View Full Version : Dual fans?
Reed Rothchild
September 16th, 2005, 09:45 AM
Interesting fight occuring with UNI fans and UNI/Iowa fans about supporting both teams.
I believe in rivalries and that you can only have 1 side. Some of the "duelies" like to support both and can't see our side. I can't stand Iowa fans whatsoever and they can't get it through their heads how we can't support their team 100%.
What do people think of supporting 2 in state teams? Does a WKU fan root for UK? Does Ga Southern fan root for Georgia? Does SIU root for Illinois?
September 16th, 2005, 09:47 AM
The advantages of being a tiny state, folks from UD never have to worry about this! ;)
September 16th, 2005, 09:55 AM
The advantages of being a tiny state, folks from UD never have to worry about this! ;)
They may not be 1A... but I wish the best for Delaware St... ;)
September 16th, 2005, 09:58 AM
They may not be 1A... but I wish the best for Delaware St... ;)
Yeah, if they want to come to our place to play us in the playoffs good for them! ;)
September 16th, 2005, 10:00 AM
did see some UNI apparel at the Iowa/Iowa St tailgate, the question is... who are they rooting for this week?
September 16th, 2005, 10:00 AM
Just a JSU fan.
There are not a lot of people like me in Alabama most are Bama and Auburn fans that follow JSU.
Reed Rothchild
September 16th, 2005, 10:04 AM
did see some UNI apparel at the Iowa/Iowa St tailgate, the question is... who are they rooting for this week?
A big problem I have is with the UNI students who vocally support the hawkeyes at school. Makes me sick.
Black and Gold Express
September 16th, 2005, 10:11 AM
You see a lot of ACC school apparel being worn at ASU. Especially Carolina. Yuck.
As a "dual" fan myself of ASU and some I-A schools, my only feeling on this is that if you went to the I-AA school, and not the I-A school, that you pull for your alma mater. To me, there should be a point of pride difference in being just a fan of a team, as opposed to being a member of the "family" that is a university and its athletic teams.
So in this case, if a UNI student/grad went to the game and rooted for the Hawkeyes, those are the ones I'd have a problem with.
September 16th, 2005, 10:15 AM
I agree with your points App. I am Liberty and Virginia Tech but when LU plays VT in basketball - Go Flames.
I used to work with a guy who graduated from MTSU. He was also a big UT Vols fan. When UT played MTSU in football he made no bones about pulling for UT. I think that is flat out warped.
September 16th, 2005, 10:17 AM
The problem is so bad at Georgia Southern that we have anti UGA stickers and if you bring in something UGA and give it to the book store they will in turn give you a discount on GSU stuff. Its very sad when you see just as many UGA stickers on cars on campus as you do GSU.
September 16th, 2005, 10:25 AM
I root for both Eastern Washington (unless they're playing Montana) and Gonzaga. :)
Does that count?
September 16th, 2005, 10:27 AM
However, that is changing. This year I have noticed a marked downturn in the amount of the Green Bay "G" that has been polluting the minds of Georgia's youth since they stole it from the Pack.
"But I've always been a Dawgs fan..." so what! You dont go to school there and they think our school sucks. Why support something that considers you stupid?
I consider myself blessed. BEAT ARMY! Was what I heard growing up. Along with the more traditional UNM Lobo fight song.
September 16th, 2005, 10:34 AM
It sounds like most of you have problems with IA program fans not cheering for IAA teams when they meet. This all goes back to the respect we don't get from IA. They see it as two different leagues. It's like having a favorite pro team and a favorite college (IA) team to them. While they love their IAA team, they are in the mindset of "how cute these guys play football too!"
If I was an MSU grad/fan but grew up as a OSU fan, I probably would have pulled for OSU. Face the facts - IA is big time football and IAA is not. Lord how I want it to change but it isn't going to anytime soon.
As far as rivalries goes, I like the Griz to win very, very rarely, at least football wise. In basketball I was going for them vs Washington 110%. But in football, I had a very hard time rooting for them vs JMU, but I eventually did out of the sheer fact I want the state of Montana to get some credit. :)
September 16th, 2005, 10:44 AM
I don't consider Clemson or USC rivals. I have spoken with older FU fans that say we were before the war ( which war I am not sure, maybe Citdog's favorite). I also would not consider myself a fan. I do pull for them but I don't attend their games unless they are playing FU. I do watch on TV but if they lose I don't end up with bruises, like I now have, from :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:
September 16th, 2005, 10:58 AM
There a many UC fans that also pull for UTk...most of the hardcore on Mocfans are UC only though...some are for me, I am happy to let anyone on my Mocs bandwagon...if you treat a UC/UTk like crap, they will just say "to hell with this" and go back to be a Voils fan being very nice, we have actually managed a few converts (though more from a basketball perspective).
I can understand how it happens...admittedly, many in the state are literally covered in awringe at birth...they grow up with it in their is what they know...then they come to UC (or MTSU, etc, etc)...they love their own school, but that "awringe since birth" is very hard to shake off.
The one thing I have always pushed for at UC is to make sure their are lots of things for the kids to do at games...then maybe Blue and Gold becomes ingrained instead of awringe.
But for myself...I see only Blue and Gold...and like a Cubs fan, I am there whether the team is in the penthouse or the outhouse...and I say with pride that I attend at least one sporting event for each team at's and women's. I proudly support any athlete that represents my alma mater on the field of play.
September 16th, 2005, 11:03 AM
What happened to that page on a Texas State site that took pictures of Texas State students on campus who wore Texas/A&M/Tech gear and put it up on their site? I thought it was at but I can't find it on there anymore. That page was hilarious and spoke to this exact point of supporting your school rather than the "bigtime" I-A school.
September 16th, 2005, 11:18 AM
Interesting thread. Makes me think back to when I started my job. My first day on the job, I was asked "Ducks or Beavers". I explained that I follow Portland State, which got an even more emphatic "Ducks or Beavers". I tried to explain to him that I'm a supporter of PSU and the Big Sky conference itself. He just waved his hand in my face and said, "You can do that, but when the Ducks and Beavers are playing, who do you cheer for?" I looked at him in the eye and said "When the Ducks and Beavers are playing I turn the TV off."
September 16th, 2005, 11:26 AM
I attended both Colorado State and Northern Colorado, so yeah; I would consider myself a fan of both. Bottom line I’m a UNC supporter first but I also have interest and loyalty towards CSU because I spent time there as a student.
September 16th, 2005, 12:13 PM
Screw Iowa. Screw Iowa State. Who needs 'em?
September 16th, 2005, 12:16 PM
Everyone in New York swears they won't root for the other team but how many Mets fans were there in the 80's & how many Yankees fans have there been in the past 10 years?
Grande Rosso
September 16th, 2005, 12:23 PM
Interesting fight occuring with UNI fans and UNI/Iowa fans about supporting both teams.
I believe in rivalries and that you can only have 1 side. Some of the "duelies" like to support both and can't see our side. I can't stand Iowa fans whatsoever and they can't get it through their heads how we can't support their team 100%.
What do people think of supporting 2 in state teams? Does a WKU fan root for UK? Does Ga Southern fan root for Georgia? Does SIU root for Illinois?
There are some pretty hard feelings from many WKU fans about the attention that UK and Louisville get from fans, media, money from the state, etc.
September 16th, 2005, 12:32 PM
NU and Umass fans hate each other. As for Boston College we don't mind there football team, but we see them in hockey and other sports so there is really no love for other in state teams. Every school in New England hates Boston University as well.
September 16th, 2005, 12:44 PM
Mets are my team but I also root for Yanks and Phils when they are not playing Mets....hope they both make the play-offs now that Mets are out of it.
September 16th, 2005, 01:21 PM
Mets are my team but I also root for Yanks and Phils when they are not playing Mets....hope they both make the play-offs now that Mets are out of it.
Damn New Yorkers liking our Philly teams ;)
September 16th, 2005, 01:23 PM
There are some pretty hard feelings from many WKU fans about the attention that UK and Louisville get from fans, media, money from the state, etc.
Here, it is LSU vs. McNeese....:mad: I bet most of the people here in Lake Charles with LSU plates on their vehicles have never even been to a game at 'Death Valley'.
Reed Rothchild
September 16th, 2005, 02:09 PM
Sounds like this "disease" is everywhere. What is one to do to gain more support for your team which indifference and ignorance everywhere?!?!?!?
September 16th, 2005, 02:29 PM
Everyone in New York swears they won't root for the other team but how many Mets fans were there in the 80's & how many Yankees fans have there been in the past 10 years?
I'm a Yankee fan, and the only time I've rooted for the Mets was:
a. The 1986 World Series against the Red Sox
b. The years they've been in the playoffs (or the pennant race) at the same time as the Yanks, in hopes of a Subway Series.
My favorite part of the Subway Series (aside from the good guys winning) was when Mayor Giuliani told everyone to pick a side and not try to play the "I'm just happy its two NY teams" card. I'm sure Rudy would love this thread!
September 16th, 2005, 02:56 PM
What happened to that page on a Texas State site that took pictures of Texas State students on campus who wore Texas/A&M/Tech gear and put it up on their site? I thought it was at but I can't find it on there anymore. That page was hilarious and spoke to this exact point of supporting your school rather than the "bigtime" I-A school.
The "wannabes" page was on, which has now merged with It is no longer on though. Texas State has a huge problem with "wannabes" mainly due to the fact that nobody in Texas knows anything about I-AA football. Texas State has a problem with UofTexas and Sam Houston has a problem with Texas A&M, both because of their proximities to the I-A schools. Although it is getting better here at Texas State, don't know about Sam Houston though.
September 16th, 2005, 03:01 PM
Fan's/students etc... who don't come to the YSU home games or leave at half so they get home in plenty of time to watch the Suckeyes on TV :bang:
Bruits Buckeye is a fruit :)
September 16th, 2005, 03:41 PM
NU and Umass fans hate each other. As for Boston College we don't mind there football team, but we see them in hockey and other sports so there is really no love for other in state teams. Every school in New England hates Boston University as well.
I've always been a fan of Boston College football (except when they play Umass). I respect their coach, Tom O'Brien, and how he runs the program. I hope they smash FSU Saturday night. :D :D :D
I've never met any Umass fans that "hate" NU (maybe the commercials that used to run all the time advertising the Co-op program). How can you hate a school that produced the inventor of Napster. :)
Umass fans and Uconn fans hate each other in all sports--just go to a game or check the message boards out. :argue:
September 16th, 2005, 03:49 PM
I'm a "duel" fan as well...............
I'm a fan of 1. The UNI Panthers
2. Whoever is Playing the Iowa Hawkeyes
I grew up in an area where the Iowa/ Iowa State fans were pretty evenly mixed. At that time, I didn't really care which way or the other. Now that I live right in the middle of Hawkeye territory, I absolutely hate the Squak-eyes. There are way too many idiot fans around that think that they are the best school in the nation, and always have if's and's and but's to defend their honor no matter how stupid they sound.
September 16th, 2005, 04:25 PM
Panthers all the way.
Down with Iowa and Iowa State.
September 16th, 2005, 04:37 PM
I cheer for the schools my family went to App St (myself), WVU (parents and brother), and Concord University (Sister). I wear clothing of them all and want them all to do well. If App ever plays WVU I will be there wearing black and gold cheering on my alma mater. That would be the only situation I would cheer against a Mountaineer.
September 16th, 2005, 04:39 PM
Panthers all the way.
Down with Iowa and Iowa State.
Even better our the fans of Iowa Football and Iowa State Basketball.... I know some, and they should all be shot.
September 16th, 2005, 04:41 PM
This "dual personality" is a constant debate among GSU fans. it is especially relevant because of the young age of GSU's program. GSU started football in 1982, the same year I graduated. Some of the older GSU alums grew up rooting for UGA or GT before GSU ever thought about football.
Below is a post I wrote on about this very phenomenon:
So I as a Bald Eagle Booster and multiple year and multiple season tix holder who lives in FL and whose mom graduated with a PhD from UGA and a masters from GSU and whose brother graduated with a masters from UGA after a BS from GSU and who has a multitude of UGA alum friends, many of whom played for Erk, can't root for UGA against UF, UT, Auburn, etc.?????
Heck, I grew up in South Georgia, during the years when GSC was at 4000 enrollment and football was a distant pipedream, and rooted for UGA and Tech on Saturday, then suffered with the Falcons on Sunday. UGA football WAS football in the state of Georgia. My family had season tix to UGA for over 15 years before GSC got football and I graduated and moved to FL.
I root for ALL Georgia teams, even UGA since they are w/o a doubt the flagship D1 program in the state (90k+ every week and $35mm budget says so), to win every week. The success of all college football programs in the state gives the state's kids role models and sets good examples for the high school programs all the way down to peewee football. A rising tide lifts all boats. See what the Braves success has meant to HS baseball in GA for a reference. I want UGA to win the $EC, tech the ACC, GSU the 1-AA NC, and VSU to win D-2.
Now when UGA plays GSU I wear blue, and my money for booster membership and my 8 season tix go to GSU. But if you think alot of us who grew up with Dooley and Erk (who in many instances the biggest donors to GSU) are going to abandon their in-state brothers over "little man's disease" then you don't understand the big picture.
If you think that's it is either/or please put your money where your mouth is send me a certified funds check for $1224 which is the cost of my booster membership and season tix and I'll go away, and I'm sure many other longtime supporters of the GSU program would agree with me.
BTW, I donate to UCF too for business reasons. So shoot me... :rolleyes:
September 16th, 2005, 04:51 PM
I do cheer for Penn State, in football, and I doubt we'll ever play them. But in other sports, such a wrestling, we're arch enemies!
September 16th, 2005, 05:25 PM
You see a lot of ACC school apparel being worn at ASU. Especially Carolina. Yuck.
As a "dual" fan myself of ASU and some I-A schools, my only feeling on this is that if you went to the I-AA school, and not the I-A school, that you pull for your alma mater. To me, there should be a point of pride difference in being just a fan of a team, as opposed to being a member of the "family" that is a university and its athletic teams.
So in this case, if a UNI student/grad went to the game and rooted for the Hawkeyes, those are the ones I'd have a problem with.
I've been a UGA student for three years, and when they played GSU at the beggining of last season I was pulling for GSU for a couple of reasons:
1. I hate division IA and their stupid BC$.
2. I grew up pulling for GSU and (for the most part) hating UGA.
I see nothing wrong with this. Likewise, if a GSU student grew up cheering for UGA I wouldn't mind them not wanting UGA to lose to GSU, as long as they don't pull against GSU in the other games.
September 16th, 2005, 06:03 PM
Interesting fight occuring with UNI fans and UNI/Iowa fans about supporting both teams.
I believe in rivalries and that you can only have 1 side. Some of the "duelies" like to support both and can't see our side. I can't stand Iowa fans whatsoever and they can't get it through their heads how we can't support their team 100%.
What do people think of supporting 2 in state teams? Does a WKU fan root for UK? Does Ga Southern fan root for Georgia? Does SIU root for Illinois?
Here in NH we have a D-2 and D-3 program,and two 1-AA schools,Dartmouth and UNH.I've pretty much followed UNH exclusively for years,through thick and thin(mostly thin),but since Dartmouth is also 1-AA,I do keep up with what is going on with those guys as well.I guess I'm just a 1-AA fanatic in general.1-A and the NFL don't do anything for me at all.
September 17th, 2005, 12:43 AM
I hate Ugay period. I don't really have a second favorite team.
September 17th, 2005, 01:42 AM
It sounds like most of you have problems with IA program fans not cheering for IAA teams when they meet. This all goes back to the respect we don't get from IA. They see it as two different leagues. It's like having a favorite pro team and a favorite college (IA) team to them. While they love their IAA team, they are in the mindset of "how cute these guys play football too!"
If I was an MSU grad/fan but grew up as a OSU fan, I probably would have pulled for OSU. Face the facts - IA is big time football and IAA is not. Lord how I want it to change but it isn't going to anytime soon.
As far as rivalries goes, I like the Griz to win very, very rarely, at least football wise. In basketball I was going for them vs Washington 110%. But in football, I had a very hard time rooting for them vs JMU, but I eventually did out of the sheer fact I want the state of Montana to get some credit. :)
I know what you mean, Bob. I remember the 'Cat b-ball team with Kral and Shann Ferch (sp?) back in '86, I believe. Took #5 St. John's down to the wire!!! What a game!
September 17th, 2005, 02:15 AM
Start right now. Say to yourself, I-AA IS BIGTIME COLLEGE FOOTBALL WITH THE HIGHEST NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP! Repeat as necessary. The truth can show you the light. Once you come around then tell others and repeat as necessary.
Settle down now,'re dealing with a Bobcat fan.
For the most part, you usually have to tell them things 16 times before they start getting the message. And the 2 times a fan starts to think they finally have it all figured out, the vicious cycle rears it's ugly head again.
This could very well be the year that all those in I-AA land learn a lot about "another" team from Montana, because they have, arguably one of, if not the best QB's in I-AA...but only time will tell on that one.
September 17th, 2005, 03:46 AM
I sort of came across the I-AA world late. I always knew the difference, since I started going to JMU football games when I was seven or eight. But not until last season, when suddenly the Dukes were in the thick of things, did I search out and find the I-AA community. I love I-AA football now; the playoff is so intense and exciting. But I've been a follower of I-A football for a longer time, just because that's what was televised when I started watching football. And now I go to the University of Virginia, so of course I'm a hardcore Cavaliers fan, WAHOO WAH! But I love the Dukes and continue to cheer for them from an hour away. As a guy who loves all sports and doesn't really hate a lot of teams, except for the Yankees and the Nationals, I appreciate all levels of competition. The constant anti-IA crap really gets on my nerve. I love big-time college football. But the trick is to love it at all levels. So yes, I am a Cavaliers fan and a Dukes fan. I'm even a Bridgewater Eagles fan, as Bridgewater is right down the road, and that DIII program even reached the Stagg Bowl back in '99, losing to the greatest dynasty in NCAA football history, Mount Union...but it was close, 34-27.
September 17th, 2005, 08:04 AM
I have a problem with the students who go to one school, and then don't support it at all.
IE, go to Southern, yet spend all their saturdays up in athens.
What really gets me mad are the people who graduate and never ever return. They usually end up giving their money and support to that team in athens too.
if that problem wasn't so bad, I wouldn't care about people pulling for 2 schools. I just have a bad taste in my mouth because of my experience with it down at GSU.
Oh yeah, and then there are the people who bought their tickets for the GSU/ uga game from GSU, and then show up on gameday all dressed up in red and black barking like a retard. THAT got me pretty peeved also.
In general, I think it's stupid to go to one school, and not even support it because you "grew up" some other teams fan.
Reed Rothchild
September 17th, 2005, 09:48 AM
Start right now. Say to yourself, I-AA IS BIGTIME COLLEGE FOOTBALL WITH THE HIGHEST NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP! Repeat as necessary. The truth can show you the light. Once you come around then tell others and repeat as necessary.
I puts this as my signature on panthernation.
September 17th, 2005, 11:52 AM
In general, I think it's stupid to go to one school, and not even support it because you "grew up" some other teams fan.
I wasn't talking about "not supporting them" though. When GSU plays UGA in any sport, it just so happens that I want GSU to win more than I want UGA to win. I would hope that GSU students that like UGA feel just the opposite - it's not that they want GSU to lose or don't care, they just don't want UGA to lose.
Also, you need to realize that there are other ways a person can become attached to a school other than just getting an education from them. I think you will be surprised at how a lot of Statesboro people who are regular homegame attenders are people who are not alumni, but people who became attached to the town and the school by getting employment from the school or just plain falling in love with the town or school. I'm sure it's the same way for IAA schools whose ticket prices are under $30 a game. Me for instance, it was about 30-40 minutes drive to Statesboro but my dad drove me to just about every home game. And this was during the Tim Stowers era when attendance was down.
Husky Alum
September 17th, 2005, 12:54 PM
I'm going to respectfully disagree with Tilldog and the UMass guy who say they don't loathe Boston College.
Personally, I can't stand the school and NEVER root for them in anything - even if they're playing boston university. Do I respect Tom O'Brien as a coach, yeah, he's done wonders there. Do I respect his employer, no freaking way.
I went to Northeastern, not BC, not Harvard, not UMass. If you live in Boston you see that smug BC arrogance all over the place. BC people think their shi--t doesn't stink because they went to BC - and they tell you it doesn't. At least Harvard people aren't openly arrogant about being Harvard alumni.
BC alumni pride themselves on being frontrunners of all frontrunners, and given their widespread alumni base have a solid control over all forms of media in Boston.
Typical example - a BC basketball player faked a break in this past season, and only after there was a groundswell of community complaint that there was no way it could be a break-in did the media cover the "real" story.
However, after the Pats Super Bowl win in 2004, a non-NU student was killed in an accident near NU's campus, and all you heard about was how the NU students acted badly and it resulted in the death of a student.
When the riots erupted after the World Series this past fall, NU was put on alert by the mayor of Boston, in the papers and on TV, that its students (along with all other college students in Boston) better behave in Kenmore Square. NU was singled out, although Kenmore Square is on BU's campus.
Long answer to a short question, but there's NO way I'd ever consider myself a fan of Boston College in anything. I just assume root for Northwestern or Michigan.
al Kamil
September 17th, 2005, 02:00 PM
In reference to the original point, the amount of Hawkeye wear on the UNI campus is grotesque at times, especially on Fridays before games. With 92% of the student population from Iowa, I can see how many students might develop an attachment to the Hawkeyes or Clones, but all of that ends once you are enrolled at a rival's institution. Normally, this is not so galling to me, but some of these very same kids are part of 'Mac's Maniacs" once hoops season starts. Pick a side and stick with it.
September 19th, 2005, 08:12 AM
In reference to the original point, the amount of Hawkeye wear on the UNI campus is grotesque at times, especially on Fridays before games. With 92% of the student population from Iowa, I can see how many students might develop an attachment to the Hawkeyes or Clones, but all of that ends once you are enrolled at a rival's institution. Normally, this is not so galling to me, but some of these very same kids are part of 'Mac's Maniacs" once hoops season starts. Pick a side and stick with it.
Most of the students at "those other universities" don't consider us rivals.
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