View Full Version : No more court and field storming in Florida stadiums and arenas?

February 19th, 2023, 02:52 AM
Seems that a tradition will probably end somewhere... but are our HBCUs in Florida doing this even years ago? xchinscratchx


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Sitting Bull
February 19th, 2023, 09:02 AM
I think the media today has an infatuation with focusing many issues on Florida these days without relative context for reasons I won’t get into.

Fact is many places have criminality already in place for these episodes per below in PA. The SEC has also cracked down on the practice. In the end, it is a legal matter. Who pays the price for accidents and people getting hurt?


February 19th, 2023, 10:00 AM
I don't think it would be enforced at huge games, wins. I think it might be more about liability. Takes the heat off the venues and puts it on the participants. At least more of it. Venues might still be on the hook for damages, but they could point to the law and those who break it.

February 19th, 2023, 12:43 PM
How is this even enforceable?

February 19th, 2023, 01:17 PM
Seems that a tradition will probably end somewhere... but are our HBCUs in Florida doing this even years ago? xchinscratchx


(Please move this to Other Sports if it is necessary. Thanks.)

Considering how over regulated everything is I wonder if they sit around and think this **** up? Of course if they didnt they wouldnt have a job.

February 19th, 2023, 01:19 PM
I don't think it would be enforced at huge games, wins. I think it might be more about liability. Takes the heat off the venues and puts it on the participants. At least more of it. Venues might still be on the hook for damages, but they could point to the law and those who break it.

They will arrest as many as possibe and hit them with big fines After a few years they may finally take all the fun out of going to a game.

February 19th, 2023, 05:12 PM
Lots of redneck politicians in Florida who love to come up with dumbass ideas like this. This ranks right up there with the bill in Florida to require all female athletes to report their menstrual schedule and history.

February 19th, 2023, 07:42 PM
This ranks right up there with the bill in Florida to require all female athletes to report their menstrual schedule and history.

Are you referring to the 5 OPTIONAL questions that have been on the Florida High School Athletic Association Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form for over 20 years?

Or…maybe you got your states mixed up and you’re referring to a medical history form from Virginia High School League, Inc. which includes these four questions:

Have you ever had a menstrual period?
Age when you had your first menstrual period
Number of periods in the last 12 months
When was your most recent menstrual period?

Or… maybe you meant North Carolina & the NCHSAA Student-Athlete Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PPE) which asks …

29. Have you ever had a menstrual period?
30. How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?
31. When was your most recent menstrual period?
32. How many periods have you had in the past 12 months?

Or…maybe you meant the North Dakota NDHSAA form, which is exactly like North Carolina’s…


…offering no “Optional” advice on these types of questions as the Florida Form did.

…and many other states…because it’s the form recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics…


…and by…
* the American Academy of Family Physicians,
* the American College of Sports Medicine,
* the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine,
* the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, and
* the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine…

…or, as you might call them, ‘a bunch of dumbass rednecks,’ perhaps.

THE TRUTH is … the sports medicine advisory committee of the FHSAA recently recommended to the FHSAA Executive Board that these 5 questions be made mandatory (as they are in many states) instead of optional. The FHSAA Board voted that down and, in fact, voted 14-2 to remove the optional questions from the Florida form.

There was no “bill in Florida” - just a lot of hype in the media to try to make ‘someone’ (who had about as much to do with the situation as NDSU1980 and FUBeAR did) look bad - yep - this kind of thing in Florida further proved that this ‘someone’ is radically Anti-Woman, Anti-Reproductive Rights, Anti-Healthcare, Anti-Science, Anti-LGBTQIA+, and Anti-Trans…is what FUBeAR read…

We need to start a new internet game ….

Instead of Googling “Florida Man” to see the funny stories that dredges up, we should now Google … “Non-Florida Man believes headline about”

https://www.google.com/search?q=non-florida+man+believes+headline+about&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS987US987&oq=non-florida+man+believes+headline+about&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546.23917j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 ... OK … that doesn’t work well yet …

…but give it time….once the media feels the need to turn their incinerators up a little higher on a certain “Florida Man,” the number of myths, lies, and legends that some people believe will be unbelievable … to critical thinkers, that is.


POD Knows
February 19th, 2023, 07:50 PM
Lots of redneck politicians in Florida who love to come up with dumbass ideas like this. This ranks right up there with the bill in Florida to require all female athletes to report their menstrual schedule and history.
You are a ****ing idiot, be prepared to eat your words, again. Freaking clown.

Professor Chaos
February 19th, 2023, 08:16 PM
Let's remember what board this discussion is on fellas. The bear is hibernating and I don't think you want to wake him up.

February 19th, 2023, 09:22 PM
Seems that a tradition will probably end somewhere... but are our HBCUs in Florida doing this even years ago? xchinscratchx


(Please move this to Other Sports if it is necessary. Thanks.)

I think the CBS article above completely misinterprets the intent of the proposed legislation (actual text of the bill available here (https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/764/BillText/Filed/HTML)).

The legislation seems to be geared more toward criminalizing the act of people coming out of the stands or throwing objects from the stands. This could actually help to address a significant area of concern for schools hosting prep sporting events. I don't know if y'all have ever been to a wrestling tournament or middle school basketball game but those basically start off as barely restrained public disturbances and only escalate from there. Bring the wrong two AAU teams to a tournament and it's essentially a riot waiting to happen.

This could close a loophole that kind of exists if no one press charges or is actually injured in potential on-court mayhem. Sure, on the surface, this legislation doesn't necessarily distinguish between violence or celebration coming onto the court but, bear in mind, that the bill was just filed on Tuesday and no one has had time to propose amendments yet.

EDIT: As I hit "submit", I look at my other screen to see clearly inebriated people at the DC Defenders XFL game throwing debris on the field...because Washington fans are the classiest.

EDIT EDIT: (completely unrelated to the topic) The XFL's Seattle franchise has clearly and completely ripped off FAMU for their uniforms, colors and logo.

Sitting Bull
February 21st, 2023, 10:56 AM
I think the CBS article above completely misinterprets the intent of the proposed legislation (actual text of the bill available here (https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/764/BillText/Filed/HTML)).

CBS, hmmmmm. I think they also broadcast 60 Minutes?

Thats not an uncommon strategy. Create a knowingly false narrative or false statement and let it run. You can attempt to hold your integrity by issuing later a “correction” that no one will see. Or in some cases, just ignore.

Consider the source.

February 21st, 2023, 12:31 PM
I understand the problem, especially in the realm of 'big time' football where tens of thousands of and rush the field. Recall the tragic death of students in Wisconsin years ago when the crush of the crowd pinned a number of people against a retaining fence in one of the end zones. The girl killed years ago when a goal post came down on her head. I never fully understood the mentality of 'rushing the field'--most by people who never wore a jock in their lives but now want to feel part of the big victory. Unfortunately, I recall events where the crowd inhibited the players from shaking hands and commiserating on the field after the game, which to me was important. The only time this issue was a problem in Patriot League practice was at the end of the The Rivalry game. All other 10 games of the year, people 'rushing the field' (let alone any great number), rarely happened (the occasional 'big upset' in a close game) and the players would get to shake hands with their opponent, and get to meet their parents/friends. Only in The Rivalry game would there be a mass of students rushing onto the field, and rarely would the Lehigh and Lafayette players get to shake hands after what is always a hard fought and emotional game. The winning school's fans (mostly drunken students) would charge the center of field (especially in the opponent's stadium to dance on that school's logo). Years ago, when tradition held that the wooden goal posts be ripped down, mayhem erupted involving the police and their dogs/mace. Since then, with the much sturdier goal posts, alcohol enforcement in the stadiums and police presence, the storming is less intense and, indeed, in the past few years with the pandemic and two badly performing teams, the temperature "in the room" has not been as hot, nor the stadiums sold out. Announcements during the fourth quarter warning of remaining off the field or face arrest and prosecution do occur, though not sure if ever enforced. It's one of those issues that one can 'feel strongly both ways'. People should be able to walk on the field to greet their family/friends and, yet, there are circumstances when restraint is needed. The liability the schools face is substantial in today's litigious society. How does one prevent people from acting like idiots? Is it something foreseeable? And what ever happened to 'assumption of the risk'? So, as the saying goes, "Good luck with that..."

February 28th, 2023, 12:37 PM
It was only a matter of time. We are in a law suit kinda haven world. Someone getting hurt real bad is a when not if, here!