View Full Version : Reflecting back on the younger generation of Fans
September 25th, 2008, 10:16 AM
***Disclaimer some of you may have seen this same topic on Bisonville but i figure it applies to all the fanbases out there***
We have had some great experiences at games both at the FargoDome as well as at road games. Generally the younger guys (anyone under 30 is younger) have been just great. They have helped energize my kids when the wait time before the game got started was starting to make them antsy. I have appreciated that they understand without my having to ask that with children present there is no need to swear.
It is a real pleasure to have the chance to get to know other passionate fans.
So as you attend the next home or away game please take the chance to engage the kids around you and help them get passionate about the game as well. They will remember the experience and the ones responsible for it for years to come.
Thank you to all you guys & gals out there who make gamedays the event they are.
September 25th, 2008, 10:21 AM
Had a little too much at the last Oregon game and let a 6 year old "future Duck" tackle me in the parking lot and I'll be damned if he didn't actually cause some pain. I'm not sure we should be so nice ;)
September 25th, 2008, 01:55 PM
Absolutely right. It is good to see the families - parents and kids at these and to see the kids having a good time in a wholesome atmosphere. Some of the best memories of my childhood are from Saturday afternoon college football at the stadium, wherever it may be.
September 25th, 2008, 02:21 PM
Absolutely right. It is good to see the families - parents and kids at these and to see the kids having a good time in a wholesome atmosphere. Some of the best memories of my childhood are from Saturday afternoon college football at the stadium, wherever it may be.
I agree, that's the best time to get started. I became a Southern fan at a young age. I remember going on trips to games and having fun (when the Jags won, which wasn't much in those days.) xlolx
September 25th, 2008, 02:30 PM
I love seeing kids at tailgates, games and such. Besides they're about the only people that are shorter than me so I can pick off a few parking lot passes :)
September 25th, 2008, 03:51 PM
I am hoping that others will choose to share what it was/is like for them.
Thanks to all who have already done so.
September 25th, 2008, 04:18 PM
I went to Baseball games as a kid...(Grew up in Chicago, and yes this is THE YEAR) But I can remember throwing a fit because I didn't want to stand in line, didn't know what was going on or didn't get the cool toy from the gift shop and some random guy would let me throw a couple pitches or something. Seems kinda dumb but it made everything else go away, three cheers for short term memory!
One time my little brother wandered off and while my parents are freaking out looking for him security nabbed him and brought him behind home plate so mom and dad could come get him. In the meantime batting practice ends and Frank Thomas walks up and signs a baseball for him! I'm still bitter, break the rules and something cool happens!
Sorry for the baseball talk but I didn't become a football fan until I went to UNI.
September 25th, 2008, 05:32 PM
We try to involve the kids behind us. Our west side is pretty dead. :(
September 25th, 2008, 07:15 PM
Last year during the NDSU v SDSU game I sat next to some NDSU students. In the beginning they were a bit overly idiotic and so in turn I was also. In my defense I have been on the sidelines in the Fargo Dome 3 times and have found the NDSU student section to be a bit stupid. They have nothing funny to say but hey 58 your fat and then they laugh for a while. Anyway back to my story. By midway through the second quarter we got to talking a bit and ended up really enjoying the game. Even to the point when I looked at them and said, "man we really need a fumble here, any chance Roehl could do that for us" of course they said it doesn't happen much and then about 2 plays later it did and SDSU won the game. We said goodbye to each other and told them I really enjoyed the game. They said the same.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I can change and they can change...WE ALL CAN CHANGE!
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