View Full Version : FCS Tryout Tracker

April 28th, 2008, 08:18 AM
Well, we have a thread for FCS players that were drafted and we have a thread for FCS players that have signed free agent contracts, why not a thread for FCS players that land tryouts with NFL teams. I'll even start with:

Kevin Hoyng and Matt Champa formerly of the Dayton Flyers who will be trying out at the Browns rookie camp this coming weekend.

April 28th, 2008, 08:30 AM
Can we have a thread for CFL wannabe's too?

April 28th, 2008, 09:42 AM
I am putting the tryouts in with the signings thread.

April 28th, 2008, 10:10 AM
Can we have a thread for CFL wannabe's too?
Wow. I just got my first neg rep for this!

Let's be honest, there is a very small percentage of these late round draft picks and FA signings that are nothing more than Summer Camp fodder. Sorry to all who are hurt by this truth. xcoffeex

April 28th, 2008, 10:51 AM
Wow. I just got my first neg rep for this!

Let's be honest, there is a very small percentage of these late round draft picks and FA signings that are anything more than Summer Camp fodder. Sorry to all who are hurt by this truth. xcoffeex

anything... just for clarity sake

April 28th, 2008, 01:21 PM
Wow. I just got my first neg rep for this!

Let's be honest, there is a very small percentage of these late round draft picks and FA signings that are nothing more than Summer Camp fodder. Sorry to all who are hurt by this truth. xcoffeex

Some people have VERY thin skin. xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

Franks Tanks
April 28th, 2008, 02:28 PM
Wow. I just got my first neg rep for this!

Let's be honest, there is a very small percentage of these late round draft picks and FA signings that are nothing more than Summer Camp fodder. Sorry to all who are hurt by this truth. xcoffeex

Very true. I played with a few guys who got picked up for these mini-camp tryouts and they always come back after the few days and never get called back by the team. If your not signed to a FA contrcat, the chances are genarally pretty low you will stick. But hey you never know

April 28th, 2008, 02:43 PM
Very true. I played with a few guys who got picked up for these mini-camp tryouts and they always come back after the few days and never get called back by the team. If your not signed to a FA contrcat, the chances are genarally pretty low you will stick. But hey you never know

The chances are far better than if you were not invited at all, don't ya think? Let's put is this way, I'm thinking that I am not going to make a roster this year because I will be attending my daughter's graduation in Dayton AND I was not invited to a mini camp.... At least Kevin and Matt have a shot, more than most other FCS players can say...! Even if they do not catch on with the Browns, they may sign a FA contract with some other team down the road. The important thing is that some team(s) think they just might have NFL level talent. Both will give it their best shot this weekend and let the chips fall where they may.... Guess what, most undrafted free agents do not make a team either! I do not see anyone here downgrading them because they did not get drafted.... Thin skin? I do not think so. The comment was 100% ignorant and I called it out!

April 28th, 2008, 02:47 PM
The chances are far better than if you were not invited at all, don't ya think? Let's put is this way, I'm thinking that I am not going to make a roster this year because I will be attending my daughter's graduation in Dayton AND I was not invited to a mini camp.... At least Kevin and Matt have a shot, more than most other FCS players can say...! Even if they do not catch on with the Browns, they may sign a FA contract with some other team down the road. The important thing is that some team(s) think they just might have NFL level talent. Both will give it their best shot this weekend and let the chips fall where they may.... Guess what, most undrafted free agents do not make a team either! I do not see anyone here downgrading them because they did not get drafted.... Thin skin? I do not think so. The comment was 100% ignorant and I called it out!

FAR better??? I think not....maybe incrementally better, slightly better, somewhat better, but not FAR better

And the comment may have been "ignorant", but I took it as a joke. You can call it out without being a dick. Or, maybe not.

Franks Tanks
April 28th, 2008, 02:52 PM
The chances are far better than if you were not invited at all, don't ya think? Let's put is this way, I'm thinking that I am not going to make a roster this year because I will be attending my daughter's graduation in Dayton AND I was not invited to a mini camp.... At least Kevin and Matt have a shot, more than most other FCS players can say...! Even if they do not catch on with the Browns, they may sign a FA contract with some other team down the road. The important thing is that some team(s) think they just might have NFL level talent. Both will give it their best shot this weekend and let the chips fall where they may.... Guess what, most undrafted free agents do not make a team either! I do not see anyone here downgrading them because they did not get drafted.... Thin skin? I do not think so. The comment was 100% ignorant and I called it out!

It is a nice thing to get a try out, but that all it is. Maybe they will stick and get a chance at training camp, but probbaly not. My friend was in the exact situation with the Bears a few years ago. They brought him and about 2 dozen others in for the rookie mini-camp. I dont think any of them got invited to camp or signed a contrcat.

Maybe these guys will stick, Im just pointing out the facts--no need to get all upset.

April 28th, 2008, 02:54 PM
It is a nice thing to get a try out, but that all it is. Maybe they will stick and get a chance at training camp, but probbaly not. My friend was in the exact situation with the Bears a few years ago. They brought him and about 2 dozen others in for the rookie mini-camp. I dont think any of them got invited to camp or signed a contrcat.

Maybe these guys will stick, Im just pointing out the facts--no need to get all upset.

Come on, Frank. We all know it's just more of the old guard conspiracy to NOT celebrate PFL guys in mini-camps. xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xrolleyesx xrolleyesx

April 28th, 2008, 03:04 PM
FAR better??? I think not....maybe incrementally better, slightly better, somewhat better, but not FAR better

And the comment may have been "ignorant", but I took it as a joke. You can call it out without being a dick. Or, maybe not.

Wow, you must be one of them there college graduates. Classy post calling me part of the male body with a slang term. Man, I sure am glad that I did not attend your school. My only hope is that you are the exception and not the rule.

April 28th, 2008, 03:24 PM
Wow, you must be one of them there college graduates. Classy post calling me part of the male body with a slang term. Man, I sure am glad that I did not attend your school. My only hope is that you are the exception and not the rule.

Lighten up, Francis. Do you even know which "school" is my "school"?

Neg reppin' is for pussies, that's my point. If I think somebodie's post is BS, I'll say so in public, not hiding behind a neg rep post. So which is it? Are you a dick, or a pussy? xconfusedx xconfusedx xconfusedx

Franks Tanks
April 28th, 2008, 03:27 PM
Lighten up, Francis. Do you even know which "school" is my "school"?

Neg reppin' is for pussies, that's my point. If I think somebodie's post is BS, I'll say so in public, not hiding behind a neg rep post. So which is it? Are you a dick, or a pussy? xconfusedx xconfusedx xconfusedx

Wait are you confusing me with Flyer? I dont think thats a compliment

April 28th, 2008, 03:33 PM
Wait are you confusing me with Flyer? I dont think thats a compliment

Pay attention, Frank. :D

April 28th, 2008, 04:05 PM
Lighten up, Francis. Do you even know which "school" is my "school"?

Neg reppin' is for pussies, that's my point. If I think somebodie's post is BS, I'll say so in public, not hiding behind a neg rep post. So which is it? Are you a dick, or a pussy? xconfusedx xconfusedx xconfusedx

Oh yeah, more classy posts.... Whatever school you went to should be very embarassed to have produced a fine specimen like you! And guess what, in case you had not noticed, I am saying this in public, your posts are extremely inappropriate and not needed here. Please go find another forum to spew your venom. Clear enough for you?

April 28th, 2008, 04:07 PM

Back on topic, go to this site and just look at the thousands of players that have been reported to receive try outs.... Yep, "only" getting a try out is extremely insignificant, so much so that thousands of young men get them....

April 28th, 2008, 05:02 PM
Oh yeah, more classy posts.... Whatever school you went to should be very embarassed to have produced a fine specimen like you! And guess what, in case you had not noticed, I am saying this in public, your posts are extremely inappropriate and not needed here. Please go find another forum to spew your venom. Clear enough for you?

Crystal. Pussy. :D :D :D :D :D

You REALLY need to lighten up. xeyebrowx xeyebrowx xeyebrowx xeyebrowx

I don't want to have to go "Old Guard" on your sorry ass.... xwhistlex xwhistlex xwhistlex

April 28th, 2008, 05:06 PM

Back on topic, go to this site and just look at the thousands of players that have been reported to receive try outs.... Yep, "only" getting a try out is extremely insignificant, so much so that thousands of young men get them....

Nice of you to post a link that directly makes OUR point, and not yours. To quote, "thousands of young men get them (tryouts)".....and maybe 20 earn a contract. So, of those "thousands" that are getting a tryout, their odds of getting an NFL contract are only SLIGHTLY better than mine....and I'm a fat 45-year-old with a degree from an (apparently) questionable I-AA school....xlolx

You need to get that non-scholly-PFL-old-guard-is-out-to-get-us chip off your shoulder and lighten up.

p.s. thanks for the link. ;)

April 28th, 2008, 06:11 PM
Nice of you to post a link that directly makes OUR point, and not yours. To quote, "thousands of young men get them (tryouts)".....and maybe 20 earn a contract. So, of those "thousands" that are getting a tryout, their odds of getting an NFL contract are only SLIGHTLY better than mine....and I'm a fat 45-year-old with a degree from an (apparently) questionable I-AA school....xlolx

You need to get that non-scholly-PFL-old-guard-is-out-to-get-us chip off your shoulder and lighten up.

p.s. thanks for the link. ;)

April 28th, 2008, 06:20 PM
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about Hoyng...

April 28th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Eric Sanders from UNI is attending Detroit Lions Rookie Camp

April 28th, 2008, 10:06 PM
Suffice it to say that the Drake grads are going pro in something else besides sports.. unless you count newly minted football coaches....

April 29th, 2008, 06:42 AM
The comment was 100% ignorant and I called it out!

First of all what was ignorant in my comment? I thought it was sarcastic.

Second what did you call out? You negative repped me in private.