View Full Version : Stadium concession
July 31st, 2008, 08:23 PM
We are having a huge discussion at the App boards about whether or not plastic bottled cokes are better and or more cost effective than fountain drinks. Now, some of you might say that this is nit-picky. But for those of you who love ice cold beverages i.e. chasers over the luke warm taste of bottled coke will understand my post.
So, how many of your schools opt for plastic bottled drinks over fountain drinks with ice and souvenir cups? For once we as AGS's must stand united and say,"Give us cups with ice or give us death!"
July 31st, 2008, 09:57 PM
I'm with you! xthumbsupx I hated it when App went to bottled drinks. I love to eat the ice on a hot day, and I love to be able to take the cup home! I don't want to have to buy new EMPTY cups as my children and dogs destroy the ASU cups I have now. xrotatehx
July 31st, 2008, 10:35 PM
I favor cup w/ ice.
Hot chocolate and a flask of brandy or schnapps in the winter.
July 31st, 2008, 10:43 PM
I favor cup w/ ice.
Hot chocolate and a flask of brandy or schnapps in the winter.
I'll still take a cup with ice in winter, it's only in the 50's down here.
...and yes this is a nit-picky topic. xnonox
July 31st, 2008, 10:45 PM
Cup with ice definitely, plenty of it, because bourbon melts away some of it on contact.xnodx
Husky Alum
July 31st, 2008, 10:54 PM
I don't know what they sell at Parsons - I've never bought a concession there. However at the Husky Alum tailgate, there's plenty of cups with ice for our favorite beverages - that's how I prefer my beverages.
July 31st, 2008, 10:54 PM
Fountain drinks with ice, no question (but in all honesty, I don't recall the last time I had a soft drink at a football game- probably when the Cats played the FL Gators in '88. It was a mid afternoon game so we partied hardy at the bar before hitting the stadium. Iced colas were necessary for survival, I think I brought home 8-10 Gator plastic cups- never hit the mens room once even with a belly full of beer, not used to that kind of temp & humidity sweat it all out).xnodx xbeerchugx
The Cats
July 31st, 2008, 11:25 PM
xtwocentsx xcoffeex
July 31st, 2008, 11:33 PM
We sell both at South Dakota State University; at the concession stands you can buy fountain drinks with the souvenir cup. But they also have smaller stands that will sell bottles and popcorn.
I do know back in the late 90's the school I worked at sold fountain drinks with souvenir cups. I believe it was a 24 ounce cup. The sold for 2 maybe three dollars. The guy in charge of concession said the cost was $0.06.
He broke it down this way for what it is worth.
Cup $0.00 advertising on the cup paid for it
Pop, lid, straw = $0.03 not sure exactly how it was figured
Ice = $0.03
Total cost $0.06
August 1st, 2008, 12:56 AM
Texas State has both, you can get it either in a 20 oz bottle or in a cup with ice.
I like ice.
August 1st, 2008, 07:33 AM
i am a penny pincher so i bring my own drinks in!
August 1st, 2008, 08:25 AM
We sell both at South Dakota State University; at the concession stands you can buy fountain drinks with the souvenir cup. But they also have smaller stands that will sell bottles and popcorn.
I do know back in the late 90's the school I worked at sold fountain drinks with souvenir cups. I believe it was a 24 ounce cup. The sold for 2 maybe three dollars. The guy in charge of concession said the cost was $0.06.
He broke it down this way for what it is worth.
Cup $0.00 advertising on the cup paid for it
Pop, lid, straw = $0.03 not sure exactly how it was figured
Ice = $0.03
Total cost $0.06
What is this pop you speak of?
August 1st, 2008, 08:41 AM
What is this pop you speak of?
Obviously a Midwesterner through and through. I moved to the Cincinnati area 6 years ago and I still cringe when I hear "pop" to refer to soft drinks.
August 1st, 2008, 08:46 AM
We are having a huge discussion at the App boards about whether or not plastic bottled cokes are better and or more cost effective than fountain drinks. Now, some of you might say that this is nit-picky. But for those of you who love ice cold beverages i.e. chasers over the luke warm taste of bottled coke will understand my post.
So, how many of your schools opt for plastic bottled drinks over fountain drinks with ice and souvenir cups? For once we as AGS's must stand united and say,"Give us cups with ice or give us death!"
Maybe you should finish your drink before it gets warm xsmiley_wix
August 1st, 2008, 09:16 AM
I love cups but for one reason...stadium cups
August 1st, 2008, 09:23 AM
I'm with you! xthumbsupx I hated it when App went to bottled drinks. I love to eat the ice on a hot day, and I love to be able to take the cup home! I don't want to have to buy new EMPTY cups as my children and dogs destroy the ASU cups I have now. xrotatehx
Bottles are better. Coming from someone stung in the mouth by a yellow jacket that was in my fountain drink because of the sugar... I find fountain drinks far inferior and more dangerous.
I can't be the only one who had this problem either.
August 1st, 2008, 10:15 AM
Bottles are better. Coming from someone stung in the mouth by a yellow jacket that was in my fountain drink because of the sugar... I find fountain drinks far inferior and more dangerous.
I can't be the only one who had this problem either.
Drink diet sodas.
August 1st, 2008, 10:17 AM
Maybe you should finish your drink before it gets warm xsmiley_wix
It's 2/3 the way there when you get one.
August 1st, 2008, 10:53 AM
If I had to guess, fountain soda is cheaper but much more difficult to administer. I really don't care either way. I'm there for the football. xthumbsupx
August 1st, 2008, 11:20 AM
Bottled Drinks
1. You don't get shorted by the filling process or over-icing
2. If it does get too warm halfway through, you can throw it at the opposing players/fans xsmiley_wix j/k j/k j/k j/k (before the thin skinned people on here think I'm being serious)
August 1st, 2008, 12:23 PM
At Wa/Griz, it's Fountain drinks. I can't imagine only plastic bottles being available. Knowing Griz fans, that would really crank them off. I know that over 3/4 of the stadium sneaks booze in EASILY.
August 1st, 2008, 12:47 PM
id go with the cups, nothing like ice to chew on during key points of the game. plus stays cool longer
August 1st, 2008, 12:59 PM
id go with the cups, nothing like ice to chew on during key points of the game. plus stays cool longer
True, and i'm not a green nut or anything, the University of Montana campus, like almost ever campus, is trying to be more eco-friendly by eliminating these plastic bottles. They will still be sold in the vending machines, but I believe that's the only place
August 1st, 2008, 01:08 PM
True, and i'm not a green nut or anything, the University of Montana campus, like almost ever campus, is trying to be more eco-friendly by eliminating these plastic bottles. They will still be sold in the vending machines, but I believe that's the only place
eh, plastic bottles are no less eco-friendly than plastic cups, lids, and straws. Though I suppose the old wax-coated paper cups are a bit better, being biodegradable and all.
Here in Iowa, the state has a bottle deposit law where all containers (well, bottles and cans at least) for alcohol and carbonated beverages (including soda) have a 5-cent deposit, which does encourage a bit more recycling of those items. Though I'm not sure how applicable that is to stadium bottles.
August 1st, 2008, 01:11 PM
eh, plastic bottles are no less eco-friendly than plastic cups, lids, and straws. Though I suppose the old wax-coated paper cups are a bit better, being biodegradable and all.
Here in Iowa, the state has a bottle deposit law where all containers (well, bottles and cans at least) for alcohol and carbonated beverages (including soda) have a 5-cent deposit, which does encourage a bit more recycling of those items. Though I'm not sure how applicable that is to stadium bottles.
I mean no plastic at all. The fountain drinks don't come in plastic cups. They come in fountain drink cups :p :p xsmiley_wix xsmiley_wix xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
But Montana is not smart enough to do the whole recycling thing. The University is good about it, but the state is horrible. The last recycling plant in Helena closed.
August 1st, 2008, 01:33 PM
Cup + ice = refreshment! xthumbsupx
Bottles are better. Coming from someone stung in the mouth by a yellow jacket that was in my fountain drink because of the sugar... I find fountain drinks far inferior and more dangerous.
I can't be the only one who had this problem either.
The answer to that is a lid on your cup! xnodx
August 1st, 2008, 01:37 PM
Cup + ice = refreshment! xthumbsupx
The answer to that is a lid on your cup! xnodx
Just thinking the same thing. weird. xeyebrowx
August 1st, 2008, 01:43 PM
I mean no plastic at all. The fountain drinks don't come in plastic cups. They come in fountain drink cups :p :p xsmiley_wix xsmiley_wix xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
Good good. I've seen quite a few stadiums that sold plastic "souvenir cups". Which I suppose is fine and dandy if you're actually going to keep them as souvenirs. But most end up in the trash.
August 1st, 2008, 01:46 PM
O M F G!!! Bottles vs. Cups, are you kidding me? Appy fans should have kept this discussion to themselves!
August 1st, 2008, 02:34 PM
O M F G!!! Bottles vs. Cups, are you kidding me? Appy fans should have kept this discussion to themselves!
Yeah! I mean there are only 3 pages full of responses before someone like you came in here.
Anyways, I believe you can make more money with cups of ice rather than selling full bottled beverages. I have run several wrestling tournaments, and we always use cups of ice.
August 1st, 2008, 02:45 PM
O M F G!!! Bottles vs. Cups, are you kidding me? Appy fans should have kept this discussion to themselves!
Well, we like to have a good time here at the Rock..ya know have a few cold ones while we kick the sh&^ out of teams like yours who are now...Playoff eligible. Wow... go get 'em Bison. Come on down to Boone...and we'll show you how it's done!!!!!xsmiley_wix
August 1st, 2008, 03:52 PM
That should be rephrased to "Come on down SOUTH!"
August 1st, 2008, 04:27 PM
Never thought I'd agree much with my Furman brethren, but nicely put!
You private school folks sure know how to out-word us mountain peoplexlolx
August 1st, 2008, 04:34 PM
You can get both at the Fargodome, but I do wish we had souvenir cups instead of the cheap generic cups the dome uses.
Marcus Garvey
August 1st, 2008, 05:38 PM
Fountain drinks for me. Preferably in a non biodegradable styrofoam cup.
After finishing the soda, I like to burn the cup and club baby seals to death.
August 1st, 2008, 05:40 PM
Fountain drinks with ice, no question (but in all honesty, I don't recall the last time I had a soft drink at a football game- probably when the Cats played the FL Gators in '88. It was a mid afternoon game so we partied hardy at the bar before hitting the stadium. Iced colas were necessary for survival, I think I brought home 8-10 Gator plastic cups- never hit the mens room once even with a belly full of beer, not used to that kind of temp & humidity sweat it all out).xnodx xbeerchugx
Can remember a day like that at Colgate-Rutgers in New Brunswick in very early September 1981. Temp about 95 with high humidity. Dad, brother, sister and I at game and we hyrdated like crazy, but it was so hot we never had to use the bathroom. I think the First Aid Squad and State Police had a busy day, though. Unfortunately, we lost a heartbreaker to the Scarlet Knights.
I vote for fountain soda with a lot of ice.
August 1st, 2008, 06:40 PM
We are having a huge discussion at the App boards about whether or not plastic bottled cokes are better and or more cost effective than fountain drinks. Now, some of you might say that this is nit-picky. But for those of you who love ice cold beverages i.e. chasers over the luke warm taste of bottled coke will understand my post.
So, how many of your schools opt for plastic bottled drinks over fountain drinks with ice and souvenir cups? For once we as AGS's must stand united and say,"Give us cups with ice or give us death!"
McNeese does both.
They sell the bottles in the grand stands (and a couple of locations under the stands in the concessions areas), but Ice cold fountain drinks can be purchased at the concession stands.
I like my fountain drinks and my souvenir cups. Makes it easier to hold the whiskey. xbeerchugx
August 1st, 2008, 07:15 PM
Give me cups with ice, pleae. I don't like the bottles. Too hard to add the bourbon and it doesn't stay cold.
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