View Full Version : Lardarius Webb next in Nicholls line of NFL talent

August 21st, 2008, 10:00 AM
http://www.houmatoday.com/article/20080820/ARTICLES/2020&title=Several_NFL_teams_are_finding_talent_on_Colo nels__roster

August 21st, 2008, 06:33 PM
The thing that stands out to me is Webb's humbleness.

Without naming names, we had a player turning some major NFL heads during his sophomore season. Towards the end of that season I had an opportunity to talk to him and his family. Now I myself was still a student and caught up in the hype. I read all the stuff on the internet about him from the opposing team that mentioned the items. I told him "man, just keep up the good work, I heard that you were getting them talking during the _________ game..." and his eyes lit up and they all looked at each other happy go lucky.

His production remained adequate, but dropped off as far as NFL looking goes. I know it wasn't my fault, but it still makes me wonder from time to time if I jinxed him, or made him complacent.

Point is, the hype has reached Ladarius and he's keeping himself centered about it. Hopefully its not false modesty. I'd like to see what this young man can do on the next level.