View Full Version : Renovations at Kidd Brewer?
July 19th, 2008, 05:56 PM
I was at Appy State today, getting a quick drive around the campus and noticed that there is construction going on at the stadium. What all is being done and will it be ready for my son's visit in late September. There is an Open House for HS Seniors on the 27th and we are attending.
Oh yeah and one side note question to all you Appy folk, what is traffic like on Saturdays of a home game? Should we get a room for Friday so we don't have to fight it as much? Thanks.
July 19th, 2008, 05:59 PM
Well I just found the thread that talks about the renovations. But answers for the other parts would be of benefit.
July 19th, 2008, 06:16 PM
Well I just found the thread that talks about the renovations. But answers for the other parts would be of benefit.
What are you looking to do on game day? If you plan on tailgating and such, you will need to be in town EARLY to find a spot anywhere near campus (nearly all campus parking lots are Yosef Club now). If you aren't tailgating on your own, and don't mind riding the bus, you can get into town 1 1/2 hours early and park at the mall and ride to the stadium. I was in Boone today, checking out the additions and really can't believe what we have now. It is going to be something. If opposing teams thought there was some form of intimidation before, just wait. For those who have been to KBS in the past, get ready for noise. The new deck is absolutely huge and will jack the noise level up to a level yet unseen in the High Country.
July 19th, 2008, 07:42 PM
I also was at Kidd Brewer today about 5:30 pm. My wife & sons were there getting some photos. Were either of the earlier posters there on a black motorcycle at the west ticket gate taking pictures with a cell phone? If not, never mind. If so, I wish we had said "hello."
The renovations are truly going to be un-believable. The new seats on the visitors' side (opposite the press box) will add more noise to the experience - as if it needed to be any louder. I understand the seats will be finished by Sept. 6. And, I had not thought about it before, but there will be a notice-able intimidation factor with the new additions.
Too bad the press box won't be finished too.
I can't wait until the first kickoff of the season.
July 19th, 2008, 07:52 PM
I also was at Kidd Brewer today about 5:30 pm. My wife & sons were there getting some photos. Were either of the earlier posters there on a black motorcycle at the west ticket gate taking pictures with a cell phone? If not, never mind. If so, I wish we had said "hello."
The renovations are truly going to be un-believable. The new seats on the visitors' side (opposite the press box) will add more noise to the experience - as if it needed to be any louder. I understand the seats will be finished by Sept. 6. And, I had not thought about it before, but there will be a notice-able intimidation factor with the new additions.
Too bad the press box won't be finished too.
I can't wait until the first kickoff of the season.
I left Boone around 5:30, was in a yellow t-shirt, but not on a motorcycle. I agree, it is going to be unbelievable. Standing at the 50 yard line and looking around, I can't imagine what the players are going to feel the first time they walk out on the field on September 6. Those poor boys from Jacksonville aren't going to know what to do...
July 20th, 2008, 07:08 AM
We left about 12:30 or so, after grabbing a bite at Quizno's. Had I known that you guys were going to be there, I would have waited a bit for a better tour of the place. Maybe we can meet up for the Presbyterian game?
July 20th, 2008, 07:57 AM
With the way things are locked down, there isn't much tour to be had! The AD actually told me that no one (ASU employee or not) is allowed in the construction areas unless accompanied by a site supervisor, and they are only on site weekdays. PM me closer to the Presby game...
July 20th, 2008, 12:02 PM
We left about 12:30 or so, after grabbing a bite at Quizno's. Had I known that you guys were going to be there, I would have waited a bit for a better tour of the place. Maybe we can meet up for the Presbyterian game?
Would be glad to entertain at the Presbyterian game. We'll be tailgating in a nearby lot - not sure where they'll put us this time. PM me in late August, after they have sent our tickets & parking pass, & I would be delighted to show you around.
July 20th, 2008, 12:52 PM
When my wife and I went to the CCU-ASU playoff game back in 2006, we met some buddies and parked/tailgated at the very top level of some parking garage. We enjoyed it. I think we paid like $5-10 to park there.
I'm anxious to get back to Boone someday to check out the stadium improvements. xthumbsupx
July 20th, 2008, 01:53 PM
When my wife and I went to the CCU-ASU playoff game back in 2006, we met some buddies and parked/tailgated at the very top level of some parking garage. We enjoyed it. I think we paid like $5-10 to park there.
I'm anxious to get back to Boone someday to check out the stadium improvements. xthumbsupx
Yep, there is one parking garage in all of Boone within walking distance of the stadium. Last year, my tailgating spot was right beside the parking garage. Personally, I thought that Coastal & ASU should make a home & home arrangement. Alas.
July 20th, 2008, 02:20 PM
I was at Appy State today, getting a quick drive around the campus and noticed that there is construction going on at the stadium. What all is being done and will it be ready for my son's visit in late September. There is an Open House for HS Seniors on the 27th and we are attending.
Oh yeah and one side note question to all you Appy folk, what is traffic like on Saturdays of a home game? Should we get a room for Friday so we don't have to fight it as much? Thanks.
we'll be glad to have you........the field is starting to look pretty mean, huhxrulesx xthumbsupx .
ps. ha i bet if your son ends up going to App, you wont call in Appy State anymore.......xnonox xoopsx xpeacex xrolleyesx
July 20th, 2008, 06:51 PM
I wouldn't count completely on the parking deck this year. According to the Yosef Club, "members at the $500 and $250 level will receive festival parking on a first come basis on Rivers Street/Parking Deck." I don't know if that will preclude public parking on the deck, but it would be a good idea to have a Plan B just in case.
July 20th, 2008, 07:08 PM
I wouldn't count completely on the parking deck this year. According to the Yosef Club, "members at the $500 and $250 level will receive festival parking on a first come basis on Rivers Street/Parking Deck." I don't know if that will preclude public parking on the deck, but it would be a good idea to have a Plan B just in case.
This is correct the Rivers St. deck will be for Yosef Club members at the $250 & $500 levels only, no public access.
Parking is a premium at ASU games and once an additional 4K more fans come to games it's going to be even more difficult. Park and ride are being talked about though.
July 20th, 2008, 07:17 PM
I was at Appy State today, getting a quick drive around the campus and noticed that there is construction going on at the stadium. What all is being done and will it be ready for my son's visit in late September. There is an Open House for HS Seniors on the 27th and we are attending.
Oh yeah and one side note question to all you Appy folk, what is traffic like on Saturdays of a home game? Should we get a room for Friday so we don't have to fight it as much? Thanks.
Traffic sucks.......stay Friday night and you can take the Appalcart bus line to stadium.........they allow coolers on the bus......if they don't, tell them Appaholic OK'd it..xsmiley_wix
July 20th, 2008, 08:49 PM
I'd definitely stay Friday night. I'll be interested to see where my Yosef parking space is this year. If I didn't have that, I'd definitely want to be there either very early Saturday morning or stay on Friday night. One option would be to stay at the Hampton Inn if you can get reservations. It's a bit of a hike to the stadium from there but not a tough one.
July 21st, 2008, 02:14 AM
is it not correct that the Presbyterian game is at 7pm? if this is correct, that may be one thing to take into consideration while planning.
July 21st, 2008, 08:17 AM
Thanks for the information fellas, now any suggestions on where to stay Friday night? Place hopefully close to campus and decent for a family? That way we can attend the "Open House" events and still get to the game afterwards.
July 21st, 2008, 08:25 AM
you need to buy both your tickets to the game and hotel res. very soon as both will sell out soon.
no DECENT hotels are very close though if you want to save a buck the scottish inn or red carpet inn are the closest ones
July 21st, 2008, 08:28 AM
Thanks for the information fellas, now any suggestions on where to stay Friday night? Place hopefully close to campus and decent for a family? That way we can attend the "Open House" events and still get to the game afterwards.
The closest place is the Broyhill Inn and Conference Center. It's on campus and owned by the University. There are also a couple within walking distance on Blowing Rock Road (Highway 321).
Or you can always stay at the Boone Trail Motel. xsmiley_wix It's within easy walking distance. And it's cheap "$29.99 Two people/One bed."
Actually I wouldn't recommend the Boone Trail.
SideLine Shooter
July 21st, 2008, 08:31 AM
I was at the ROCK on Sunday afternoon and they are working 7 days a week to complete in time for the first home game. Still have a lot of work to do. It is going to be AWESOME when completed. xnodx xnodx
July 21st, 2008, 08:31 AM
The closest place is the Broyhill Inn and Conference Center. It's on campus and owned by the University. There are also a couple within walking distance on Blowing Rock Road (Highway 321).
Or you can always stay at the Boone Trail Motel. xsmiley_wix It's within easy walking distance. And it's cheap "$29.99 Two people/One bed."
Actually I wouldn't recommend the Boone Trail.
boone trail is even worst than people give it credit for... my dad stayed there one time on a quick visit to see me at school and left to come stay on my floor in a tiny dorm room bc the place had roaches everywhere and all the rest...
the broyhill is great place to stay if your car can make it to the top of the hill but it can be really expensive... especially on football weekend
July 21st, 2008, 08:35 AM
boone trail is even worst than people give it credit for... my dad stayed there one time on a quick visit to see me at school and left to come stay on my floor in a tiny dorm room bc the place had roaches everywhere and all the rest...
the broyhill is great place to stay if your car can make it to the top of the hill but it can be really expensive... especially on football weekend
I stayed at the Boone Trail after the Richmond game last year. No roaches, but pretty nasty. Honestly though, I've stayed in worse places. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone without a warning though.
SideLine Shooter
July 21st, 2008, 08:35 AM
boone trail is even worst than people give it credit for... my dad stayed there one time on a quick visit to see me at school and left to come stay on my floor in a tiny dorm room bc the place had roaches everywhere and all the rest...
the broyhill is great place to stay if your car can make it to the top of the hill but it can be really expensive... especially on football weekend
Good luck getting a room at The Broyhill on any football weekend.
Glad I have a little cabin close by. We could put tents in the yard and make some money to pay my yosef dues though. Just kidding. xlolx xlolx xlolx
July 21st, 2008, 08:41 AM
the pictures that puts on the website arent great did anyone who has been by recently want to share what they took?
i have graduated and moved to durham and now and making a few dollars but not enough to get up there and check out the progress until my season tickets start with jacksonville in the new expanded east side
July 21st, 2008, 08:50 AM
Good luck getting a room at The Broyhill on any football weekend.
Glad I have a little cabin close by. We could put tents in the yard and make some money to pay my yosef dues though. Just kidding. xlolx xlolx xlolx
I just checked and the Broyhill is sold out that day. You may want to try the Highland Hills Motel and Cabins. Or try this web site.
July 21st, 2008, 09:35 AM
Yep, there is one parking garage in all of Boone within walking distance of the stadium. Last year, my tailgating spot was right beside the parking garage. Personally, I thought that Coastal & ASU should make a home & home arrangement. Alas.
There is a new parking deck between the Library and the First Baptist Church on King Street. It's not a bad walk at all to the stadium from there.
July 21st, 2008, 10:36 AM
don't worry about parking that much...just stay on campus after the open house. You should be parked long enough to get a good spot in either deck.
Don't know about the hotels other than the big name hotels are nice up here.
July 21st, 2008, 12:27 PM
There is a new parking deck between the Library and the First Baptist Church on King Street. It's not a bad walk at all to the stadium from there.
that parking deck usually fills up by lunch time as well!
July 21st, 2008, 01:35 PM
there are a few new places around campus.....or within the general area....,+N+Carolina&fb=1&view=text&sa=X&oi=local_group&resnum=1&ct=more-results&cd=1
that site should be everything you need to will give you phone numbers and locations.....
The new La Quinta or whatever its called on 105-Extension seems pretty nice.
Book as quickly as you can.......That day in Boone will be incredibly busy.
July 21st, 2008, 01:38 PM
that parking deck usually fills up by lunch time as well!
with open house, it will probably be full before noon......even with a game time of 7PM. The best suggestion I can give you in the situation that parking around campus is completely full earlier than you expected would be to continue down Rivers Street, passed Southern States on your right, and park at the Watauga Health Department.........An AppalCart shuttle will take you back to campus from there, and there is typically a few spots left there once everything else is full..
July 21st, 2008, 01:45 PM
Just realized they made the "family weekend" game a night game. Are they trying to scare parents with drunk football fans?
July 21st, 2008, 01:55 PM
Biggie, it cannot be any worse than UGA in the daytime! And hell I am originally from KY - some of them are probably my relatives!
July 21st, 2008, 02:01 PM
Biggie, it cannot be any worse than UGA in the daytime! And hell I am originally from KY - some of them are probably my relatives!
True. It won't be that bad considering most people won't think the game is too important (+ not televised) and that we should beat them easily. The Richmond game was definately crazy, even for a Friday. I'll be interested to see what our fans are like for this game, especially if (God forbid) things don't go as planned on 2 of the earlier games.
Now the Oct 31st night game vs Wofford will be a different story completely.
July 21st, 2008, 02:25 PM
True. It won't be that bad considering most people won't think the game is too important (+ not televised) and that we should beat them easily. The Richmond game was definately crazy, even for a Friday. I'll be interested to see what our fans are like for this game, especially if (God forbid) things don't go as planned on 2 of the earlier games.
Now the Oct 31st night game vs Wofford will be a different story completely.
oh my......
July 21st, 2008, 02:26 PM
Now the Oct 31st night game vs Wofford will be a different story completely.
I saw that game on a schedule I picked up and thought it would be quite an event.
July 21st, 2008, 02:52 PM
I saw that game on a schedule I picked up and thought it would be quite an event.
I'm happy they moved it just for my bday, should be fun. I'm sure we'll give ESPN a show one way or the other.
July 21st, 2008, 03:00 PM
the pictures that puts on the website arent great did anyone who has been by recently want to share what they took?
i have graduated and moved to durham and now and making a few dollars but not enough to get up there and check out the progress until my season tickets start with jacksonville in the new expanded east side
I'm going to try to go up Wednesday and post Wednesday night.
July 21st, 2008, 03:08 PM
True. It won't be that bad considering most people won't think the game is too important (+ not televised) and that we should beat them easily. The Richmond game was definately crazy, even for a Friday. I'll be interested to see what our fans are like for this game, especially if (God forbid) things don't go as planned on 2 of the earlier games.
Now the Oct 31st night game vs Wofford will be a different story completely.
that sure will be quite an amazing and scary event
July 21st, 2008, 03:09 PM
with open house, it will probably be full before noon......even with a game time of 7PM. The best suggestion I can give you in the situation that parking around campus is completely full earlier than you expected would be to continue down Rivers Street, passed Southern States on your right, and park at the Watauga Health Department.........An AppalCart shuttle will take you back to campus from there, and there is typically a few spots left there once everything else is full..
had never thought about parking over there (due to being a student but i am a little more interested coming from Durham) but that seems like it would be a nice hike
July 21st, 2008, 03:12 PM
had never thought about parking over there (due to being a student but i am a little more interested coming from Durham) but that seems like it would be a nice hike
We always park at the corner of Rivers and Waters, its a little rouch walking up the hill after all day (morning) tailgating. But not bad on teh way back.
July 21st, 2008, 03:20 PM
We always park at the corner of Rivers and Waters, its a little rouch walking up the hill after all day (morning) tailgating. But not bad on teh way back.
do you park in that gravel lot along the creek? bc that seems like it would be a pretty cool place to be...
July 21st, 2008, 03:51 PM
do you park in that gravel lot along the creek? bc that seems like it would be a pretty cool place to be...
Yep, I'm in with the group known as the Appaholics (usually a tent and flags up).
July 21st, 2008, 05:40 PM
With the way things are locked down, there isn't much tour to be had! The AD actually told me that no one (ASU employee or not) is allowed in the construction areas unless accompanied by a site supervisor, and they are only on site weekdays. PM me closer to the Presby game...
Guess that's why all those people are getting in there to take photo's.
July 21st, 2008, 05:42 PM
Yep, there is one parking garage in all of Boone within walking distance of the stadium. Last year, my tailgating spot was right beside the parking garage. Personally, I thought that Coastal & ASU should make a home & home arrangement. Alas.
I believe the Rivers Street parking deck will be taken up by $500 dondors from now on.
July 21st, 2008, 05:45 PM
I was at Appy State today, getting a quick drive around the campus and noticed that there is construction going on at the stadium. What all is being done and will it be ready for my son's visit in late September. There is an Open House for HS Seniors on the 27th and we are attending.
Oh yeah and one side note question to all you Appy folk, what is traffic like on Saturdays of a home game? Should we get a room for Friday so we don't have to fight it as much? Thanks.
Appy? Please stop with the Appy stuff.
July 21st, 2008, 08:37 PM
Thanks for the information fellas, now any suggestions on where to stay Friday night? Place hopefully close to campus and decent for a family? That way we can attend the "Open House" events and still get to the game afterwards.
There are several places you can check out. I have stayed at the Country Inn & Suites (very nice) on 421 and there is a Best Western next door. There is also La Quinta near 105 & 421 and all three are less than a mile from campus. The Comfort Inn &Suites, Fairfield Inn, and Holiday Inn Express are also reasonably close by. I would suggest grabbing a parking place early and move around by foot or Appalcart.
July 21st, 2008, 08:44 PM
Guess that's why all those people are getting in there to take photo's.
No, they are (1) going when there aren't as many people working and (2) tresspassing. The guy that threatened to call the cops on me while I was nosing around the East side seemed pretty intent on getting me out. Cobb told me it was my $300, I could spend it however I wanted. If someone wants to take the chances, so be it. I wasn't chancing it twice in one day.
July 21st, 2008, 08:49 PM
had never thought about parking over there (due to being a student but i am a little more interested coming from Durham) but that seems like it would be a nice hike
the appalcart drops you off at the a student now and i park over there every now and then.
July 21st, 2008, 09:15 PM
Appy? Please stop with the Appy stuff.
Why? That is what I've always known you to go by? What gives with not using it now?
July 21st, 2008, 09:25 PM
Yep, I'm in with the group known as the Appaholics (usually a tent and flags up).
Hell yes!!! Can't wait to be back there again. I'll have plenty of the home brew to help christen the new seats!!!
July 21st, 2008, 09:44 PM
Why? That is what I've always known you to go by? What gives with not using it now?
haha........its what people outside of often Appalachian call us... unfortunately yes.......its not taken very kindly inside the "circle", however.....
its kinda like if youre a guy, and your name is Matt......and your friends call you "Matty".......doesn't sound quit as tough....
July 22nd, 2008, 08:16 AM
Why? That is what I've always known you to go by? What gives with not using it now?
I guarantee you've never heard an App fan use the term "Appy".
July 22nd, 2008, 08:24 AM
haha........its what people outside of often Appalachian call us... unfortunately yes.......its not taken very kindly inside the "circle", however.....
its kinda like if youre a guy, and your name is Matt......and your friends call you "Matty".......doesn't sound quit as tough....
I have never thought of it being tough or weak. All I normally think of when i say "Appy State" is a school with a damn good football team and a really nice campus. Didn't know it was offensive to some. Not that it will change me calling it as such out of just my repetitive nature but I will at least be a little more aware.
July 22nd, 2008, 11:01 AM
No, they are (1) going when there aren't as many people working and (2) tresspassing. The guy that threatened to call the cops on me while I was nosing around the East side seemed pretty intent on getting me out. Cobb told me it was my $300, I could spend it however I wanted. If someone wants to take the chances, so be it. I wasn't chancing it twice in one day.
I d love to see some pictures from anyone who has gotten inside recently
July 22nd, 2008, 11:18 AM
I guarantee you've never heard an App fan use the term "Appy".
In "my day" Happy Appy came up as often as Boone Goon.
Appy is not as manly, but is possibly easier to say when hammered.
Hell yes!!! Can't wait to be back there again. I'll have plenty of the home brew to help christen the new seats!!!
Very much looking forward to the start of the tailgating season. I need to go pick up some Cottonwood before the first home game as well.
July 22nd, 2008, 12:34 PM
You have to see this in person to really see how truly big this new facility is.
July 22nd, 2008, 09:08 PM
No, they are (1) going when there aren't as many people working and (2) tresspassing. The guy that threatened to call the cops on me while I was nosing around the East side seemed pretty intent on getting me out. Cobb told me it was my $300, I could spend it however I wanted. If someone wants to take the chances, so be it. I wasn't chancing it twice in one day.
We didn't go in the area where they were working, or onto the field. Didn't actually see any people up close, except the ones on the motorcycle taking pics with their cell phone. xwhistlex
If I can figure out how, I'll upload the pics.
So far, no luck. When I try to attach, the upload fails. xbawlingx Anyone who can give a non-tech savvy girl some advice, I'd appreciate it. xreadx
July 22nd, 2008, 09:15 PM
AppGirl, I think you have to copy and paste them in to the post to get them on. Not sure but I think that's how I put some pics of the stadium on a while back.
July 22nd, 2008, 09:31 PM
Here are a couple, I hope.
July 22nd, 2008, 09:34 PM
And now the east side:
July 22nd, 2008, 09:36 PM
You have to see this in person to really see how truly big this new facility is.
I've been making my way up Stadium Drive every couple of days to check the progress. It's absolutely an imposing site as you stand at the bottom of the hill and look up.
It's gonna be so loud this fall. xthumbsupx
July 22nd, 2008, 10:51 PM
3 1/2 weeks to get the pipelines covered on the walk up to the west stands...they'll be cutting it close. There is little choice but to have that done for the final scrimage/FanFest. If it isn't done then, I guess everyone will be funneled in via the track and then up the stands. Last year, I would say 5-7k were in attendance, I don't think it's out of the question to expect 8-10k this year. Everyone I know is planning on making a full "gameday" out of it.
Also, has a picture of treads and risers going up on the east deck. These should move really quickly, probably a week to a week and a half to get them all in. After that, the actual bleachers should be a cake walk, though I don't know if they will be completed by FanFest. Also, the new video board will arrive in Boone on the 15th but I don't know if installation will be completed on the 16th (I doubt it). September 6th will be a huge "trial by fire" for all the upgrades, I expect some serious hiccups. However, everything should be worked out for future weeks, Halloween should be a sight to behold.
July 22nd, 2008, 11:51 PM
3 1/2 weeks to get the pipelines covered on the walk up to the west stands...they'll be cutting it close. There is little choice but to have that done for the final scrimage/FanFest. If it isn't done then, I guess everyone will be funneled in via the track and then up the stands. Last year, I would say 5-7k were in attendance, I don't think it's out of the question to expect 8-10k this year. Everyone I know is planning on making a full "gameday" out of it.
Also, has a picture of treads and risers going up on the east deck. These should move really quickly, probably a week to a week and a half to get them all in. After that, the actual bleachers should be a cake walk, though I don't know if they will be completed by FanFest. Also, the new video board will arrive in Boone on the 15th but I don't know if installation will be completed on the 16th (I doubt it). September 6th will be a huge "trial by fire" for all the upgrades, I expect some serious hiccups. However, everything should be worked out for future weeks, Halloween should be a sight to behold.
thanks for the info. I cant wait!!!!!
have you seen or do you have any solid info on the Video Board?
July 23rd, 2008, 05:52 AM
thanks for the info. I cant wait!!!!!
have you seen or do you have any solid info on the Video Board?
The scoreboard will be basically the same size as the current board, but the whole thing (except for the rolling advertisements) will be a video board. They will be able to "toggle" between full screen replays and a split-screen, showing live action video and scores/stats. I don't know if it will be HD, but it should be much more clear than what we have now (which is pretty nice) just because it is newer. A new sound system will be installed next year. It won't be put in now because the acoustics will change so much over the next 12 months.
July 23rd, 2008, 06:10 AM
The scoreboard will be basically the same size as the current board, but the whole thing (except for the rolling advertisements) will be a video board. They will be able to "toggle" between full screen replays and a split-screen, showing live action video and scores/stats. I don't know if it will be HD, but it should be much more clear than what we have now (which is pretty nice) just because it is newer. A new sound system will be installed next year. It won't be put in now because the acoustics will change so much over the next 12 months.
nice, thanks. so if they take down the scoreboard we got now, and dont put in a new sound system, does that leave us without one?
July 23rd, 2008, 06:10 AM
The scoreboard will be basically the same size as the current board, but the whole thing (except for the rolling advertisements) will be a video board. They will be able to "toggle" between full screen replays and a split-screen, showing live action video and scores/stats. I don't know if it will be HD, but it should be much more clear than what we have now (which is pretty nice) just because it is newer. A new sound system will be installed next year. It won't be put in now because the acoustics will change so much over the next 12 months.
nice, thanks. so if they take down the scoreboard we got now, and dont put in a new sound system, does that leave us without one?xcoffeex
July 23rd, 2008, 06:14 AM
The scoreboard will be basically the same size as the current board, but the whole thing (except for the rolling advertisements) will be a video board. They will be able to "toggle" between full screen replays and a split-screen, showing live action video and scores/stats. I don't know if it will be HD, but it should be much more clear than what we have now (which is pretty nice) just because it is newer. A new sound system will be installed next year. It won't be put in now because the acoustics will change so much over the next 12 months.
nice, thank you. so if they take down the old board and dont put in a new sound system, are they just gonna take the speakers off the old one until next year?xcoffeex
July 23rd, 2008, 06:35 AM
nice, thank you. so if they take down the old board and dont put in a new sound system, are they just gonna take the speakers off the old one until next year?xcoffeex
The way I understand it, the frame of the old board will remain, including the advertisements above and below. Only the center scoreboard and video screen will be replaced. Apparently, the wind really howls off of the hill behind the scoreboard and anything wider than what we have now would have to have a tremendous amount of bracing to make it safe.
There is no word on what will happen to the old video board, but Cobb said he hopes to find somewhere to put it. The old speakers will remain through this season, but will be re-calibrated. I don't know how "big" the new sound system will be - whether it will only be new speakers on top of the scoreboard or if there will be speakers throughout the stadium, but I imagine it will be the latter. Most everything done in the renovations has been first class to this point, I can't imagine we would do something second rate at this point. There's no reason to put a band-aid on it at this point - do it right the first time.
July 23rd, 2008, 07:10 AM
The way I understand it, the frame of the old board will remain, including the advertisements above and below. Only the center scoreboard and video screen will be replaced. Apparently, the wind really howls off of the hill behind the scoreboard and anything wider than what we have now would have to have a tremendous amount of bracing to make it safe.
There is no word on what will happen to the old video board, but Cobb said he hopes to find somewhere to put it. The old speakers will remain through this season, but will be re-calibrated. I don't know how "big" the new sound system will be - whether it will only be new speakers on top of the scoreboard or if there will be speakers throughout the stadium, but I imagine it will be the latter. Most everything done in the renovations has been first class to this point, I can't imagine we would do something second rate at this point. There's no reason to put a band-aid on it at this point - do it right the first time.
i agree, and thanks again.
July 23rd, 2008, 07:14 AM
The way I understand it, the frame of the old board will remain, including the advertisements above and below. Only the center scoreboard and video screen will be replaced. Apparently, the wind really howls off of the hill behind the scoreboard and anything wider than what we have now would have to have a tremendous amount of bracing to make it safe.
There is no word on what will happen to the old video board, but Cobb said he hopes to find somewhere to put it. The old speakers will remain through this season, but will be re-calibrated. I don't know how "big" the new sound system will be - whether it will only be new speakers on top of the scoreboard or if there will be speakers throughout the stadium, but I imagine it will be the latter. Most everything done in the renovations has been first class to this point, I can't imagine we would do something second rate at this point. There's no reason to put a band-aid on it at this point - do it right the first time.
great info and i think the sound system upgrade next year may be the thing that i am most looking forward to ...
also they are sure are cutting this thing close... i hope they get it done on time bc my seats are in the new east deck
July 23rd, 2008, 07:52 AM
great info and i think the sound system upgrade next year may be the thing that i am most looking forward to ...
also they are sure are cutting this thing close... i hope they get it done on time bc my seats are in the new east deck
I don't think you will have anything to worry about with the new deck. Too much donor money is tied up in that piece of metal. Those are the people that Charlie can't afford to tick off. We'll see the lights on and guys working 24-7 before they would let that go unfinished.
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