View Full Version : Richmond Spiders @ Delaware Blue Hens

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November 10th, 2007, 03:26 PM
Is this on tv anywhere?

November 10th, 2007, 03:26 PM
why dont they just kick the field goal?

November 10th, 2007, 03:27 PM

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:27 PM
Ward TD pass to Mitchell! 25 yard TD!!!!

They NEED the 2 point conversion!!!!

This is a nice way to use my 3,000th post! :P

November 10th, 2007, 03:27 PM
Spider TD..25yd Pass Ward to Mitchell

November 10th, 2007, 03:27 PM
why dont they just kick the field goal????

November 10th, 2007, 03:28 PM
2 points goooooooooood 5th overtime coming

November 10th, 2007, 03:28 PM
Is this on tv anywhere?

CN8 wanted to broadcast it and UD wouldn't move the start time.

November 10th, 2007, 03:28 PM
5th OT - 2pt good...

November 10th, 2007, 03:28 PM
DAM this is the best game i have ever seen in college

November 10th, 2007, 03:28 PM
5 overtimes.

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:29 PM
Ward lines up for the 2-point conversion...

GRAYSON!!!! GETS IT!!!!!! 56-56...

FIVE OTS!!!!!!

November 10th, 2007, 03:29 PM
why dont they just kick the field goal????

Then they would lose.

November 10th, 2007, 03:29 PM
Holy Sheep *****!!!!!!

OT #5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

November 10th, 2007, 03:29 PM
Well, if you define a defenseless all-offense game a great game... lol

November 10th, 2007, 03:29 PM
Grayson 2pt conversion!

November 10th, 2007, 03:29 PM
ohhh, nevermind...i thought ud had the counter-possession

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:30 PM
Cuff and Hightower's legs must be Jell-O by now.

November 10th, 2007, 03:30 PM
Holy Sheep *****!!!!!!

OT #5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 10th, 2007, 03:30 PM
This has got to be one of the best games ever. Never seen so many crucial plays in a game.

November 10th, 2007, 03:31 PM
OMG what a game!

November 10th, 2007, 03:31 PM
5 overtimes...this is amazing

The field must be destroyed

November 10th, 2007, 03:32 PM
dropped pass...ouch!

November 10th, 2007, 03:32 PM

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:33 PM
Vaughn 13 yard TD... 62-56 UR! 2 point conversion..

November 10th, 2007, 03:33 PM
Darn, someone find a defense!

November 10th, 2007, 03:33 PM
Neither team deserves to lose this game, I'll say it again, whoever gets fewer points the refs did it

November 10th, 2007, 03:33 PM

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:34 PM
INCOMPLETE... Stewart, UR's TE, was hurt

62-56, 2nd stanza, 5th OT

Rob Iola
November 10th, 2007, 03:34 PM
help - stop - I can't keep up...

November 10th, 2007, 03:34 PM
Neither team deserves to lose this game, I'll say it again, whoever gets fewer points the refs did it

just like our game earlier, there will be no loser, simply a survivor

November 10th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Oh. tough no call on the UR TE going down with the ball in the air.

UR just needs to stop UD.

November 10th, 2007, 03:35 PM
ught oh the heat is on for delaware

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:35 PM
3rd and 9 at the UR 24!

November 10th, 2007, 03:36 PM
1 play until tears for UD

November 10th, 2007, 03:36 PM
3rd & 9

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:36 PM

Game Time...

4th and 9, UR 24...

Timeout UD

November 10th, 2007, 03:36 PM
cmon spiders

November 10th, 2007, 03:37 PM
dropped INT!

4th & 9

November 10th, 2007, 03:37 PM
1 play until tears for UD
xbawlingx xbawlingx xbawlingx xbawlingx xbawlingx

November 10th, 2007, 03:37 PM
what happened??!!!!

November 10th, 2007, 03:37 PM

November 10th, 2007, 03:37 PM
richmond wins. amazing game

November 10th, 2007, 03:38 PM
balls in the air...

November 10th, 2007, 03:38 PM
This is insane. For the love of god, do not have a need for a spot on this play :)

Lehigh Football Nation
November 10th, 2007, 03:38 PM
4th and 9

Shotgun Flacco...




November 10th, 2007, 03:39 PM

November 10th, 2007, 03:39 PM
What a game!!!

Congrats to UD on a great game. UD is one heck of a football team.

November 10th, 2007, 03:40 PM
4th and 9

Shotgun Flacco...




xbawlingx xbawlingx xbawlingx

Rob Iola
November 10th, 2007, 03:40 PM
Congrats Richmond!!! Good luck in the playoffs!

November 10th, 2007, 03:40 PM
Congrats Richmond! xthumbsupx

November 10th, 2007, 03:41 PM
Great game...congrats to Richmond...both teams are veryyyyyy good..my good friend is a student at udel...wish i was in that student section

November 10th, 2007, 03:41 PM
Congrats Richmond. Incredible game. Hard for anyone to lose a game like this.

November 10th, 2007, 03:41 PM
neither team deserved to lose this game, what a hell of an effort UD


November 10th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Great game UD. That was the most ridiculous game I've ever listened to. Good luck in the playoffs!

November 10th, 2007, 03:42 PM
What an awesome football game!

Congratulations Richmond!

November 10th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Congrats Spiders

November 10th, 2007, 03:46 PM
Well the referees certainly tried to rape Richmond, but a higher power would not allow it. Quite frankly, both of those horrendous calls should be investigated. I don't trust anything that goes on in that satanic Delaware Stadium. Richmond deserved to win before ANY overtime. Thank you GOD!

November 10th, 2007, 03:46 PM
xeekx xeekx xeekx maybe UD Travelling DSU:D ;)

November 10th, 2007, 03:48 PM
Great game UD. That was the most ridiculous game I've ever listened to. Good luck in the playoffs!

Just want to second that. Just a great game between two great games.

November 10th, 2007, 03:50 PM
With this defense UD has no business in the playoffs. Congrats UR!

November 10th, 2007, 03:52 PM
Well the referees certainly tried to rape Richmond, but a higher power would not allow it. Quite frankly, both of those horrendous calls should be investigated. I don't trust anything that goes on in that satanic Delaware Stadium. Richmond deserved to win before ANY overtime. Thank you GOD!

Thanks for your classy response. I don't think God chooses sides in a football game.

November 10th, 2007, 03:53 PM
Keep in mind he's a Lehigh fan. They're "special"... ;)

November 10th, 2007, 03:54 PM
Somebody's got to stop the HOMER S---- Delaware DID NOT deserve to win and didn't. Way to go Spiders! And Delaware people - goodbye

November 10th, 2007, 03:55 PM
Congrats to the Spiders on winning the wildest game of the day.

November 10th, 2007, 03:56 PM
You ****hens sure have room to talk! Bye Bye

November 10th, 2007, 04:03 PM
Go figure. I left when UD turned the ball over on downs to go outside and play some ball with my son.xbangx xbangx xbangx

Saw the score on ESPN ticker.

November 10th, 2007, 04:31 PM
Congrats Spiders! Now do some damage in the playoffs! xthumbsupx

November 10th, 2007, 04:32 PM
Keep in mind he's a Lehigh fan. They're "special"... ;)
99% of Lehigh fans are fantastic. 61 has always been a douche bag. Mods, you can give me my first strike, but he's always been an a$$hole.

November 10th, 2007, 04:33 PM
LEHIGH61...how do you think Lehigh will do in the playoffs?

November 10th, 2007, 04:37 PM
Well the referees certainly tried to rape Richmond, but a higher power would not allow it. Quite frankly, both of those horrendous calls should be investigated. I don't trust anything that goes on in that satanic Delaware Stadium. Richmond deserved to win before ANY overtime. Thank you GOD!

Were you at the game (no TV) or were you listenning on the radio? If you didn't see the plays in question.. why are you so sure the they were 'horrendous'? If you weren't there, on WHAT observations are you basing your opinion???

ps.. do you still think Lehigh will get a home game in the 1st round of the playoffs??? :p

November 10th, 2007, 05:00 PM
Sorry if I'm repeating something that may have been addressed earlier in this thread.. but I just got back from the game and couldn't believe that UR coach Clawson helped give UD a chance to tie in the final minute. Why in the name of the football gods didn't Clawson elect to take a 'safety' with UR up 38-31 and facing 4th down inside their own 10??? UR should have first run the clock down and taken a delay of game penalty and then on 4th down had Ward run around in the end zone before stepping out the back of the EZ.. taking the safety. UR would have been up 38-33 with about 50 seconds left and then had a free kick from their 20 rather than punting form 5 yrds deep in their end zone. By not taking the safey Clawson gave UD both better field position (+25 yrds) and addition time (5 sec.) on the clock.. which resulted in the tying TD being scored as the clock ran out.

As for the game.. tremendous offense by both teams.. but very porous defense by both as well. Congrats to UR.. you survived .. UD did not. The Hen's may have the best offense in the FCS.. but they have real problems on the other side of the ball that will prevent them from being a serious threat in the playoffs.. IF they get a bid.

November 10th, 2007, 05:23 PM
Man I wished I could have seen that game instead of listen to it.

November 10th, 2007, 05:44 PM
how do you move two teams up in the standings after one game...

(see todays Hens Spiders game)


November 10th, 2007, 05:47 PM
What heart-break lost...
The Hens will rebound next week in a must win game versus Villanova.

Go Hens!!!

November 10th, 2007, 06:27 PM
Well the referees certainly tried to rape Richmond, but a higher power would not allow it. Quite frankly, both of those horrendous calls should be investigated. I don't trust anything that goes on in that satanic Delaware Stadium. Richmond deserved to win before ANY overtime. Thank you GOD!
You're a nitwit.

Sam Adams
November 10th, 2007, 07:17 PM
Congrats Spiders, sounded like an outstanding game between 2 great teams. See ya in the playoffs (but hopefully in the later rounds)...

November 10th, 2007, 08:20 PM
Wow! Sounds like both left it all on the field. Kept checkin the score of this game coming home from Towson today,but couldn't find it on the radio.xnonono2x

Games like this are EXHAUSTING...just to watch!

Congrats Spiders.

November 10th, 2007, 08:40 PM
Well the referees certainly tried to rape Richmond, but a higher power would not allow it. Quite frankly, both of those horrendous calls should be investigated. I don't trust anything that goes on in that satanic Delaware Stadium. Richmond deserved to win before ANY overtime. Thank you GOD!

Are you kidding me? I just got back from the game. And the referees certainly tried to rape both teams. The Omar Cuff run on 4 and 1 with 2 mins and change to play. Omars entire body was over the line. They spotted it at his ankle. One announcers called it the "worst spot in Delaware Staduim history." Delaware should have been going for the lead at the end not to tie it up.

November 10th, 2007, 09:58 PM
Are you kidding me? I just got back from the game. And the referees certainly tried to rape both teams. The Omar Cuff run on 4 and 1 with 2 mins and change to play. Omars entire body was over the line. They spotted it at his ankle. One announcers called it the "worst spot in Delaware Staduim history." Delaware should have been going for the lead at the end not to tie it up.

I know exactly how you feel.......xcoffeex

November 10th, 2007, 10:13 PM
Haven't read any other posts just posting my thoughts late:

First, that was the greatest football game I have ever seen.The UMass game a couple years ago is second. It's a shame that it wasn't on television for all to see. THe philly stations didn't even send a small camera. Both teams should be watched ver carefully in the tournament. And I think the score is an acurate representation of the teams and the game that was played. Absolutely brilliant and the horrible refereing adds to that tension and excitement..

THat leads to my next point. THe line judges for the game were absolutely aweful. I think they were drunk the way that they would run to the center of the field to spot the ball and by the time they got to the spot they would be 2 yards either way from the ball. It seemed to always go RIchmond's way too. ANd then there were several plays, 2 of which Richmond scored off of, that there were blatent holds and all 21k of the fans saw it except the line judges. They had a shocker.

Also, I think the Richmond players had a lot of respect. Most teams that come to the Tub will try to egg on the fans, but they showed restraint, at all times. Even after the game they didn't go prancing around the field goin' "Where you at now?". They ran over to there 27 fans, that came up, and celebrated with them. FIrst time I have ever seen a winnig team not get at it with the UD fans.

More thoughts will probably come later, it's getting late.

November 10th, 2007, 10:39 PM
Sorry if I'm repeating something that may have been addressed earlier in this thread.. but I just got back from the game and couldn't believe that UR coach Clawson helped give UD a chance to tie in the final minute. Why in the name of the football gods didn't Clawson elect to take a 'safety' with UR up 38-31 and facing 4th down inside their own 10??? UR should have first run the clock down and taken a delay of game penalty and then on 4th down had Ward run around in the end zone before stepping out the back of the EZ.. taking the safety. UR would have been up 38-33 with about 50 seconds left and then had a free kick from their 20 rather than punting form 5 yrds deep in their end zone. By not taking the safey Clawson gave UD both better field position (+25 yrds) and addition time (5 sec.) on the clock.. which resulted in the tying TD being scored as the clock ran out.

As for the game.. tremendous offense by both teams.. but very porous defense by both as well. Congrats to UR.. you survived .. UD did not. The Hen's may have the best offense in the FCS.. but they have real problems on the other side of the ball that will prevent them from being a serious threat in the playoffs.. IF they get a bid.

I would guess that he thought the 7 pt lead was better(safer bet) than allowing you to win the game outright with 50 seconds remaining.

November 10th, 2007, 11:30 PM
Haven't read any other posts just posting my thoughts late:

First, that was the greatest football game I have ever seen.The UMass game a couple years ago is second. It's a shame that it wasn't on television for all to see. THe philly stations didn't even send a small camera. Both teams should be watched ver carefully in the tournament. And I think the score is an acurate representation of the teams and the game that was played. Absolutely brilliant and the horrible refereing adds to that tension and excitement..

THat leads to my next point. THe line judges for the game were absolutely aweful. I think they were drunk the way that they would run to the center of the field to spot the ball and by the time they got to the spot they would be 2 yards either way from the ball. It seemed to always go RIchmond's way too. ANd then there were several plays, 2 of which Richmond scored off of, that there were blatent holds and all 21k of the fans saw it except the line judges. They had a shocker.

Also, I think the Richmond players had a lot of respect. Most teams that come to the Tub will try to egg on the fans, but they showed restraint, at all times. Even after the game they didn't go prancing around the field goin' "Where you at now?". They ran over to there 27 fans, that came up, and celebrated with them. FIrst time I have ever seen a winnig team not get at it with the UD fans.

More thoughts will probably come later, it's getting late.

Agree that Richmond was all class - they played hard, won a game that either team could've won, and won with class. And they had plenty of fans there - heck, they had more than JMU the week before. Just a good looking team - IMO, they are clearly the favorites next year for the CAA South in that they return everyone but Hightower, and Hightower's backup might be better than he is. Just a quality team - Clawson's done a great job.

November 10th, 2007, 11:37 PM
Agree that Richmond was all class - they played hard, won a game that either team could've won, and won with class. And they had plenty of fans there - heck, they had more than JMU the week before. Just a good looking team - IMO, they are clearly the favorites next year for the CAA South in that they return everyone but Hightower, and Hightower's backup might be better than he is. Just a quality team - Clawson's done a great job.

That post makes me feel even better than the result of the game :D

I'm glad we're winning, but I've always been a fan of having a program that you can be proud of both on & off the field. No reason not to be first class in everything you do.

Now, no reason to talk about next year just yet. Right now I'm pretty worried about finishing strong against W&M. I know that they would love to rain on our parade and they have a strong passing attack, the type that has given us fits all year.

November 10th, 2007, 11:39 PM
That post makes me feel even better than the result of the game :D

I'm glad we're winning, but I've always been a fan of having a program that you can be proud of both on & off the field. No reason not to be first class in everything you do.

Now, no reason to talk about next year just yet. Right now I'm pretty worried about finishing strong against W&M. I know that they would love to rain on our parade and they have a strong passing attack, the type that has given us fits all year.

Oh, I think W&M's going to score a ton of points on you guys - they score against most people - but W&M's got no defense at all, absolutely zero. Richmond should score at least 40 if not more, and win by at least 3 scores.

November 11th, 2007, 12:21 AM
Haven't read any other posts just posting my thoughts late:

First, that was the greatest football game I have ever seen.The UMass game a couple years ago is second. It's a shame that it wasn't on television for all to see. THe philly stations didn't even send a small camera. Both teams should be watched ver carefully in the tournament. And I think the score is an acurate representation of the teams and the game that was played. Absolutely brilliant and the horrible refereing adds to that tension and excitement..

THat leads to my next point. THe line judges for the game were absolutely aweful. I think they were drunk the way that they would run to the center of the field to spot the ball and by the time they got to the spot they would be 2 yards either way from the ball. It seemed to always go RIchmond's way too. ANd then there were several plays, 2 of which Richmond scored off of, that there were blatent holds and all 21k of the fans saw it except the line judges. They had a shocker.

Also, I think the Richmond players had a lot of respect. Most teams that come to the Tub will try to egg on the fans, but they showed restraint, at all times. Even after the game they didn't go prancing around the field goin' "Where you at now?". They ran over to there 27 fans, that came up, and celebrated with them. FIrst time I have ever seen a winnig team not get at it with the UD fans.

More thoughts will probably come later, it's getting late.

Great game. I think Richmond and Delaware have plenty of respect for one another (fans included). It may stem from you guys playing a home game at our relic of a stadium a few years back. xeyebrowx
I've always found Delaware fans to be some of the most intelligent and repectfull fans out of all of our opponents in the CAA/A10/etc.

And as for the safety proposition, I think we were better off not giving you guys points no matter what the score. UD didn't have any problem moving down the field on the last drive. I don't know about the clock situation but the side camera on the Richmond news tonight showed our sideline celebrating while Flacco waltzed into the endzone. From hearing from both sides it sounded like a poorly officiated game. Hopefully the selection committee looks favorably on both teams after this one

See you guys in the Semis:D

November 11th, 2007, 10:46 AM
I know all about Delaware's history, so don't get so ruffled when it is revealed. How Lehigh did this year has nothing to do with my opinion. There will be other years.

November 11th, 2007, 11:37 AM
Somebody's got to stop the HOMER S---- Delaware DID NOT deserve to win and didn't. Way to go Spiders! And Delaware people - goodbye

Your'e a clown. Were you at the game? No! So take your fingers off the key board and get ready for your next Lafayette game, since thats all you have to live for.

November 11th, 2007, 11:53 AM
Just for anyone that listened to the game on the radio and thought that Flacco didn't get the snap off...... he didn't. But I blame the clock operator for that one. After several 1st downs and one timeout called he let at least 4 seconds run off the clock, each time, there should have been another 15 seconds in the game. Delaware has always had this problem, with a bad clock operator.
Flacco was interviewed after the game and said that the play call was for him to spike, but he knew he wouldn't have enough time, so instead of spiking it he just sneaked it and got in.

The atmosphere at Delaware Stadium was absolutely bonkers! xeekx I didn't think it was possible to make noise by stomping on concrete, like you can on bleachers. But some how.... you could feel the stadium vibrate and shale below you. Incredible. One for reason not to tear down The Tub.
By the last OT all the fans had lost there voice and there was a notable differance in crowd noise. Between plays, when signals were being sent in, the stadium was silent, because everyone was saving there voice for right before Richmond snapped the ball. Just a note to some Delaware fans: don't make noise when we're on offense xnonono2x .

Another note, Delaware's last hail mary in the 5th OT was very close to being caught. I bounced off Agnone's chest they went right paste Love's hands. That would have been incredible, but O'well. xoopsx

Really sucks for all the fans that left early after Richmond scored in regulation xnonox , no fan, no matter how little faith they have in there team, deserves to miss a 5OT thriller. I saw one fan come back and he got some real grief, as he should. but another fan I saw, his row wouldn't let him back to his seat, when he tried to come back. :p

I propose that the yard line that Overtime starts on (the 25), be moved back to the 35 or 40. It's like a penalty kick in soccer: it's not a good representation of the sport.

November 12th, 2007, 07:25 PM
You can look forward to losing in the playoffs. Don't cry too much.

November 12th, 2007, 07:57 PM
You can look forward to losing in the playoffs. Don't cry too much.

Dear Paul,

Since you have been retired from the Morning Call, we all know that your hate filled bile and vitriolic antipathy to all things Delaware has not been satisfied.

Let me fill you in. KC Keeler came from the Lehigh Valley area and has seen the light and supports the Hens.

Your lame attempts to support an extremely bad Lehigh team by pounding on the Hens do not improve your team. In fact your posts only make Lehigh look more pathetic just like you!!!!!xsmiley_wix xsmiley_wix xsmiley_wix

IN the end Fordham is the best PL team (a very down league) and Lehigh will end this season watching Lafayette run the ball down their throats again.

Lehigh 61 losing in the playoffs is a PL staple. Anytime, you wish to compare the playoff record of the PL to the CAA, call me. Last time I checked the CAA had 3 National Champions in the last 10 years.


November 12th, 2007, 11:57 PM
Just for anyone that listened to the game on the radio and thought that Flacco didn't get the snap off...... he didn't. But I blame the clock operator for that one. After several 1st downs and one timeout called he let at least 4 seconds run off the clock, each time, there should have been another 15 seconds in the game. Delaware has always had this problem, with a bad clock operator.
Flacco was interviewed after the game and said that the play call was for him to spike, but he knew he wouldn't have enough time, so instead of spiking it he just sneaked it and got in.

The atmosphere at Delaware Stadium was absolutely bonkers! xeekx I didn't think it was possible to make noise by stomping on concrete, like you can on bleachers. But some how.... you could feel the stadium vibrate and shale below you. Incredible. One for reason not to tear down The Tub.
By the last OT all the fans had lost there voice and there was a notable differance in crowd noise. Between plays, when signals were being sent in, the stadium was silent, because everyone was saving there voice for right before Richmond snapped the ball. Just a note to some Delaware fans: don't make noise when we're on offense xnonono2x .

Another note, Delaware's last hail mary in the 5th OT was very close to being caught. I bounced off Agnone's chest they went right paste Love's hands. That would have been incredible, but O'well. xoopsx

Really sucks for all the fans that left early after Richmond scored in regulation xnonox , no fan, no matter how little faith they have in there team, deserves to miss a 5OT thriller. I saw one fan come back and he got some real grief, as he should. but another fan I saw, his row wouldn't let him back to his seat, when he tried to come back. :p

I propose that the yard line that Overtime starts on (the 25), be moved back to the 35 or 40. It's like a penalty kick in soccer: it's not a good representation of the sport.

WRIC had a camera crew there so there are a few highlights available, some on richmondspiders.com and some through WRIC.

The whole game the clock operator was awful, not just at the end. Spotting sounded bad as well on several plays, in both directions. The "incomplete" call on Grayson's 3rd OT play was bad as well. Oh well, I think overall everything probably evened out. Just too bad that crew really struggled. A number of calls seemed to come from the wrong ref (at least how the radio guys described it).

As for the last play, that was definitely hit by Richmond's Ireland (I watched the highlight) but also came way too close to Love.