View Full Version : The novelty of the AZ Cardinals' new stadium is starting to wear off

Marcus Garvey
September 11th, 2008, 06:48 PM
Cards granted extra day to avoid blackout (http://www.azcentral.com/sports/cardinals/articles/2008/09/11/20080911cardsticketsupON.html)

And so the universe begins to return to normal. I figure in 3 or 4 years, one will be able to walk up to the ticket booth on game day and get a decent seat, just like back in the day!

As a side note, I despise the naming rights of stadia when it amounts to a freakin' giveaway to unscrupulous team owners. Most of the time, the taxpayers financed the stadium's construction and have assumed most of the financial risk. However, it seems to me that in virtually every instance, the ownership gets to keep all naming rights revenue.

In Pheonix, I don't think I've ever called either the new football stadium or the Coyotes' arena in Glendale by their current names. I always say "the Cardinals' stadium" or "Glendale Arena." Around here, everyone knows what venues I'm referring to, and nobody has ever corrected me.

Oddly enough, I'll use "Chase Field" (nee "B.O.B.") for the baseball stadium every time. Probably because that actually sounds like a real name for a ballpark, as opposed to "Amalgomated Widgets Ballpark." I think I use U.S. Airways Arena maybe half the time. The other half I'll either say "the Suns' arena" or "the downtown arena." But that's mostly because after calling it America West Arena for so long, I have to think about what's damn name is!

September 11th, 2008, 07:06 PM
I think there ought to be a criteria for naming a sports facility.

1. .com is not allowed in the name EVER
2. no more than two words in a name, unless one is "of, the, for, etc"
3. no company with mid-word CapiTalizations, you aren't a real company
4. if you are located in the United States, use of the word Centre is prohibited... go back to Canada, hoser.
5. no cop-out hyphen names. It's either Invesco Field or Mile High Stadium... pick one you sissies
6. no college stadium... EVER should have a corporate name. Name of alumnus who built it? GREAT! Name of famous alum who became NFL star? No problem! Memorial Stadium? okie dokie... but no corporate names.
7. the governmental body that oversees any publicly financed stadium shall have the right to reject any awful corporate name for a facility in the name of community pride and dignity. (i'm looking at you Phoenix... and you San Diego)

September 11th, 2008, 07:17 PM
It will sell out.

It is the freaking Dolphins.

Poly Pigskin
September 11th, 2008, 07:59 PM
The Cards really blew it by not naming the place Pink Taco Stadium.