View Full Version : Flacco best QB in draft
April 16th, 2008, 04:01 PM
The Buffalo news (yes, I know) says that Joe Flacco is the best QB in the draft (
April 16th, 2008, 04:15 PM
The Buffalo news (yes, I know) says that Joe Flacco is the best QB in the draft (
I wish these writers would use their brains and actually analyze these prospects. All he mentions is that Flacco is big with a strong arm. I really hope that is not the basis of his opinion.
April 16th, 2008, 04:58 PM
I wish these writers would use their brains and actually analyze these prospects. All he mentions is that Flacco is big with a strong arm. I really hope that is not the basis of his opinion.
Somebody's 'green' is showing.. again.. but it's certainly no surprise that Mr USDFAN_55 showed up here with another anti Flacco post... :p
April 16th, 2008, 05:07 PM
Somebody's 'green' is showing.. again.. but it's certainly no surprise that Mr USDFAN_55 showed up here with another anti Flacco post... :p
What was anti Flacco about saying the writer of that article was only basing his opinion on size and strength. You just immediately think that I'm hating Flacco because I'm a Johnson fan, but that is far from the truth. Take off your blinders, and stop trying to turn my posts into a Flacco vs Johnson issuexnonox
April 16th, 2008, 05:08 PM
I must be hitting on some truth if all I get in response is that I'm envious.xnodx
April 16th, 2008, 05:41 PM
I wish these writers would use their brains and actually analyze these prospects. All he mentions is that Flacco is big with a strong arm. I really hope that is not the basis of his opinion.
Actually, I thought the writer did a decent job of analyzing the prospects. It is amazing to me that as soon as anyone posts anything positive about Flacco, you are always the first one to bash that opinion. The number of posts you have made criticizing anyone's positive comments about Flacco is telling. I'm not sure why you have such an obsession with this topic. What's interesting is that I don't think I have seen one post from a Delaware poster criticizing anyone that has said positive things about Johnson. Most Delaware fans have done nothing but wish him well as we do all FCS players. I don't get it. We are well aware of your opinion regarding Flacco. Why do you feel the need to post the same comments over and over again?
April 16th, 2008, 05:52 PM
Actually, I thought the writer did a decent job of analyzing the prospects. It is amazing to me that as soon as anyone posts anything positive about Flacco, you are always the first one to bash that opinion. The number of posts you have made criticizing anyone's positive comments about Flacco is telling. I'm not sure why you have such an obsession with this topic. What's interesting is that I don't think I have seen one post from a Delaware poster criticizing anyone that has said positive things about Johnson. Most Delaware fans have done nothing but wish him well as we do all FCS players. I don't get it. We are well aware of your opinion regarding Flacco. Why do you feel the need to post the same comments over and over again?
Maybe I'll just sign in as an anonymous poster and say the same thing. Will that be better for you? I never said anything negative in this thread. You guys just immediately get on the defensive. All I said is that I wish the writer would give more analysis, besides the glaringly obvious. is that asking too much? Please show me in my post where I said the writer is full of it by saying Flacco is so good? It's just really tiring to read the same ol' cookie cutter observations. Is it asking too much for the writier to have his own opinion? These guys are getting paid to do some kind of research, right? Or do they just continually regurgitate the same thing over and over again?
As long as the same articles are posted on here again and again, I will continue to point out the obvious that many do not seem to see, or don't want to.
April 16th, 2008, 05:53 PM
Calm down, he made an honest statement and didn't even mention how he felt about Flacco. I know it is hard because your Flacco is the only thing you have to rely on, but it won't matter if he is or isn't considered the best QB in the draft. He had a good season because he played at a lower divison. He has the tools, obviously, but it all has to fall in place. I am betting on him falling on his face.
April 16th, 2008, 06:10 PM
What's interesting is that I don't think I have seen one post from a Delaware poster criticizing anyone that has said positive things about Johnson.
Two things can be contributed to that.
1) There aren't a ton of articles being posted about Johnson in here
2) Maybe there's nothing to criticize about the positives mentioned? If there was, I would not be hurt if someone tried to say otherwise. I'm not going to sit back and not voice my opinion; I would expect the same from others. You can't take these posts so personal.
April 17th, 2008, 07:57 AM
Maybe I'll just sign in as an anonymous poster and say the same thing. Will that be better for you? I never said anything negative in this thread. You guys just immediately get on the defensive. All I said is that I wish the writer would give more analysis, besides the glaringly obvious. is that asking too much? Please show me in my post where I said the writer is full of it by saying Flacco is so good? It's just really tiring to read the same ol' cookie cutter observations. Is it asking too much for the writier to have his own opinion? These guys are getting paid to do some kind of research, right? Or do they just continually regurgitate the same thing over and over again?
As long as the same articles are posted on here again and again, I will continue to point out the obvious that many do not seem to see, or don't want to.
Obviously, my point went right over your head.
SideLine Shooter
April 17th, 2008, 08:01 AM
The Buffalo news (yes, I know) says that Joe Flacco is the best QB in the draft (
IMO you are all wrong. Matt Ryan will have the best pro career because he is the best QB in the draft.xcoolx xcoolx xcoolx
April 17th, 2008, 08:09 AM
What was anti Flacco about saying the writer of that article was only basing his opinion on size and strength. You just immediately think that I'm hating Flacco because I'm a Johnson fan, but that is far from the truth. Take off your blinders, and stop trying to turn my posts into a Flacco vs Johnson issuexnonox
xlolx xlolx xlolx If we only had this one post to go on you'd have a case. But alas you've been making everything a Flacco v Johnson issue since the end of the season.
Not one word about Josh Johnsonxeekx The credibility of this article just went way downxthumbsupx
Looks like an alphabetical list. Once again I wish these reporters would do a little more investigating before they write about prospects. The article talked about JJ's poor throwing at the combine, and tried attributing it to possibly being nervous on the big stage. It is well known now that he had back spasms, yet he still tried to compete in the throwing drills. His pro-day proved the spasms were bothering him.
Trust me, I'll be the first one in here writing up a storm when Johnson shines in the NFLxthumbsupx
I'm sorry if I don't agree with the media in saying Flacco is an early 2nd round (possibly late 1st round) pick; not a very good value pick in my opinion.
April 17th, 2008, 08:54 AM
It is fair to say both players have some positives and things you can pick apart on them.
What do you guys think who are not mid-major or Delaware fans such as those from Delaware State, Northern Iowa, Southern Illinois, and App State?
Rob Iola
April 17th, 2008, 09:03 AM
daPope today said during his homily at Nationals Park that he thought that Flacco was better than God Himself at the QB position...
April 17th, 2008, 09:03 AM
It is fair to say both players have some positives and things you can pick apart on them.
What do you guys think who are not mid-major or Delaware fans such as those from Delaware State, Northern Iowa, Southern Illinois, and App State?
One thing I think we can all agree on is that a lot of these guy's success will depend on which team takes them. I'd argue that if Big Ben goes anywhere but the Steelers, he doesn't have a Super Bowl ring right now. Granted, his motorcycle would be in it's original condition, but no ring nonetheless.
Both have show the tools to succeed in the right system for them (Flacco had more success at Delaware than Pittsburgh.) The only concern I would have about JJ is, of course, the level of competition and the fact that people always WAY overvalue numbers at the combine. Running a 4.4 40 in perfect conditions is great, but how fast are you when a linebacker twice your size is just as fast and has a head full of steam? (short answer: you'd better hope you're just a LITTLE bit faster than him)
April 17th, 2008, 09:18 AM
xlolx xlolx xlolx If we only had this one post to go on you'd have a case. But alas you've been making everything a Flacco v Johnson issue since the end of the season.
And where in any of those posts am I comparing the two?????? I guess I'm not allowed to post about JJ now either.xeekx You crack me upxlolx
April 17th, 2008, 09:28 AM
And where in any of those posts am I comparing the two?????? I guess I'm not allowed to post about JJ now either.xeekx You crack me upxlolx
Of course you are, I think it's great you want to promote JJ. But when you post on every Flacco thread about JJ, you are making a statement, a comparison if you will. Like I said, if it was once or twice that would be one thing, but every time somebody mentions Flacco, you jump in with JJ.
It's reminiscent of umassfan when somebody mentions a player in the CAA. If the player mentioned isn't from UMass he always loved to interject. XXX wins player of the week honor in the CAA... "Yeah, but YYY from UMass had more yards." - umassfan
Joe Flacco was born in New Jersey. "Yeah, but Josh Johnson has an uncle that lives there." - USDFAN_55
That's what it looks like to me, and obviously some others. xpeacex
April 17th, 2008, 09:35 AM
That's what it looks like to me, and obviously some others. xpeacex
many others...
April 17th, 2008, 09:36 AM
many others...
many many others
April 17th, 2008, 09:38 AM
Of course you are, I think it's great you want to promote JJ. But when you post on every Flacco thread about JJ, you are making a statement, a comparison if you will. Like I said, if it was once or twice that would be one thing, but every time somebody mentions Flacco, you jump in with JJ.
It's reminiscent of umassfan when somebody mentions a player in the CAA. If the player mentioned isn't from UMass he always loved to interject. XXX wins player of the week honor in the CAA... "Yeah, but YYY from UMass had more yards." - umassfan
Joe Flacco was born in New Jersey. "Yeah, but Josh Johnson has an uncle that lives there." - USDFAN_55
That's what it looks like to me, and obviously some others. xpeacex
Yeah right, and next you'll try to tell me that DetroitFlyer thinks the PFL is subject to some grand conspiracy keeping them out of the Press and ignored by FCS fans everywhere! xlolx
April 17th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Of course you are, I think it's great you want to promote JJ. But when you post on every Flacco thread about JJ, you are making a statement, a comparison if you will. Like I said, if it was once or twice that would be one thing, but every time somebody mentions Flacco, you jump in with JJ.
It's reminiscent of umassfan when somebody mentions a player in the CAA. If the player mentioned isn't from UMass he always loved to interject. XXX wins player of the week honor in the CAA... "Yeah, but YYY from UMass had more yards." - umassfan
Joe Flacco was born in New Jersey. "Yeah, but Josh Johnson has an uncle that lives there." - USDFAN_55
That's what it looks like to me, and obviously some others. xpeacex
Well when the article mentions something about JJ, I feel like I should be able to comment on it. Should I start another thread with JJ in the title using the same article to voice my opinion? I'm not the one starting all of these threads, just responding to them.
I'm still having a really hard time seeing why you guys are so upset. This is a forum where topics are discussed, correct? Typically discussions come from different points of view, correct? Should we all bow down and accept what these articles are saying, or should we point out the glaring flaws? Am I entitled to question what others say, or do I have to agree? Maybe I can disagree with everything, except the Flacco stuff..... will the suffice?
What's so funny to me is how irritated you guys get when someone has a different opinion than your own. Most of the time I'm picking on the writers who are getting paid to write crap about the FCS, but even that upsets you. I guess it's not crap to you when it's something you believe so much in, but it's crap to me when the article has very little supporting facts or analysis'. These are all the same writers that call FCS, D-IAA or D-II!!!! That alone shows their ignorance.
April 17th, 2008, 10:22 AM
One thing I think we can all agree on is that a lot of these guy's success will depend on which team takes them. I'd argue that if Big Ben goes anywhere but the Steelers, he doesn't have a Super Bowl ring right now. Granted, his motorcycle would be in it's original condition, but no ring nonetheless.
Both have show the tools to succeed in the right system for them (Flacco had more success at Delaware than Pittsburgh.) The only concern I would have about JJ is, of course, the level of competition and the fact that people always WAY overvalue numbers at the combine. Running a 4.4 40 in perfect conditions is great, but how fast are you when a linebacker twice your size is just as fast and has a head full of steam? (short answer: you'd better hope you're just a LITTLE bit faster than him)
Those are two very valid concerns, that I am anxious to see if he can prove the doubters wrong. I think the combine in general is vastly overrated, except for the interviews and the wonderlic test. These are drills that a player can practice over and over again to perfect, but it doesn't illustrate how they will play. It just shows how they do in that drill. Game film speaks volumes above the combine workoutsxnodx
As far as the speed is concerned, he was the fastest QB still..... so I guess he's one up on the rest of the QBs that will be running for their lives from those fast linebackersxthumbsupx
April 17th, 2008, 10:32 AM
I'm still having a really hard time seeing why you guys are so upset.
xconfusedx Who is upset? I'm just trying to be accurate. Like I said "I think it's great you want to promote JJ" but your claim of not making this a Flacco v. Johnson issue is comical.
April 17th, 2008, 10:36 AM
xconfusedx Who is upset? I'm just trying to be accurate. Like I said "I think it's great you want to promote JJ" but your claim of not making this a Flacco v. Johnson issue is comical.
The ones that attack me for writing in these Flacco threads. Instead of countering my opinions with their own, they simply name call and make absurd assumptions of my envious motives.
April 17th, 2008, 10:58 AM
The ones that attack me for writing in these Flacco threads. Instead of countering my opinions with their own, they simply name call and make correct assumptions of my envious motives.
April 17th, 2008, 01:27 PM
OK...after reading the article and then the different posts on here....this is my opinion....The writer is correct in all of his statements....could he have done more research....sure...they always also may have been cut by his don't know unless you are the editor.....
As far as raw talent goes.....Flacco is the tallest(biggest) and has the strongest the NFL that is what gets a player drafted.....What makes him a great player is how well he plays in the is he smart enough to read the D, does he have the arm strength, if the D rushes him can he get away to make the play......Flacco seems to be a yes to all of these but until he has NFL speed coming at him on a daily basis....we would just be guessing....
as for Johnson....He is definitely smart enough and fast enough....the only question is can he make the passes needed at the NFL level....I don't know the answer to that....maybe
April 17th, 2008, 01:46 PM
OK...after reading the article and then the different posts on here....this is my opinion....The writer is correct in all of his statements....could he have done more research....sure...they always also may have been cut by his don't know unless you are the editor.....
As far as raw talent goes.....Flacco is the tallest(biggest) and has the strongest the NFL that is what gets a player drafted.....What makes him a great player is how well he plays in the is he smart enough to read the D, does he have the arm strength, if the D rushes him can he get away to make the play......Flacco seems to be a yes to all of these but until he has NFL speed coming at him on a daily basis....we would just be guessing....
as for Johnson....He is definitely smart enough and fast enough....the only question is can he make the passes needed at the NFL level....I don't know the answer to that....maybe
Very good points. I do believe with Flacco's physical tools he pocesses great potential if he lands with the right team, and more importantly the right coach. He's a very promising prospect, but you can't overlook some of the questions (footwork, under center, pro-style offense). All things that will be addressed with the right coach, and lots of practice.
Can Johnson make the NFL throws? I would say he can make the majority of them. Not the strongest arm, but far from the weakest. He can definitely make all the throws necesarry for the WCO. The best scenario for him is to go to a team that runs the WCO. He has run that offense for 3 years now, and that would help him a lot with his transition to the NFL. Having a good back field can't hurt either.xsmiley_wix
The NFL speed for both players will be a big adjustment. Both played a lot weaker competition than the other top QBs. I know JJ played a lot weaker competition during his career than Flacco, but how many NFL caliber players did Flacco play against at Deleware? The obvious answer is more than Johnson, but not much more.
I-AA Fan
April 17th, 2008, 03:21 PM
The Buffalo news (yes, I know) says that Joe Flacco is the best QB in the draft (
He is the best QB in the draft. The best QB possibly being drafted, that came from U of Delaware that started last year.
April 17th, 2008, 03:27 PM
USDFAN_55, Your jealousy is pathetic! There is no other way to put it. Every post you respond to shows that, no matter how you want to disquise it... We should all be praising any coverage FCS players get before the draft because it shows you don't have to play at an FBS (BCS) school to be a top prospect in the NFL.. Plus it gives more credibility to our level and educates the general public about the teams in the FCS.
The other posters are right in that you want to downplay any positive article about Flacco.. Johnson certainly is going to be a draft pick, just not at solid as flacco or maybe more risky as some say... It's not about comparing the two either.. They are different size and style qb's and will go to teams with different immediate needs..
So if you want gain some credibility among some longtime board members and knowledgable FCS fans then stop the constant backseat whining because of someone else in the front seat.. Their both going to the same place, so it doesn't matter who get's there first?xrolleyesx
April 17th, 2008, 03:51 PM
USDFAN_55, Your jealousy is pathetic! There is no other way to put it. Every post you respond to shows that, no matter how you want to disquise it... We should all be praising any coverage FCS players get before the draft because it shows you don't have to play at an FBS (BCS) school to be a top prospect in the NFL.. Plus it gives more credibility to our level and educates the general public about the teams in the FCS.
The other posters are right in that you want to downplay any positive article about Flacco.. Johnson certainly is going to be a draft pick, just not at solid as flacco or maybe more risky as some say... It's not about comparing the two either.. They are different size and style qb's and will go to teams with different immediate needs..
So if you want gain some credibility among some longtime board members and knowledgable FCS fans then stop the constant backseat whining because of someone else in the front seat.. Their both going to the same place, so it doesn't matter who get's there first?xrolleyesx
Please point to the post where I say Johnson should be drafted before Flacco? Most of these articles do nothing for the credibility of the FCS. They all make it seem like it's such a miracle that an FCS QB is mentioned as one of the top 3 prospects, just because of his inferior competition. Every article talks/hints about how weak the FCS is, so how is that building any kind of credibility? The players that build credibility for the FCS are the players that are successful at the next level (McNair, Romo, Westbrook, and etc). The same goes for the ones that hurt the credibility of the FCS (Tavaris Jackson). Once again all my posts are pointing out the glaringly horrible coverage that the FCS receives. Poor information is constantly regurgitated. I know you guys all love Flacco and everything FCS, but you need to come back down to earth. All this media hype has gotten to your head. Look at this from an NFL fan perspective. If my team needed a QB ASAP would I choose Johnson or Flacco in the first or second? No way. I would go with a more proven prospect such as Booty, Henne, Brohm, etc. If my team had an aging veteran with 2-3 years left in the tank would I want Johnson or Flacco? Of course I would, but at the very earliest in the late second to early third round.
So keep on making your assumptions instead of engaging in a real discussion. Obviously it pains you to know that an FCS fan has something negative to say about your Golden Boy Flacco. I'll continue to post my opinions, as long as the same articles are posted over and over again. I'm sure you guys will continue to name call, and assume I must be either envious or on crack to think anything negative about Joe.
April 17th, 2008, 03:52 PM
So if you want gain some credibility among some longtime board members and knowledgable FCS fans then stop the constant backseat whining because of someone else in the front seat.. Their both going to the same place, so it doesn't matter who get's there first?xrolleyesx
I could really care less if I get credibility from you guys. If credibility means selling out, then I don't want it.
April 17th, 2008, 04:31 PM
your Golden Boy Flacco.
Gee. I can't believe we are passing judgement on you 55. You seem to be so impartial on this whole subject.
FWIW, I haven't seen anyone call JJ any disparaging names. xcoffeex
April 17th, 2008, 05:03 PM
Please point to the post where I say Johnson should be drafted before Flacco? Most of these articles do nothing for the credibility of the FCS. They all make it seem like it's such a miracle that an FCS QB is mentioned as one of the top 3 prospects, just because of his inferior competition. Every article talks/hints about how weak the FCS is, so how is that building any kind of credibility? The players that build credibility for the FCS are the players that are successful at the next level (McNair, Romo, Westbrook, and etc). The same goes for the ones that hurt the credibility of the FCS (Tavaris Jackson). Once again all my posts are pointing out the glaringly horrible coverage that the FCS receives. Poor information is constantly regurgitated. I know you guys all love Flacco and everything FCS, but you need to come back down to earth. All this media hype has gotten to your head. Look at this from an NFL fan perspective. If my team needed a QB ASAP would I choose Johnson or Flacco in the first or second? No way. I would go with a more proven prospect such as Booty, Henne, Brohm, etc. If my team had an aging veteran with 2-3 years left in the tank would I want Johnson or Flacco? Of course I would, but at the very earliest in the late second to early third round.
So keep on making your assumptions instead of engaging in a real discussion. Obviously it pains you to know that an FCS fan has something negative to say about your Golden Boy Flacco. I'll continue to post my opinions, as long as the same articles are posted over and over again. I'm sure you guys will continue to name call, and assume I must be either envious or on crack to think anything negative about Joe.
First off, i never stated that you said Johnson should be drafted ahead of Flacco, but your anti-flacco posts are pretty obvious. If you can't see that, then you are just plain ignorant!
Second, Flacco will be by the picked by midway through the second round.
BTW, Flacco is not my golden boy.. I'm a Mcneese fan first and foremost and FCS Fan in general second, so i look at everything objectively as i have no dog in this fight.
I'm looking to promote the FCS as a whole..Why else would i have put up the money to publish 3 different I-AA Preview magazines?
April 17th, 2008, 07:06 PM
First off, i never stated that you said Johnson should be drafted ahead of Flacco, but your anti-flacco posts are pretty obvious. If you can't see that, then you are just plain ignorant!
Second, Flacco will be by the picked by midway through the second round.
BTW, Flacco is not my golden boy.. I'm a Mcneese fan first and foremost and FCS Fan in general second, so i look at everything objectively as i have no dog in this fight.
I'm looking to promote the FCS as a whole..Why else would i have put up the money to publish 3 different I-AA Preview magazines?
Are you publishing the mag again this year? You did a great job with the previous ones!
April 17th, 2008, 07:54 PM
First off, i never stated that you said Johnson should be drafted ahead of Flacco, but your anti-flacco posts are pretty obvious. If you can't see that, then you are just plain ignorant!
Should I not speak up if I don't agree with the articles? This is not an anti-Flacco campaign; get that straight. I will not sell out and say what the FCS posters want to hear. Instead of attacking me, how about defending your stance. Maybe try pointing out where my stance is flawed. This has been discussed a thousand time in here, and I'm sure most know my stance on the situation. Flacco is a good QB, with a lot of potential to be greatxnodx xreadx But he is being over hyped by the media, is he not? The media has found their golden boy for this years draft.
April 17th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Gee. I can't believe we are passing judgement on you 55. You seem to be so impartial on this whole subject.
FWIW, I haven't seen anyone call JJ any disparaging names. xcoffeex
There is not one person in here that is impartial, that is why my posts are getting under people's skin. I am not following the Flacco herd. I am of the minority in here, so you want me to silence my voice. The same has been done to many posters in here that do not have an opinion like the majority. When something is different it is imediately wrong in here.
Give me a break. That is hardly a disparaging remark about Flacco.
April 17th, 2008, 08:02 PM
Should I not speak up if I don't agree with the articles? This is not an anti-Flacco campaign; get that straight. I will not sell out and say what the FCS posters want to hear. Instead of attacking me, how about defending your stance. Maybe try pointing out where my stance is flawed. This has been discussed a thousand time in here, and I'm sure most know my stance on the situation. Flacco is a good QB, with a lot of potential to be greatxnodx xreadx But he is being over hyped by the media, is he not? The media has found their golden boy for this years draft.
I almost wish JJ was in Joe's shoes, not that he could fill themxlolx, just to see what you would be saying then. From what I've read from YOUR posts I think you would feel the hype is justified. Hmm???
April 17th, 2008, 08:06 PM
There is not one person in here that is impartial, that is why my posts are getting under people's skin. I am not following the Flacco herd. I am of the minority in here, so you want me to silence my voice. The same has been done to many posters in here that do not have an opinion like the majority. When something is different it is imediately wrong in here.
Give me a break. That is hardly a disparaging remark about Flacco.
I am impartial. I am a Hens fan and think Joe was the best FCS QB I have ever seen, although Santos always kicked our a$$. However, I have said it before and will say it again. The odds are Joe will NOT be a quality starting QB in the nfl.
April 17th, 2008, 11:15 PM
I am impartial. I am a Hens fan and think Joe was the best FCS QB I have ever seen, although Santos always kicked our a$$. However, I have said it before and will say it again. The odds are Joe will NOT be a quality starting QB in the nfl.
You being a hens fan makes you impartial.xnodx
April 17th, 2008, 11:38 PM
I almost wish JJ was in Joe's shoes, not that he could fill themxlolx, just to see what you would be saying then. From what I've read from YOUR posts I think you would feel the hype is justified. Hmm???
Hype, what hype? Being projected as high as the 3rd round is a lot different than being projected as a first rounder. The last FCS QB to go in the first round was McNair. Do any of these QBs compare to him? Nope, not a single one of them. Are any of them a legitimate 1st rounder? Nope. The value just isn't there. I really wouldn't wish any of the FCS QBs to be in Flacco's shoes right now. He is going to have a lot of high expectations to meet, and performing under that kind of pressure can't be easy. I'm not saying he can't do it, but being pressured to succeed makes it harder to actually do so. Trust me when I say I will be cheering when he is selected in the 1st or 2nd round, but I will be praying he can live up to the hype. If he does it will open the door for future FCS QBs, just like McNair, Romo, and Warner have done.
I would feel the same way if this was regarding Johnson. I actually think it's a reach for him in the 2nd. He hasn't proven as much as QBs like Booty, Henne, Ainge, Brohm, etc. He does have a huge upside, but he also has a greater potential to fail than others. The lack of pressure and high expectations will hopefully enable him to succeed, bu only time will tell.
April 18th, 2008, 08:24 AM
First off, i never stated that you said Johnson should be drafted ahead of Flacco, but your anti-flacco posts are pretty obvious. If you can't see that, then you are just plain ignorant!
Second, Flacco will be by the picked by midway through the second round.
BTW, Flacco is not my golden boy.. I'm a Mcneese fan first and foremost and FCS Fan in general second, so i look at everything objectively as i have no dog in this fight.
I'm looking to promote the FCS as a whole..Why else would i have put up the money to publish 3 different I-AA Preview magazines?
Yep, this post says volumes about you. NAME CALLING! Yeah, I really respect an old guard poster like you. Most of you just cannot stand the thought of a PFL player being BETTER than someone from one of your precious scholarship leagues. Frankly, I find it extremely amusing to see folks like you squirm! Here is a hint to help you in the future.... GET USED TO IT!
Flacco and Johnson are both very good QB's and both will get their shot. JJ will be the first player ever drafted from the PFL! Once again, GET USED TO IT as it will happen again in the future!
Man, I love to watch you old guarders quiver over your keyboards!
GO JJ, GO PFL, keep those old guarders a quivering!!!!!xnodx
April 18th, 2008, 08:31 AM
Yep, this post says volumes about you. NAME CALLING! Yeah, I really respect an old guard poster like you. Most of you just cannot stand the thought of a PFL player being BETTER than someone from one of your precious scholarship leagues. Frankly, I find it extremely amusing to see folks like you squirm! Here is a hint to help you in the future.... GET USED TO IT!
Flacco and Johnson are both very good QB's and both will get their shot. JJ will be the first player ever drafted from the PFL! Once again, GET USED TO IT as it will happen again in the future!
Man, I love to watch you old guarders quiver over your keyboards!
GO JJ, GO PFL, keep those old guarder a quivering!!!!!xnodx
I don't expect a PFL player drafted every year but I agree with you that it is going to happen again. With the rule changes there are going to be more players from the FCS as a whole and D2 who get NFL looks.
April 18th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Yep, this post says volumes about you. NAME CALLING! Yeah, I really respect an old guard poster like you. Most of you just cannot stand the thought of a PFL player being BETTER than someone from one of your precious scholarship leagues. Frankly, I find it extremely amusing to see folks like you squirm! Here is a hint to help you in the future.... GET USED TO IT!
Flacco and Johnson are both very good QB's and both will get their shot. JJ will be the first player ever drafted from the PFL! Once again, GET USED TO IT as it will happen again in the future!
Man, I love to watch you old guarders quiver over your keyboards!
GO JJ, GO PFL, keep those old guarders a quivering!!!!!xnodx
Sometimes, the truth hurts! No one cares what conference they come from or how many scholarships they have. The whole point of this thread was hijacked by someome who consistently downplay's flacco because he thinks his school's QB is better or doesn't want to play second fiddle, when they should be glowing in the fact that there are 2 high profile FCS QB's likely to be taken by the 4th round. Now you want to turn it into a scholarship argument too? Ridiculous!
April 18th, 2008, 03:08 PM
Sometimes, the truth hurts! No one cares what conference they come from or how many scholarships they have. The whole point of this thread was hijacked by someome who consistently downplay's flacco because he thinks his school's QB is better or doesn't want to play second fiddle, when they should be glowing in the fact that there are 2 high profile FCS QB's likely to be taken by the 4th round. Now you want to turn it into a scholarship argument too? Ridiculous!
How was the thread hijacked????? Are threads to only have positive things said in them? Hijacking a thread is when you go off subject.xrulesx Who has gone off subject in here? Why don't you read before making false accusations.xreadx
Pauly LB
April 27th, 2008, 12:19 PM
Did anybody see on the ESPN Draft Show the most uncomplimentary comment about Joe Flacco? While the four commentators are discussing the draft for the Baltimore Ravens the comments on the far right of the screen include one which says, "Joe Flacco will be a bust in the NFL because he is not going to be able to step up from the high-school like competition of Division 1AA to the NFL." Unfortunately the comment does not include the name of the individual responsible.
PS -- It is also ironic that one of the four ESPN commentators during that segment was Ron Jaworski who was a most successful NFL quarterback for many years who came from Division 1AA Youngstown State...
SideLine Shooter
April 27th, 2008, 12:27 PM
Did anybody see on the ESPN Draft Show the most uncomplimentary comment about Joe Flacco? While the four commentators are discussing the draft for the Baltimore Ravens the comments on the far right of the screen include one which says, "Joe Flacco will be a bust in the NFL because he is not going to be able to step up from the high-school like competition of Division 1AA to the NFL." Unfortunately the comment does not include the name of the individual responsible.
PS -- It is also ironic that one of the four ESPN commentators during that segment was Ron Jaworski who was a most successful NFL quarterback for many years who came from Division 1AA Youngstown State...
Maybe they should talk to the folks in Ann Arbor about that High School like competition in I-AA.xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
April 27th, 2008, 12:34 PM
Maybe they should talk to the folks in Ann Arbor about that High School like competition in I-AA.xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
Why must everyone hang their hats on that win, as if to say we are worthy and equak to the FBS. I think it will take more than that game to do so. If FCS teams on a consistent basis beat the upper FBS schools, then we can be considered equalxnodx Everyone in here applies that logic to other big upsets. If a PFL team beats a Gateway, PL, Ivy, or whatever everyone says it was a fluke win and that the PFL is in no way equal to those conferences. Now App State beats Michigan, and all of a sudden that logic goes away. Why's that?
SideLine Shooter
April 27th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Why must everyone hang their hats on that win, as if to say we are worthy and equak to the FBS. I think it will take more than that game to do so. If FCS teams on a consistent basis beat the upper FBS schools, then we can be considered equalxnodx Everyone in here applies that logic to other big upsets. If a PFL team beats a Gateway, PL, Ivy, or whatever everyone says it was a fluke win and that the PFL is in no way equal to those conferences. Now App State beats Michigan, and all of a sudden that logic goes away. Why's that?
I NEVER said we were equak to FBS Football. I was making a statement that we were not High School like football.
I'm use to SoCon Football which is quality football. I apologize for trying to put all FCS schools on that level. Believe me, MOST FCS TEAMS DON"T COME CLOSE TO SOCON FOOTBALL....FACT!!!!!!!!!!!xthumbsupx xcoolx xeyebrowx xthumbsupx xcoolx xeyebrowx xbangx xbeerchugx xnutsx xdeadhorsex xbabycryx xshakingmadx xdizzyx xasswhipx
April 27th, 2008, 12:45 PM
Why must everyone hang their hats on that win, as if to say we are worthy and equak to the FBS. I think it will take more than that game to do so. If FCS teams on a consistent basis beat the upper FBS schools, then we can be considered equalxnodx Everyone in here applies that logic to other big upsets. If a PFL team beats a Gateway, PL, Ivy, or whatever everyone says it was a fluke win and that the PFL is in no way equal to those conferences. Now App State beats Michigan, and all of a sudden that logic goes away. Why's that?
Nope. Your logic is sound. xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
April 27th, 2008, 02:01 PM
Flacco at #18? He is a very good prospect but I think they could have gotten him a bit later, but you never know. He might challenge Boller for snaps this year. Congrats to Flacco!
Pauly LB
April 27th, 2008, 02:20 PM
Flacco at #18? He is a very good prospect but I think they could have gotten him a bit later, but you never know. He might challenge Boller for snaps this year. Congrats to Flacco!
I do agree with you, they could probably have gotten Flacco later -- perhaps even in round two. Any way you look at it they should NOT have traded up to get to Flacco.
April 27th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Wow, Flacco has to be the surprise of the 2008 draft. Very cool that he goes in round one! Can you say huge signing bonus? ( Hopefully the Hens see a little bit of that money ).
Congratulations to Joe Flacco!
April 27th, 2008, 06:01 PM
Wow, Flacco has to be the surprise of the 2008 draft. Very cool that he goes in round one! Can you say huge signing bonus? ( Hopefully the Hens see a little bit of that money ).
Congratulations to Joe Flacco!
I'm sure the Hens will see the bucks. Scott Brunner and Rich Gannon have contributed big time to the program. Joe loved his time at UD and believes it is a special place to play football.
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