View Full Version : Go White Sox!

October 11th, 2005, 07:28 PM
Let's hear it for the Pale Hose! No World Series championship since 1917! Nice, blue collar fans who don't have the pretentious, arrogant attitudes of those pathetic Beantown pretenders! Let's hear it for the true winners: Ozzie Guillen's 2005 Chicago White Sox!

October 11th, 2005, 07:50 PM
Let's hear it for the Pale Hose! No World Series championship since 1917! Nice, blue collar fans who don't have the pretentious, arrogant attitudes of those pathetic Beantown pretenders! Let's hear it for the true winners: Ozzie Guillen's 2005 Chicago White Sox!

Isn't Hillary a White Sox fan? Or was that the Cubs?

October 11th, 2005, 08:05 PM
Isn't Hillary a White Sox fan? Or was that the Cubs?

There's this place called the "AGS Lounge" where this might be an interesting comment.

I'm going for the White Sox from here. I rooted for the Red Sox last year, I'm going White this year. BTW, I'm a (weak) Mariners fan, I don't have a team that I'm really rabid about.

Gil Dobie
October 12th, 2005, 06:49 AM
Tigers, Yankees and Twins are out, no favorites left, so I am out until the World Series. I will root for the American League team.

I am an innocent businessman and am intent on clearing my name and my reputation.
Arnold Rothstein - New York gambler widely reputed to have been behind the Black Sox scandal during the 1919 World Series.

October 12th, 2005, 08:19 AM
I'll jump on the ChiSox bandwagon, if allowed.

They looked asleep last night though.

October 12th, 2005, 08:33 PM
Hillary was a Cubs fan...Sox were sleep walking yesterday and so far tonight too

October 12th, 2005, 08:53 PM
Being a Phillies fan for almost 50 years, I've almost always supported the NL team, since it was rarely the Phils. But this year, I got to admit I'm pulling for the White Sox just because they've suffered so long, and I can identify with that. St. Louis has a nice team (I think they'll take the 'stros), but I can't get my heart racing over them.

October 13th, 2005, 06:36 AM
CHICAGO (AP) -- American League umpire Joe West was livid after Wednesday night's ALCS game between the Chicago White Sox and the Los Angeles Angels, which the White Sox won, 2-1.

"That Doug Eddings is really a piece of work," West said. "Where does he get off making a call like that? Is he trying to upstage me? They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so perhaps I should be flattered."

Eddings made a controversial no-out call on what appeared to be a strike-out by A.J. Pierzynski in the ninth-inning. But Eddings ruled that Angels catcher Josh Paul did not catch the ball cleanly after the third strike. Paul, unaware that Eddings had not called Pierzynski out and believing that Eddings' fist pump signaled that Pierzynski was out, rolled the ball back to the mound after what he thought was the final out of the inning. Pierzynski ran down to first and was awarded the base after Eddings' controversial call.

"Amateur hour," West said. "Sure, the fist pump and the 'that is my normal mechanic for a strike call' wasn't half bad. I have to give Eddings credit for that line. Even I was laughing at that one. After all, everyone knows when you pump your first, that means the guy's out. But if Eddings was really a pro at wrestling control of a game and placing the focus squarely on himself, he then would have called Pierzynski out not for the swing and miss. No, if it had been me, I would have let Mike Scioscia argue for a bit, and then I would have called Pierzynski out for running out of the baseline on his way to first. I would have gotten both managers out of the dugout screaming that way. And my mug would have been on national TV for several more minutes."

When asked about Eddings' future as an umpire, West nodded his head sadly.

"They won't be calling him 'Country Doug' anytime soon," said West, widely known throughout baseball circles as "Country Joe" due to his penchant for making himself bigger than the game. "One lousy call does not a career make. He's got to blow many, many more before he's even in my league."

West Livid at Eddings' "Amateur Hour" Call

October 13th, 2005, 12:43 PM
If I were an Angels fan, I'd be pissed of course, but IMO it was a tough call as the ump can't possible see if the ball was caught cleanly. Don't they always punch out the player on a third swing even if the ball goes all the way to the screen? All the credit in the world to Pierzynski for a heads-up play. You just had to know that they would then score so this would become a big deal.

October 13th, 2005, 10:32 PM
CHICAGO (AP) -- American League umpire Joe West was livid after Wednesday night's ALCS game between the Chicago White Sox and the Los Angeles Angels, which the White Sox won, 2-1.

"That Doug Eddings is really a piece of work," West said. "Where does he get off making a call like that? Is he trying to upstage me? They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so perhaps I should be flattered."

Eddings made a controversial no-out call on what appeared to be a strike-out by A.J. Pierzynski in the ninth-inning. But Eddings ruled that Angels catcher Josh Paul did not catch the ball cleanly after the third strike. Paul, unaware that Eddings had not called Pierzynski out and believing that Eddings' fist pump signaled that Pierzynski was out, rolled the ball back to the mound after what he thought was the final out of the inning. Pierzynski ran down to first and was awarded the base after Eddings' controversial call.

"Amateur hour," West said. "Sure, the fist pump and the 'that is my normal mechanic for a strike call' wasn't half bad. I have to give Eddings credit for that line. Even I was laughing at that one. After all, everyone knows when you pump your first, that means the guy's out. But if Eddings was really a pro at wrestling control of a game and placing the focus squarely on himself, he then would have called Pierzynski out not for the swing and miss. No, if it had been me, I would have let Mike Scioscia argue for a bit, and then I would have called Pierzynski out for running out of the baseline on his way to first. I would have gotten both managers out of the dugout screaming that way. And my mug would have been on national TV for several more minutes."

When asked about Eddings' future as an umpire, West nodded his head sadly.

"They won't be calling him 'Country Doug' anytime soon," said West, widely known throughout baseball circles as "Country Joe" due to his penchant for making himself bigger than the game. "One lousy call does not a career make. He's got to blow many, many more before he's even in my league."

West Livid at Eddings' "Amateur Hour" Call

I've seen to much of 'Country Joe' in my time. He's the biggest ass in the game. Makes himself the center of attention. Instigates confrontations with players. The best umpire blends into the background.