View Full Version : THE ICON's Pro Day

March 28th, 2008, 08:51 PM
(WR)Clyde Edwards
40: 4.49
225 Reps: 10
Vert. 35
Broad jump: 10

(S/LB)Zaire Willborn
40: 4.56
225 Reps: 20
Vert. 35
Broad jump: 9-10

(S)DeMichael Dizer
40: 4.61
225 Reps: 17
Vert. 34
Broad jump: 9-9

Giants, Rams, 49ers, Saints, Colts, Browns, Seahawks, Eagles, Raiders, Buccaneers, and two from Jaguars

Around 8 from THE ICON, two from La. Tech and two others participated.