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May 17th, 2008, 11:00 PM
just signed up, gonna try and back you up.

you know how those lswho fans are.....

EDIT:Wow, just read some of those posts on there. Glad they see App as a little turd they can flush down their toliet bowl of a stadium. It'll be real nice to see Les throw that hat that's three sizes too small for his head on the ground since he and the Tiger faithful have misremembered who we are.

May 17th, 2008, 11:18 PM
They have been pretty bad..
some have been worse than others
heres examples from the lengthy conversations...

about our 07 rings:
"Kinda embarrassing for Appy State. I can only assume your 2005 rings didn't have this on the side:
LSU 24
Appalachian 0
"Dont think you can start sitting with the big guys...ever!! "

05 game:
"We were just toying with you guys. Was a light scrimmage for our boys."

"dumbass article written by a dumbass and posted by a dumbass"

"Appy State.......the big house is a joke compared to Tiger St On a Sat Night......"

"Les is cueing up the Wofford and Ga Southern game tapes as we speak."
I responded saying they would have to change to a triple OPtion offense or pick up a scrambler QB for that to work.

"We are going to evicerate you on both lines of scrimmage and run through your defense like week old mexican food. "

"App State is a joke. You all will talk about that one win for hundreds of years like the bammers talk about the bear"

"I love high school football
The players are so cute! "

"Why do we even deal with lesser life forms?"

"To quote the Colorado coach "It's DIVISION TWO FOOTBALL"!!!!"

"Where's the Trophy?? I want to see the trophies not the stands."

"This whole thread is retarded. They're not going to score on our defense, period. LOL @ comparing us to Michigan. "

just to give you a taste

SideLine Shooter
May 17th, 2008, 11:36 PM
just signed up, gonna try and back you up.

you know how those lswho fans are.....

EDIT:Wow, just read some of those posts on there. Glad they see App as a little turd they can flush down their toliet bowl of a stadium. It'll be real nice to see Les throw that hat that's three sizes too small for his head on the ground since he and the Tiger faithful have misremembered who we are.

Ask them about the '05 game when App pulled their starters at the start of the 4th qtr. and they played Russell and ALL their starters until 4 minutes to go in the game. Everyone from LSU asked me "who the hell are you guys and where are you from"?

We had a very good team in '05. Now we have Armanti!!!xnodx xnodx

May 17th, 2008, 11:41 PM
Ask them about the '05 game when App pulled their starters at the start of the 4th qtr. and they played Russell and ALL their starters until 4 minutes to go in the game. Everyone from LSU asked me "who the hell are you guys and where are you from"?

We had a very good team in '05. Now we have Armanti!!!xnodx xnodx

I basically did saying that our team is better than our 05 team and that their 08 team is worse than their 05 team. they responded that theyll be better this year...yea right.

SideLine Shooter
May 17th, 2008, 11:44 PM
I basically did saying that our team is better than our 05 team and that their 08 team is worse than their 05 team. they responded that theyll be better this year...yea right.

I agree with you. I think things are looking pretty good for the MOUNTAINEERS..xcoolx xcoolx xcoolx xcoolx xnodx

May 18th, 2008, 01:27 AM
I have 73 posts in the thread and counting
- http://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/messagetopic.asp?p=8225575&sp=8229173&s=2&b=1#8229173

I think I got a lot of them to cool down...maybe that just have to do with it being 1:30 AM

May 18th, 2008, 01:05 PM
Yes, While App is beating LSU, Mcneese will be whipping UNC! xlolx


Folks, Les Miles will have those boys watching that Michigan game at least once a day during the summer. LSU is alot faster than Michigan was and remember App State will be playing in that Louisiana heat which is basically 5 minutes from the gates of hell. I'd love to see App beat LSU but I can't see it. Hope I'm wrong on it though because I've come to like what they're doing down there in Boone, NC.

As far as McNeese State, UNC is going to lay HANDS on them. That game WILL get ugly.

May 18th, 2008, 01:24 PM
I've been talking on Tiger Rant for months now but today is my last day. No longer was I defending my team, but I was having to defend some stupid App fans that are starting to pull out some very un-humble comments.

May 18th, 2008, 01:31 PM
I've been talking on Tiger Rant for months now but today is my last day. No longer was I defending my team, but I was having to defend some stupid App fans that are starting to pull out some very un-humble comments.

The LSU guys started the whole thread about what our record would be in the SEC to trash us

May 18th, 2008, 01:50 PM
The LSU guys started the whole thread about what our record would be in the SEC to trash us

It was actually pretty complimentary of us at first. Some posters even said we'd be a lot like a Miss St. where we will come to play but they should win and if they weren't prepared we could come away with a win. Realistically speaking that is accurate.

May 18th, 2008, 01:57 PM
It was actually pretty complimentary of us at first. Some posters even said we'd be a lot like a Miss St. where we will come to play but they should win and if they weren't prepared we could come away with a win. Realistically speaking that is accurate.

Yea, some of them are nice, most just do the obligatoryxlolx

May 18th, 2008, 05:35 PM
I predicted the App win last year so I'll go with my same score again!!!

App 100


May 18th, 2008, 06:26 PM
I like how they are saying Death Valley is twice as loud as the big house. Jerry Moore said in the DVD football thing of this past season that the Richmond game was comparable to LSU in noise.

He says he always wears a headset with only one ear piece but in this game he almost had to where two and he was yelling to people beside of him.

I think App will not be affected one bit by the noise and if anything it should jack them up more.

May 18th, 2008, 09:21 PM
I like how they are saying Death Valley is twice as loud as the big house. Jerry Moore said in the DVD football thing of this past season that the Richmond game was comparable to LSU in noise.

He says he always wears a headset with only one ear piece but in this game he almost had to where two and he was yelling to people beside of him.

I think App will not be affected one bit by the noise and if anything it should jack them up more.

You have no idea what are talking about now. The way tiger stadium is built keeps the sound inside therefore the Death "Valley" reference. (see Wash Griz for the same effect) I guess your comment could have some merit if say only 40,000 or 50,000 fans show up. xcoffeex

Now it may not be a shock or have a big effect on ASU simply due to the fact they have been there before.

SideLine Shooter
May 18th, 2008, 09:47 PM
I predicted the App win last year so I'll go with my same score again!!!

App 100


You are a wise man..xshakingmadx xdizzyx

May 19th, 2008, 07:59 AM
I like how they are saying Death Valley is twice as loud as the big house. Jerry Moore said in the DVD football thing of this past season that the Richmond game was comparable to LSU in noise.

He says he always wears a headset with only one ear piece but in this game he almost had to where two and he was yelling to people beside of him.

I think App will not be affected one bit by the noise and if anything it should jack them up more.

Here's the problem with that....App was at home in that game (Richmond). At LSU if their qb calls for calm so he can audible, the crowds volume will drop. If AE trys to do that they will just get louder. Thats the problem playing any game away, and Tiger Stadium will be one of the worst ever. Noise effects communication.

That being said, hopefully AE and co. will be able to get their game plan down well enough to over come some of the noise. But every App fan knows AE loves to read the D and check off at the line of scrimage.

May 19th, 2008, 11:21 AM
I predicted the App win last year so I'll go with my same score again!!!

App 100


WISE MAN ?????????????????????xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx More realistic Score LSU 48 APPY 3xazzx xazzx xarguex xarguex

May 19th, 2008, 11:25 AM
You are a wise man..xshakingmadx xdizzyx

Have you been hanging around [ eriksaid] ???your getting scary.xlolx

SideLine Shooter
May 19th, 2008, 11:37 AM
WISE MAN ?????????????????????xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx More realistic Score LSU 48 APPY 3xazzx xazzx xarguex xarguex

Perhaps so. Perhaps not.

May 19th, 2008, 11:38 AM

May 19th, 2008, 11:39 AM

May 19th, 2008, 11:41 AM
And we are halfway there. xhurrayx xhurrayx Keep 'em coming folks, only three and a half months more.

May 19th, 2008, 11:41 AM
hey with that post this thread is over half way there

May 19th, 2008, 11:41 AM

But seriously UDchuck? 3 points?

Seriously. Your anti-ASU anything attitude is getting real old.

SideLine Shooter
May 19th, 2008, 11:44 AM

I like your reasoning....xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx

May 19th, 2008, 11:53 AM

But seriously UDchuck? 3 points?

Seriously. Your anti-ASU anything attitude is getting real old.

No, not anti-ASU xbawlingx xbawlingx but a more realistic score.--- Come on now ASU 100-LSU 0 ??????

May 19th, 2008, 11:55 AM

But seriously UDchuck? 3 points?

Seriously. Your anti-ASU anything attitude is getting real old.

I'd say that you might as well get used to that. We GSUers could say the same about several folks.

May 19th, 2008, 11:56 AM
1006 and counting.

May 19th, 2008, 01:38 PM
I like how they are saying Death Valley is twice as loud as the big house. Jerry Moore said in the DVD football thing of this past season that the Richmond game was comparable to LSU in noise.

He says he always wears a headset with only one ear piece but in this game he almost had to where two and he was yelling to people beside of him.

I think App will not be affected one bit by the noise and if anything it should jack them up more.
Anybody that has ever been to an LSU game will tell you how loud Tiger Stadium is. I've been to big games there as well as not so big games and the place can get loud. If you think Michigan is any where near as loud as LSU you need to get out some more.

May 19th, 2008, 02:17 PM
No, not anti-ASU xbawlingx xbawlingx but a more realistic score.--- Come on now ASU 100-LSU 0 ??????

Yea that score is supposed to be a joke

May 19th, 2008, 02:19 PM
I'd say that you might as well get used to that. We GSUers could say the same about several folks.

Yea I'd say considering how quickly GSU got eliminated in the elimination game, there are quite a few anti-GSU folk.

May 19th, 2008, 02:45 PM
Yea I'd say considering how quickly GSU got eliminated in the elimination game, there are quite a few anti-GSU folk.

Especially when individuals give us multiple negatives. Not sure why I was the only GSU person who even voted before we were eliminated, however. Maybe my compatriots are signaling their boredom with all the negative stuff.

May 19th, 2008, 03:37 PM
No, not anti-ASU xbawlingx xbawlingx but a more realistic score.--- Come on now ASU 100-LSU 0 ??????

How bout'

LSU -4
App 79

is that more realistic?xlolx xlolx xrotatehx

May 19th, 2008, 10:22 PM
How bout'

LSU -4
App 79

is that more realistic?xlolx xlolx xrotatehx

You better get out of the sun real quick,your brain is starting to fry.xpeacex :D

May 20th, 2008, 04:25 AM
this game will be very interesting

however i personally dont think ASU will be able
to pull it off again this season. I have nothing against
ASU and it would be very nice to see them
beat LSU i just dont see it happening.

ASU - 21
LSU - 31

May 21st, 2008, 10:16 PM

After all, it is now 100 days to game day. Thanks for reminding us Great AppState.
Are we there yet?

SideLine Shooter
May 21st, 2008, 10:36 PM
this game will be very interesting

however i personally dont think ASU will be able
to pull it off again this season. I have nothing against
ASU and it would be very nice to see them
beat LSU i just dont see it happening.

ASU - 21
LSU - 31

I think a lot of people would be pleased to have that score and come out of the game 100% healthy.xthumbsupx

May 21st, 2008, 11:04 PM
Anybody that has ever been to an LSU game will tell you how loud Tiger Stadium is. I've been to big games there as well as not so big games and the place can get loud. If you think Michigan is any where near as loud as LSU you need to get out some more.

I am just restating was Jerry Moore said in this years DVD in an interview on there. I've never been to Michigan or Death Valley. That happens to be what he said and I was just saying that shouldn't factor in too much.

May 22nd, 2008, 01:05 AM
if we shock em, theyl get quiet real fast

May 22nd, 2008, 08:58 AM
I am just restating was Jerry Moore said in this years DVD in an interview on there. I've never been to Michigan or Death Valley. That happens to be what he said and I was just saying that shouldn't factor in too much.

I know the quote you are takling about. He was talking about the GSU game and how that game and the Richmond game were "like jet engines roaring". His comment was the it was "louder here(KBS) than it was at Michigan".

No reference to LSU.

That being said KBS is loud, and the App team will be used to the noise. However it will be much louder at Tiger Stadium. The only thing we can hope to do is shock them quiet, like we did at Michigan.

SideLine Shooter
May 22nd, 2008, 09:07 AM
I know the quote you are takling about. He was talking about the GSU game and how that game and the Richmond game were "like jet engines roaring". His comment was the it was "louder here(KBS) than it was at Michigan".

No reference to LSU.

That being said KBS is loud, and the App team will be used to the noise. However it will be much louder at Tiger Stadium. The only thing we can hope to do is shock them quiet, like we did at Michigan.

In reference to the Richmond Game. I was talking to some of the ESPN folks at Half time and they said that the atmosphere and noise level was as LOUD and as Crazy as anywhere they had been all season. I know from the sidelines it was as loud as any place I've been before and that includes LSU.

May 22nd, 2008, 09:08 AM
i wonder what the stadium additions will make it sound like at the rock this year. not just the increase in fans but also the noise will have an extra building to bounce off of.

SideLine Shooter
May 22nd, 2008, 09:10 AM
i wonder what the stadium additions will make it sound like at the rock this year. not just the increase in fans but also the noise will have an extra building to bounce off of.

I can't wait. It is going to be a circus!!xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xnodx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx

May 22nd, 2008, 10:08 AM
I can't wait. It is going to be a circus!!xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xnodx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx xbabycryx

Yes that extra deck should keep more noise in, just not sure what all they are taking out of the hill, that could let some escape.

Should be an interesting comparison to hear LSU and then go back to The Rock, looking forward to it.

SideLine Shooter
May 22nd, 2008, 10:24 AM
Yes that extra deck should keep more noise in, just not sure what all they are taking out of the hill, that could let some escape.

Should be an interesting comparison to hear LSU and then go back to The Rock, looking forward to it.

Amen. What a lot of people (outsiders) don't understand is the echo effect with the mtns. at "The ROCK". If you have never been there for a BIG Game it is different from the flat lands, in a real nice way!!!xthumbsupx xthumbsupx

May 22nd, 2008, 11:27 AM
Amen. What a lot of people (outsiders) don't understand is the echo effect with the mtns. at "The ROCK". If you have never been there for a BIG Game it is different from the flat lands, in a real nice way!!!xthumbsupx xthumbsupx

Yeah with the hill there and mountains surrounding it's like playing in a horseshoe that is inside of a bowl. Oh and by the way I was up on top of Howard's Knob for one game my sophomore year (04) and you can here can the game noise from up there.

Also all the noise bounces around so much that if you are walking up to the game late and the band is already playing, it is really hard to tell which direction the sound is coming from, particularly when you are walking by Newland Hall

May 22nd, 2008, 05:09 PM
I know the quote you are takling about. He was talking about the GSU game and how that game and the Richmond game were "like jet engines roaring". His comment was the it was "louder here(KBS) than it was at Michigan".

No reference to LSU.

That being said KBS is loud, and the App team will be used to the noise. However it will be much louder at Tiger Stadium. The only thing we can hope to do is shock them quiet, like we did at Michigan.

My apologies. I'm pretty sure i read or heard it somewhere but it was probably a different comparison.

May 22nd, 2008, 06:49 PM
This might have been asked already, but is there a bus trip set up for App State fans? And if so, how many do you think it will be.

May 22nd, 2008, 08:18 PM
I don't know if it'll happen for the App State game because, to LSU fans, it's not a big game. But I don't think there's any way "The Rock" is as loud as LSU's Tiger Stadium gets for a big game.

I've been listening to LSU games on the radio before and it's gotten to the point where I couldn't understand what the guys making the radio call were saying because the crowd noise was penetrating the press box booth and drowning them out.

No way it gets close to as loud in ANY FCS stadium as it gets when it gets hot at LSU. Not going to happen.

May 22nd, 2008, 08:30 PM
JSO, you're right but it is impressive how loud it can get in Kidd Brewer Stadium considering it's size and openess. There truly is something about the mountains echoing the noise. I hesitate to say this, but some games, when I left early, I know, I know, feel free to reel away on me for that, it was neat to be able to tell when there was a big play even across campus from the stadium. And this is considering I was not, by far, the only person to leave early, so this would have been in probably a 1/3 full stadium, at most. Just hard to imagine unless you've been there. But, again, I'm sure Death Valley is much louder.

May 22nd, 2008, 09:00 PM
The Idea though is that if we were able to hang with them they may be so stunned by it that they are quiet, like at Michigan for the majority of the game besides their hot run in the early 4th quarter.

May 22nd, 2008, 09:11 PM
The Idea though is that if we were able to hang with them they may be so stunned by it that they are quiet, like at Michigan for the majority of the game besides their hot run in the early 4th quarter.

Or if LSU runs away with it half the crowd may be gone before the 4th quarter :D xpeacex

May 22nd, 2008, 09:35 PM
Or if LSU runs away with it half the crowd may be gone before the 4th quarter :D xpeacex

Or it's a good game and it's still extremely loud in the fourth quarterxcoffeex

SideLine Shooter
May 22nd, 2008, 10:15 PM
I don't know if it'll happen for the App State game because, to LSU fans, it's not a big game. But I don't think there's any way "The Rock" is as loud as LSU's Tiger Stadium gets for a big game.

I've been listening to LSU games on the radio before and it's gotten to the point where I couldn't understand what the guys making the radio call were saying because the crowd noise was penetrating the press box booth and drowning them out.

No way it gets close to as loud in ANY FCS stadium as it gets when it gets hot at LSU. Not going to happen.

You are absolutely RIGHT. LSU and Tiger Stadium has the market cornered on NOISE...xnodx xnodx xnodx xnodx

May 22nd, 2008, 11:59 PM
Or it's a good game and it's still extremely loud in the fourth quarterxcoffeex

Still waiting on that bet from you xrotatehx xcoffeex

May 23rd, 2008, 07:06 AM
You are absolutely RIGHT. LSU and Tiger Stadium has the market cornered on NOISE...xnodx xnodx xnodx xnodx

No, there are other very loud stadiums. But no FCS stadium is going to be as loud as LSU's stadium during a really intense game (like when they're playing somebody like Auburn or Florida). It's completely enclosed on the sides like a big cylinder sticking up out of the ground and very confined. And there's going to be around 90,000 people.

One thing I think App might have going for it if it hangs in the game is that there could be a "stunning" effect. It's not like it's Auburn or Florida so that the LSU fans expect it to be very competetive and feel they're part of the game. They'll be shocked and upset if LSU doesn't beat App State comfortably so my bet would be they wouldn't be at their loudest in that scenario.

May 23rd, 2008, 08:38 AM
I don't know if it'll happen for the App State game because, to LSU fans, it's not a big game. But I don't think there's any way "The Rock" is as loud as LSU's Tiger Stadium gets for a big game.

I've been listening to LSU games on the radio before and it's gotten to the point where I couldn't understand what the guys making the radio call were saying because the crowd noise was penetrating the press box booth and drowning them out.

No way it gets close to as loud in ANY FCS stadium as it gets when it gets hot at LSU. Not going to happen.
I've been to LSU for games against Auburn, and the noise in Deaf Valley makes the entire stadium shake. I've also been to games against Kentucky and Houston (not big games) among others and while it's loud it's not as loud as a big game. Usually it's loudest before the game starts.

How many of you App fans on AGS went to LSU for the first meeting? If you've been before you can vouch for what is being said. If not then it's pure speculation.

With that being said, I hope you guys pull off a victory because I hate LSU with a passion (it's a Baton Rouge thing). And this Jag is pulling for you 100%.

SideLine Shooter
May 23rd, 2008, 09:01 AM
I've been to LSU for games against Auburn, and the noise in Deaf Valley makes the entire stadium shake. I've also been to games against Kentucky and Houston (not big games) among others and while it's loud it's not as loud as a big game. Usually it's loudest before the game starts.

How many of you App fans on AGS went to LSU for the first meeting? If you've been before you can vouch for what is being said. If not then it's pure speculation.

With that being said, I hope you guys pull off a victory because I hate LSU with a passion (it's a Baton Rouge thing). And this Jag is pulling for you 100%.

I was there for the meeting and it is loud. I'm sure it is a lot louder for a big game.

It is the greatest atmosphere for a college game that I have seen. The tailgating starts real early and the fans are great. Food and beverage is everywhere and they like to share and talk football.

Granted we were an unkown and they were supposed to run it up on us. By halftime I had LSU fans asking me "who are you guys"? We were down 14-0 starting the 4th qtr and it was an interesting game. I felt a 24-0 loss at LSU was respectable since they had no idea who we were except a D-IAA school that was supposed to come in, take a beating and pick up a check and go home. I think ASU gained a lot of respect in that loss.

I'm not going to this game being foolish enough to expect a win but, I went to Michigan the same way, and we know what happened there. That is why they strap it on real tight and go out and play the game. xnodx

May 23rd, 2008, 10:14 AM
I was there for the meeting and it is loud. I'm sure it is a lot louder for a big game.

It is the greatest atmosphere for a college game that I have seen. The tailgating starts real early and the fans are great. Food and beverage is everywhere and they like to share and talk football.

Granted we were an unkown and they were supposed to run it up on us. By halftime I had LSU fans asking me "who are you guys"? We were down 14-0 starting the 4th qtr and it was an interesting game. I felt a 24-0 loss at LSU was respectable since they had no idea who we were except a D-IAA school that was supposed to come in, take a beating and pick up a check and go home. I think ASU gained a lot of respect in that loss.

I'm not going to this game being foolish enough to expect a win but, I went to Michigan the same way, and we know what happened there. That is why they strap it on real tight and go out and play the game. xnodx
Any real LSU fan will respect you. They remember Miami (Ohio), Colorado St., UAB. (All losses to teams they were "better" than)

May 25th, 2008, 07:46 AM
Any real LSU fan will respect you. They remember Miami (Ohio), Colorado St., UAB. (All losses to teams they were "better" than)

Any truely knowledgeable LSU fan will respect them. There are plenty of real LSU fans who are pretty dense when it comes to having a feel for the level of play among top FCS teams. Like, if you've ever listened to that WSKR (1210) radio show "The Fastest Hour" with "Matt and Josh," those two guys are clearly LSU fans in addition to being radio talk show hosts; and they have no clue when it comes to this issue. I've already heard them talking about how fortunate it is that the new quarterback will get to get some playing time against easy opponents at the start of the season.

They also already showed their displeasure at playiing a FCS school.

It's not just them either. I've been surprised at how many LSU fans appear not to have had their outlooks changed at all by App State's Michigan win.

May 26th, 2008, 01:14 PM
It's baffling to me that any fan would look past any opponent in this day and age. It's not just the fact that ASU beat Michigan. Last year, mighty USC lost to Stanford! West Virginia lost at home to Pitt with a shot at the national title on the line! The undefeated Patriots lost the last game of the year to a 10-6 team! What makes LSU so immune to an upset, especially after losing players at numerous key positions?

Any knowledgeable LSU fan will recognize that ASU is much more formidable than that Stanford team or that Pitt team.

May 26th, 2008, 01:19 PM
It's baffling to me that any fan would look past any opponent in this day and age. It's not just the fact that ASU beat Michigan. Last year, mighty USC lost to Stanford! West Virginia lost at home to Pitt with a shot at the national title on the line! The undefeated Patriots lost the last game of the year to a 10-6 team! What makes LSU so immune to an upset, especially after losing players at numerous key positions?

Any knowledgeable LSU fan will recognize that ASU is much more formidable than that Stanford team or that Pitt team.
I agree with your statement, but you can toss the Pitt win out, that's a rivalry and we all know anything can happen when rivals get together no matter what the record.

It's a difference between being immune to an upset and people believing that team will win. Very few people here on AGS think LSU is going to roll with no problems.

May 26th, 2008, 04:41 PM
I agree with your statement, but you can toss the Pitt win out, that's a rivalry and we all know anything can happen when rivals get together no matter what the record.

Gonna have to disagree with that. I think that idea of "you can toss out the records in rivalry games" may be a bit of a myth. Alabama hasn't beaten Auburn for six straight years because Auburn has had the better record and the better team. Florida State has lost four straight times to Florida because UF has been better. ASU kills Western almost every time because ASU's team is better. USC has six straight over Notre Dame because their team has been better. Ohio State has won six of seven over Michigan because, again, they had a better team than Michigan. Virginia Tech has won 8 of 9 vs. UVA because VT is the powerhouse and Virginia is consistently middle-of-the-pack ACC.

Upsets aren't any more common in rivalry games than they are against non-rivals, so you can't toss the Pitt win out. Show me some stats that back up the notion that "you can toss out the records" and maybe it will mean something.

Just about every time, rivalry game or not, the better team wins. That said, App's got a great team, and I think it's got a great shot at winning at LSU.

May 26th, 2008, 05:17 PM
Any knowledgeable LSU fan will recognize that ASU is much more formidable than that Stanford team or that Pitt team.

I don't think a knowledgeable football fan would think App State would be a much more formidable opponent for LSU than Stanford or Pitt would be. I think fans of "big" schools do tend to underestimate top level FCS teams sometime, but I think saying App State either was "much more formidable" than Stanford or Pitt last year or will be such in 2008 is stretching it.

I will say that, in particular, if a knowledgable football fan were to look at Stanford's 2007 schedule and think about how App State would've done against it, it wouldn't be unreasonable for that fan to think it very unlikely that an FCS team...even a very good one like App was...would finish with a winning record with such a slate.

Don't forget that, during App's three year run of I-AA/FCS championships, the Mountaineers were 1-3 against BCS league teams and the average outcome was BCS team by 29 - 13.

May 28th, 2008, 10:15 AM
Anyone heard whether or not the game will be televised nationaly?

May 28th, 2008, 11:23 AM
Gonna have to disagree with that. I think that idea of "you can toss out the records in rivalry games" may be a bit of a myth. Alabama hasn't beaten Auburn for six straight years because Auburn has had the better record and the better team. Florida State has lost four straight times to Florida because UF has been better. ASU kills Western almost every time because ASU's team is better. USC has six straight over Notre Dame because their team has been better. Ohio State has won six of seven over Michigan because, again, they had a better team than Michigan. Virginia Tech has won 8 of 9 vs. UVA because VT is the powerhouse and Virginia is consistently middle-of-the-pack ACC.

Upsets aren't any more common in rivalry games than they are against non-rivals, so you can't toss the Pitt win out. Show me some stats that back up the notion that "you can toss out the records" and maybe it will mean something.

Just about every time, rivalry game or not, the better team wins. That said, App's got a great team, and I think it's got a great shot at winning at LSU.
#1 I have never said that App doesn't have a shot, in fact I've been very supportive and hope they win due to my extreme dislike of LSU.

#2 I'll give examples and we'll just agree to disagree. Using Florida State/ Florida, in the Gators four game winning streak they weren't the best team on paper or record wise when they beat the Noles in Tallahassee after Zook was fired. An FCS example that I'm very familar with is the Bayou Classic Southern has beaten Grambling multiple times when the Tigers where much better (SWAC Champs or runner up) In 1982 the Jags were 2-8 coming into the game, in 1994 they were 5-5, in 2000 they were 5-5. That's just my opinion. Not trying to sway you.

May 28th, 2008, 11:41 AM
I don't think a knowledgeable football fan would think App State would be a much more formidable opponent for LSU than Stanford or Pitt would be. I think fans of "big" schools do tend to underestimate top level FCS teams sometime, but I think saying App State either was "much more formidable" than Stanford or Pitt last year or will be such in 2008 is stretching it.

I will say that, in particular, if a knowledgable football fan were to look at Stanford's 2007 schedule and think about how App State would've done against it, it wouldn't be unreasonable for that fan to think it very unlikely that an FCS team...even a very good one like App was...would finish with a winning record with such a slate.

Don't forget that, during App's three year run of I-AA/FCS championships, the Mountaineers were 1-3 against BCS league teams and the average outcome was BCS team by 29 - 13.

Can't say that 29-13 is all that horrible considering all 4 were the usual FBS road games and with the exception of one...loooong road games.
The NC State game was before App discovered it had a true freshman QB on the roster named Armanti money Edwards. That game would have been entirely different with Armanti especially since App gave the Wuffs 2 TD's.xrulesx

May 28th, 2008, 11:45 AM
Anyone heard whether or not the game will be televised nationaly?

I know nothing for sure but early on I heard espn was looking at picking it up...

May 28th, 2008, 11:59 AM
I know nothing for sure but early on I heard espn was looking at picking it up...

I checked the ESPN tv schedule and they have Illinois vs. Missouri @ 7:45 on ESPN. Maybe we'll get the ESPN2 or ABC spot.


May 28th, 2008, 01:32 PM
Can't say that 29-13 is all that horrible considering all 4 were the usual FBS road games and with the exception of one...loooong road games.

It's very good considering that they were I-AA/FCS teams. I'm just trying to get at the idea that when one is comparing Pitt and Stanford to any FCS team you have to bear the fact that those BCS teams play far, far stronger teams overall. I think App State showed last year that a very good FCS team can be dangerous and shouldn't be overlooked to the extent that most college football fans have historically overlooked I-AA/FCS teams regardless of which teams they are. But I think it's a stretch to say that App State was last year or will next year be a "much more formidable" opponent than BCS league opponents like Pitt and Stanford.

Admittedly there are lots of caveats to comparing how Pitt and Stanford did 2005 - 2007 against BCS league teams to how App State did. App State was always on the road, etc., and Edwards didn't play against NC State. The average strength of BCS league teams App played might've been higher than the average strengths of BCS league teams Pitt and Stanford played. Still, App was 0.250 against such teams over the period while Pitt was 0.357 (10 - 18) 0.276 (8 - 21).

Reverse the thing and Stanford only played one game against a I-AA/FCS, Cal Davis, and and did lose 20 - 17. But Pittsburgh was 0 - 3 against I-AA/FCS over the period, winning by a combined 126 - 16 (41 - 0 over YSU in 2005, 51 - 6 over The Citadel in 2006, and 34 - 10 over Grambling in 2007).

May 28th, 2008, 02:29 PM
App detractors can say what they want about the LSU match-up, but I'll wager this, LSU will beat an FBS team this season worse than they beat App. That has almost always been the case when App has faced FBS teams over the past 40 years..

May 28th, 2008, 03:37 PM
I say at the least it will be ESPNU, which will be a disappointment to most people but thats the reality of it.

35-24 LSU

May 28th, 2008, 05:22 PM
App detractors can say what they want about the LSU match-up, but I'll wager this, LSU will beat an FBS team this season worse than they beat App. That has almost always been the case when App has faced FBS teams over the past 40 years..So? What's your point? That ASU is automatically better than any team LSU beats by a wider margin than ASU?

Let's say LSU beats ASU 35-14. That's a very respectable score.

Georgia then comes to LSU, both undefeated, and for some strange, unknown reason has a terrible day, and loses 42-10. Not likely, but it's possible.

From what I'm getting from your last post, would you then say that App is better than Georgia? xconfusedx

May 28th, 2008, 06:03 PM
So? What's your point? That ASU is automatically better than any team LSU beats by a wider margin than ASU?

Let's say LSU beats ASU 35-14. That's a very respectable score.

Georgia then comes to LSU, both undefeated, and for some strange, unknown reason has a terrible day, and loses 42-10. Not likely, but it's possible.

From what I'm getting from your last post, would you then say that App is better than Georgia? xconfusedx

You're coming off as a poor man's version of FTG06. Quit looking for an argument where there is none.

All he said is that there's a good chance, in his opinion, that App will keep the game more respectable than some FBS opponents may. No where did he say that it implies ASU would be better than said FBS team. xcoffeex

SideLine Shooter
May 28th, 2008, 06:10 PM
You're coming off as a poor man's version of FTG06. Quit looking for an argument where there is none.

All he said is that there's a good chance, in his opinion, that App will keep the game more respectable than some FBS opponents may. No where did he say that it implies ASU would be better than said FBS team. xcoffeex

Thank you. Some people just want to argue, especially with an App fan. They have a chip on their shoulder and can't stand it.xnodx xnodx xnodx

May 28th, 2008, 06:10 PM
You're coming off as a poor man's version of FTG06. Quit looking for an argument where there is none.

All he said is that there's a good chance, in his opinion, that App will keep the game more respectable than some FBS opponents may. No where did he say that it implies ASU would be better than said FBS team. xcoffeex

Except for Michigan.xthumbsupx Atleast on September 1st, 2007 that was the case.xbowx

But enough of that.

May 28th, 2008, 06:30 PM
You're coming off as a poor man's version of FTG06. Quit looking for an argument where there is none.

All he said is that there's a good chance, in his opinion, that App will keep the game more respectable than some FBS opponents may. No where did he say that it implies ASU would be better than said FBS team. xcoffeexI'm not saying he was implying it. I honestly want to know, since what's the point of even saying it in the first place? There's a very, very good chance that LSU will beat an FBS team worse than they beat App. No one is denying that. It's like saying "OMG! Water is wet!"

May 28th, 2008, 06:34 PM
So? What's your point? That ASU is automatically better than any team LSU beats by a wider margin than ASU?

Let's say LSU beats ASU 35-14. That's a very respectable score.

Georgia then comes to LSU, both undefeated, and for some strange, unknown reason has a terrible day, and loses 42-10. Not likely, but it's possible.

From what I'm getting from your last post, would you then say that App is better than Georgia? xconfusedx

Of course not. Obviously just saying that App is no more of a mismatch nor automatic drubbing victim than others on the schedule as some would have us believe.
The obvious point was that App belongs on the schedule as much as some of their other victims. Many seem to think that App will solidly be the worst team LSU will play all year. May not be the case.

May 28th, 2008, 06:36 PM
Of course not. Obviously just saying that App is no more of a mismatch nor automatic drubbing victim than others on the schedule as some would have us believe.Exactly. Okay, thank you. xlolx

And I most definitely agree with you. Sorry for the accusatory tone of my first post, but I was generally curious.

May 28th, 2008, 06:40 PM
I'm not saying he was implying it. I honestly want to know, since what's the point of even saying it in the first place? There's a very, very good chance that LSU will beat an FBS team worse than they beat App. No one is denying that. It's like saying "OMG! Water is wet!"

Look, just from checking your post history it's fairly obvious that you're currently running an Anti-App agenda. That's perfectly within your right. But stop trying to dress it up as anything but you trying to fight, argue, and goad ASU fans into responding.

You, FTG06 and udchuck should start a cute little club where you can giggle and send little messages back and forth about how you're sticking it to us App fans. ;)

May 28th, 2008, 07:15 PM
Look, just from checking your post history it's fairly obvious that you're currently running an Anti-App agenda. That's perfectly within your right. But stop trying to dress it up as anything but you trying to fight, argue, and goad ASU fans into responding.

You, FTG06 and udchuck should start a cute little club where you can giggle and send little messages back and forth about how you're sticking it to us App fans. ;)Whatever makes you feel better. xlolx

May 28th, 2008, 07:17 PM
Whatever makes you feel better. xlolx

All in good fun. ;)

I know it's just a phase you youngsters go through. Eventually you mature, wise up, and grow out of it. :D

Ah, to use one's time more constructively.

May 28th, 2008, 07:25 PM
Ah, to use one's time more constructively.To be perfectly honest, I'm actually running (literally) back and forth between here and doing plyometrics in my basement. Gotta burn the youth and immaturity out of myself somehow. xnodx

IMO, it's fairly constructive. xlolx

May 28th, 2008, 07:37 PM
Never fails.


May 28th, 2008, 07:45 PM
Never fails.


May 28th, 2008, 07:50 PM
Exactly. Okay, thank you. xlolx

And I most definitely agree with you. Sorry for the accusatory tone of my first post, but I was generally curious.

The comparison scores aren't as obvious as one might think judging from all the writers, TV sports comentators, message boards, and bloggers who dis LSU for playing App...again.

May 28th, 2008, 08:08 PM
App detractors can say what they want about the LSU match-up, but I'll wager this, LSU will beat an FBS team this season worse than they beat App. That has almost always been the case when App has faced FBS teams over the past 40 years..

I think that's a pretty safe bet as LSU is playing North Texas two weeks later.

May 28th, 2008, 10:41 PM
So? What's your point? That ASU is automatically better than any team LSU beats by a wider margin than ASU?

Let's say LSU beats ASU 35-14. That's a very respectable score.

Georgia then comes to LSU, both undefeated, and for some strange, unknown reason has a terrible day, and loses 42-10. Not likely, but it's possible.

From what I'm getting from your last post, would you then say that App is better than Georgia? xconfusedx

That spread seems reasonable to me and would be very respectable. xnodx

May 29th, 2008, 08:14 AM
I think that's a pretty safe bet as LSU is playing North Texas two weeks later.

I say disregard NT and it still holds true.

May 29th, 2008, 08:26 AM
So? What's your point? That ASU is automatically better than any team LSU beats by a wider margin than ASU?

Let's say LSU beats ASU 35-14. That's a very respectable score.

Georgia then comes to LSU, both undefeated, and for some strange, unknown reason has a terrible day, and loses 42-10. Not likely, but it's possible.

From what I'm getting from your last post, would you then say that App is better than Georgia? xconfusedx

well that would be completely moronic to imply seeing as how you are posting on a board called "ANY GIVEN SATURDAY"

May 29th, 2008, 10:13 AM
So? What's your point? That ASU is automatically better than any team LSU beats by a wider margin than ASU?

Let's say LSU beats ASU 35-14. That's a very respectable score.

Georgia then comes to LSU, both undefeated, and for some strange, unknown reason has a terrible day, and loses 42-10. Not likely, but it's possible.

From what I'm getting from your last post, would you then say that App is better than Georgia? xconfusedx

Lets not worry about whether App is better than Georgia this off season...we'll discuss that next off season before we play them in 09'xthumbsupx

May 29th, 2008, 03:37 PM
Lets start a thread to see predictions for the 09' UGA-ASU game, might as well since it's going to happen two seconds after App's last game in 08'

SideLine Shooter
May 29th, 2008, 08:45 PM
Lets start a thread to see predictions for the 09' UGA-ASU game, might as well since it's going to happen two seconds after App's last game in 08'

I think you need a drink! xbangx xbeerchugx xnutsx xbandwagonx xbabycryx xshakingmadx xasswhipx xprost2x xprost2x xdizzyx

May 29th, 2008, 09:35 PM
I think you need a drink! xbangx xbeerchugx xnutsx xbandwagonx xbabycryx xshakingmadx xasswhipx xprost2x xprost2x xdizzyx

I agree, but i was being sarcastic about that last post.

May 30th, 2008, 04:34 AM
But the truth rang through!

May 30th, 2008, 08:22 AM
I think you need a drink! xbangx xbeerchugx xnutsx xbandwagonx xbabycryx xshakingmadx xasswhipx xprost2x xprost2x xdizzyx

Ericsaid is not old enough to drink!!;)

May 30th, 2008, 09:05 AM
i like our chances better against uga in 09 than i do lsu in 08.

SideLine Shooter
May 30th, 2008, 09:08 AM
Ericsaid is not old enough to drink!!;)

I apologize. Maybe he should stop watching too many cartoons then. I believe he is getting a warped outlook on some things, but I could be wrong.

May 30th, 2008, 09:23 AM
Ericsaid is not old enough to drink!!;)

If he is in college I think he is old enough to drink. Well not legally, but what college student couldn't find alcohol.

May 30th, 2008, 10:02 AM
Lets not worry about whether App is better than Georgia this off season...we'll discuss that next off season before we play them in 09'xthumbsupx


Unfortunately we do not have a FBS game scheduled for 2009. Our 2009 game was to be LSU, but was rescheduled for this year. Originally we were to play UGA in 2009, but that game was pushed to 2013. We have Florida in 2010 and Virginia Tech in 2011.

May 30th, 2008, 11:16 AM

Unfortunately we do not have a FBS game scheduled for 2009. Our 2009 game was to be LSU, but was rescheduled for this year. Originally we were to play UGA in 2009, but that game was pushed to 2013. We have Florida in 2010 and Virginia Tech in 2011.

And it is going to be real tough to find a team for 09 since it will be AE's senior year!

May 30th, 2008, 11:34 AM
And it is going to be real tough to find a team for 09 since it will be AE's senior year!

how many senior's total on the 09 team?

May 30th, 2008, 11:48 AM
If he is in college I think he is old enough to drink. Well not legally, but what college student couldn't find alcohol.

He's in High School

May 30th, 2008, 11:49 AM
how many senior's total on the 09 team?

I think we only loose 4 or 5 guys, we will be a force in 09'

May 30th, 2008, 11:52 AM
so how many do we lose after the 09 season?

May 30th, 2008, 12:11 PM
so how many do we lose after the 09 season?

A bunch, I dont have time to look it up but it will be a sad day when that season is over:(

May 30th, 2008, 01:54 PM
A bunch, I dont have time to look it up but it will be a sad day when that season is over:(

Sad, yes, but hopefully recruiting has benefitted from recent success.

May 30th, 2008, 02:17 PM
Hopefully we will be talking about how bad @ss DeAndre Presley is!

SideLine Shooter
May 30th, 2008, 02:30 PM
Hopefully we will be talking about how bad @ss DeAndre Presley is!

Amen, Brother!!!!!xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx

May 30th, 2008, 03:04 PM
More talk about ESPN picking up the game.


May 30th, 2008, 03:52 PM
Would love to see that become a national TV game.

May 30th, 2008, 04:59 PM
Awesome. Also good to see that a decision may be made today.

May 31st, 2008, 12:27 AM
Hopefully we will be talking about how bad @ss DeAndre Presley is!

I think App may pick up a more talented player this coming season with AE's departure nearing, one this season would give the guy time to learn the offense a year then step up with 4 years of eligability remaining after being Red Shirted.

That's just how i see it working.

May 31st, 2008, 09:14 AM
I think App may pick up a more talented player this coming season with AE's departure nearing, one this season would give the guy time to learn the offense a year then step up with 4 years of eligability remaining after being Red Shirted.

That's just how i see it working.
By the time AE leaves Pressley will be more than ready to play. I've watched that kid for two years, you guy will be happy with him.

May 31st, 2008, 02:30 PM
Ericsaid, did you play football for South Caldwell? If you did I played for Wilkes Central and we played yall in the 4th game of the season.

May 31st, 2008, 04:44 PM
By the time AE leaves Pressley will be more than ready to play. I've watched that kid for two years, you guy will be happy with him.

Good to hear, another positive comment about Pressley. I like what I'm hearing, especialy for someone who has seen him first hand!


May 31st, 2008, 05:29 PM

Unfortunately we do not have a FBS game scheduled for 2009. Our 2009 game was to be LSU, but was rescheduled for this year. Originally we were to play UGA in 2009, but that game was pushed to 2013. We have Florida in 2010 and Virginia Tech in 2011.

I say we move the Florida game up to 09'. I would love to see Tebow and Armanti take each other on!!xthumbsupx

May 31st, 2008, 07:39 PM
Good to hear, another positive comment about Pressley. I like what I'm hearing, especialy for someone who has seen him first hand!

I believe in calling it like I see it. I wish him much success.

June 1st, 2008, 01:43 PM
Ericsaid, did you play football for South Caldwell? If you did I played for Wilkes Central and we played yall in the 4th game of the season.

I go to South Caldwell yes. Can't play football because of a car accident 3 years ago.xsmhx So i'm stuck watching and laughing at how bad we suck.

June 1st, 2008, 01:45 PM
By the time AE leaves Pressley will be more than ready to play. I've watched that kid for two years, you guy will be happy with him.

Hope so, will be interesting to see if he is redshirted or not which I seriously doubt will happen. They will redshirt a quarterbakc they bring in this year though.

June 1st, 2008, 06:15 PM
They were not that bad, but they were a 4a school, the baseball team over there is sick though.

June 1st, 2008, 07:39 PM
They were not that bad, but they were a 4a school, the baseball team over there is sick though.

We didn't have Jimmy Messer as a running back because he didn't want to get hurt since he signed with UNC to play baseball. He was a lot like Eric Breitenstein(Signed with Wofford) running the ball.

We should be in the state finals again in baseball but our pitcher Madison Bumgarner graduated last year and was drafted as the 10th overall pick in the MLB draft by the Giants. Crazy

June 1st, 2008, 07:54 PM
Good luck against LSU!! I will definitely be pulling for you!!!

Michigan/LSU in back to back years. That is a coach/AD I can respect!!

Wish there were more teams like that in this Div.

June 1st, 2008, 08:47 PM
Good luck against LSU!! I will definitely be pulling for you!!!

Michigan/LSU in back to back years. That is a coach/AD I can respect!!

Wish there were more teams like that in this Div.

I assume you are talking about the UM and LSU coach/ad's because they are the only reason these games happen.

June 2nd, 2008, 08:22 AM
Hope so, will be interesting to see if he is redshirted or not which I seriously doubt will happen. They will redshirt a quarterbakc they bring in this year though.
I'm sure Pressley will redshirt this year and backup AE next year giving him plenty of time to learn the system and be ready when needed.

June 2nd, 2008, 11:49 AM
I'm sure Pressley will redshirt this year and backup AE next year giving him plenty of time to learn the system and be ready when needed.

ASU coach Jerry Moore has been quoted as saying that they expect Pressley to be the #2 QB when the season starts. They don't intend to redshirt him.

June 2nd, 2008, 12:05 PM
Yeah I know Madison, he was un-hittable, his little brother is going to be pretty good it looks like also.

June 2nd, 2008, 12:11 PM
ASU coach Jerry Moore has been quoted as saying that they expect Pressley to be the #2 QB when the season starts. They don't intend to redshirt him.
Well that's even better, I was purely speculating from an outsider's view point. Not intending to speak as if I knew what ASU would do.

June 2nd, 2008, 12:42 PM
Yeah I know Madison, he was un-hittable, his little brother is going to be pretty good it looks like also.

I'm all for increasing the # of post on this thread, but please move your conversation about high school baseball to PM or another thread. Not trying to be an A-Hole but this is a FCS board!xpeacex

June 2nd, 2008, 01:07 PM
ASU coach Jerry Moore has been quoted as saying that they expect Pressley to be the #2 QB when the season starts. They don't intend to redshirt him.

So, if Pressley is techincally the #2 but doesn't play a snap all season, can he still redshirt?

SideLine Shooter
June 2nd, 2008, 01:11 PM
So, if Pressley is techincally the #2 but doesn't play a snap all season, can he still redshirt?


June 2nd, 2008, 01:13 PM
Wait. App State and LSU are playing against each other!!!!????? HOLY S$&#!

Zzzzzzzzz. LSU is going to dominate the Mountaineers.

SideLine Shooter
June 2nd, 2008, 01:23 PM
Wait. App State and LSU are playing against each other!!!!????? HOLY S$&#!

Zzzzzzzzz. LSU is going to dominate the Mountaineers.

They are supposed to...xbangx xbangx xbangx xdeadhorsex xshakingmadx xshakingmadx

June 2nd, 2008, 01:28 PM
Wait. App State and LSU are playing against each other!!!!????? HOLY S$&#!

Zzzzzzzzz. LSU is going to dominate the Mountaineers.

Michigan was suposed to dominate us too!!!xlolx

June 2nd, 2008, 06:52 PM
Well that's even better, I was purely speculating from an outsider's view point. Not intending to speak as if I knew what ASU would do.

I'm not an insider either, just live in the vicinity. I read that quote in the Winston-Salem paper recently and thought it was interesting.

June 2nd, 2008, 07:08 PM
Looks like we may be picking up a new QB...

His name is Jey Yokeley, a 6-4 QB from South Meck who is looking to walk on at App State this fall. Described as a “pro style quarterback,” he carries a cannon for an arm and has hit 4.62 in the 40. According to Scout.com, several BCS programs flirted with him...

From appfan.com

June 2nd, 2008, 10:19 PM
Looks like we may be picking up a new QB...

His name is Jey Yokeley, a 6-4 QB from South Meck who is looking to walk on at App State this fall. Described as a “pro style quarterback,” he carries a cannon for an arm and has hit 4.62 in the 40. According to Scout.com, several BCS programs flirted with him...

From appfan.com

For his sake, I hope he's willing to play another position.

June 2nd, 2008, 11:28 PM
For his sake, I hope he's willing to play another position.

Whats wrong with redshirting a year then sitting another, then starting at QB for 3 years. then moving deandre to WR possibly

June 3rd, 2008, 08:15 AM
For his sake, I hope he's willing to play another position.

My thought is, as a walk on, if he can earn his spot let him play back-up AE or Pressley. I've heard that he can run the option, that the system South Meck ran didnt give him the opportunity to run much.

Sounds like he would fill the Trey Elder position well, and we all know how critical that spot is.

June 3rd, 2008, 08:26 AM
Whats wrong with redshirting a year then sitting another, then starting at QB for 3 years. then moving deandre to WR possibly

Sure, if he can do it. At present, he'll be waiting in line behind scholarship athletes for that spot.

June 3rd, 2008, 09:21 AM
Sure, if he can do it. At present, he'll be waiting in line behind scholarship athletes for that spot.

weve had pretty good success with walk-ons the past few years, kid will get his shot, we will see what he does with it.

June 3rd, 2008, 10:21 AM
I'm all for increasing the # of post on this thread, but please move your conversation about high school baseball to PM or another thread. Not trying to be an A-Hole but this is a FCS board!xpeacex

For gripe sakes leave them alone,who the devil are you to throw them off the Tread.You ARE being a A-Hole.xpeacex

June 3rd, 2008, 02:15 PM
Thanks to DLS for posting the new game time of 4:00 PM in the bayou!!!


appfan.com is going to have to adjust the countdown clock!!

June 3rd, 2008, 02:25 PM
How many of you guys are taking the trip?

The time change would have been great for me if Southern had a home game.

June 3rd, 2008, 02:58 PM
I cant make it but at least I can watch my boys in high def!!!

June 3rd, 2008, 04:59 PM
How many of you guys are taking the trip?

The time change would have been great for me if Southern had a home game.

I'm hoping to make it. A lot depends on whether my James Madison ticket comes through.

June 3rd, 2008, 05:50 PM
How many of you guys are taking the trip?

The time change would have been great for me if Southern had a home game.

I'm a goin, can't wait to actually see the tickets. I was there in 2005. LSU is awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 4th, 2008, 08:58 AM
How many of you guys are taking the trip?

The time change would have been great for me if Southern had a home game.

About 24 of our tailgating crew are making the trip. Will be spending 3 days in BR and 2 days in NO.

June 4th, 2008, 09:01 AM
I'm a goin, can't wait to actually see the tickets. I was there in 2005. LSU is awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it's like years past, tickets want get to us until late July or early August.

June 4th, 2008, 09:09 AM
Have already seen tickets on ebay for the game.

Me and 3 friends are making the trip, staying in Lafayette with an Aunt.

Damn the heat at 4pm in August in LA.

June 4th, 2008, 09:13 AM
The heat will be a factor for players as well as the fans.

June 4th, 2008, 09:38 AM
The heat will be a factor for players as well as the fans.

Indeed. The worst experience at a game was the ASU/Clemson game in '97. It was 100+ degrees and a Noon/1pm game. Thought I was going to die, the 8am grape juice and absolut did not help.

SideLine Shooter
June 4th, 2008, 10:46 AM
The heat will be a factor for players as well as the fans.

And photographers. I doubt if the BIG HEAVY LENS makes this trip!!!:( :(

June 4th, 2008, 11:09 AM
Indeed. The worst experience at a game was the ASU/Clemson game in '97. It was 100+ degrees and a Noon/1pm game. Thought I was going to die, the 8am grape juice and absolut did not help.
Try doing it in a wool uniform. :(

June 4th, 2008, 11:19 AM
If I make the trip back home, I'll try to catch up with any of you that are going. xthumbsupx

June 4th, 2008, 11:21 AM
Try doing it in a wool uniform. :(
I'll wear the wool, if yall drink the liquor. Would be fun to see most of the band hurling in tubas.xlolx

June 4th, 2008, 11:28 AM
I'll wear the wool, if yall drink the liquor. Would be fun to see most of the band hurling in tubas.xlolx
Wear the wool AND drink the liquor. That's how a real man does it. xrulesx xnodx

Monarch History
June 4th, 2008, 04:11 PM
I heard a rumor that Appalachian State is going to play LSU.xlolx

SideLine Shooter
June 4th, 2008, 05:17 PM
I heard a rumor that Appalachian State is going to play LSU.xlolx

Let me know if there is really anything to that rumor!

June 4th, 2008, 05:17 PM
I heard a rumor that Appalachian State is going to play LSU.xlolx
I heard a rumor that ODU has a football team?xeekx

Just messing with ya.xthumbsupx

June 4th, 2008, 06:53 PM
Can the stuff at http://www.weatherreports.com/United_States/NC/Boone/averages.html be right? The average high temperature in August in Boone is only 74 degrees F?

The reason I looked it up is that I wanted to see if LSU might have an advantage for having practiced in daytime in Baton Rouge in August for weeks prior to the game. I thought the main difference might be humidity. But I had no idea Boone is that cool in the summertime.

June 4th, 2008, 09:34 PM
114 pages in this thread. Unreal.

June 4th, 2008, 11:01 PM
How many of you guys are taking the trip?

The time change would have been great for me if Southern had a home game.

Me and 3 friends will be making the trip. This will be my first game not in wool...I guess its a good game to start.

June 4th, 2008, 11:58 PM
114 pages in this thread. Unreal.

June 5th, 2008, 01:10 PM
So anyway, who's going to win? xsmiley_wix

June 5th, 2008, 01:14 PM


June 5th, 2008, 01:14 PM
So anyway, who's going to win? xsmiley_wix

The team with the most points at the end of the game :D

June 5th, 2008, 05:45 PM
28-24 LSU

Have to change my score now that LSU doesn't have RP.

June 6th, 2008, 05:25 AM
Wait,...App St. is playing LSU? I haven't heard about it yet. :D

Just kidding. Good luck to your team!

June 7th, 2008, 02:16 AM
Who is this LSU you'ns is speaking there about?

June 7th, 2008, 08:41 AM
Wait,...App St. is playing LSU? I haven't heard about it yet. :D

Just kidding. Good luck to your team!

I'm assuming your'e a North Dakota State fan. PLEASE don't call yourself "Thundering Herd." You affliliate yourself with evil when you do that!

Your team needs to reconsider using that terminology as well.

June 7th, 2008, 09:56 AM
So anyway, who's going to win? xsmiley_wix

Whoever is playing Appy State.:D

June 8th, 2008, 07:25 PM
I'm assuming your'e a North Dakota State fan. PLEASE don't call yourself "Thundering Herd." You affliliate yourself with evil when you do that!

Your team needs to reconsider using that terminology as well.

John brings up a valid point. To affiliate with them is like being bedmates with Satan!!!

June 9th, 2008, 12:01 AM
114 pages in this thread. Unreal.

And we still have posts like this

28-24 LSU


June 9th, 2008, 12:28 AM
And we still have posts like this

28-24 LSU


So anybody predicting a close loss is now a point ridicule and derision?

I think ASU has proven over the last few years that they are capable of much more than most non-ASU fans are willing to credit. I know its a product of our recent success and good fortune, but lets not be too quick to write off the old Black and Gold.

Maybe a 4 point loss is cutting it a little thin? I think its likely that we will go in a lose by more. Its certainly not a given or even a foregone conclusion that ASU will crumble below the might of LSU.

But if ASU does manage to win again, I will be nothing but "well, LSU is having a down year...", "they've got no tested QB", "they blew their load last year".

I would smile if ASU was single-handedly responsible for the firing of Les Miles.

June 9th, 2008, 12:57 AM
So anybody predicting a close loss is now a point ridicule and derision?

I think ASU has proven over the last few years that they are capable of much more than most non-ASU fans are willing to credit. I know its a product of our recent success and good fortune, but lets not be too quick to write off the old Black and Gold.

Maybe a 4 point loss is cutting it a little thin? I think its likely that we will go in a lose by more. Its certainly not a given or even a foregone conclusion that ASU will crumble below the might of LSU.

But if ASU does manage to win again, I will be nothing but "well, LSU is having a down year...", "they've got no tested QB", "they blew their load last year".

I would smile if ASU was single-handedly responsible for the firing of Les Miles.

Pretty much when its that thin xnodx xcoffeex

I imagine ASU will be respectable in the game. Single digit predictions just seem silly. I think McNeese has a better chance of beating UNC than ASU does at LSU but I think it is silly to predict a 4 point game (and I certainly would not make that prediction for McNeese) for any FCS team in Tiger Stadium.

June 9th, 2008, 08:19 AM
Pretty much when its that thin xnodx xcoffeex

I imagine ASU will be respectable in the game. Single digit predictions just seem silly. I think McNeese has a better chance of beating UNC than ASU does at LSU but I think it is silly to predict a 4 point game (and I certainly would not make that prediction for McNeese) for any FCS team in Tiger Stadium.

Hell, anybody has a better chance of beating UNC than App has of LSU. UNC just plain out sucks.
They have been the laughing stock of football in this state for several years now. If Mc doesn't beat UNC, they won't win their own conference.

June 9th, 2008, 08:22 AM
And we still have posts like this

28-24 LSU


I think it will be an L for App, but I sure as hell wouldn't ridicule a close score prediction.xcoffeex

A lot of people hid out on this AGS board after last year's stomping at Mich didn't happen.

June 9th, 2008, 08:33 AM
Hell, anybody has a better chance of beating UNC than App has of LSU. UNC just plain out sucks.
They have been the laughing stock of football in this state for several years now. If Mc doesn't beat UNC, they won't win their own conference.

dont count duke out of that laughing stock

June 9th, 2008, 08:40 AM
Hell, anybody has a better chance of beating UNC than App has of LSU. UNC just plain out sucks.
They have been the laughing stock of football in this state for several years now. If Mc doesn't beat UNC, they won't win their own conference.

I agree with you stayement that McNeese has a better chance of beating UNC than App does beating LSU. The only thing I would disagree with is that UNC is the worst team in NC. I think that award would go to Duke, by far the worst team in NC, and if JMU doesnt beat them then I have no more concern for the App/JMU gamexlolx

SideLine Shooter
June 9th, 2008, 08:52 AM
I agree with you stayement that McNeese has a better chance of beating UNC than App does beating LSU. The only thing I would disagree with is that UNC is the worst team in NC. I think that award would go to Duke, by far the worst team in NC, and if JMU doesnt beat them then I have no more concern for the App/JMU gamexlolx

I agree completely on JMU beating Duke. They should beat duke by a 2 to 3 score margin. Just like you stated also, if they don't beat Duke I have all the confidence going into Harrisonburg.

June 9th, 2008, 12:06 PM
Hell, anybody has a better chance of beating UNC than App has of LSU. UNC just plain out sucks.
They have been the laughing stock of football in this state for several years now. If Mc doesn't beat UNC, they won't win their own conference.

Ummmm I guess I could say the same about ASU then couldn't I? xpeacex

June 9th, 2008, 12:09 PM
Ummmm I guess I could say the same about ASU then couldn't I? xpeacex
Because LSU is one of the worst football teams in Louisiana? xconfusedx

June 9th, 2008, 09:46 PM
Because LSU is one of the worst football teams in Louisiana? xconfusedx

No, if ASU loses to LSU they may not even win the conference championship :D (makes as much sense as the MSU statement)

June 9th, 2008, 10:05 PM
No, if ASU loses to LSU they may not even win the conference championship :D (makes as much sense as the MSU statement)

That doesnt make sense at all.. did you read the previous posts? UNC SUCKS!!! While LSU is GOOD!!!

Not discounting MSU at all -- highly discounting UNC football!!

June 9th, 2008, 10:20 PM
That doesnt make sense at all.. did you read the previous posts? UNC SUCKS!!! While LSU is GOOD!!!

Not discounting MSU at all -- highly discounting UNC football!!

Chill, it was a joke following the comment that UNC is sooooooo bad the Pokes will not win their conference if they lose that game. Of course UNC is not LSU so they must suck right??? xcoffeex

(McNeese will be in a battle to win the SLC but I think ASU will have to sweat a little to be conference champs this year as well)

June 9th, 2008, 11:52 PM
I'm gonna agree with McNeese having a better shot at beating UNC than ASU at LSU.

UNC is a frightened p-a'ed miserable excuse for a football team, and Butch Davis is Highly OVER-rated.

I will give Duke the benefit of the doubt over JMU. I think that David Cutliffe is a remarkable coach, and may be able to pull off a few ACC wins this year. If he stays healthy, atleast.

June 10th, 2008, 12:07 AM
JohnStOnge says: I'm assuming your'e a North Dakota State fan. PLEASE don't call yourself "Thundering Herd." You affliliate yourself with evil when you do that!

Your team needs to reconsider using that terminology as well.

Peems says: John brings up a valid point. To affiliate with them is like being bedmates with Satan!!!

I say: To affiliate with a Grizzly player is an easy way to earn the title 'ACCOMPLICE'!

:D :D :D :D :D

June 10th, 2008, 08:41 AM
JohnStOnge says: I'm assuming your'e a North Dakota State fan. PLEASE don't call yourself "Thundering Herd." You affliliate yourself with evil when you do that!

Your team needs to reconsider using that terminology as well.

Peems says: John brings up a valid point. To affiliate with them is like being bedmates with Satan!!!

I say: To affiliate with a Grizzly player is an easy way to earn the title 'ACCOMPLICE'!

:D :D :D :D :D

The guys that have been here a long time (when the board was in other formats, also) know exactly what those two are talking about. We remember the Marshall fans very well.


June 10th, 2008, 08:56 AM
I'm gonna agree with McNeese having a better shot at beating UNC than ASU at LSU.

UNC is a frightened p-a'ed miserable excuse for a football team, and Butch Davis is Highly OVER-rated.

I will give Duke the benefit of the doubt over JMU. I think that David Cutliffe is a remarkable coach, and may be able to pull off a few ACC wins this year. If he stays healthy, atleast.
Actually think Carolina will start to turn around this year and will surprise some and should probably beat McNeese.

Dook however will continue to suck, no matter who the coach is, the school will never care that much about football.

June 10th, 2008, 09:03 AM
True! Duke doesn't care about football. All their money and effort goes into their basketball program, but can you blame them? That is an argument like asking the rest of us why our badminton program isn't doing good. We should pay less attention to what brings us Millions and focus on that. Their basketball program is not only successful, but it is a cash cow. They should focus on that.

June 10th, 2008, 09:21 AM
No, if ASU loses to LSU they may not even win the conference championship :D (makes as much sense as the MSU statement)
It's not a joke if you have to explain it. :p


June 10th, 2008, 09:23 AM
True! Duke doesn't care about football. All their money and effort goes into their basketball program, but can you blame them? That is an argument like asking the rest of us why our badminton program isn't doing good. We should pay less attention to what brings us Millions and focus on that. Their basketball program is not only successful, but it is a cash cow. They should focus on that.
Their football program used to be at least respectable, but now it's a laughing stock. The new AD might have some sense to at least get the program off life-support.

June 10th, 2008, 09:47 AM
It's not a joke if you have to explain it. :p


xlolx Yeah, I know. I guess I was typing over the head of my audience. :D xpeacex

June 11th, 2008, 10:18 PM
I agree with you stayement that McNeese has a better chance of beating UNC than App does beating LSU. The only thing I would disagree with is that UNC is the worst team in NC. I think that award would go to Duke, by far the worst team in NC, and if JMU doesnt beat them then I have no more concern for the App/JMU gamexlolx

I didn't say UNC was the worst in NC, but they're still a laughing stock. There's no rule thast says North Carolina can't have two laughing stocks.xlolx xlolx xlolx

June 12th, 2008, 12:56 AM
And we still have posts like this

28-24 LSU


I agree....xnodx

No Way App only scores 24 againist the Tigers. LSU may score in the mid 20's, but the last TD will be on the 2nd team Mountaineers.

37-24 App State shocks the uneducated college football fans again.

June 12th, 2008, 01:43 AM
I agree....xnodx

No Way App only scores 24 againist the Tigers. LSU may score in the mid 20's, but the last TD will be on the 2nd team Mountaineers.

37-24 App State shocks the uneducated college football fans again.

great quote!!! xnodx

June 12th, 2008, 09:00 AM
I agree....xnodx

No Way App only scores 24 againist the Tigers. LSU may score in the mid 20's, but the last TD will be on the 2nd team Mountaineers.

37-24 App State shocks the uneducated college football fans again.

Actually,It's a stupid quote,when LSU knocks you guys off cloud nine with a 31 point loss.xnodx you will realize us uneducated fans were right,YOUR TEAM PLAYED VERY GOOD[I was corrected,They played very WELL] BUT GOT LUCKY.Speaking of being uneducated,the word is [against}.

June 12th, 2008, 09:39 AM
Actually,It's a stupid quote,when LSU knocks you guys off cloud nine with a 31 point loss.xnodx you will realize us uneducated fans were right,YOU'RE TEAM PLAYED VERY GOOD BUT GOT LUCKY.Speaking of being uneducated,the word is [against}.

speaking of uneducated, the correct word would be, "WELL".

go back and watch that 3rd quarter again then tell me how WELL we played. wasn't a fluke or luck just straight heart.

June 12th, 2008, 09:39 AM
Actually,It's a stupid quote,when LSU knocks you guys off cloud nine with a 31 point loss.xnodx you will realize us uneducated fans were right,YOU'RE TEAM PLAYED VERY GOOD BUT GOT LUCKY.Speaking of being uneducated,the word is [against}.

Care to make a friendly wager with the spread set at 31 points?

June 12th, 2008, 09:41 AM
speaking of uneducated, the correct word would be, "WELL".

go back and watch that 3rd quarter again then tell me how WELL we played. wasn't a fluke or luck just straight heart.

Don't forget to mention his use of "you're" instead of "your". If you want to call a fanbase "uneducated" you might want to proofread your post. xthumbsupx

June 12th, 2008, 10:21 AM

You need to take your taser out and pop yourself again. When a flatfoot starts lecturing about grammar we are all in trouble!

June 12th, 2008, 11:13 AM
Care to make a friendly wager with the spread set at 31 points?

That's UD's spread. What is yours? I might be enticed to make a little wager since Ericsaid was never willing to commit on his :D

June 12th, 2008, 11:43 AM
Did I hit a nerve ??????xlolx xlolx Hey Guys,thanks for the crammer lessons.xlolx xlolx always was my weak, subject.xbawlingx This helps the Tread to reach 2000.:p

June 12th, 2008, 11:46 AM

You need to take your taser out and pop yourself again. When a flatfoot starts lecturing about grammar we are all in trouble!


June 12th, 2008, 11:47 AM
speaking of uneducated, the correct word would be, "WELL".

go back and watch that 3rd quarter again then tell me how WELL we played. wasn't a fluke or luck just straight heart.

Thanks Dudexthumbsupx

June 12th, 2008, 11:50 AM
i got a 100 on a 21pt push but if app wins i get 200.

June 12th, 2008, 11:59 AM
Don't forget to mention his use of "you're" instead of "your". If you want to call a fanbase "uneducated" you might want to proofread your post. xthumbsupx

I'm sorry young man.The uneducated fanbase quote was not mine,It was quoted by GGASU.xpeacex Yes,I will accept an apology,--IF [you're] man enough to offer an apology.:D Check post #1172,My response was to that post.

June 12th, 2008, 12:09 PM
i got a 100 on a 21pt push but if app wins i get 200.

If APP wins outright ??????

June 12th, 2008, 12:17 PM
speaking of uneducated, the correct word would be, "WELL".

go back and watch that 3rd quarter again then tell me how WELL we played. wasn't a fluke or luck just straight heart.

Just what part of [ They played Very Good or well} don't you understand ??xthumbsupx xcoolx

June 12th, 2008, 12:34 PM
I'm sorry young man.The uneducated fanbase quote was not mine,It was quoted by GGASU.xpeacex Yes,I will accept an apology,--IF [you're] man enough to offer an apology.:D Check post #1172,My response was to that post.

I could be mistaken, but I believe the original "uneducated" post was directed at FBS fans who choose not to educate themselves about FCS football (that's how I read it, at least).

Your reference to uneducated fanbase was pointing out a spelling error in a post... while making two grammar mistakes yourself. I was just pointing out the irony.

June 12th, 2008, 12:35 PM
Just what part of [ They played Very Good or well} don't you understand ??xthumbsupx xcoolx

You obviously haven't watched the 3rd quarter of the App-Michigan game because you are missing the reference.

June 12th, 2008, 12:50 PM
i got a 100 on a 21pt push but if app wins i get 200.

Well, I like to think of myself as someone who will walk the walk if I'm going to talk to talk :D I think the spread should be about 21 so I'll take it. If ASU stays inside of 21 I owe you $100, If they win, $200, if it is a 21 point difference it is a push. Otherwise, well you know xlolx

OK, so now that we have that going. What are your thoughts on McNeese vs UNC? Do you think its going to get ugly like others have noted? If so then what do you think about giving me...... say 28 with the same conditions? xsmiley_wix

June 12th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Well, I like to think of myself as someone who will walk the walk if I'm going to talk to talk :D I think the spread should be about 21 so I'll take it. If ASU stays inside of 21 I owe you $100, If they win, $200, if it is a 21 point difference it is a push. Otherwise, well you know xlolx

OK, so now that we have that going. What are your thoughts on McNeese vs UNC? Do you think its going to get ugly like others have noted? If so then what do you think about giving me...... say 28 with the same conditions? xsmiley_wix

the other side of that bet is if app gets shut out i owe $200.

personally i dont think butch davis will have much of an effect on unc's team for another year or so. that man can recruit.

i think mcneese has a better shot than unc will give them credit for.

June 12th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Well, I like to think of myself as someone who will walk the walk if I'm going to talk to talk :D I think the spread should be about 21 so I'll take it. If ASU stays inside of 21 I owe you $100, If they win, $200, if it is a 21 point difference it is a push. Otherwise, well you know xlolx

OK, so now that we have that going. What are your thoughts on McNeese vs UNC? Do you think its going to get ugly like others have noted? If so then what do you think about giving me...... say 28 with the same conditions? xsmiley_wix
I'll hold the money for y'all. xlolx xlolx :D

June 12th, 2008, 01:36 PM
I'll hold the money for y'all. xlolx xlolx :D

this is a bet i already have going with a friend.

there's no point to make "actual" bets on a msg board. i would like to see someone try and make me pay.

June 12th, 2008, 05:06 PM
the other side of that bet is if app gets shut out i owe $200.

personally i dont think butch davis will have much of an effect on unc's team for another year or so. that man can recruit.

i think mcneese has a better shot than unc will give them credit for.

Well ASU F@#ked up the possibiltiy of anyone leading a sneak attack this year xmadx

June 12th, 2008, 05:14 PM
Well ASU F@#ked up the possibiltiy of anyone leading a sneak attack this year xmadx
You don't have to sneak attack UNC. Hell you can get right in their face and say you're going to beat them and they wouldn't be able to stop you. You should NOT lose to them.

June 12th, 2008, 05:33 PM
You don't have to sneak attack UNC. Hell you can get right in their face and say you're going to beat them and they wouldn't be able to stop you. You should NOT lose to them.

Agreed! I have heard alot about how good MSU is the last couple years, I have alot of respect for their pogram. I think they will be able to win at UNC, not that UNC will lay down, IMO MSU will be the better team on the field that day.

June 12th, 2008, 05:37 PM
What are the possibilities of ESPN CollegeGame Day in BR on Aug. 30th?

June 12th, 2008, 08:50 PM
What are the possibilities of ESPN CollegeGame Day in BR on Aug. 30th?

possible but unlikely IMO

theres a few good games going on that day that are probably favored over our game.

Alabama vs Clemson in Atlanta - I think this will be Gameday
USC at Virginia
Illinois at Missouri

June 12th, 2008, 10:28 PM
I think alabama clemson has Gameday. Not positive though.

June 13th, 2008, 08:32 AM
Well, I like to think of myself as someone who will walk the walk if I'm going to talk to talk :D I think the spread should be about 21 so I'll take it. If ASU stays inside of 21 I owe you $100, If they win, $200, if it is a 21 point difference it is a push. Otherwise, well you know xlolx

OK, so now that we have that going. What are your thoughts on McNeese vs UNC? Do you think its going to get ugly like others have noted? If so then what do you think about giving me...... say 28 with the same conditions? xsmiley_wix

I can't think of anyone UNC could play that would warrant giving 21 points.

June 13th, 2008, 09:34 AM
possible but unlikely IMO

theres a few good games going on that day that are probably favored over our game.

Alabama vs Clemson in Atlanta - I think this will be Gameday
USC at Virginia
Illinois at Missouri

I think alabama clemson has Gameday. Not positive though.
I'm pretty sure the Alabama - Clemson rivalry is going to be big enough to draw Gameday. Tigers looking for revenge over the bowl game last year.

June 13th, 2008, 09:52 AM
I'm pretty sure the Alabama - Clemson rivalry is going to be big enough to draw Gameday. Tigers looking for revenge over the bowl game last year.

I'm thinking Atlanta is close enough to Charlotte to warrent a trip. Got to start working on my arm so I can throw cupcakes at Hurbie. :p

June 13th, 2008, 09:53 AM
1200!!xlolx xlolx

June 13th, 2008, 12:36 PM
I'm thinking Atlanta is close enough to Charlotte to warrent a trip. Got to start working on my arm so I can throw cupcakes at Hurbie. :p

Yeah I dont think Hurbie has the sac to show up in BR! App fans would be killing him with cupcakes!xlolx xlolx

June 14th, 2008, 12:55 AM
Anyone recognize the pokey guy who finished 3rd?????? xwhistlex

NCAA Track and Field: LSU's Thompson races to men's 100-meter crown

Richard Thompson spread his arms as he glided across the finish line.

Doubters were left in the dust, while the Louisiana State senior sprinted to a victory in the men’s 100 meters tonight during the NCAA Track and Field Championships at Drake Stadium.

His longtime rival, Walter Dix of Florida State, finished fourth.

“What a great way to go out,” said Thompson, who won in 10.12 seconds. “I anticipated this day for four years. So I’m glad it finally came through.”

For the past three years, Thompson has been overshadowed by Dix, who was seeking his third consecutive title.

“I remember as a freshman thinking, ‘Wow, Walter Dix is going to be around for four years. How am I ever going to be able to win an NCAA championship?’ ” Thompson recalled. “And here I am today.”

Thompson burst out of the blocks and seized control of the race, finishing 0.04 seconds ahead of Clemson’s Travis Padgett. Louisiana State’s Trindon Holliday was third.

“I knew my start was going to be great,” Thompson said. “Because in the warmup area, Trindon and I did some stuff next to each other and I felt really good.

“I consider (Holliday) one of the greatest starters in the world. And if I was coming out close to him, I was ready.”


http://http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080613/SPORTS02/80613061 (http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080613/SPORTS02/80613061)

Syntax Error
June 14th, 2008, 01:39 AM
Has App State ever sponsored a month at AGS? Why not?

June 14th, 2008, 08:36 AM
Has App State ever sponsored a month at AGS? Why not?

If we did everyone else on this board would bitch about having to hear about App more...

June 14th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Has App State ever sponsored a month at AGS? Why not?

I'm detecting a bit of App envy?xlolx xlolx :D

June 14th, 2008, 02:23 PM
Has App State ever sponsored a month at AGS? Why not?

It's posts like this that make me want to Syntax Error.

June 16th, 2008, 11:47 AM
App playing LSU? Go figure.

June 16th, 2008, 12:22 PM
i just got an Email from the marketing director at App saying that because I finished the school year as one of the top 50 Mountaineer Maniacs, I am guaranteed the opportunity to buy 2 tickets at $45/a piece..........maybe I am going after all!!!!

June 16th, 2008, 01:54 PM

June 20th, 2008, 09:18 AM
1209 Bwah Ha Ha Ha!

June 20th, 2008, 09:57 AM
the suspense is killing me.

June 21st, 2008, 12:59 PM
Those who are not fortunate enough to make the trip to Baton Rouge, what are your plans for gameday? I am planning on taking it easy that morning, which probably means mow grass and other yard work so my wife will allow the rest of the day to go as planned, head to the dove field at noon, shoot my limit(12) by 2:00, go home and dress the doves for backyard "tailgate", grill dove breasts and other grill fare and then enjoy what I hope to be a great football game. Hope to invite several friends who don't yet realize that they love Appalachian football.

June 22nd, 2008, 09:43 PM
I have different plans , but a similar timeline. I'll get up and go for my normal Saturday long run. If the yard needs to be mowed, I'll take care of that, then go hit the pool at the club. Around 2pm or so, I'll crank the grill for my "Patio Tailgate" and have plenty of adult beverages ready when several friends come over for the game. I haven't decided on the food selections yet but there is plenty of time for that.xhypedx

June 23rd, 2008, 11:02 AM
Ill probably travel to a ladies house and chill for a bit. Depending on whats going on there i'll either watch it there or come back home at 5 and tune into ESPN.

June 23rd, 2008, 07:39 PM
I have different plans , but a similar timeline. I'll get up and go for my normal Saturday long run. If the yard needs to be mowed, I'll take care of that, then go hit the pool at the club. Around 2pm or so, I'll crank the grill for my "Patio Tailgate" and have plenty of adult beverages ready when several friends come over for the game. I haven't decided on the food selections yet but there is plenty of time for that.xhypedx

Yeah, I forgot about the run. I should be doing long runs on Saturday by then too. Right now my long run is a mile. Just getting back into it. Will have run another 5K by then.

June 23rd, 2008, 07:46 PM
As for me I am hoping that my son's first Pop Warner game of the season is either an early game or that they don't have one scheduled so I can be properly prepared for the game that evening.

June 24th, 2008, 03:30 PM
I don't like the look of the article on the front page of our Rivals.com site:


96 is Gary Tharrington, who is pictured. Anyone know of any details or have access to the site?

June 24th, 2008, 04:02 PM
im not trying to start rumors and could totally be wrong but from what i was reading on the app delphi forums they were talking about tharrington needing to hit the books...my best assumption is that he is academically ineligible.... i could be totally wrong though so dont hold me to it

June 24th, 2008, 06:08 PM
im not trying to start rumors and could totally be wrong but from what i was reading on the app delphi forums they were talking about tharrington needing to hit the books...my best assumption is that he is academically ineligible.... i could be totally wrong though so dont hold me to it

xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x xnonono2x

good thing we got malcolm bennet and quavian lewis and gordy witte who they seemed to like during spring practices. That and he's 6'6 at DT is nice.

June 24th, 2008, 06:21 PM
We should be fine without Tharrington. Its a shame we lost him, but we are fairly deep on d-line. However losing him AND Washington really does hurt. Two solid starters gone.

June 24th, 2008, 09:24 PM
but that gives room to younger players and malcolm bennet

June 25th, 2008, 01:04 AM
Who knows...Washington still may come back. We'll know in August. I'm just glad we have some depth. Tharrington will be missed though, He was definitely the most impressive player in my opinion on the D-line last season.

June 25th, 2008, 06:14 AM
Sorry to hear about Gary "Boo-Boo" Tharrington, he will be missed. Hope to see him back in 09'

June 25th, 2008, 04:48 PM
but that gives room to younger players and malcolm bennet

Talent-wise, they'll be hard to replace by the younger players. Plus they had a tough year's experience under their belts.
Tharrington was all SoCon.