View Full Version : SoCon Conspiracy Theories?
December 20th, 2007, 10:51 AM
I have read a ton of crap this year about the SoCon and stayed generally quiet. But this is getting out of hand.
-App fans (30 posts worth in 2 days) are claiming the SoCon is the reason Lynch didn't win the Buchanon.
-App fans are claiming that if Elon, Wofford or Furman had a player that the SoCon would have promoted them (did they do this with Nkang?)
-Conspiracy theories about the private schools getting favoritism in reffing of games.
-Conspiracy theories about the SoCon doing "everything it can" to prevent two schools from excelling in sports.
-Conspiracy theories about private schools limiting admission to prevent certain public school fans from attending away games (despite the fact that away fans can't get tickets in Boone readily now).
-Conspiracy theories about game scheduling favoring private schools.
-ETSU being kciked out being blamed on the private schools and conference even though it was a popular 3/4 vote that lead to this.
-Elon and Samford being blamed for dragging the conference down continually and bringing "nothing to the table" even though Elon has yet to do, overall, as bad as quite a few public schools.
-App fans complaining about the "hardship" App will have with travel costs to Samford. This coming from the very fans who want to be in the MAC, Sun Belt or play in a league with Delaware. (Also not that Samford is 1 hour further than Charleston, 30 minutes further than Statesboro).
-Complaints about not "expanding the footprint" whatever that means, yet when the "footprint" is expanded, there are nothing but complaints about the location and travel costs.
My goodness this is really getting out of hand. This "everybody is out to get us because we are ____" .... I have really never seen so many conspiracy theories from multiple sites from such a common group of fans. And such two-faced, hypocritical crap. I just find it funny that the CAA, similar in makeup to the SoCon overall; really sees none of these user fabricated topics over and over which points out that it is either a real problem or some people have some real problems at certain schools.
December 20th, 2007, 11:32 AM
Simply smack
December 20th, 2007, 11:42 AM
I have read a ton of crap this year about the SoCon and stayed generally quiet. But this is getting out of hand.
-App fans (30 posts worth in 2 days) are claiming the SoCon is the reason Lynch didn't win the Buchanon.
-App fans are claiming that if Elon, Wofford or Furman had a player that the SoCon would have promoted them (did they do this with Nkang?)
-Conspiracy theories about the private schools getting favoritism in reffing of games.
-Conspiracy theories about the SoCon doing "everything it can" to prevent two schools from excelling in sports.
-Conspiracy theories about private schools limiting admission to prevent certain public school fans from attending away games (despite the fact that away fans can't get tickets in Boone readily now).
-Conspiracy theories about game scheduling favoring private schools.
-ETSU being kciked out being blamed on the private schools and conference even though it was a popular 3/4 vote that lead to this.
-Elon and Samford being blamed for dragging the conference down continually and bringing "nothing to the table" even though Elon has yet to do, overall, as bad as quite a few public schools.
-App fans complaining about the "hardship" App will have with travel costs to Samford. This coming from the very fans who want to be in the MAC, Sun Belt or play in a league with Delaware. (Also not that Samford is 1 hour further than Charleston, 30 minutes further than Statesboro).
-Complaints about not "expanding the footprint" whatever that means, yet when the "footprint" is expanded, there are nothing but complaints about the location and travel costs.
My goodness this is really getting out of hand. This "everybody is out to get us because we are ____" .... I have really never seen so many conspiracy theories from multiple sites from such a common group of fans. And such two-faced, hypocritical crap. I just find it funny that the CAA, similar in makeup to the SoCon overall; really sees none of these user fabricated topics over and over which points out that it is either a real problem or some people have some real problems at certain schools.
Aren't you saying too that everone is out to get you because you are a private school? Obviously are you feeling the way you are feeling because you think it has to do with you being a private school.
So one could make the arguement that yes you too are feeling like everyone is out to get you because you are from a private school.
That is really all I have to say about that!
December 20th, 2007, 11:47 AM
It's twue, it's twuexrotatehx
December 20th, 2007, 11:50 AM
It's twue, it's twuexrotatehx
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
December 20th, 2007, 12:39 PM
GoPhoenix, virtually every post I've seen of yours lately has been to get at Appalachian some way. Just another post that shows your disdain for Appalachian. It's sad really. You're probably a smart guy, just calm down and take it easy. I have family that has gone to Elon, most of us have nothing against Elon, or you. I do have a simple solution for you though...if you don't like what's being said on a thread, don't read it. I know, it's very novel, but try it out. It works for me.
December 20th, 2007, 12:58 PM
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you...
December 20th, 2007, 01:02 PM
I'm wondering where all these conspiracies came from. xconfusedx
December 20th, 2007, 01:05 PM
Elon is a solid addition to the SoCon - they have football tradition with 2 National Championships and an outstanding facility - They now have a quality coach and some talented players - What they lack compared to APP is fan enthusiasm and the level of excited commitment from their administration (i.e. Chancellor Peacock and Charlie Cobb) - I have seen great improvement at EU over the last couple of years --- Samford, I have no idea ---
December 20th, 2007, 01:06 PM
i hear the wammmbulance coming....
December 20th, 2007, 01:48 PM
I was one of the ones that took up for you guys when the rest of the board was attacking your fans.
And this isn't about me, or Elon, this is about conspiracy theories being thrown all over the place all year long. This is them all summed up into one post. And I even pulled all the summation of this from AGS posts since September.
"It's not smack if it's true." - Another quote from one of the same fans quoted in the original post.
And I see none of what is said is really addressed in 10 responses....... but a lot of the responses are levied directly at me.
Nice. But it helps prove the point.
December 20th, 2007, 02:23 PM
Why the heck do you even bother worrying about some so called conspiracy that doesn't even involve Elon. Time to refill those meds and chill.
December 20th, 2007, 03:11 PM
I was one of the ones that took up for you guys when the rest of the board was attacking your fans.
And this isn't about me, or Elon, this is about conspiracy theories being thrown all over the place all year long. This is them all summed up into one post. And I even pulled all the summation of this from AGS posts since September.
"It's not smack if it's true." - Another quote from one of the same fans quoted in the original post.
And I see none of what is said is really addressed in 10 responses....... but a lot of the responses are levied directly at me.
Nice. But it helps prove the point.
How can I address conspiracy theories I don't participate in or consider true? I directed my response to you because on many recent threads I have seen you levy arguments against App State and it's fans. It would be great if you would post some of the actual theories with their authors so we know what has actually been said so we can see what these theories are. xnottalkingx
December 20th, 2007, 03:14 PM
In considering your conspiracy theories, I will only say this. You may want to consider the source of those rumors before you attribute them across the board to all App fans. Some writers on here are more knowledgable than others. Most of those rumors sound ridiculous and stupid on their merit alone and don't need any further discussion.
December 20th, 2007, 03:18 PM
In considering your conspiracy theories, I will only say this. You may want to consider the source of those rumors before you attribute them across the board to all App fans. Some writers on here are more knowledgable than others. Most of those rumors sound ridiculous and stupid on their merit alone and don't need any further discussion.
Could be, but the lack of people saying no to this sort of thing can be damning to a point.
But to note, two of the responders in this thread alone are two of the sources from the list. And these are two that have already hurled an insult over the wall. Coincidence?
December 20th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Could be, but the lack of people saying no to this sort of thing can be damning to a point.
But to note, two of the responders in this thread alone are two of the sources from the list. And these are two that have already hurled an insult over the wall. Coincidence?
Names? Let me know if I am one with a conspiracy that you speak of. I'd like to know if I have a theory.
December 20th, 2007, 04:03 PM
GoPhoenix, virtually every post I've seen of yours lately has been to get at Appalachian some way. Just another post that shows your disdain for Appalachian. It's sad really. You're probably a smart guy, just calm down and take it easy. I have family that has gone to Elon, most of us have nothing against Elon, or you. I do have a simple solution for you though...if you don't like what's being said on a thread, don't read it. I know, it's very novel, but try it out. It works for me.
Agreed. Every time I've seen a post of yours it involves ASU. It may be the topic, it may not but something will mention it. I don't know if it's a certain fascination or disgust with ASU as a whole or not. If you don't like something, don't read or talk about it. Pretty simple man.
December 20th, 2007, 06:05 PM
Names? Let me know if I am one with a conspiracy that you speak of. I'd like to know if I have a theory.
Not you.... most of your guys posting on this board from App are cool. And like I said in this original email, not all these conspiracy theories are from App fans. Some are from GSU. Some are from fans of I don't know who. I just bulleted them and summed them up in an email for some general conference discussion.
It's not about like or hate of App, it is about talking points. I have many friends who are App fans. I've had one of the worst harassers that required me to get legal counsel as an App fan. I go to App games where Elon isn't playing with App friends. I pull for App otherwise. There's no hate on my end. And I find it ironic that me posting in threads where Elon is mentioned as being anti-App.
But it seems that if some people don't particularly like a topic, there is a lecture about not reading it. But when you guys don't like something, you attack it with discussion points. How's this really any different? And how is me not reading something any different than you not reading and posting in this one?
But just because I disagree with some of you on your school doesn't mean I am against App. I have a ton of other posts on this board, none of which have to do with App at all.
I can PM with names if you want. Let me know. Otherwise, these are just TALKING POINTS for anyone in the conference.
December 20th, 2007, 06:15 PM
"App fans (30 posts worth in 2 days) are claiming the SoCon is the reason Lynch didn't win the Buchanon."
I did read elsewhere that many of the potential voters in the SoCon didn't even cast a vote. I obviously can't substantiate that, nor did I posit that theory. I had seen it discussed but I have no knowledge of its veracity. Obviously, others saw it and ran with it. I, for one, don't subscribe to conspiracy theories because they usually are based on scant information that becomes extrapolated into something more sinister than really is the case.
December 20th, 2007, 07:56 PM
I thought the SoCon was a baseball conference anyway?
December 20th, 2007, 08:56 PM
Aren't you saying too that everone is out to get you because you are a private school? Obviously are you feeling the way you are feeling because you think it has to do with you being a private school.
So one could make the arguement that yes you too are feeling like everyone is out to get you because you are from a private school.
That is really all I have to say about that!
If you think most App fans want to even sniff I-A as a MAC or Sunbelch team your whole theory above Is probably just as flawed. meh
December 20th, 2007, 09:00 PM
Not you.... most of your guys posting on this board from App are cool. And like I said in this original email, not all these conspiracy theories are from App fans. Some are from GSU. Some are from fans of I don't know who. I just bulleted them and summed them up in an email for some general conference discussion.
It's not about like or hate of App, it is about talking points. I have many friends who are App fans. I've had one of the worst harassers that required me to get legal counsel as an App fan. I go to App games where Elon isn't playing with App friends. I pull for App otherwise. There's no hate on my end. And I find it ironic that me posting in threads where Elon is mentioned as being anti-App.
But it seems that if some people don't particularly like a topic, there is a lecture about not reading it. But when you guys don't like something, you attack it with discussion points. How's this really any different? And how is me not reading something any different than you not reading and posting in this one?
But just because I disagree with some of you on your school doesn't mean I am against App. I have a ton of other posts on this board, none of which have to do with App at all.
I can PM with names if you want. Let me know. Otherwise, these are just TALKING POINTS for anyone in the conference.
That's cool. There have been many threads here of late, I have not read them all, bashing App fans. Typically, it is done as a whole, not individual App fans. We are in the spotlight now, so anything an App fan says/ does is more noticed than before. I don't know what people posted these theories, they all sound rather ridiculous to me. My whole thing is for people to quit representing all App fans as bad. I just love football and love learning about all of the teams. I don't really have a problem with any team (except GSU--I would get more pleasure from beating the Eagles than the Taliban), but I don't like the negative generalizations. My theory is, have all of the conspiracies against ASU there can be, one hasn't stopped us yet. xthumbsupx
December 20th, 2007, 09:24 PM
That's cool. There have been many threads here of late, I have not read them all, bashing App fans. Typically, it is done as a whole, not individual App fans. We are in the spotlight now, so anything an App fan says/ does is more noticed than before. I don't know what people posted these theories, they all sound rather ridiculous to me. My whole thing is for people to quit representing all App fans as bad. I just love football and love learning about all of the teams. I don't really have a problem with any team (except GSU--I would get more pleasure from beating the Eagles than the Taliban), but I don't like the negative generalizations. My theory is, have all of the conspiracies against ASU there can be, one hasn't stopped us yet. xthumbsupx
Cheers to that.
And BigApp, the SoCon is a baseball conference too. I thought we settled that whole debate 2 years ago when I made that comment. We'll see how the new NCAA rules regulating baseball affect us and the other non-traditional power conferences though.
December 21st, 2007, 06:53 AM
Aren't you saying too that everone is out to get you because you are a private school? Obviously are you feeling the way you are feeling because you think it has to do with you being a private school.
So one could make the arguement that yes you too are feeling like everyone is out to get you because you are from a private school.
That is really all I have to say about that!
December 21st, 2007, 06:56 AM
Cheers to that.
And BigApp, the SoCon is a baseball conference too. I thought we settled that whole debate 2 years ago when I made that comment. We'll see how the new NCAA rules regulating baseball affect us and the other non-traditional power conferences though.
Baseball conference? That is so hillarious!!xlolx
Have 25,000 shown uop for a SoCon home game in baseball yet? Has a school made national headlines in baseball?
December 21st, 2007, 07:00 AM
"App fans (30 posts worth in 2 days) are claiming the SoCon is the reason Lynch didn't win the Buchanon."
I did read elsewhere that many of the potential voters in the SoCon didn't even cast a vote. I obviously can't substantiate that, nor did I posit that theory. I had seen it discussed but I have no knowledge of its veracity. Obviously, others saw it and ran with it. I, for one, don't subscribe to conspiracy theories because they usually are based on scant information that becomes extrapolated into something more sinister than really is the case.
You are right on target.
December 21st, 2007, 07:46 AM
Names? Let me know if I am one with a conspiracy that you speak of. I'd like to know if I have a theory.
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
xnodx xnodx xnodx xnodx xnodx xnodx xnodx
December 21st, 2007, 08:13 AM
Guys as APP fans let's give kudos to Elon this past season - they did beat Wofford and GSU which did help us in the move to the top of the SoCon - Most all APP respect what Elon has done and they will be a force to be reckoned with - As for conspiracy theories, I say check the source - Now, if a number of SoCon voters didn't take the time to vote for some of the prestigious post-season awards then maybe their voting privilege should be assigned to someone WHO CARES ENOUGH TO VOTE!
December 21st, 2007, 08:51 AM
Baseball conference? That is so hillarious!!xlolx
Have 25,000 shown uop for a SoCon home game in baseball yet? Has a school made national headlines in baseball?
That's your conterpoint? xeyebrowx That's a little weak. Baseball is the only sport where game in, and game out, most SoCon teams have been able to compete and beat the biggest names in the sport......and on a consistent basis! The conference as a whole finished 9th in the RPI last season, and probably should've gotten 3 teams in the tourney. If you think the SoCon isn't a baseball conferece, then something is wrong with you.
So let me guess, because Davidson doesn't get 25,000 a game, that doesn't make them a basketball school? Right......
December 21st, 2007, 08:54 AM
That's your conterpoint? xeyebrowx That's a little weak. Baseball is the only sport where game in, and game out, most SoCon teams have been able to compete and beat the biggest names in the sport......and on a consistent basis! The conference as a whole finished 9th in the RPI last season, and probably should've gotten 3 teams in the tourney. If you think the SoCon isn't a baseball conferece, then something is wrong with you.
So let me guess, because Davidson doesn't get 25,000 a game, that doesn't make them a basketball school? Right......
The Citadel Baseball 18 Socon Titles since 1980. WE DOMINATE THE SOCON! 1990 College World Series. GSU was there the same year.
December 21st, 2007, 08:55 AM
SoCon can be called a baseball conference. It's unfortunate that ASU's baseball team hasn't been able to make the tourney, if so more ASU fans would follow it. In Boone, football reigns supreme, that is why a lot of ASU fans don't take notice of the good baseball that is played in the SoCon.
December 21st, 2007, 08:56 AM
SoCon can be called a baseball conference. It's unfortunate that ASU's baseball team hasn't been able to make the tourney, if so more ASU fans would follow it. In Boone, football reigns supreme, that is why a lot of ASU fans don't take notice of the good baseball that is played in the SoCon.
ASU Baseball is improving. Got a ways to go though.
December 21st, 2007, 08:59 AM
ASU Baseball is improving. Got a ways to go though.
December 21st, 2007, 09:24 AM
Guys as APP fans let's give kudos to Elon this past season - they did beat Wofford and GSU which did help us in the move to the top of the SoCon - Most all APP respect what Elon has done and they will be a force to be reckoned with - As for conspiracy theories, I say check the source - Now, if a number of SoCon voters didn't take the time to vote for some of the prestigious post-season awards then maybe their voting privilege should be assigned to someone WHO CARES ENOUGH TO VOTE!
I second that. xnodx xrulesx
Eyes of Old Main
December 21st, 2007, 09:33 AM
The Citadel Baseball 18 Socon Titles since 1980. WE DOMINATE THE SOCON! 1990 College World Series. GSU was there the same year.
At least you are touting accomplishments from the 1990's instead of the 1860's. xlolx
But, The Citadel has been the strongest baseball program in the SoCon for a while. WCU isn't bad either.
By the way, who won the SoCon baseball championship last year?
December 21st, 2007, 11:58 AM
Those aren't SoCon conspiracies, those are "Why App State is out to get Elon" conspiracies. I didn't see El Cid, Furman, Wofford, or WCU mentioned at all. Gotta hand it to Elon, though, they have picked themselves up in a remarkably short space of time. Two years ago, they were a doormate. Now they're a competitive team. Way to go Phoenix, looking forward to next year.
December 21st, 2007, 12:03 PM
SoCon can be called a baseball conference. It's unfortunate that ASU's baseball team hasn't been able to make the tourney, if so more ASU fans would follow it. In Boone, football reigns supreme, that is why a lot of ASU fans don't take notice of the good baseball that is played in the SoCon.
The days of Elon beating ASU 28-7 in baseball are long gone. Coach Pollard seems to be the Lembo of baseball. He took you guys from a, pardon my words, pathetic team to a competitive team in a very short span.
ASU will be pretty good this year. I thought you were maybe 1 starting pitcher and 1 reliever away from contending for a top 3 spot this past season.
December 21st, 2007, 12:12 PM
At least you are touting accomplishments from the 1990's instead of the 1860's. xlolx
But, The Citadel has been the strongest baseball program in the SoCon for a while. WCU isn't bad either.
By the way, who won the SoCon baseball championship last year?
didn't want y'all to think that i am a "one trick puppy"xlolx
Yes we are the strongest Baseball Program in the Socon.
WCU is an excellent team, as is Elon, GSU, CofC, and UNCG.
The Wofford Terriers are the defending SoCon Champs.
December 21st, 2007, 12:46 PM
I have read a ton of crap this year about the SoCon and stayed generally quiet. But this is getting out of hand.
-App fans (30 posts worth in 2 days) are claiming the SoCon is the reason Lynch didn't win the Buchanon.
-App fans are claiming that if Elon, Wofford or Furman had a player that the SoCon would have promoted them (did they do this with Nkang?)
-Conspiracy theories about the private schools getting favoritism in reffing of games.
-Conspiracy theories about the SoCon doing "everything it can" to prevent two schools from excelling in sports.
-Conspiracy theories about private schools limiting admission to prevent certain public school fans from attending away games (despite the fact that away fans can't get tickets in Boone readily now).
-Conspiracy theories about game scheduling favoring private schools.
-ETSU being kciked out being blamed on the private schools and conference even though it was a popular 3/4 vote that lead to this.
-Elon and Samford being blamed for dragging the conference down continually and bringing "nothing to the table" even though Elon has yet to do, overall, as bad as quite a few public schools.
-App fans complaining about the "hardship" App will have with travel costs to Samford. This coming from the very fans who want to be in the MAC, Sun Belt or play in a league with Delaware. (Also not that Samford is 1 hour further than Charleston, 30 minutes further than Statesboro).
-Complaints about not "expanding the footprint" whatever that means, yet when the "footprint" is expanded, there are nothing but complaints about the location and travel costs.
My goodness this is really getting out of hand. This "everybody is out to get us because we are ____" .... I have really never seen so many conspiracy theories from multiple sites from such a common group of fans. And such two-faced, hypocritical crap. I just find it funny that the CAA, similar in makeup to the SoCon overall; really sees none of these user fabricated topics over and over which points out that it is either a real problem or some people have some real problems at certain schools.
Some of their complaints are warranted and some aren't. I think their complaints are more that they would rather play Wake Forest, Clemson, South Carolina, Marshall, Delaware, JMU, GSU, MTSU, etc. and only 3 of those teams will play them because they are in the FCS. GSU and ASU fans just didn't see Samford, PC, etc. in their future 10-15 years ago and they feel like they should be with the schools they have more in common with. Some of their fans look down on private schools but I don't see why. If they just want to be in a different league because they want to be with schools they have more in common with and schools who can fill up a 40k stadium, then I understand their reason. I don't think the SoCon tried to keep Lynch from winning the Buchanan but I do know the league turnout when it was time to vote was not very good. Would they have voted if Elon has a player in it? Probably not. They just feel they were screwed and want to vent about it.
Elon has a lot to be proud of and they shouldn't care if they play ASU or not. Just play who is put in front of you and do what you can. If ASU wants out then don't try to keep them in.
December 21st, 2007, 01:06 PM
Those aren't SoCon conspiracies, those are "Why App State is out to get Elon" conspiracies. I didn't see El Cid, Furman, Wofford, or WCU mentioned at all. Gotta hand it to Elon, though, they have picked themselves up in a remarkably short space of time. Two years ago, they were a doormate. Now they're a competitive team. Way to go Phoenix, looking forward to next year.
Much of that list applies to The Citadel, Wofford and Furman too. And there are more I could list that would apply to Davidson, UNCG and College of Charleston. There are even more crazy ones that apply to UTC only.
These conspiracies come from a core group (read not all and not the ones I know personally) are spread across everyone outside of Western, ETSU and GSU.
December 21st, 2007, 01:17 PM
Now, if a number of SoCon voters didn't take the time to vote for some of the prestigious post-season awards then maybe their voting privilege should be assigned to someone WHO CARES ENOUGH TO VOTE!
I wonder if a number of voters means, Western who is in a coaching search and UTC how had some recent drama. And even more. Who votes, is it the SIDs, ADs, Coaches, Media, conference officials .... all or none or what? And even if they did vote, it doesn't mean that Lynch would have gotten the vote.
The Moody1
December 21st, 2007, 05:02 PM
Two years ago, they were a doormate. Now they're a competitive team. Way to go Phoenix, looking forward to next year.
They had one good season. Let's see how they do over the next three seasons. They may be world beaters but I am not so sure. They sure a "H" won't sneak up on anyone any more.
The Moody1
December 21st, 2007, 05:03 PM
And even if they did vote, it doesn't mean that Lynch would have gotten the vote.
Hater! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
December 21st, 2007, 05:56 PM
The Citadel Baseball 18 Socon Titles since 1980. WE DOMINATE THE SOCON! 1990 College World Series. GSU was there the same year.
And GSU has been the the World Series twice.
Eyes of Old Main
December 22nd, 2007, 12:00 AM
The Wofford Terriers are the defending SoCon Champs.
Now THAT'S what I was looking for. xnodx
Positive rep for THE Citdog from THE Citadel.
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