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November 7th, 2005, 07:55 PM
When football season is over, what do you guys do around here? I haven't been here during an offseason
November 7th, 2005, 07:57 PM
November 7th, 2005, 08:18 PM
When football season is over, what do you guys do around here? I haven't been here during an offseason
You will learn everything you never wanted to know about the weekly fishing escapades with Capt'n Cat. :eek:
November 7th, 2005, 08:20 PM
I think the ASG Lounge had more posts than I-AA Discussion for awhile and some of the ASG brass was talking about dismantling it or making it where posts there don't count towards ASG Poll vote considerations...
November 7th, 2005, 08:22 PM
When football season is over, what do you guys do around here? I haven't been here during an offseason
1. Rehash the season.
2. Nat Champion gloats for several months (until someone hands them their butts in one of the first few regular season games)
3. Make outlandish predictions for the next season
November 7th, 2005, 08:24 PM
I'll be reporting on the exploits of Lehigh's nationally ranked wrestling team :D
November 7th, 2005, 08:39 PM
Pretty much do everything to keep I-AA football fresh in our minds. Some basketball posts are made once college basketball starts. Lounge traffic picks up tremendously and the out of bounds board fills up with naked people courtesy of grizo, cap'n and company. :)
November 7th, 2005, 08:39 PM
recruiting, spring football, and then babes, beer, and wild game
November 8th, 2005, 07:52 AM
I've vanished the past two years. Hit some other web sites/message boards.
November 8th, 2005, 08:16 AM
What do you mean by "when football season is over?" Perhpas because I live in Alabama I'm having a tough time understanding your question.
First there's coaching changes, then there's pre-recruiting discussion, then there's post-signing day analysis, then guessing what our schedule will look like, then there's discussion of the official schedule announcement, then there's spring camp, then the preseason mags come out and we criticize their coverage, then TSN starts posting its conference previews and we ask what Dougherty is smoking, then there's pre-season polls to pick apart, then everyone shares their experiences waiting for the AGS preview mag to arrive, and by then it's late August and I'm headed to the grocery store to buy bratwurst and beer for Week 1.
What is this "off-season" you speak of?
November 8th, 2005, 08:18 AM
What is this "off-season" you speak of?
point well taken
November 8th, 2005, 08:35 AM
Well I honestly gotta say when our season is over, "which will probably be around the middle of December" :p , the weather here is still Beachy. Since we really arent concerned with a coaching change, can rest assured that Bennett will bring in another awesome recruiting class. Us Chanticleer Fans, just sit around on our balconies and watch the tides come and go. Maybe check out the Christmas shows at the local theaters, or if the weather permits a long day on the beach followed by a long walk on the beach at night. It's great to be in Chanticleer country.
November 8th, 2005, 10:05 AM
What do you mean by "when football season is over?" Perhpas because I live in Alabama I'm having a tough time understanding your question.
First there's coaching changes, then there's pre-recruiting discussion, then there's post-signing day analysis, then guessing what our schedule will look like, then there's discussion of the official schedule announcement, then there's spring camp, then the preseason mags come out and we criticize their coverage, then TSN starts posting its conference previews and we ask what Dougherty is smoking, then there's pre-season polls to pick apart, then everyone shares their experiences waiting for the AGS preview mag to arrive, and by then it's late August and I'm headed to the grocery store to buy bratwurst and beer for Week 1.
What is this "off-season" you speak of?
November 8th, 2005, 10:09 AM
We will be indoctronating all the bandwagon fans that will be out for the new National Champion. :p
November 8th, 2005, 10:12 AM
We will be indoctronating all the bandwagon fans that will be out for the new National Champion. :p
We're already here.
We're not bandwagon fans.
We already know everything.
It's good to be Griz.
November 8th, 2005, 11:00 AM
And of course there's always Coastal bashing. :cool:
November 8th, 2005, 06:37 PM
Most of what Grizo does in the "Off Season" is listed below:
1. Fish.
2. Keeps his "special area" clean and working.
3. Wonders why the season went so quickly.
4. Surfs the Web for pics to post in Out of Bounds.
5. Continues being a nice guy.
6. Helps to make others better.
7. Pays his bills.
8. Takes a series of successful naps.
9. Enjoys what western Montana has to offer.
10. Drinks beer.
catamount man
November 8th, 2005, 06:41 PM
What do you mean by "when football season is over?" Perhpas because I live in Alabama I'm having a tough time understanding your question.
First there's coaching changes, then there's pre-recruiting discussion, then there's post-signing day analysis, then guessing what our schedule will look like, then there's discussion of the official schedule announcement, then there's spring camp, then the preseason mags come out and we criticize their coverage, then TSN starts posting its conference previews and we ask what Dougherty is smoking, then there's pre-season polls to pick apart, then everyone shares their experiences waiting for the AGS preview mag to arrive, and by then it's late August and I'm headed to the grocery store to buy bratwurst and beer for Week 1.
What is this "off-season" you speak of?
Someone who sees it like I do!!! Shoot, January and February rock! Catamount basketball, Coach Briggs and the other coaches recruiting our next batch of gridiron warriors, and cold weather. The only down time is basically from the end of the spring game until fall camp opens up and then and only then, it is usually boring for me. GO CATAMOUNTS!!!
November 8th, 2005, 06:47 PM
I plan on spending some quality time with the Old Mountain Jug. And no, I won't have to worry about gas prices for my trip down to CCC. And no, it's not because I've got a lot of money to waste. There goes ya'll comebacks. It's because THE JUG'S COMING BACK TO IT'S RIGHTFUL OWNER!!!
November 8th, 2005, 08:47 PM
What JaxSinfonian failed to mention that once upon a time, when Jacksonville State still actually fielded a winning men's basketball team, we passed some of the winter enjoying hoops.
Gil Dobie
November 8th, 2005, 09:09 PM
1. Making up excuses not to go fishing with Cap'n Cat ;)
2. Waiting for D1B to send some hot peppers.
3. Spread Hate and Discontent in the AGS Lounge
4. Enjoy spreading hate and discontent in the AGS Lounge.
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