View Full Version : Jets interested in Delaware QB Flacco

December 27th, 2007, 08:08 AM
Momma Schmofstra likes Hempstead because of the proximity to the shopping malls of Long Island and NYC. Papa Schmofstra tolerates Hempstead because it's a I-AA football town -- and home to an NFL training camp. Papa met a former New York Jet in a drinking establishment last night (no pee wall there, just conventional urinals). This Jet alum said his former team is interested in Delaware's Flacco. Now, with Kellen Clemens the likely starter for the Fighting Manginis next year (a plan that is FAR from a sure-fire winner), how long would it take before Flacco isn't just an NFL quarterback, but a STARTING NFL quarterback? Of course, probably a lot of other teams would want to draft him, possibly by the second round, eh?xcoffeex

December 27th, 2007, 08:20 AM
A lot of teams are going to be interested in Flacco. He has all the physical tools that make the pro scouts salivate.
Mel Kiper has him listed in his top 5 senior quarterbacks

December 27th, 2007, 08:33 AM
Kiper now has him as the 3rd rated QB in the draft. Andre Woodson's stock is falling...

December 27th, 2007, 09:47 AM
I heard Kiper say he's top 5 and will be a first day draftee.

December 27th, 2007, 09:55 AM
I'd rather see him a Raven.

December 27th, 2007, 10:20 AM
With where Flacco's going to be drafted (say top 3 rounds, and maybe no worse than the 5th QB off the board) he'll get a real chance to actually play for a team. With the state of QB's in the NFL, they are desperate to find anyone, and Flacco has all the tools to be a good NFL QB. It wouldn't be shocking to see him start for an NFL team even as early as next year.

December 27th, 2007, 10:24 AM
I'd rather see him a Raven.

Nope. xsmhx Baltimore is a QB graveyard. xnodx

December 27th, 2007, 10:25 AM
Nope. xsmhx Baltimore is a QB graveyard. xnodx

All depends if Billick finally gets the boot or not. If he's there, I agree, graveyard.

December 27th, 2007, 11:20 AM
All depends if Billick finally gets the boot or not. If he's there, I agree, graveyard.
I hope to HECK they can Billick.

Monarch History
December 27th, 2007, 11:32 AM
I hope he is drafted by a team who can use his strengths. I think he will have a nice NFL career if he is given a chance.

Rob Iola
December 27th, 2007, 11:34 AM
I hope to HECK they can Billick.
How does one Billick?

December 27th, 2007, 11:48 AM
How does one Billick?

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

Step #1: Get yourself proclaimed as an offensive genius
Step #2: Prove by your demeanor that you are half of that description
Step #3: Win a Super Bowl without an offense
Step #4: Stubbornly believe that you can turn a mediocre QB into a star
Step #5: Hold on tightly to #1, remind everyone about #3 and pray that you still can keep your job


December 27th, 2007, 11:49 AM
No doubt he has the arm strength and he is a big QB. But does he need to be a little more mobile??? To me that seems like it could be an issue especially if he goes to a team with a sub par O-line. Just from the games that I have seen him play that appears that it could pose a problem for him down the line. Just one man's opinion.

Rob Iola
December 27th, 2007, 11:52 AM
No doubt he has the arm strength and he is a big QB. But does he need to be a little more mobile??? To me that seems like it could be an issue especially if he goes to a team with a sub par O-line. Just from the games that I have seen him play that appears that it could pose a problem for him down the line. Just one man's opinion.
You tell me - the one thing that left Moore and company shaking their heads was your D-Line's inability to actually tackle him when he was all but wrapped up - you can catch him but unless you grab his throwing arm he's still able to get the pass off. Just ask UNI, DSU, and others...

December 27th, 2007, 11:53 AM
I know I only saw each play one game in person but personally I thought Flacco to be significantly better than Chad Henne ---

December 27th, 2007, 11:58 AM
You tell me - the one thing that left Moore and company shaking their heads was your D-Line's inability to actually tackle him when he was all but wrapped up - you can catch him but unless you grab his throwing arm he's still able to get the pass off. Just ask UNI, DSU, and others...

Yea, I concur. I've said numerous times on this board how impressed I was with Flacco's ability to throw passes while pressured and grabbed. The ASU game was the worse game I've seen him play in a while (although ASU still would've won if he'd been at his best).

Plus Flacco's mobile when he needs to be. Not every QB can rush for 200+ yds. in a game. In fact, I can only think of one that wouldn't (didn't) surprise me when he did it.xsmiley_wix

If Flacco's got an open field, he can beat somebody to the corner for 5 or 6 yds.

December 27th, 2007, 11:59 AM
Jets fan here.

Unless Flacco falls to the second day I can't see the Jets burning another Day 1 selection this year on a QB. The team has far far more pressing needs on both lines that need to be addressed with the first day picks.

December 27th, 2007, 12:03 PM
Remember, being mobile also doesn't mean running downfield, at least it doesn't have to be for a QB. It's being able to move around in the pocket, avoiding the rush, and still being able to look downfield and make the throw. Plenty of teams had real good rushes (JMU, Richmond, UNI, SIU, and even Appy) that either couldn't get to him in time because of his movement (sidestep here, shuffle there), or had many times where defenders got to him and couldn't bring him down fast enough. There's a reason why being 6'6" and 230 pounds is a plus for him - it's tough to pull down someone that big.

Rob Iola
December 27th, 2007, 12:07 PM
Remember, being mobile also doesn't mean running downfield, at least it doesn't have to be for a QB. It's being able to move around in the pocket, avoiding the rush, and still being able to look downfield and make the throw. Plenty of teams had real good rushes (JMU, Richmond, UNI, SIU, and even Appy) that either couldn't get to him in time because of his movement (sidestep here, shuffle there), or had many times where defenders got to him and couldn't bring him down fast enough. There's a reason why being 6'6" and 230 pounds is a plus for him - it's tough to pull down someone that big.
Perhaps Flacco's biggest asset (to go with his size, smarts, arm strength, and boyish good looks) is that he's always, and I mean always, looking downfield...

December 27th, 2007, 01:34 PM
You tell me - the one thing that left Moore and company shaking their heads was your D-Line's inability to actually tackle him when he was all but wrapped up - you can catch him but unless you grab his throwing arm he's still able to get the pass off. Just ask UNI, DSU, and others...

Against UNI, Flacco was mobile enough to avoid the rush and strong enough to shake it off when he couldn't. Some of the credit should go to the Hen's (banged up) O Line's ability to keep the rush from getting many direct shots at Flacco but a lot of it was due to his ability to sense the pressure (while continuing to look downfield) and taking the appropriate action (stepping up or scrambling toward the sideline) to avoid it. Even when the defender got a piece of him he was usually able to use his strength to keep the play alive. I was very impressed with him and hope he ends up in the right situation because I want to see him play on Sundays.

December 27th, 2007, 02:12 PM
I really hope he goes to Buffalo, need a real QB bad...

December 27th, 2007, 02:14 PM
I really hope he goes to Buffalo, need a real QB bad...

Didn't they just draft a QB in the 3rd round last year (6th overall)? THat's a fairly high pick to spend on a QB and then go after someone else with another high pick the very next year. I Understand Detroit does that with WR's but we've all seen where that's led them.

December 28th, 2007, 03:37 PM
You tell me - the one thing that left Moore and company shaking their heads was your D-Line's inability to actually tackle him when he was all but wrapped up - you can catch him but unless you grab his throwing arm he's still able to get the pass off. Just ask UNI, DSU, and others...

He may be able to do that at this level, but that won't be so easy in the NFL. The thing I'm skeptical about is that everyone talkes about his size and arm strength, which can be very overrated. I would prefer to have an accurate thrower that makes smart throws. Size will help some, but unless you have those QB traits you won't last long in the NFL. We can list a ton of QBs that were touted for their size and arm strength that didn't do well in the NFL.

December 28th, 2007, 04:30 PM
I have been told, by someone who should certainly know, that "the Ravens like what they see in Flacco and are very interested in him." We shall see.