View Full Version : High Tech In Football And All Sports

August 10th, 2023, 03:03 PM
Samford uses weight room and personal monitors to get data that can be used to improve the athlete's strength, speed, and overall performance in a program called Project SAMson. This data is also used to help with such things as nutrition and to prevent injury. Each athlete's particular nutritional needs are supplied by a nutritionist who determines pregame meal, snacks and shakes. This is provided through the school's College of Health Sciences. The injury prevention data is monitored by the nationally recognized Andrews Sports Medicine.

I'm sure lots of schools have similar programs. Samford may have one advantage, however, in that it has the Center for Sports Analytics. This was founded in 2017 and it is a leading national resource for complex data gathering and analysis. The Center has been used nationally by MLB, NBA, NFL, NASCAR, and even internationally by Soccer interests.

Again, I have no idea what other schools have, and we are probably not at all unique. This is just a summary of what my school does. Football Coach Chris Hatcher and other Samford coaches attribute some of last year's success, in a record breaking SoCon year (1st in Women's and Men's Athletics) to Project SAMson. Details in this link.
