever the weather gets too bad, the wind players squeeze into the large rehearsal room over there, but they barely fit. The drums practice where the equipment is kept, and the flags try to find a gym or somewhere out of the rain. Otherwise they don't practice that day.
The music building is still a good 10-minute walk away from the instrument storage, and closer to 20 minutes from the field. Makes it highly inconvenient if it starts to lightning 15 minutes into practice and you have to walk all the way across campus to get inside, then walk back across to put your instrument away.
October 29th, 2008, 09:48 PM
JMU...Marching Royal Dukes are over 450+ this year and I really cannot speak on how the finances work at the college level. I would love someone to post that information. My son has been to Ireland with the MRD's and this past summer to the UK with the Brass Band, both at my expense. (At least in high school, there were fund raisers)
The MRD's put on an annual event as well called Parade of Champions (POC) where high school bands compete and the MRD's perform and it's a recruiting tool.
The MRD's are also headed to Macy's Thanksgiving parade this year and it's paid for by the school. I'm guessing the students will need their own spending money, but I'm guessing meals are paid for. I'm sure my son will be asking soon.
JMU is currently building a performing arts center so the money is coming from somewhere.
Best of luck............
October 29th, 2008, 11:32 PM
MRD DAD, I PMed you a pretty thorough response about how the finances work, at least for UMass.
The extremely short version is this: Other than occasional meals, students don't pay anything for required trips (generally anything including a field show). For optional trips, students usually have to pay to go along.
October 29th, 2008, 11:36 PM
Seems pretty rough for such a large group. Good to see you guys are getting a decent amount of pledges.
SIU's marching band has never been very large but our facilities are top notch (music building underwent a massive remodeling 5 years ago or so.) They still practice on a parking lot on the other side of the basketball arena, which is a good 10 minute walk from the music building. Sousa's are stored in a shed out there, but that's about it.
October 30th, 2008, 05:59 AM
You'd seriously need more that $4.5 mil for a band building?
October 30th, 2008, 06:09 AM
I can speak to the difficulties of marching band. I am wrapping up a 6 year career with the Liberty University Marching Band (Ive gotten three chances to see UMass and I agree that they are a fine band indeed and deserve better). We have been using the same uniforms for close on 20 years Id say, and we are finally getting brand new ones for 2009 because the band is growing at a rate where we dont have enough uniforms to accommodate everyone. Also we're at a point where our truck and trailer cannot accomodate anymore instruments and other support equipment. Dr Kerr (our director) has been really working with the administration and sticking his neck out to see teh band get these things taken care of and Im sure if you talked to him he could definitely offer some very sound advice.
October 30th, 2008, 09:13 AM
Unfortunately $4.5 million doesn't buy much of a building these days.
We just finished a new Integrated Sciences building (to supplement what's there, not to replace anything) for over $90 million, a new studio arts building for $25 million, and are building a student rec center for over $50 million. They've even got $11 million planned to build a single new auditorium on campus. There were even plans to spend $10 million on "modular swing space."
Putting it in perspective, $4.5 million apparently isn't expected to buy a whole lot. And for a campus that plans to spend almost $220 million just on new construction in the next 5 years, it's almost a bit of an insulting number.
October 30th, 2008, 01:03 PM
Unfortunately $4.5 million doesn't buy much of a building these days.
We just finished a new Integrated Sciences building (to supplement what's there, not to replace anything) for over $90 million, a new studio arts building for $25 million, and are building a student rec center for over $50 million. They've even got $11 million planned to build a single new auditorium on campus. There were even plans to spend $10 million on "modular swing space."
Putting it in perspective, $4.5 million apparently isn't expected to buy a whole lot. And for a campus that plans to spend almost $220 million just on new construction in the next 5 years, it's almost a bit of an insulting number.
Seems like you could get some kind of warehouse-type building for cheap and put up some practice and storage rooms on one end so you could have indoor marching space when needed and room for your stuff.
I mean realistically you just need a big space, storage nooks for instruments, some minimal wiring and plumbing for lights and 2 bathrooms (fairly large), and a few walls (sound dampening) for separate rehearsal room.
Husky Alum
October 30th, 2008, 11:03 PM
I'm sure the engineering department at UMass can come up with a pretty nice $4.5 million building for the band. As someone said, that's a decent chunk of change.
Sorry, I'm a taxpayer in the Commonwealth, and the powers that be that run UMass fart away sooo much money out in Amherst I can't feel sorry for ya.
And this is from someone who's nephew has played at Band Day his entire HS career.
If the Band is as big and strong and loyal, as it appears, hit up the band alumni for money. I'm sure some former tuba player is in construction.
October 30th, 2008, 11:30 PM
And nothing in the NU region of the state (read Boston) has farted away money... xlolx xlolx
October 30th, 2008, 11:56 PM
I never meant to imply that $4.5 million isn't a significant amount, but the fact is it's just not enough to build the full facility that the band physically needs. And UMass does do a great job of farting away money. Since I first got to UMass I've been infuriated by some of the things they do and don't spend money on. But in this case, the administration has made a commitment to build a half-assed building. They knew from the very beginning that it wasn't enough, and that the rest of the money was going to have to come from somewhere.
To give it a bit of perspective, the LSU band is also trying to build a new building. They need a minimum of $10 million to build a "good enough" building, but $15 million to build the right building.
So yes, $4.5 million will get a big open space with some storage lockers, but that amount is not enough to build the building the band deserves, or even needs.
October 31st, 2008, 12:15 AM
So yes, $4.5 million will get a big open space with some storage lockers, but that amount is not enough to build the building the band deserves, or even needs.
Is the band more important then the chemistry and life science programs? The art program? Nursing? The electric and heat demands of the campus? The general upkeep and updating of the campus? Making buildings up to code?
The band should be grateful they are getting any money. There are far more important projects to spend money on then a 400 person band. The band might not have a "home" but the department of music & dance, which they are part of, does. So there are a few logistical issues to work with all the time. Big deal. It's not like the band is the only group on campus that faces issues like that.
October 31st, 2008, 12:40 AM
M&W, I'm not here to get into a umasshoops-esque pissing contest with anyone. If it's not something you care about, you don't have to.
If it's something you don't think is a problem, that's fine. If you think it's not a problem, then you obviously don't get it and that's fine too. Not everyone does, and in that case you're fully justified in your opinions. If you'd like to actually see it, I'll gladly show you around next time you're on campus.
I started this thread because the marching band is a big part of the UMass Football Experience, and it's down to the wire for the band trying to raise money to build a suitable space to call home for the next 30+ years. I don't fault anyone for not caring because I know a lot of people don't. But the truth is the band NEEDS this building and they deserve for it to be done right. There's no point in building a new building if it's obsolete before the plans are drawn.
October 31st, 2008, 07:12 AM
M&W, I'm not here to get into a umasshoops-esque pissing contest with anyone. If it's not something you care about, you don't have to.
If it's something you don't think is a problem, that's fine. If you think it's not a problem, then you obviously don't get it and that's fine too. Not everyone does, and in that case you're fully justified in your opinions. If you'd like to actually see it, I'll gladly show you around next time you're on campus.
I started this thread because the marching band is a big part of the UMass Football Experience, and it's down to the wire for the band trying to raise money to build a suitable space to call home for the next 30+ years. I don't fault anyone for not caring because I know a lot of people don't. But the truth is the band NEEDS this building and they deserve for it to be done right. There's no point in building a new building if it's obsolete before the plans are drawn.
Since you brought up the other projects on campus, please answer my previous question. Is a band building more important then the other buildings being built and what money is being spent on?
It's not that I don't get it or don't care. It's that you, other band kids, band parents, and Parks, don't understand you guys simply aren't that important in the grand scheme of things on the campus. There are far more pressing matters to spend money on then a building for the band. There are many other areas of campus that can use an extra $4.5 million, and won't complain about the amount.
Like you said, you are a PART of the UMass Football experience. You are not the reason people go to the games. You might be the reason your parents go, but thats about it. You provide some entertainment when the team isn't on the field. The cheerleaders and dance team are also part of the experience, but when's the last time you heard them whining the university doesn't give them money. And then when they do, whine again.
You guys are not the only group or program on campus that is being stuck in small, cramped buildings, with split departments between buildings. Take a walk around campus and really check out the buildings. Go to the buildings you've never been to and walk down the hallways.
I do not feel sorry for the band. You don't NEED this building, you want it. Departments who are trying to do research in the same kind of conditions NEED it. Most aren't getting new buildings, and are finally have their building built up to code. But the band. No you guys can't be happy you are getting $4.5 million. Don't like it, don't take it. Tell the university to go spend it elsewhere. See how fast other departments take it without complaint. Hell, give it to coach Brown, he'll take it.
October 31st, 2008, 08:11 AM
Some campus needs...repairs and such
Fine Arts Center - $40 million
Lederle GAC - $33 million
Marston - $7.7 million
Morrill IV - $34 million
Tobin - $8.8 million
Goessmann Addition - $20 million
Machmer - $10 million
Morrill I, II, III - $84 million
Forty buildings will be defered and not reinvested in - building failures will result in around $13 million in demolition and $168 million in replacement costs. Some included are Agricuural Engineering Central/North/South, Berkshire House, Draper Hall, Hampshire House, Middlesex House, Engineering Shops Building, Flint Lab, Hasbrouck Lab.
Cold Storage, South College, Old Chenoweth Lab, Hatch Lab, Hills House, Student Union and West Experiment Station need to be disposed and replaced at a cost of around $100 million over the next 4yrs and $48 million in 6-10yrs.
A renovation of South College would cost $15.5 million.
Hills House requires $20 million over next four years and another $20 million by year 5.
Student Union requires $61.5 million to dismantle and rebuild
$7 million/year is needed to for maintenance and repair of athletic fields, roads, paths, parking lots and steam, water, sewer and electric distribution systems.
Sorry if I don't feel bad for the band. xcoolx
October 31st, 2008, 09:43 AM
Don't mean to pile on here, but ...
First - It seems a bit odd to say were trying to raise money but we don't know how much we need, we just want as much as we can to build the best facility we can. If you're going to raise money, establish what you need/want, set a goal and raise it. If it's another 5 million you want, say it. Otherwise it just feels like you're saying I want as much money as I can get. Doesn't sit well potential donors.
Second - If I'm reading correctly, the school has committed $4.5 Million to this project and thus far $500,000 has been raised. That's $5 million total.
Perhaps if the project was rethought a bit.
A football field size space can be covered with a practice "bubble" and be built for about $2 million. More than enough space for a 400 piece marching band to practice and rehearse as a group. It also has the added benefit of being used for other things like a practice facility for spring teams and intramural sports.
You now have $3 million left over. New construction costs for office space in Boston runs about $175 per square ( foot. ).
I'm sure costs in Amherst are lower, but let's use that since this isn't quite a typical office building. That's about 17,000 square feet of "office" space.
In that space create
2 Locker/Change Rooms 2000 sq ft each. = 4000 sq. ft.
20 practice rooms 10x15 150 sq ft each = 3000 sq ft.
1 storage warehouse 5000 square feet = 5000 sq. ft.
25 offices/cubicles 100 sq feet each = 2500 sq ft
2 Conference rooms 500 sq feet each = 1000 sq ft
Bathrooms and other space (hallways) = 1500 sq. ft.
Now I was just throwing out the numbers for the "office" facility and they probably need to be adjusted, but by putting the full band practice area in a space that costs about $37 per square foot to build - less than even warehouse space - which could also provide additional benefits to the greater UMass community, you can get a lot more bang for your buck out out the money you do have plus maybe some additional support politically and economically.
Just a thought.
October 31st, 2008, 10:40 AM
The band building is not more important than those projects. I'm not naive enough to think that it's the most important project on campus. However, can you tell me how many of those buildings are literally falling down around their inhabitants? How many of them may or may not have heat on any given day in the middle of the winter? How many of those buildings have the state trying to force their inhabitants out because the buildings are simply not fit for occupation?
I would believe it for any of the buildings on the list slated for replacement. Now, would you have the university demolish those buildings without providing a suitable replacement?
All of the projects you listed are great, and deserve what they're getting and probably more, but them being worthy doesn't make this one unworthy. And I only brought up the numbers before to show how much UMass does spend on building and to show that compared to what goes into most buildings on campus, $4.5 million is not a very high amount.
And in general, UMass should reevaluate how it spends its money, and where that money goes. Things like taking the time over the summer to paint bike lanes and crosswalks on the pathways in the center of campus are completely useless. I worked in an office in the Campus Center while I was a student and I saw some groups and departments that would spend several thousands of dollars on events to have 30 or 40 people come and listen to someone talk, while other departments had to cancel events for hundreds of people because they couldn't afford to spend the $100 for the necessary A/V equipment. UMass is full of bad spending habits. In the recent past, there has just been too much focus on becoming a premiere research institution and not enough on the quality of the education being given to the students.
As to your claim that the band WANTS a building but doesn't NEED one, you don't know how to run a band program and you don't know what this band goes through.
As I've been trying to say, the band needs a facility. It needs to be reliable and safe, both for the people and the equipment inside. There are certain parts of a building that are absolutely necessary, such as storage for all of the uniforms, music and large instruments, a place for the band to sit and rehearse inside, out of the hail, lightening, and sometimes dark, and a loading dock. There need to be offices for the director, 2 associate directors, and some office space for the approx. 30 student staff who make the band run.
There SHOULD be space for the band members to change inside and out of the elements, a second, smaller rehearsal room for the percussion section to rehearse, a conference room so there is somewhere for Mr. Parks to meet with more than 2-3 people at a time. There SHOULD be lockers for people to keep their smaller instruments, individual practice rooms, and 2 covered loading docks.
It would be nice if there were actually locker rooms that could fit everyone, a large space for the color guard to rehearse inside, a common area for members to actually get to know each other and separate, secure offices for the student merchandising, A/V, and equipment staff.
Not to mention furnishing and supplying this new building.
There's a lot that goes into making a marching band function and band members always have and always will persevere through whatever the conditions are, but this is the one chance to build a home and to build it right. The university gave the band a great head start and it's up to the band to do the rest. That's what this is all about.
October 31st, 2008, 12:22 PM
There are certain parts of a building that are absolutely necessary, such as storage for all of the uniforms, music and large instruments, a place for the band to sit and rehearse inside, out of the hail, lightening, and sometimes dark, and a loading dock. There need to be offices for the director, 2 associate directors, and some office space for the approx. 30 student staff who make the band run.
The only absolutely necessary parts are rehearsal space sufficient for the whole band, storage for instruments and uniforms, offices for the staff and bathrooms. That should be doable with $4.5 million.
Husky Alum
October 31st, 2008, 05:21 PM
And nothing in the NU region of the state (read Boston) has farted away money... xlolx xlolx
No one said they didn't - but if UMass Boston needed $4.5 million for ANYTHING, the folks outside of Boston would be throwing a hissy fit.
Sorry, if someone's going to tell me that UMass needs money for biotech labs or computer science, or engineering, or something that's going to benefit the graduates to help make the Commonwealth a better place, then I've got NO issue.
$4.5 million for the band, please - use it wisely.
For once I'm agreeing with someone from Holy Cross - I like his idea, makes rational sense. That being said, I'm sure I'll self combust now. ;)
Sam Adams
November 1st, 2008, 03:18 PM
Its a good investment in one of the finest marching bands in the country.
November 1st, 2008, 07:26 PM
No one said they didn't - but if UMass Boston needed $4.5 million for ANYTHING, the folks outside of Boston would be throwing a hissy fit.
Sorry, if someone's going to tell me that UMass needs money for biotech labs or computer science, or engineering, or something that's going to benefit the graduates to help make the Commonwealth a better place, then I've got NO issue.
$4.5 million for the band, please - use it wisely.
For once I'm agreeing with someone from Holy Cross - I like his idea, makes rational sense. That being said, I'm sure I'll self combust now. ;)
I wasn't really talking about UMass Boston, but who cares.:D
Completely agree with the second part.
You put it well with, $4.5 million for the band, please - use it wisely.
Sam Adams
November 2nd, 2008, 06:44 AM
as opposed to say, 12 million to renovate the campus center hotel?xlolx
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