View Full Version : Non-Season Story of the Year?
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August 18th, 2008, 11:08 PM
Since the 2007 season ended, what has been the top story in the time span up to now? Or maybe what have been some of the top stories in your opinion?
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August 18th, 2008, 11:13 PM
Jacksonville State adding former LSU quarterback Ryan Perrilloux has to be near the top.
August 18th, 2008, 11:14 PM
Pretty clear to me: Automatic Bids.
August 18th, 2008, 11:15 PM
"Will the Patriot League Go Scholarship?".....;) xrolleyesx :D
August 18th, 2008, 11:33 PM
You mean non-story of the year 'engineer?
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August 18th, 2008, 11:34 PM
The NCAA completely changing their position on conference playoff auto qualifiers is another biggie. They went from who is worthy (based on the committee vote) to anyone who is eligible. A major shift. So now if they ask, they shall receive, starting in 2010. The NCAA even set up a scenario so that if they ask, they receive based on certain criteria in 2008 and 2009.
August 18th, 2008, 11:38 PM
Not taking the bait.
August 19th, 2008, 07:01 AM
The buildup to the ASU@JMU game. An early season showcase for FCS. Let's hope the game doesn't disappoint.
August 19th, 2008, 07:18 AM
the facility improvements/enlargements at montana, asu, the citadel, and others!!!
August 19th, 2008, 07:37 AM
It had to be DelState's big win over Delaware... the Chili Cookoff:
August 19th, 2008, 08:19 AM
Alabama State's NCAA violations and cutting 30 scholarships.
Southland Television Network -- SLC really making waves in starting own TV network which has already got three markets on board and more on the way.
August 19th, 2008, 08:22 AM
Not taking the bait.
The bias is clear.
SE - Name any NCAA Division I team sport in which any conference (that meets the minimum team/term requiremnets) is NOT granted AQ or PIG status?
A: None. FCS football finally caught up. Glad you are embracing this change :)
August 19th, 2008, 08:59 AM
The NCAA completely changing their position on conference playoff auto qualifiers is another biggie. They went from who is worthy (based on the committee vote) to anyone who is eligible. A major shift. So now if they ask, they shall receive, starting in 2010. The NCAA even set up a scenario so that if they ask, they receive based on certain criteria in 2008 and 2009.
At what point do you think you'll get over it?xeyebrowx
By reading your posts about this you'd think you stand to lose money because of playoff expansion. If anything it should do you well. More teams = more interested fans = more traffic at AGS &
I would think that would be good.
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August 19th, 2008, 09:28 AM
Renaming of the GFC to the MVFC
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August 19th, 2008, 09:29 AM
NDSU and SDSU moving to the MVFC, North and South Dakota move into the GWFC
August 19th, 2008, 09:34 AM
NDSU and SDSU moving to the MVFC, North and South Dakota move into the GWFC
I think that's the winner actually.
August 19th, 2008, 10:02 AM
I think that's the winner actually.
I think I agree. While playoff expansion is without a doutbt the biggest story, its impact will not really be felt until the 2010 season.
So its locked in as the big offseason story for 2010.xthumbsupx
August 19th, 2008, 10:18 AM
The arrest of all-world RB Jordan Scott of Colgate.
The decision by the powers that be at 'gate to not take any of this seriously.
Husky Alum
August 19th, 2008, 10:37 AM
Northeastern's "football question".
August 19th, 2008, 10:45 AM
Western Carolina's new logos and uniforms...xlolx
August 19th, 2008, 10:50 AM
It's easily the playoff expansion. No other story affects all of I-AA (except the Ivy and SWAC). xtwocentsx
August 19th, 2008, 11:04 AM
It's easily the playoff expansion. No other story affects all of I-AA (except the Ivy and SWAC). xtwocentsx
I'm with 89Hen on this one.
August 19th, 2008, 11:11 AM
App State beat Michigan? xrolleyesx
August 19th, 2008, 11:25 AM
Western Carolina moving to Div. III
August 19th, 2008, 11:48 AM
Its got the longest thread!
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August 19th, 2008, 11:50 AM
Western Carolina moving to Div. IIIASU_MBA forgets where the smack board is at? :p
How about the two first rounders in the NFL draft?
August 19th, 2008, 12:18 PM
ASU_MBA forgets where the smack board is at? :p
This from somebody who says the two leagues getting equal access to the playoffs are not worthy xrulesx
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August 19th, 2008, 12:36 PM
This from somebody who says the two leagues getting equal access to the playoffs are not worthy I realize you NECers are understandably touchy on this subject but I did not say the leagues were not worthy here. I said "The NCAA ... went from who is worthy (based on the committee vote) to anyone who is eligible. A major shift." The major story was the shift and resulting playoff expansion. I'm not going to be drawn into a "worthiness" argument here no matter how many NECers try. xcoffeex
August 19th, 2008, 12:40 PM
Western Carolina's new logos and uniforms...xlolx
Automatic disqualification.....happens every three years with the changing of the seaso-er, I mean, changing of the coach.....
August 19th, 2008, 12:52 PM
I realize you NECers are understandably touchy on this subject but I did not say the leagues were not worthy here. I said "The NCAA ... went from who is worthy (based on the committee vote) to anyone who is eligible. A major shift." The major story was the shift and resulting playoff expansion. I'm not going to be drawn into a "worthiness" argument here no matter how many NECers try. xcoffeex
Then why did YOU first use the word??? YOU stated the NCAA went from who's worthy to who's eligible. There is a clear bias in that statement because, logically those conferences who previously weren't included have been deemed not worthy.
"Worthy," as you used it in that sentence, is an ambiguous term without any objective definition. You could have said the NCAA went from limited access to full or equal access. This states that only a limited number of conferences were awarded the AQ, whereas now all eligible conferences may receive an AQ.
You are not an objective writer or an analyst. You have an opinion (and a unquestionable right to share it here), but don't sugar coat your bias - embrace it as other here do. Most people respect an honest difference in opinion so don't try to be coy with your distain for the NEC.
August 19th, 2008, 12:54 PM
I realize you NECers are understandably touchy on this subject but I did not say the leagues were not worthy here. I said "The NCAA ... went from who is worthy (based on the committee vote) to anyone who is eligible. A major shift." The major story was the shift and resulting playoff expansion. I'm not going to be drawn into a "worthiness" argument here no matter how many NECers try. xcoffeex
But 'worthy' was your word, ralph, not the NCAA's. 'Anyone who is eligible' is your phrase. Denouncing smack is laughable hypocrisy on your part.
August 19th, 2008, 12:55 PM
But 'worthy' was your word, ralph, not the NCAA's. 'Anyone who is eligible' is your phrase. Denouncing smack is laughable hypocrisy on your part.
Man, you Albany guys are good .. and quick. xnodx
I'm still mad about that Yale game xbawlingx
August 19th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Since the 2007 season ended, what has been the top story in the time span up to now? Or maybe what have been some of the top stories in your opinion?
Glad to see I was able to remind you that there is a football board on this football board. xrolleyesx
As for the top story of the off-season - the approval of a new, on-campus stadium for Richmond. Well-deserved, I say! xthumbsupx
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August 19th, 2008, 01:09 PM
ASU-LSU!Actually scheduling that is a big story (I forget, was that done after the season?).
August 19th, 2008, 02:18 PM
Then why did YOU first use the word??? YOU stated the NCAA went from who's worthy to who's eligible. There is a clear bias in that statement because, logically those conferences who previously weren't included have been deemed not worthy.
"Worthy," as you used it in that sentence, is an ambiguous term without any objective definition. You could have said the NCAA went from limited access to full or equal access. This states that only a limited number of conferences were awarded the AQ, whereas now all eligible conferences may receive an AQ.
You are not an objective writer or an analyst. You have an opinion (and a unquestionable right to share it here), but don't sugar coat your bias - embrace it as other here do. Most people respect an honest difference in opinion so don't try to be coy with your distain for the NEC.
There is nothing ambiguous about the term WORTHY among the regular knowledgable fans of this board.. We know who is worthy of the playoffs, AQ or not.. We can't help it that the NCAA or it's voting members are out of touch like most politicians.
You and a few others just want an easier route to post-season play.. You got it.. If the NEC had a team that won againest QUALITY OCC teams and was 9-2 or so, then you would have been in the playoffs..
This new playoff expansion just dilutes and drags out the playoffs, nothing more, nothing less! If you can't accept that, then i guess you'll have to accept getting your ass kicked in the first round every year and maybe then you'll understand what we've been talking about.xrolleyesx
August 19th, 2008, 02:21 PM
wow amazing how anything can touch off the NEC crowd...
August 19th, 2008, 02:28 PM
There is nothing ambiguous about the term WORTHY among the regular knowledgable fans of this board.. We know who is worthy of the playoffs, AQ or not.. We can't help it that the NCAA or it's voting members are out of touch like most politicians.
You and a few others just want an easier route to post-season play.. You got it.. If the NEC had a team that won againest QUALITY OCC teams and was 9-2 or so, then you would have been in the playoffs..
This new playoff expansion just dilutes and drags out the playoffs, nothing more, nothing less! If you can't accept that, then i guess you'll have to accept getting your ass kicked in the first round every year and maybe then you'll understand what we've been talking about.xrolleyesx
And you know what, that's YOUR opinion which you are entitled to. You aren't passing yourself as a neutral analyst either. You are clearly a biased fan (like the rest of us) who is against expansion (unlike the majority of us), even though its a done deal.
That's fine. That's not the point.
The point was, either come out and say the NEC didn't deserve the AQ. Say the NCAA made a mistake. Fine. That's your opinion. But be prepared for us to turn to you and say: Get over it. Your opinion was clearly in the minority. The NCAA has decided what is best for FCS football and it just so happens to benefit the NEC, Big South, SoCon and CAA.
GET OVER IT! Your retoric is tired. xdeadhorsex Done deal. Done. Finished. Kaput. Done.
August 19th, 2008, 02:30 PM
wow amazing how anything can touch off the NEC crowd...
Not anything. This just sort of rubs most of us the wrong way. SE (and a few others TT, McTailgator and Retro to name a few) have been whining about the expansion since before it was announced. Its just old and tiresome.
August 19th, 2008, 02:38 PM
against expansion (unlike the majority of us), even though its a done deal.
Who is 'us'?
August 19th, 2008, 02:42 PM
Who is 'us'?
What I mean by "us" is the people who are for expansion (all NEC, Big South, a lot of CAA and SoCon, etc... fans) and those who just really don't care anymore because its a done deal. Sorry, I improperly assumed the reader would understand, but clearly was wrong.
That pretty much means just about everyone exept TT, SE, McTailgator and Retro and to some extent you. I know you are against expansion, but I also think you have accepted the fact that its a done deal and don't harp on it every time it comes up.
Am I wrong?
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August 19th, 2008, 02:46 PM
... Your opinion was clearly in the minority. The NCAA has decided what is best for FCS football and it just so happens to benefit the NEC, Big South, SoCon and CAA.
GET OVER IT! Your retoric is tired. Done deal. Done. Finished. Kaput. Done.not ... going ... to ... get ... dragged ... into ... another ... NECer's ... chip-on-the-shoulder ... display......... xnonox
(IMO, the only reason it passed is because the five power conferences know they will get extra playoff slots... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
August 19th, 2008, 02:50 PM
not ... going ... to ... get ... dragged ... into ... another ... NECer's ... chip-on-the-shoulder ... display......... xnonox
I really don't have a chip on my shoulder. I swear.
I know where the NEC stands in relation to the rest of FCS (climbing out of the basement). I just get tired of hearing the same thing over and over from a few people about expansion and how the NEC is not worthy, etc. etc. etc.....
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August 19th, 2008, 02:51 PM
... Am I wrong?xpopcornx
August 19th, 2008, 02:52 PM
not ... going ... to ... get ... dragged ... into ... another ... NECer's ... chip-on-the-shoulder ... display......... xnonox
(IMO, the only reason it passed is because the five power conferences know they will get extra playoff slots... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
I really don't have a chip on my shoulder. I swear.
I know where the NEC stands in relation to the rest of FCS (climbing out of the basement). I just get tired of hearing the same thing over and over from a few people about expansion and how the NEC is not worthy, etc. etc. etc.....That's smack. You want to talk smack go to the smack board. Shoot, start an NEC sucks thread. I'm sure it will be fun for people.
And of course the power conferences supporting is was a huge reason it passed. We said that from the beginning. That's why Admins supported it and that's why CAA and SoCon fans support it now. Nobody ever denied that.
August 19th, 2008, 03:00 PM
There is nothing ambiguous about the term WORTHY among the regular knowledgable fans of this board.. We know who is worthy of the playoffs, AQ or not.. We can't help it that the NCAA or it's voting members are out of touch like most politicians.
You and a few others just want an easier route to post-season play.. You got it.. If the NEC had a team that won againest QUALITY OCC teams and was 9-2 or so, then you would have been in the playoffs..
This new playoff expansion just dilutes and drags out the playoffs, nothing more, nothing less! If you can't accept that, then i guess you'll have to accept getting your ass kicked in the first round every year and maybe then you'll understand what we've been talking about.xrolleyesx
And you know what, that's YOUR opinion which you are entitled to. You aren't passing yourself as a neutral analyst either. You are clearly a biased fan (like the rest of us) who is against expansion (unlike the majority of us), even though its a done deal.
That's fine. That's not the point.
The point was, either come out and say the NEC didn't deserve the AQ. Say the NCAA made a mistake. Fine. That's your opinion. But be prepared for us to turn to you and say: Get over it. Your opinion was clearly in the minority. The NCAA has decided what is best for FCS football and it just so happens to benefit the NEC, Big South, SoCon and CAA.
I agree with Retro about the expansion will initially dilute & drag out the playoffs. I have felt that the playoffs should be about the teams with a legitimate chance to win a NC competing for the opportunity and would prefer to have no AQ's (possibly with the requirement that the first team in from any conference must be the conference champion). The formula for success was relatively simple: hire a good coach, recruit good players, play a quality schedule, win enough DI games, make the playoffs.
But that is water under the bridge. The NCAA has changed the rules and they are what they are. Under the new rules, the NEC deserves an AQ. What I like about the change is the level of excitement it has created among NEC, Big South, etc. fans on AGC. Hopefully that increased level of excitement translates to increased excitement by the general fan bases of these schools as well as increased commitment to excellence on the field by the schools' administrations. If it does, this will all be a moot point in the near future.
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August 19th, 2008, 03:11 PM
Back on topic.........
How about the 12 game season? More FBS games?
August 19th, 2008, 03:15 PM
What I mean by "us" is the people who are for expansion (all NEC, Big South, a lot of CAA and SoCon, etc... fans) and those who just really don't care anymore because its a done deal. Sorry, I improperly assumed the reader would understand, but clearly was wrong.
That pretty much means just about everyone exept TT, SE, McTailgator and Retro and to some extent you. I know you are against expansion, but I also think you have accepted the fact that its a done deal and don't harp on it every time it comes up.
Am I wrong?
You are correct that I can't change it, but I still believe it was a mistake. But, I was commenting on the fact that I don't think you can claim a majority of fans here were for this change. Saying they have now accepted it because it's a done deal doesn't mean they were/are for it. I don't know many John Kerry fans who have accepted W. xsmiley_wix xpeacex
August 19th, 2008, 03:18 PM
You are correct that I can't change it, but I still believe it was a mistake. But, I was commenting on the fact that I don't think you can claim a majority of fans here were for this change. Saying they have now accepted it because it's a done deal doesn't mean they were/are for it. I don't know many John Kerry fans who have accepted W. xsmiley_wix xpeacex
You're right. Poor wording on my part. I hope my thoughts are cleared up now.
The majority of "us" meaning those who have accepted it as a done deal and moved on.
And re: Kerry. While they have not accepted W, they certainly have moved on from Kerry.xnodx xlolx
August 19th, 2008, 03:26 PM
You're right. Poor wording on my part. I hope my thoughts are cleared up now.
The majority of "us" meaning those who have accepted it as a done deal and moved on.
And re: Kerry. While they have not accepted W, they certainly have moved on from Kerry.xnodx xlolx
NP. xthumbsupx BTW, you don't live in a blue county, do you? xsmiley_wix
BTW2, I actually went back and found the thread where people voted on whether or not they liked the expansion and it is very clear that the only reason the vote was even close was because of NEC, Big South and NDSU/SDSU fans who haven't been in I-AA very long. xeyebrowx
Yes, some conferences needed the autobid:
401ks, 89rabbit, aceinthehole, AmsterBison, BearsCountry, biobengal, Bison101, Bison_Kent, BobbyMo, CatFan22, chantster, CSUBUCDAD, Dane96, Death Dealer, DetroitFlyer, DFW HOYA, dgreco, downbythebeach, DRocksDad, DUPFLFan, Eagle_77, etiger, FargoBison, FCS_pwns_FBS, footballguy7, GGASU, Go...gate, gophoenix, Grabholdofyosef, Grizalltheway, hebmskebm, Hoseinexile07, Jaques, jcf5445, jessesd, JohnStOnge, kardplayer, kirkblitz, Lehigh Football Nation, LeopardFan04, MarkCCU, Monmouth Fan, MplsBison, mvemjsunpx, nwFL Griz, PantherRob82, Pauly LB, putter, RabidRabbit, Ruler, saint0917, seahawkfan2007, Seahawks Fan, Seawolf97, Shockerman, Sly Fox, stevdock, Tealblood, TheValleyRaider, Thundar, Tod, Tribe4SF, trusty, UAalum72, UMass922, ursus arctos horribilis, USDFAN_55, VT Wildcat Fan53, wapiti, WCU LawCat, whitey, WileECoyote06, windwalker, wkuhillhound, WWII
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August 19th, 2008, 03:28 PM
... And re: Kerry. While they have not accepted W, they certainly have moved on from Kerry.xsmhx ... now it is your turn to move on and get over it! xlolx xnodx
August 19th, 2008, 03:28 PM
NP. xthumbsupx BTW, you don't live in a blue county, do you? xsmiley_wix
No, bright red around here...........:D
August 19th, 2008, 03:30 PM
xsmhx ... now it is your turn to move on and get over it! xlolx xnodx
Do you promise to as well?
Can you state for the world to see that the NEC is an Auto-bid conference in 2010?
No attempts to show they don't deserve it, belong, etc......
Just say it. xsmiley_wix xreadx xthumbsupx NEC-Autobid Conference.
Its ok. It won't hurt that much.
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August 19th, 2008, 03:37 PM
Do you promise to as well? Can you state for the world to see that the NEC is an Auto-bid conference in 2010?Dude, I wrote a nationally published article about it when it happened. Like I wrote, the NCAA had a policy where they determined the most WORTHY eight AQ conferences every year and they changed it to include all ELIGIBLE conferences.
No one disputes that.
End of story.
Refer to all the other threads where NECers argued excessively about this. This isn't that thread and it doesn't need to be argued over and over.
FACT: it was based on worthiness in the committee's opinion, now it is based on eligibility.
(oh yeah, Kerry won Ohio and is the LPOTUS, shhhhhhhhhhh)
August 19th, 2008, 03:39 PM
And another thread dies. xnonono2x
August 19th, 2008, 03:42 PM
At what point do you think you'll get over it?xeyebrowx
By reading your posts about this you'd think you stand to lose money because of playoff expansion. If anything it should do you well. More teams = more interested fans = more traffic at AGS &
I would think that would be good.
And more games added to end of schedule. ASU has played a full season of games in playoffs over the last 3 years. If more teams are added to the playoffs, that means the championship game will not be until Christmas. How on earth can the NCAA and FBS college presidents claim that one reason for not having a playoff for FBS is the extra burden it places on players with more games added? If a team from a weak conference gets an automatic bid, they do not have to worry about extending their season,,,one game and their out. But,,the teams that make it to the championship game could possibly have played more than 5 games tacked onto the end of the year. It is not about the money.
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August 19th, 2008, 03:54 PM
And another thread dies. xnonono2xI tried, I really tried...
How about expanded television coverage announced?
August 19th, 2008, 04:02 PM
And more games added to end of schedule. ASU has played a full season of games in playoffs over the last 3 years. If more teams are added to the playoffs, that means the championship game will not be until Christmas. How on earth can the NCAA and FBS college presidents claim that one reason for not having a playoff for FBS is the extra burden it places on players with more games added? If a team from a weak conference gets an automatic bid, they do not have to worry about extending their season,,,one game and their out. But,,the teams that make it to the championship game could possibly have played more than 5 games tacked onto the end of the year. It is not about the money.
You totally missed the point of my post.
In deference to the thread, I'll let it go.
Anyway, how about the death of the MAAC and Marist to the PFL? Writing on the wall for Iona?
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August 19th, 2008, 04:12 PM
... how about the death of the MAAC and Marist to the PFL? Writing on the wall for Iona?I am a big fan of non-schollie FCS and it is certainly been interesting the last few years. When the MAAC announced last year was their swan song everyone waited to see where the teams went. Good that the remaining ex-members are keeping football. Still miss all the other ex-MAACers. Has any other league in FCS/I-AA disintegrated like the MAAC did? xbawlingx
August 19th, 2008, 04:18 PM
Perriloux at JSU. I mean, that's monumental for that program.
August 19th, 2008, 04:38 PM
It has to be the resurrection of BisoNation!!!!
August 19th, 2008, 04:42 PM
Perriloux at JSU. I mean, that's monumental for that program.
xconfusedx They haven't won a single game with him at QB.
August 19th, 2008, 04:56 PM
Ohio Valley and MEAC retain autobids despite recent playoff record.
August 19th, 2008, 05:01 PM
the facility improvements/enlargements at montana, asu, the citadel, and others!!!
August 19th, 2008, 06:41 PM
For a few of us, it has to be: SAMFORD is now in the SoCon!!!
August 19th, 2008, 07:20 PM
I've seen plenty of years when the field was at sixteen where there was a AQ that wasn't worthy. So, in that respect nothing has changed. I've advocated doing away with them altogether. But it is time to get over it.
August 19th, 2008, 07:30 PM
A Georgetown tour, complete with a photo of the Multi-Sport Field...
August 19th, 2008, 07:49 PM
"Will the Patriot League Go Scholarship?".....;) xrolleyesx :D
This is still the 80,000 lb gorilla for the PL. A decision, one way or another, must be made.
August 19th, 2008, 08:49 PM
NP. xthumbsupx BTW, you don't live in a blue county, do you? xsmiley_wix
BTW2, I actually went back and found the thread where people voted on whether or not they liked the expansion and it is very clear that the only reason the vote was even close was because of NEC, Big South and NDSU/SDSU fans who haven't been in I-AA very long. xeyebrowx
Yes, some conferences needed the autobid:
401ks, 89rabbit, aceinthehole, AmsterBison, BearsCountry, biobengal, Bison101, Bison_Kent, BobbyMo, CatFan22, chantster, CSUBUCDAD, Dane96, Death Dealer, DetroitFlyer, DFW HOYA, dgreco, downbythebeach, DRocksDad, DUPFLFan, Eagle_77, etiger, FargoBison, FCS_pwns_FBS, footballguy7, GGASU, Go...gate, gophoenix, Grabholdofyosef, Grizalltheway, hebmskebm, Hoseinexile07, Jaques, jcf5445, jessesd, JohnStOnge, kardplayer, kirkblitz, Lehigh Football Nation, LeopardFan04, MarkCCU, Monmouth Fan, MplsBison, mvemjsunpx, nwFL Griz, PantherRob82, Pauly LB, putter, RabidRabbit, Ruler, saint0917, seahawkfan2007, Seahawks Fan, Seawolf97, Shockerman, Sly Fox, stevdock, Tealblood, TheValleyRaider, Thundar, Tod, Tribe4SF, trusty, UAalum72, UMass922, ursus arctos horribilis, USDFAN_55, VT Wildcat Fan53, wapiti, WCU LawCat, whitey, WileECoyote06, windwalker, wkuhillhound, WWII
AH the smoking gunxrulesx
August 19th, 2008, 08:51 PM
Stonybrook announcing a schedule with FBS teams.
University of South Florida, Buffalo and Army. Good Deal:)
August 19th, 2008, 09:40 PM
Albany getting shafted by the government again...delaying our eventual move to full-scholly football and a 20-team CAA.
August 20th, 2008, 09:29 AM
xnutsx 20 team CAA! xnutsx
August 20th, 2008, 09:57 AM
I was sarcasm.
August 20th, 2008, 10:57 AM
Legendary Dayton football coach Mike Kelly retiring.
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August 20th, 2008, 11:12 AM
Legendary Dayton football coach Mike Kelly retiring.
xthumbsupx xnodx
August 20th, 2008, 01:29 PM
That is big news- Mike Kelly is to Dayton as Ford is to Albany. He is a highly respected football mind. Mike retiring is a big loss for Dayton.
August 20th, 2008, 09:21 PM
xnutsx 20 team CAA! xnutsx
Maybe 4 subdivisions xlolx
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