View Full Version : UAlbany Stadium Proposal Sacked.. For Now
Lehigh Football Nation
April 17th, 2008, 01:17 PM
It’s wait until next year, at best, for the University at Albany’s proposed football stadium.
The Senate and governor rejected the Assembly’s request for $36.5 million in the 2008-09 budget to build a 10,000- to 15,000 seat stadium on the UAlbany campus.
“We didn’t have a partner to endorse it,” said Assembly Majority Leader Ronald Canestrari, D-Cohoes. “When we brought it to the table, we couldn’t get the Senate or the governor to endorse it.”
Maybe they can get it funded privately?
April 17th, 2008, 01:22 PM
April 17th, 2008, 01:42 PM
That hurts, they might currently have the worst stadium in FCS....this has been going on for years
April 17th, 2008, 02:04 PM
OK, so a little late on this one, and I was hoping it wouldn't catch on.
Its not over by a long shot:
Bascially right now they are moving forward with the site and architectual planning and the hope is that next year when the planning is done the funding will be there.
Here's hoping.
I can't wait for any SBU people to comment on this. I will warn them in advanced against it.
But, hey if anyone wants to sit in our brand new stadium they will be able to do so come winter of 2009. But you'll have to travel to Long Island to watch a basketball game to do it.xwhistlex xmadx
April 17th, 2008, 02:09 PM
OK, so a little late on this one, and I was hoping it wouldn't catch on.
Its not over by a long shot:
Bascially right now they are moving forward with the site and architectual planning and the hope is that next year when the planning is done the funding will be there.
Here's hoping.
I can't wait for any SBU people to comment on this. I will warn them in advanced against it.
Now is when you need an Alum, or a few, to step up to the plate and donate some dollars.
April 17th, 2008, 02:23 PM
Now is when you need an Alum, or a few, to step up to the plate and donate some dollars.
That, I believe, is why we are moving forward with the planning. Hopefully, once there are plans in stone with a lot of good fundraising materials someone will step up. Until this point, there hasn't really been anything in stone.
It is really tough for us to swallow (the whole private fundraising thing) becuase our peer institutions have recently built similar facilities with almost all state funding.
Uncle Buck
April 17th, 2008, 04:03 PM
That sucks. Albany needs a new field and they definitely deserve better than what they have now. I went up a few years ago for the Hofstra game and the stands were horrible. Worse than a lot of HS fields, at least on the visiting side. NY State needs to come through.
April 17th, 2008, 04:17 PM
That, I believe, is why we are moving forward with the planning. Hopefully, once there are plans in stone with a lot of good fundraising materials someone will step up. Until this point, there hasn't really been anything in stone.
It is really tough for us to swallow (the whole private fundraising thing) becuase our peer institutions have recently built similar facilities with almost all state funding.
That makes sense. Hopefully you will have a lot of sense at the end of the football season.
April 17th, 2008, 04:33 PM
There is already good donations (in the millions). The State is a bunch of ****WADS because of Ken LaValle. That pompous ass sits on the board of Higher Education (he chairs it).
Somehow, he finagled 25m plus to get this:
-Revamp the gym at Stony Brook to this unreal know to house at eam that has won about 25 four years. BTW, there gym is two years older than ours.
-Add on an addition to the Stadium bearing his name.
While UA toils with nothing.
So, let's see:
Binghamton- brand new arena
Buffalo- revamped arena and 24m for stadium improvements
Stony Brook- new arena, new stadium
Albany- 750k for a new lax field.
Oh, did I mention Albany is the only SUNY school to:
-Send a team to March Madness
-Have a football team receive national votes for an extended time frame
**** LAVALLE...and **** YOU MR. PATTERSON. I hope your dick falls off from the hookers you used State $$$ for when "you and your wife were having issues."
And no...I don't feel better after that tirade.
NO offense to the Stony Brook fans...not pissed at you...but pissed at how ONE LEGISLATOR can bring all the $$$ to your school.
**** HIM!
April 17th, 2008, 04:37 PM
There is already good donations (in the millions). The State is a bunch of ****WADS because of Ken LaValle. That pompous ass sits on the board of Higher Education (he chairs it).
Somehow, he finagled 25m plus to get this:
-Revamp the gym at Stony Brook to this unreal know to house at eam that has won about 25 four years. BTW, there gym is two years older than ours.
-Add on an addition to the Stadium bearing his name.
While UA toils with nothing.
So, let's see:
Binghamton- brand new arena
Buffalo- revamped arena and 24m for stadium improvements
Stony Brook- new arena, new stadium
Albany- 750k for a new lax field.
Oh, did I mention Albany is the only SUNY school to:
-Send a team to March Madness
-Have a football team receive national votes for an extended time frame
**** LAVALLE...and **** YOU MR. PATTERSON. I hope your dick falls off from the hookers you used State $$$ for when "you and your wife were having issues."
And no...I don't feel better after that tirade.
NO offense to the Stony Brook fans...not pissed at you...but pissed at how ONE LEGISLATOR can bring all the $$$ to your school.
**** HIM!
Can I get you a xbeerchugx ?
April 17th, 2008, 04:41 PM
**** that...I am already a bottle deep...per day since this went down.
But thanks.
Did I mention that KEN LAVALLE COULD **** OFF?!
April 17th, 2008, 05:34 PM
Maybe Stony Brook and Buffalo's AAU status have something to do with it?
April 17th, 2008, 06:27 PM
Don't you have field turf to put down?
No, that is not the answer smart-ass.
April 17th, 2008, 06:52 PM
It would've made sense that the two primary research centers of the SUNY system, SB and Buff. (seeing that they have AAU status), would be getting more of the funds.
April 17th, 2008, 07:21 PM
That hurts, they might currently have the worst stadium in FCS....
Not even close.
April 17th, 2008, 07:53 PM
That sucks. Albany needs a new field and they definitely deserve better than what they have now. I went up a few years ago for the Hofstra game and the stands were horrible. Worse than a lot of HS fields, at least on the visiting side.
The visiting side has the GOOD seats. The home side seating is lower and further from the field. And you can't get splinters on the visitors' side.
April 17th, 2008, 08:41 PM
Does UA have a football booster group like Colgate's Maroon Council or Fordham's Gridiron Club? If not, it is time to form one. It can really help in fund-raising. You guys deserve that ballpark with all the positive steps that program is taking.
April 17th, 2008, 08:42 PM
Ok I'll jump into this. First I was impressed with the drawings of Albany's stadium that were on this board last year. It is a first class facility and I truly hope it becomes a reality in the near future . That being said the boom that is going on at Stonybrook has less to do with wins and losses in any sport they support. I dont think football will challenge LSU or Ohio St.anytime soon and basketball has yet to win 10 games in the last 3 seasons.
Putting the sports aside , a private benefactor came forward and put up 60 million for a new math and science building. Expect to hear an annoucement in the next year or less of an on campus hotel and conference center being built with the help of Marriot. All this has to do with Stonybrook and research in medicine, genetics and nuclear research.
The univeristy is a managing partner at Brookhaven National Labs and Cold Spring Harbor Genetic Lab ( Watson and Crick). Its proximity to NYC where it has a campus, and the Southhampton campus which is doing Marine research.
I suspect the State and private foundations want to show case it and this justifies the funding more than anything else. It is also expected to reach a total student body of nearly 30,000 in the next 6 to 8 years.
So while I under stand the frustration with the Albany politicians, there is major justification for whats going on out there.
April 17th, 2008, 09:48 PM
SB is a major, national research center with AAU status in the NYC area.
If it weren't for Buffalo, SB would be the outright flagship of the SUNY system.
April 18th, 2008, 01:35 AM
Ok...I will bite-- Albany, my friends, had more research dollars than Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook, for the past two years. a fact. me an the rest of the board of a favor and STFU if you have ZERO clue what you are talking about.
The fact is, Albany is without a President for nearly THREE years now because the POLITICIANS in Albany can't agree on a Chancellor.
Gee, I dunno know, but if you don't have a Strong President (something UB and SBU have) you wont get ****.
And Mr. Bison...I worked on the Higher Ed Board with Ken LaValle. My first job out of school was Chief Press Aid and Albany Office Manager for the #2 guy on the Higher Ed Board.
Ken's #1 guy is now the head of Nanotech...a stroke of genius by our dearly departed President. It is why Albany is the #1 Nanotech school in the World. Nanotech is what keeps us typing on these computers.
And for the record, there is NO FLAGSHIP in the SUNY SYSTEM. By LAW...and BY Nelson Rockefeller's mandate, there are FOUR CENTERS FOR EACH PART OF THE STATE.
Stony Brook is about 20 minutes closer to NYC than ALBANY. Stony Brook has NO PULL in NYC...NADA...ZIP.
You are wrong my friend...way wrong.
April 18th, 2008, 01:40 AM
So while I under stand the frustration with the Albany politicians, there is major justification for whats going on out there.
Justification for giving a team a new arena that they don't need.
Justification for a stadium renovation they do not need.
Justification for supporting to the tune of 24m per year an athletic program that, quite frankly, shows ZERO return.
Justifcation for denying Albany, a school with MORE TOP RATED programs than STONY BROOK, equal funding.
Without the medical center, which is legally mandated, Stony Brook is an equal to Albany. We just differ in the strength of the programs.
Quite frankly, the politics of NY are simple-- They dont want...never to look like they are screwing downstate. Heck, I am a NYC guy through and through and I benefited from this **** policy.
The Fact that CUNY gets money is a joke.
April 18th, 2008, 07:18 AM
Albany, my friends, had more research dollars than Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook, for the past two years. a fact.
(R&D expenditures at all universities and colleges with a medical school)
44 SUNY Buffalo $297,909 million
56 SUNY Stony Brook $234,635 million
(R&D expenditures at all universities and colleges without a medical school)
15 SUNY Albany $274,354 million
Stony Brook is about 20 minutes closer to NYC than ALBANY.
Go to and type in "stony brook ny to new work ny"
1 hr 21 min
type in "albany ny to new york ny"
2 hr 47 min
Just the facts.
April 18th, 2008, 08:34 AM
(R&D expenditures at all universities and colleges with a medical school)
44 SUNY Buffalo $297,909 million
56 SUNY Stony Brook $234,635 million
(R&D expenditures at all universities and colleges without a medical school)
15 SUNY Albany $274,354 million
Go to and type in "stony brook ny to new work ny"
1 hr 21 min
type in "albany ny to new york ny"
2 hr 47 min
Just the facts.
google maps driving times are not facts buddy, sorry. especially when you get anywhere near NYC or Long Island.
Its an upstate vs. downstate battle that will last forever. The problem is, its way too lopsided of a battle.
Regardless, I'm still yet to see the justification for denying UAlbany stadium funding and yet providing expansion and renovation funding for Stony Brook. SBU could have waited two years to expand their new stadium. SBU ony averages little over half of the capacity attendance already.
Sure they average about 800 more per game then Albany, but if you've ever been to an Albany game you know why. Half of the fans cannot even see the field. That's how bad it is.
April 18th, 2008, 10:23 AM
BISON-- The figures you post ARE NOT THE FINAL NUMBERS. Additionally, Albany is ranked ahead of STONY BROOK...which was my original point. You take away the medical $$$ given to Stony Brook and Buffalo (the numbers are quite large) and guess what....ALBANY, without a medical facility, is RANKED WAY AHEAD OF BOTH SCHOOLS.
What you fail to post is the money funneled to NANOTECH that is not part of that figure...and UALBANY FOUNDATION AND THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION...which funnels research (and doles our research) $$.
Just move along.
And, BTW, anyone taking 2:47 to get to Albany simply can't drive. Going around 70-75 MPH, I would get DOOR to DOOR from NYC to Albany in just under 2:20. With LI traffic, it takes about 2 hours to get from Brooklyn to Eastern LI. And that is a good day.
It is the reason why so many people "chopper" out to their Eastern LI homes.
April 18th, 2008, 10:54 AM
Dane 96 dont buy into his BS. UA will have a stadium in time for 2010. It will either be massive reovations to UF or a brand new facility. There is a ton of private money in the coffers right now(we still need more mind you so everyone open their check book) and I know this for a fact as I am on the steering committe of the stadium.
The real concern is which conference we go to. This is also part of the reason for the delay. The company out of GA is going ahead with the work they were contracted to do. The local politicians know they screwed the pooch on tghis bonehead decision. I cant make gaurantees but I would be floored if the funding did not get done next April. Never fear a new structure will be constructed in time for an new conference or a new NEC conference with 45 rides. Add Rhode Island along with Maine or Northeastern to the NEC(maybe Fordham...shed light Fordham gposters) and sending Wagner, SHU and SFU to the Pioneer.
April 18th, 2008, 10:59 AM
Hey, I have an idea.... Why don't you see if the Albany Public School System can build you a stadium? It has worked for my Flyers....xlolx Well, kind of....:(
April 18th, 2008, 11:05 AM
Hey, I have an idea.... Why don't you see if the Albany Public School System can build you a stadium? It has worked for my Flyers....xlolx Well, kind of....:(
Our stadium will be a community stadium, but it will be our's first and foremost. But even more of a reason to build it is the benefit to the community. There isn't any stadium of this size within 120 miles of Albany.
April 18th, 2008, 11:12 AM
And, BTW, anyone taking 2:47 to get to Albany simply can't drive. Going around 70-75 MPH, I would get DOOR to DOOR from NYC to Albany in just under 2:20. With LI traffic, it takes about 2 hours to get from Brooklyn to Eastern LI. And that is a good day.
It is the reason why so many people "chopper" out to their Eastern LI homes.
Got to back up D96 on the travel issue. In my experience you've got a much better chance of making a reasonable trip from Albany to NYC than you do from Stony Brook. There is a reason that the Long Island Expressway is known as the world's largest (or is it longest) parking lot!! When I went out to the UNH hoop game at Stony Brook this year, it took me over four hours at midday on a weekday (outside rush hours). Of course my return trip was only 2:40 when departing SBU at 10:00 PM!! From my experience from four trips to Stony Brook, I don't feel that the campus is urban NYC.
I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I've been to basketball games at Albany, Stony Brook and Binghamton (no football). Binghamton has the best basketball arena of the three and its only a few years old. Stony Brook has a perfectly adequate basketball arena and has a new football stadium which IIRC seats at least 8K with modern press facilities and luxury boxes. And it has loads of room to sit on the grass around the field. Albany has a nicer basketball setup than SBU, but their football facility is really lacking. Let's put it this way, I think the Danes supporters would gladly take Cowell, Parsons or Meade in its place. I don't understand why NYS wouldn't at least give Albany a facility equal to what Stony Brook has?
April 18th, 2008, 11:19 AM
Dane 96 dont buy into his BS. UA will have a stadium in time for 2010. It will either be massive reovations to UF or a brand new facility. There is a ton of private money in the coffers right now(we still need more mind you so everyone open their check book) and I know this for a fact as I am on the steering committe of the stadium.
The real concern is which conference we go to. This is also part of the reason for the delay. The company out of GA is going ahead with the work they were contracted to do. The local politicians know they screwed the pooch on tghis bonehead decision. I cant make gaurantees but I would be floored if the funding did not get done next April. Never fear a new structure will be constructed in time for an new conference or a new NEC conference with 45 rides. Add Rhode Island along with Maine or Northeastern to the NEC(maybe Fordham...shed light Fordham gposters) and sending Wagner, SHU and SFU to the Pioneer.
Now there's a serious question for the Maine, Rhody and for argument's sake Northeastern supporters. Let's start with Maine and URI, do you think your administration and supporters would prefer a 45 scholarship NEC type league rather than continuing on in the CAA?
For Northeastern it is more complicated because they are an all sports member of the CAA. I seriously doubt they could move football to the NEC and maintain CAA membership.
April 18th, 2008, 11:47 AM
Now there's a serious question for the Maine, Rhody and for argument's sake Northeastern supporters. Let's start with Maine and URI, do you think your administration and supporters would prefer a 45 scholarship NEC type league rather than continuing on in the CAA?
For Northeastern it is more complicated because they are an all sports member of the CAA. I seriously doubt they could move football to the NEC and maintain CAA membership.
Oh how the theories could change in another week or so when playoff expansion goes to vote.
If expansion is approved then all of a sudden an NEC with an AQ looks pretty attractive to URI and Maine, doesn't it?
April 18th, 2008, 11:50 AM
Especially a URI who has a major deficit.
April 18th, 2008, 12:11 PM
google maps driving times are not facts buddy, sorry.
As a matter of physics, they are.
They calculate the distance traveled along the roads and then divide by the posted speed limits on those roads to get the time.
IE, if you're going the speed limit, it will take you 2 hr and 47 minutes to go from Albany to NYC.
If you want to drive faster or if you are slowed by traffic, that is irrelevant to the fact.
April 18th, 2008, 12:13 PM
BISON-- The figures you post ARE NOT THE FINAL NUMBERS.
I don't know what "final numbers" means, but those numbers are what each school self reported to the National Science Foundation.
So, as far as facts go, those are the "final" numbers.
Whatever you want to try and concoct is your own business.
April 18th, 2008, 12:16 PM
As a matter of physics, they are.
They calculate the distance traveled along the roads and then divide by the posted speed limits on those roads to get the time.
IE, if you're going the speed limit, it will take you 2 hr and 47 minutes to go from Albany to NYC.
If you want to drive faster or if you are slowed by traffic, that is irrelevant to the fact.
A fact in talking about travelling times would most certainly not be based on a calculation of distance and speed. It takes me and the great majority of the rest of the world under 2.5 hours to get from Albany to NYC. That is a fact.
If you said Albany is further away in mileage from NYC then SBU is, then I would agree with you. But, travel times based on distance and speed are more hypothesis, then reality. Reality is fact. Theory is just that, theory.
Thanks. If you want to discuss more symantics let me know.
April 18th, 2008, 12:18 PM
The distance/speed limit is the only possible fact.
You driving over the speed limit is not a fact.
April 18th, 2008, 12:21 PM
The distance/speed limit is the only possible fact.
You driving over the speed limit is not a fact.
So what you are saying is that when I drive over the speed limit, I am not really driving over the speed limit because of the distance/speed limit calculation? Or that when it takes me less then 2.5 hours to get from Albany to NYC, it doesn't really take me less then 2.5 hours?
Gosh.....logic.....gets 'em every time.
Move along pal.
April 18th, 2008, 12:25 PM
I am saying that the only possible fact that can be shown is that the time it takes to get form one city to another is the distance between then via connecting roads divided by the speed limit on those roads.
April 18th, 2008, 12:26 PM
Traffic on the Long Island Expressway is also a fact.
142 miles at 65 mph = two hours and 11 minutes.
April 18th, 2008, 12:27 PM
I am saying that the only possible fact that can be shown is that the time it takes to get form one city to another is the distance between then via connecting roads divided by the speed limit on those roads.
See, that's where I think you are wrong. That is only one possible fact. There are many possible times it could take to get from one city to another. All of which would be fact. The distance/mph calculation is nothing more then an estimation of what it could take to get from one city to another.
And btw, this conversation is stupid.
April 18th, 2008, 12:46 PM
Oh how the theories could change in another week or so when playoff expansion goes to vote.
If expansion is approved then all of a sudden an NEC with an AQ looks pretty attractive to URI and Maine, doesn't it?
I don't really know if it is attractive to URI and Maine. I think it would be attractive to Cobblestone based on his posts, but not sure how the school feels about the topic. I've read some comments from the Maine AD (IIRC) that hinted at not being able to compete in the CAA so they might have some interest? Maybe MaineJeff or Bainsey or other Maine posters can provide some info?
April 18th, 2008, 12:51 PM
Look, none of you have any credibility.
I'm just going to post a screen capture from the only credible source:
April 18th, 2008, 12:54 PM
Look, none of you have any credibility.
I'm just going to post a screen capture from the only credible source:
Please please please.
I'm beggin you. End the misery.
Even google maps says that this time is NOT A hard and true FACT.
From your screen shot:
155 miles - about 2 hours 47 minutes
emphasis added.
Don't you have something else to do?
I heard another FCS school is about to announce a huge new stadium project. They'll be playing non-scholarship football and their stadium will have a track around it and be natural grass.
April 18th, 2008, 12:56 PM
About doesn't mean plus/minus 30 mins.
April 18th, 2008, 12:59 PM
About doesn't mean plus/minus 30 mins.
who knows what "about" means exactly. It has no definitive range.
But saying something is about X, certainly does not mean that it is a fact that it is X. It means that it could be X, or maybe it won't be. Maybe it will be Y or Z instead.
I'm done. You can write back whatever you want and I'm not responding.
You can feel like you won the battle. Write home about it and hang it on your refrigerator. Congratulations.
April 18th, 2008, 01:09 PM
New York State Thruway mileage
Mainline I-87/I-90Exit
Number Description Milepost
END New York City Line 0.00
Exit 23 Albany 141.92
Your distance is meaningless because nobody lives at State and Eagle- that's the state capitol buildng
April 18th, 2008, 01:27 PM
I don't know what "final numbers" means, but those numbers are what each school self reported to the National Science Foundation.
So, as far as facts go, those are the "final" numbers.
Whatever you want to try and concoct is your own business.
Can you be any more hard-headed? REPORTED SCIENCE NUMBERS-- You answered it yourself. My friend, research is not limited to SCIENCE $$$!
So, right now, Buffalo edges Albany by 30 million in SCIENCE NUMBERS. Albany IS NOT A SCIENCE ONLY RESEARCH SCHOOL. They are known world-wide for Policy Research. They are among the best of the best.
Add those numbers in...and bam...Albany is ahead of both a wide margin.
Next silly argument.
April 18th, 2008, 01:33 PM
The numbers are compiled by the NSF but they are not limited to "science only" research.
There is no such thing.
Those numbers represent every single dollar that Albany, Buffalo, and Stony Brook spent on research in FY 2006.
April 18th, 2008, 01:53 PM they do not because U Albany has a seperate foundation that does not fully include total numbers because they also dole out $$$ to incubators NOT affiliated with the school. In addition, the school has a close affiliation to the Rockefeller Institute...and has a seperate research arm for policy studies.
So please, carry on with your nonsense.
April 18th, 2008, 02:32 PM
they also dole out $$$ to incubators NOT affiliated with the school.
If they are not affiliated with the school then it's not research money that was spent by Albany and it therefore does not count.
April 18th, 2008, 02:35 PM
WRONG...but thanks for playing.
You beat all of us on everything-- You know, the people with direct access to the information.
We bow to you.
April 18th, 2008, 02:36 PM
It's pathetic that you're going to deny the factual numbers listed on a .gov website.
Just admit you were wrong and move on.
April 18th, 2008, 02:47 PM
Mpls, do you really think that Stony Brook is THAT much more important that they deserve a significant enhancement to their relatively new football stadium before their SUNY partner Albany gets an upgrade from a D-III stadium? xconfusedx xrolleyesx xrolleyesx
I can understand Binghamton getting the nicest hoop arena, they don't have football. Buffalo already has been taken care of. Albany and Stony Brook came to D-I at the same time. Their basketball arenas are reasonably comparable. In my world Albany gets to match what Stony Brook has for football before a Stony Brook enhancement.
Now, when you bring in fan support and on-field performance, I wouldn't be giving Stony Brook anything additional other than maybe new bleachers in their hoop arena. Albany has a significantly larger fan base and has significantly outperformed Stony during their AE years together.
April 18th, 2008, 03:00 PM
It's pathetic that you're going to deny the factual numbers listed on a .gov website.
Just admit you were wrong and move on.
Ok, arguendo, if those numbers ARE COMPLETE, your POINT STILL FAILS:
Albany ranks behind Buffalo...and ahead of Stony Brook. In this case, Albany is not arguing Buffalo got something Albany should have.
We are arguing STONY BROOK got SOMETHING ALBANY should have gotten first.
Can you follow the logical reasoning. Yes, your argument would be correct in one way if we are using the NSF numbers: Albany did not have more research $$$ than Buffalo as I claimed.
That, however, is irrelevant to the ALBANY-STONY BROOK ARGUMENT. in case you need a definition of arguendo.
April 18th, 2008, 03:08 PM
Mpls, do you really think that Stony Brook is THAT much more important that they deserve a significant enhancement to their relatively new football stadium before their SUNY partner Albany gets an upgrade from a D-III stadium?
The NYC metro area is more important than the Albany area to the state of NY and SB is a more important research center, as shown by their AAU status.
So basing it off of that, then yes they are.
April 18th, 2008, 03:10 PM
We are arguing STONY BROOK got SOMETHING ALBANY should have gotten first.
Just because Albany spent more money on research doesn't mean they deserve facility upgrades for football before Stony Brook.
April 18th, 2008, 03:17 PM
Dane, how would you know how long it takes, you only lived there?
April 18th, 2008, 03:21 PM
And no is NOT important to NYC. NOT A SOUL CONSIDERS STONY BROOK PART OF THE METRO NY AREA. That is reserved for Westchester, Rockland, possibly parts of Putnam County, Northern NJ, parts of Middle-South Jersey, parts of Nassau County (e.g. Hempstead, Bethpage, Plainview, Westbury would be the furtherst), and Western Connecticut (specifically Stamford, Greenwich, Danbury, Fairfield, etc.)
April 18th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Just because Albany spent more money on research doesn't mean they deserve facility upgrades for football before Stony Brook.
Ummm...that was YOUR ARGUMENT. We were advocating the EXACT POINT YOU JUST MADE.
It should be based on facility need...and on athletics---what has the school accomplished. Albany, for a fact, has accomplished more athletically than ALL THREE UNIVERSITY CENTERS COMBINED. It was actually in a State Proclamation.
But gee...I guess you knew that.
April 18th, 2008, 03:26 PM
Ummm...that was YOUR ARGUMENT. We were advocating the EXACT POINT YOU JUST MADE.
It should be based on facility need...and on athletics---what has the school accomplished. Albany, for a fact, has accomplished more athletically than ALL THREE UNIVERSITY CENTERS COMBINED. It was actually in a State Proclamation.
But gee...I guess you knew that.
You should just do this: xbangx It's quicker and doesn't hurt as much.
April 18th, 2008, 03:29 PM
I agree 813--- But I think I will just continue to amuse myself with Bison while I drink away the rest of the day! It is SO MUCH MORE FUN realizing that there ACTUALLY is someone out there who is dumber than I am!
April 18th, 2008, 05:12 PM
Ummm...that was YOUR ARGUMENT.
My argument is that SB deserves it because they are a major national research center in the SUNY system.
That's why they have the AAU membership.
April 18th, 2008, 05:29 PM
Ok...are you simply the dumbest man on this board: Albany, per your stats, IS A BIGGER NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER THAN STONY BROOK.
Seriously, how dense can a human being be?
Do you even know the process of AAU membership? It is meaningless to an athletic discussion.
Done with you and your idiocy. I will let you post away.
Lehigh Football Nation
April 18th, 2008, 07:57 PM
April 18th, 2008, 08:24 PM
Since the Albanians feel like the stadium is owed to them, and they felt like they arrived when they beat our injury depleted team two years ago. Now I really want to kick their A$$.
April 18th, 2008, 08:28 PM
What are you talking about. Owed to them? We never said it was owed...rather it is NECESSARY. Our stadium is actually DANGEROUS.
And the further argument is that over 20m was given to upgrade FINE FACILITIES at Stony Brook, while Albany's are nailed down wood to concrete steps...and rusted bleachers. Hands down probably bottom three worst facilities in FCS.
Further, no one said we arrived...but we made steps when we beat you.
April 18th, 2008, 09:16 PM
ok cool Dane, good luck with the stadium improvements, We are still going to kick your A$$ in a big way due to 06 but I dont mean that in a bad way.
April 18th, 2008, 11:50 PM
Maybe they can get it funded privately?
I don't know, their alumni can only donate so much of their paycheck from their jobs at McDonald's
April 19th, 2008, 01:29 AM
Is this the smack board?
April 19th, 2008, 01:56 AM
I don't know, their alumni can only donate so much of their paycheck from their jobs at McDonald's
I hope you didnt pay the full 40k boat per year for that colorful use of the English Language.
Without even knowing his job, I can think of 10 Albany grads with a finer career than this misfit.
Must be a good feeling to know you can put someone down since, you know, it is tough being at best the fifth rated IVY institution-- academically speaking.
No offense to normal Big Red fans.
April 19th, 2008, 10:48 AM
Spending more money doesn't mean you're doing more quality research.
In fact, wasn't it you who said that Albany does a lot of research on Foreign Policy?
What a worthless waste of money.
SB does research in the medical and bio fields. High tech money makers that actually benefit society.
April 19th, 2008, 11:02 AM me a favor and go away. PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF YOU FOR A REASON. Take a introspective.
Buddy, Nanotechnology, the technology that allows the development of microscopic circuit boards and other products in order to give us smaller and lighter items, is the HOTTEST tech in the world right now. Heck, Nanotech is considered the present and future of technology.
When we are through with that, we could move on to Albany's TOP RATED Atmospheric Science Center, you know...the one that houses the Northeast's Doppler Radar Center and is utilized CONSISTENTLY by NASA. When we are through there, we can go to Albany's TOP RATED School of PUBLIC HEALTH and the GeNYSiS Cancer Research Lab, the State's official Cancer Genomic Research Center and Biotechnology lab.
Stony Brook has fantastic and top research...and they do partner with Brookhaven National Labs (they do not run it)....but you my friend are wrong about many things in this world.
BTW, nice to see the US government is all fiesty regarding the LEAD in Field Turf--- FRONT PAGE NEWS ON CNN TODAY!
April 19th, 2008, 11:04 AM
I'm sure MIT has something to say about that.
April 19th, 2008, 11:19 AM
I'm sure MIT has something to say about that.
Actually, MIT does not.
"The #1 College in the World for Nanotechnology
The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) of the University at Albany (UAlbany) – the first college in the world dedicated to nanotechnology education, research and economic outreach – has been the world's number one college for nanotechnology and microtechnology, according to... annual University Rankings. UAlbany offers more micro- and nano-specific degrees than any other university: six in total, with small-tech minor/emphasis allowed in additional M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. And, UAlbany was awarded more nanotechnology patents (98) than any other respondent in the Small Times' survey."
These 98 nanotechnology patents were produced on site at the CNSE Albany NanoTech facilities either by CNSE research teams, by the CNSE partners' research teams resident at Albany NanoTech and cross-licensed to CNSE, or by joint CNSE and partners' research teams resident at Albany NanoTech and cross-licensed among the partners.
In addition, 7 microtechnology patents were awarded and 68 microtechnology patent applications and 188 nanotechnology patent applications were filed in 2006 by CNSE research teams, by the CNSE partners' research teams resident at Albany NanoTech and cross-licensed to CNSE, or by joint CNSE and partners' research teams resident at Albany NanoTech and cross-licensed among the partners.
In the education category, CNSE ranked first, followed by the University of Michigan, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Penn State University and the University of Maryland. In the facilities category, CNSE also ranked first, higher than the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Arizona State University, the University of Michigan and Rutgers University. "
Do you enjoy being a completely clueless DBag?
April 19th, 2008, 11:22 AM
CNSE's Albany NanoTech Complex – a $4.2 billion megaplex that has attracted over 250 global corporate partners – is the most advanced research complex at any university in the world.
April 19th, 2008, 11:33 AM
I forgot to mention the CESTM research center...which is the leader n Semi-Conductor Wafer Systems Research. So much so, that SEMTECH (the nation's largest company in the industry) is relocating from Round Rock, Texas (DELL Corp) to Albany.
Here is a pic of the #1 ranked CNSE complex. It will double in size over the next two years.
April 19th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Until Albany receives AAU membership, though, they will not be allowed to be considered a top national research center.
Col Hogan
April 19th, 2008, 12:56 PM
Dane.....why do you beat your head against the wall that is Mplsbison???
It feels real good to just stop...ignore...
Because 90% of the folks who post here recognize caca toro when they get a whiff.....
April 19th, 2008, 02:59 PM
I figured coming from Mass. you would've been used to the smell.
Col Hogan
April 19th, 2008, 07:18 PM
I figured coming from Mass. you would've been used to the smell.
Is that the best you can do...xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox xlmaox
July 9th, 2011, 10:18 PM
UAlbany Stadium is back on. Yeah, boy! university_of_new_york_110623/
Sly Fox
July 10th, 2011, 09:02 AM
That may be one of the all-time AGS bumps.
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