View Full Version : Hank Steinbrenner Attacking Red Sox, Fans Again

February 29th, 2008, 02:01 PM

February 29th, 2008, 03:53 PM
Looking at your blog, I couldn't help but notice how the team's seven championships have come in bunches over short periods of time.

Five in the deadball era; two in the steroid/HGH era. ;)

FCS Preview
February 29th, 2008, 03:56 PM
Looking at your blog, I couldn't help but notice how the team's seven championships have come in bunches over short periods of time.

Five in the deadball era; two in the steroid/HGH era. ;)


February 29th, 2008, 09:06 PM
Looking at your blog, I couldn't help but notice how the team's seven championships have come in bunches over short periods of time.

Five in the deadball era; two in the steroid/HGH era. ;)

Hard to believe that the Red Sox have won what they have won, considering the large number of Yankees doing the 'roids and HGH during that time period. Maybe shooting up isn't what it's cracked up to be?? xlolx xlolx

February 29th, 2008, 10:34 PM
Hank goes fishing, and Travis takes the bait...

xrulesx xlmaox

February 29th, 2008, 11:07 PM
Hanks got a big job ahead of him..
and throwing money around like drunken sailors (1990's) won't be the answer

His job will require him to be smarter than Theo Epstien and the Red Sox brain trust..

Shooting his mouth off without forethought is a bad sign for the future xcoffeex where crafty intelligence is required...

interesting times ahead for Yankees fans xnodx

March 1st, 2008, 12:47 AM
Hard to believe that the Red Sox have won what they have won, considering the large number of Yankees doing the 'roids and HGH during that time period. Maybe shooting up isn't what it's cracked up to be?? xlolx xlolx


Curious amount of mid-career and late-career surges among those Red Sox ...xwhistlex

Those "Cowboy Up" guys looked all roided up ....

What we may have found out if baseball didn't hire a Red Sox agent to investigate steroid use ...

Oh, but you seriously believe that while steroid/HGH abuse was running rampant, no one on the Sox was doing it.

March 1st, 2008, 12:53 AM
Hanks got a big job ahead of him..
and throwing money around like drunken sailors (1990's) won't be the answer

His job will require him to be smarter than Theo Epstien and the Red Sox brain trust..

Shooting his mouth off without forethought is a bad sign for the future xcoffeex where crafty intelligence is required...

interesting times ahead for Yankees fans xnodx

The Yanks are in position to win. Better everyday lineup than the Sox; they just need the young pitching to come through.

The Yanks will outsmart the Sox where it counts. Yanks just hired Joe Girardi. Sox just extended Terry Francona.

March 1st, 2008, 12:59 AM
The Yanks are in position to win. Better everyday lineup than the Sox; they just need the young pitching to come through.

The Yanks will outsmart the Sox where it counts. Yanks just hired Joe Girardi. Sox just extended Grady Little.

The Yankee's have had a "better every day line-up" than every team in baseball for 12 years (since 1995)
over the past 7 years that's amounted to a few playoff wins only...

the point is - Spending 200 million every year is not a "strategy"
they will really need to grow a team - much like they did in the middle 90's

Today (at this moment) the Red Sox are the team that everybody wants to play for... not the Yankee's
It will be interesting to see how both teams deal with that
A fascinating future awaits... xnodx
This is not a criticism of Yankee's baseball (all 50 world titles in tact... or whatever) it's an observation of the present situation

March 1st, 2008, 08:57 AM

I've fixed your banner:


March 1st, 2008, 10:41 AM
so can we * 26 Time World Champions as well?

Col Hogan
March 1st, 2008, 11:04 AM
The Yanks are in position to win. Better everyday lineup than the Sox; they just need the young pitching to come through.

joe...you really should try stand-up comedy.....A Better everyday lineup??? Where...in the Hall of Fame...that I'll grant you...but today...on the field...xrolleyesx

The Yanks will outsmart the Sox where it counts. Yanks just hired Joe Girardi. Sox just extended Terry Francona.

Again with the funny stuff...how is Girardi smarter than Tito as a manager...because he was a Yankee???

He's inexperienced...Tito survived the Phillies, and went on to become a two-time WS winning manager...

Talk to me about joe being better than Terry in about ten years.....:D xrolleyesx

March 1st, 2008, 11:20 AM
Hanks got a big job ahead of him..
and throwing money around like drunken sailors (1990's) won't be the answer

His job will require him to be smarter than Theo Epstien and the Red Sox brain trust..

Shooting his mouth off without forethought is a bad sign for the future xcoffeex where crafty intelligence is required...

interesting times ahead for Yankees fans xnodx

Ummmm...we just signed the greatest player of this generation, personality aside.

Did we go out and make the stupid Johan trade? Nope...we kept youth.

We are just fine.

March 1st, 2008, 11:23 AM
joe...you really should try stand-up comedy.....A Better everyday lineup??? Where...in the Hall of Fame...that I'll grant you...but today...on the field...xrolleyesx

Again with the funny stuff...how is Girardi smarter than Tito as a manager...because he was a Yankee???

He's inexperienced...Tito survived the Phillies, and went on to become a two-time WS winning manager...

Talk to me about joe being better than Terry in about ten years.....:D xrolleyesx

Tito is a players manager...but a horrible strategist. You clearly don't live in New England where he was raked for a bit prior to winning a title. What exactly did he do in his stop before this.

Girardi, on the other hand...outperformed with a team of scrubs and young guns.

That said, I am not totally sold on Girardi yet.

And yes, even Boston fans admit the lineup for the Yankees is the best 1-9.

March 1st, 2008, 11:29 AM
Tito is a players manager...but a horrible strategist. You clearly don't live in New England where he was raked for a bit prior to winning a title. What exactly did he do in his stop before this.

Girardi, on the other hand...outperformed with a team of scrubs and young guns.

That said, I am not totally sold on Girardi yet.

And yes, even Boston fans admit the lineup for the Yankees is the best 1-9.
xlolx xlolx xlolx I think I was even calling for his head after we won the Series in 2007 :p

Reed Rothchild
March 1st, 2008, 12:34 PM
the point is - Spending 200 million every year is not a "strategy"

True, but they still have a lot of wasted money tied up in contracts of players not even on the team let alone contributing. Barring them getting Sabathia or another huge name, their payroll will drop dramatically next year.

Reed Rothchild
March 1st, 2008, 12:36 PM
Tito is a players manager...but a horrible strategist. You clearly don't live in New England where he was raked for a bit prior to winning a title. What exactly did he do in his stop before this.

Girardi, on the other hand...outperformed with a team of scrubs and young guns.

That said, I am not totally sold on Girardi yet.

And yes, even Boston fans admit the lineup for the Yankees is the best 1-9.

Giardi does have an advantage in that he watched and analyzed the team all last year. Not all incoming managers have that luxury.

March 1st, 2008, 12:36 PM
True, but they still have a lot of wasted money tied up in contracts of players not even on the team let alone contributing. Barring them getting Sabathia or another huge name, their payroll will drop dramatically next year.
no it wont, they'll find ways to spend whats coming off the books :p

Reed Rothchild
March 1st, 2008, 12:40 PM
Today (at this moment) the Red Sox are the team that everybody wants to play for...

R u kidding me? Major Leaguers play for whoever is willing to pay the money.

Reed Rothchild
March 1st, 2008, 12:41 PM
no it wont, they'll find ways to spend whats coming off the books :p

Ah yes, so true. xnodx

March 1st, 2008, 12:42 PM
so can we * 26 Time World Champions as well?

No. All our titles are clean.

March 1st, 2008, 12:43 PM
joe...you really should try stand-up comedy.....A Better everyday lineup??? Where...in the Hall of Fame...that I'll grant you...but today...on the field...xrolleyesx

Again with the funny stuff...how is Girardi smarter than Tito as a manager...because he was a Yankee???

He's inexperienced...Tito survived the Phillies, and went on to become a two-time WS winning manager...

Talk to me about joe being better than Terry in about ten years.....:D xrolleyesx

Dave, forget it, I'm on a roll.:)

Col Hogan
March 1st, 2008, 02:14 PM
Tito is a players manager...but a horrible strategist. You clearly don't live in New England where he was raked for a bit prior to winning a title. What exactly did he do in his stop before this.

Girardi, on the other hand...outperformed with a team of scrubs and young guns.

That said, I am not totally sold on Girardi yet.

And yes, even Boston fans admit the lineup for the Yankees is the best 1-9.

I think I have the benefit of being a devoted fan...from afar...

I'm not influenced by the screaming idiots on the Boston sports talk radio who scream for Tito's head if they lose two in a row...:o

Tito is not a great strategist...he does a good job, takes care of the players...

He's one of the best "cat hearders" I've seen...

March 1st, 2008, 02:34 PM
No. All our titles are clean.
BULL ****

March 1st, 2008, 02:34 PM
Let me spell it out for ya....

March 1st, 2008, 02:35 PM

March 1st, 2008, 02:35 PM

March 1st, 2008, 02:35 PM

March 1st, 2008, 02:36 PM

March 1st, 2008, 02:36 PM

March 1st, 2008, 02:36 PM

March 1st, 2008, 02:37 PM

March 1st, 2008, 02:37 PM

Reed Rothchild
March 1st, 2008, 02:40 PM
Yeah, and EVERY title won from the mid 90s on was clean. xrolleyesx

March 1st, 2008, 04:26 PM
Even though George Mitchell only interviewed snitches in the New York clubhouses in his "thorough" and "unbiased" report:

Fact: No member of the 1996 Yankees was named in the Mitchell Report;
Fact: No member of the 1998 Yankees was named in the Mitchell Report;
Fact: No member of the 1999 Yankees was named in the Mitchell Report, except Roger Clemens, who was a minor contributor to that team (and who was not implicated for using PED during the 1999 season)
Fact: No member of the 2000 Yankees was named in the Mitchell Report, except Clemens, again who was not a signficant contributor to that team.

Except for Clemens, any Yankee identified in the report is identified as having started PED use duing or after 2001, many in fact after leaving the Yankees.

In 2001, PED user Luis Gonzalez used all of his muscle to barely hit a Mariano Rivera cutter out of the infield, ending the Yankees' run as three-time World Champions and also ending the "Clean Championship Era." If Gonzalez had not been using PED, his "hit" would have fallen harmlessly where it belonged -- in Jeter's glove.

$20 million spent and Sox lackey George Mitchell failed to tarnish the Yankees championships.

Now give me a decent budget and the chance to compel Angel Presinal to talk under threat of indictment, and watch what happens.xnodx

March 1st, 2008, 04:58 PM
27 wins isnt a factor over 2 seasons??? Really.

March 1st, 2008, 05:07 PM
Incidentally, when making your predictions for 2008, keep in mind that Nostradamus has written:

Come the eve of the great millenium, the Gotham men shall thrice reign;
They shall swing mighty clubs, and shall rule the game that Abner laid out.
Then shall come the taint; the big juicer shall arise in the town of the Bean.
Papi, they shall say, has reversed that which the Sultan decreed.

Lo, from then on, all pow'r shall be controlled by those who call the Bean their home.
The curs'd shall be called the blessed; and the wretched shall ask,
"Do they place their Sox on one at a time?"

The Bean shall rejoice for its fortunes have turned truly;
They shall be called great in all their endeavors.
Even their gladiators, in helmets and pads, shall
engage in battle as if they have foreseen what their adversaries intend.

But beware of the helmeted gladiator who, in the midst of the battle,
shall grasp the oval of revolution from mid-air, and then affix it to his helmet.
Then there shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth in the town of the Bean,;
for there is no perfection.

The Sultan shall then return and restore order.
His decrees shall be renewed.
And so shall begin the storied reign of the great Prince Hal,
son of the vanquished emperor.

March 1st, 2008, 05:22 PM
trust me, you wont like my predictions :p

March 1st, 2008, 05:31 PM
Let me spell it out for ya....


xrolleyesx xcoolx xsmiley_wix

March 1st, 2008, 05:48 PM

xrolleyesx xcoolx xsmiley_wix

He's trying to make up for his 400 lost posts. Don't worry once the season starts and the Sox start reeling he'll have plenty to post about;)

March 1st, 2008, 06:03 PM
Red Sox Improve To 4-0 :D

Reed Rothchild
March 1st, 2008, 07:53 PM
He's trying to make up for his 400 lost posts. Don't worry once the season starts and the Sox start reeling he'll have plenty to post about;)

I'm surprised there haven't been any chasing history threads during spring training. xrotatehx