View Full Version : 2022 Playoffs Round 2: Montana @ #3 North Dakota State

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December 3rd, 2022, 08:23 PM
99 got called for a penalty on that play. It is maybe as bad a call as that fumble deal in the UND game past weekend.

Yep. You are right. That was a pretty amazingly bad call.


December 3rd, 2022, 09:13 PM
His style definitely ruffles a lot of feathers inside our fanbase and in other teams' fanbases, for sure, but yeah he's definitely a no-nonsense guy. If he was a no nonsense guy he would have pulled his player off the field by the facemask that took a cheap shot on the NDSU player who was on the turf. That was bull**** no class crap!

December 3rd, 2022, 09:14 PM
I am not at the end of the thread quite yet and that was dirty cheap. A bull**** facemask was missed as well. Not dirty or as dirty but takes he pizz(and our starting QB) out of the game.

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 09:19 PM
Yep. You are right. That was a pretty amazingly bad call.

EVERYBODY missed the fact that they actually called Waege for a penalty on that play. The freaking post game radio show was lamenting the fact that a PF wasn’t called against Montana. For ****s same, they called 99 out for a penalty. I have watched this play multiple times now and it is one of the cheapest hits I have ever seen and the fact they called a penalty against the Bison on that and also, that holding penalty on Weber was also bull****.

I used to have respect for the Griz program but I have watched a bunch of games since Hauck took over and these guys are some of the chippiest guys I have seen for quite a while

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 09:21 PM
If he was a no nonsense guy he would have pulled his player off the field by the facemask that took a cheap shot on the NDSU player who was on the turf. That was bull**** no class crap!It wasn’t a cheap shot, Spencer got a penalty on that play. Believe it or not

Professor Chaos
December 3rd, 2022, 09:21 PM
I am not at the end of the thread quite yet and that was dirty cheap. A bull**** facemask was missed as well. Not dirty or as dirty but takes he pizz(and our starting QB) out of the game.
They definitely missed a facemask on that play but it was pretty clear that Johnson was really hurting even before that. Pretty much every time he got hit he was getting up super gingerly... it was only a matter of time before he would've had to have been pulled.

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 09:23 PM
I am not at the end of the thread quite yet and that was dirty cheap. A bull**** facemask was missed as well. Not dirty or as dirty but takes he pizz(and our starting QB) out of the game.
**** you. ESAD.

December 3rd, 2022, 09:28 PM
Damn dude take it easy

- - - Updated - - -

Have 10 more drinks

December 3rd, 2022, 09:29 PM
I'm actually going to turn in my Penguin club membership Monday.. Calling NDSU and signing up for the golden Buffalo's club..

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk

December 3rd, 2022, 09:30 PM
Oh um f you too I guess? Esad thanks

December 3rd, 2022, 09:31 PM
Damn dude take it easy

- - - Updated - - -

Have 10 more drinksUmm. He doesn't drink.. I believe like me we're sick of inferior teams fans bitching about injustice for their ass kicking..

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 09:33 PM
Damn dude take it easy

- - - Updated - - -

Have 10 more drinksDont drink much buddy, try and again and enjoy the off season. You guys are building kind of a rep for ****ty and dirty play. I don’t say this about anybody else but I have caught your act for awhile now.

December 3rd, 2022, 09:34 PM
LOL. Right? With a healthy Lucas Johnson the NDSU vs Montana game is complete different.

Dewey With a healthy Hunter Lupeke the Bison would have steamrolled them in the first half.

December 3rd, 2022, 09:34 PM
It was a facemask. That's all. There were terrible calls and that was clearly not the worst. Griz should and did lose.. that's it. ESAD is strong for me. I have shown no disrespect.

December 3rd, 2022, 09:35 PM
I speak for myself not a bunch of kids.

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 09:37 PM
They definitely missed a facemask on that play but it was pretty clear that Johnson was really hurting even before that. Pretty much every time he got hit he was getting up super gingerly... it was only a matter of time before he would've had to have been pulled.
Really, you sure about that facemask? I never saw anything real definitive.

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 09:44 PM
It was a facemask. That's all. There were terrible calls and that was clearly not the worst. Griz should and did lose.. that's it. ESAD is strong for me. I have shown no disrespect.
Really snowflake, nobody has told you to ESAD. LMFAO.

December 3rd, 2022, 09:57 PM
**** you. ESAD.
You did dip****.

F'N Hawks
December 3rd, 2022, 09:59 PM
For you Bison guys, first off that was uncalled for by the Griz OL. Second, how is it any different that what Mauch does at the end of plays about 15x a game, at least? He picks guys off the edge of a pile or finds a new guy to block at the end of runs quite a bit. Many of the times they are not looking. Please think before you reply.

Professor Chaos
December 3rd, 2022, 10:06 PM
Really, you sure about that facemask? I never saw anything real definitive.
Go to 1:14:20 when they start the replay review: https://www.espn.com/watch/player/_/id/1947d83f-41d1-430b-a558-5c38d2cee253

Looked pretty clear that Huisman (#61) got him by the facemask.

Professor Chaos
December 3rd, 2022, 10:14 PM
Really snowflake, nobody has told you to ESAD. LMFAO.

You did dip****.
POD kinda reminds me of Rick James in this scenario. xlolx


Prime Power
December 3rd, 2022, 10:14 PM
I think anyone who watched that game knows that the officiating was crap, they didn't call numerous obvious penalties at the beginning of the game and it snowballed from there. Missed calls went both ways, its hard to tell who the missed calls benefitted more because there were so damn many missed. When the refs let them play things almost always get chippy and it did.

Professor Chaos
December 3rd, 2022, 10:17 PM
For you Bison guys, first off that was uncalled for by the Griz OL. Second, how is it any different that what Mauch does at the end of plays about 15x a game, at least? He picks guys off the edge of a pile or finds a new guy to block at the end of runs quite a bit. Many of the times they are not looking. Please think before you reply.
Nope... if it happens at least 15 times a game go ahead and show me the video of Mauch doing something even remotely as cheap as what #55 for Montana did to Waege today.

F'N Hawks
December 3rd, 2022, 10:20 PM
Nope... if it happens at least 15 times a game go ahead and show me the video of Mauch doing something even remotely as cheap as what #55 for Montana did to Waege today.

Your splitting hairs now. Your OL don't hit guys when they are down or falling down? I mean please.

December 3rd, 2022, 10:22 PM
I forgot my bad I got PODs couch! 🙈

Professor Chaos
December 3rd, 2022, 10:26 PM
Your splitting hairs now. Your OL don't hit guys when they are down or falling down? I mean please.
They play through the whistle... so do numerous other o-lineman including UND lineman if they're worth their salt - it's actually a trait NFL teams values as evidenced by UNI's Trevor Penning being referred to as "nasty" in every single draft profile ever made of him and I'd expect that word will show up for Mauch plenty as well too when he goes through the pre-draft process. Yet I've never seen him blindside a guy who he knows is completely out of the play. Go ahead and show me the video if I'm wrong.

F'N Hawks
December 3rd, 2022, 10:33 PM
They play through the whistle... so do numerous other o-lineman including UND lineman if they're worth their salt - it's actually a trait NFL teams values as evidenced by UNI's Trevor Penning being referred to as "nasty" in every single draft profile ever made of him and I'd expect that word will show up for Mauch plenty as well too when he goes through the pre-draft process. Yet I've never seen him blindside a guy who he knows is completely out of the play. Go ahead and show me the video if I'm wrong.

Hold on, now its play through the whistle?

December 3rd, 2022, 10:34 PM
Hold on, now its play through the whistle? NDSU has perfected this technique..

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk

Professor Chaos
December 3rd, 2022, 10:37 PM
Hold on, now its play through the whistle?
That's right.. it means if you're engaged with Mauch you better be ready to battle until the whistle's echo. It's not a new term and not something that originated with Cody Mauch or NDSU.

To be clear I'm not saying there was anything illegal about what #55 did to Waege.... it was a perfectly legal cheap shot (although the fact that they called Waege for an illegal block below the waist is comically awful). I'll ask a third time; show me video of a remotely comparable cheap shot from Mauch - if it happens at least 15 times a game you should only need to watch about 10 minutes of today's game to find one.

F'N Hawks
December 3rd, 2022, 10:41 PM
That's right.. it means if you're engaged with Mauch you better be ready to battle until the whistle's echo. It's not a new term and not something that originated with Cody Mauch or NDSU.

To be clear I'm not saying there was anything illegal about what #55 did to Waege.... it was a perfectly legal cheap shot (although the fact that they called Waege for an illegal block below the waist is comically awful). I'll ask a third time; show me video of a remotely comparable cheap shot from Mauch - if it happens at least 15 times a game you should only need to watch about 10 minutes of today's game to find one.
I am not going to spend one minute looking up tape for you. If you think Mauch is clean then so be it.

December 3rd, 2022, 10:49 PM
I am not going to spend one minute looking up tape for you. If you think Mauch is clean then so be it.

Well you made a claim of "about 15 times per game" so don'tmake the claim if you can'tback it up. I know Mauch has been penalized but if you think that is the same as the hit on Waege then don't bother responding as I will just agree to disagree and save me the time.


December 3rd, 2022, 10:52 PM
Your splitting hairs now. Your OL don't hit guys when they are down or falling down? I mean please.

Don’t be a moron, you are comparing typical lineman pushing guys to a cheap shot drilling guy in back of neck area while he’s on the ground miles away from the play.

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 10:56 PM
You did dip****.
Really. So I am the first guy to tell you eat **** and die. Pussy. **** you

December 3rd, 2022, 10:57 PM

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 11:00 PM
I am not going to spend one minute looking up tape for you. If you think Mauch is clean then so be it.
**** you. Don’t you have an hockey game or a jersey **** up to worry about.

F'N Hawks
December 3rd, 2022, 11:00 PM
**** you. Don’t you have an hockey game or a jersey **** up to worry about.
**** you too geek.

POD Knows
December 3rd, 2022, 11:07 PM
**** you too geek.
Hey. I see you assholes lost another hockey game. ****, it must suck being part of your fan base. What does it taste like, is it like lime and dog**** mixed together?

December 3rd, 2022, 11:24 PM
Can anyone direct me to the time, in the replay, that the “hard” hit happened?

Professor Chaos
December 3rd, 2022, 11:30 PM
Can anyone direct me to the time, in the replay, that the “hard” hit happened?
The play starts at the 2:28:00 mark: https://www.espn.com/watch/player/_/id/1947d83f-41d1-430b-a558-5c38d2cee253. The cheap shot on #99 for NDSU isn't visible until the replays. Laughably, he was called for an illegal block below the waist on the play (which was declined to accept the almost as laughable holding call right after the pick).

It sounds like Waege (#99) will be ok... they called it a back injury that knocked him out of the game but he was walking around under his own power, albeit gingerly, after the game. Hopefully he won't be affected by it in next week's game since he's an All-American type player and NDSU's best pass rusher by far.

Gil Dobie
December 3rd, 2022, 11:39 PM
I am not at the end of the thread quite yet and that was dirty cheap. A bull**** facemask was missed as well. Not dirty or as dirty but takes he pizz(and our starting QB) out of the game.

More than one face mask was missed.

Gil Dobie
December 3rd, 2022, 11:45 PM
You can see how the Griz QB, Johnson gets hurt. There was a sideline play earlier where he went for the hit, instead of running out of bounds.

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 12:02 AM
**** Montana. Better luck next year you freaking overrated losers.

Chalupa Batman
December 4th, 2022, 12:26 AM
After 10 games Montana was ranked #8 in the country in rushing defense allowing 97.3 ypg.

They allowed more yards rushing in the next 3 games then they did in the previous 10 and are now #55 in the country allowing 154.4 ypg.

December 4th, 2022, 01:22 AM
After 10 games Montana was ranked #8 in the country in rushing defense allowing 97.3 ypg.

They allowed more yards rushing in the next 3 games then they did in the previous 10 and are now #55 in the country allowing 154.4 ypg.
oh my god that sucks so much lmao

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 05:30 AM
With a healthy Hunter Lupeke the Bison would have steamrolled them in the first half.

This thread is pure gold with the typical UND ahole on here spouting off. Hey dumbsh** UND fan....any coach worth anything wants his OL to play to the whistle and in fact, wants all his players to play to the whistle. Go back to your crappy hockey team and tell them to play the same way.

Johnson being in the whole game would have made zero difference. You're absolutely right BB. Luepke in there would have made this game laughable in the 1st half and the Bison probably would have had 600 yards rushing.

Too anyone thinking Johnson playing the whole would have made a difference.....does he play defense also??

For me, I was disappointed in the fact that there should have been more rushing yards. The OL totally was dominating the Griz front 7 but Roehl was getting cute with jet sweep crap and passing to WRs that cannot get separation.

NDSU could have run the ball every play and still won this game going away.

On to Samford and a team that is ranked 107/123 in FCS defense.....good luck to them....xlolx

December 4th, 2022, 06:53 AM
Does Lupeke Have any shot of seeing the field again this year?

December 4th, 2022, 08:09 AM
Dude... don't blow it against Missouri St and YSU would've been in the playoffs easily. You gleefully point out that Montana beat no teams with a winning record when the only team YSU beat with a winning record was Dayton from an uber-weak league you were just ****ting on.

YSU didn't deserve to be in the field any more than Montana did.

What you are failing to see is the moving target in terms of how selections are made.

The excuse is different every year and it's tailored to find a way to leave Youngstown out. That's what you are missing. Your argument that the resumes of Montana and Youngstown were the same is a narrative you are pushing. Why? Because even though Youngstown beat the **** Dayton team, thrythr win % of their opponents was better, even though it was razor thin. In addition, Youngstown wasn't blown out at home, and in comparison to Delaware had won 5 of the last 6 games and not lost 4 of the last 5. But they intentionally took a 5th team from a weaker conference (which has now been confirmed) vs a 4th team from a superior conference. AND they screwed over UC Davis when they took a less deserving Montana team. (And they have taken 6 win teams in the past). Montana didn't finish ahead of Davis in the conference standings.

Go ahead and defend the ****ed up system they doesn't field the best teams. You cannot and the committee can't either.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 08:28 AM
Does Lupeke Have any shot of seeing the field again this year?

Probably not. He's rated the best FB in the draft (I think) so why risk a potential pro career.

But he is a total team player, so never say never....

December 4th, 2022, 08:40 AM
Probably not. He's rated the best FB in the draft (I think) so why risk a potential pro career.

But he is a total team player, so never say never....

maybe for the finals

F'N Hawks
December 4th, 2022, 09:11 AM
I am sure this will be taken the wrong way but is your offense, dare I say, better lately without Luepke in there?

Professor Chaos
December 4th, 2022, 09:16 AM
What you are failing to see is the moving target in terms of how selections are made.

The excuse is different every year and it's tailored to find a way to leave Youngstown out. That's what you are missing. Your argument that the resumes of Montana and Youngstown were the same is a narrative you are pushing. Why? Because even though Youngstown beat the **** Dayton team, thrythr win % of their opponents was better, even though it was razor thin. In addition, Youngstown wasn't blown out at home, and in comparison to Delaware had won 5 of the last 6 games and not lost 4 of the last 5. But they intentionally took a 5th team from a weaker conference (which has now been confirmed) vs a 4th team from a superior conference. AND they screwed over UC Davis when they took a less deserving Montana team. (And they have taken 6 win teams in the past). Montana didn't finish ahead of Davis in the conference standings.

Go ahead and defend the ****ed up system they doesn't field the best teams. You cannot and the committee can't either.
The selection committee is no more biased against YSU than the AGS Poll consensus was which had YSU as the 6th team out (behind Mercer, Chattanooga, UC Davis, Rhode Island, and UT-Martin). If you want to claim the committee moves the goalposts you're doing the exact same thing. I recall a lot of complaining from YSU fans back in 2013 when they finished 8-4 losing their last 3 saying that they shouldn't be punished for losing games late in the season. And now you're saying YSU should be rewarded for winning games late in the season. The truth is there's a subjective lens of all the selection criteria such as SOS, quality wins (or lack thereof), bad losses (or lack thereof) that a person has to weight when comparing one team against another. You can't always say that SOS trumps W/L record because it will in some cases and won't in others - that's just the way it is.

Come join the discussion in the weekly AGS Poll threads and I bet a lot of those discussions are similar to what the committee has. YSU got credit for playing in a tough conference and having a decent 7-4 record. They got dinged for losing at home to another bubble team (UND), losing to a team out of playoff consideration (Missouri St), and having a general lack of quality wins (although I think SIU is a much better win than most people would give it credit for since SIU finished 5-6).

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 09:19 AM
I am sure this will be taken the wrong way but is your offense, dare I say, better lately without Luepke in there?

What the hell are you even posting in here for hockey rube?

After your bull**it from last night.

Go crawl under a rock you prick.

F'N Hawks
December 4th, 2022, 09:23 AM
What the hell are you even posting in here for hockey rube?

After your bull**it from last night.

Go crawl under a rock you prick.

GFY mongo. That is the response I thought I would get from you meatheads.

December 4th, 2022, 09:24 AM
They even let one player (I think it was Montana's #80) stay in the game after his helmet came off.

I think anyone who watched that game knows that the officiating was crap, they didn't call numerous obvious penalties at the beginning of the game and it snowballed from there. Missed calls went both ways, its hard to tell who the missed calls benefitted more because there were so damn many missed. When the refs let them play things almost always get chippy and it did.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 09:27 AM
GFY mongo. That is the response I thought I would get from you meatheads.

FU, you worthless hockey rube.....

Go back to the hitler youth board and whine about your crappy ass hockey team....xlolx

December 4th, 2022, 09:33 AM
The play starts at the 2:28:00 mark: https://www.espn.com/watch/player/_/id/1947d83f-41d1-430b-a558-5c38d2cee253. The cheap shot on #99 for NDSU isn't visible until the replays. Laughably, he was called for an illegal block below the waist on the play (which was declined to accept the almost as laughable holding call right after the pick).

It sounds like Waege (#99) will be ok... they called it a back injury that knocked him out of the game but he was walking around under his own power, albeit gingerly, after the game. Hopefully he won't be affected by it in next week's game since he's an All-American type player and NDSU's best pass rusher by far.

Reminds me of this play in 2010 when an EWU play pulls an NDSU lineman down after the play and NDSU was called for the personal foul.


F'N Hawks
December 4th, 2022, 09:35 AM
FU, you worthless hockey rube.....

Go back to the hitler youth board and whine about your crappy ass hockey team....xlolx

Try to not say "hockey" for one whole week you ****ing weirdo. And don't add lol emojis, really lameass to add those at the end of a statement.
I haven't been to a hockey game in well over 10 years. And won't be going anytime soon.

December 4th, 2022, 09:37 AM
While I was sweating for a while at the Fargodome, once we pulled ahead it was very clear Montana was one of the worst teams we had in the Fargodome this season.

On par with UND and NC A&T really.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 09:37 AM
Try to not say "hockey" for one whole week you ****ing weirdo. And don't add lol emojis, really lameass to add those at the end of a statement.
I haven't been to a hockey game in well over 10 years. And won't be going anytime soon.


Yet here you are you worthless hockey rube posting your drivel in a NDSU thread.

Like I said, go back to your hitler youth board loser.

YOU = xbawlingx

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 09:38 AM
While I was sweating for a while at the Fargodome, once we pulled ahead it was very clear Montana was one of the worst teams we had in the Fargodome this season.

On par with UND and NC A&T really.

Montana would smoke UND. A&T would probably also.

F'N Hawks
December 4th, 2022, 09:56 AM
Montana would smoke UND. A&T would probably also.
Like literally bro? Mongoooooo

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 10:07 AM
Like literally bro? Mongoooooo

Truth hurts doesn't it hitler youth board member.

December 4th, 2022, 10:57 AM
Griz win by 3 or lose by 24. I'll go with the latter.
Nailed it.

I look forward to our futile 7-4 campaign next year. Good to see we can't even be competitive in a watered down FCS. We went from being the Oklahoma of FCS, to the Nebraska of FCS.

December 4th, 2022, 10:59 AM
**** Montana. Better luck next year you freaking overrated losers.Classy

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 12:11 PM
I am sure this will be taken the wrong way but is your offense, dare I say, better lately without Luepke in there?
Yea, we are better on offense without maybe the best player in FCS. We are also better on offense with two starting offensive lineman out for the year, an All American TE out for the year and one of our top receivers in the Transfer Portal. Yes, definitely, the offense is improved. What a tool The NDSU offense hasn’t played against a decent defense in over a month.

F'N Hawks
December 4th, 2022, 12:35 PM
Yea, we are better on offense without maybe the best player in FCS. We are also better on offense with two starting offensive lineman out for the year, an All American TE out for the year and one of our top receivers in the Transfer Portal. Yes, definitely, the offense is improved. What a tool The NDSU offense hasn’t played against a decent defense in over a month.
Your offense wasn't exactly lighting it up all year vs worse defenses. May want to actually go look at the scores.
The offense is much more dynamic with the other two backs getting the carries.

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 12:44 PM
Classy is overrated, just like the Griz.

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 12:48 PM
Your offense wasn't exactly lighting it up all year vs worse defenses. May want to actually go look at the scores.
The offense is much more dynamic with the other two backs getting the carries.
Luepke was far more dangerous catching the ball than Johnson and Williams. Johnson has hands of stone trying to catch a pass although he has gotten a little better. My point stands on the recent defensive competition we have played. They have made our offense look better than it is.

December 4th, 2022, 01:03 PM
Classy is overrated, just like the Griz.
Imagine being this gracious of a winner, when your team is like 50-2 in the playoffs. Good luck with that. Have fun with MSU.

December 4th, 2022, 01:06 PM
Montana was the fraud many thought they were. Not only did they get into the playoff, but they got a home game and fared much worse than Youngstown, whom figured out their backup was the true starter in the second half of the game against NDSU ans had a closer score. How do you like having fraud to promote your team for a beat down when you don't belong. Youngtown would have given a much better game and may have been able to pull off an upset with their QB whom closed the gap in the second half of the game vs NDSU.

BTW how did all those conference winners do in the **** leagues Ursus? They ****ing failed as I said they would do. Your defense of the committee is also a fraud and I'm call you out on it moron. Ban me and see if I give a ****.

You still ****ing pouting? Jebus, change the tampon.

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 01:11 PM
Imagine being this gracious of a winner, when your team is like 50-2 in the playoffs. Good luck with that. Have fun with MSU.
Have you ever seen me ungracious on here after a win before, until this game? Huh, have you? I probably **** talked after the UND game but that is a natural thing to do. I used to like and respect the Griz football program, not anymore.

December 4th, 2022, 02:27 PM
Have you ever seen me ungracious on here after a win before, until this game? Huh, have you? I probably **** talked after the UND game but that is a natural thing to do. I used to like and respect the Griz football program, not anymore.
You guys ran into a program that punched back and now you hate us? I didn't like the Walker hit or the Hauck out of bounds stuff, but it wasn't like our team showed up flipping off and taunting your crowd, like a certain other team from last week.

It's cool, though, your coach has a lot of respect for us, and that's worth a lot more, to me. xthumbsupx

December 4th, 2022, 02:51 PM
You guys ran into a program that punched back and now you hate us? I didn't like the Walker hit or the Hauck out of bounds stuff, but it wasn't like our team showed up flipping off and taunting your crowd, like a certain other team from last week.

It's cool, though, your coach has a lot of respect for us, and that's worth a lot more, to me. xthumbsupx
He's chosen to be a victim, for whatever reason. Sounds like there was an unfortunate play where one of our players did something stupid, so we're all garbage.

Can you imagine if we hurt their quarterback by dragging them down by the facemask? And scored a TD off it? This place would be pandemonium xeyebrowx

December 4th, 2022, 03:13 PM
Imagine being this gracious of a winner, when your team is like 50-2 in the playoffs. Good luck with that. Have fun with MSU.

What does MSU have to do with anything? Just a poor attempt to save face? Regardless of what happens with MSU if we get that far is---we still have that record---right. LOL

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 03:15 PM
You guys ran into a program that punched back and now you hate us? I didn't like the Walker hit or the Hauck out of bounds stuff, but it wasn't like our team showed up flipping off and taunting your crowd, like a certain other team from last week.

It's cool, though, your coach has a lot of respect for us, and that's worth a lot more, to me. xthumbsupx
Oh wow, you punched back? Really. Is that what getting boat raced is called now.

December 4th, 2022, 03:21 PM
You guys ran into a program that punched back and now you hate us? I didn't like the Walker hit or the Hauck out of bounds stuff, but it wasn't like our team showed up flipping off and taunting your crowd, like a certain other team from last week.

It's cool, though, your coach has a lot of respect for us, and that's worth a lot more, to me. xthumbsupx

Now that was funny.:D

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 03:34 PM
You guys ran into a program that punched back and now you hate us? I didn't like the Walker hit or the Hauck out of bounds stuff, but it wasn't like our team showed up flipping off and taunting your crowd, like a certain other team from last week.

It's cool, though, your coach has a lot of respect for us, and that's worth a lot more, to me. xthumbsupx

Montana "punched back".....really? When? 1st game of the year in the '15 season?

NDSU could have run the ball on every play and still boat raced the Griz.....xnodx

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 03:36 PM
Montana "punched back".....really? When? 1st game of the year in the '15 season?

NDSU could have run the ball on every play and still boat raced the Griz.....xnodx
Their only punching occurred on a cheap shot on a guy that was down and a helmet to helmet 5 yards out of bounds. Didn’t see a lot of punching elsewhere. Kind of pedestrian actually.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 03:42 PM
Their only punching occurred on a cheap shot on a guy that was down and a helmet to helmet 5 yards out of bounds. Didn’t see a lot of punching elsewhere. Kind of pedestrian actually.

Montana is a paper tiger. Beat mediocre teams and lose to one once in a while but fold up like a cheap chair when they face a physical team.

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 03:51 PM
Montana is a paper tiger. Beat mediocre teams and lose to one once in a while but fold up like a cheap chair when they face a physical team.
They are a yappy little dog, lots of **** talk, false bravado until the bigger dog gets off the lease and the yappy dogs only action is to nip at the heels of the superior animal.

December 4th, 2022, 03:51 PM
Have you ever seen me ungracious on here after a win before, until this game? Huh, have you? I probably **** talked after the UND game but that is a natural thing to do. I used to like and respect the Griz football program, not anymore.

Sure doing nothing to create respect for NDSU, some of yall turning into Notre Dame fans, think yall deserve things handed to you, yall never have players do stupid things, holier then though ect.

December 4th, 2022, 03:53 PM
What does MSU have to do with anything? Just a poor attempt to save face? Regardless of what happens with MSU if we get that far is---we still have that record---right. LOL
Huh? MSU success somehow saves us face? Would UND wins do that for you?

No, I'm saying if he can be this ungracious in victory, I really hate to see his meltdown when MSU beats you. And that will be a day us Griz fans will never hear the end of, unfortunately.

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 03:55 PM
Sure doing nothing to create respect for NDSU, some of yall turning into Notre Dame fans, think yall deserve things handed to you, yall never have players do stupid things, holier then though ect.
We don’t want your respect, just your envy. That will suffice. 🤘

December 4th, 2022, 03:57 PM
We don’t want your respect, just your envy. That will suffice. 🤘

What is there to envy? Touting being classless fans of a good football program isn't the flex you think it is. No one is defending that cheap shot, you guys aren't completely innocent in that department over the years.

POD Knows
December 4th, 2022, 03:58 PM
What is there to envy? Touting being classless fans of a good football program isn't the flex you think it is.
Just ****ing with you dude.

December 4th, 2022, 04:20 PM
What has ever been "handed" to NDSU? If you want more home playoff games, do better in the regular season and get a high seed. It seems like Montana wants special treatment because they were goo before the current players were even born. Yes, we have some players do dumb things although cheap shots by NDSU are very rare.

Sure doing nothing to create respect for NDSU, some of yall turning into Notre Dame fans, think yall deserve things handed to you, yall never have players do stupid things, holier then though ect.

December 4th, 2022, 04:42 PM
What has ever been "handed" to NDSU? If you want more home playoff games, do better in the regular season and get a high seed. It seems like Montana wants special treatment because they were goo before the current players were even born. Yes, we have some players do dumb things although cheap shots by NDSU are very rare.
I think he's saying some of your fans are entitled by your teams' success.

There's no arguing everything has been earned (9 times) on the field. The players have done work.

December 4th, 2022, 05:10 PM
Good game Griz! Hopefully we can get a home and home again soon!

Professor Chaos
December 4th, 2022, 05:49 PM
I haven't seen a single Griz fan on here defend Walker's cheap shot so it's not like there's anything to argue about at this point. Waege sounds like he'll be ok so it's time to let it go and move on.

December 4th, 2022, 05:56 PM
Just ****ing with you dude.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 4th, 2022, 06:01 PM
Sure doing nothing to create respect for NDSU, some of yall turning into Notre Dame fans, think yall deserve things handed to you, yall never have players do stupid things, holier then though ect.


December 21st, 2022, 07:38 AM
The selection committee is no more biased against YSU than the AGS Poll consensus was which had YSU as the 6th team out (behind Mercer, Chattanooga, UC Davis, Rhode Island, and UT-Martin). If you want to claim the committee moves the goalposts you're doing the exact same thing. I recall a lot of complaining from YSU fans back in 2013 when they finished 8-4 losing their last 3 saying that they shouldn't be punished for losing games late in the season. And now you're saying YSU should be rewarded for winning games late in the season. The truth is there's a subjective lens of all the selection criteria such as SOS, quality wins (or lack thereof), bad losses (or lack thereof) that a person has to weight when comparing one team against another. You can't always say that SOS trumps W/L record because it will in some cases and won't in others - that's just the way it is.

Come join the discussion in the weekly AGS Poll threads and I bet a lot of those discussions are similar to what the committee has. YSU got credit for playing in a tough conference and having a decent 7-4 record. They got dinged for losing at home to another bubble team (UND), losing to a team out of playoff consideration (Missouri St), and having a general lack of quality wins (although I think SIU is a much better win than most people would give it credit for since SIU finished 5-6).

Then explain Delaware.. You can't so STFU. They lost 4 of the last 5

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 21st, 2022, 07:46 AM
Then explain Delaware.. You can't so STFU. They lost 4 of the last 5

Easy. Pretty decent FBS win over Navy.

Easy for YSU.....beat UND and they would have been in.

Professor Chaos
December 21st, 2022, 08:57 AM
Then explain Delaware.. You can't so STFU. They lost 4 of the last 5
Delaware had a good FBS win over Navy and a win over fellow bubble team Rhode Island. Similar to YSU they had a bad looking loss (YSU to Missouri St and Delaware to Nova). They had the same 7-4 records with a similar SOS but it's pretty easy to see why the committee viewed Delaware's wins as more impressive than YSU's.

Easy. Pretty decent FBS win over Navy.

Easy for YSU.....beat UND and they would have been in.
Or beat Missouri St.

December 21st, 2022, 09:01 AM
Then explain Delaware.. You can't so STFU. They lost 4 of the last 5

Delaware did whip STFU in the first round, all of FCS would have a big problem in Brookings. The two headed monster has the rest of FCS locked in the basement

December 26th, 2022, 09:29 PM
Montana was the fraud many thought they were. Not only did they get into the playoff, but they got a home game and fared much worse than Youngstown, whom figured out their backup was the true starter in the second half of the game against NDSU ans had a closer score. How do you like having fraud to promote your team for a beat down when you don't belong. Youngtown would have given a much better game and may have been able to pull off an upset with their QB whom closed the gap in the second half of the game vs NDSU.

BTW how did all those conference winners do in the **** leagues Ursus? They ****ing failed as I said they would do. Your defense of the committee is also a fraud and I'm call you out on it moron. Ban me and see if I give a ****.

They say it helps if you cry.xcoffeex