View Full Version : Pro Football Man Rules.......

November 20th, 2007, 04:45 PM
For starters, the hell with the Idea that the majority of games have to be played on Sunday. We need an NFL game on prime time every single night, except maybe Saturday. What else is there on the boob tube to watch anyway. Monday and now Sunday night games are big successes, think of the viewer audiences, and the revenue. For you guys that live in and around the NFL cities, you wouldn't have to gear your whole dang weekend around the game, an excuse to get off work a little early on game nights, have a great time in the middle of the week and do something else with your weekends off.

NFL, spread your wealth around, let the other networks buy in and have their own night of the week for the NFL!!! Woohoo!!!


More Man Rules and the NFL ideas incubating at this time, NEXT!

November 20th, 2007, 05:42 PM
Ok, here's another. No more baby the QB bs, they are supposed to be football players too. You can't have 23 guys out there whacking the crap out of each other and have one candy azz ballerina in the middle of it that you aren't supposed to blast. That would do away with the new wave pretty boys hanging with models and transvestites. A team that wants to win tough games would have to have at least three tough qbs that they could count on to make it all the way, not some baby butt soft cheeked understudy that never gets into the game his first six years. Blast 'em, if they aren't tough enough to take it, cart their carcass off the field and bring in another. xnodxxnodxxnodxxthumbsupxxthumbsupxxthumbsupx

November 20th, 2007, 07:56 PM
Well, how about no more offensive holding penalties?? Enough is enough, let those offensive lineman just grab on and pancake those egomaniac hairy, smelly over appreciated D-linemen, after all, we are taking the skirts and pink spandex off of our quarterbacks, fair is fair, no more holding penalties on offensive linemen!!!!!!! xthumbsupxxthumbsupxxthumbsupxxazzxxazzxxazzx

November 20th, 2007, 09:18 PM
For starters, the hell with the Idea that the majority of games have to be played on Sunday. We need an NFL game on prime time every single night, except maybe Saturday. What else is there on the boob tube to watch anyway. Monday and now Sunday night games are big successes, think of the viewer audiences, and the revenue. For you guys that live in and around the NFL cities, you wouldn't have to gear your whole dang weekend around the game, an excuse to get off work a little early on game nights, have a great time in the middle of the week and do something else with your weekends off.

NFL, spread your wealth around, let the other networks buy in and have their own night of the week for the NFL!!! Woohoo!!!


More Man Rules and the NFL ideas incubating at this time, NEXT!

It's not that they need to spread the games out to different days of the week, it's that you could definitely have more than two channels showing games at once. The NFL's regional coverage rules are horrible. Last week I wanted to watch the Steelers game at 4:00, but instead CBS decided not to air any football during that time slot. Just show all of the games every week, there are enough channels out there to watch them.

November 20th, 2007, 09:46 PM
It's not that they need to spread the games out to different days of the week, it's that you could definitely have more than two channels showing games at once. The NFL's regional coverage rules are horrible. Last week I wanted to watch the Steelers game at 4:00, but instead CBS decided not to air any football during that time slot. Just show all of the games every week, there are enough channels out there to watch them.
Like getting stuck watching a Bucs game. xlolx

November 21st, 2007, 05:38 AM
Oh boy, this is my favorite idea! NO MORE PASS INTERFERENCE CALLS. Yep, you heard it right here first. Once that receiver comes off the LOS, it's a free for all, and when the ball is in the air, everybody should truly have an equal right to catch it. Anything goes, may the best man win. Remember playing 500 as a kid, that is what I'm talking about. No more fancy receiver pencil necks strutting around with out any dirt on their pants.

To summarize so far;

Games every night on TV except Saturdays.
No more special treatment for quarterbacks.
Offensive holding is legalized, tackle away guys.
No such thing as defensive holding, pass interference.How are we going to enjoy this new Man Rules style of football, without all those penalties? xrolleyesx

November 21st, 2007, 07:04 AM
Oh boy, this is my favorite idea! NO MORE PASS INTERFERENCE CALLS. Yep, you heard it right here first. Once that receiver comes off the LOS, it's a free for all, and when the ball is in the air, everybody should truly have an equal right to catch it. Anything goes, may the best man win. Remember playing 500 as a kid, that is what I'm talking about. No more fancy receiver pencil necks strutting around with out any dirt on their pants.

To summarize so far;

Games every night on TV except Saturdays.

No more special treatment for quarterbacks.
Offensive holding is legalized, tackle away guys.
No such thing as defensive holding, pass interference.How are we going to enjoy this new Man Rules style of football, without all those penalties? xrolleyesx

Sounds about like what they tried with the XFL. ;) xcoffeex

Throw in 4) no more fair catches and 5) ability to generate personalized monikers (i.e., "HeHateMe") and you've just about got it.

November 21st, 2007, 07:27 AM
Sounds about like what they tried with the XFL. ;) xcoffeex

Throw in 4) no more fair catches and 5) ability to generate personalized monikers (i.e., "HeHateMe") and you've just about got it.

Don't forget the cheerleaders! xsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley_wix

November 21st, 2007, 10:39 AM
I dont agree with some of that but the games during the week sure would be fun...

November 21st, 2007, 10:55 AM
The elimination of girly-men from football, yes!! Nothing to disagree with here. xlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolx

NHL doesn't have rules that allow pansies on the ice. xlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolx

November 21st, 2007, 11:08 AM
No more halftimes! Just treat them like you would a break between quarters. Give the players time to swallow some Gatorade, get the next set of plays then get back on the field. We'll see who the real men are.

November 21st, 2007, 11:39 AM
Don't forget the cheerleaders! xsmiley_wixxsmiley_wixxsmiley_wix

mmmmmm.... xnodx xnodx

November 21st, 2007, 11:48 AM
No announcers that just agree with every call, state the plainly obvious, use hokey accents, are X-qbs, and have to have their eyebrows painted on their heads.
