View Full Version : ASU Chatty ticket allotment sold out
mountain man
December 8th, 2007, 05:50 AM
The ASU ticket office was selling standing room only tickets at 2:30 AM this morning and tickets were only available to Yosef members, season ticket holders, and students after the game. Since ASU general public sales don't even start until 9AM Monday, does Chattanooga have more tickets available or an additional bleacher plan in place? If not it appears we have already sold out our allowment!!! Glad I already have my "local" tickets.xnodx
December 8th, 2007, 07:34 AM
Depending on who wins today, the ticket office/online in Chattanooga may have more. Delaware asked for 3K, SIU asked for 1,500...if SIU wins, theoretically it could free up 1,500 more seats.
The temporary bleachers from last year in the East end zone will be back again this year.
Sports Committee head Merrill Eckstein was already stated in the Times-Free Press that if ASU made it back to Chattanooga that the game would be a guaranteed sellout (considering how many tickets ASU requested and how many tickets had already pre-sold)
They will squeeze in absolutely as many as they can.
December 8th, 2007, 08:45 AM
Yosef club member given sec 210. Will ASU be on the South side this year? Both sides will be full.
December 8th, 2007, 09:52 AM
we got section 109 from the ticket office after the game (yosef club)
December 8th, 2007, 09:59 AM
we got section 109 from the ticket office after the game (yosef club)
We got seats in Section 110 after the game (YOSEF Club)...looks like we will have both sides covered.
December 8th, 2007, 10:24 AM
student in 211
at 1245 last night
December 8th, 2007, 10:27 AM
Quick Question: Say Delaware wins today, they requested 3,000 tickets(those guys are idiots I know), will there be any tickets left to buy from general admission or what? Our season ticket holders have 1st preference on them but what about students/others that want to go down and see the game? I know App. St. has the advantage of being close and knowing that they won a full day in advance.
December 8th, 2007, 10:28 AM
2:30am got myself 2 SRO tickets....they were expected to sell out our allotment by 10am this morning.
does anyone know if its possible to mosey on over to our "student section" if you have SRO tickets? i was really hoping to get seats.
Black and Gold Express
December 8th, 2007, 10:50 AM
As of 1140, ASU has sold all 10,000 tickets. Unfortunately, I finally got through at 1142... xbawlingx
Local tickets are long gone, the only hope is to either get overpriced tickets online (StubHub has some for $70 each), or hope SIU wins and ASU can get the extra 1.5k tickets that would have been going to Delaware.
It's going to be 85% black and gold this weekend it looks like. The Rock has again moved south.
December 8th, 2007, 10:53 AM
The Rock has again moved south.
Packing up The Rock and moving it to Rock City. :D
Waited in line for two hours at Convocation Center this morning for tickets. Is the sellout including the temporary bleachers they put in last year? Or are they gonna release more tickets if they decide to do that?
December 8th, 2007, 10:56 AM
probably not on the temp bleachers... last year they didnt add those till wednesday...
i waited in line for 2 hours in an out of control mob to get my tickets!!!
lets dominte chatty again!
December 8th, 2007, 11:01 AM
My fiance and I got our four in section 211 at 130am last night... (student)
December 8th, 2007, 11:13 AM
Dangit, I overslept. No student tickets left at this point either, I would guess. Correct?
December 8th, 2007, 11:36 AM
So, for us alum that aren't Yosef Club members, are we screwed? Or does anyone think that temp. bleachers will become available Mon.?
December 8th, 2007, 11:38 AM
Everyone, you're not screwed. Book a hotel, show up at the game. There will be PLENTY of tickets around (if the past two years are any indication). I'd stay away from overpriced tickets on ebay and such.
December 8th, 2007, 11:51 AM
i'm glad I waited in line last night when I did.
December 8th, 2007, 11:52 AM
Our tickets are in section 201 - upper-level end zone, press box side. I would gripe, but we're in the stadium, which is more than can be said for others right now.
Besides, we sat across the way on the other side above the end zone in '05, and I don't remember complaining about viewing angles then.
mountain man
December 8th, 2007, 11:58 AM
Everyone, you're not screwed. Book a hotel, show up at the game. There will be PLENTY of tickets around (if the past two years are any indication). I'd stay away from overpriced tickets on ebay and such.
If you can find tickets then I would say buy them. There are alot more people on the bandwagon now than two years ago. xnodx
December 8th, 2007, 12:03 PM
You guys are spoiled. It costs Griz fans $1500 to attend the NC and you're complaining because you might have to spend $75-$80 for a ticket.
December 8th, 2007, 12:10 PM
Got my tickets at the field house last night at 1:15 a.m. We have seven people going, my friend and I are students and his mom, dad, and sitser are alumni. The other two are close friends. Students were only allowed to purchase two tickets, which left us three short. We were able to find three other fellow students that were willing to buy a ticket for us.
The really messed up thing was the fact that they had 6 windows open for season ticket holders and only 2 for students. On top of that season ticket holders were allowed to purchase 4 tickets. You do the math! How is that anywhere near fair. I understand that many of the season ticket holders are yosef club members and help give back to the university but that shouldn't afford them the right to buy more tickets than students in the initial sale. I think they should have said that both season ticket holders and students could buy 3. Split the difference and call it fair.
December 8th, 2007, 12:29 PM
You should be able to call the Chatty ticket office to get tickets, thats how I have done it the last few years. They are standing seats but a ticket is a ticket!
December 8th, 2007, 12:34 PM
You guys are spoiled. It costs Griz fans $1500 to attend the NC and you're complaining because you might have to spend $75-$80 for a ticket.
Hey, come on now, we have no control over the fact that the NC game is in TN. Most of the complaining here has been about not being able to procure tickets from the allotment. Not all of us ASU fans are in the Boone/Carolina area, and some of us are shelling out to come out and support the team.
Personally, I'm working from 5am thursday until 7am friday morning, catching a $250 flight at 10am from Newark to Atlanta, renting a car and driving from ATL to chatty and then checking in at the hotel and heading to tailgate. Flight + room + car + tickets is probably gonna run in excess of $450-500 plus whatever incidentals.
Its not $1500, but its not exactly a drop in the bucket either.
December 8th, 2007, 12:39 PM
Got my tickets at the field house last night at 1:15 a.m. We have seven people going, my friend and I are students and his mom, dad, and sitser are alumni. The other two are close friends. Students were only allowed to purchase two tickets, which left us three short. We were able to find three other fellow students that were willing to buy a ticket for us.
The really messed up thing was the fact that they had 6 windows open for season ticket holders and only 2 for students. On top of that season ticket holders were allowed to purchase 4 tickets. You do the math! How is that anywhere near fair. I understand that many of the season ticket holders are yosef club members and help give back to the university but that shouldn't afford them the right to buy more tickets than students in the initial sale. I think they should have said that both season ticket holders and students could buy 3. Split the difference and call it fair.
Two season ticket holder lines. (4 per account) I have two season tickets and could purchase 4 total. The guy in front of me had 8 season tickets under one account and could only purchase 4 tickets for the 8 people. That guy is the one who should be mad.
Yosef had the other lines and it was broken down by amounts given. Amount given = total tickets you could purchase.
December 8th, 2007, 12:40 PM
I have 2 tickets reserved for me at the ticket office. In fact me and all of my roommates do because we are all at the top of this list for Mountaineer Maniacs loyalty points!!!!!!!!
December 8th, 2007, 12:46 PM
I have 2 tickets reserved for me at the ticket office. In fact me and all of my roommates do because we are all at the top of this list for Mountaineer Maniacs loyalty points!!!!!!!!
Ditto here.
Although I'm a bit peeved that they said the ticket office would be open until 1 pm today and when I went at 12:30, everyone was gone, and I went to both ticket offices.
I'll just go on Monday then. No biggie.
December 8th, 2007, 01:44 PM
where is general admission being seated?
December 8th, 2007, 01:52 PM
where is general admission being seated?
It's general admission. They aren't seated anywhere. There's standing room on the field house side and last year they put in bleachers on the scoreboard side.
December 8th, 2007, 02:25 PM
First of all, we DID NOT get 10,000. Chattanooga Times Free Press ( reported we requested 10K but were turned down. No exact number was given.
Indications are that several thousand ASU fans bought tickets through Chatty in the last couple of weeks up until late last night, earlier this morning.
You can bank on some scalpers speculating on us returning and buying a bunch of tickets...remember the fuss last year and tickets were everywhere outside.
From what my buddy in Chatty says, expect 15,000-17,000 black and gold depending on how many are willing to make the trip without a ticket in hand.
Excerpt from article:
Eckstein said Southern Illinois requested the minimum, 1,500, while Richmond and Delaware each asked for about 3,000 and Appalachian State, the two-time defending national champion, requested 10,000.
Eckstein said the committee couldn't meet the ASU request on the front end, but fans who can't get tickets through the school can order them from the UTC box office. Eckstein said about 9,000 tickets have already been sold locally, the most ever at this point. Last year's title-game attendance was 22,808.
Horseshoe App
December 8th, 2007, 02:28 PM
We got tickets in section 225, row 45, seats 17 thru 26. Of course, we did buy in October. We figured it was a low price gamble to get them early(only 17 dollars a ticket). The first year ASU went to the championship game, we waited and got them when we got into the game and we got stuck on the ten yard line. It is nice to be between the 40 and 50. See you in Chattanooga.
December 8th, 2007, 02:31 PM
Two season ticket holder lines. (4 per account) I have two season tickets and could purchase 4 total. The guy in front of me had 8 season tickets under one account and could only purchase 4 tickets for the 8 people. That guy is the one who should be mad.
Yosef had the other lines and it was broken down by amounts given. Amount given = total tickets you could purchase.
Well unfortunately the system isn't perfect but the man you're talking about with the 8 tickets on one account should have more than one account I guess. Like I said the system isn't perfect. However, I like many other students, would like to see it set up in a way that is less obviously biased toward season ticket holders.
Students were forced to give up parking in the Raley lot for Yosef members and now we are disadvantaged with buying tickets to the championship game. I'm a nontraditional student that works to pay for my tuition so I'm not able to fork out a lot of money to ensure that I have special privledges. I'll add to that by saying that I'm a 7th generation native of Watauga County and have supported Appalachian all of my life. That doesn't give me anymore rights that anyone else but I damn sure have an interest in Appalachian football.
But rest asured, this won't happen next year, or any other year after that. I will work my butt off to become a Yosef member, even as a student, and get the privledges those with the all money do!
December 8th, 2007, 02:42 PM
it is great to have problems like these for the third straight year!!!
December 8th, 2007, 02:45 PM
This is going to sound disrespectful but it's not intended that way.
The method that we use to distribute NC tickets is no different than every other university, large or small, in the country. You may not like it and I probably wouldn't have either when I was a student but it's just a fact of talks.
Schools must take care of their donors and that will never change.
Analogy: When you get your degree and possibly go into sales and your company provides you with 4 tickets to a North Carolina-Duke basketball game. Who are you going to give them to? Chances are it's your biggest customer(s) and not the smallest one at the bottom of the totem pole.
Right now students are at the bottom of that pole. Live and learn and buy tickets directly from Chatty next time (and hopefully there will be).
Or take 50 bucks and buy one from a scalper (probably won't need but 30-40.)
Good luck.
December 8th, 2007, 02:53 PM
I got 6 tickets in Section 109, Row 1 back in October. xxmasx
mountain man
December 8th, 2007, 03:31 PM
We got tickets in section 225, row 45, seats 17 thru 26. Of course, we did buy in October. We figured it was a low price gamble to get them early(only 17 dollars a ticket). The first year ASU went to the championship game, we waited and got them when we got into the game and we got stuck on the ten yard line. It is nice to be between the 40 and 50. See you in Chattanooga.
Those are great seats. Mind if I sit next to you??xnodx
December 8th, 2007, 03:33 PM
Why did they turn down our 10k request? They know we would have sold them.
December 8th, 2007, 03:34 PM
That sucks for some of the people I know. My roomates were waiting to get their tickets early in the week because they got tired of waiting in the lines last night.
Hopefully for them and people still looking for tickets some more will open up.
December 8th, 2007, 04:52 PM
This is going to sound disrespectful but it's not intended that way.
The method that we use to distribute NC tickets is no different than every other university, large or small, in the country. You may not like it and I probably wouldn't have either when I was a student but it's just a fact of talks.
Schools must take care of their donors and that will never change.
Analogy: When you get your degree and possibly go into sales and your company provides you with 4 tickets to a North Carolina-Duke basketball game. Who are you going to give them to? Chances are it's your biggest customer(s) and not the smallest one at the bottom of the totem pole.
Right now students are at the bottom of that pole. Live and learn and buy tickets directly from Chatty next time (and hopefully there will be).
Or take 50 bucks and buy one from a scalper (probably won't need but 30-40.)
Good luck.
No I don't hear that as disrespectful. I know how the world works and you're right, money talks. But, the point I want to make is the unfair ratio of ticket sales last night. Lets do the math:
(Amount of tickets per person)
Season ticket holders and Yosef members-4 tickets each
Students -2 tickets each
Numer of ticket windows
Season ticket holders and Yosef members-6
Students -2
That's a 24 to 4 (or 6 to 1 if you prefer) purchase ratio per round of transactions. This creates a very unfair advantage for the Season ticket holders and Yosef members.
lets say App sold 6,000 tickets for easy math, At 6 to 1 odds then there would only be 1,000 students at the game. If I'm wrong about this let me know. If this still seems fair to you let me know.
December 8th, 2007, 06:05 PM
Well I got 4 tickets but they are awful seats. Any chance they will have some more seats available later? Or is it just going to be standing room and general admission from here on?
December 8th, 2007, 06:23 PM
I got tickets from a friend of mine who goes to App State, but they are general admission. He said they were $20 and he waited in line for 3 hours. Any idea on where I might me sitting or where these are located?
Still should be a blast!
December 8th, 2007, 06:30 PM
It's also not fair that I paid $200 for my regular season and playoff tickets, but a student would have paid a grand total of fifteen bucks. By that logic, since I paid 13 times as much for my seats, shouldn't I at least get more than twice the number of tickets students get?xlolx
December 8th, 2007, 06:45 PM
No I don't hear that as disrespectful. I know how the world works and you're right, money talks. But, the point I want to make is the unfair ratio of ticket sales last night. Lets do the math:
(Amount of tickets per person)
Season ticket holders and Yosef members-4 tickets each
Students -2 tickets each
Numer of ticket windows
Season ticket holders and Yosef members-6
Students -2
That's a 24 to 4 (or 6 to 1 if you prefer) purchase ratio per round of transactions. This creates a very unfair advantage for the Season ticket holders and Yosef members.
lets say App sold 6,000 tickets for easy math, At 6 to 1 odds then there would only be 1,000 students at the game. If I'm wrong about this let me know. If this still seems fair to you let me know.
Did you stand in line by yourself? Look at it this wife and I have season tickets that were under 1 account (I paid for both season tickets). The two of us stand in line and we get 4 tickets total.
You stand in line with another student and you both get two each. Your 4 are the same as my 4.
December 8th, 2007, 07:30 PM
also that one account thing is very important to keep in my mind... i have heard stories of people who have 8 season tickets but one account... they are only 4 tickets as a whole... now that hardly seems fair...
December 8th, 2007, 07:36 PM
(Amount of tickets per person)
Season ticket holders and Yosef members-4 tickets each
Students -2 tickets each
Sorry, if this makes you feel worse, but Yosef club members got more than 4 each. I think it depended on giving level, but we got tickets for our group of 8.
I agree that the people who really got screwed were the season ticket holders who had more than 4 season tickets. I don't see how that's fair.
December 8th, 2007, 07:38 PM
Sorry, if this makes you feel worse, but Yosef club members got more than 4 each. I think it depended on giving level, but we got tickets for our group of 8.
I agree that the people who really got screwed were the season ticket holders who had more than 4 season tickets. I don't see how that's fair.
if you dont mind me asking... what giving level are you in...
December 8th, 2007, 08:00 PM
...we got into the game and we got stuck on the ten yard line.
I'd love to be sitting on the 10 yard line in Chattanooga, watching the Griz play for a National Championship and complaining about my "bad" seats!xnodx xnodx xbawlingx
December 8th, 2007, 10:34 PM
I'd love to be sitting on the 10 yard line in Chattanooga, watching the Griz play for a National Championship and complaining about my "bad" seats!xnodx xnodx xbawlingx
Thanks for the wake up call to my bitchin and moanin App brethrenxlolx
Good gosh people, I've sat at the top of Finley,& the -5 yard line at Finley and there really isn't a terrible seat. We get 8,000 seats in a 22,000 seat stadium and everybody thinks they're supposed to be on the 50. I'm sorry if I'm stepping on some toes here, but damn we xbawlingx a lot. xpeacex
December 8th, 2007, 10:53 PM
amen brother.
This topic needs to end. It's supply and demand and everybody that wants to go probably will not be able to....sorry.
As for whining about seat location, get over it and just be happy you're in. After you've tailgated for 7-9 hours you could put me on top of the scoreboard and I'd be thrilled.
Come on Mountaineers, move on to bigger and better things.....the actual game maybe.
Weather channel ten-day forecast: High of 52, low of 31 and dry.
December 8th, 2007, 10:57 PM
that would be perfect weather...
December 9th, 2007, 01:16 AM
if you dont mind me asking... what giving level are you in...
I can't speak for him but I know we give 1500/year and we were able to get 10 tickets.
December 9th, 2007, 01:45 AM
so where is general admission, anybody know for sure?
December 9th, 2007, 01:54 AM
folk, folks, calm down with this whole thing. are we going to chattanooga to have the best seats? you can watch the game from anywhere, i know, ive been there twice. i promise you there are no poles obstructing your vision. the real reason we are all going, or anybody wants to go (or should be the reason) is to support our team, our university, by being as loud as we can, not to wine and dine with the loyalty in our high dollar seats. if you got good seats, congratulations, you were probably confident enough to buy tickets before last nights game, and i applaud you. but we'll be fine wherever we sit (or stand, as i am general admission) and i hope that all will be standing anyway, its tradition. all that i can hope is that when the clock hits 0:00, we will all not be worried about seating location, and we can all meet in the middle of the field, 50 yard line!
December 9th, 2007, 12:57 PM
My seats are in Section 123 row 16 anybody close by? Just don't want to be stuck in the middle of a heavily padded delaware section (no offense)
December 9th, 2007, 01:09 PM
section 123 is on the del side but i really dont think you will be the only one... my guess is that there will be plenty of us appys over there with you... of course i personally will be in 211...
December 9th, 2007, 01:11 PM
actually after taking it under further review a diagram i found shows 123 is about on the 30 yard line or so... those are some awesome seats
December 9th, 2007, 03:50 PM
I am in 123 row 12.......and if anyone else wants to join they got a pair on ebay for about $200. WOW is worth though I think.
December 9th, 2007, 04:00 PM
actually after taking it under further review a diagram i found shows 123 is about on the 30 yard line or so... those are some awesome seats
Thanks...I got em before the playoffs started just to be on the safe side
December 9th, 2007, 04:21 PM
I have season tickets and waited in line after the game and got section 221 which is in the endzone on the vistors side...
December 9th, 2007, 05:26 PM
I have season tickets and waited in line after the game and got section 221 which is in the endzone on the vistors side...
I'm 221, row 45.
December 9th, 2007, 06:08 PM
I can't speak for him but I know we give 1500/year and we were able to get 10 tickets.
see this is what makes me mad... I give approx. 12,000+(student in state) to app and i got the chance to by two tickets, and had to wait in a line off drunk idiots, to get them, and this dude got 10 and he gave 1500. I know he probably paid his dues when he was here, but I'm just venting. If i could have gotten ten i would have bought them too. Any ways no more bitching from me, (and i think the rest of you should drop it too) at least we are there watching our favorite team play for a three-peat. It cold be worse we could be CATAMOUNT fans. xlolx xlolx
December 9th, 2007, 06:43 PM
see this is what makes me mad... I give approx. 12,000+(student in state) to app and i got the chance to by two tickets, and had to wait in a line off drunk idiots, to get them, and this dude got 10 and he gave 1500. I know he probably paid his dues when he was here, but I'm just venting. If i could have gotten ten i would have bought them too. Any ways no more bitching from me, (and i think the rest of you should drop it too) at least we are there watching our favorite team play for a three-peat. It cold be worse we could be CATAMOUNT fans. xlolx xlolx
You have every right to vent. While I feel like the big donors (I too could have had 10 tics) did deserve a seperate window or 2 to buy tickets, they should have been limited to 2 tickets over their season ticket total. i.e., 6 tics if you had 4 season tics. We backed off just because it was the right thing to do in our opinion. BUT, having said that, you say YOU woulda bought ten if you could...what would you have done w/ all those extra? Given them at face value to real App fans who were not as fortunate to be in line? I assume that is what most of the 10 tic buyers did.
re: catamounts, man don't kick a dog when he's down...I know a few Catamounts pullin for us this week!
December 9th, 2007, 07:37 PM
see this is what makes me mad... I give approx. 12,000+(student in state) to app and i got the chance to by two tickets, and had to wait in a line off drunk idiots, to get them, and this dude got 10 and he gave 1500. I know he probably paid his dues when he was here, but I'm just venting. If i could have gotten ten i would have bought them too. Any ways no more bitching from me, (and i think the rest of you should drop it too) at least we are there watching our favorite team play for a three-peat. It cold be worse we could be CATAMOUNT fans. xlolx xlolx
I can understand why you feel like this but look at it this way. We (the students) are not "donating" money, we are paying to take classes here, use the campus facilities, etc... I feel like the students should be at the top of the totem poll but we have to take care of our alumni too. Especially if they are giving money they are not required to give.
December 9th, 2007, 07:43 PM
Those people are GIVING money to ATHLETICS... You and I (I am 20k out of state) are paying to take classes and get an education... just my 2 cents
December 9th, 2007, 08:34 PM
This thread sounds really familiar. I recently had to go through hoops to get 4 Hannah Montana tickets for my daughter, but I got 'em. Now it seems like it is just as hard to get tickets to the game.
December 9th, 2007, 09:08 PM
This thread sounds really familiar. I recently had to go through hoops to get 4 Hannah Montana tickets for my daughter, but I got 'em. Now it seems like it is just as hard to get tickets to the game. all seriousness YOU ARE DA MAN ! I know that was tough...
December 9th, 2007, 09:37 PM
As an alumni and someone who donated enough money to get those YC tickets I do feel like I should have been able to get those. There are vastly more students then donors who gave that much to get those (which would explain why YC could buy more). Also, it's not like I didn't pay for classes when I was at Appalachian (as a matter of fact I am still paying for them, plus interest). Just my xtwocentsx, but you could have done like we did and bought them in October for cheaper and better seats, and could have gotten as many as you wanted and not waited in line. I didn't have to wait in line. Everyone had the same options, if they were willing to take a chance. xrulesx
Just some thoughts from an old(er) alumni.
Black and Gold Express
December 10th, 2007, 07:30 AM
This thread sounds really familiar. I recently had to go through hoops to get 4 Hannah Montana tickets for my daughter, but I got 'em. Now it seems like it is just as hard to get tickets to the game.
I thank God that my baby girl is 5 weeks old, and not 5 years old. From all the horror stories I've heard about this, I'm glad I won't be a part of the Hannah Montana craze. Of course by the time she's five I guess the next great thing will be out and probably cost even more... xoopsx
Black and Gold Express
December 10th, 2007, 07:33 AM
As an alumni and someone who donated enough money to get those YC tickets I do feel like I should have been able to get those. There are vastly more students then donors who gave that much to get those (which would explain why YC could buy more). Also, it's not like I didn't pay for classes when I was at Appalachian (as a matter of fact I am still paying for them, plus interest). Just my xtwocentsx, but you could have done like we did and bought them in October for cheaper and better seats, and could have gotten as many as you wanted and not waited in line. I didn't have to wait in line. Everyone had the same options, if they were willing to take a chance. xrulesx
Just some thoughts from an old(er) alumni.
And judging by the lunacy on eBay, could have made a killing on selling them. Although without ASU in there I doubt there would be this much a craze. No offense to any other playoff school in saying this, but it's pretty clear that right now ASU is inflating the attendance figures the last three years. You get a final without any SoCon school in it, and I doubt it's a sellout.
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