View Full Version : NDSU vs UND at the Metrodome, Minneapolis
June 28th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Consider the facts:
- NDSU fans bought 30k tickets to the last NDSU vs. U of MN game.
- UND has more alumni in the Mpls area than NDSU
- both Fargo and GF are easy drives from Mpls, interstate freeway the entire way
- No more U of MN football in the dome after 2008, they have a new stadium
This would be a HUGE opportunity for both schools to make a ton of cash and give their largest alumni bases (Mpls is the largest for both NDSU and UND) an opportunity to get the game.
We're talking 50-60k attendance.
A real chance to be televised on national ESPN. Fox Sport Net would be a guarantee.
June 28th, 2008, 03:53 PM
50-60k.... i know when i'm going on a house burgulary spree in North Dakota!
June 28th, 2008, 04:11 PM
I guess you missed the part about largest alumni base for both schools being Mpls?
June 28th, 2008, 06:02 PM
This game makes no sense for NDSU. It will get in the way of them having six, if not seven home games. Why would they even consider a neutral site game? There has got to be better options, perhaps NDSU doing a home-and-home, and later buying out UND...
June 28th, 2008, 06:07 PM
This game makes no sense for NDSU. It will get in the way of them having six, if not seven home games. Why would they even consider a neutral site game? There has got to be better options, perhaps NDSU doing a home-and-home, and later buying out UND...
But TT, Mpls doesn't have to drive far! xlolx xlolx xlolx
June 28th, 2008, 06:42 PM
This game makes no sense for NDSU. It will get in the way of them having six, if not seven home games. Why would they even consider a neutral site game? There has got to be better options, perhaps NDSU doing a home-and-home, and later buying out UND...
I agree. Why move an in-state game out of state? xconfusedx
June 28th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Consider the facts:
- NDSU fans bought 30k tickets to the last NDSU vs. U of MN game.
- UND has more alumni in the Mpls area than NDSU
- both Fargo and GF are easy drives from Mpls, interstate freeway the entire way
- No more U of MN football in the dome after 2008, they have a new stadium
This would be a HUGE opportunity for both schools to make a ton of cash and give their largest alumni bases (Mpls is the largest for both NDSU and UND) an opportunity to get the game.
We're talking 50-60k attendance.
A real chance to be televised on national ESPN. Fox Sport Net would be a guarantee.
I think it would be on Fox Sport Net, but not ESPN. I don't know about the rest of the country but I know most people here in Colorado have never heard of the Bison or Sioux. No smack, just being honest.
June 28th, 2008, 07:00 PM
But TT, Mpls doesn't have to make sense! xlolx xlolx xlolx
fixed it
June 28th, 2008, 07:44 PM
I agree. Why move an in-state game out of state? xconfusedx
Just seems like a bad idea...would you move Texas vs Texas A&M to Oklahoma? How about Miami vs Florida State to Atlanta? Or Colorado vs Colorado State to Kansas City?
And why on earth would you take a home game away from the confines of the FargoDome? NDSU does not travel on the road to play FCS opponents out of conference, if I recall...?
June 28th, 2008, 08:08 PM
This game makes no sense for NDSU. It will get in the way of them having six, if not seven home games. Why would they even consider a neutral site game? There has got to be better options, perhaps NDSU doing a home-and-home, and later buying out UND...
That's why it will never happen.
June 28th, 2008, 08:47 PM
I think it would be on Fox Sport Net, but not ESPN. I don't know about the rest of the country but I know most people here in Colorado have never heard of the Bison or Sioux. No smack, just being honest.
are you f ing kidding me?? no one in colordo? last time i checked the sioux beat up on denver's hockey team. ( view this link if u dont believe me and the sioux eat up on CC every year too view this
Kelly Green
June 28th, 2008, 09:26 PM
Did someone just mention Sioux hockey?
catamount man
June 28th, 2008, 09:41 PM
I cannot wait to see UND-NDSU hook 'em up again. The battle for the buffalo nickel has been dormant for too long now.
June 28th, 2008, 10:33 PM
are you f ing kidding me?? no one in colordo? last time i checked the sioux beat up on denver's hockey team. ( view this link if u dont believe me and the sioux eat up on CC every year too view this
I didn't say no one. Most people.
I am a Colorado native, lived here my entire life and believe me, not to many people have heard of either one. No offense, but it's true.
June 28th, 2008, 10:34 PM
and..believe it or not college hockey isn't that big of a deal.
June 28th, 2008, 11:02 PM
UND can't even average 11,000 a game in their own stadium.
Now you want them to get 30,000 to an away game?!?xlolx xlolx xlolx
xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x
lock this thread before it gets late.
xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x
June 28th, 2008, 11:22 PM
Mpls, give it a rest!
The snobby Twin Cities media would laugh this game out of town. I can see it now endless stories about Nodak hayseeds loose in the big city. Thanks, but no thanks.
If the Bison play in Minneapolis-St Paul again, it will be against the Gophers not the GD Sioux.
June 29th, 2008, 02:24 AM
I think most people, UND fans, NDSU fans, and others agree, this is not a very good idea.
June 29th, 2008, 03:33 AM
First, I want to make an apology. This stupid idea got started when I pointed out a flaw in Mlps' "logic". I think most of us are aware that Mlps has a hard-on for NDSU having 6 home games every year and damn the consequences. When I pointed out on one of his delusional threads on that you can't have an FBS away game, a home-&-home with UND, AND 6 home games every year when you have an 8-game conference schedule, he responded with this Metrodome idea. I don't know what the hell he was expecting, but the idea met with near universal derision on BisonSports(wow, shocker huh?). Well, he just got more and more upset that his pet idea was being trashed that he took his shingle to He managed a little better there: a small handful of posters liked it. The rest agreed with the Bison fans that it was a stupid idea. I'm so sorry he's now brought this train wreck to AGS.
I honestly don't know what is going through his head. He now claims that everyone of his ideas is "guaranteed" to happen and that anyone who disagrees with him is a lier. (That's his thing nowadays: "it's a lie", "you're lying", "you're a lier"; it's in almost all of his recent posts on BisonSports.) I am so thankful that he is the only person to ever be permanently banned from Bisonville(excluding spammers); it's a welcome haven from this nonsense.
For the record, I think it's a bad idea(obviously). This idea that 40k-60k would show up in MSP for this game is ludicrous, IMO. NDSU managed to bring in between 15k-20k for the Gopher game(I think some estimates are way high), but that was a historic meeting against a Big Ten team with a real chance of a win. It was also a opportunity to celebrate the resurgence of Bison football and reconnect with alumni. Now that that's happened, I don't even think we could do it again against the Gophers if we were to play them again in the Metrodome. In short, I think we peaked with last year's game.
I could maybe see a total of about 30k for the first playing of the game, but I think it would drop sharply by the third outing; maybe 15k-20k. Imagine how 15k would look in the 60k+ Metrodome. And ESPN? Please. Fox Sports Net-North would be a lock, but no way would ESPN touch a North Dakota rivalry game. I can just see it: "If we put this game on nationwide, we're sure to get a whole .5 share in ND & MN." "Brilliant!" I think that would fall under the category of professional suicide.
It's a dumb idea and I'm dumber for having typed this post. Again, I'm sorry the rest of you have had to put up with this mess.
June 29th, 2008, 09:50 AM
Here's some drivel from SiouxSports from MplsBison...
You're wrong if you think they'd be losing revenue. They'd both be gaining more revenue than if the game was at NDSU or UND. Obviously the Metrodome has no barganing leverage. They'd get a small cut of the action.
But the majority of the 60k tickets sold would go to NDSU and UND. Plus a big TV contract from FSN or whoever. Big money.
I'm curious why ESPN, FSN or whomever would pay "big money" for this game. If anything, UND and NDSU may have to end up paying to get this game televised.
And 60k tickets sold? I'll believe it when I see it. More importantly, this goes against any of the "six home games or bust" logic of his.
MplsBison is also claiming "30k NDSU fans at the last NDSU/U of MN game. "
June 29th, 2008, 09:59 AM
This game makes no sense for NDSU. It will get in the way of them having six, if not seven home games.
We could still technically get 6 home games doing this game every year.
4 home games from MVFC or 3 and this game once UND is in the MVFC.
Then 2 NC home games or 3 NC home games once UND is in the MVFC.
However, I think that having an away game at an FBS is more important.
So this is the only scenario in which 5 home games a year would be acceptable.
Kelly Green
June 29th, 2008, 10:00 AM
Here's some drivel from SiouxSports from MplsBison...
I'm curious why ESPN, FSN or whomever would pay "big money" for this game. If anything, UND and NDSU may have to end up paying to get this game televised.
And 60k tickets sold? I'll believe it when I see it. More importantly, this goes against any of the "six home games or bust" logic of his.
MplsBison is also claiming "30k NDSU fans at the last NDSU/U of MN game. "
Speaking of FSN and paying for airtime...I would like to publicly thank NDSU for sponsoring the Minnesota Twins on FSN this summer.
June 29th, 2008, 10:01 AM
Just seems like a bad idea...would you move Texas vs Texas A&M to Oklahoma? How about Miami vs Florida State to Atlanta? Or Colorado vs Colorado State to Kansas City?
You don't need to do that because the states of Texas, Florda and Colorado have stadiums that can seat 60k.
North Dakota does not have a stadium that size.
Minneapolis does, though.
June 29th, 2008, 10:07 AM
This stupid idea got started when I pointed out a flaw in Mlps' "logic".
You wish you started it.
He now claims that everyone of his ideas is "guaranteed" to happen and that anyone who disagrees with him is a lier.
What is a lier? Is that one of those things you use to catch fish?
This idea that 40k-60k would show up in MSP for this game is ludicrous, IMO.
- NDSU brought 30k to the last Gopher game
- UND has more alumni in the MSP area than NDSU
30k + 30k= 60k.
NDSU managed to bring in between 15k-20k for the Gopher game
The really sad thing is that you have a lot of credibility with most NDSU fans. They trust what you say without doing the research themselves.
It was 30k and that's the fact.
no way would ESPN touch a North Dakota rivalry game.
It might be a reach.
But if 60k come to the game, you never know.
ESPNU, OTOH, might be a lock.
Mountain Panther
June 29th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Consider the facts:
- NDSU fans bought 30k tickets to the last NDSU vs. U of MN game.
- UND has more alumni in the Mpls area than NDSU
- both Fargo and GF are easy drives from Mpls, interstate freeway the entire way
- No more U of MN football in the dome after 2008, they have a new stadium
This would be a HUGE opportunity for both schools to make a ton of cash and give their largest alumni bases (Mpls is the largest for both NDSU and UND) an opportunity to get the game.
We're talking 50-60k attendance.
A real chance to be televised on national ESPN. Fox Sport Net would be a guarantee.
Why make fans of both schools drive to MPLS with $4.00/gallon gas?
June 29th, 2008, 10:36 AM
Why make all the fans of both schools that live in Mpls drive to Fargo or GF with $4/gal gas?
The majority would be coming from Mpls.
June 29th, 2008, 10:39 AM
Here's some drivel from SiouxSports from MplsBison...
I'm curious why ESPN, FSN or whomever would pay "big money" for this game. If anything, UND and NDSU may have to end up paying to get this game televised.
And 60k tickets sold? I'll believe it when I see it. More importantly, this goes against any of the "six home games or bust" logic of his.
MplsBison is also claiming "30k NDSU fans at the last NDSU/U of MN game. "
MplsBison - You're an uber-fan...right? An uber-fan is someone who is so obsessed witht their team that it clouds judgement. You and Ronbo need to hang out sometime. I agree TexasTerror that NO WAY IN HELL ESPN FLIPS THE BILL FOR THIS. There just isn't that much of an interest outside your region. Put it on the regional FSN station and your set. ESPN? You're kidding me.
June 29th, 2008, 10:43 AM
ESPNU has a shot, though.
If they can televise the black "classic" games, then they can televise a NDSU/UND game with 60k attendance.
June 29th, 2008, 11:05 AM
ESPNU has a shot, though.
If they can televise the black "classic" games, then they can televise a NDSU/UND game with 60k attendance.
I doubt either would happen.
June 29th, 2008, 11:21 AM
First, I want to make an apology. This stupid idea got started when I pointed out a flaw in Mlps' "logic". I think most of us are aware that Mlps has a hard-on for NDSU having 6 home games every year and damn the consequences. When I pointed out on one of his delusional threads on that you can't have an FBS away game, a home-&-home with UND, AND 6 home games every year when you have an 8-game conference schedule, he responded with this Metrodome idea. I don't know what the hell he was expecting, but the idea met with near universal derision on BisonSports(wow, shocker huh?). Well, he just got more and more upset that his pet idea was being trashed that he took his shingle to He managed a little better there: a small handful of posters liked it. The rest agreed with the Bison fans that it was a stupid idea. I'm so sorry he's now brought this train wreck to AGS.
I honestly don't know what is going through his head. He now claims that everyone of his ideas is "guaranteed" to happen and that anyone who disagrees with him is a lier. (That's his thing nowadays: "it's a lie", "you're lying", "you're a lier"; it's in almost all of his recent posts on BisonSports.) I am so thankful that he is the only person to ever be permanently banned from Bisonville(excluding spammers); it's a welcome haven from this nonsense.
For the record, I think it's a bad idea(obviously). This idea that 40k-60k would show up in MSP for this game is ludicrous, IMO. NDSU managed to bring in between 15k-20k for the Gopher game(I think some estimates are way high), but that was a historic meeting against a Big Ten team with a real chance of a win. It was also a opportunity to celebrate the resurgence of Bison football and reconnect with alumni. Now that that's happened, I don't even think we could do it again against the Gophers if we were to play them again in the Metrodome. In short, I think we peaked with last year's game.
I could maybe see a total of about 30k for the first playing of the game, but I think it would drop sharply by the third outing; maybe 15k-20k. Imagine how 15k would look in the 60k+ Metrodome. And ESPN? Please. Fox Sports Net-North would be a lock, but no way would ESPN touch a North Dakota rivalry game. I can just see it: "If we put this game on nationwide, we're sure to get a whole .5 share in ND & MN." "Brilliant!" I think that would fall under the category of professional suicide.
It's a dumb idea and I'm dumber for having typed this post. Again, I'm sorry the rest of you have had to put up with this mess.
You're right on with the attendance numbers. I was on the field, and had the opportunity to view all of the stands.
Were 1 out of 4 (i.e. 15,000) people in the stands Bison fans? Ya, sure, you betcha.
Were 1 out of 3 (i.e. 20,000) people in the stands Bison fans? I'm not too sure about dat dere.
Were 1 out of 2 (i.e. 30,000) people in the stands Bison fans? Uffda! xnonono2x
June 29th, 2008, 11:27 AM
MplsBison - You're an uber-fan...right? An uber-fan is someone who is so obsessed witht their team that it clouds judgement. You and Ronbo need to hang out sometime. I agree TexasTerror that NO WAY IN HELL ESPN FLIPS THE BILL FOR THIS. There just isn't that much of an interest outside your region. Put it on the regional FSN station and your set. ESPN? You're kidding me.
An uber-fan of NDSU? He just has a wet dream of playing und again.xsmhx
June 29th, 2008, 11:30 AM
Why make all the fans of both schools that live in Mpls drive to Fargo with $4/gal gas?
Because NDSU is located in Fargo.xrolleyesx Don't like that fact then become a Gopher fan if you want to support a team in the city you live in.
The Sheriff
June 29th, 2008, 11:31 AM
The really sad thing is that you have a lot of credibility with most NDSU fans. They trust what you say without doing the research themselves.
Add a lot of UND fans to that list folks who thinks Hammer is credible. Hammer brings a lot of objective-ness that is clearly lacking on other boards we are both on Mpls...
June 29th, 2008, 12:46 PM
This idea has no chance. It does give UND fans an opportunity to talk about the game without appearing too eager but thats about it. In fact scheduling UND is a financial loser for NDSU no matter where it is played.
First of all what should UND be paid in the unlikely event of an invitation to Fargo? I would say $30,000 tops. I do believe the game would sell out if for no other reason than UND fans would flock to Fargo, but that is a very marginal gain for NDSU. Nothing worth popping for a big guarantee. UND comes to the table with little or no leverage.
Folks that have pointed out the overzealous estimate of a Metrodome turnout are right on the money. An old D2 rival is not the same as a Gopher game. Not even close. The old satellite games at Joe Sensors were a drop in the bucket compared to the remote media audience for the Gophers. That might give a clue.
Its also impossible to see a home/home with UND. That simply leaves too much on the table for the away side and very little gain from the home side. Why leave the Fabulous Fargo Dome empty to travel to Grand Forks? NDSU does very well in the Fabulous Fargo Dome. If its going to be the home/home route NDSU should build a future not dredge up the past. The dynamic has changed since the old D2 conference days.
That means UND is going to have to get out the checkbook if they ever want to see The BISON in Grand Forks. They are having trouble with that right now. Their 10 game seasons are a testament to that.
If NDSU is going to pop for a big guarantee or a home/home, ASU is far better than UND.
June 29th, 2008, 12:48 PM
An uber-fan of NDSU? He just has a wet dream of playing und again.xsmhx
Don't forget that he also has a wet dream that all college teams play on fake grass, wear Nike uniforms and run Pro-Style offenses.xrotatehx xrotatehx xrotatehx
June 29th, 2008, 01:27 PM
I just cant see an NDSU/UND game becoming the center piece of the football season again. In the old days things were different. Same conference, fairly equal teams, a playoff spot, conference title and a possible shot at the National championship were all at stake. It was on TV and in Fargo anyway normally sold out. None of those things are in place anymore.
All of that is now between NDSU and SDSU. Those intangibles are what make up a great game and a great rivalry. Not to mention the 100 year history between the schools the Great Border Marker game is the center piece now. It has been highlighted by close competitive games and a lot of pride from both teams and schools. Its an uplifting and exciting event. The huge crowds prove that. It is the de facto championship for football in the Dakotas.
Its the largest sporting event in the history of the Dakotas. It has all the markings of those great traditional rivalries and very little of the bitterness esxperienced in the other game. In fact the coveted Marker isnt even discouraged by NCAA rules for appropriate imagery.
The Border Marker is going to sell out again in Fargo, no telling how many people will be milling around the Fabulous Fargo Dome but it will be huge. Im looking forward to it and I know fans from both schools have the date circled. It is the center piece of football in the Dakotas.
June 29th, 2008, 10:11 PM
1. I was at the Metrodome... there were 25-30,000 Bison fans. I know what i saw, i herd what i heard.
2. Mpls... this is close to your WORST idea ever... and that's going some...
3. Hardly anyone outside of the tri-state area gives two scats about the Nickle game...
4. can we ALL stop humping the idea of a UND game? seriously... we've got the MVC to worry about... who cares what "we've got hockey" is doing?
June 29th, 2008, 10:18 PM
And I could give two *****s what the 'gang of pissy little girl NDSU fans who like to pretend that they don't care about the UND game anymore' says.
Butt out.
June 29th, 2008, 10:26 PM
Consider the facts:
- NDSU fans bought 30k tickets to the last NDSU vs. U of MN game.
- UND has more alumni in the Mpls area than NDSU
- both Fargo and GF are easy drives from Mpls, interstate freeway the entire way
- No more U of MN football in the dome after 2008, they have a new stadium
This would be a HUGE opportunity for both schools to make a ton of cash and give their largest alumni bases (Mpls is the largest for both NDSU and UND) an opportunity to get the game.
We're talking 50-60k attendance.
A real chance to be televised on national ESPN. Fox Sport Net would be a guarantee.
That's a great idea. They can make it a doubleheader and have Delaware play Del St. first.xrolleyesx
June 29th, 2008, 10:31 PM
I've been trying to place together what kind of appeal this would have outside of North Dakota and maybe in the MplsBison household...just not seeing it.
This game would be limited to FSN regional at best. It would not get any national air unless the game was moved to Thursday (or another odd day) and well, for a neutral site game, that is not going to work.
ESPNU? That's the HBCU channel when it comes to football Saturdays. Just do not see this game being that major of a draw, even by FCS standards. It may have been something at the Div II level, but not anymore...and definitely won't be in the "Mpls"...
June 29th, 2008, 10:42 PM
And I could give two *****s what the 'gang of pissy little girl NDSU fans who like to pretend that they don't care about the UND game anymore' says.
Butt out.
MPLS, I am curious to know why you care so much about this series starting up again??
June 29th, 2008, 11:44 PM
The game worth watching is not the game from the past. Its the game from the future, MVFC competition, bragging rights for all of the Dakotas, a possible auto bid, large crowds never before seen at football games in either state, 100 years of tradition, thats where its at.
Trying to gild the lily of the old UND game is ridiculous. Its not a Gopher game, heck its not even a game, its a memory. We have the Border Marker and thats not only the present its the future.
Go Bison
June 30th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Wasn't there talk of UND and USD playing a second game at the Metrodome next season? MplsBison I am sure if that happens you will be there.
June 30th, 2008, 12:53 PM
Consider the facts:
- NDSU fans bought 30k tickets to the last NDSU vs. U of MN game.
I'd like to consider it. But, as much as your throw that number around, people keep asking where it comes from and how you know and how it was computed.
June 30th, 2008, 04:53 PM
Didn't UND play a game against Winona or someone in the Cities a couple years ago where about 150 people showed up?
June 30th, 2008, 05:26 PM
I think that was the Baskeball game against Bemidji State at the Target Center. Their huge alumni base poured into the place to the tune of 453 fans total after a week or more of hype!! They are big hockey rivals too.
June 30th, 2008, 08:20 PM
You have NDSU confused with Montana. Below are the recent FCS out-of conference road games. Now that the D-1 transition is over, I'm hoping it will be easier to fill out our non-conference schedules in future years.
Western Illinois
Miss. Valley State
Stephen F. Austin.
Georgia Southern
Northwestern (La.) State
Montan State
Southern Illinois
And why on earth would you take a home game away from the confines of the FargoDome? NDSU does not travel on the road to play FCS opponents out of conference, if I recall...?
June 30th, 2008, 09:19 PM
You have NDSU confused with Montana. Below are the recent FCS out-of conference road games. Now that the D-1 transition is over, I'm hoping it will be easier to fill out our non-conference schedules in future years.
Western Illinois
Miss. Valley State
Stephen F. Austin.
Georgia Southern
Northwestern (La.) State
Montan State
Southern Illinois
I believe it was more of a targeted post to Mpls, who tells Gene how to make the schedule.
June 30th, 2008, 09:25 PM
Are there 50-60K in all of North Dakota?
June 30th, 2008, 09:26 PM
God, can we just end this stupid thread or continue it on bisoninsider so we can stop pissing and moaning over that stupid Bison / Sioux rivalry crap on this national board. It's fricken' embarrassing.xnonono2x
July 1st, 2008, 06:38 AM
Nice try Scooter.
They're both FCS and so it belongs on the FCS board.
If Montana and MSU can talk about their rivalry on here, so can we.
July 1st, 2008, 07:13 AM
Nice try Scooter.
They're both FCS and so it belongs on the FCS board.
If Montana and MSU can talk about their rivalry on here, so can we.
It amazes me how some just can't seam to take the hint. There is a reason why most people don't want to go on a national talk show to air their familiy business. The petty bickering and sophomoric banter that every thead that involves these two schools becomes tiresome. Both schools have very good fan websites where I and quite a few other Bison fans would like a certain few to restrict their Bison/Sioux backbiting. I am starting to understand where some of the animosity towards NDSU is coming from. I'm not asking for you to quit entirely, just don't talk about this junk on a national board, please. It's that simple.
July 1st, 2008, 07:28 AM
and..believe it or not college hockey isn't that big of a deal.
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding We have a winner xthumbsupx
July 1st, 2008, 07:41 AM
It amazes me how some just can't seam to take the hint. There is a reason why most people don't want to go on a national talk show to air their familiy business. The petty bickering and sophomoric banter that every thead that involves these two schools becomes tiresome. Both schools have very good fan websites where I and quite a few other Bison fans would like a certain few to restrict their Bison/Sioux backbiting. I am starting to understand where some of the animosity towards NDSU is coming from. I'm not asking for you to quit entirely, just don't talk about this junk on a national board, please. It's that simple.
Another winnerxthumbsupx
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