View Full Version : FCS still suffers from lack of respect
October 21st, 2008, 11:59 AM
Here in South Carolina, a lot of people I sense still don't know about Wofford and what they have done on the football field and the consistency with which they've done it the past six years. I know that Clemson and USC are both much bigger schools, but Wofford is a top-5 team right now, and they are playing another top-5 team this Saturday. But all I hear about is the now ancient news about Tommy Bowden being out at Clemson or that Steve Spurrier bought a new visor to replace the one he threw 2 miles after a USC penalty last week. (just joking about that last one, but if it happened, they'd talk about it more than Wofford-Elon). And sports call-in shows make you feel silly for even wanting to talk about Wofford or any other FCS teams (yes, even App. State or JMU). I don't particularly like call-in show hosts anyway- they think that because they have a mic in front of their nose and their voice is heard on radios that their opinion counts ten times more that anyone else's, that what they say is actually a fact, and that anyone who doesn't agree with them is wrong and also dumb. But Wofford, ASU, and other good FCS programs deserve some love and respect for what they are doing. Wofford has been a top-25 team for quite some time now. In the same span, Clemson and USC have been merely average teams in their conferences. Yet after the Wofford-USC team, instead of praising Wofford for a good game, a lot of folks said "what's wrong with USC" or "I can't believe it was close", like Wofford is a high school or something. The same thing after the ASU upset of Michigan. "What's wrong with Michigan- fire all the coaches there." or "Wow, what a fluke." No "Wow, ASU really is a great team".
I know FBS football is tons more popular than FCS and always will be, but don't be so blind to the fact that FCSteams have football talent too, work just as hard as FBS teams, and accomplish some great things sometimes. Just give some respect and don't act like we are high-school teams. That is all I'm trying to say. I kind of envy Montana. There are no FBS teams in that state, so the Griz are the big deal there, and get their due in a way that Wofford never will. Of course, my half sister says that Montana State fans moan about their being such a Griz bias there, so I guess people will always find something to bitch about.
October 21st, 2008, 12:08 PM
FCS is sort of like the little brothers of the football world. When the older brother is hanging out with his friends that little brother can't get the time of day. But occasionally the big brother will pay some attention to the little brother, for his own reasons(i.e. an easy win to impress the boosters/a little smack down to impress his friends). But when the little brother gets to where he can compete the big brother suddenly big brother isn't so interested in playing the little brother any more(read ASU/WakeForest,etc.).
October 21st, 2008, 12:18 PM
No offense to wofford but yall need people to actually come to yalls games. I watched one of yalls games on or sports south and your stadium is empty. I know you are a private school and only have like 1500 students but you need to fill your stadium and people might start paying attention.
October 21st, 2008, 12:19 PM
I kind of envy Montana. There are no FBS teams in that state, so the Griz are the big deal there, and get their due in a way that Wofford never will. Of course, my half sister says that Montana State fans moan about their being such a Griz bias there, so I guess people will always find something to bitch about.
Particularly Bobcat fans. :D
I keed, I keed....
I hear love for the FCS. Around here the local talk radio guy is an NAU grad for God's sake, and when someone called the show a week or so ago and wanted to talk about JMU and Richmond he blew them off, saying "I didn't even know Richmond was a COLLEGE!" The caller was making a statement that JSU could hang with Arizona State, and the host just pooh-poohed even the THOUGHT that that might happen....
October 21st, 2008, 12:38 PM
No offense to wofford but yall need people to actually come to yalls games. I watched one of yalls games on or sports south and your stadium is empty. I know you are a private school and only have like 1500 students but you need to fill your stadium and people might start paying attention.
All I can do is be there for myself. I can't make anyone else go. Besides, I know our stadium is not always FULL, but I can't recall it being what you'd call empty lately. The away side sometimes is when we play strugggling teams- I guess that's what you saw.
October 21st, 2008, 12:38 PM
It's only a problem for FCS teams who aren't the most popular in their market.
October 21st, 2008, 12:44 PM
It's only a problem for FCS teams who aren't the most popular in their market.
Which is essentially every FCS team minus Montana and the Dakotas.
October 21st, 2008, 12:44 PM
Most people don't have taste in good music, interesting art, fine wine or even artful humor but there isn't anything I can do about it. xwhistlex
October 21st, 2008, 12:50 PM
Here in South Carolina, a lot of people I sense still don't know about Wofford and what they have done on the football field and the consistency with which they've done it the past six years. I know that Clemson and USC are both much bigger schools, but Wofford is a top-5 team right now, and they are playing another top-5 team this Saturday. But all I hear about is the now ancient news about Tommy Bowden being out at Clemson or that Steve Spurrier bought a new visor to replace the one he threw 2 miles after a USC penalty last week. (just joking about that last one, but if it happened, they'd talk about it more than Wofford-Elon). And sports call-in shows make you feel silly for even wanting to talk about Wofford or any other FCS teams (yes, even App. State or JMU). I don't particularly like call-in show hosts anyway- they think that because they have a mic in front of their nose and their voice is heard on radios that their opinion counts ten times more that anyone else's, that what they say is actually a fact, and that anyone who doesn't agree with them is wrong and also dumb. But Wofford, ASU, and other good FCS programs deserve some love and respect for what they are doing. Wofford has been a top-25 team for quite some time now. In the same span, Clemson and USC have been merely average teams in their conferences. Yet after the Wofford-USC team, instead of praising Wofford for a good game, a lot of folks said "what's wrong with USC" or "I can't believe it was close", like Wofford is a high school or something. The same thing after the ASU upset of Michigan. "What's wrong with Michigan- fire all the coaches there." or "Wow, what a fluke." No "Wow, ASU really is a great team".
I know FBS football is tons more popular than FCS and always will be, but don't be so blind to the fact that FCSteams have football talent too, work just as hard as FBS teams, and accomplish some great things sometimes. Just give some respect and don't act like we are high-school teams. That is all I'm trying to say. I kind of envy Montana. There are no FBS teams in that state, so the Griz are the big deal there, and get their due in a way that Wofford never will. Of course, my half sister says that Montana State fans moan about their being such a Griz bias there, so I guess people will always find something to bitch about.
That is just how it is. I used to be irked by it but not anymore.
If you want respect from FBS fans, schools, and national media you have to join that level or constantly beat them. That is why I laugh at those who constantly want respect by those people but make fun of the division. Wofford is a good team who deserves respect but will never get it from them until they do those things. The only thing you can do is win in the FCS and earn the respect from your colleagues. One other reason those radio guys don't give Wofford respect is because they aren't seen on national tv each week and they really know nothing about it. Call and ask about synchronized swimming and you will get the same lack of respect. They aren't going to give something respect that they are clueless about, especially if their ties are to a major school like Clemson or South Carolina.
October 21st, 2008, 12:51 PM
All I can do is be there for myself. I can't make anyone else go. Besides, I know our stadium is not always FULL, but I can't recall it being what you'd call empty lately. The away side sometimes is when we play strugggling teams- I guess that's what you saw.
They mostly show the visiting side so it looks that way. I know App State fills it up. Do you have any other teams you face on a consistent basis that fill it up?
October 21st, 2008, 01:01 PM
I hate the way we all got the shaft on thr video games as well....Sports talk is sports talk. Here in East New Mexico you wouldn't know that even have 2 FBS schools in the state. It's all High School talk. They act as though you are crazy for wanting to talk about college football in NM or outside.
October 21st, 2008, 01:03 PM
Well when your #1 team loses to Duke it hurts. Yes I made fun of myself, haha. Even though Duke is like in the 40's in Sagarins now, JMU being #52 i think.
October 21st, 2008, 01:18 PM
They mostly show the visiting side so it looks that way. I know App State fills it up. Do you have any other teams you face on a consistent basis that fill it up?
Furman and The Citadel for sure. GSU has done a good job of travelling to Wofford before as well. Presbyterian had a good crowd this year.
October 21st, 2008, 01:25 PM
I am shocked, SHOCKED to find a lack of respect going on in college football!
(My apologies to "Casablanca" fans. :o )
I can't imagine how the fans of larger, more well-financed programs could ever look down their noses at the programs of their talented, hard-working student-athlete brethren.
I just can't imagine. xsmhx
October 21st, 2008, 01:30 PM
The divisions subnames should have been D1-85 and D1-63 for the amount of scholarships given. If you want to compete with those big boys, move up to 85 scholarships. Most people don't understand that philosophy. For the games that we play against FBS schools, we do a respectable job with the number of scholarships given. If we had another 22 scholies per team, then we would fare much better. Theoritically, we should lose every game. Did I spell theoritically right?
I believe the FCS has gotten much more exposure over the last few years and people are slowly catching on. TV coverage is awesome now in season and it is only going to get better. The majority of playoff games are covered by ESPN and ESPN2. That wasn't happening 5-6 years ago.
Spurrier knows who Wofford is and what kind of team they have. Who cares if some ESPN anaylists or sports writers have no clue. It makes them look ignorant as they havn't done their homework.
October 21st, 2008, 01:38 PM
Since the northeast is not as much a hotbed of FBS football as SEC, Big 10, Big 12 country, FCS gets at least a little play on the evening news etc. I listen to Sirius so I have no idea about radio coverage. Plus the northeast has lots of old rich people that own media outlets and want there alma maters to get play.
October 21st, 2008, 01:48 PM
October 21st, 2008, 02:13 PM
The divisions subnames should have been D1-85 and D1-63 for the amount of scholarships given. If you want to compete with those big boys, move up to 85 scholarships. Most people don't understand that philosophy. For the games that we play against FBS schools, we do a respectable job with the number of scholarships given. If we had another 22 scholarships per team, then we would fare much better. Theoretically, we should lose every game. Did I spell theoretically right?
I believe the FCS has gotten much more exposure over the last few years and people are slowly catching on. TV coverage is awesome now in season and it is only going to get better. The majority of playoff games are covered by ESPN and ESPN2. That wasn't happening 5-6 years ago.
Spurrier knows who Wofford is and what kind of team they have. Who cares if some ESPN analysts or sports writers have no clue. It makes them look ignorant as they haven't done their homework.
Not entirely true as many teams in the FCS do not give 63 scholarships. That is another thing that hurts this division in that many teams in it would get killed by the top 10-15 D2 teams and in retrospect as all FBS teams SHOULD beat all FCS teams, All FCS teams should beat all D2 teams and we all know there are teams in all 3 divisions that do not belong.
October 21st, 2008, 03:26 PM
I'm really surprised that ESPN hasn't taken advantage of the fact that so many students attend FCS schools...
If you make a new Niche show called "FCS Football Weekly" or something like that and you show it on ESPN2 or ESPNU I think they might be surprised at the response.
While the football facilities may not be as flashy, FCS fans are very passionate about their teams and I bet if you combine the enrollment from all of the schools that play FCS football you would see that this is alot of people that could be potentially interested in a show like this.
It would give casual fans a reason to be interested in their team if they got a little more national respect.
October 22nd, 2008, 11:09 PM
In the state with the largest population, California, Division I football has virtually destroyed the Football Programs of most of the other schools around the state.
First, it was Division I envy. Every school wanted the success of Southern California, UCLA, Stanford, and California. Division II programs like San Diego State, Fresno State, Long Beach State, Cal State Fullerton, and others converted their programs to Division I. Yes, they even increased the number of scholarships. Fresno, because of it's unique location and fairly large population, actually was able to recruit athletes and became successful. San Diego, too, was successful for a while. With it's large population and excellent High School athletes to recruit, it SHOULD be a place with a successful program. But elsewhere in the State, the new D I schools were unable to convince local fans to come to their games (Who cares about CS Fullerton, when we already have Southern California and UCLA) and the best local athletes to come to their schools. D I class athletes didn't want to go to Fullerton, they wanted to go to a Pac -10 school and if they couldn't get a UCLA or Stanford scholarship, they'd go to Oregon, Washington, or Arizona. In fact, most of the schools going from D II to D I ended up in Division I with a lot of Division II athletes on scholarship. They were, for the most part, awful. They failed. Most dropped football altogether rather than actually admit they failed and move back to a lower level.
In the meantime, because of lack of competition, the other D II schools in the state had to make a decision ... either to give up football because there was nobody to play, or to move up to DI, themselves. Thankfully, by that time, D I-A became available, so a few of the D II schools decided to move to that level. The rest, for the most part stopped playing football. The only D II school left in the entire State of California is Humboldt State.
In California, the largest state in the nation, FCS consists of only 4 schools, Cal State Sacramento, University of California at Davis, California Polytechnic (at San Luis Obispo), and the non-scholarship University of San Diego (and USD refuses to schedule Cal Poly). These 4 schools survived the destruction of the Division I (read Pac -10) schools only because of unique location (Sacramento and Cal Poly) or a willingness of the school authorities to continue the program against all odds (Davis and, certainly, San Diego).
Watch any television station in the major California Cities, it's all UCLA, Stanford, California, or USC (Southern California). Check virtually any major newspaper. Is there any news of the Cal Poly game?. No, and maybe not even the Fresno State game. Are there any FCS games on television? "Do those schools play football?" Or even worse, "is that a real school?"
Division I, the Pac -10, has ruined football in California. FCS? What's that?
Poly Pigskin
October 22nd, 2008, 11:21 PM
In other news, the sky is still blue...
October 22nd, 2008, 11:24 PM
ehhh....the masses also love American Idol, made the Spice Girls go platinum, and voted "I'm Too Sexy" number one song for a while.....I'm fine with the masses not loving FCS football....would rather be called I-AA though....
October 22nd, 2008, 11:31 PM
I'm really surprised that ESPN hasn't taken advantage of the fact that so many students attend FCS schools...
If you make a new Niche show called "FCS Football Weekly" or something like that and you show it on ESPN2 or ESPNU I think they might be surprised at the response.
While the football facilities may not be as flashy, FCS fans are very passionate about their teams and I bet if you combine the enrollment from all of the schools that play FCS football you would see that this is alot of people that could be potentially interested in a show like this.
It would give casual fans a reason to be interested in their team if they got a little more national respect.
I've been saying this for years that ESPN or Fox sports net needs a national show either weekly or maybe daily to cover the FCS..
The sad part of is even with ESPN's daily College Football Live show, which is sometimes an hour and sometimes half an hour and the NFL Network's College Football Now show, they still only cover the BCS teams except for the occasional mention of player of incident involving a non-BCS FBS team... Once in a blue moon they mention something about the FCS, but usually it's not in a respectful manner..
I said several years ago that once the 85 scholarship rule took effect and had time to play out for several years, the parity of all Div I football would be more and more.. We are seeing that in some cases especially since teams like Nebraska and Alabama can't stock 125+ players and those players end going to schools in the FCS and thus impacting those teams in positive manner...
In recent years we've had some great proof of parity when teams from the FCS knock off a bowl team from the FBS like App state did, Delaware, Northwestern State, Nicholls state, and so on... It also helps the respect of the FCS level when teams play close games, but lose to higher tier or Bowl teams from the FBS... The more BCS Fans that see FCS teams come into their place and either knock off their team or give them a run for their money, the more respect will be won over by the general public..
At the same time, FCS is at least Cost Containment football unlike many FBS wannabes and schools at this level are gradually improving the quality of their facilties without sacrificing their first born and doing things to increase their attendance in house to attract the casual fan... Just glancing at the attendance at many FCS schools, it appear that more and more FCS schools are drawing over 10,000 fans at home on average, something that was reserved for just a handful of teams several years ago..
We just have to keep spreading the good word and build a solid level of teams... I do think the expansion of the playoffs though hurts in that it dilutes the importance of placing the best teams in the playoffs, regardless of auto-bid or not....
October 22nd, 2008, 11:44 PM
Which is essentially every FCS team minus Montana and the Dakotas.
New england teams really don't have a problem. Maybe UConn owns Connecticut, but the rest is open
October 23rd, 2008, 12:43 AM
Coover, well scribed and Poly Pigskin very poingent, it's tough being FCS or anything other than BCS in California, in fact if it wasn't for SDSU's (we are near a border and we are not LA) and Fresno's (Middle of friggin nowhere) unique locales and UC Davis/ Cal Poly having 52-57% male populations which allows them, due to their hard science curriculum focus, to manage Title 9, there woluld only be 4 universities still playing football in California. OK discounting SLAC state and USD, I dunno SLAC is next to the the capitol and USD has no schollies? California as far as university football is presented to the nation, is very under represented at all levels, including FCS. Exept for our exports.
October 23rd, 2008, 02:06 AM
Which is essentially every FCS team minus Montana and the Dakotas.
What else is there to do in Montana and the Dakotas.
October 23rd, 2008, 02:37 AM
FCS is sort of like the little brothers of the football world. When the older brother is hanging out with his friends that little brother can't get the time of day. But occasionally the big brother will pay some attention to the little brother, for his own reasons(i.e. an easy win to impress the boosters/a little smack down to impress his friends). But when the little brother gets to where he can compete the big brother suddenly big brother isn't so interested in playing the little brother any more(read ASU/WakeForest,etc.).
I am very impressed with this analogy. xlolx xlolx xlolx
October 23rd, 2008, 02:58 AM
We are actually making some inroads in Portland (predominately Pac-10 market). Of course, it helps having a "sales"person like Jerry Glanville. We had Comcast Sports Network filming what could be called a "reality" television show of Portland State and spring football. The Oregonian actually placed an experienced beat writer to cover PSU athletics last year. Portland State is actually being mentioned along with Oregon and Oregon State, and more than Linfield and other smaller schools in the region. It is not just Portland State, either. People are understanding the conference better because of it. Still, anything outside of conference is foreign, but this is a start. Just a couple years ago, most people would not be able to name another Big Sky school outside of Portland State, so we are making inroads into the Portland market.
October 23rd, 2008, 02:41 PM
USC fans should know who wofford is since everytime they play wofford almost always wins lol
Reign of Terrier
October 23rd, 2008, 02:52 PM
Wofford was once on ESPNNEWS....after we beat APP at about a 30 second highlight at about 7:00. I only saw it once.
October 23rd, 2008, 03:30 PM
they were on ppv earlier they year against carolina also
February 28th, 2009, 10:45 AM
FCS teams need to win more games against the big boys and that attitude will Elon victory over Wake Forest this fall will help the causexnodx
February 28th, 2009, 12:04 PM
I've been saying this for years that ESPN or Fox sports net needs a national show either weekly or maybe daily to cover the FCS..
The sad part of is even with ESPN's daily College Football Live show, which is sometimes an hour and sometimes half an hour and the NFL Network's College Football Now show, they still only cover the BCS teams except for the occasional mention of player of incident involving a non-BCS FBS team... Once in a blue moon they mention something about the FCS, but usually it's not in a respectful manner..
I said several years ago that once the 85 scholarship rule took effect and had time to play out for several years, the parity of all Div I football would be more and more.. We are seeing that in some cases especially since teams like Nebraska and Alabama can't stock 125+ players and those players end going to schools in the FCS and thus impacting those teams in positive manner...
In recent years we've had some great proof of parity when teams from the FCS knock off a bowl team from the FBS like App state did, Delaware, Northwestern State, Nicholls state, and so on... It also helps the respect of the FCS level when teams play close games, but lose to higher tier or Bowl teams from the FBS... The more BCS Fans that see FCS teams come into their place and either knock off their team or give them a run for their money, the more respect will be won over by the general public..
At the same time, FCS is at least Cost Containment football unlike many FBS wannabes and schools at this level are gradually improving the quality of their facilties without sacrificing their first born and doing things to increase their attendance in house to attract the casual fan... Just glancing at the attendance at many FCS schools, it appear that more and more FCS schools are drawing over 10,000 fans at home on average, something that was reserved for just a handful of teams several years ago..
We just have to keep spreading the good word and build a solid level of teams... I do think the expansion of the playoffs though hurts in that it dilutes the importance of placing the best teams in the playoffs, regardless of auto-bid or not....
The big problem here is that while yes, thousands of people are FCS football fans, the demographics of FBS fans are FAR greater. We're not just talking a few thousand here or there, we're saying that the simple capacity of Penn State's stadium exceeds that of the entire Big South conference combined. Thus, even if we discount traditional prejudices to "classic rivalries", the simple demographic would likely make it less feasible to put an FCS show on the air. It's a very big disappointment, a ton of amazing football is played in the FCS. But fiscally, it's just not responsible for ABC/Disney to permit.
February 28th, 2009, 12:11 PM
The big problem here is that while yes, thousands of people are FCS football fans, the demographics of FBS fans are FAR greater. We're not just talking a few thousand here or there, we're saying that the simple capacity of Penn State's stadium exceeds that of the entire Big South conference combined. Thus, even if we discount traditional prejudices to "classic rivalries", the simple demographic would likely make it less feasible to put an FCS show on the air. It's a very big disappointment, a ton of amazing football is played in the FCS. But fiscally, it's just not responsible for ABC/Disney to permit.
Marketing from the universities have anything to do with it, I mean lots of people don't even realize the type of ball that can be played in the FCS, lots of it is better than several "Big Time" lower FBS conferences. But how do you market it, its tuff, also I know many people who attened Big time College ball for the atmosphere only, not all are die hard Football fans, I also know people who try to attend good games in all college divisions and those are the people (like me) that realize even DIII can have some very exciting games, but it would help alot if ESPN would do like MBB and show some games from every DI conference not just FBS
February 28th, 2009, 02:52 PM
Marketing from the universities have anything to do with it, I mean lots of people don't even realize the type of ball that can be played in the FCS, lots of it is better than several "Big Time" lower FBS conferences. But how do you market it, its tuff, also I know many people who attened Big time College ball for the atmosphere only, not all are die hard Football fans, I also know people who try to attend good games in all college divisions and those are the people (like me) that realize even DIII can have some very exciting games, but it would help alot if ESPN would do like MBB and show some games from every DI conference not just FBS
Agreed on the ESPN thing..
Franks Tanks
February 28th, 2009, 03:09 PM
The big problem here is that while yes, thousands of people are FCS football fans, the demographics of FBS fans are FAR greater. We're not just talking a few thousand here or there, we're saying that the simple capacity of Penn State's stadium exceeds that of the entire Big South conference combined. Thus, even if we discount traditional prejudices to "classic rivalries", the simple demographic would likely make it less feasible to put an FCS show on the air. It's a very big disappointment, a ton of amazing football is played in the FCS. But fiscally, it's just not responsible for ABC/Disney to permit.
Plus FBS schools have tons of fans who never attended the university. FCS fans are usually alums or live near the school.
February 28th, 2009, 03:55 PM
Although it's a slightly different case here, if you want to talk about a lack of respect, be a fan of a Division II school like PC was when I was there. xeekx
February 28th, 2009, 06:15 PM
If you want respect from FBS fans, schools, and national media you have to join that level or constantly beat them.
Exactly. Beat them and they will respect you or look stupid dissing you.
It's the same way FCS schools earn respect from each other. Prove you belong, and you get respect.
God ... some people are such freaking whiners.xbawlingx
February 28th, 2009, 07:46 PM
App State shocked the world beating an FBS ranked team--and got airtime & national recognition. That's really the only way. Beat 'em! Here in the northeast we get nice TV time on Comcast for CAA football. I'd guess the ratings are low but alot of casual fans do watch. Otherwise the FCS fans around the country care!
February 28th, 2009, 09:52 PM
On Long Island folks would rather watch a major FBS game on TV than come out for StonyBrook or Hofstra game -especially if the weather is bad. Then there is the dominance of the NFL and the Jets and Giants in the NY area. Fans will pay $100 plus for a ticket and parking in the Meadowlands to sit in nose bleed seats than pay $ 10 bucks with free parking to see StonyBrook in pretty good seats.
Die hards we will always have but true fans with no relationship to the school are few and far between in this part of the world.
March 1st, 2009, 08:39 AM
Furman and The Citadel for sure. GSU has done a good job of travelling to Wofford before as well. Presbyterian had a good crowd this year.
A good measure of respect is by the number of fans in the stands. Gibbs stadium seats 13,000. Wofford averaged 7,812 in '09. Your largest crowd was 10,011 for The Citadel, 3,000 short of capacity. You drew less than 3.000 for Samford.
Husky Alum
March 1st, 2009, 09:42 PM
New england teams really don't have a problem. Maybe UConn owns Connecticut, but the rest is open
Um, can I introduce you to the Beagles of the University of Chestnut Hill. They own Eastern Massachusetts.
NU, Harvard, and to some degree UMass and HC get some play in the Sunday papers here - if we're home, but if we're on the road, good luck getting substantial ink.
I'd argue NU gets more ink than we actually "Deserve" given the interest in our program, our attendance and our (lack of) facilities.
March 2nd, 2009, 06:28 AM
Been going to football games in Boone, NC, since before going to college there at Appalachian State. It sure is nice to see almost 33,000 at some of the football games. What makes me mad is them announcing that all games are sell outs before the season starts and then see some trees left up on the mountains that they could hang a few more bodies.
Glad the 7 story 125,000 sq ft pressbox, luxury suites and club area will open this year. The double decking on the east side helped a lot last year....still too many people having to sit on the mountain side and get wet backsides.....that will not change until they get serious about adding many more seats.
March 2nd, 2009, 06:52 AM
As newspapers continue their decline, many organizations can't afford to cover everyone and engage in a prioritization of coverage. The Washington Post is at least upfront about it--they choose their coverage of college football based on the amount of local alumni (read=subscribers) a school has.
Therefore, the order of coverage is Maryland, Virginia Tech, Navy, and Virginia. Neither Georgetown nor Howard is in the mix and there are no reporters assigned to the I-AA beat.
March 2nd, 2009, 09:47 AM
i like the fcs because it does have somewhat of an underground feel to it.
i LIKE being the only guy in hooters on draft weekend clapping for the "no name" guys from a lower division that get signed.
i LIKE it being about playing for a college scholarship and not exposure, just to get to the next level in a game.
pierre banks is a prime example to what i like about the fcs.
dont need respect when youre a true fan.
March 2nd, 2009, 12:30 PM
i like the fcs because it does have somewhat of an underground feel to it.
i LIKE being the only guy in hooters on draft weekend clapping for the "no name" guys from a lower division that get signed.
i LIKE it being about playing for a college scholarship and not exposure, just to get to the next level in a game.
pierre banks is a prime example to what i like about the fcs.
dont need respect when youre a true fan.
I think you are my twin somehow.
Great post.
March 2nd, 2009, 02:06 PM
i like the fcs because it does have somewhat of an underground feel to it.
i LIKE being the only guy in hooters on draft weekend clapping for the "no name" guys from a lower division that get signed.
i LIKE it being about playing for a college scholarship and not exposure, just to get to the next level in a game.
pierre banks is a prime example to what i like about the fcs.
dont need respect when youre a true fan.
Great post. I take a fair amount of snobbish pride in being an FCS fan -- FCS is like single-malt while FBS is only blended.
March 2nd, 2009, 03:13 PM
As newspapers continue their decline, many organizations can't afford to cover everyone and engage in a prioritization of coverage. The Washington Post is at least upfront about it--they choose their coverage of college football based on the amount of local alumni (read=subscribers) a school has.
Therefore, the order of coverage is Maryland, Virginia Tech, Navy, and Virginia. Neither Georgetown nor Howard is in the mix and there are no reporters assigned to the I-AA beat.
Mike Wilbon was assigned to Howard when he was first starting out...
March 2nd, 2009, 03:19 PM
Maybe more people would care about the FCS, if the FCS could somehow find a way to include its top brands into the post-season playoffs. How in the world is Grambling, Harvard, Southern, Yale; not in the playoff mix every season???
I'd respect the FCS much more if the powers that be could seduce the Ivy League into the mix, and also if the NCAA moved the playoffs back a week so that Southern, Alabama State, and Grambling had a chance to participate.
Grambling is one of the world's top football brands... but they would have to move the Bayou Classic in order to compete in the playoffs. That's not right.
Seven Would Be Nice
March 2nd, 2009, 03:21 PM
How many minor league baseball games have you been to lately?
March 2nd, 2009, 03:23 PM
How many minor league baseball games have you been to lately?
xlolx None. The season hasn't started yet xlolx.
Seven Would Be Nice
March 2nd, 2009, 03:42 PM
xlolx None. The season hasn't started yet xlolx.
I'm saying in general...
FCS is the minor league of college football. I know many of us die hard fans don't want to accept that, but in the grand scheme of things I-AA is small potatoes.
March 2nd, 2009, 09:38 PM
Maybe more people would care about the FCS, if the FCS could somehow find a way to include its top brands into the post-season playoffs. How in the world is Grambling, Harvard, Southern, Yale; not in the playoff mix every season???
I'd respect the FCS much more if the powers that be could seduce the Ivy League into the mix, and also if the NCAA moved the playoffs back a week so that Southern, Alabama State, and Grambling had a chance to participate.
Grambling is one of the world's top football brands... but they would have to move the Bayou Classic in order to compete in the playoffs. That's not right.
Quit your lame propaganda. The fact is the Ivies can choose to join the playoff mix at any time.
Of Course the SWAC has the enviable record in the playoffs of 0-19. In short Grambling and their ilk are total failures in the playoffs. We all know why Southern, Alabama State, etc. choose to ignore the playoffs, they would have their butts kicked and handed to them on a silver platter.
Don't even go there with your respect argument. Your teams can't compete. That is the ONLY REASON the SWAC teams refuse to participate in the playoffs.
Of Course, the MEAC record of success in the 21st Century is also enviable. xsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley
Syntax Error
March 2nd, 2009, 10:24 PM
I'm saying in general...
FCS is the minor league of college football. I know many of us die hard fans don't want to accept that, but in the grand scheme of things I-AA is small potatoes.FCS is minor league and small potatoes if you think it is. I don't, D-II, D-III, and NAIA fans don't. Only primarily FBS fans think "FCS is the minor league of college football" and "I-AA [sic] is small potatoes."
In the state with the largest population, California, Division I football has virtually destroyed the Football Programs of most of the other schools around the state ... survived the destruction of the Division I (read Pac -10) schools only because of unique location (Sacramento and Cal Poly) or a willingness of the school authorities to continue the program against all odds (Davis and, certainly, San Diego). Division I, the Pac -10, has ruined football in California. FCS? What's that?Just checking that you know D-I football in California is more than FBS, it is FCS too. They are all D-I. Just checking. xwhistlex
Plus, I watched nearly every Cal Poly game last year plus games from San Diego, Sac St., and UCD. In fact, I did not watch any other Cali. school play football last year. Imagine that! xthumbsupx
March 2nd, 2009, 11:11 PM
Unfortunately ESPN runs the show and could care less about the FCS. Heck Colin Cowherd is an alumni of Eastern Washington and did he really even mention the FCS on his show all year? Guys with pull like that start talking FCS regular season/playoffs can start to stem the tide because of the audiences that they have. Name recognition is everything.
Syntax Error
March 2nd, 2009, 11:47 PM
In fact, I did not watch any other Cali. school play football last year. Imagine that! xthumbsupxI should have said unless the FCS school was playing a Cali. non-FCS school. xnodx
March 3rd, 2009, 12:15 AM
Quit your lame propaganda. The fact is the Ivies can choose to join the playoff mix at any time.
Of Course the SWAC has the enviable record in the playoffs of 0-19. In short Grambling and their ilk are total failures in the playoffs. We all know why Southern, Alabama State, etc. choose to ignore the playoffs, they would have their butts kicked and handed to them on a silver platter.
Don't even go there with your respect argument. Your teams can't compete. That is the ONLY REASON the SWAC teams refuse to participate in the playoffs.
Of Course, the MEAC record of success in the 21st Century is also enviable. xsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley
oh no you dient!!
I wish they would try harder to make that happen. I think SU could have done well in the payoffs back in the day. I think they should disband the swac but thats another subject
March 3rd, 2009, 01:13 AM
Wofford was once on ESPNNEWS....after we beat APP at about a 30 second highlight at about 7:00. I only saw it once.
It was a dream....they didn't have ESPN back then....besides I believe it was the other ASU, Arizona State that you beat.....ow wait, maybe not.
Personally they are talking about the "Economic Stimulus Bill".....if they are wondering how to put people to work......just give all FCS teams enough money to field 83 scholarships and proportionally it would be a LOT more economical than the original plan.
March 3rd, 2009, 08:28 AM
FBS is certainly a big step up in terms of talent, attendance, exposure....but I love FCS football. FBS votes on a national champion. The FCS national champion is truly a champion, and it is earned through a grueling playoff system, following an already grueling regular season. Plus, although the talent is better.......on any given saturday......
Syntax Error
March 3rd, 2009, 08:37 AM
It was a dream....they didn't have ESPN back then...I must have been dreaming too because I saw App on one week when they beat a winged helmet team and then Wofford on a couple weeks later when they beat App... xnodx
March 3rd, 2009, 09:53 AM
Unfortunately ESPN runs the show and could care less about the FCS. Heck Colin Cowherd is an alumni of Eastern Washington and did he really even mention the FCS on his show all year? Guys with pull like that start talking FCS regular season/playoffs can start to stem the tide because of the audiences that they have. Name recognition is everything.
I didn't know that!
That said, it's annoying having to wait through three or four ESPN "crawls" to get FCS scores on Saturday. xmadxThey repeat the top 25 and major conferences every time.
March 4th, 2009, 03:38 PM
A good measure of respect is by the number of fans in the stands. Gibbs stadium seats 13,000. Wofford averaged 7,812 in '09. Your largest crowd was 10,011 for The Citadel, 3,000 short of capacity. You drew less than 3.000 for Samford.
I think having 3k Wofford fans at the Samford game is great, especially since we played at Samford. My son and I were 2 of the 3k.xthumbsupx
crabby terrier
March 4th, 2009, 10:27 PM
i was just getting on to make same reply oldmain80. thanks.xthumbsupx
March 4th, 2009, 11:35 PM
i was just getting on to make same reply oldmain80. thanks.xthumbsupx
Congrats Crabby on your post #1!!
March 5th, 2009, 10:32 AM
i was just getting on to make same reply oldmain80. thanks.xthumbsupx
Good to hear from you Crabby.xthumbsupx
March 5th, 2009, 10:44 AM
i like the fcs because it does have somewhat of an underground feel to it.
i LIKE being the only guy in hooters on draft weekend clapping for the "no name" guys from a lower division that get signed.
i LIKE it being about playing for a college scholarship and not exposure, just to get to the next level in a game.
pierre banks is a prime example to what i like about the fcs.
dont need respect when youre a true fan.
I laughed out loud reading this. I live deep in the heart of SEC country, which, I think without a doubt, has the most rabid fans out there. They don't give two shakes about the FCS.
I remember going to watch Furman play North Carolina at a local sports bar (it was ESPNU). At the same time Alabama was playing, Florida was playing Tennessee, and Georgia was in pregame. Needless to say I had to fight to keep my tv tuned into the game.
But who are we kidding? We ARE little brothers. I don't see why so many people take such offense to that. Arguably the best FCS team in 2008 got blown out by DUKE. Precious few of our teams can stay on the field with a good FBS for four quarters.
Certainly it's more of a problem in the South. We have better FCS programs and better FBS programs. I suppose the closest FBS school to Montana is Washington State, and they are gawdawful. The competition isn't the same. They are the show in town. However, I don't think it matters. Be proud of what your school and your program IS, not what it IS NOT.
And Wofford fans have no gripe. There were years in the mid 80s where Furman was the best team in the Carolinas regardless of classification. Furman has been dealing with the "good but no respect" label a lot longer than the Terriers. Just accept it and move on.
March 5th, 2009, 10:59 AM
[QUOTE=PaladinFan;1314074] I live deep in the heart of SEC country, which, I think without a doubt, has the most rabid fans out there. They don't give two shakes about the FCS.
I can relate to the SEC country statement living amongst the Alabama and Auburn faithful. I have been able to breed some FCS fans in the area, mainly because my truck and golf cart are covered with Wofford stickersxcoolx. Not a weekend goes by now that one or more members of my club ask me about who Wofford is playing or tell me that they watched them on TV. Fans are fans and there is hope for even the most die hard SEC fans to appreciate the finer things in life.xthumbsupx
March 5th, 2009, 11:24 AM
[QUOTE=PaladinFan;1314074] I live deep in the heart of SEC country, which, I think without a doubt, has the most rabid fans out there. They don't give two shakes about the FCS.
I can relate to the SEC country statement living amongst the Alabama and Auburn faithful. I have been able to breed some FCS fans in the area, mainly because my truck and golf cart are covered with Wofford stickersxcoolx. Not a weekend goes by now that one or more members of my club ask me about who Wofford is playing or tell me that they watched them on TV. Fans are fans and there is hope for even the most die hard SEC fans to appreciate the finer things in life.xthumbsupx
We aren't terribly far from one another then. In West Georgia I am still competing with the Auburn/Alabama crowd, but I also have GT and Georgia to contend with :)
crabby terrier
March 6th, 2009, 01:58 AM
Congrats Crabby on your post #1!!
thanks bluekeys! what's up old main? how's alabama? i have been reading for the last 4 or 5 months. guess i'll participate from time to time.xnodx
March 6th, 2009, 08:34 PM
Quit your lame propaganda. The fact is the Ivies can choose to join the playoff mix at any time.
Of Course the SWAC has the enviable record in the playoffs of 0-19. In short Grambling and their ilk are total failures in the playoffs. We all know why Southern, Alabama State, etc. choose to ignore the playoffs, they would have their butts kicked and handed to them on a silver platter.
Don't even go there with your respect argument. Your teams can't compete. That is the ONLY REASON the SWAC teams refuse to participate in the playoffs.
Of Course, the MEAC record of success in the 21st Century is also enviable. xsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley
Notre Dame hasn't won a BCS Championship, but they're still a part of the process.
No one cares about Delaware Hens football, except Delaware Hens fans...
Add a big time name to the mix like Grambling or Harvard, and maybe the rub off effect will bring more interest to the FCS as a whole.
There's no lame propaganda being written here.
Some schools got it, and some schools don't... so how about the FCS getting more of these school that "have it," within the playoff picture so that more people will care about the FCS as a whole.
This isn't a debate about wins and losses, it's about big name FCS schools helping to bring more attention to the FCS as a whole.
Like in boxing, you're not going to pay to watch a fight because you think the old timer is going to defeat the young gun, you pay and watch because the old timer is still the big time draw with the big time name.
March 6th, 2009, 11:33 PM
Notre Dame hasn't won a BCS Championship, but they're still a part of the process.
No one cares about Delaware Hens football, except Delaware Hens fans...
Add a big time name to the mix like Grambling or Harvard, and maybe the rub off effect will bring more interest to the FCS as a whole.
There's no lame propaganda being written here.
Some schools got it, and some schools don't... so how about the FCS getting more of these school that "have it," within the playoff picture so that more people will care about the FCS as a whole.
This isn't a debate about wins and losses, it's about big name FCS schools helping to bring more attention to the FCS as a whole.
Like in boxing, you're not going to pay to watch a fight because you think the old timer is going to defeat the young gun, you pay and watch because the old timer is still the big time draw with the big time name.
last time i checked, nobody at the NCAA was preventing any of these schools from the participating in the playoffs. they have self-selected to not be a part of the process. both conferences participate in the March basketball tourneys without complaint...
it's not a matter of exclusion, it's a matter of choice. i agree that it would be ideal for swac and ivy to join the playoffs, i think it would help our exposure, especially if harvard or yale got on a run and some ivy alum with a 40 gallon drum of ink wrote about how exciting the tourney is... that said... it's a decision for the conferences and the universities... who right now don't want it.
March 7th, 2009, 10:45 AM
last time i checked, nobody at the NCAA was preventing any of these schools from the participating in the playoffs. they have self-selected to not be a part of the process. both conferences participate in the March basketball tourneys without complaint...
it's not a matter of exclusion, it's a matter of choice. i agree that it would be ideal for swac and ivy to join the playoffs, i think it would help our exposure, especially if harvard or yale got on a run and some ivy alum with a 40 gallon drum of ink wrote about how exciting the tourney is... that said... it's a decision for the conferences and the universities... who right now don't want it.
hey, ttbf! good post, and no caps. are you the e.e. cummings of ags?:p
March 7th, 2009, 11:13 AM
last time i checked, nobody at the NCAA was preventing any of these schools from the participating in the playoffs. they have self-selected to not be a part of the process. both conferences participate in the March basketball tourneys without complaint...
it's not a matter of exclusion, it's a matter of choice. i agree that it would be ideal for swac and ivy to join the playoffs, i think it would help our exposure, especially if harvard or yale got on a run and some ivy alum with a 40 gallon drum of ink wrote about how exciting the tourney is... that said... it's a decision for the conferences and the universities... who right now don't want it.
The SWAC and IVY don't feel that their traditions mix with the FCS Playoffs.
The SWAC wants to play their classics and also participate in the playoffs without having to move around two of their top games; the Turkey Day Classic predates the FCS playoffs by over fifty years, and the Bayou Classic is the most exposed game on the FCS level, the only game that has a major contract with NBC.
The IVY feels that their regular season is more than enough and that a post season isn't necessary.
Folks, why in the world does the FCS deserve the type of respect that we want, when we can't even convince some of our biggest names to participate in our postseason?
Someone higher up is sleeping at the wheel.
Anytime schools like Southern, Yale, Harvard, and Grambling, are telling us that they rather go at it alone, than compete for a national title, perhaps they see that our ship is about to crash on some rocks.
The FCS needs to accept that some schools have traditions that are unique and find a way to be completely inclusive of all of those schools... come up with a plan that the IVY will like so that they can participate in the playoffs also.
TwinTownBisonFan, we should find a way to be more like the NCAA Basketball tournament, a tournament that includes every single conference on the D-IA level.
The MEAC has a strong desire to win National Titles. However, if our hunger wasn't so strong for winning National Titles, I'd suggest that we jet this underexposed FCS playoff also. It's not like the MEAC is being appreciated here anyway.
March 9th, 2009, 11:59 PM
watching all the draft coverage, I'm disgusted.
analysts will knowingly say I-AA instead of FCS...I dont understand why it is so hard. You would think it was taboo
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