View Full Version : UD game moved to Richmond
October 11th, 2005, 09:16 AM
reported on
should be announced offically soon.
October 11th, 2005, 09:20 AM
Aye carumba! :eek:
Alright, who want to put odds on UD having Field/Sprint Turf next season? :confused:
October 11th, 2005, 09:22 AM
Aye carumba! :eek:
Alright, who want to put odds on UD having Field/Sprint Turf next season? :confused:
the way the hen fans make it sound... the admin doesn't care and will probably just leave the field as is without resodding/seeding :eek:
October 11th, 2005, 09:27 AM
the way the hen fans make it sound... the admin doesn't care and will probably just leave the field as is without resodding/seeding :eek:
I have to imagine that the admin does care about lost revenue though; whether they pump it back into football or not. What if this game was next weekend? JMU at home for Parents Weekend. Or last weekend for Homecoming? People will be pissed.
October 11th, 2005, 09:31 AM
If the admin really cared about the football team they would have dug up the bad soil under the grass (which was done in 1992-13 years ago) to replace it with the right soil to grow a quality playing surface for the atheletes.
October 11th, 2005, 09:39 AM
it's offical... here's the link...
October 11th, 2005, 09:52 AM
As a UD alum, that's frigging pathetic. And embarrassing.
Blue Hen Nation
October 11th, 2005, 09:56 AM
Refund! Refund! Refund!
October 11th, 2005, 10:05 AM
:eek: :( :bang: :cool: :confused: That about sums it up.
October 11th, 2005, 10:13 AM
y'all need to put a roof over your stadium ;) ... the field is always in good condition, and you don't have to worry about the weather
October 11th, 2005, 10:13 AM
How far from UD to Richmond driving?
This wouldn't be as bad (although still very bad) if the game was more local, like moved to Nova vs. Nova. Pissing off the very large fan base of the Hens is not something I'd want to do. You've got something magical in Henville and this is a great way to chip away at fan support.
October 11th, 2005, 10:16 AM
about a 3.5 hours drive to Richmond (if you don't hit a problem on I-95) and one I won't be making... :mad:
October 11th, 2005, 10:17 AM
How far from UD to Richmond driving?
3.5 hours depending on traffic. Problem is you have to risk Baltimore and DC traffic which includes the 'Mixing Bowl' where I-95 and the DC beltway meet in Virginia. Could be a lot longer trip. For me, Newark is closer than Richmond.
Blue Hen Nation
October 11th, 2005, 10:19 AM
Don't forget to make your annual donation to the Athletic :bang:
October 11th, 2005, 10:29 AM
Sounds like someone at UD needs to visit Statesboro and attend the clinic on building a quality natural turf. That would be much better then the glorified astroturf copout.
Lehigh Football Nation
October 11th, 2005, 10:34 AM
I'm a bit mystified as to why this is being considered an abomination and an embarassment by UD fans. Is UD's playing service bad and messed up? Yes; but so are a lot of lot of playing surfaces all around the northeast. Lehigh, Yale, Harvard all haven't had the greatest of playing surfaces this year, largely due to the weather. I imagine Lehigh will be playing at Goodman this weekend, but the field there won't be 100% either.
Yes, I guess I'd be upset too if I'd have to travel down to UR instead of following through my plans to tailgate at UD over the weekend. But, come on, an *embarassment*?
I think people are forgetting this is COST-CONTAINMENT football here. No space-age drainage systems or full resodding between games here. Frankly, I don't know what resodding costs, but fans are saying "well, let's just resod this week" without knowing anything about the time or money that it would cost. Speculating, what if it cost $500,000 to resod? That's 1/5 the athletic budgets for the upper crust of most I-AA schools! Hell, Montana would have a rough time affording it!
Someone tells me what the time and expense of resodding would be, and maybe I change my mind. But I cannot possibly blame UD or anyone for the elements messing up their field.
October 11th, 2005, 10:36 AM
The UD administration needs more than 'a clinic' on how to grow and maintain a quality playing surface...
October 11th, 2005, 10:41 AM
LFN, you're far too understanding of the prediciment. This was seen coming by the fans, but the admin just looked the other way. This is akin to the levee problem in NO (not trying to compare field conditions to disaster, but everyone knew this day would come but looked the other way).
They thought about resodding after the Holy Cross game, but decided the grass wouldn't have time to take, it wasn't the expense. As for not having 'space-age drainage systems' that's hyperbole. OF COURSE we should have a phenomenal drainage system. What's involved in that... some gravel, some PVC, a ditch-witch...??? The AG school is right next door to the stadium for crying out loud. There is NO excuse for the field conditions. Yes, everyone was muddy last week, but did you see the officials having a hard time even putting the ball down without it disappearing into a pit?
October 11th, 2005, 10:43 AM
But I cannot possibly blame UD or anyone for the elements messing up their field.
UD officials and fans knew that this field was a problem waiting to happen long before the 'elements' came into play.
Isn't negligence defined as knowing a problem exists... but failing to take the proper action to correct the problem???
Blue Hen Nation
October 11th, 2005, 10:43 AM
$10 for parking
$20 for the Game
$40 for beer and food
Getting screwed by your Athletic Director.....PRICELESS! :bang:
October 11th, 2005, 10:52 AM
LFN if we told you the university has known about the problem since 1992 & sat idle you would change your tune.
Embarassment is maybe too kind of a word, but I have too much respect for Ralph to put more appropriate words down.
October 11th, 2005, 10:54 AM
I for one wouldn't give the UD admin any leeway on this one. First, you schedule 7 home games and hope for at least one playoff game being a possibility. That's eight times the field is going to be used. You count on 20K+ attending the games and all the revenue that brings.
You know there is a problem with drainage and that field conditions are bad. Yet from the sounds of UD fans you do nothing about it? This is akin to sticking your head in the sand and hoping bad things will just go away. What's UD going to do if it rains all next week? Move the Parents weekend game to JMU?
If UD fans are pessimistic that nothing will change because of this event, you should almost hope that JMU gets cancelled as well. Make things get worse so they can get better.
October 11th, 2005, 11:13 AM
LFN, you're missing the points here. They knew that this field had the flaws it did when they redid the field back in 1992 - the contractor used the wrong type of sand, thus resulting in the gradual compaction of the soil and the greatly reduced ability for it to permeate. That's 13 years ago and there's been nothing done since. Money is not an issue at UD - it'll cost them at least $250,000 (what UD typically profits from a home game) to move this game, and that doesn't even include the cost now for them to travel almost 4 hours to this "home" game. Makes that $500,000 to fix the field seem pretty small. In addition, there are rumors circulating that they ruled out any closer venues like Franklin Field because they wanted to "keep it in the conference". UD easily makes more than $2M a year on their football program yet has made no significant investment in anything related to the football team since putting lights in more than 5 years ago. They're milking the cow and the 22k who show up every week and sat on this problem for more than a decade without doing anything to fix it.
October 11th, 2005, 11:15 AM
I for one wouldn't give the UD admin any leeway on this one. First, you schedule 7 home games and hope for at least one playoff game being a possibility. That's eight times the field is going to be used. You count on 20K+ attending the games and all the revenue that brings.
You know there is a problem with drainage and that field conditions are bad. Yet from the sounds of UD fans you do nothing about it? This is akin to sticking your head in the sand and hoping bad things will just go away. What's UD going to do if it rains all next week? Move the Parents weekend game to JMU?
If UD fans are pessimistic that nothing will change because of this event, you should almost hope that JMU gets cancelled as well. Make things get worse so they can get better.
The UD took in almost $4.7M in revenue for football last year compared to about $3.25 in expenses. That's $1.45M in profit. And this is typical, YEAR after YEAR after YEAR, the football program brings in over $1M net. The part you got wrong is that the Admin does not have their head in the sand. They know exactly what's going on. Put minimal inverstment into the program and milk the cash cow, while the mindless fans flock to the stadium game after game after game. With:
No plans to expand the stadium (that they've sold out EVERY game for 2 years running)
No plans to replace the pre-historic pressbox
No plans to fix a drinage problem on the field they've had for 13 years
No plans to improve the scoreboard - the one with a light-bulb display area with 20x15 resolution (that's 20 light bulbs by 15 light bulbs!)
No plans to address the seating problems for students who are charged an athletic fee with their tuition, yet are turned away by the 100's at the gate because the student section is already full!
No plans for luxury boxes
No plans for ANY improvements of ANY kind.
just decay.
Blue Hen Nation
October 11th, 2005, 11:31 AM
I couldn't have said it better myself.
October 11th, 2005, 11:40 AM
I do have to admit... if Towson doesn't drive 65 yards in the last minute and UD punches it in the endzone against Hofstra and the Hens are 5-0, I don't think we'd be this pissed. :p
October 11th, 2005, 11:47 AM
We need a new stadium at UD anyway. Just tear it down and build a better one with a nicer playing surface. 50 years in one stadium is enough anyway.
October 11th, 2005, 11:48 AM
I do have to admit... if Towson doesn't drive 65 yards in the last minute and UD punches it in the endzone against Hofstra and the Hens are 5-0, I don't think we'd be this pissed. :p
If if if. If my Aunt had a pair of balls, she'd be my Uncle.
If Lehigh doesn't blow a 14 point late 4th quarter lead and/or miss a extra point in OT, UD is 2-3.
October 11th, 2005, 11:50 AM
I do have to admit... if Towson doesn't drive 65 yards in the last minute and UD punches it in the endzone against Hofstra and the Hens are 5-0, I don't think we'd be this pissed. :p
October 11th, 2005, 11:57 AM
No plans to replace the pre-historic pressbox
No plans to improve the scoreboard - the one with a light-bulb display area with 20x15 resolution (that's 20 light bulbs by 15 light bulbs!)
Wow. These two points really surprise me, because Colgate is doing them now (new pressbox 4 years ago and new scoreboard after this season) and I thought we were one of the last schools to upgrade these things. I would have thought that UD had put more into it than that. I would be pissed too if I were a Hen fan.
October 11th, 2005, 12:00 PM
I do have to admit... if Towson doesn't drive 65 yards in the last minute and UD punches it in the endzone against Hofstra and the Hens are 5-0, I don't think we'd be this pissed. :p
probably not... but the Hens would still be an average 1AA team... :nod:
October 11th, 2005, 12:03 PM
UD band is going
October 11th, 2005, 12:06 PM
OK, maybe a little better than 20x15, but not much.
October 11th, 2005, 12:09 PM
It's amazing UD doesn't have, or apparently isn't thinking of videoboards with their attendance
October 11th, 2005, 12:13 PM
It's amazing UD doesn't have, or apparently isn't thinking of videoboards with their attendance
Considering JMU has one now, I'd expect Delaware to have had one for a while. I really hope this problem is solved, because though it would be convenient for JMU to get another home game, it's screwing Delaware. It's their Parents Weekend for goodness sake. That isn't fair. They should try to find another stadium in the vicinity.
But just some food for thought...if the JMU-Delaware game is moved to JMU, would Ralph finally get to go to a game at Bridgeforth? I know he planned to go to this game at Delaware.
October 11th, 2005, 12:23 PM
OK, maybe a little better than 20x15, but not much.
OK, that scoreboard is a little better than advertised. Here's what I'm talking about:
That's been there since at least the 60s.
We just signed with Daktronics for new state of the art stuff for football, soccer, basketball and ice hockey. The football scoreboard description is like this:
Raider football fans will enjoy a state-of-the-art scoreboard in Andy Kerr Stadium, beginning with the 2006 season, which will include a large ProStar® digital video display incorporating the latest in light emitting diode (LED) technology. Approximate overall dimensions of the new scoreboard are 42 feet high by 64 feet wide. The video display, positioned in the middle of the scoreboard, will measure approximately 12 feet high by 22 feet wide. The scoreboard will also include the capability to display team statistics as well as the usual game time and scores. Sponsors are recognized with static and rotating displays on the scoreboard and throughout the facility. Delay of game timers and a new customized sound system complete the integrated football system.
Anyone know of a scoreboard like this for comparision sake?
(BTW, that score is from UMass. Shouldn't that at least cheer up a very Blue Hen's day?)
October 11th, 2005, 12:25 PM
OK, maybe a little better than 20x15, but not much.
Thanks for the reminder... :p ;)
October 11th, 2005, 12:27 PM
Considering JMU has one now, I'd expect Delaware to have had one for a while.
It does not surprise me a bit to learn that JMU has a video scoreboard. At current pace, I expect JMU to replace UD as the premier football program in the CAA in about 3 years time, maybe sooner. UD Administration has done nothing to promote UD Football except (as someone mentioned) putting in lights about 5 years ago. KC does a good job of promting the games on campus and getting the students out. But the U does not advertise the games. There are no billboards or other signage along the local highways. 22,000+ just flock, week after week.
Our program is not growing.
Interesting facts:
The UD home game attendance record of 23,619 was set in 1973, when we were Div II and hosting Div I Temple.
In fact the top 5 record crowds at the Tub were all from at least 18 years ago.
October 11th, 2005, 12:35 PM
OK, that scoreboard is a little better than advertised. Here's what I'm talking about:
That's been there since at least the 60s.
We just signed with Daktronics for new state of the art stuff for football, soccer, basketball and ice hockey. The football scoreboard description is like this:
Anyone know of a scoreboard like this for comparision sake?
(BTW, that score is from UMass. Shouldn't that at least cheer up a very Blue Hen's day?)
October 11th, 2005, 01:10 PM
Just got a message from the UD Alumni website....
"Game tickets that have already been purchased will be honored at the Richmond Stadium gates the day of the game. All seats will be general admission."
That's something at least.
October 11th, 2005, 01:18 PM
Why wouldn't they just have it at a "neutral" but closer to home site?
Like say here at Towson. We can seat about 12,000, prolly close to 15,000 standing room. And we're just 45 mins down the road, and away at Liberty for the weekend.
Giving away a home game is not what UD needs at this point in the season, playing as they are.
October 11th, 2005, 01:22 PM
Considering JMU has one now, I'd expect Delaware to have had one for a while. I really hope this problem is solved, because though it would be convenient for JMU to get another home game, it's screwing Delaware. It's their Parents Weekend for goodness sake. That isn't fair. They should try to find another stadium in the vicinity.
But just some food for thought...if the JMU-Delaware game is moved to JMU, would Ralph finally get to go to a game at Bridgeforth? I know he planned to go to this game at Delaware.
Ughhh, what a mess. Good luck with all this guys.
BTW, the UD game against JMU is the same weekend as our Parade of Champions (hugh band comp/show/event) that is to take place in the stadium. Football will not trump this event, so basically, our venue is out of the question. DC site, anyone?
October 11th, 2005, 01:28 PM
Towson. We can seat about 12,000, prolly close to 15,000 standing room. And we're just 45 mins down the road, and away at Liberty for the weekend.
The Astroturf was not very friendly to the Hens two weeks ago. I don't think they're clamoring to come back anytime soon.
October 11th, 2005, 01:33 PM
Release from Richmond. Still considered a home game for UD. I think that part of the reason for not being at Towson is that Richmond can hold all previously sold tickets while Towson can't make that claim. I'd definitely be very pissed as a UD fan. No excuses for not having a decent playing surface. Every other school can make it work. This is supposed to be the flagship program.
October 11th, 2005, 02:53 PM
Ughhh, what a mess. Good luck with all this guys.
BTW, the UD game against JMU is the same weekend as our Parade of Champions (hugh band comp/show/event) that is to take place in the stadium. Football will not trump this event, so basically, our venue is out of the question. DC site, anyone?
I forgot that was going on that weekend. Well, we won't be having it there. I still think Delaware, if their field is still unplayable, should move it to the closest field possible...don't force it to stay in the A-10 if it doesn't have to.
Lehigh Football Nation
October 11th, 2005, 03:23 PM
I was planning to go to UD for the JMU game (as was Ralph, I think?). Now I'm wondering if the field will be ready to go or not for the JMU game as well.
On 8/22, Franklin Field and JMU are not options. Hard to see any others. (Delaware St.? LMAO)
They may be forced into resodding. There really may be no other option. Now Delaware/JMU, that's a CSTV game of the week. If the field is a mudbowl after two weeks to get it right, then yeah, I'd say that is an embarassment.
October 11th, 2005, 03:57 PM
Release from Richmond. Still considered a home game for UD. I think that part of the reason for not being at Towson is that Richmond can hold all previously sold tickets while Towson can't make that claim. I'd definitely be very pissed as a UD fan. No excuses for not having a decent playing surface. Every other school can make it work. This is supposed to be the flagship program.
Parking is free????? Is that always the case for a game at Richmond?? Can't be, can't be.
October 11th, 2005, 04:07 PM
Parking is free????? Is that always the case for a game at Richmond?? Can't be, can't be.
Yes, it was in 2002.
BTW, UD season ticketholders will get a credit (though I suggest ask for a refund), EVEN IF YOU ATTEND THE GAME!
October 11th, 2005, 04:41 PM
Add another voice to the group of sympathetic AGS members. I guess I was totally in the dark about the potential problem. And the short term solution seems almost as bad as the problem. To me it was a given that Delaware ran a first class program--makes it that much more surprising. Causes me appreciate even more the new turf at Georgetown. Can't see why a school like Delaware can't get something done. Good luck.
October 11th, 2005, 04:53 PM
3.5 hours depending on traffic. Problem is you have to risk Baltimore and DC traffic which includes the 'Mixing Bowl' where I-95 and the DC beltway meet in Virginia. Could be a lot longer trip. For me, Newark is closer than Richmond.
Get off I-95 at I-895 in Baltimore.Then take 3 to I-97 to 301 all the way to Richmond.I did this last week and made the trip from Cape May NJ in just over 5 hours in a driving rain no less.I had friends get stuck on I-95 and it took them 10 hours from Pittsburgh,a trip that should take about 6. :eek:
October 11th, 2005, 05:04 PM
Parking is free????? Is that always the case for a game at Richmond?? Can't be, can't be.
Last week it was $5.
October 11th, 2005, 05:51 PM
Parking is free????? Is that always the case for a game at Richmond?? Can't be, can't be.
parking is not free, unless you park on the street......
October 11th, 2005, 06:03 PM
Yes, it was in 2002
:nod: I parked in the lot catty-corner from the stadium in 2002 for free.
October 11th, 2005, 06:39 PM
The official lots are $5. However there are about 10,000 free spots on the streets in the adjacent neighborhood. If you're willing to walk about 5 minutes (which a lot of the spoiled UR crowd isn't) you can park for free. The only time to pay for parking is if you're the tailgate host (which normally is the money donors who get free parking anyway). I hope that yall will come down and have some fun.
October 11th, 2005, 06:40 PM
parking is not free, unless you park on the street......
They charged me $5.00 when I was there on 09/01..
October 11th, 2005, 06:48 PM
The official lots are $5. However there are about 10,000 free spots on the streets in the adjacent neighborhood. If you're willing to walk about 5 minutes (which a lot of the spoiled UR crowd isn't) you can park for free. The only time to pay for parking is if you're the tailgate host (which normally is the money donors who get free parking anyway). I hope that yall will come down and have some fun.
We had about 8 cars in the parking lot tailgating last week,(that was about half of the total cars in the lot). Of course if the weather is good & coming off a win it may be more crowded this week.
October 12th, 2005, 07:14 AM
What the saddest part of this is our President basically said "F our fans", as a deal was in place to play the game at Franklin Field & he opted against it.
Makes tons of sense to play a game 3.5-4 hours away when you could play it less than an hour away.
JMU Duke Dog
October 12th, 2005, 07:37 AM
I was planning to go to UD for the JMU game (as was Ralph, I think?). Now I'm wondering if the field will be ready to go or not for the JMU game as well.
On 8/22, Franklin Field and JMU are not options. Hard to see any others. (Delaware St.? LMAO)
They may be forced into resodding. There really may be no other option. Now Delaware/JMU, that's a CSTV game of the week. If the field is a mudbowl after two weeks to get it right, then yeah, I'd say that is an embarassment. cle&c=MGArticle&cid=1128767484334&path=%21sports%21colleges&s=1045855934926
A Delaware spokesman yesterday said the Blue Hens have every intention of playing host to James Madison next Saturday at Delaware Stadium.
October 12th, 2005, 11:17 AM
Get off I-95 at I-895 in Baltimore.Then take 3 to I-97 to 301 all the way to Richmond.I did this last week and made the trip from Cape May NJ in just over 5 hours in a driving rain no less.I had friends get stuck on I-95 and it took them 10 hours from Pittsburgh,a trip that should take about 6. :eek:
Yeah, that's how I'd plan on going. Anytime you can avoid the Crapital Beltway, DO IT!
October 12th, 2005, 11:31 AM
You ever been through Waldorf and La Plata? :( Its a long trip
October 12th, 2005, 11:39 AM
You ever been through Waldorf and La Plata? :( Its a long trip
I have, but I avoid 495 like the plague.
Are you going?
October 12th, 2005, 11:43 AM
You ever been through Waldorf and La Plata? :( Its a long trip
But there's some good, cheap seafood on the way if you have the time. :rolleyes:
October 12th, 2005, 07:21 PM
I have, but I avoid 495 like the plague.
It's not just 495. On a friday night 95 can be a mess all the way to Richmond,especially in the rain. Saturdays are not too bad though. I took 95/495 home & made about the same time I did going down.
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